Supreme Beings Pathfinder 2E

Game Master scranford

Pathfinder 2E campaign to introduce new veteren players and friends.
◆ One action, ◆◆ Two Actions, ◆◆◆ Three Actions, ◇= Free Action, ↺= Reaction

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Masculine Half-Elf Cleric (Skysage) 2 | HP 24/24| AC: 17 | Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +9| Per +7| Spd 25 ft. | LL-Vision|Hero Points: 1 | EXPLORE= Detect Magic | Stealth+2, Acro+6 |
Âdayil wrote:

Adayil huffs a little, trying to take stock of the situation. Once she realises the fracas is done, she moves to scoop up Krutk and ensure his carapace is undamaged and that he is more or less…together.

The presence of an unknown elf and the arrival of an equally unknown half-elf keeps Adayil slightly tense, but that the former appears to know her friends and the latter seems not aggressive mollifies her more dangerous impulses. Adayil stares at the half-elf.

”Who are you? Where did you come from?” she says in Common.

[Variel may have some difficulty separating Adayil from the dead orcs, but can probably tell she isn’t aggressive nor evoking any aggression from the rest of the non-orcs….]

"Wasn't even so much trying to be flippant, but odds are, the young lady cannot in fact, breathe water. As a curate of Darach-Albith, I will beg your indulgence while I assist the drowning; I am Variel Quinn-Dasseril, at their service until I can be at yours as well. I came from up the street, there's an asylum not far from here."

Variel nods at the lady, and also at the human, who appears to be a warrior, before proceeding to bank of the river to address Aduriel.


"Well met kin-of-my-kin, I am Variel, Cleric of The Firstborn. May I assist you in saving that girl?"

Masculine Half-Elf Cleric (Skysage) 2 | HP 24/24| AC: 17 | Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +9| Per +7| Spd 25 ft. | LL-Vision|Hero Points: 1 | EXPLORE= Detect Magic | Stealth+2, Acro+6 |

Please note that Variel did NOT use the Preparing to Speak action, nor does he have the Clearing his Throat Feat; he is using unmodified lung capacity to create basic verbalisation.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Adayil quickly pivots on hearing Telurion, a smile erupting on her bruised face. She near leaps to embrace him.

”Telurion! By the spirits - it is a welcome sight to see your face. And Caks, Lil! Where is our halfling friend? And who have you picked up along the wa… that Alhindri in the water? What is she doing?” she asks with much consternation.

Adayil moves from Telurion to stand on the bank, a dishevelled wraith not willing to trespass on water’s edge.

AC 14 | Size: Tiny | Speed: 40' | HP: 14 | Low-light vision | Perception +5 ; Acrobatics +5 ; Stealth +5 | ◆ ↺ ◇

Climbing down from the relative safety of his mistress, Krutk takes a few ginger steps into the plashing rills, and waves a forlorn pincer Alhindri-ward as her brother makes his rescue. He looks at Adayil in mute irritation, as if to say:

I’m a crab. When will you give me aquatic capabilities?

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Adayil smiles to herself, and sends a warm impulse of emotion, as if to reply

Tomorrow, little one. You can be a wet one all day….

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

His attention being brought to the plight of Alhindri, Telurion turns, "By the stars, she's worse than a child." Then across the water he calls, "Aduriel, you need a hand?" He asks as he sees the man moving through the water to his sister.

"Well met Variel and alas, the young woman does not breathe water." Telurion says walking over to extend his hand to the newcomer. Then he strides over to the box he had put down, sheaths his sword and hefts the box. He looks back over the water, "You think he needs help?"

Masculine Half-Elf Cleric (Skysage) 2 | HP 24/24| AC: 17 | Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +9| Per +7| Spd 25 ft. | LL-Vision|Hero Points: 1 | EXPLORE= Detect Magic | Stealth+2, Acro+6 |
Telurion Varikson wrote:

His attention being brought to the plight of Alhindri, Telurion turns, "By the stars, she's worse than a child." Then across the water he calls, "Aduriel, you need a hand?" He asks as he sees the man moving through the water to his sister.

