Supreme Beings Pathfinder 2E

Game Master scranford

Pathfinder 2E campaign to introduce new veteren players and friends.
◆ One action, ◆◆ Two Actions, ◆◆◆ Three Actions, ◇= Free Action, ↺= Reaction

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Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

"I know you're new to town, and probably don't know me... but I'm the best thing that's happened to this town in ages. Sure, my family history isn't good, but Telurion can vouch for the fact that there are worse options for a councilor here. When this is over, we'll either have to recover... in which case I'm useful... or the town will no longer exist. Either way I can be more useful coordinating recovery than fighting these undead things. That's your job"!

The man then grabs Lil's arm as she turns to run NORTH towards the cemetery, and softly whispers to her.

"Thank you again for saving me and my family. Believe me I'm not someone you choose to be make an enemy of".

He then offers a huge smile and wave of encouragement.

The party works its way North towards the Cemetery, the gently strains of the violin music drifting on the breeze as the morning fog begins to lift.

New Map Incoming!

It has now been 40-minutes since the morning dead walking commenced.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

The source of the day’s trouble lies ahead: the Raven’s Rest Cemetery. It rises from the moor like a well-tended garden of stone, rising beyond its gates past row upon row of headstones to a low hill crowned by a circle of ancient tomb vaults. The fiddling floats over the cemetery much louder than elsewhere in town and achieves an almost manic quality. Everywhere across the cemetery tombstones tumble over and the earth churns where things that ought to lie still struggle to emerge from the cold ground. Yet atop the hill a single figure can be seen racing around, jumping to and fro in time to the music. There lies your quarry, and a road runs straight to the top if only you can win past the emerging hordes of the unquiet dead.

From the brush beside the gate steps a foul creature — obviously once a wolf— it's skin hanging in ragged strips from its moldering hide with ribs showing through the gaps in its bloated, putrid flesh. There is fresh blood on its jaws, and the torn robes of a temple acolyte beside the road hide the remains of the wolf’s recent handiwork.

Round 1

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 Perception (Telurion)
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 Perception (Caks)
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 Perception (Alorea)
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 Perception (Lillanith)
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 Perception (Adayil)
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 Perception (Creature)

Telurion (Enfeebled) (-8 HP)

Cemetery Hill

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

SB Screen


1d2 ⇒ 2
◆ Swift Leap
◆ Strike 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23 Jaws
1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 Teeth
◆ Strike 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Jaws 2
[dice]1d8+3 Teeth 2

The putrid smelling wolf leaps high into the air (No Reactive Strike), and lands in front of the burly village youth, and tears at him with his massive mouth. The stench of its long dead breath is nearly overpowering as it takes a massive chunk from his thigh.

It then snaps again, but the quick Telurion is able to spin away as the teeth come together with a terrible snap.

Telurion takes 8-points of piercing damage.

Adayil is up... Telurion on deck

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Krutk works feverishly at Adayil’s neck, a furious staccatos of presses telling her to “not rush in

Every fibre of Adayil’s being wishes to whip her falchion out and waste this…thing, but she blinks against the war-rush.

With a low growl she warns the creature to stay away from her, then throws wild, living tendrils of vital force at the thing.

Then she yells out to her companions “Is this a skeleton, or something else?!?

◆ Hex Cantrip ◆ ◆Vitality Lash

Zokkkt!!!: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2 [vs. Basic Fort Save] Wow. So good.

Will save vs Wilding Word at -1 if it is still an “animal”

Hex Cantrip: Wilding Word:

Your patron's majesty - or their displeasure - comes in a growl from your throat, making other creatures reluctant to harm you. The target must attempt a Will save; if the target is an animal, fungus or plant, it takes a -1 circumstance penalty to the save.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
SuccessWhen the target attempts an attack roll or skill check that would harm you, it takes a –2 status penalty to its roll.
FailureAs success, but the target also becomes sickened 1 each time it damages you.
Critical Failure As failure, but the sickened value is 2

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"Agghhh, for lands sake I hate the undead. Particularly those with teeth." Telurion says as he tries to cut the beast in half with one mighty swing while getting his shield in good position to keep those teeth back.

