Supreme Beings Pathfinder 2E

Game Master scranford

Pathfinder 2E campaign to introduce new veteren players and friends.
◆ One action, ◆◆ Two Actions, ◆◆◆ Three Actions, ◇= Free Action, ↺= Reaction

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Masculine Half-Elf Cleric (Skysage) 2 | HP 24/24| AC: 17 | Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +9| Per +7| Spd 25 ft. | LL-Vision|Hero Points: 1 | EXPLORE= Detect Magic | Stealth+2, Acro+6 |

“Friends … and I am happy to use any term which suits any member of the assembled more closely … but I open with the word friends and I will claim it as a personal goal. I would like each of us to be the other’s friend, and I would like all of us to be a friend to those in need. The young lady is in need, I saw that the moment I found all of you. Each of you has needs, I saw that from the most basic need for warmth & dryness to the need for freedom, and now apparently, for justice. We all have one thing in common though, and I mean specifically: that would be me.”

Variel fiddles with the ring on his finger. Once again his longsword with the symbol of Darach-Albith seems to disappear, and the armor he told them is Leaf-Weave also seems to vanish, leaving the uniform of what might appear to be an orderly at an … asylum.

“I say that because, while the staff here in addressing our arrival might not have recognized me, they know me; I used my brother’s name while I was here these past weeks. They know me as Chase, Chase Quinn. They do not, yet, know me as Variel Quinn-Dasseril nor do they know me as a follower of Darach-Albith. They know that now. I cannot properly serve the Father and not at least reach across all the lines in this room to ask that we unite; all things Elven are served by us cooperating, all things Human are served by us cooperating, and personally, I am certain that each of us could at least make an attempt to perceive the multitude of benefits we all receive by cooperating. If your need for contention is greater than this small thing I would ask, I understand.”

INTIM: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
DIPLO: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Neither of those is much of a roll; maybe the flowing prose and the reveal will help ;)

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"I'm fine," Telurion says taking a deep breath, "I just want to know what happened so we can try to prevent it from happening again. Then we can move on."

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Abagail considers things for a moment, then looks at Alhindra with a caring expression.

DC 18 Perception (Sense Motive)


The woman genuinely cares about Alhindra, and is trying to calm down enough to consider her situation.

SB Screen


1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

@ Adayil: NOTE: This is still a Diplomacy roll as you're trying to interact socially with her.

She doesn't react to your question, but you notice the two guards quickly glance at one another before returning their attention to the immediate conversation.

@ Lil: "Will I don't think I answer to your group, or to any but official nobility or religious groups. I don't know why you're so concerned with my actions instead of caring for the patient. Still, I believe we got off on the wrong foot. Let's all take a step back, and reconsider".

She then turns to the orderlies. "Please take Alhindra back and clean her up, tend her wounds, and escort her to one of the Arcane Holding rooms".
Unless someone intervenes this is what will happen.

@ Adayil: I don't need to be lectured on the girls condition as we've been caring for her for almost 20-years, but still I'm always open to hearing alternate treatment ideas".

She then turns to the group and clearing her throat and taking a deep breath addresses them. "I'm inclined to hear more of the story and share the details I know with you... all to try to determine the treatment for Alhindra moving forward. Follow me to the conference room and let's hope cooler heads can prevail". She looks pointedly at Telurion as she states the last part of her statement.

Both Alhindra's and Variel's speech gave a bonus to the DC18 Diplomacy check, so both made the roll.

Abagail starts through the archway to the right and opens some double doors to a room dominated by a giant table with 8-chairs to each side and one at each end. This is a fine rare hardwoods table set, and looks like it belongs in a noble's home.

"Let's perhaps begin with you telling me exactly who you are, how you came to escort Alhindra, and what you need from me. Then I'll share what I know about her abduction".