"Well met Variel and alas, the young woman does not breathe water." Telurion says walking over to extend his hand to the newcomer. Then he strides over to the box he had put down, sheaths his sword and hefts the box. He looks back over the water, "You think he needs help?"

Shaking the warrior's hand, "The girl appears a bit addled, but I am sure we can set her to rights. Well, I am sure that we can limit how much water she tries to breathe. Well met sir."

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Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Once Alhindri is declared safe, Adayil will be searching, first for for her equipment and second looting the orcs for weapons and armor. Now that she has Sentinel Dedication she can wear up to Medium armor. Strength might still be an issue for penalties etc, but let’s see if the orcs *actually* have any.

Also: well done all in that combat. Nice work and some good rolls. Except you Variel. You were….terrible. ;)

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Athletics DC 15: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Jumping into the river Aduriel soon realizes, that the river runs much stronger than he hoped.

Looks like there might be more people to be saved now.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

If you have a Hero Point, you could reroll. Though you might roll a 1 and somehow make things even worse….

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"It looks like a little assistance is required." Telurion says putting the box back down and striding out toward the water. He begins wading with the intent of getting to the girl hoping Aduriel and make it back to shore on his own. The mud on the bottom of the river however makes it difficult to even get to the pair, much less put him in a position to pull someone out.

Athletics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

I don't think either of us is in a position to drown but obviously we can't help the girl. Is there a retry in this or are we just struggling our way back to shore on our own?

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

There is also the Aid action

Aid from GM Core

Aid, the Action from Player Core

Not sure how this all interacts, or if you have to have declared Aid before or after the attempt. In PF1e Aid Another mostly seemed to be an after thing.

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

Athletics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

"I've got this." Lil says as her aura goes out. She easily moves through the river, grabs Alhindri, and brings her to shore.

Finally, she says, to the new arrival. "I'm Lillanith. We're on our way to the asylum as it turns out.". She doesn't give any reasons as to why.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Watching with some amusement as first the scholarly new arrival to the party, and the armored Telurion attempt to navigate the uncooperative girl out of the deceptively fast flowing river.

Finally, she decides that they're not just playing around, but really struggling... then the tough, spry young Slyph simply walks into the water that her coastal upbringing made easy for her and helps all three struggling folks to a sandy place along the bank.

Alhindri simply stands at the edge where she is deposited and drips.

The Swim rules state that unless circumstances are different a successful swim check turns into a critical... so no need to play this out further.

Also, FYI I made a chart for Alhindri's behavior if she isn't constantly monitored.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

* @Adayil: You find your belongings scattered out in the other tents. Obviously the had gathered their loot and were splitting it up. You also find a small leather pouch with 32 SP, and 183 CP. The strangest thing you find however as a series of (10) small lead vials. (5) of them are sealed with a strange silver rune in red wax. The other 5 are empty.

Each Brute had a shoddy breastplate, (3) Javelins, and an Orc Knuckle Dagger.

The Sergeant had Hide armor, a Greatclub, and (6) Javelins

If you open the vials.


They seem to be filled with blood, and a small blue gem strangely, floating on top of it.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Adayil moves from tent to tent gathering her gear. Taking an orc knuckledagger as a memento, she strips the Lukseth captain of his armor, quickly casting a prestidigitative to clean the dank away. The coins pouch she spills, then piles together and presents to the group, and offers the stoppered vials to them also, unopened.

”I have no idea what these are, but these Lukseth clan orcs may be engaged in strange activities.

Recall Knowledge: Society: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 [Re: info about Lukseth]

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

XP? Just so I can update my profile and keep the total up to date. I'll also start tracking treasure from this point, though I'll only note normal gear if people say they are taking it.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

What knowledge to check recognition of the symbol on the vials?