◆◆Vicious Swing ◆Raise Shield

Bastard Sword: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
dmg: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (5, 2) + 3 = 10

Will use shield block if attacked again.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

SB Screen


1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 Basic Fort Save

The vile mockery of a wolf recoils a bit as the tendrils of energy rip into it, but it still seems strong if distracted by the provider of this pain.

Telurion ignoring for the moment the sting of the deep bite wound takes his Bastard Sword and rips a large hunk of flesh of the abominations shoulder.

NOTE: With "Reactive Shield" particularly against a single enemy you really don't need to raise your shield if you have it equipped, as this is a reaction you can do in response to an attack... however if it attacks more than once the feat only allows you to deflect one attack so if you want to change your action you may.

Also, don't forget sometimes it pays to "Delay" your action till more information is available. While not great at it I believe Telurion is trained in Religion.

Cakes is up... Followed by Alorea

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

Caks will get out her dagger, move to flank the wolf, and strike: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24for: 1d4 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 4 + (4) = 12 piercing and precision damage.

I assume that during exploration we don't have weapons in hand. If that is not true (that is, we have a weapon in hand), then for the third action, Caks would Aid Telurion on his first strike during his turn (Caks is +7 to hit, not including off-guard)

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

Reactive Shield lets you use your reaction to Raise Shield and get the same +2 AC as Raise Shield normally does. He seems to want to save the reaction for Shield Block which Reactive Shield does not give. Reactive Shield is more of a 'this guy got to me faster than I thought, so I want my +2 AC. If you are toe to toe like he is here, all it does is take away the Reaction he can use for Shield Block or Reactive Strike. IMO, Raise Shield is the correct call for Telurion here.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Correct - no weapons out when combat begins. The houserule is that you only have a weapon in hand (or shield) if you choose the Defend Exploration activity.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Lillanith wrote:
Reactive Shield lets you use your reaction to Raise Shield and get the same +2 AC as Raise Shield normally does. He seems to want to save the reaction for Shield Block which Reactive Shield does not give. Reactive Shield is more of a 'this guy got to me faster than I thought, so I want my +2 AC. If you are toe to toe like he is here, all it does is take away the Reaction he can use for Shield Block or Reactive Strike. IMO, Raise Shield is the correct call for Telurion here.

Good Catch! I guess that would be two reactions.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Caks seems to have come to resolve some inner conflict, and slyly moves to flank the creature, her sharp dagger piercing something vital in the creature. Nasty bile erupts from the wound spraying the small Ratfolk's arm, but she only grins as the creature stumbles... but stays upright.

Alorea is up... Followed by Lil

Creature -24 HP

Female Halfling (Gutsy) Cleric 1 | HP 13/15| AC: 15 | Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +9 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. | Keen Eyes |Hero Points: 1 | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Searching | Healing Font 0/4 | Class DC 17

Alorea tries to identify the monster even as she casts a spell and sends metal darts into its flank!

◆ Recall Knowledge Religion +7
◆◆ Cast needle darts

Needle Darts: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Piercing Damage: 3d4 ⇒ (4, 4, 4) = 12

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

SB Screen


1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 RK Religion
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Skeleton Initiative
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 Fiddler Initiative

Alorea is aware that it is a normal wolf that was killed by a Ghoul so is infected with Ghoul Fever which turned it into a Ghoul Wolf. It can spread Ghoul fever, and its bite can paralyze... or could have.

Not wasting time to see what her idea of what this might be come to fruitarian, Alorea holds forth her hand and small metal pieces of shrapnel fly forth, sinking into the undead monstrosities form, and leaving it dead... again. (Those must be coffin nails).

Wow. I made it tougher, and you guys wiped it out in one round. Impressive.

Combat over... 60xp each

As the wolf falls you see a body behind the bushes dressed in the robes of an acolyte of Thyr.