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

”Well, I am originally from Raven. along with several of these good people we found ourselves defending the town from ravenous undead. When we tracked the cause we found Alhindri dancing in the grave yard playing a musical instrument. After considerable effort we rested the instrument away from and she became as you have seen her. Half the town wanted to lynch the poor girl but I don’t think it is her fault. I think she is being used. The situation arouses numerous questions: why now, why her, and after learning she had been in the asylum, how was it her? As Lil mentioned, we half expected to find you all turned into zombies and the asylum a shambles. So I’m sure you can see how taken aback I and maybe some of the others were when you greeted us with ‘oh look our little angel has returned.’ I don’t mean to be rude but since you’re not dead and after being up to my elbows in zombie guts yesterday, I feel like it is high time for some explanation as to how this happened. Any information you have toward that end goal would be greatly appreciated.” Telurion says as matter of factly as he can.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Abagail listens as Telurion reasonably explains what happened.

Perception (Sense Motive) DC 15


She seems to be willing to work with you all to determine what happened.

Perception (Sense Motive) DC 18


She is a bit distraught when the facts of what happened are revealed. It's obvious she had no idea how terrible the attacks were.

"Oh! That's terrible. I did receive a missive from the good Father that there was an emergency situation in Raven that might involve one our charges... and in fact I sent an envoy to bring back more information... but I've heard no word back from them. I don't suppose you encountered them on your way here".

She then stands and begins to pace about the room pausing for a moment to pick up a small statue off a credenza before beginning her tale.

"Alhindra was in many ways a perfect patient. She moved where she was directed, but you had to keep a close eye on her for she tended to wander off. We here at the Asylum do not believe in locking the patients' doors in case there is a fire or something. So, if one is prone to wandering off then we apply gentle restrains during their sleep time to keep them from wandering off".

She then looks at Aduriel with compassion.

"I am glad that you came to check on your sister. We have records that show you once visited, but it has been some time. It seems as though your grandmother visited yearly on the poor girls naming day. Often once someone is committed here the family never shows their face again. I'm sorry that you are having to go through this".

She then places the statue back in it's spot, and turns to face the group.

"Anyway here are the events as they unfolded here. A week ago I was woken in the night by one of the orderlies who told me that there was a "situation" with one of the patients. They led me to Alahandri's room, and I saw that the door had been ripped from its hinges. There was a strong smell of Sulphur in the air, and the poor girl was missing. We followed some burnt hoofprints down the hall and it was apparent that both the abductor and Alhindri jumped from a window at the end of the hall and disappeared into the night. We immediately began searching the surrounding area but found no signs of either except for a couple of burnt hoofprints below the window outside. We sent messages to all the surrounding settlements, and even posted missing posters along the trail, but heard nothing back until I received Father Grimbles message two days ago. The rest you know better than I".

She then sits and grabs a mug of something she had at her seat.

"I don't know what happened. We have a few rooms in the basement that are warded from magical interference, and we'll certainly keep her there going forward. We are neither trained or staffed to investigate this further, we can only try to keep her safe from this happening again.

As far as this "fiddle" is concerned, I can assure you that we don't have anything like that here, nor did Alhindri possess one. That is what I know... if you have any questions I'll try to answer as best I can".

At the mention of the fiddle Telurion feels the box containing the half of the fiddle they possess move slightly at his side.

"And... Telurion... is it? I am truly sorry for the loss of your friends and loved ones, but I can assure you that the Asylum had nothing to do with this tragedy".

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Can you describe the statue she picked up a bit. I would like to know what kind of statue it is and I am trying to apply the correct knowledge skill.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

"Thank you for caring for my sister all those years. I know we should have come more often I will certainly try to do better in the future. But for now I think it is most important to find out, what is behind all of this. I wonder why they started now after all those year suddenly again."

"I would like to see the Alhindris room and the window, if that's allowed. I would like to find out as much as possible about that hoofed fiend, who is coming up all the time."

I want to read the Aura of the hoofprints again so that I build up clearer picture of it and maybe at a later stage recognize them.