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Hilariously, I failed to even notice the word “rune” and thought the was only red wax sealing the tubes. Completely missed “silver rune” at least twice! Not that Adayil would be that interested, as she is more focused on the Lukseth details…

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Âdayil wrote:

Adayil moves from tent to tent gathering her gear. Taking an orc knuckledagger as a memento, she strips the Lukseth captain of his armor, quickly casting a prestidigitative to clean the dank away. The coins pouch she spills, then piles together and presents to the group, and offers the stoppered vials to them also, unopened.

”I have no idea what these are, but these Lukseth clan orcs may be engaged in strange activities.

[dice=Recall Knowledge: Society]1d20 + 4 [Re: info about Lukseth]

Adayil goes through the tents gathering both her belongings and any so called "Loot" left behind by her deceased captors. She moves aside mangy, smelly sleeping furs, and scraps of leftover food... I don't want to know what these bones are from. and finds everything she wishes. When she comes out of the tent she notices (4) of her fellow travelers stand by the river all soaking wet, and wonders if this is some new "Bathing after Combat" ritual and if she should follow suit.

I'll give you the RK: Roll this time... but keep in mind going forward this is a secret roll.

RK: Society


Adayil recalls that the Lukseth were once among the most powerful of all orc tribes... but that they refused to follow many others along the path of being more civilized than confrontational. They were never ones for working together, which is fortunate for smaller tribes of orcs, as united they could and probably would conquer and absorb other orc tribes. They have for the most part separated and disappeared into the wilds and have been strangely absent from reported attacks for a few years now.

Let the complaining commence :-)

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Telurion Varikson wrote:
What knowledge to check recognition of the symbol on the vials?

What skill would you like to try? Let me know the bonus and I'll adjuvate accordingly. You have never seen this exact symbol before though some components of it might be vaguely familiar to someone. The DC of this is rather high, but some information could be gleaned if the roll is high enough.

See discussion thread for more specifics.

Telurion takes one of the Vials from Adayil and turns it over in his hands wondering what the strange rune means.

Is this a crafters mark, Some religious symbol, the mark of some organization???

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Dripping water all over the lawn Aduriel thanks Lil for getting his sister out of the water, before walking over to the unknown Orc, trying to find out who that is.

But when he approaches he is immediately distracted by that strange vial. "What have you got there Telurion? this looks interesting"

Recall Knowledge Loremaster Lore (+8)

Loremaster Lore:

You've compiled a vast repository of information that touches on nearly every subject. You are trained in Loremaster Lore, a special Lore skill that can be used only to Recall Knowledge, but on any topic.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

No complaints from me! Will try to remember, RK is a secret roll!

Adayil doesn’t seem to provide any more information regarding the Lukseth to her companions.

”So. We are rejoined. I advise a gathering of bodies and a pyre to dispose of them and…cleanse the grounds. We will need heat to dry you after all…

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

Telurion hands over the vial and waits to hear if Aduriel has any idea what the symbol may be.

Since Telurion has medicine he would most likely consider if the sigil looks anything like any alchemist or medicinal shorthand. Bonus +5.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

That's a good point, what time of year is it?

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

"It's good to see that you are ok. You should have these back. We can dry off naturally as we walk to the asylum." Lil greets Adayil, digs out, and returns the orcs' three scrolls of heal to her, and makes her suggestion as to what they should do.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

It is early spring... so it's warm in the sun, but still a little chilly in the shade. The evenings are still cool. (Climate is much like Northeast US).

SB Screen


* Telurion: RK: Medicine 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
* Aduriel: RK Loremaster 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

@ Telurion:


This seems to be nothing related to medicine or alchemy. If you had to guess form the way you feel looking at it the rune is more religious or occult in nature.

@ Aduriel


This looks like nothing you've ever seen before. The symbol almost has elements of Nethys involved, but corrupted or changed in some way.

At this moment nobody has opened any of the vials, correct?

I'm going to move foward with the standard Wilderness marching order and Exploration activities unless informed otherwise.

The group spends a few minutes drying off and making introductions to the new arrivals.

@ Variel: We should probably figure out why/if you are going back to the Asylum with this group you just met. Perhaps curiosity? Perhaps to make an introduction or two?