Further up the hill you see the elven girl described above dancing and wildly playing a fiddle as skeletons arise around her.

I'm just going to keep the initiative going, and slot in the new combatants as they arrive.

Unidentified Fiddler
Telurion (Enfeebled) (-8 HP)

Lil is up... Skeletons on deck.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

A cluster of aged stone vaults stand atop the hill overgrown with creepers and high wild grass. It seems this portion of the cemetery is older and gets less tending than other areas. Barely visible in the tall grass are a number of headstones, cracked and crumbling with age and canted at wild angles from their long years exposed to the elements.

Dancing among them like a vision out of a fever dream is an elven maid. She is barefoot with long, lithe limbs and wears a tattered and stained
hospital shift and the ragged remains of a straitjacket that no longer restrains her. In her arms she holds a narrow-bodied gypsy fiddle which she plays energetically as she dances about. Her face is the very picture of transported bliss as her eyes dance with gaiety, and unbidden laughs actually burst forth from her mouth from time to time.

Though the elf may be the image of grace and joy, the effects of her playing cannot be denied, as rotten and skeletal arms continue to rise from the ground around her, clawing their way to the surface as they sway in perfect time with the frenetic music.

#7 has a longsword & Shield, #2 has a shortbow.

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

It's likely the girl in the torn straight jacket that is creating the undead has a heartfelt, tragic, story. But, much like the storms that she embodies, the sylph does not care.

Lillanith races forward into the graveyard, then her arms come up and waves lash out over skeletons and dancers alike.

Action 1: Stride. Actions 2 and 3 Tidal Hands in a 30 four since cone, It should get the elf and skeletons 1, 4, 5, and 6. It does 1d8 ⇒ 7 bludgeoning damage with a basic DC 17 Reflex save. On a crit fail, the target is pushed 5 feet away from me.

As the wave fades, the air and water around her vanishes.

Tidal Hands has the overflow trait, which deactivates my gate after using it, so I'll need to take an action next round to turn it back on. O a side note, we're over half way to level 2 now.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

SB Screen


1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24 Longsword (#7 Reactive Strike)
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 RS Damage (Slashing)
S1 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 Reflex Save
S4 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 Reflex Save
S5 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 Reflex Save
S6 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 Reflex Save
Fiddler 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13 Reflex Save

Lil rushes into the fray intent on sending a wave of crushing water into their midst. She either doesn't notice or doesn't care that one of the skeletons is armed, and he takes a swing as she rushes past scouring a deep wound on her hip. Reactive strike for -8HP).

He magically summoned wave rushes forth killing one of the skeletons, and severely injuring three more. The girl simply smiles at her as some of her clothes were torn off by the blast of water, and severe wounds cover her flesh and continues to play frolicking around like she had no care in the world.

Skeleton 7 steps forward and swings his long sword at Caks.
◆ Step
◆ Strike 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 Sword
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 Blade
◆ Raise Shield
He is apparently the spirit of a warrior as he deeply wounds Caks with a well-aimed strike. [ooc]Caks takes 6-points of slashing damage.

Skeleton 2:
◆ Readies Bow
◆ Loads Bow
◆ Strike at Lil
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 Shortbow
1d6 ⇒ 1 Arrow
But the sudden unexpected wave spoils his aim.

Skeleton 3
◆ Stride
◆ Stride
◆ Strike
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 Claw
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Slashing nails
Striking true as she was blindsided in admiration of the recently created wave.
8-Points of slashing damage (Critical Hit.

Skeleton 4
Stumbling due to its missing, but well cleaned feet missing, the creature heads towards the obviously holy halfling.
◆ Stride
◆ Stride
◆ Strike
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 Claw
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Nails
And the obviously well-trained skeleton scores a deep wound on the cleric.
Critical hit does 6-points of damage to Adayil

Skeleton 5
◆ Step
◆ Strike 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 Claw 1
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Nail 2
◆ Strike 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 Claw 2
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Nails 2
And his first blow inflicts a deep wound on the Kineticist. Fortunately the second misses.
Lil 8-points of critical slashing damage

Skeleton 6
◆ Strike 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Claw 1
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Nails 1
◆ Strike 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16 Claw 2
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Nails 2
◆ Strike 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (7) - 2 = 5 Claw 3
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Nails 3

And one of his flurries of blows also takes a hunk from Lil.
Ouch. Another 5-points of slashing damage.