Prepared Spells:

If we had 10 minutes Spare time after the fight or now after the talk, I will be using Spell substitution, to swap Summon Construct into Runic Weapon.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"I can see that now. My apologies for my earlier outburst. I've been a bit on edge since the whole thing went down. Hopefully we will get to the bottom of it all, stop this creature and remove the fiddle from use." Telurion says satisfied with Abagail's responses.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Adayil’s hackles rush as she feels something is not quite right. She tries to summon the words that these civilised people will understand.

”Please, before we see Alhindri’s recent place of…keeping.

The orc cranes her neck a little sideways, skewering the orderlies with a piercing glare.

”Forgive my im…pertinence? I think that is a word. Rudeness? Miss Abigail - as I asked about the scalykind with the blackstaff, your people shared an…odd, knowing look between them. It is clear to me that someone here knows more about this being than is being shared…Who is this scaled hissing person? Is something being hidden from our questions?

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

The statue is too small to make out details but from the general shape and pose you think it is probably a representation of Archeillus. There seem to be other representations of him in this room.

Trained in Religion


Archeillus is the God of Rightful Rule, protector of Nobility.

"Certainly we can go visit the room. Some cleanup has occurred since the event but perhaps you can uncover something".
Not sure "Read aura" would be effective here, as these prints aren't magical, and weren't technically made by magic but by heat, plus it's been a week.

"I appreciate the apology. I believe these recent events have put us all on edge, and perhaps I overreacted as well, so you have my apology. If it would help you, I can schedule you an appointment with one of our councilors to help you deal with your grief... and anger".

Abagail looks at the female orc when she speaks but seems confused by the question. "I'm sure I don't know what you are speaking of. I know nothing of this scalykind you mention".

DC 15 Sense Motive


She really doesn't know what you are talking about.

It was the guards that made subtle eye contact not her or the orderlies, and at the moment neither are in the room for this conversation.

Are you guys ready to move on to investigating the room, questioning the guards or orderlies, further interaction with Abagail?

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

"Hmmm. Seems legit. Let's look at the room."

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

@SB: Thanks for the clarification.

As they head off to view the room, informs Abigail and the rest of the group about the look passed between the guards.

”They clearly knew what I was speaking of. They should be questioned.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"No thanks, I thrive on it. The offer is appreciated though."

When Adayil mentions the look shared between the guards Telurion asks, "Ms Abagail, after we look at the room, do you mind if we ask the guards a couple of questions? Though you did not see the rider we spoke of it's likely they did. Perhaps they have more information."

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

As the group walks down one of the many long hallways, Abagail describes how the Asylum was founded almost 240 years ago by several Noble houses who had begun to experiencing bouts of madness within their ranks... though if you ask me too much inbreeding was the cause of it. The Institution has a fine reputation of long-term care and specializes in unique cases or care for those of... well excessive means. The Asylum employees many of the finest minds in mentally challenged studies known in the world. Though our success rate is not what we'd want... we do our best.

As you pass the guards, she mentions to them that this group of adventurers (I really wish your group had a name). Would like to have a word with them when they got back from exploring the room.

Perception DC-15


The guards nod at her request, but not before another quick nervous glance at each other.

As you continue to walk the halls, she points out rooms along the way and some of their more infamous residents and cases. From behind some doors, you hear mumbling, occasional screams, and even once a beautiful baritone song singing an operetta in Goblin. Finally, she arrives at the room in question. It has a rope barrier to bar entry with a sign in common reading "Closed for Repairs". She takes a large ring of keys from a velvet and leather pouch at her side, sorts through them and opens the door with one of them.

"Well this is it. I'll leave you to your investigation. I'll wait out here in the hall. If you think you're going to be a while I'll get one of the orderlies to assist you.".

She then points to a large window at the end of the hallway about 30' further along that has been temporarily repaired with canvas and boards. "That is the way they exited, though I'd prefer you use a door if you intend to look at the other side. If you go down that staircase on the left, you'll see steps leading downward and to an exit. Please don't wander the grounds without an escort".

