Supreme Beings Pathfinder 2E

Game Master scranford

Pathfinder 2E campaign to introduce new veteren players and friends.
◆ One action, ◆◆ Two Actions, ◆◆◆ Three Actions, ◇= Free Action, ↺= Reaction

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Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

As far as I know, Aduriel had said he was going to the temple to see Faher Grimble. So, he should be with Caks and Telurion and not me. Unless I misread his posts. In that case, Lil would defer to him about boxes.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

I thought he intercepted Lil on the way to the temple. We'll get the timing right soon. Let's go with him not making it to the temple yet, and talking to your group on the path.

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Yes I tried to push forward to meet the others, but apparently they were already on their way down.

Just when things couldn't get any stranger, Aduriel is accosted by a ratfolg about his willingness to fight alone. Confused he wonders why thhis would be of any concern he clearly didn't plan on doing any fighting at all.

In desperation he turns to the most normal of the group and decides to answer Telurion.

"You are welcome Telurion, my name Aduriel from Bard's Gate. A few days ago my family received a letter that my sister Alhindri went missing from the Asylum and we should come to help searching for her, siO Iw as sent with haste."

"I just arrived in Raven, when I heard, that Alhindri has actually reappeared here in Raven and now Lil here told me that she unwillingly assaulted the whole town. And something about a magical artefact controlling her."

"Is it true, that you were the oince who found her and made sure she came out of this busineess alive. I really can't thank you enough. I hope she is well, I would really like to see her."

Aduriel would want to talk to his sister, but as far as I understand she is not reacting in any way, so he is fine with moving forward to the asylum, if this is the way everybody else prefers.

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

"The Asylum may have answers, but they may not be willing to share." Lil says. "That also assumes that the undead attack did not start there. They could all be dead. Do we want to stop there on the way to Bard's Gate?"

She then asks "By the way, has anyone attempted to just burn the fiddle yet? I don't think it will work, but, simple solutions do work sometimes. Shall we try?"

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 I don't know if you want to roll hidden, but Aduriel wants to know what he thinks about the idea of burning. Unless somethign negative comes up I don't mind trying.

"I think especially if things started there we want to visit the asylum and look for information about what happened."

I am fine with visiting the asylum, but would prefer to spend the 1 or 2 days to build the box and talk a bit with Father Grimble about the past events.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

”Father Grimbal says they have already tried to burn one half of the fiddle and it failed. I don’t need anything here in Raven and I have concerns that local anger could boil over against Alhindri. I suggest we take your sister with us, lock half the fiddle in a box, go visit the asylum and then leave from there to go to Bard’s Gate. You can take your sister home and I can deliver the half fiddle to the temple of Thyrr. Is that too crazy?”

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Alorea comes walking up just as the group decides to leave with much haste, and head towards the Asylum, then perhaps on to Bards Gate. It seems the decision has been made that for some reason haste is more vital than taking extra precautions, so the fiddle parts are placed in a normal wooden tomato box for transport.

She mentions that her faith really isn't best suited for this adventuring lifestyle, and that she needs to remain in Raven for a period to help the town recover. In addition, she has found receptive worshipers among the HoneyClaws, and might stay on a bit longer to see if perhaps there is the potential for an Acolyte there.

"Please visit when you can and stay in touch. Perhaps I'll make my way to Bards Gate in the future, and we can reconned. I've always been fascinated by tales of this wonderful free city".

Who is carrying the artifact.

Aduriel has still not checked on his sister yet, so would probably wish to visit her before journeying onward.

She is basically in a vegetative state. No communication, will go where led, but if not actively led will simply stand in place... even in a driving rainstorm.



Since you've only seen you sister once you might wish to look upon her again... but your family doesn't want her back. They paid an immense amount to have her cared for at one of the most exclusive Asylums in the area as they feel that provides her with the best existence. The fact that somehow, she "Activated" for a brief period may give you pause or not depending upon your willingness to follow your parents' wishes. In addition, your grandmother vaguely hinted that there might be one other survivor of the massacre 85-years ago, but that she doesn't know who or what this might be... only that there was one other who was away on an errand during the horrific event, but that might have returned just as the event was drawing to a close.

Since it's early in the day the group decides to head for the Asylum. You know it's about 2-hours east of Raven, and the path to the location is just past the first Waystation on the Trade Road that runs along the river.