Skeleton 1 is wiped from his undead existence.

I almost feel bad with how well I'm rolling...

End of Round 2

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Round 3

Adayil (-6 HP)
Unidentified Fiddler (-7 HP)
Telurion (Enfeebled) (-8 HP)
Caks (-8 HP)
Alorea (-8 HP)
Lillanith (-21 HP) Dying 1, Prone
Skeleton 1 (DEAD)
Skeleton 2 Uninjured
Skeleton 3 Uninjured
Skeleton 4 (-3 HP)
Skeleton 5 (-3 HP)
Skeleton 6 (-3 HP)
Skeleton 7 Uninjured.

Tough round for the good guys.

Adayil is up... Fiddler on deck

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

I'm actually at -20 HP. You can't go below zero in PF2. You just go to Dying 1 and stay at zero. If you take additional damage, regardless of the amount, Dying advances one stage each time.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Given that Lillanith is on the other side of a building/mortuary structure we don’t know she is downed, correct?

Pressed and hemmed in, Adayil again makes her low feral growl, telling the skeleton in no uncertain terms to stay back or feel her wrath. Then she again calls forth a wave of living, shredding, ripping force, blasting the skeleton.

◆ Hex Cantrip (DC 17 Will save) ◆ ◆Vitality Lash

Zboktttsht!!!: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8 [Basic Fort Save, DC 17]

Wilding Word:
Your patron's majesty - or their displeasure - comes in a growl from your throat, making other creatures reluctant to harm you. The target must attempt a Will save; if the target is an animal, fungus or plant, it takes a -1 circumstance penalty to the save.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success When the target attempts an attack roll or skill check that would harm you, it takes a –2 status penalty to its roll.
Failure success, but the target also becomes sickened 1 each time it damages you.
Critical Failure As failure, but the sickened value is 2

By my calculations Adayil has cast 1 spell (breathe fire) and now four cantrips (electric arc and vitality lash x3) since we began by fighting Grammy and Gramps in the store. One spell, and one cantrip left.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140
Âdayil wrote:


By my calculations Adayil has cast 1 spell (breathe fire) and now four cantrips (electric arc and vitality lash x3) since we began by fighting Grammy and Gramps in the store. One spell, and one cantrip left.

"You can cast a cantrip at will, any number of times per day. "

You do not run out of cantrips that you cast. You can cast them over and over again.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

D'oh. Ah, so five prepared, but usable all day. Gotcha. Thanks Caks.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

Wouldn't Lill have screamed or something from the near death blow?If so...

Telurion hearing Lillanith cry out, hustles in her direction. "I'm going to go help Lill!" he calls out as he goes. When he reaches her side he lashes out at the nearest skeleton.

◆Stride > ◆stride > ◆strike

Bstd swd: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
slashing: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

If not...

Telurion moves to help Adayil and lays into the skeleton with all he has.

◆step > ◆◆Vicious swing

same to hit above
additional die for vicious swing: 1d8 ⇒ 5

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

SB, I noticed a couple of mistakes by the skeletons. The archer did not need to reload, as bows do not have the reload trait. That benefits us, but the sword skeleton never readied his sword per your house rule, which means that either he shouldn't have a raised shield /or/ he should not have stabbed Caks. One could argue, and I am not, that his Reactive Strike against me would have had to been made with claws.