You open the door to a plain room with a cot, small table with a magical glowing light on it, a washstand made of copper and attached to the floor, a small trunk (Open), and a privacy screen with a wooden bucket on the floor and small mirror mounted on the wall. The room is very clean and a small, barred window high on the outside wall lets in the afternoon light. The place smells of bleach but there is an underlying scent of Sulphur and perhaps fire. There are a few patches of freshly scrubbed floor between the bed and the door where it's obvious something has been scrubbed clean.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Once Abagail is out of earshot, Caks whispers, "The guards are doing what she says, but, they don't seem happy about it. Should we talk to one of the guards to get a feeling for what is going on?"

M ELF Wizard 2 Loremaster FA | HP: 20/20|AC 16/17 with Shield| F: +5, R: +6, W: +8| Perc: +6 (Lowlight Vision) | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 1|Focus Points: 1/1| Speed: 30ft | Arcana, Occultism, Loremaster Lore, Elf Lore, Mercantile Lore, Fortune-Teller Lore , Crafting, Society +8| + Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Stealth +6 | Athletics +4

Unfortunately it seems like the door has already been replaced, and the room cleaned, but desperate for any clues, Aduriel asks the other fora bit of help searching for any clues.

"lets have a look, maybe the abductor left some small clue behind to his identity."

He then stats to carefully look into all the nooks and corners of the room. Later he repeats the procedure at the window and the ladning spot.

As discussed I will detect magic, but I understand there is nothing to find. So I will just try to find something normally.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Looks like I need help from caks to have a chance to find anything.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"Yes, I think so Caks. Let's check this area out and then two of us can go speak with the guards while the others check on this window from the outside." Telurion suggested and then began to look around for clues that he doubted would be there after such an efficient cleaning.

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Caks in his normal silent manner sneaks up and whispers to the party members his suspicions.

Perhaps they are nervous because they know something they haven't shared with her... not that she doesn't want them to talk to you. You guys are such a suspicious lot and are determined that this poor helpful soul is somehow guilty :-)

@ Aduriel: Aduriel looks around the room to see if there is anything that might have been missed in the cleanup.

Remember that Perception checks are secret rolls. I would normally say that you are now in "Exploration" mode, so your activity is "Search" or "Investigate", but I've given up on trying to enforce this.

@ Telurion: Telurion notices something out of place as he looks behind the cot. There is a miniscule word scratched above where the head would lay... "Help".

As I mentioned to Aduriel... this is supposed to be a secret roll. You should just tell me your modifier and ask me to roll it. Above I gave a DC for a perception check to uncover something... which I'll do occasionally, but in this case, you're actively trying to do something, so it becomes a secret roll. I'll let it go this time... but we really need to embrace this concept.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

So Audriel has stated that he's going to look at the landing area. Who is going with him, and who is going back to the main entrance to speak with the guards? Abagail can go with one party and pull aside an orderly to go with the other. YAY! Splitting the Party!!!

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

Caks will go with Audriel, since she's not confident in her ability to speak convincingly. She will be skulking (Avoid Notice).

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

Telurion will point out the word to the others. When they decide to split up he goes to question the guards.

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Hey, I believed her!!! I think the guards either haven’t told her because they might get in trouble or are tacitly involved…

Adayil moves with the typical saunter of an orc, but feels restless and trapped with little to do apart from be…confused. This place makes no sense, and yet all the talk is of a place that helps those with…none to make…some. So, having little, Adayil keeps quiet lest she be locked up too. She moves beside Abigail.

”Mistress. I am recently attacked. [here Adayil lifts her shift to expose an ugly scar on her abdomen] My child, my little one was taken from me.”

The orc locks eyes hard with Abigail, searching for…solace? Understanding?

”I…wish to make…orcish…healing magic, but to do this I need fire - heat - and water. May I use your…kitchen? I have mine own herbs…

Haha! Let’s split the party three ways!!!

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Lil??? Are you still with us?

@Adayil: "Oh Dear. You poor thing. I never had children of my own... but I can't imagine what you must feel. Certainly, you can have access to anything you need. We also have some very efficient Healers on staff here if you would like them to help".

She then puts her hand on Adayil's shoulder. "I understand this can be a personal thing... but the offer is valid should you so choose".

