GM Zoomba's Trapping the Hag's Claw [High Tier] (Inactive)

Game Master Zoomba

Skill/Macro sheet


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Grand Archive

”Drak” | Male NG half-orc bard 8 | HP 88/88 | AC 26/27 | F +15 R +16 W +15 | Perc +14 (Darkvision, Spiritsense) | Default Exploration ( Cast Spell Inspire Courage) | Speed 25ft | Focus Points 2/2 | Hero Points 1/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 : 2nd 3/3: 3rd 3/3: 4th 2/2 |Active Conditions: Enfeebled 1, Diseased

Drak continues to move up

◆ stride

◇ cast lingering composition
Performance : 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (11) + 20 = 31

finally a success on the Linger, so three rounds

◆ Cast Inspire Courage for three rounds

◆ Cast Shield

Grand Archive

Male Human Wizard (Universalist)-9 ( lb) | hp:81/81 W1 | AC:26 | P:15 : F:16 R:18 W:18 | DV | HP:1/3 | SA+18 DC 29 | SS/d 1:3/3 2:3/3 3:3/3 4:3/3 5:2/2 | GA | 124312-2001

Ah, that should have been stride, stride, stride - not just two strides. Can he see her now?

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

Patrick: Yes
Jakoby: your position is fine and legal, but Astrid is right: due to Aslynn's elevated position she is sadly not in a flank with the two of you on the ground

Jakoby switches out her bow for a hag-bane blade but her slice narrows misses Aslynn. Her maneuvrs are no long cocky sidesteps but desperate lunges away from the swings. Teja's stab also misses, with the hag looking confused as she feels the rush of air from the strike.

Initiative, Round 3
Inspire Courage up (3 rounds)

Aslynn, Mother of Nightmares 139 damage
Jakoby 46/125 HP, stupefied 1
Ro 41/65 HP
Drak 32*/80*, drained 1, shield up

Fortiva 72/116 HP, invisible
Astrid 39/148 HP (shield 7 damage), flying, stupefied 1 (attacks rolled, pending Fortiva's movement)
Patrick 40/64 HP enfeebled 1
Teja 72/48, invisible (4th rank)

Horizon Hunters

Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet

Having reappeared in dramatic fashion, Fortiva looks down at the ichor on her blade and gives it a flick to clear some of the crap off.
"You certainly have been a memorable foe, Aslynn," she says, imitating the inflection the hag gave her own name, "so take comfort in knowing that Your End was carefully planned and executed. But make no mistake - this. Is. the. end."

Seeing the opening, Fortiva gives a wicked smile before leaping forward to thrust again at Aslynn.

◆ Step
No need for flank, thanks to Gang Up.

◆ Strike
Shortsword 1: 1d20 + 20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 20 + 1 = 33 for 2d6 + 5 + 1 + 2d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6, 2) + 5 + 1 + (6, 1) + (4) + (2) = 27 piercing, precision, fire, and cold
◇ Debilitating Strike: -10 Speed again

◆ Strike
Shortsword 2: 1d20 + 20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 20 + 1 - 4 = 33 for 2d6 + 5 + 1 + 2d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6, 3) + 5 + 1 + (6, 2) + (2) + (6) = 31 piercing, precision, fire, and cold
◇ Debilitating Strike: Enfeebled 1

↺ Opportune Backstab on Astrid's swing
Shortsword 2: 1d20 + 20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 20 + 1 = 39 for 2d6 + 5 + 1 + 2d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (5, 1) + 5 + 1 + (3, 3) + (5) + (4) = 27 piercing, precision, fire, and cold

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

Fortiva, exposed, moves up to Aslynn and continues to strike out at the fiend. With the elf in position, Astrid does the same.

Their twin blades slash and stab at the hag like a metronome, giving her no respite as the blows rain down from all sides. The hag twists and turns but each cut well, almost each - Astrid's first swing misses digs into her flesh and leaves a dark bubbling wound as the pure iron tears against her very nature.

One strike! Aslyyn snarls as her blood drips down onto the rock
Two strikes! A moan escapes her lips "You mortals are nothing! Dust on the wind!"
A third! She clutches her side, breathing heavily "I am the creeping dread in the dark! The Sculptor of Fears!"
A fourth! "You will becom-"

She stops mid-rant and looks down, seeing Fortiva's shortsword embedded in her chest. What color there is in her face starts to drain as the hag looks down at you and gives a final sneer. " think this...this is over? I'll see your dreams..."