The Cities of Bards Gate to the east, and Reme to the West both contribute to maintaining waystations about a day's journey apart along the river trade route. These small forts include dry firewood, (Which must be replaced if used), and a fortified wall with a wooden gate to allow tents to be pitched inside. Some have been enhanced with cabins or shelters over time, but most remain rustic if a bit safer than taking your chances in the Wilderness.

The town of Fairhill is about 3-day's journey from there, and it's another 4-days to Bards Gate.

The group goes to gather their belongings and agree to meet at the bridge in 2-hours' time. That should still allow them to arrive at the Asylum in the early afternoon, and allow them to return to Raven, or stay in the waystation overnight.

This would also allow Adurial time to visit with his sister, and perhaps talk with the Father before then depart for the Assylum.

Marching Order & Exploration Activities
Let's review and make changes to this as a standard procedure. If you vary from this then it must be stated in game.


Exploration & Marching Order

In Dungeon:

1. Telurion (Search) with torch
2. Caks (Search)
3. Adayil(Avoid Notice)
3a Krutk (Scout)
4. Aduriel (Search)
5. Lil (Search)
6. Variel

In this case All searching will get secret perception checks for finding traps, secret doors etc. Adayil gets to roll stealth for initiative as well as be unobserved or concealed. Nobody gets Recall Knowledge checks as you travel as this is the Investigate activity. Telurion still gets to determine his Dungeon Exploration activity.
In Wilderness:

1. Adayil (?)
1a. Krutk (Scout)
2 Telurion (Search)
3. Aduriel (?)
4. Caks (?)
5. Variel (?)
6. Lil (Investigate RK: Nature)

in this case Krutk gives everyone a +1 to initiatives. Lils get free Recall Knowledge checks for things they see, and Telurion Searches using perception and Caks hasn't specified. Note: Feel free to just choose something. there is no penalty to changing it whenever you want, and if you choose something you don't like just change it. This gives us a starting point. The goal of this is to keep the entire party from checking for traps every move, and constant perception rolls. It's very easy to metagame if you see that the Searching character rolls a 1... then everybody else wants to try perception rolls due to this knowledge... This helps eliminate meta-gaming. "What you don't trust the ranger up front that has this as his favored terain".

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

I'm going to attempt to move us along.

Here is a link to the map to the first waystation.

Waystation 28

I'll move us forward when the marching orders, and exploration activities are updated.

Variel... please feel free to post your profile when available, as there will be an opportunity to insert you into the game in the near future.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

Exploration Activity: Defend

Marching order: at the front.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Caks Cragwatcher wrote:

Exploration Activity: Defend

Marching order: at the front.

In both Dungeon and wilderness settings? Both?

Also, keep in mind that per my (1) house rule defend can choose to have a weapon in hand instead of a shield.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

Yes, in both. Since you're allowing a weapon in hand, Caks will have a dagger in hand.

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

My exploration stuff is fine. Does the group want me to carry the Heal scrolls that Alorea had been carrying since I can use them? If so, how many did she have left?

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Lillanith wrote:
My exploration stuff is fine. Does the group want me to carry the Heal scrolls that Alorea had been carrying since I can use them? If so, how many did she have left?

There are (6) left. Adayil had three, and Alorea had three. I'm sure Adayil would probably have left the scrolls with the group when she left... but maybe not considering her reasons for leaving. Adayil???

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Sounds to me like my current exploration activity will be lead my sister with not much time left for anything else. Otherwise I will choose Search in the Wilderness and Detect magic in the dungeons.

Visiting my Sister:

Seeing that the others want to leaves Aduriel follows Lil's directions to find his sister, where he soon realizes that not much has changed since the his lone visit in the asylum. After trying for several minutes he gives up and concetrates on finding any visible clue on why she is in this state.
Rolling for Perception, You did not answer my question if you want to roll those hidden or want us to roll.

Later he visits Father Grimble.