Female Orc (Hold-scarred) Witch 2 (Sentinel FA) | HP 28/28| AC: 18 | Fort: +6; Ref: +5; Will: +6 | Per +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Darkvision | ◆ ↺ ◇ | Scouting, Perception + 4 | Stealth +5, Athletics +6 | Class DC 18

Adayil makes her way to the kitchen, ostensibly to use her Cauldron ability to make a whole 1 1st level heal potion , but also to surreptitiously question the cook/s. Kitchen staff see a lot of stuff…same in civilised places as in orc encampments…

[Diplomacy or Society both +4]

You can brew magic in your cauldron, creating useful magical concoctions. You can use the Craft activity to create oils and potions. You immediately gain the formulas for four common 1st-level oils or potions. At 4th level and every 2 levels beyond that, you gain the formula for a common oil or potion of that level or lower (a 4th-level potion if you’re 4th level, a 6th-level potion if you’re 6th level, and so on). If you have a familiar, you can have your familiar learn these formulas rather than storing them in a formula book. Your familiar can learn new formulas in the same way it learns new spells, and these formulas are transferred from a slain familiar to a new familiar in the same way spells are.

During your daily preparations, you can create one temporary oil or potion using a formula you know. If you have master proficiency in spell DC, you can create a batch of two temporary oils or potions during your daily preparations, and if you have legendary proficiency, you can create a batch of three. Any items you create this way become inert bottles of liquid the next time you make your daily preparations, and any remaining effects of the temporary items end. A temporary oil or potion has no value.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Aduriel and Caks go down the stairs and out the door. They step into the beautiful, landscaped gardens. You see a couple of workers grooming some shrubs and behind the shrubbery the tall cast iron fence that surrounds the grounds. Some remaining slivers of glass glint in the setting sun in the grass outside the window. You look carefully but see nothing else unusual around the window. You see some recently replaced tufts of grass under the window, and pulling one aside you can see the remains of some scorched earth and grass.

Telurion escorted by a passing orderly is led back to the entry foyer where the two guards stand sharing a joke and laughing quietly. They nod as Telurion enters approaches them.

Adayil is led to the kitchens by a passing individual who just delivered a couple of meals to patients. Led down a long hall and down a sloping passageway the smells of cooking food appear long before the entry to the bustling kitchen. Cooks and helpers scurry about like bees in a hive, as the evening dinner service has just begun. The servant who escorted Adayil down points to a chubby balding man with a giant spoon in hand belting out commands and stalking about tasting everything.

"That's Felix. Good luck getting him to converse in the middle of service"". She then scurries to pick up another prepared tray of food.

SB Screen


1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 Diplomacy

Definitely Diplomacy here. Think of Diplomacy as Psychology, and Society as Sociology.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"Gentlemen, how ya doin'?" Telurion says as he walks up. "I have a question about the reptile lady we saw riding from here. Ms Abagail seemed to know nothing of her but you two seemed to share a look when we mentioned it. Would you be so kind as to tell me what the woman said or wanted?" Telurion asks politely.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

SB Screen


1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 Diplomacy, +1 for RP, +2 for Lore: Warfare}

While this is a diplomacy roll, and Telurion isn't the most charismatic I'm giving a +1 bonus for the way you asked, and half your Lore: Warfare Skill for knowing how to talk to soldiers.

One of the guards looks around to see if anyone is listing before sharing her story.

The Guards Story.


"Well, it's a strange thing. Me and Bertran here were on duty this morning when this weird individual shows up. Don't know if I'd classify her as reptilian, but she did have some scales on the hand that was holding that weird black staff. She was wearing a hooded cloak, and the shadows seemed to almost work with her to hide her face".

The two guards then look around again, and Bertran takes over. "That's when things started to get weird. We asked her purpose for the visit, and she just demanded to be taken to the room of The Prophet. Well of course we told her she'd have to talk with someone to schedule that and asked her the normal questions about her relationship with Merle, but she got angry and said she didn't have time for all this nonsense. We bristled up a bit when she presented her staff to us, and we got all weird feeling inside".

