Henrika Karthis |
I see Henrika's character choices and can only think she truly is a vexing daredevil and I love it.
Aw, thanks!! Hopefully not too vexing for you GM! I also love figuring out how Henrika's fighting style complements and differs from Jack's, and how she has learned from and improved upon what he has taught her.
Icabhod Tilneros |
Icabhod Lvl 7
HP 4+2 Con+1 FCB= +7
Level 7 Feat: Iron Will +2 Will Save
+1 Bab
Investigator Talent :When using inspiration, the investigator rolls a d8 instead of a d6. At 20th level, the investigator rolls 2d8 and adds both dice to the result.
2 3rd level extracts a day
New 3rd level extract: Heroism
Perception +1
Disable Device +1
Heal +1
Sense Motive +1
Stealth +1
Know-Nobility +1
Know-Local +1
Craft-Alchemy +1
Acrobatics +1
Know-History +1
Know Engineering/Geography +1
Xallis Livara |
Level up!
Xallis and Navia have reached level 7.
+8 HP
+1 BAB
+1 Skill Rank to: Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nobility), Knowledge (Planes), Linguistics, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device
New Language: Sylvan
New Feat: Coalition Leader
Summon Monster: Xallis can now cast Summon Monster IV as a spell-like ability
+1 3rd level spells per day
New 1st level spell: Shield
New 3rd level spells: Dimension Door, Evolution Surge
+7 HP
+1 BAB
+1 Skill Rank to: Disable Device, Stealth, Sense Motive, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Use Magic Device
+1 Fortitude Saves
+1 Reflex Saves
+1 Will Saves
Armor Bonus: +2 Natural Armor
Str/Dex Bonus: +1 (Now +3)
+1 Evolution Point
Evolutions Lost: Flight, Flight (+20 Speed), Scent, Tail
Evolutions Gained: Tremorsense, Climb, Web
Xallis Livara |
Jeez, that choice paralysis really gave me the business. Level up secure, I'll make a big juicy post sometime tomorrow.
Still putting thoughts into who my cohort is going to be. Either some kind of apprentice, or one of Xallis' siblings coming to help him. Most likely his sister, since his brother is another summoner and I don't think you guys want me to transmute our game into an RTS.
I'm likely going to use them for missions either way
I'm open to suggestions or concerns.
Henrika Karthis |
I'm open to suggestions or concerns.
I’m sure whatever you do for a cohort will be great, but if you don’t have something specific in mind, I think a wizard with crafting feats would be really useful for us. They could craft scrolls and wondrous items, and it would really add to Xallis’s versatility to be able to copy any spells we find.
Trevor Kastner |
I agree with Henrika. She makes a good point of the wizard cohort, but create your cohort to your liking. Malphene will likely stay a fighter, maybe dipping into rogue, since she'll be leading missions.
Trevor Kastner |
Level 7
HP Average HP (5) + 2 Con + 1 Favored = 8hp
BAB +1 Channel Energy increased to 4d6
+1 1st-level cleric spell per day
+1 4th-level Domain cleric spell per day
+1 4th-level cleric spell per day
+1 Diplomacy
+1 Sense Motive
+1 Knowledge (religion)
+1 Heal
+1 Knowledge (nobility)
+1 Profession (bartender)
Feat Coalition Leader
Tychus Marcaius |
Level 7 (Inquisitor Level 2)
+7 HP
+1 BAB
+1 Fort/Will
+8 Skill Ranks
+ Cunning Initiative (Wis to Initiative; Initiative now 10)
+ Detect Alignment (at will)
+ Track (half level to Track using Survival)
+1 Feat: Abadar's Crossbow
+1 1st Level Spell (Protection from Evil)
Henrika Karthis |
If no one objects, Henrika would benefit greatly from the belt of mighty constitution +2. (The hit points are nice, but the bonus to Fortitude saves is really what she needs!) She will probably commission a headband of alluring charisma with her share of the treasure.
For the statue, I think I vote to make it depict the five of us, though I think it would make sense if at least Abadar's and Cayden's influence is visible on their followers.