"Hello Father, My name is Aduriel and I am here because I was sent by my family to find out where my sister has gone. But it seems she turned up on your Doorstep at least one more time. Some Adventurer's in the village told me about yesterdays events, but I would also like to hear version of the events. Is it true, that my Sister forced the dead to rise and attack the village?"
"And they also keep talking about that magic fiddle. What do you make of it? Was it seen here before?" I am not sure if during the first incident something like this artefact was mentioned and would ask specifically for more information about this time.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Aduriel wrote:

Sounds to me like my current exploration activity will be lead my sister with not much time left for anything else. Otherwise I will choose Search in the Wilderness and Detect magic in the dungeons.

** spoiler omitted **

If the situation could have negative effects or result in incorrect information, I'll make it a secret roll. I use physical dice for this in most cases just to remove temptation... In this case Perception would have no effect... and many experts have tried to figure this out to no avail. If you don't want to escort your sister there, transport can be arranged by the Asylum.



"I am deeply sorry about the incident. While she was indeed the instrument of the undead rising, I'm sure that the infernal fiddle was actually controlling the situation. The Wanderers are known for their music... especially fiddle music, so it wouldn't surprise me if there was music at the incident years ago, but according to the records there were no undead involved, but it seemed that some master of the Rapier completed the dastardly work".

He then stands and begins to pace. "There is no mention of this fiddle, and as far as I know she didn't have it with her in the Asylum, and she most certainly didn't play it. She just sits where they told her, ate when they put food in her mouth, and went to the bathroom when she was led. No communication, or self-induced activity till yesterday... and between you and I, I wish it had remained so".

"If you go to the Asylum, I'm sure you can arrange to have her transported back there. I fear we are not equipped to handle her convalescence here. There is scant information about the incident, as superstition and ingnorance caused people to jump to conclusions about the cause... but the thing that seems in common between the two are the large burnt hoofprints after both incidents".

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

I can see not walking around with a shield up all the time but surely we can explore with a weapon in hand, yes?

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Telurion Varikson wrote:
I can see not walking around with a shield up all the time but surely we can explore with a weapon in hand, yes?

No. Don’t mean to be harsh… but this has been driven into the ground. If you are using the defend action only. This decision is RAW and final. Nobody gets prep or surprise actions.

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Talking to Father Grimble:

"I hadn't known about the footprints? I know there were some 85 years ago but nobody knew what to make of them. Where were they found? maybe I could have a look at them?"
I did miss that info when reading up.
Aduriel would try to analyze this with Detect Magic and Read Aura, and Recall Knowledge if feasible. I know its a long shot but seems to be the best track I have right now.

I think afterwards we can leave.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........


The father gives you directions to the tracks ouside the crypt that he and the other acolytes were locked in during the fight. The track has faded a bit over the last 24 hours, but the burnt areas in the grass still show clearly a scorched cloven hoofprint about 8" in diameter. You have no idea what could have caused this hoofprint... but assume it was something diabolical in nature. Perhaps a devil or demon of some sort.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........



It was not an easy decision. In this town you had felt safer than even among your own kind. In fact, you were even approaching what you would consider friendship with those you had faced and defeated danger with... but still. It was obvious you'd always be an outsider here. Your kind were always mistrusted if not outright feared in civilized areas, and though you weren't treated unkindly you could see some cross the street when you approached, or a child take cover behind their parent's leg when you were present. You could put up with this, as you knew the way of things. You knew the atrocities attributed to your people, and that though memories were strong, deeds could be stronger... but would this be any place to raise a child? How would any youth interpret this attitude? Would they be bullied, or become bullies themselves?

As you headed out of Raven before first light, feeling a bit guilty that you didn't at least say goodby to your fellow adventurers, but a note would have to suffice. You couldn't let them try to talk you out of it. Perhaps this distraction led to what happened next. Krutk fresh and shiny was pitching a fit and screeching something... but deep in your thoughts you just assumed he was scolding you for letting him die yesterday. The suddenly on the trail in front of you they appeared. First three, then from each side two more, and as you turned to go back the way you came three more and one larger fiercer being. Dromarr... Orcs like you but much less civilized and by the face painted half black and half brown horizontally the feared Lukseth clan. The clan that claimed that the orc people were growing soft, and longed to returned to the day that they were feared and respected.

"Well, well, well. What have we here. A betrayer. A soft one trying to hide among the fangless ones". He then took a long sniff of the air. "And not completely alone or soon to not be". He took a long look at your midsection. "Grab her! We'll not let more weak blood spoil our strength".