"Yeah Molly has it right... then... please don't share this I love my job here and don't want to lose it. Something happened and next thing we remember is we woke up here in the hallway with one of the maids shaking us awake. The door was open, and the strange individual was gone".

"You won't report us, will you? Seems we were magicked or something. We're good employees and never shirk our duties".

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

”I’m not telling anyone, we soldiers gotta stick together, right? But, I am a bit concerned about this person she called the prophet and you referred to as Merle. Have you checked on him, make sure he is ok? Sounds like the scaly lady may have put the whammy on you and then went to Merle’s room and either injured him or taken something that belonged to him. Will you check to make sure he is well?”

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Telurion Varikson wrote:
”I’m not telling anyone, we soldiers gotta stick together, right? But, I am a bit concerned about this person she called the prophet and you referred to as Merle. Have you checked on him, make sure he is ok? Sounds like the scaly lady may have put the whammy on you and then went to Merle’s room and either injured him or taken something that belonged to him. Will you check to make sure he is well?”

"Well thanks for your concern... but he's fine. We see him daily and hear his rantings even more. He spouts a lot of nonsense, but sometimes his prophecies come true. You should see his room. There's not an inch of the surface he hasn't scrawled some weird words or phrases on".

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"Good to hear. Sounds like he is in the right place. You two have a good day. I'm going to see if an orderly can take me out to the garden, my companions went out there to check on the broken window from the outside." With that, Telurion looks about for another orderly and asks for directions or guidance.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Telurion finishes talking to the guards and with a smile he is escorted by Molly herself, escorting him back to the staircase and door to the outside the others used.

"Don't be a stranger. I come to Raven on my monthly visit. Perhaps we could have a drink and share war stories"

I'm going to post some of the open quests in the Campaign thread. Please feel free to correct me or remind me of things I miss.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"I'd like that. I'm headed to Bard's Gate but should be back in a week or two. I may come back here to check in on Merle as well and maybe you could give me the three penny tour. Apparently he says some pretty interesting things sometimes." Telurion says as they walk.

Female Sylph. HP 24/32, AC16 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +4 Per +4 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, Electricity Resist 1, Hero Points 1, Group XP 140/1000 Kineticist (Air/Fire) 1, Elemental Sorc FA.

Lil has been quiet ever since the conference room, which she looked over in suspicion and disgust.

She frowned at hearing the screams as the group passed 'patient rooms', and again at the finding of the word help in Alhindri's cell, and at Adayil's revelation that her unborn child had been stolen by the orcs.

More than once, her aura flares up, and she quickly shuts it off. She has not said anything, perhaps to not throw any sparks on the potential fire, but who knows how long that will last.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Both Lil and Adayil decide that perhaps adventuring with this group is not their calling in life. They decide to stay on at the Asylum and help with various things. Adayil seems to be interested in helping treat and consult with patients her calling, and Lil is perhaps interested in both helping change traditional methods of treatment, and perhaps working with Abagail to determine potential targets.

The rest of the group is happy to have trusted friends stay behind to watch over Alhindra. There is time to make it back to the fort before evening sets in, then perhaps camp there, and head towards Bards Gate early the next morning.

If we still have Audriel, Variel, Caks and Telurion onboard I'll move us into the next portion of the adventure... and the splendors of Bards Gate.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

On to Bards Gate...

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

And they’re off

Masculine Half-Elf Cleric (Skysage) 2 | HP 24/24| AC: 17 | Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +9| Per +7| Spd 25 ft. | LL-Vision|Hero Points: 1 | EXPLORE= Detect Magic | Stealth+2, Acro+6 |

Bards Gate ... at last!

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Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

There were a few tears shred as the group which had bonded together said their goodbye's. They had shed blood together and shared fear and excitement, but for now their paths diverged. Telurion and Caks had changed through their experiences, and Variel and Aduriel were happy to have travelling companions.