@ Adayil: You have suggested building a Pyre and burning the corpses. With everyone taking part it would take about an hour of game time to do so. Burying them would take till dusk, Throwing them in the river would take minutes.

Remember... there is no lodging at the Asylum for visitors. This is why people usually either stay in the outpost or travel the short distance to Raven for lodging. It's currenlty about 6-hours till dusk.

* Travel on instantly doing nothing about the bodies.
* Take one of the options for cleaning up the battlefield then travel onward
* Take one of the options for cleaning up the battlefield and make camp in the outpost for the evening.
* Something else of your choice.

I'll push it along a bit... but the timing of arrival is still TBD.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

The group follows the well-used path up towards the Asylum. Telurion has been here in the past several times, as it's very near his home. Aduriel has been here before, but it was long ago.

As you climb the trail a few rain clouds appear in the sky. Looks like much of the group is going to get wet again.

Finally, after about 45 minutes you hear the sound of something galloping quickly from your destination headed your way. A cowled figure fiercely goading a large horse down the hill dashes towards you without slowing down.

It might be advisable to step aside off the trail to keep from being trampled... but your call.

SB Screen:


1d20 ⇒ 20

Well I was going to spoiler this... but since everyone sees this with a NAT 20.

You all notice the being riding seems to be a humanoid with reptilian features, and white and yellow scaling on the neck. She turns to hiss at you as she gallops by at full speed...You can see that she is dressed in thick white wool robes, and has a staff buckled to her frantic horse.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

Back at the little fort...

"Adayil, I'll help you with the pyre. I don't feel like digging graves and we may need to stay here tonight if our trip to the asylum takes too long. I'd rather not have the bodies about." With that he gets to gathering wood.

Upon seeing the rider...

Telurion steps off the road/trail and tries to flag the rider down, "Ho there! What's the with the mad rush?" As the creature rides by, "That was bizarre. Shall we continue to the asylum and see if they know what put a bur under her saddle?"

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

At the fort

After thanking Telurion for his assistance, Adayil’s attention gradually fades from current needs to her recent trauma. She sits and feels her belly, empty of life - the earlier coursing of adrenaline now replaced by pangs of sorrow. She draws little comfort from watching the Lukseth turn to ash.


Unused to the “usual” clientele of an asylum, Adayil thinks nothing of the unwelcome rider. The orc merely moves out of the way.

She watches as the rider passes, nods to Telurion, but is clearly not concerned.

Given the staff was particularly mentioned, does Adayil recognise anything about it? Arcana/Occultism +8. Also remember Aduriel has “Loremaster Lore” which is even crazier than a Thaumaturge’s Esoteric Lore schtick…

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

SB Screen


1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 RK Arcana

@ Adayil: You don't notice anything unusual about the staff except that its color is such a deep black that it almost hurts your eyes.

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

Lil paced back and forth while some of the group built a pyre and burned bodies. She also helped keep an eye on Alhindri during that time. Clearly, she thinks this is a waste of time, but doesn't say a thing.


Unlike the others, when a galloping rider who hisses at them comes riding by like hell itself was after them, Lil does not just take it casually. Her aura flicks to life, and she makes sure that she is close to Alhindri. Clearly, Lil is expecting trouble ahead.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

The air seemed to noticeably cool as the rider swept past paying your group of travelers no mind. Finally, just as the thunder peals, and giant raindrops begin to pelt the party the ancient structure appears on the next hill. The party starts double-timing to the covered portico but still is drenched by the time they arrive at the large double doors of the imposing structure.

As you open the doors, which open smoothly in spite of their age and weight. Standing inside are two armed guards with Halbreds. There is also a large book for signing in, and double doors immediately in front of you with archways going left and right. One of the guards' steps forward.

"Welcome. Please state your business". He then notices Alhindri, and perks up a bit.

"Well, well, well... looks like a stray has returned as well. Let me go get Ms. Abagail. She'll be happy to see this one returned".

After a few moments the guard returns accompanied by an elderly elven female, and two young orderlies.

