Patrick Barnard |
A morose looking wizard enters the room. He looks like Severus Snape and sounds like Alan Rickman - with an appropriate level of 'snark'.
Teja Khellekdottir |
A large, at least partially, kellid woman enters the room. Apart from her size, it would be hard to guess much about her, as she is a bit of a walking contradiction. She moves with the grace of a dancer, and a rapier hangs at her waist. However her finger are stained with ink rather than displaying the calluses you would expect of a swordswoman.
"Teja, Khellikdottir." she says.
"I don't suppose any of you have run into my father recently?"
Fortiva |
Fortiva, a young elven woman with a charming, crooked smile (for the people she likes) and a blade casually sheathed at her waist (for those she doesn't), tosses her long, honey-colored hair over her shoulders as she greets the others.
The brightness of her blue eyes speak of a youth spent living in places deep underground, although her patched and well-worn armor, athletic build, and ease with the blade speak more of years spent as a mercenary.
Teja Khellekdottir |
Teja sighs. "No... I joined the society to try and meet him, but for one reason or another he never seems to be where I am. For an elderly scholar, who claims to prefer life in the library, he certainly seems to get around."
Patrick Barnard |
Patrick ponders for a bit
It .... may be possible that I have seen him but I do not know him. Us ... library dwellers ... tend to keep to ourselves, concentrating on our research. If I knew what he looked like and maybe his area of research, I ... could attempt to pass on a message
Fortiva |
"The name Khellik does not ring any bells."
With a wink, Fortiva adds, "Good luck chasing that tail, though."
Astrid Gertasdottir |
A tall, muscular Ulfen woman enters the room She is wearing heavy armor and has several weapons at the ready. A large shield is strapped to her forearm. She smiles as she sees the pathfinders in attendance. "Teja! Good to see you again. Ha! And there's Patrick over there. Why are you looking so glum? There's adventure afoot. Certain death around every corner. It will be glorious!" She strides over to the wizard and gives him a solid but good-natured punch on the arm.
Finally noticing the third pathfinder in the room she turns to Fortiva and introduces herself. "Aha! Someone new! You've probably already heard of me. I'm Astrid Gertasdottir, shield maiden and famed adventurer. I'm stealthier than moonlight and fiercer than a thunderstorm. I've killed more men than winter and drunk enough ale to drown the Rough Beast. I've ridden dinosaurs into battle and frightened a demon lord back into hell." She pounds a gauntleted fist against her shield for emphasis.
Patrick Barnard |
No ... sorry ... Patrick replies. Seeing that wink, he looks even more nervous. What does that mean?
He then starts as Astrid announces herself. Glum seems to be my natural state ... besides, how many times did you have to haul my .... erm .... derriere out of the fire last time? He rubs his arm where she hit it.
I hope I am better prepared this time. But ... if this means the destruction and humiliation of Aslynn then it shall be worth it. Maybe I will then share an ale with you to celebrate. Fola keeps telling me I should get out more and experience new things.
He actually looks a bit surprised that Astrid is being friendly.
Jakoby & Ro |
Late again.
Or so it would seem.
Early in the morning, well before the sun is up and the sky is slowly shifting it's shade of black to yellow-blue, the ground is muddy and the smell of rain lingers - aftermath of last night's stormy weather - but nevertheless Gunda "Jakoby" Kolkind rises from her makeshift hut, and whistles into the trees for her eagle companion - "Ro" - to join her for her morning routine.
Having collected and cured different herbs across the frozen tundras of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, she minces the collected buds with her fingers, and licking a dried bruorsivi pine leaf, twists the stack into a finely blended skinny roll "I'd enough to share if'n you could peck at it" teasing her onlooking feathered friend and life companion, as he watches with his typical sideways rotated neck, and makes a gentle screeching sound of affection, to which the elder Ulfen woman responds by curling her nose into a playful smile "We head to the big city soon" and, striking a spark with her flint and steel, Jakoby intakes a long draw, and is soon lost in thought, which after a few moments, she seems to interrupt herself from "There is a Witch-Thief of some renown making a play for the Great Dream" briefing her companion once again, adding "Still got half a mind to just retire here" she looks at Ro who squaks in agreement, and reaches her hand back to clutch the familiar grip of her longbow, and smiles again "Me too. Far too old to retire!"