The group spent the night in the fort at the foot of the hill though their dreams were haunted by ghosts of those recently slain there. Audriel was sad that he must once again leave his recently found sister behind again but realized that in her state she didn't even know he was there anyway.

The journey was long but for the most part eventless as they pushed on the final day the lights of Bards Gate beckoning them forward into the early twilight to reach their destination without another night roughing it. The weather had been mostly rainy and wet during the travel hours, and chilly and unsettling at night. It seemed that every unusual sound in the forest teased them with its identity but seemed to offer no resistance.

Finally, about an hour after dark the city came into view in the near distance. Mists along the great river that bisected the city clung to the banks illuminated by the reflected lights along its banks. A vast city of tents and ramshackle huts filled the ground between the city proper and the weary group of travelers. Sounds of rambunctious frivolers and boastful laughs filtered to the group from the area, and they paused for a moment to consider their approach.

@ Aduriel


You know this is known as Tent City. A settlement on its own away from the rules, restrictions, and expense of Bards Gates Walls.

Owl Bear Rodeo Link: Tent City

You're here! How do you want to approach what you're planning next. Don't forget to check the hooks tab in campaign for hints.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

Caks says to the others, "We're not expecting trouble, are we? You want I should sneak ahead and find out what's going on?"

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"I don't think we are expecting trouble. I was going to suggest we ask the gate guards for directions to the nearest inn, get a room, a decent meal, and then see if we can find Father Grimble's old friend to offload this piece of fiddle." Telurion says. "I'm afraid if you're caught sneaking it would make our arrival more difficult than we would care for."

Masculine Half-Elf Cleric (Skysage) 2 | HP 24/24| AC: 17 | Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +9| Per +7| Spd 25 ft. | LL-Vision|Hero Points: 1 | EXPLORE= Detect Magic | Stealth+2, Acro+6 |
Telurion Varikson wrote:
"I don't think we are expecting trouble. I was going to suggest we ask the gate guards for directions to the nearest inn, get a room, a decent meal, and then see if we can find Father Grimble's old friend to offload this piece of fiddle." Telurion says. "I'm afraid if you're caught sneaking it would make our arrival more difficult than we would care for."

Variel's face has a rather bemused look on it, "Quite right, and I didn't even think of that. You might not get caught, but you might. What do we think? Try to keep it with you anyway? Pay a fine? Pretend it's not that bad ... ?"

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

The group arrives in the bustle that is Tent Town. There are places for rent for the evening here in this near lawless area if you wish to spend the night here before approaching the city proper. Aduriel will share that this is not unusual and is preferred by those who wish to enter the city clandestinely.

Otherwise, you can make your way to the Tradeway Gate (West). This gate closes at sunset (It's closed), but there is a postern gate set in the main gate with a trap observation door, and a large knocker. There is a trail heading north outside the city walls. Aduriel mentions that is the path to the old Graveyard. You can hear the sounds of a boisterous evening from beyond the walls, but their thickness and stone foundations muffle it greatly.

Telurion is carrying the box with the Fiddle parts. Who if anyone is carrying the Lead vials gathered from the Orc fight? Also, who has the (6) healing scrolls?

So, stop and visit Tent town and approach in the morning, or try to gain access with the Gates closed for the evening?

If you try to enter the Gates... it will take a DC20 Diplomacy or DC 22 Deception roll with bonuses for a good story. It's a DC30 Intimidation roll to bully your way in.

@ Adruiel


Accustomed to the city rules you have in the past spent the night partying in Tent Town before waiting till the Trade Gate opens in the morning. There is no record of entry if you wait till morning... but I guess you've nothing to hide.

To keep the game from bogging down once we get a consensus of two I'm going to move things forward from now on.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Variel Quinn-Dasseril wrote:
Telurion Varikson wrote:
"I don't think we are expecting trouble. I was going to suggest we ask the gate guards for directions to the nearest inn, get a room, a decent meal, and then see if we can find Father Grimble's old friend to offload this piece of fiddle." Telurion says. "I'm afraid if you're caught sneaking it would make our arrival more difficult than we would care for."
Variel's face has a rather bemused look on it, "Quite right, and I didn't even think of that. You might not get caught, but you might. What do we think? Try to keep it with you anyway? Pay a fine? Pretend it's not that bad ... ?"



