Curse of the Crimson Throne - Foxy Quickpaw

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

Bad things are going to happen in Korvosa.
Maps, etc.
Roll20 Game

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Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (3)/ HP 24/24, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +8/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 0/4/ Lvl 1 0/4/ Lvl 2 0/3/ Harrow 0/2

"A clerk," Ernhild corrects Tisha. "Though legal matters have always interested me than the financial ones." She drinks a sip from her cheap mead, and winces. Hopefully will not be long. She resists the temptation of looking around to find her.

"Mostly drugs." She looks down at her tankard, not sure if she wants to take another gulp.

"What about you? How did you end up picking locks?"

A woman that you don't recognize, dressed in well used farmer's clothes, approaches your table and sits down on a free chair. "I'd be interested in that too."

The voice you recognize. But the facial features, and the ginger haircolor don't fit to what you hear.

M Dwarf Fighter3HP35/35,AC20T13FF17,F7R3W5,Init+2,Per+7

Briggi remains at the house, keeping watch.

Female Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout) Lvl 3 (HP 24/24| AC:18 | T: 15 | FF: 13| Fort:+2 | Ref:+7 (Evasion) | Will:+3 (+5 Vs Enchant)| Init + 4 | Perc + 10 (+11 vs Suprise)
CL, DM, DP, RM| Harrow Points: 1

Hi Sandra, I see you finally got away from the farm for the night.
She nods at the newly arrived woman.

As for locks: I wanted to know how they work. Like how do you put a simple piece of metal into a slot and if it is shaped just right it pulls back a latch, but if it is a little bit off it never engages. For a girl who grew up where we never even latched our doors. Those little chucks of metal were the best kind of magic.

I wanted to learn all the parts and how to make better ones…. I still do.

If you are interested, I could show you some of my designs and you could tell me if you think they might work. I have a couple of the drawings back in my flat.

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (3)/ HP 24/24, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +8/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 0/4/ Lvl 1 0/4/ Lvl 2 0/3/ Harrow 0/2

"I'm afraid I don't have much knowledge about locks," Ernhild smiles. "Though I dare say the place I come from used too many of them." The smile fades. "Certain clichés are true, I suppose."

Female Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout) Lvl 3 (HP 24/24| AC:18 | T: 15 | FF: 13| Fort:+2 | Ref:+7 (Evasion) | Will:+3 (+5 Vs Enchant)| Init + 4 | Perc + 10 (+11 vs Suprise)
CL, DM, DP, RM| Harrow Points: 1

Ya. Big city, lots of locks. That’s why I want to set up a shop someday.

She looks over at the new woman.
So before we get dinner, I have to ask, how is Grau?

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