Hiking down from the wilderness, the duo swiftly begin their descent into the metropolis below "Never liked confined spaces - let's see where our journey takes us?" the only trace left of their passage through the wilds a trail of sweet smelling smoke...
Ro & Jakoby |
...which now permeates the lodge!
But then, a handsome eagle with sharp beak and claws and the wingspan of one and a half men circles by Astrid and lands at her feet, pecking a piece of dirt off of it. Never to forget a hunting companion, Ro expresses excitement to once again embark with the familiar fighter, a high-pitched but low-volume screech of salutation and affection.
Little does the bird know that the mission ahead will cast him not as hook, but as bait!
Drak Cicero |
A tall dark haired half-orc wearing a mask enters. Sorry I'm late. I had a late gig last night and it got me behind all day.
Patrick Barnard |
Patrick looks around the room. Six Pathfinders - four of whom are female, all having rather sharp deadly weapons. Is this another Aslynn nightmare? He pinches himself. No ... I think I am awake although some dreams can be so powerful that the dreamer cannot distinguish between the dream world and the waking world. But if I know I am dreaming then I should be able to control it
Of course I could be overthinking it and this is Fola's doing ... a test perhaps?
Teja Khellekdottir |
Teja winces a little as the shield maid makes her introduction at full volume.
"Astrid! Well, at least I won't have to get involved in any fighting this time." she says with a smile.
"I don't suppose you ran into my da since we last met? I've heard tales he has been around...The sky old beggar is obviously trying to avoid me."
She nods a greeting to the others as they arrive, and rummages around trying to find a seed bar to offer to Ro and Jakoby.
Astrid Gertasdottir |
Teja winces a little as the shield maid makes her introduction at full volume.
"Astrid! Well, at least I won't have to get involved in any fighting this time." she says with a smile.
"I don't suppose you ran into my da since we last met? I've heard tales he has been around...The sky old beggar is obviously trying to avoid me."
"I haven't. You'll have to ask my sister. She's been in the society for quite awhile and probably runs in similar circles." The shield maiden frowns and her jovial tone becomes a bit strained at the mention of her sister.
Her frown grows into a huge grin as Ro greets her. She pats him on the head. "Ro? What are you doing here? Does that mean... Amma! You rascal! Where are you hiding?" Astrid sniffs and follows the scent to the tall-backed chair where the ranger sits puffing on her pipe. She unstraps her shield and gives the elder Ulfen an uncharacteristic hug.
"How have you been Amma? I haven't seen you since that business with Urxehl up in Sartoris."
Patrick Barnard |
Erm ..... if I may ask Ms Teja, what is your father researching? It may be possible to leave messages with the librarians ... or if he is researching similar things to myself, that could be an excuse to contact him for a collaboration. Incidently I notice ink on your fingers which implies you do a lot of writing. Are you a scholar as well?
Patrick's fingers are also ink stained.
Teja Khellekdottir |
"Khellek is a historian. He is an expert in more languages than any mortal has a right to know, and has a particular interest in Osirion lore, but he has spent a lot of time in the north as well... " she gestures to herself. "As you can see. I've never met the man myself, but one day..."
She glances down at her fingers.
"I'm a bit of a scholar as well. Guess I thought that if I wrote something for the Chronicles he might reach out and try to make contact..." she shakes her head.
"But either he doesn't read anything published in the last century, which from what I have heard could well be the case, or he is pointedly ignoring me."
Patrick Barnard |
And please forgive me, but I failed to introduce myself properly. I am Professor Patrick Barnard, Scholar of the Arcane, the Occult, and the Night Sky. So what did you write? I may have read it. That is my way of keeping up with the doings of my fellow agents.
Teja Khellekdottir |
"Well, I did write a piece on the evolution of contemporary Varisian dances from their earlier forms." admits Teja.
She then leans forward. "From what I have heard, the old man cut quite the scene on the dance floor in his youth.."
Patrick Barnard |
I am afraid I do not dance. Nor have I learned to do so. There seemed no logical reason to do so at the time. Besides, it takes two to tango
Am I doing alright in the conversational skills? It has been a while since I practised.
He does seem to be a bit more relaxed.