"I had heard that Alhindri had been found. I am pleased that you have returned her. Do you know what has befallen her"?

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Are you guys waiting for me to do something?

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"Yeah, well, your stray nearly destroyed a town with a magic fiddle. What do you know about it?" Telurion says, getting right to the point.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Nah, the weekend was just very full for me!

Adayil struggles to fully understand what this place…is…or…achieves. Clearly it is a prison of some sort, but the prisonkeepers are incredibly odd - a mix of kindly and…less kind? And what kinds of transgressions have the prisoners committed that are equal to Alhindri’s slaughter?

For the moment, Adayil listens carefully, and takes her lead from brave Telurion. He seems to navigate this world well, and also, importantly, is strong.

AC 14 | Size: Tiny | Speed: 40' | HP: 14 | Low-light vision | Perception +5 ; Acrobatics +5 ; Stealth +5 | ◆ ↺ ◇

Krutk “types” a message with quick caresses on the back of Adayil’s neck, and despite her irritation, seems to get the point across…

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

”Hush, annoying one! Yes, I will ask!” Adayil says…seemingly to the room, somewhat louder than she would have liked. Some of the orderlies with Miss Abigail look at her askance, and she stares back at them with all the ire she can muster.

What are *they* looking at!?!

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Hello Ms Abagail, My name is aduriel, and I am Alhindris Brother. My parents send me here when we got your letter about her disappearance.

Aduriel tries to find the letter somewhere in his backpack.

"But when I found here, she was under the care of these helpful people in the village of Raven. They and Father raven told me, how she got possessed by a magic fiddle, which raised the dead around her and attacked the village."

Aduriel tries to explain what happened from what he heard, hoping the others will provide the necessary detail.

"We now come here asking you to take her back into your care, while we search for the cause of all this. We would also like to know how she disappeared, and speak with the people who cared for her. Maybe something occured, like a visit or and letter, which set all these events in motion and could give us a direction to search in."

Earlier when we saw that rider, please roll Loremaster Lore to tell me if I know anathing about who this was. Also for clarification, he was riding from the direction of Bard's Gate in the direction towards Raven, correct?

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

According to SB, the rider was female, and riding away from the Asylum, toward the direction we were coming from. Not sure exactly which direction that exactly is.

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

"Perhaps to take her back into your care.". Lil adds.

She takes a breath. "While the final decision will be Aduriel's, clearly, there are many concerns that need to be addressed. Let's start with them."

Lil points to the halberd-toting guards. "Why do you need soldiers with polearms to care for the sick? How did a girl in a straight-jacket even escape her cell in the first place? Why was she in a straight jacket to start with? Naturally, we'll also need Aduriel's questions answered fully and with complete transparency. As her brother and the legal representative of her family, he has the right to know every detail of her care."

Lil neither knows nor cares, if the last part is true, she says it anyway.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

@ Telurion: Is this an intimidate check? If so, please let me know. Coerce .

Both guards bristle and come to near violence as the brash young warrior goes for the throat. Abagail puts her hand out to still them from throwing the party out.

"And what do your bold accusations hope to achieve? Do you think that the Asylum sent her to Raven for some nefarious purpose"?

@ Adayil: As she speaks out loud one of the orderlies seems to cower, and steps unknowingly behind one of the guards. She gets a sharp look as nobody is sure who Adayil is addressing.

@ Aduriel: Probably going to need a Diplomacy Check for this. Telurion's actions might have made this more difficult... but here we are :-)

Abigale raises one eyebrow at Aduriel's revelation. "Yes. I personally reached out to your family when we realized she was missing. I'm glad you have arrived, as her disappearance is a mystery to us".

@ LIl: "We would certainly welcome her back here. We have been well compensated for her care, and until now have had no problems. I'm not sure why I have to answer to anyone about our methods or techniques. We strive to uphold the highest standards of patient care and have a nearly unblemished record".

I'm assuming you are making some kind of influence roll as well... Intimidation? Diplomacy? Deception? or are you assisting someone elses roll?

You can see that she is growing VERY agitated at the accusatory line of questioning.

