DM Salsa Presents - Chronicles of Kassen

Game Master AdamWarnock

BattleMaps | Chronicles of Kassen | HeroLab Files | Loot Sheet | Downtime Asset Tracker | Downtime Activity Tracker

Perception Rolls:

[dice=Betzolte Percepiton]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Erigga Perception]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Grobradon Perception]1d20+11[/dice]
[dice=Maidie Perception]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Tanglefoot Perception]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Moon Perception]1d20+12[/dice]
[dice=Histya Perception]1d20+5[/dice]

[dice=Meep Perception]1d20+8[/dice]

Initiative Rolls:

[dice=Betzolte Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Erigga Initiative]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Grobradon Initiative]1d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Maidie Initiative]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Moon Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Histya Initiative]1d20+5[/dice]

[dice=Meep Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]

701 to 750 of 1,040 << first < prev | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | next > last >>

Cool. I think I’ll stick with not having done it- I don’t want to cheapen the party’s accomplishment at all by showing up and being like ‘ah, yes, I remember when I did that quest, years ago…’

Kassen Battle Maps

Cool beans! :)

By the way, got a post up for you and Erigga.

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

LOL! Even if you had done the quest, you didn't get a High 5 and an Attaboy from Ekat Kassen!

I’m an idiot… I bought a +1 chainshirt, but that doesn’t exist because we’re using ABP. I’ll fix my equipment (and statistics) tomorrow.

Female Dwarf [Transmuter 3/Unchained Barbarian 1, AC16, T11, FF15 | HP 36/36, F+6 R+3 W+4 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +3, Perc. +7 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6]

Man, I got tears in my eyes even while I'm posting. This is some popcorn-worthy roleplaying!

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

Moon's father has barely been described and yet somehow I KNOW he has a very punchable face!

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

What a coincidence! Before he left town, Moon but a 'kick me' sticker on his butt and a 'punch me' sticker on his forehead. Grob wins!

Kassen Battle Maps

So, here's what the timeline looks like.

Eth and Erigga left with Dalen the same morning Moon's running around on her errands and getting Meep measured for some new clothing. It'll take them two weeks to get to Kassen.

So for the sake of simplicity, everyone gets two weeks of Downtime. Rules for downtime activities can be found here. While you're free to do what you want, I imagine that most of this is going to be focused on earning cash and making stuff. Erigga and Ethulfel are on a barge and sailing, so they're pretty much limited to making stuff.

Feel free to post what you're up to for those two weeks. Also, if there's anything you wanted to do with the other players, feel free to spin it up. Just be sure to label stuff to help make it easier to keep track of.

I'll make a post tomorrow kicking off something I have planned for Erigga and Ethulfel.

Oh, and Moon, are you getting any cold weather gear for Meep? She doesn't have any.

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)
DM-Salsa wrote:
Oh, and Moon, are you getting any cold weather gear for Meep? She doesn't have any.


Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

Are we able to sell LOOTZ?

Kassen Battle Maps


Though I don't think anyone in Kassen could readily afford the Mask of the Living God or the wand of burning hands. Everything else can be sold, Let's say 50% for the normal gear and 75% for the masterwork stuff.

I'll update the loot sheet. (Links up at the top if you want to see.)

Kassen Battle Maps

Sheet updated. I've added a new sheet (Sells and Splits) for settling how much to sell the loot for and what the splits would be if you didn't and did include Meep on the split (4 ways and 5 ways respectively.)

Erigga and Ethulfel, I didn't count you two since y'all aren't there, and if I haven't said it before, I'll say it now, go ahead and make sure you started with 3,000 GP. That should get you roughly where everyone else is at. (Well, except for Maidie, but that was because of a GM oopsie.)

If y'all want to claim it, mark it on the Loot sheet (Set status to Carried By and then select your name in the next column, labeled Whom.) I'll adjust the totals once everyone's claimed what they want.

Hope that helps. :)

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

Personally, I vote for including Meep in the split. I’ll look at the loot list again but I think there is literally nothing on it that interests Moon.

EDIT: Yeah, there's nothing I'd like to keep.

The Downtime activities thing is quite interesting, though some of it seems a bit convoluted. I’ll math the crap out of it to figure out how Moon can build a fortress in three days. :p When you asked us to post our plans… do you want that in the game thread or here? I’m not sure if you wanted it here so you can weave a narrative in the game thread.

Kassen Battle Maps
Moon Akechi wrote:
Personally, I vote for including Meep in the split.

Alrighty. Betz, Grob, and Maidie, what's your vote on this?

Moon Akechi wrote:
When you asked us to post our plans… do you want that in the game thread or here? I’m not sure if you wanted it here so you can weave a narrative in the game thread.

Post the plans here, and we can weave them into some of the more fluffy bits in gameplay.

And, yeah, I feel like it wouldn't be Pathfinder if you didn't need a masters in the system to actually play it sometimes.

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

Include Meep in the split

As for Downtime, will have to respond later to those ideas

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

Establishing a baseline here for Downtime Stuff:

Kassen classifies as a Small Town for the Spending Limits Per Day (so 15 'points'), correct?