Drak Cicero |
Everyone can dance. It is not as much learning to dance as learning to allow your body to dance. Logic has little to do with it. I didn't introduce myself either. Drak, at your service. If you decide you want to dance, let me know and I'm sure I can put some tunes together.
GM Zoomba |
As the group of you are making pleasant introductions to each other (or even more pleasant reunions) in one of the briefing rooms of the Grand Lodge, the door swings open to reveal a small fungal leshy standing in the hall. He enters with his arms filled with a large wooden box and two sheets of parchment pinned against it in his left hand. Coming in and setting the chest down, he looks at you and says:
ah. good. you're all here. great! The leshy holds out the two scrolls towards you and explains your assignment. i'm not sure what it is beyond that nodding to one of the sheets of paper but i'm guessing it's a big one given all the secrecy. so, good luck!
As they excuse themselves, you are able to examine the pair of messages. The first is a map of a hedge maze which experienced agents like yoursleves clearly recognize as being a map of the Maze of the Open Road with a specific path marked on it. The other is a message from Zarta Dralneen, the Chief Archivist of the Society.
Field agents,
My assistant, Rain in Cloudy Day, is entrusting this sealing chest into your capable hands. It contains a powerful magical artifact drawn from that collection of rare and wondrous items recently acquired by the Society and to which the night hag, Aslynn, has sought to lay claim; or, what Rain calls, “The Vault of Boundless Wonders.” We have reason to believe the enclosed item is central to one of Aslynn’s more ambitious schemes.
You are to deliver the sealing chest from the Grand Lodge in Absalom to the location within the Thuvian desert indicated on the accompanying map. I have arranged for you to use the Maze of the Open Road, which should make the journey a rather swift one.
Once you leave the Grand Lodge, travel with the utmost discretion. Under no circumstances should you try to open the sealing chest before your arrival. Keep your curiosity in check, for now.
The sun and sands along the Golden Road can be punishing, though I promise such pose little threat compared to the menace you will confront once in Thuvia. Nevertheless, I have faith in your ability to dutifully carry out these instructions.
I shall greet you in Thuvia.
Chief Archivist Zarta Dralneen
Aslynn - that name has been quite the topic of conversation around the lodge these last few months. If your characters would like to try to see what they have heard about the fiendish foe let me know if you'd like to roll a Recall Knowledge check. Relevant skills would be Occultism, Society, Hag Lore, or Pathfinder Society Lore
Jakoby & Ro |
”Whelp! Which one of you is Brave enough to carry this chest?” a double plume of smoke exhales our rugged hero’s nostrils as she grins with seasoned joy...
Lifting an eyebrow to the familiar face ”Been up to not much, out of the loop with Society goings on until I received the summons. Ro here had a hatchling in the meantime. Left the little’un with uncle Fjörn...” she embraces her Ulfen friend ”And you? Staying away from trouble, no doubt. You look... taller?”
After some chatter, Amma turns to the group ”So. Who knows what about this alleged Witch-Thief? Fill me in!”
Patrick Barnard |
PFS Lore: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35
Patrick goes into 'lecture mode' and reels off the entire history of Aslynn, including her involvement with the elf 633, the stealing of Aram Zey's soul finally ending up with all her doings in the past year.
To sum up she is a malevolent hag that delights in sending nightmares and deserves to be taken out with extreme prejudice. I am convinced she is responsible for my current mental state but I say ... no more.
He also cannot resist a small shudder when the name 'Zarta Dralneen' is mentioned.
As for the box, he'll carry it if no one else does.
If that was meant to be a secret check, ignore the roll above
Teja Khellekdottir |
Teja is more than happy to share what she knows about the situation.
Expert with both Society (+18) and Occultism (+16) Has KCC so if she fails with one she can try again with the other. Also trained in PFS lore (+14) and bardic knowledge (+14)
Drak Cicero |
Drak will also contribute as he can:
Drak's modifiers are:
Occultism +12 (+14 to identify mental magic.)
Kreighton's Cognitive Crossover (occultism, religion) as described above
Religion +12 (+14 to identify mental magic.)