As her eyes close, whatever supernatural force was elevating her fades and her body falls and crumples to the ground. Aslynn - the Nightmare Muse, the Darkness Behind You, the Terror Weaver - is dead.

(and right before she was angry enough to use another Phantasmal Calamity too :p)

Grand Archive

Male Human Wizard (Universalist)-9 ( lb) | hp:81/81 W1 | AC:26 | P:15 : F:16 R:18 W:18 | DV | HP:1/3 | SA+18 DC 29 | SS/d 1:3/3 2:3/3 3:3/3 4:3/3 5:2/2 | GA | 124312-2001

Patrick looks impassively at the corpse.

I had not thought after this moment. What happens now? he says quietly.

Horizon Hunters

Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet

As Aslynn's body slumps to the ground, Fortiva's blade still embedded in her chest, the mercenary looks around thoughtfully at the ruins, the entrapping field, and her companions. Nudging the corpse a slightly, she seems satisfied that everything is real and retrieves her sword.

Giving it another snap to clean the worst off, she sheathes the weapon and begins walking towards the largest knot of pathfinders. She calls back over her shoulder, "Come on, folks. Let us toast our success and drown our sorrows - I'll buy the first round."

Horizon Hunters

F Human CG | Fighter 12 | ◆◇↺ | HP 102/176 shield h13 72/104| AC 34 (36) | F +22 R +19 W +18 | Perception +19 (+20 for vision, +21 for initiative) | Hero 2/3 | Default Exploration=Search | Resistance 4 to piercing, 1 to cold, electricity, negative energy | Conditions:

Astrid spits on Aslynn's corpse and gives it a kick for good measure

Patrick Barnard wrote:

Patrick looks impassively at the corpse.

I had not thought after this moment. What happens now? he says quietly.

"What happens now? We celebrate of course." The shield maiden throws an arm over the wizard's shoulder and points to her teammates. "Fortiva and Teja are buying. Come on. Let's get our debriefing over and head to a tavern." She slaps Patrick on the back and heads off to find Waterfall.

Grand Archive

Male Human Wizard (Universalist)-9 ( lb) | hp:81/81 W1 | AC:26 | P:15 : F:16 R:18 W:18 | DV | HP:1/3 | SA+18 DC 29 | SS/d 1:3/3 2:3/3 3:3/3 4:3/3 5:2/2 | GA | 124312-2001

Patrick watches the corpse for any sign of regeneration.
perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

In a moment. I wish to be ... sure

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NG female human rogue scholar-9 HP 107/107; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1; (heals 1hp/min) lv 1: 1/1; 2: 1/1; 3:1/1; AC 28(w/shield); F +16 (+1 vs inhaled toxins); R +20(evasion); W +14; resist cold&electricity/3; Per +15; Stealth +17; mv 25'; Conditions: none

Teja eyes up the corpse as well. Then moves over to it and plants her cold iron dagger through where the hags heart should be. She then leaves it there for at least a minute.

"Some creatures can regenerate. Let's see if cold iron sitting in her heart stops that."

While the dagger is in place she looks around at the containment field. "That may need to come down before I can buy you that round of drinks."

Horizon Hunters

F Human CG | Fighter 12 | ◆◇↺ | HP 102/176 shield h13 72/104| AC 34 (36) | F +22 R +19 W +18 | Perception +19 (+20 for vision, +21 for initiative) | Hero 2/3 | Default Exploration=Search | Resistance 4 to piercing, 1 to cold, electricity, negative energy | Conditions:

Astrid gives the containment field a kick. "Open up! Thirsty heroes here!"

Grand Archive

Male Human Wizard (Universalist)-9 ( lb) | hp:81/81 W1 | AC:26 | P:15 : F:16 R:18 W:18 | DV | HP:1/3 | SA+18 DC 29 | SS/d 1:3/3 2:3/3 3:3/3 4:3/3 5:2/2 | GA | 124312-2001

Patrick then slams another round of heightened magic missiles into the corpse after Teja inserts the dagger.
mm: 6d4 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1) + 6 = 18

Now I am sure. But if I get another nightmare after this, who is left to blame?