Also, in narration, when monsters of the same type have different weapons, you need to say that. Especially at low-level. Weapon loadout is one of the PF2 ways, especially at low-level, of telling /players/ what abilities monsters have. By pointing out claws, and not mentioning weapons, the message you - as GM - send to us as players is "All of these skeletons are using claws." That's how we base decisions, on what you tell us. I want to be clear that in my actions it would not have made a difference. I knew my move was high-risk and potentially high-reward. I nearly took out half of them after all. I knew it could play out the way that it did, and I am 100 percent fine with that. But, for the future, it is something I wanted to bring up.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

If Telurion helps Adayil,
Then Caks will avoid the skeleton in front of her, and flank Skeleton 5.
Else, Caks will avoid the skeleton in front of her, and flank Skeleton 4.

Then Caks, will punch the skeleton with her fist: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16for: 1d4 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 4 + (5) = 13 bludgeoning and precision damage.

Then, depending upon Telurion's prior actions, Caks will either move to flank Skeleton 3 or Skeleton 6.

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

Let me edit me. You did mention the weapons on two of them, and I missed it. My apologies.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

SB Screen


1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 FORT Save vs. Adayil

Adayil admonishes the creature for even existing then calls forth... something from her patron, and the skeleton in front of her explodes... literally.

The fiddler on the mound continues her fevered playing and dances away from the conflict. She seems to move very quickly, and as she plays a new creature emerges from the ground.
◆◆ Fiddling Jig
◆ Performance 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
1d6 ⇒ 4 A zombie claws its way to the surface.

Telurion trained warrior he is realizes the skeleton with the sword is probably a trained warrior as well... so he takes the long way around and sees the fallen Lil on the ground surrounded by skeletons. He viciously swings his sword and takes skeleton 6 out of the battle.

NOTE: Please your tokens yourself, and perhaps mention the route you are taking if there are other options. I'm going to let it slide for now... but it's much easier to adjuvate if everyone goes in turn order. The Fiddler actually acted before Telurion, and Caks... but what she did didn't really affect things so we're Okay. I know it will slow things down a bit... but situational modifiers are big in PF2.

Caks eager to continue her barrage sees Telurion take off to the right of the structure, so she takes off to the left as the skeleton in front of Adayil falls. As she runs past the skeleton with the sword (#7) she skirts the wall to keep it from striking out at her.

She punches the other skeleton surrounding Lil, and literally knocks its unsuspecting head off. Its body turns to face her... then realizes it no longer has a face and crumples to the ground.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Caks Cragwatcher wrote:

If Telurion helps Adayil,

Then Caks will avoid the skeleton in front of her, and flank Skeleton 5.
Else, Caks will avoid the skeleton in front of her, and flank Skeleton 4.

Then Caks, will [dice=punch the skeleton with her fist]1d20+7[dice=for]1d4+4+1d6 bludgeoning and precision damage.

Then, depending upon Telurion's prior actions, Caks will either move to flank Skeleton 3 or Skeleton 6.

Nice job on remembering to avoid the Reactive strike... but, if possible, remind me of which enemy you're avoiding as well since when you move your token, I don't always remember where you were before you moved.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Adayil (-6 HP)
Unidentified Fiddler (-7 HP)
Telurion (Enfeebled) (-8 HP)
Caks (-8 HP)
Alorea (-8 HP)
Lillanith (-21 HP) Dying 1, Prone
Zombie 1 Uninjured
Skeleton 2 Uninjured
Skeleton 3 Uninjured
Skeleton 4 (DEAD)
Skeleton 5 (DEAD)
Skeleton 6 (DEAD)
Skeleton 7 Uninjured.

Alorea is up...Followed by LIl

NOTE: I'll keep the enemies on the initiative chart for one round before deleting.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Adayil Uninjured
Unidentified Fiddler (-7 HP)
Telurion (Enfeebled) (-8 HP)
Caks (-8 HP)
Alorea (-2 HP)
Lillanith (Dying 1) Prone
Zombie 1 Uninjured
Skeleton 2 Uninjured
Skeleton 3 (DEAD)
Skeleton 4 (DEAD)
Skeleton 5 (DEAD)
Skeleton 6 (DEAD)
Skeleton 7 (-6 HP).