Society +11
Bardic Knowledge/Lore +11
Astrid Gertasdottir |
Lifting an eyebrow to the familiar face ”Been up to not much, out of the loop with Society goings on until I received the summons. Ro here had a hatchling in the meantime. Left the little’un with uncle Fjörn...” she embraces her Ulfen friend ”And you? Staying away from trouble, no doubt. You look... taller?”
"Ha! Trouble is my middle name. As for taller...I dunno. I did get my boots resoled a month or so ago. Maybe that's it?"
After some chatter, Amma turns to the group ”So. Who knows what about this alleged Witch-Thief? Fill me in!”
"Well I haven't met her personally but I did leave her a rather nasty note all over the walls of her vault when Patrick and I cleaned it out. Finally got to use that chalk I bought ages ago. I just wish I would have left some more graffiti at the docks when we stole her boat. Let's see, what else do I know about her..."
Astrid has Society +14, Occultism +15, and both lores at +12 via Clever Improviser and Untrained Improvisation
”Whelp! Which one of you is Brave enough to carry this chest?” a double plume of smoke exhales our rugged hero’s nostrils as she grins with seasoned joy...
Astrid rolls her eyes at the ranger and picks up the chest.
Is it small enough to fit in a backpack or a bag of holding?
Jakoby & Ro |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Jakoby & Ro wrote:”Whelp! Which one of you is Brave enough to carry this chest?” a double plume of smoke exhales our rugged hero’s nostrils as she grins with seasoned joy...Astrid rolls her eyes at the ranger and picks up the chest.
"Ha!" Jakoby half-teases, half-warns "You then are the Bait, milady" she chuckles, thinks to herself "It's probably in good hands" and reloads her hand-crafted wooden pipe with a fresh bowl...
GM Zoomba |
Teja: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28
Astrid: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33
Drak: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
D cog: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
As Drak hefts up the chest, many of you are able to fill in Jakoby about your mission's ultimate target.
The night hag Aslynn has a long history of conflict with the Pathfinder Society that spans at least a decade. She's stolen information about the Society from a corrupted leader, harbored an enemy from the Society’s reach, launched direct attack on the Society that nearly robbed a beloved leader of his soul, meddled with the Hao Jin Tapestry demiplane, and single-handedly orchestrated a recent conflict between the Pathfinder Society and the Onyx Alliance.
Over the past year, the Pathfinder Society has spent considerable resources on foiling Aslynn's plans to wrest control of several powerful items. And often had to fight off many of the hag's own changeling offspring in the process. And Astrid has seen old reports of her past clashes with the Society that record her use of a variety of other minions, including incorporeal animate dreams, feargaunts, and psychementals, as well as fiery nightmares, mirror-traveling soulslivers, and an emotion-rousing etheroot.
You would know that as a night hag, Aslynn has an aversion to cold iron just as so many other fiends do.
Before you head out into the Maze you can make any purchases you wish, as well as other preparations. Two remaster-relevant things to call out right now:
* First, all agents are now automatically Trained in Pathfinder Society Lore! (congrats, many of you have now started paying attention to the group you spend so much of your time working for).
* Second, the list of provided items you can pick from as your 'free school item' has been simplified and expanded. Including the fact you can now choose any listed item - Pathfinder Training in specific 'schools' has gone away. Updated list can be found here, under 'Pathfinder Provisions'
Patrick Barnard |
Since someone else has the box, Patrick doesn't take it. He picks up the standard healing potions though. He also looks into items that would allow his spells to have the cold iron trait (if there is such a thing).
Teja Khellekdottir |
Teja will call past the apothcary to draw two moderate healing potions.
How much does it cost to purchase a cold iron dagger?
Fortiva |
I guess three moderate healing potions. Already have lesser cold iron blanch, but a moderate makes sense for her current weapon.
Fortiva nods to the others as they share their insights and intel on Aislynn - mostly in agreement but once or twice making a mental note. Desiring to remain light on her feet, she does not contradict Astrid when the Ulfen reaches for the chest.
Astrid Gertasdottir |
How much does it cost to purchase a cold iron dagger?
If I'm reading the rules in GM Core correctly it looks like 40 gold for a low grade cold iron weapon of 1 bulk or less.
Drak Cicero |
It looks like Astrid picks up the chest, not Drak, although Drak would still like to know if it would fit in a bag of holding.