Horizon Hunters

TN Human (Ulfen) Herbalist Ranger / Beastmaster / Cleric (Erastil) w/ Nimble Bird Companion 10 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Search
AC 28 or 29 parry / shield (hard 15) | Fortitude (+18), Reflex (+22) w/ Evasion, Will (+19) | Perception (+20 or +21 visual); +2 vs Prey | Speed 30
♥️ 148 | ☘️ □ | ⚕ none | ✋+ Longbow (outside) or ✋✋ Katana (inside) | Provision: Breath of Life (□)

”Dead is dead” no need to beat a felled mammoth.

Jakoby packs a bowl and hufflepuffs...

Grand Archive

”Drak” | Male NG half-orc bard 8 | HP 88/88 | AC 26/27 | F +15 R +16 W +15 | Perc +14 (Darkvision, Spiritsense) | Default Exploration ( Cast Spell Inspire Courage) | Speed 25ft | Focus Points 2/2 | Hero Points 1/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 : 2nd 3/3: 3rd 3/3: 4th 2/2 |Active Conditions: Enfeebled 1, Diseased

I can't believe it's over. Drak says as he stares at the body using Soulsight/Spiritsense to ensure nothing untoward is happening with Aslynn. He should see her body is now soulless, as her spirit has departed?.

I hope Pharasma judges her for every minor evil deed she has ever done.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

Many of you inspect the body carefully: perceptively, magically, and even aggressively-poking-ily. But there is no movement or healing: she is dead.

Outside the Stasian field the crowd of Pathfinder agents and Ardis Scholars outside of the energy field begin to shout and cheer. In a minute the containment field drops and those beyond rush forwards. Many move towards you to congratulate you while a few head past your group to treat Zarta Dralneen. For her part the archivst is standing but woozy. "Well, that worked out in the end. It liekly could have gone better - I have a bit more of a headache than I'd like, did the first field not work? - but the results speak for themselves. Well done agents." she says staring at the slain hag.

Well done indeed you hear. Waterfall herself strides towards you, her tone jubilent. You have accomplished your mission exceptionally well. For the first time in a long time it seems we can rest well knowing Aslynn's machinations are spinning somewhere out there.. The masked woman carefully picks up of the draught of dreams and looks at you. For the first time she seems to smile from behind her mask. I would like to see this locked away where no other dream-seeking creatures could ever get their hands on it. Just to be certain. But there is time for that. For now head back to camp. You took your own wounds in that fight that should be tended to. And once that is done, it is time for a long-delayed celebration.

Grand Archive

Male Human Wizard (Universalist)-9 ( lb) | hp:81/81 W1 | AC:26 | P:15 : F:16 R:18 W:18 | DV | HP:1/3 | SA+18 DC 29 | SS/d 1:3/3 2:3/3 3:3/3 4:3/3 5:2/2 | GA | 124312-2001

I certainly hope so Patrick replies This may be the first night I can sleep easy.

It will be all in my report Ms Zarta

He also ensures that the butterfly plushie is return but he intends to get his own.

astronomy lore: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (1) + 18 = 19 dayjob.

((Epilogue to come - hopefully - which might explain the crit fail))

Horizon Hunters

F Human CG | Fighter 12 | ◆◇↺ | HP 102/176 shield h13 72/104| AC 34 (36) | F +22 R +19 W +18 | Perception +19 (+20 for vision, +21 for initiative) | Hero 2/3 | Default Exploration=Search | Resistance 4 to piercing, 1 to cold, electricity, negative energy | Conditions:

performance, storytelling, earn income, storied talent lvl 10, DC 27: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (6) + 19 = 25

failure=5.6 gold

Astrid spends the next few days holding court in a nearby tavern telling the tale of Aslynn's downfall. Unfortunately she is given a few too many free drinks and her story falls flat.

Grand Archive

NG female human rogue scholar-9 HP 107/107; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1; (heals 1hp/min) lv 1: 1/1; 2: 1/1; 3:1/1; AC 28(w/shield); F +16 (+1 vs inhaled toxins); R +20(evasion); W +14; resist cold&electricity/3; Per +15; Stealth +17; mv 25'; Conditions: none

Teja is somewhat quiet, almost somber after the victory.

"Thank you Astrid. For keeping me alive.."

She looks a little shy before asking. "Do you think that really was my father in the dream realm?"

She settles in with a good book, but after flicking through a few pages, tries another with little success. Eventually she rouses herself and heads down to the tavern to join Astrid and the others in a more fitting celebration.