"We have special rooms warded from magical interference that can be provided for her... but until now there have been no issues. Now if you'll excuse me, we need to get her back under our care".

She motions the orderlies forward to escort Alhindra back into the asylum.

What happens next is depending upon your influence actions.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

[ioc]Not yet, just a blunt statement. As far as I’m concerned she’s criminally insane so i’m not worried about her care just those instances that led to the attack.[/ooc]

”Look, the town of Raven just had several people killed, more wounded, and sustained a lot of damage. The people have a right to know why and to be assured it won’t happen again. You were and are the responsible party for this girl’s care. Somehow she got away, gained access to a powerful magic item, and laid waste to a town all under your watch and you say you are clueless? Someone is responsible for this mess and the people of the town were looking to take it out in this young lady but she doesn’t seem capable of anything on her own. Therefore she is being used. So, you were either inattentive, incompetent, or complicit and after nearly getting killed in this ordeal, I want to know which.”

Intimidate: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

Little Caks, who has been keeping out of notice, speaks up in her squeaky voice.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

"Look, it doesn't really matter if you are upset or not. We know you failed in keeping others safe from what is obviously a disturbed and dangerous person. Why don't you just let us look at your books and records. Let us figure it out. That is, if you even keep decent records."

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Unless someone comes up with a miracle save the orderlies will take Alhindra, and the party will be ejected from the place... unless you try to resist. The attitude has been adjusted from friendly, to indifferent, to unfriendly.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Adayil watches with interest. Clearly, by the way her allies are pressing with strained voices and fierce expressions, these are “bad people” who are likely not to be trusted. Adayil nods in encouragement as Caks tries to be heard, but the bigfolk are too busy being…big and as usual not listening to the small folk.

The orc steps forth, and throws her hands out to quiet the ruckus.

”Ahhem! Mistress Abigail. I am Adayil. I beg a question. A rider, scaly. Riding from here. With a staff blacker than night. What business did they have here?

I have a question about “rolls” and “intent”. Will take it to Discussion.

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

To clarify, Lil will not let Alhindri be taken anywhere unless Aduriel says it's ok. Only he gets to decide, in her mind, what happens to his sister.

"As Caks said, it does not matter if you are upset. As Telurion pointed out, someone you are responsible for escaped your custody, and as a result, many innocent people died. That is why you need to answer questions, Miss Abigail. We need to find out what happened, and why, and make sure that it does not happen again."

"I would suggest you put your ego aside and help us find the answers before someone else gets hurt. After all, if your care is as good as you say, you have nothing to hide and should want to show us that she will be in good hands with you."

I do not think that Lil's acting Intimidating here, so I'll roll Diplomacy.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Adayil begins to understand that there is an argument to be had for how the elf-maid has been treated, both historically, and recently. Having some experience of…untoward experiences, both historically, and recently, Adayil feels a sense of responsibility for the girl. Bereft of familial or clan care. Attacked. Lost and alone.

Looking at Aduriel, the orc puts a hand on his arm, to try to provide succour where she cannot for the sister.

”The girl is addled. Her mind is not her own. She wanders without guidance - even wandered toward her own death by drowing. She needs help. Will you help us to find out what….in…all the fates…is happening here?

Going to roll for either Medicine or Diplomacy at +4. I’d prefer to try the Medicine angle because these are medical professionals and because I’m quixotic…

Skill: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"Ok, lady, you dodging the question in the first place looks suspicious. This girl can't even chew her food without help so someone somewhere had to get her out. Was she just magicked away and you guys found an empty room with no clues? Was the window torn open? Did some strange snake person with a fiddle show up and ask to speak with the girl? Surely something happened that you can share to help give hope to the town of Raven that this issue can be solved and will not repeat itself."

"Don't look at me that way fella, I ain't leavin' here without an answer of some sort."

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Aduriel is trying to calm down Telurion and hopes the caretakers can still be convinced to talk to them.

1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11 Somehow I doubt, people in an asylum have a negative will save, so looks like I fail.

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