Unless I'm mistaken, if I buy any sort of Room it becomes a stand-alone structure with a ceiling etc. and it looks like the property itself is automatically included in the 'price'. (i.e. a combination of Goods, Influence, Labor, etc.) Is that your read on it?

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Female N halfling fighter 4 | HP: 32/46 | AC: 23 (14 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM +1 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none. | Hero Points: 4
Moon Akechi wrote:
Unless I'm mistaken, if I buy any sort of Room it becomes a stand-alone structure with a ceiling etc. and it looks like the property itself is automatically included in the 'price'. (i.e. a combination of Goods, Influence, Labor, etc.) Is that your read on it?

Each room can be a standalone building and it does come along with a ceiling and everything, like windows and doors and even furniture. The rules do not cover the price of the land at all, so I assume that is included as well

You have two options, using a bedroom as an example:

1) Buy it: if such a room is available, you can simply pay 300gp and it is yours immediately. However, I feel it is not very common for someone to have a standalone bedroom for sale.

2) Build it: to do so, you need gather 8 Goods and 7 Capital and then wait for 20 days for it being actually built. To gather capital (Goods, Labor, Influence and Magic), you can either earn it or buy it.

2.1) Buying Capital: This is the easiest and fastest way. You simply but it. Both Goods and Labor cost you 20gp each, for a total of 300gp. This represents you buying the necessary material and hiring people for the work.

2.2) Earning Capital: This is the cheapest way. You will actually work in various ways to earn it. There is a list of skills linked to each Capital type and after a day off work and a skill check, you determine how much Capital of that type your earned and then you pay half of it's price. Tossing this time consuming method, you'll only pay 150gp for the bedroom. Considering our level, each day will earn you between 1 and 2 Capital each day, so on top of the 20 days to actually built the bedroom you'll need another 8-15 days to gather all the capital (this assuming you are doing it without help). Considering how generous the GM is being since you are heroes, perhaps he'll even reduce the price or make this free for you.

Female human conjurer 4 | HP 33/33 | AC 17/17/13 (21/17/17 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+6, Will: +8 | Perc: +7 , Init:+10 | (Shift (10 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: N/A

Looks like we might need a tab on the loot sheet to keep track of our individual capital. And perhaps a slide deck to map out buildings.

Maidie will probably split her time between adding new spells to her spellbook and scribing scrolls (using up the remainder of her caligraphy supplies), crafting alchemical items and earning capital for future use. I'll have to think a bit more on the exact distribution.

Kassen Battle Maps
Maidie Henrod wrote:
Looks like we might need a tab on the loot sheet to keep track of our individual capital. And perhaps a slide deck to map out buildings.

Duly noted. I'll work on getting that done.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female human conjurer 4 | HP 33/33 | AC 17/17/13 (21/17/17 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+6, Will: +8 | Perc: +7 , Init:+10 | (Shift (10 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: N/A

For those of us using Hero Lab, there is a Capital journal and tracker in the "Other tab" if you have the Ultimate Campaign content active.

And of course, someone else have already made a google sheet to track downtime activities.

I made a copy for this campaign:GM Salsa's Crypt of the Everflame Downtime Sheet

Kassen Battle Maps

Thank you! I'll link to it in the campaign header.

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

I didn't realise there is a Capital tab in SL. Learn something new every day.

Kassen Battle Maps

Hey guys, I might not get another post in before Wednesday. Just a heads up.

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)
DM-Salsa wrote:
Hey guys, I might not get another post in before Wednesday. Just a heads up.

I take back the snack jokes about meep!

Wow you play rough ;)

Kassen Battle Maps

While I and Meep especially appreciate that, it isn't going to change the fact I don't have the time to post tonight and won't have it tomorrow.

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

Understood and attempts at jests aside, I hope all is well with you and yours and goes smoothly.

Kassen Battle Maps

It is. I had to help my mom with something at one of the rent houses. I didn't know carpet mites were a thing. I'll be busy tomorrow, so probably won't have time to post, which is why I said Wednesday.

That and I have an eye checkup tomorrow.

Female N halfling fighter 4 | HP: 32/46 | AC: 23 (14 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM +1 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none. | Hero Points: 4

@Ethulfel: Hope my ic inner thoughts do not scare you!

Female human conjurer 4 | HP 33/33 | AC 17/17/13 (21/17/17 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+6, Will: +8 | Perc: +7 , Init:+10 | (Shift (10 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: N/A

Just to illustrate what kind of monster GM Salsa has awoken, here is the story of a guy who goes from level 1 old age Commoner to immortal level 20 Wizard with his own demiplane in less than 2 years using the Downtime rules.

@Erigga- not in the slightest

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

I've opted to roll for each day instead of doing the cumulative results divided by 10 thing because it lets me start building as soon as I have the resources. If you don't want to go that route, let me know.

Moon’s Downtime (DM Only):

Having gone through her finances and considered some unorthodox housing options, Moon swallows her pride and chooses to rely on friends to keep a roof over her head for several weeks. It will enable her to more quickly secure a real home and not a jury-rigged solution. Her goal is to have the absolute basics of the home completed before the height of winter, if possible.