Alorea is up...Followed by LIl

NOTE: I'll keep the enemies on the initiative chart for one round before deleting.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140
Supreme Being wrote:


Nice job on remembering to avoid the Reactive strike... but, if possible, remind me of which enemy you're avoiding as well since when you move your token, I don't always remember where you were before you moved.

If Skeleton 7 has reactive strike, then it can take it against Caks. Caks started out next to it.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Caks Cragwatcher wrote:
Supreme Being wrote:


Nice job on remembering to avoid the Reactive strike... but, if possible, remind me of which enemy you're avoiding as well since when you move your token, I don't always remember where you were before you moved.

If Skeleton 7 has reactive strike, then it can take it against Caks. Caks started out next to it.

Thanks. I thought that was the case, but I gave you the benefit of a doubt after that rough first round. I actually rolled a Reactive Strike before I deleted it, and he rolled a 17 just missing you anyway.

Female Halfling (Gutsy) Cleric 1 | HP 13/15| AC: 15 | Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +9 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. | Keen Eyes |Hero Points: 1 | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Searching | Healing Font 0/4 | Class DC 17

Alorea gasps as the skeletons attack, wounding her and many of her allies. Lil is down, but she and Adayil are hurt, and there are enemies nearby. With Mick O'Delving's name on her lips, she summons forth green healing energy all around her!

◆◆◆ Cast heal (basic Fort DC 17)

Heal: 1d8 ⇒ 6

Alorea and Adayil heal 6, skeletons 3 and 7 must save against damage. Not sure if the brother is in the radius of the healing or not.

If an enemy attacks Alorea and misses, she will use a reaction to cast sudden shift.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

BTW... Just a friendly reminder since things are a bit chaotic at the moment.

Perception check from everyone but Lil

Remember that the body of a acolyte was behind a bush near where the wolf combat began. Be a shame if Brother Rufio bled out while you were fighting the enemy...

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Post got eaten by Board gluttons.

Alorea is able to summon both weal for her and Adayil, and woe for the undead in her range.

Both undead recoil as green energy damages their attempt at unlife and Skeleton 3 actually dies.

Lil is up with Death Save 1. Summoned Undead on deck.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

Death Save: 1d20 ⇒ 14

Made it. I'm stable, at zero HP and Wounded 1.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

Percpetion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

We're back

Zombie 1 Slowly shambles towards the easy meal waiting behind the bush. The smell of blood, and the fact that it a easy target.

Skeleton 2 Dismayed at its reinforcements falling Skeleton 2 shoots an arrow at Telurion, Shoot another, then attempts to move away from the dangerous looking warrior.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 Shortbow 1
1d6 ⇒ 3 Arrow 1

◆ Strike
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 Shortbow 2
1d6 ⇒ 5 Arrow 2

◆ Stride

And his first arrow finds a way through a chink in Telurion's armor scoring a wound. (-3) Piercing.

SB Screen


1d3 ⇒ 2 Random

Skeleton 7

◆ Stride

◆ Strike
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 Longsword
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 Edge

But his helmet slips on his bony skull, and he misses his vicious strike.

◆ Raise Shield

End of Round

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Round 4

Adayil Uninjured
Unidentified Fiddler (-7 HP)
Telurion (Enfeebled) (-11 HP)
Caks (-8 HP)
Alorea (-2 HP)
Lillanith (Wounded 1) Prone, Unconscious
Zombie 1 Uninjured
Skeleton 2 Uninjured
Skeleton 3 (DEAD)
Skeleton 7 (-6 HP).

Adayil is up Fiddler on the grave on deck

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

I have a 20 AC with shield and I have reactive shield so I should have been able to raise it, yes?

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Telurion Varikson wrote:
I have a 20 AC with shield and I have reactive shield so I should have been able to raise it, yes?

Good point. I’ll adjust on my next post… Fighters…

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Adayil sees the approaching Zombie out of the side of her vision.

Fyxe!!! Krutk - distract the undead if you can!

