DM Brainiac's Dungeon Crawl Classics

Game Master Brainiac

Loot Spreadsheet

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Again, sorry for the long stretch of no posts. After my big trip and this holiday weekend, I believe things should slow down enough for me to get things moving here again. I'll aim to post early next week.

Lawful Male Human Acolyte of Justicia | 24 yrs, 6' 2", 170 lb. Cleric 2 | AC: 15 (w/ shield) | HP: 6 (of 20) | Ref -2 | Fort +2 | Will +2 | CL Check Modifier +3 (Spells/Turn/Heal) | Disapproval 5 | Luck 10

Enjoy your vacation my friend, we'll be here! :)

I'm going to be stuck in a busy pattern at work for at least the next 3 weeks. I'll try to get posts up when I can but my free time is extremely limited at this time.

Lawful Male Human Acolyte of Justicia | 24 yrs, 6' 2", 170 lb. Cleric 2 | AC: 15 (w/ shield) | HP: 6 (of 20) | Ref -2 | Fort +2 | Will +2 | CL Check Modifier +3 (Spells/Turn/Heal) | Disapproval 5 | Luck 10

Ah yes, the penalty for taking a vacation! I know the feeling very well... Hope you had a great time!

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