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Hello! Welcome to my table. Before we start, please do the following:
Please complete the macros linked at the top of the page. This will be used for initiative and secret rolls.
Please also post your token to the slides and post your position in the marching order. The slides are also linked at the top of the page.
As per the Organized Play Foundation Community Standards, each player must decide if they will allow their characters to be damaged by friendly fire (usually via splash damage). In keeping with the “Explore, Report, Cooperate” motto of the Pathfinder Society, engaging in non-consensual character-versus-character conflict is prohibited. While accidental friendly fire happens due to missed attack rolls or other factors, players must obtain the consent of other players before deliberately including fellow PCs in damaging effects. This rule does not apply in situations where a character is not acting of their own free will, such as if they’re being mind-controlled by an NPC and forced to attack a fellow Pathfinder.
Macros - Doug H, Frozen Frost, BretI
Slides - Doug H (Marching Order), Frozen Frost

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Yarr. It's me.

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@GM, I think I messed up my entries on the macro sheet. I missed that we weren't supposed to enter Initiative and entered a number. Then I read the instructions (oops!), and copied/pasted that cell from the line above. That should have worked, but it was coming out 1 higher than it should have (showed 9 instead of the 8 from Arcana/Occultism).
Locus-22 has a familiar, but "Toop" remains in tattoo form unless she is doing her daily preparations or we need a flying scout.
She's a mosquito witch, from the charity boon, and an android. I still need to set up her character page, as I wasn't expecting to use her for PBP yet. I'll get it done this week.

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@GM, I think I messed up my entries on the macro sheet. I missed that we weren't supposed to enter Initiative and entered a number. Then I read the instructions (oops!), and copied/pasted that cell from the line above. That should have worked, but it was coming out 1 higher than it should have (showed 9 instead of the 8 from Arcana/Occultism).
Locus-22 has a familiar, but "Toop" remains in tattoo form unless she is doing her daily preparations or we need a flying scout.
She's a mosquito witch, from the charity boon, and an android. I still need to set up her character page, as I wasn't expecting to use her for PBP yet. I'll get it done this week.
I fixed the Macros - don't worry about it. :)
Exploration Activity of "Scout" gives everyone a +1 to initiative (works only once!) :)

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I'm strictly PbP, actually. I started playing in 2021 in the middle of the COVID lockdowns. I used to run workplace games before COVID but that moved to Discord pretty quickly... I've never actually played a live game.

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Apologies all -- I thought the latest we could start was 29 May... Turns out we have to start on the 29th at the earliest... You can go through introductions but I won't follow up with anything else for now...

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No worries. I've started online cons "early" by letting players do character intros before the official date.
And we do kind of need a setting within which to do them. It's just weird when a PBP GM says "do intros in gameplay" without any setting, then someone says "The elf sitting at the back of the bar...." and then we actually start by striding down a dock eating street food. So I appreciate the way you set this up.
@Lady Ladile: Cactus Cowboy! Love it!

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While we're at it, if anyone has glyphs, go ahead and hand them out. If you'd like your downtime part of your chronicle, go ahead and roll it here as well.
Bugtussle - Gnimish says hi! :)

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And we do kind of need a setting within which to do them. It's just weird when a PBP GM says "do intros in gameplay" without any setting, then someone says "The elf sitting at the back of the bar...." and then we actually start by striding down a dock eating street food. So I appreciate the way you set this up.
@Lady Ladile: Cactus Cowboy! Love it!
Honestly it actually kind of grates on me a tiny bit as a GM when players leap right to character introductions - and assuming the setup/starting location - before I have a chance to set the scene for that very same reason. To be fair, a lot of the briefings DO start out in ye olde inn or a meeting room at a lodge/the Grand Lodge...but sometimes they don't! Like, it's not a huge deal or anything (and I do love to see the enthusiasm) but now I have to add a few lines around getting everyone to the destination so it doesn't seem like the party just magically teleported or something, otherwise it'll look weird and off and annoy me :)
@Nomadical - Thanks! He originally started as a monk but after playing him a little I decided gunslinger would suit his character better.
*edit* No glyphs yet but I'm slowly getting there.
Scouting Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
When he's not out doing work for the Pathfinder Society, Bugtussle makes decent bank as a scout-for-hire for caravans and wilderness expeditions.

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That's what he was... I know when I played with Bugtussle he wasn't a gunslinger as Guns and Gears wasn't released yet.

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3 Glyphs.

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I'm "required" to inform each of you that we all need to roll a d20. A natural 20 gets you a Paizo door prize. I need to email any winners to Paizo by 20 June so please roll it ASAP.
Door: 1d20 ⇒ 14

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doorius prizius: 1d20 ⇒ 20

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Door prize:1d20 ⇒ 9
1 glyph

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I have one glyph.
DC 14 Engineering Lore to Earn Income: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Door Prize: 1d20 ⇒ 9

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Prize?: 1d20 ⇒ 19
(Psst...I think it's actually a 19 or a 20 wins a door prize :D)

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looks like we have 2 doors to give away. Yes, it's 19 or 20 - my bad. :)
Bugtussle, please complete the RPG Chronicles info. :)

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Bugtussle, please complete the RPG Chronicles info. :)
Whoops! All done now, sorry!

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Hey folks, I'm heading out of town to a convention today and won't be home until Monday afternoon at some point. I'll be taking my Chromebook with me as I expect I'll have some downtime between sessions to check in on the forums. All that said, please feel free to bot Bugtussle if need be!

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I'm not really sure we did agree on a secondary challenge.
Applying rank order voting, eliminating Tug of War from the choices since that's done:
Tinsley: Cat calling 5, Battlefield 4
Norbwald: Insults 5, Battlefield Conditions 4, Poetry 3, Medicine 2, Cat Calling 1
Horul: Medicine 5
Tirx: Cat calling 5
Locus-22 (amended): Medicine 5 > Poetry 4 > cat-call 3 > Battlefield 2
Bugtussle (amended) Playing Doctor 5, Poetry 4?
Total points:
Medicine 17
Cat Calling 14
Poetry 11
Battlefield Conditions 10
Insults 5
My apologies if I misconstrued someone's rankings.

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Thanks Nomadical for doing the math, sounds like Medicine is our next plan.

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Tirx, Horul, Locus-22, Norbwald - if you'd like your downtimes part of your chronicles, go ahead and roll them now.

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Rolling downtime for the GM.
Performance: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

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Scribing Lore : 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Success vs DC 14 (T) = 4 sp
Thanks for running this!

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Yes, thanks for running! :)

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Thank you for the game

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The game has been reported and chronicles emailed out. If you don't see your emailed chronicles please check your spam folder (thanks Google algorithms). Please mark it as not spam and whitelist RPGChronicles.net to help prevent this in the future.

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Chronicle looks good. Thank you so much for running the game.