As Krutk leaves her side, Adayil pushes forth a wave of living energy at the skeleton menacing her.

◆ Command Familiar ◆◆ Vitality Lash

Zkzogkttsh!!!: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8 [Basic Fort Save, DC 17]

AC 14 | Size: Tiny | Speed: 40' | HP: 14 | Low-light vision | Perception +5 ; Acrobatics +5 ; Stealth +5 | ◆ ↺ ◇

Krutk hastily heads toward the zombie, moving between the lad in the bushes and his unnatural assailant, the doughty crab-thing waving his pincers wildly. Krutk then makes an executive decision, and leaps up onto the zombie.

◆ Stride ◆ Leap

Athletics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

You take a short horizontal or vertical jump. Jumping a greater distance requires using the Athletics skill for a High Jump or Long Jump.
Horizontal Jump up to 10 feet horizontally if your Speed is at least 15 feet, or up to 15 feet horizontally if your Speed is at least 30 feet. You land in the space where your Leap ends (meaning you can typically clear a 5-foot gap, or a 10-foot gap if your Speed is 30 feet or more). You can't make a horizontal Leap if your Speed is less than 15 feet.

Vertical Jump up to 3 feet vertically and 5 feet horizontally onto an elevated surface.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

SB Screen


1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 S-Fort Save

Adayil has had enough of the skeleton attacking her, and calls forth some holy damage from somewhere, wreathing the undead in violent greens and blacks.

As she completes the movements to cast the spell the skeleton takes advantage of this distraction and lashes out with his sword.

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 Reactive Strike (Sword)
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Edge

But his fingers don't work as well as they did in life, and he almost drops the sword in his haste to attack. His bones seem to separate a bit, as small tendrils of green vines start to grow between the joints, but then are able to reform and he is able to somehow keep it together.

She then issues a mental command to her favorite Anthropoda Crustacea and he scurries across the ground like a bolt of lightning, leaping up onto the zombie's throat.

The musical accompaniment keeps up her frenzied playing, and dances to the other side of the graveyard giggling under her breath.

◆◆ Fiddling Jig
◆ Take cover

The ground in front of her starts to heave and rotten corpse hands start to claw free from the earth.

Telurion is up... Caks on deck.

Skeleton 7 has now taken 19 points of damage.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"That fiddle player needs to die!" Telurion calls out and rushes after the crazy fiddler going to the right of the building between him and her.

stride > stride > stride

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Telurion ever the music critic hates the song the fiddler just began and rushes to where she disappeared behind the building.

Caks is up...

If Caks doesn't post tonight I'll DMPC him as he's out of pocket Wednesday and Thursday.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........


Caks hears Telurion's call for help, and strides towards where the big warrior is closing with the fiddler on the green.

◆ Stride
◆ Stride
◆ Hide


SB Screen


1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Stealth

@ Telurion


You noticed the fiddler look over your shoulder at something before she continued to laugh, dance and play.

Alorea is up... Perhaps Lil is nest... perhaps the enemy is.

Female Halfling (Gutsy) Cleric 1 | HP 13/15| AC: 15 | Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +9 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. | Keen Eyes |Hero Points: 1 | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Searching | Healing Font 0/4 | Class DC 17

Alorea moves closer to Lil and uses healing magic to revive her.

◆ Stride
◆◆ Cast heal on Lil

Heal (2 Actions): 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

I think I have line of sight to her from my location. If not I'll use divine lance on the skeleton next to Adayil.

If I Can't Heal Lil:

◆ Stride
◆◆ Cast divine lance on skeleton

Divine Lance: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Alorea starts forward to where she's sure Lil might have fallen and calls upon the grace of Mick O'Delving to bring her back to some semblance of health.

The first thing Lil remembers is the strong scent of beer in the air. Then her eyes open to a couple of still and dismembered skeletons lying in pieces on the ground in front of her. There is a path of wetness extending out from her, and she remembers. Though still wounded she is now back in the fight.

Lil is up... followed by the summoned undead

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