Drak will pick up a 4th-rank scroll of mountain resilience (Player Core 346) as his item.
GM Zoomba |
It looks like Astrid picks up the chest, not Drak, although Drak would still like to know if it would fit in a bag of holding.
My mistake :p
Cold iron weapons indeed cost 40 gp (and as Astrid pointed out in the Discussion Thread, the new 'Alloy Orb' talisman could provide a similar short-term effect for 10 go for not fully-blinged-out weaponry.
@ Patrick: I do not beleive there's a way to apply cold iron damage riders to spells generally, though certain specific spells could be used to inflict that sort of damage (Such as Needle Darts for example, though you would need to have a chunk of cold iron with you to exploit that part)
Jakoby & Ro |
Jakoby looks around the room - Rogue, Rogue, Fighter, Bard, Wizard - and decides that this particular collection of wreckers may very well run themselves afoul of trouble - indeed, if this Witch-Thief has any teeth, she could very well spell the end of life for one of the agents here.
"Just in case"
She requisitions for a Scroll of Breath of Life, and tucks it into her quiver.
Patrick Barnard |
Patrick will also obtain a Cold Iron Dagger as well as a cantrip deck of 'Needle Darts'
Is there a way to add cantrips to a spellbook?
Teja Khellekdottir |
Teja purchases a cold iron dagger for herself. She then eyes up Astrid's rings. "Those rings... they may be just what I need. I wonder if there are any for sale in the Grand Lodge?"
And I'll also buy a pair of doubling rings.
GM Zoomba |
Is there a way to add cantrips to a spellbook?
You can via the Learn a Spell activity, just as with other spells (the materials/scribing cost for cantrips is 2gp, the same as for a rank 1 spell)
Drak Cicero |
Drak realizes the scroll of mountain resilience isn't on his spell list, so he will get a scroll of Fly instead.
Patrick Barnard |
Patrick makes a note to find out of new spells and cantrips have been discovered recently in order to get hold of them - especially Time Sense. That would be really useful in his line of work. Scribing though can wait until he gets back. So he gets cantrip decks of both Time Sense and Needle Darts.
Astrid Gertasdottir |
Going to assume that the low grade cold iron short sword gets at least a +1 to hit and +1 die damage from Astrid's doubling rings for this purchase will revise if it turns out to be different.
At the quartermaster Astrid selects a talisman and attaches it to her shield boss. "I was hoping we'd be called upon to finish off Aslynn. I commissioned just the thing for her. I'll be back shortly." She frowns as she sees Drak select a scroll of flight.
"Hmm..Better add about 20 minutes to that."
Astrid selects a cold iron alloy orb for her shield boss and heads out to purchase a low grade cold iron shortsword and a scroll of fly.
The shield maiden is grinning ear to ear as meets the group at the entrance to the maze. She draws a cold iron shortsword and slices through the air a few times before showing it off to the assembled pathfinders. It is a fairly plain weapon. It's only adornment being skaldic runes etched into the blade near the hilt reading 'Hagsneiðari.'
"I commissioned this shortly after we got back from the hag's lair after we stole her boat. What do you think, Amma? It's not as fancy as your Ghostslicer," she indicates the rangers katana, "but I think Hagsneiðari here should get the job done just fine."
Astrid Gertasdottir |
"Oh wait you're calling it Spiritbreaker now aren't you? Bah. I still think you should have gone with Ghostslicer."
Jakoby & Ro |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Andabrjótur and Hagsneiðari, if we are lucky, may both drink from the blood of the Witch; or, if we are unlucky, the other way around" she raises an eyebrow "I prefer my bow, but we'll see what kind of confinements make shooting practical or impractical" indeed, the bow, while well-made, and with a mildly chilling aura, is as tall as the Ulfen woman herself, and doesn't aim well unless it has the space to maneuver properly.
She looks to Ro "If our enemy has a familiar, I expect you to manage it. Stay alert, boy!"
Andabrjótur = Spirit Breaker
Ro & Jakoby |
Ro answers his master's request with gusto - flies over and landing on her outstretched arm, shares a moment "speaking" to her, to which she nods.
He looks at the chest on Astrid's pack, and turns his head sideways.