Horizon Hunters

F Human CG | Fighter 12 | ◆◇↺ | HP 102/176 shield h13 72/104| AC 34 (36) | F +22 R +19 W +18 | Perception +19 (+20 for vision, +21 for initiative) | Hero 2/3 | Default Exploration=Search | Resistance 4 to piercing, 1 to cold, electricity, negative energy | Conditions:
Teja Khellekdottir wrote:

Teja is somewhat quiet, almost somber after the victory.

"Thank you Astrid. For keeping me alive.."

She looks a little shy before asking. "Do you think that really was my father in the dream realm?"

Astrid is surprised by the question. "What? No! Of course not. Why would he be hanging around giving lessons in Cheliax history in the dreamlands? That was just the dream messing with you. Dreams do that. Hells! I had a dream once where I was fighting a linnorm that turned into a goose that started dancing and singing a bawdy song about a goblin looking for pickles in a brothel. Then it turned out that the brothel was actually a boat and it started sinking and..." She shakes her head. "Anyway, dreams are weird is what I'm saying."

Grand Archive

Male Human Wizard (Universalist)-9 ( lb) | hp:81/81 W1 | AC:26 | P:15 : F:16 R:18 W:18 | DV | HP:1/3 | SA+18 DC 29 | SS/d 1:3/3 2:3/3 3:3/3 4:3/3 5:2/2 | GA | 124312-2001

Patrick has the same problem as Teja. Socialising, especially in rowdy bars is not his thing. Definately not his thing. He finishes his report for the Chronicles, sticking to the facts.

Once done, Maybe for a little while he says to his cats as he lays down fresh food and water for them. Maybe just one drink ... just one.

He enters the tavern a bit after Teja and hesitantly heads towards the boisterous table, feeling a bit nervous.

Er ... good evening

Grand Archive

Male Human Wizard (Universalist)-9 ( lb) | hp:81/81 W1 | AC:26 | P:15 : F:16 R:18 W:18 | DV | HP:1/3 | SA+18 DC 29 | SS/d 1:3/3 2:3/3 3:3/3 4:3/3 5:2/2 | GA | 124312-2001

After the celebration where Patrick ended up drinking two ciders and being convinced by Astrid to try the ale she was drinking, Patrick went back to his apartment with a slight buzz on.

That night, he did dream of a woman. A woman with long dark hair and wearing something that wouldn't be out of place on an undine or aquatic elf who had just been in the water. For once, Patrick didn't have a sense of dread but this one seemed kind and friendly. He even felt a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Thank you for defeating Aslynn, the Queen of Nightmares, She interfered with My Realm for far too long. But remember this, there is no need to fear Us, some of us can be kind and gentle. Keep an open heart and who knows, you may find your soul mate.

She suddenly changed into this form but with the same outfit.

But if you feel lonely, just look up at Cynosure and think of me.

She then disappeared but not before Patrick felt a kiss on his forehead.

Next morning, he decided to visit the Temple of Desna to thank her and to find out more about her. He even picked up a butterfly plushie on the way.

Horizon Hunters

Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet

I think I'm going to retrain something, so no income roll.

Fortiva is a little less mercenary in her celebrating, but only a little. The feelings are mostly buttoned up, and the friendships never run deep.
Of course, a carousing mercenary can still drink a lot of people under the table, sings just as many bawdy songs, and dances on through the night.

When all is said and done, she gives Ree and Narcela one last handshake and fades off into the city, whistling to herself as she goes.

Horizon Hunters

TN Human (Ulfen) Herbalist Ranger / Beastmaster / Cleric (Erastil) w/ Nimble Bird Companion 10 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Search
AC 28 or 29 parry / shield (hard 15) | Fortitude (+18), Reflex (+22) w/ Evasion, Will (+19) | Perception (+20 or +21 visual); +2 vs Prey | Speed 30
♥️ 148 | ☘️ □ | ⚕ none | ✋+ Longbow (outside) or ✋✋ Katana (inside) | Provision: Breath of Life (□)

Jakoby dips out suddenly well before the drinking gets thick.

Not much of a drinker, and certainly not one to celebrate in a confined space (such as a tavern). She does, however, join the initial cheers, pat her bud Astrid on the back, pour out the alcohol into a nearby pub plant, and slip away for a smoke break. Not returning.

No, much rather spend the evening enjoying the clear air with her eagle companion, and so, with disceremony, our ulfen hero returns to the wild, heading 1d8 ⇒ 5 South to see where her wanderings take her next...

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