The battle was fierce but short. Krutk latched onto one's private area and took him from the fight early, but there were too many, and they were too strong. Finally, a club to the side of your head brought darkness upon you.

You awoke. The smell of moldering sail cloth filled your nostrils, and wood smoke was nearby. It was silent, but for a moan of pain from nearby... then the pain hit, and you knew. You were now completely alone. You would later swear that you never shed a tear... and there were not present to either deny or confirm your declaration. You were blindfolded, and gagged, and your hands were tied painfully behind your back. You were on a dirt floor with some clumps of dried grass in unfortunate locations, and insects crawled along your body concentrating along the wound in your abdomen. When you tried to stand you realized that your feet were also bound.

But you could sense Krutk. He was not far away and was drawing nearer. Hopefully he could find you and help you from your bonds.

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

After talking to father Grimble and a short visit to the graveyard Aduriel returns tothe group, statiung he is ready to leave.

"Would you please help me take my sister to the asylum? I know it would slow us down considerably, but I don't want to send her with some strangers to a place I don't know if its safe, Once we get there, my parents assured me, that the asylum was taking very good care of her in the last 85 years, and I am sure if the place ius still undisturbed we can leave her there for a while while I try to find out what this is all about."

Hope thats fine with the people who have not yet spoken up, once we get there I hope we find a situation where I can let her stay with a good conscience.

Once the group is on the way Aduriel steps up to Lil and asks "Can you tell me exactly what happened by that crypt? Is this where you found my sister? Did you see anybody else around that pklace during the events?"

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

I've got one more post to bring someone up to date... A new party member. Then I'll move the game forward tomorrow. I still need to know who is carrying the box, what those who haven't posted exploration mode is, and any other special preparations before then. If not, I'll guess and move things forward.

In front of you the towns fabled covered bridge sits crossing the river. The path follows the opposite side of the river for a while at this location. Telurion smiles a bit as he sees some other acolytes from the church scrubbing out the geyser pools. Caks, Telurion, and Lil stand ready, saddened that Adayil has went her own way, but cautiously optimistic that this Aduriel might prove a valuable companion. They chat casually among themselves as the await the elf's arrival.

Then they see him walking down the hill. But he's not alone. He leads his scarred and stumbling sister by the elbow. Whoever is carrying the fiddle feels it move a bit in the box.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"I thought we would take her with us. My concern was that the town seemed near to lynching the poor girl earlier. That same sentiment could come up again and it would be best just to remove her from the situation and let the townsfolk grieve." Telurion says in response to Aduriel.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

"Yeah. We can take her. It'd probably be good to find out how she got out and if everything is on the up and up there."

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

”I’ll carry this fiddle box so Caks you take the lead and keep us from bumbling into something we shouldn’t. Everyone ready?” assuming we have no negative votes let’s pick up Alhindri and make like a tree.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Supreme Being:
Is this the same day as I was captured i.e. do I have my full complement of spells, or is this the next day and I have none as I have not completed Daily Preparations?

Adayil winces with the pain before a dull feeling spreads throughout her mind. Well beyond the thrumming discomfort emanating from the club-strike to the head, a deeper, more visceral loss weighs the orc down.

Gone. My little one is gone. Taken! And too soon to survive.

There is no hope for her spawn, she was not far along enough for it to have survived ex utero, and more likely not given the way it…her? him? was…removed. The pain of sorrow, the depth of hurt roil and spin in her mind and heart, inexplicably bound, miscible and unrelenting. Adayil can not, does not, will not divide her sorrow or her loss or her hurt from her…anger. Her? Him? Her…child!

Her loss is immeasurable. For the longest time she lies in sorrow, miserable and lost.

Mastering her pain, and careful not to make too much sound she nevertheless gives voice to grief, a low, guttural moan, a paean of horror and abject misery within her gagged mouth. Adayil sniffs, taking in lungfuls of air through her nose, calling out with her mind for Krutk. Her..little one, the only one she truly has left.

There is no time for sentimentality, not any longer. She was foolish to think of family and kin, lone as she is without a clan or pack or tribe. No, there is now only time for one thing above all else, one thing that she will need to survive to bring about.


Any other sounds or smells nearby?

[Prisoner Mode: Grieve. Roll over onto butt and try to loosen own bonds on hands (Survival +4). Use one Action to Command Krutk to a) approach and b) attempt to cut bonds.]