Xallis Livara |
I didn't realize Xallis was considering Leadership too. Our party just grew significantly. I think one of Xallis' siblings would be a good choice. It doesn't matter to me which one you go with. Double summoner might be a lot, but Henrika does have a point about crafting. I'll let you decide.
Yeah, I could have gone with the objectively best option, or taken an old reliable, or even taken something that actually supports my playstyle. But I saw the shiny thing and wanted the shiny thing.
Still finalizing who it's gonna be, but for now let's say they're working in the background and just giving the passive +2 bonus.
GM Peachbottom |
Xallis, remind me of some of the details of your family.
Do you mother and father have names?
I have your siblings as Faribus and Julania.
Looking back, I had Faribus as a Hellknight and Julania as a paladin.
But now I see you are saying Faribus is a summoner. Is Faribus a summoner Hellknight? He could be. Hellknight is a title as much as a prestige class.
GM Peachbottom |
Do you want us to take our Persona Phase 2 now?
I'm working on a post now. You can do the second Persona Phase after I get the post up.
I see Henrika posted both phases, and that's fine. Tychus, if you are looking to post now, it won't make a big difference.
The second phase will happen after the princess arrives, which I'm drafting up. But mechanically, the check results can happen anytime.
Trevor Kastner |
Restorative Ointment sounds like a valuable healing tool for the group, so Trevor will claim them.
GM Peachbottom |
However, Bartelby's unkle will eventually hear of this and make a move against us. I fear his arcane power is greater even than father's, never mind his political strength. Now is the time to take every possible precaution to ensure that we will be prepared.]
Not to be a spoiler, but Duke Panivar Lotheed plays a significant role in this adventure path. The stuff you found in the tower provides a bunch of foreshadowing to upcoming events.
Henrika Karthis |
I decided to vote with honoring our characters with the statue, though perhaps with signs of the Taldan deities' influence.
I'll spend Henrika's gold with the assumption that Xallis doesn't have a crafting cohort, and we can discount purchases later if it turns out he does. :)
• headband of alluring charisma +2 (4,000 gp)
• +1 falchion for Jack (2,000 gp)
• upgrade +2 leather lamellar armor to +3 leather lamellar armor (5,000 gp)
• x4 potion of bull's strength (1,200 gp)
GM Peachbottom |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I tried to update the treasure sheet to more accurately represent the magic items you each have. I looked on each of your character sheets and added magic items on your list that weren't on mine. They were mostly items you purchased on your own I think. It's still a little wonky though.
I added Falchion Jack to the list. I'll also add Trevor and Xallis' cohorts once they have character sheets.
Xallis Livara |
Not to be a spoiler, but Duke Panivar Lotheed plays a significant role in this adventure path. The stuff you found in the tower provides a bunch of foreshadowing to upcoming events.
This is Pathfinder, we wouldn't expect them to tease us with the prospect of an evil, powerful Wizard and then not have us be involved with him later :D
Xallis, remind me of some of the details of your family.
Do you mother and father have names?
I have your siblings as Faribus and Julania.
Looking back, I had Faribus as a Hellknight and Julania as a paladin.
But now I see you are saying Faribus is a summoner. Is Faribus a summoner Hellknight? He could be. Hellknight is a title as much as a prestige class.
Yeah, Hellknight is as much a title as anything else. Farbius' whole deal is that he wants to be a hellknight but also honor his family, and his way of doing that is 'redeeming' a devil that got in trouble.
As for the parents, I'll share into from our old PMs. The party will have figured this out just from being around Xallis anyway.
Lord Velius Livara is a wizard of moderate talent, having worked with well known diabolists and conjurers back in Cheliax. Growing concerned over the influence of the infernal, he abandoned his connections to help relocate the family to a potentially safer nation. He greatly disapproves of Navia, seeing her appearance and demeanor as a bad influence on his son that could lead him astray from his obligations to the family.
As for the statue, I think we've been good enough. We could use a little treat. With Xallis on the statue, but no Navia, since she dislikes the idea of being frozen in a static state of being.