GM Zoomba |
Going to assume that the low grade cold iron short sword gets at least a +1 to hit and +1 die damage from Astrid's doubling rings for this purchase will revise if it turns out to be different.
Yeah: I'm going to rule the Doubling rings wouldn't be able to write the +2 from Greater Striking onto the low-grade cold iron sword, but will give +1 and the extra die.
Once you have all gathered yourselves and made some supply purchases, you are able to make your way to the Grand Lodge's node of the Maze of the Open Road. Zarta's map makes navigating the strange hedge maze fairly easy and you have no trouble winding through its paths to reach an archway exiting to a hot and sunny desert. On the other side is a massive planning side deep in the Thuvian dunes. Pathfinder agents and allies are moving about with purpose as the place bustles with activity. In the distance you think you can see a glimpse of something massive and metallic, but before you have any time to look further Zarta Dralneen herself is moving swfitly towards you. "Excllent. Please, come with me. Quickly, wihtout drawing too much attnetion. I will explain in a moment, I promise you." she says in a stern quiet tone.
Zarta leads your group through the site and into a small private tent near the outskirts of the camp. The blazing sun overhead fails to penetrate the tent’s interior, causing a flickering candle on a desk to be the only illumination and giving the space a sense of nightfall despite the early hour of day. The candlelight also shows that you are not alone here: behind the desk is a mysterious woman, whose face is entirely veiled by a masked helm down which water continually cascades down from her crown like a waterfall before vanishing as it reaches her chest.
Allow me to start with an apology. the masked woman says as the ten flap shuts behind you. Her voice is confident and pleasent, but subtly distorted as she speaks. She accepts the sealed chest from Astrid, places it on the desk, and then opens it to reveal a silver chalice within an inlay of swirling patterns and blue gemstones. The woman carefully removes it from the container and places it upon the desk. You have all been selected as bait for a trap—one set for a vile creature with whom I suspect you are all familiar: the night hag, Aslynn.
“Aslynn is desperate to again lay claim to this magical chalice—the Draught of Dreams,” interjects Zarta. “I have spent quite some time researching the artifact and discovered it has connections to the Dimension of Dreams. Its power allows one to enter the personal dreamscape of any sleeping being.”
Thus, the reason I had you travel here with such secrecy, adds the masked woman. Between her spies, scrying, and divination magic, Aslynn keeps herself well informed. A fact that we shall soon be counting upon. From a pouch on her belt, the woman produces a stick of steel-gray chalk and a metallic signal whistle, which she adds to the desk before her. Please know that I wouldn’t have chosen any of you for this mission were I not certain that you each possess the capability, experience, and wit necessary to succeed.
The masked woman next produces a folded piece of parchment holding it out as an invitation to be read. Memorize this, then destroy it. The whistle and chalk are also for you. I know you all are more than capable of following instructions, but I must be sure you understand one point: do not under any circumstances attempt to attack Aslynn until she has been affected by our traps; we need those traps to weaken her to a point where she can be defeated for good.
Images of both these figures, the Draught, and the instructions posted on the Slides.
Jakoby & Ro |
"Elaborate!" Gunda smirks "You hear that boy! Part Lure, part Lie, part Lull, twice each!" she turns to Zarta "Is this room hidden from scrying?" she looks around, expecting to see some kind of ward or glyph "What kind of Traps have you set in your Secondary Dreamscape to weaken the Witch-Thief?"
Then to Astrid "Looks like you are not the only Bait; lucky you!" she winks.
GM Zoomba |
"Elaborate!" Gunda smirks "You hear that boy! Part Lure, part Lie, part Lull, twice each!" she turns to Zarta "Is this room hidden from scrying?" she looks around, expecting to see some kind of ward or glyph
Caution should always be heeded, replies the masked woman with a nod, but we have invested considerable resources in warding this tent from divination magic. The trap site has no such wards, however, as we need Aslynn to take notice of the chalice.
"What kind of Traps have you set in your Secondary Dreamscape to weaken the Witch-Thief?"
Zarta smiles coyly. "Elaborate ones, be assured."
Teja Khellekdottir |
"How are we to know if the hag has been weakened by all the traps... if we do not know where or what the traps are?" asks Teja.
Then taking the piece of paper, finally, she reads it, and raises an eyebrow.