[Krutk gets my level as bonus (only) to skills other than Perception, Acrobatics and Stealth, so +2 to any skill check. If Adayil thinks she has time she will use Daily Preparations to reconfigure Krutk to have Trained Survival skill. Familiars “can use trained skill actions for skills for which it adds your spellcasting ability modifier”, so I guess that would be +6 all up.]

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

! Adayil


It is the same day, so all your spells are still there.

You are in the tent in the front right of the fort. I'll make you visible when appropriate.

You have the Restrained condition.
Source Player Core pg. 446
You're tied up and can barely move, or a creature has you pinned. You have the off-guard and immobilized conditions, and you can't use any attack or manipulate actions except to attempt to Escape or Force Open your bonds. Restrained overrides grabbed.

Escape Action

I'll allow you to make the roll at DC-18.

Krutk hears your summons, but he was thrown in the river, and it will take 1d6 rounds for him to arrive. Something might happen before then.

You hear a gentle snore from somewhere outside the tent, the rushing of the river so you know you're close to the overland road.

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

"We fought her at the graveyard. But, we fought across the town. First, some zombies came out of the basement of the general store. I still wonder why people were buried there. but one of the owner's children identified them as 'Gramps and Gramm', so draw what conclusions that you will.

"After that, we killed a shadowy thing upstairs in the store, saved some children and a dog from moving skeletal claws at the town gazebo, rescued a very self-centered member of the town council from the corpse of his own murdered grandfather, killed some skeletons at one end of town, and then had a massive fight at the graveyard.

"That is where we saw Alhindri playing the fiddle and bringing the dead to life. As soon as we broke it, she collapsed, and was in the state that you see her now." That was when we rescued Father Grimble and every priest in town except for Rufio. They had been barricaded in by gravestones just before the attack."

As they walk, Lil fills Aduriel in on the previous days events from her perspective.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

The group finally gathers and starts east towards the Asylum. The beauty of the weather seems somehow wrong after the horror of yesterday's events, but life has a way of equaling out. Caks leads the way eyes out for danger, and tossing his favorite dagger from hand to hand as he goes... sometimes using it to strike away some overgrown thorny vines.

Let me know how the group is handling leading Alhindri. She would walk right off the path into the water without someone to redirect her.

Talurion is a bit concerned, as every time he gets close to Alhindri, the box begins to slightly quiver, as though it recognizes her.

At first the group makes good time, and the scenery is good with the mist from the river occasionally rising up to cool the travelers. About 2-hours into the journey however things change a bit. Around the bend in the river stands the way-fort. It looks deserted, but there are signs of recent conflict. There are some loosened boards in the wall, and the door seems to have been torn asunder and is leaning against the wall.

@ Lil - RK Nature


1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
You notice that the normal noises of the wilderness, the chirping of birds, and scuttling through the underbrush seem to have become eerily silent.

Telurion - Perception


1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
You see a familiar creature emerge from the river, and with claws raised and clicking it crosses the road in front of you and heads for the damaged fort.

What do you do? Map shows marching order.

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Talking to Lil
"So I assume my sister was the whole time at the graveyard being played by that fiddle. Father Grimble showed me some troublesome tracks, something like a burnt hoofprint, like its was made by some devil or demon. Similar prints where also found 85 years ago, so I believe whatever started all this has caught up with her again.

Marching orders

Aduriel Is spending his time leading Alhindri by walking behind her and trying to steer her. After a troublesome first half an hour where she twice almost stepped into the water he slowly gets the hang of things and knows when more immediate steering is needed. I assume I use my exploration activity on this day to just steer her. @Telurion woiuld you mind taking the back to keep me between my sister and the fiddle, with Lil taking the second spot?

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

Lil's gate flares into life, air and flames floating around her.

"Everyone stop! Nature's gone quiet. There is danger."

I would also have helped with Alhindri if Aduriel wanted.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

Telurion points out the crab coming from the water, "There's Krutk, I'd recognize that shell anywhere. That means Adayil is around somewhere."

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Lillanith wrote:

Lil's gate flares into life, air and flames floating around her.

"Everyone stop! Nature's gone quiet. There is danger."

I would also have helped with Alhindri if Aduriel wanted.