You do know of a secret way in north of where you are now where you can throw a small bag of coin with a code word on it and will be given instructions on how to enter. A college Fraternity runs this racket, and it is often used by students who stay out too late partying in Tent City.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"Gents, I think we should go up to the West gate and try the postern. I don't like the idea of sleeping out here with this. Besides, I'd rather have a good bed to sleep in." Without waiting for discussion Telurion moves off in that direction unless stopped.

Masculine Half-Elf Cleric (Skysage) 2 | HP 24/24| AC: 17 | Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +9| Per +7| Spd 25 ft. | LL-Vision|Hero Points: 1 | EXPLORE= Detect Magic | Stealth+2, Acro+6 |
Telurion Varikson wrote:
"Gents, I think we should go up to the West gate and try the postern. I don't like the idea of sleeping out here with this. Besides, I'd rather have a good bed to sleep in." Without waiting for discussion Telurion moves off in that direction unless stopped.

"Hold now, let's talk this through. There are options to be sure. I seem to recall during college there was a secret way in just north of here. You throw a small bag of coin with the code word on it and they give instructions on how to enter. One of the college fraternitys runs this, called The Drunk Gate ... most often used by students who stay out too late partying here in Tent City. We could give that a shot."

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

Telurion stops and turns, "Should we not try the cheap route first? Then if they do not let us in we can try your drunk gate."

Masculine Half-Elf Cleric (Skysage) 2 | HP 24/24| AC: 17 | Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +9| Per +7| Spd 25 ft. | LL-Vision|Hero Points: 1 | EXPLORE= Detect Magic | Stealth+2, Acro+6 |
Telurion Varikson wrote:
Telurion stops and turns, "Should we not try the cheap route first? Then if they do not let us in we can try your drunk gate."

"Not opposed in the least. In fact, we could stash whatever is left of that mandolin here in Tent City too. Like, why not. Bury it, store it, something? Get into the city, get chill, maybe make contact with the Frat Boys from the inside. All good. Your call."

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"What do you think Caks? Carry it in with us or bury it for now?" Telurion asks the cunning rat.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

"I think it would be prudent to take it with us. Leaving it, even hiding it, would leave it open to others to 'acquire' it. And, where would that leave us?"

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

So I'm going to go with you taking the box with you and heading towards the Trade Gate Postern.

You skirt the fringes of Tent city to keep from being caught up in anything too exciting and make your way up the slight incline to the Imposing Trade Gate. The walls of Bards Gate soar above you seeming to cast shade even in the early evening. You still see newly repaired signs from the Hunn siege now three years past. A shadow crosses over the moon as you approach and the outline of one of the Griffon mounted Lyre Guard passes by headed north, no doubt on some important mission.

As you draw closer the hard packed Trade Road seems almost paved from the passage of many feet, hooves, and wheels, but stepping off to the side to the postern gate results in trudging through a few feet of thick slimy mud. An attempt was made to remedy this by applying a thin layer of Sawdust, but this only served to thicken the soup and change its color from a deep red to a inconsistent orange.

As you draw closer you see the heavy door has one hatch about 5' off the ground, and another closer to 2 1/2 ' above the ground. Both are closed and have a knocker set into the heavy wood to the right of the Hatch.

Assuming you decide to knock at the higher door... (Telurion?), you wait a moment as you here something unlatch on the other side of the hatch, and a gruff face appears in the opening. Light spills through the opening and you can hear sounds of hearty laughter from beyond the opening.

"Go Away and come back at sunrise". This gate is closed". comes a deep voiced from inside. The smell of garlic almost knocks you back from the gate as he awaits your decision to depart.

BTW I've reached out to Aduriel both here, PM, and Discord. Should I plan on recruiting another player, and leave his spot open for his return, or just go with three for a while and see if he joins back in?

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