No prep actions…I’ll roll initiative in a bit

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Round 1

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 Perception(Telurion)
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 Perception or Stealth (Caks) Low light vision
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 Perception (Variel) Low light vision
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 Perception(Lillanith) Low light vision
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Perception(Adayil) Darkvision
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 Perception (*Krutk) Low light vision
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 Perception (Aduriel) Low light vision
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 Perception (Creature)
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15 Perception (Creature)

*Krutk acts on Adayil's initiative.

Orc 1
Orc 2
Orc 3
Adail / Krutk

Telrion is up...Lil on deck.

Suddenly 3 orcs with the top half of their face painted light brown, and bottom half Black, spring from concealment in the woods.

They were hiding, but their stealth check didn't beat your Perception DC, so no seek actions required. Had their stealth beat you perception they would get a +2 to their initiative from the cover.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

Telurion drops the box and draws his weapon. "Lil, can you help me with this close orc? Then we can turn our attention to the other two." Then he moves out to interpose himself between the group and the nearest orc.

◆Release ◆Draw weapon ◆Stride

Reminder: I have reactive shield.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Telurion Varikson wrote:

Telurion drops the box and draws his weapon. "Lil, can you help me with this close orc? Then we can turn our attention to the other two." Then he moves out to interpose himself between the group and the nearest orc.

◆Release ◆Draw weapon ◆Stride

Reminder: I have reactive shield.

Dropping the box is a free action so you still have one.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

Release was listed as a single action on Archives of Nethys. If I don't have to waste that action I will be using sudden charge to get in an attack. So, just checking, is release a free action?

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

While I know that Telurion has not been resolved yet, given what I am going to do, I'm going to post, since there will be nothing to resolve.

Krutk? Orcs? Adayil could be around? What if they are her tribe?

"Wait! Are we sure that they are even hostile?" Lil calls out.

I am Delaying until Orc 1 goes. If he takes a hostile action, I will act after him.

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Aduriel will delay until all 3 Orcs have taken their turn, althoug purely for tactical reasons.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

@Supreme Being: Per Aduriel’s question in Discussion, when you say “spring from concealment in the woods” what do the members of the party actually see? Armed orcs? Armed how? It would help the party be clearer with their own actions/reactions to the appearance of the orcs I imagine.

[I guess I have larger questions about rules mechanics re: how this is Initiative if hostilities have not occurred, and the interaction of ambushing, Stealth, concealment, Perception etc *with* Initiative (mostly to learn how we can ourselves set up ambushes ;p) but I’ll table that until later, and in the Discussion thread.]

Supreme Being:
Unsure of how far Krutk *is*, Adayil tries to free herself from her bonds…

◆ Escape

Struggle, struggle, DC 18: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Frustrated at her lack of success she keeps trying…

◆ Escape

Naargh!!!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Interestingly, Escape is an Attack action, so should MAP come in to play?

Also, given we are in rounds now, should I use an Action to Command Krutk to keep coming toward me? If so I’ll do that, otherwise Adayil will try one last time hoping to roll a nat 20…

◆ Escape

Don’t fail me now!!!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Omigod. Amazing.

Well, I guess it is up to you whether Adayil frees her hands, or has to Command Krutk. I remember reading something about what minions do when you don’t use a command, but I can’t remember what it was…

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Telurion Varikson wrote:
Release was listed as a single action on Archives of Nethys. If I don't have to waste that action I will be using sudden charge to get in an attack. So, just checking, is release a free action?

Release is a free action. In AoN if the action box in unshaded it's a free action with the Manipulate trait... but it doesn't trigger reactions that normally trigger reactions. However, you are still 65' from the nearest enemy, and started out 85' away so I don't think you can reach them with sudden charge. You could draw your shield... which would save your reaction for something else?

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Telurion runs forward drawing his big sword.

Lil takes a moment to see if the new enemy is hostile.

Aduriel does the same thing.

Caks is up... Followed by Orcs 1-4.

Telurion (1-action remaining)
Orc 1
Orc 2
Orc 3
Lil (Delaying)
Audriel (Delaying)
Adail / Krutk

The orcs are standing behind partial cover and are armed, but since they don't get prep actions either they are currently not holding weapons.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

I guess he is a little too far

After moving between the nearest orc and the group Telurion readies his shield.

This will allow me to shield block if attacked.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

◆ Gets out sling

◆ Loads sling bullet

◆ Attacks Orc 1 (at second range increment) with a Surprise Attack (assuming she was using Stealth for initiative)

Strike: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 8 - 2 = 26for: 1d6 - 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) - 1 + (3) = 6

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Afterconsidering the new situation, I will instead choose to end my delay after Casks turn.

Aduriel spents as many manipulate actions as are needed to get Alhindri to sit down, spending a bit of force if neccessary.

If it takes more than 3 actions, I will spend my whole turn on it.
If it takes only 2 actions I will cast shield with my remaining action.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Telurion acting swiftly raises his shield and sword, and interposes himself between the enemy and his group.

Caks switches the dagger he was carrying for his sling, swiftly loads a bullet, then whirls catching the enemy full in the face with his swift act. The Orc stumbles, and his eyes cross a bit, but he's still standing.

Gotta award you with a Hero Point for that first act Natural 20

Caks was using the Defend Exploration action. He only uses Stealth as his initiative roll when he is using Avoid Notice or has another reason to be using his stealth score... so no bonus damage, but double for the hit.

Aduriel now seeing that this encounter isn't going to end well takes time to ensure that his sister is safe... for the moment before taking care to shield himself a bit.

You could trip her with one action which would send her to the ground... but if you critical you could damage her a bit. The safe way is:
◆◆ Manipulate/Stride: Grab her and lead her to somewhere to be safe for the moment.
◆ Cast Shield.
If you used the trip action to get her to the ground, then you would have (2) Actions left.

Orc Brute #1

◆ Manipulate: Draw Javelin
◆ Stride: Move 25'
◆ Attack: Throw Javelin at Telurion
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 Throw
1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 Point

And though it's a good throw the creatures pain from Caks strike keep it from being deadly... well, that and Telurions armor and shield.

Orc Brute #2

◆ Manipulate Draw Javelin
◆ Stride
◆ Stride

Orc Brute #3

◆ Manipulate Draw Javelin
◆ Stride
◆ Stride

Behind the scenes


Orc Brute #4
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 Perception roll to wake up.
Zzzzzz... Zzzzzz...

Lil is up if she wishes... E1 on deck.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Round 1 continued:

Audriel (shield?)
Orc 1 (-6 HP)
Orc 2
Orc 3
Adail / Krutk

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Aduriel leads his sister into the bushes hoping she stays there or at least walks into the woods, before turning back towards the battle and raising his shield spell.

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

Lil does not know if Caks' excellent shot from his sling causes them to be angry, or if they were already planning to attack. But, now there is a fight. Talk can come later, it's time to act.

She starts off by moving to support Telurion.

Action 1: Stride

"You, Orcs, stand down. If you do not you will burn!" she yells out.

Action 2: Demoralize on Orc 3.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

As her words fade, her gate springs to life, and a bolt of fire leaps at the orc, to demonstrate she can back up her words.

Action 3: Channel Elements to open the gate, along with a free single action blast at Orc 3.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 for 1d6 ⇒ 3 fire damage.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

* Lil moves forward to form a tacticle duo with Telurion, threatening the injured orc... whose delicate ego is devastated by Caks bullet, his miss with the javelin... and now Lil's threatening words. You can see the fear in the orc's eyes as he reconsiders his life choices.

Frightened 1, and (-9 HP).

NOTE: He doesn't speak your language, but his will already shaken still makes him frightened... barely.

Behind the Screen


◆ Rise from Seated position
◆ Stride
◆ Battlecry (Gives themself and all orc allies within 60 feet a +1 status bonus to attack and damage rolls until the start of his next turn.)

"HA! More slaves for the mines... or stock for the stew pot. TAKE THEM!

* Adayil:


As mentioned earlier it's an unarmed attack vs. the effect DC to escape... but a natural 20 works fine in this case even with the MAP.

Something is going on. Adayil comes fully awake as she hears a bellow from somewhere outside the tent. She begins to pull and tug at her binding trying to free herself. Finally just as she was beginning to despair something snaps in one of the ropes, and she is able to pull her hands free. The raucous snoring from somewhere above her is abruptly cut off as the scream in orcish bellows forth.

End of Round 1

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