She shops the slim housing market and finds nothing she can afford that meets her needs. More than that, purchasing a home would put coins in the pockets of rich landowners like Colbin. Because of the generosity of folks like Dimira, Agatha, Anislee, Malvin, Arnama, and the Ironhame clan among others –to repay their kindness in some small way – Moon opts to build a home, which will invest in the community in the form of work for some and buying supplies from others. Her father had damaged the reputation of all Tien and this was also a way for Moon to cast herself in a better and different light.

Scouring the town and the surrounding area for a good plot, Moon stumbles on a derelict property, overgrown with trees that just might work with a bit… OK, a lot, of work. Some years ago, a fellow moved to the area with the idea of starting a stockyard and tannery on the edge of town. Kassen was never large enough to support such a venture and the fellow quickly ran out of capital (or interest) and moved on. All that is left of the property (which has largely been reclaimed by the forest) is the surrounding ivy-covered fence, broken gates, and what amounts to a lean-to located near the center of the property… but with work, it all had potential.

>> From a mechanics standpoint, I’m buying two length of Defensive Walls with cash (520 GP) and calling it the pre-existing structure. The lean-to doesn’t exist (it’s fluff) but it will be on the spot and identical in size to the lavatory I build first. Once the house is nearly complete (in a later phase), I have a couple fun community outreach ideas… but that is down the line.

Phase 1 of the project consists of earning the capital to build the Lavatory, a Bedroom, and the Sewer Access. When the first two are done, it is a habitable property. Moon will be purchasing and throwing up a Pavilion Tent (100 GP), collapsible tub (15 GP), cooking kit (3 GP), and a firepit (free) beneath the pavilion. So, the Bedroom (doubling as a bedroom and indoor living space) and Lavatory have obvious uses. The area beneath the pavilion serves as temporary kitchen, dining, bathing, and general outdoor space until more of the house can be built. I’m such a geek, I’ve created a finished version and a Phase 1 complete version of the property in MapTools.

A happy accident, the guy who bought her bow (who was talking about the animals he was going to kill with it) gave her the idea for how to make money. On some days, she leads small groups of hunters into the woods to stalk and bag their preferred game (Prof: Hunter). On other days she goes into the forest to forage for mushrooms, rare plants, snails, medicinal herbs, and special request delicacies for locals (Survival).

My rolls below are for the 2-week minimum downtime period you mentioned initially. Moon is only working 12 of 14 days (6 days a week) because she promised Arnama she would slow down and not go like a maniac. You’re welcome. :P If the downtime stretches longer, great. If I get some luck on the rolls, with an extra week, I might have enough resources to fund the remaining bits of Phase 1.

Goals & Rolls (DM Only):
Phase 1 Projects and costs:

(2) Walls 520 GP
Pavilion 100GP
Collapsible tub 15GP
Cooking Kit 3 GP

Lavatory 3 Goods, 3 Labor (4 days) – Fully funded by Day 6, built by Day 10.
Bedroom 8 Goods, 7 Labor (20 days) – Fractionally funded by Day 12
Sewer Access 2 Goods, 2 Labor, 1 Influence (4 days) – No funding yet

Day 1: Goods Profession (Hunter): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 = +1 Goods
Day 2: Goods Profession (Hunter): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 = +1 Goods
Day 3: Goods Profession (Hunter): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 = +1 Goods
Day 4: Labor Survival (Foraging): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13 = +1 Labor
Day 5: Labor Survival (Foraging): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24 = +2 Labor
Day 6: Labor Survival (Foraging): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 = +1 Labor
Day 7: Goods Profession (Hunter): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 = +1 Goods
Day 8: Goods Profession (Hunter): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 = +2 Goods
Day 9: Labor Survival (Foraging): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 = +1 Labor
Day 10: Labor Survival (Foraging): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27 = +2 Labor
Day 11: Goods Profession (Hunter): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 = +1 Goods
Day 12: Goods Profession (Hunter): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 = +2 Goods

Hey, I threw my back out and I'm having trouble sitting at my computer for very long. I'm going to try to keep up (mostly from my phone) but please feel free to bot me, or carry on conversations without waiting on a response from me, as necessary for the next few days.

Kassen Battle Maps

Thanks for the heads up!

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)
Ethulfel Umbrada wrote:
Hey, I threw my back out and I'm having trouble sitting at my computer for very long. I'm going to try to keep up (mostly from my phone) but please feel free to bot me, or carry on conversations without waiting on a response from me, as necessary for the next few days.

Ouch. Hope you have a relatively speedy recovery!

Thanks. I've done it before and usually with some stretching and whatnot it goes away in a week or so (man does it hurt right now though).

Female N halfling fighter 4 | HP: 32/46 | AC: 23 (14 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM +1 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none. | Hero Points: 4

@Ethulfel: Erigga fights in defensive stance, so her AC jumps to 26.

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

In the "Maidie is inspiring" department, Grobradon would like to mend many of the broken items in our loot category. Salsa says this IS possible, so yay!

I have two ideas. One involves selling them for a better price. The other involves outfitting more in the town, so they'll be better prepared for goblin attack... and in exchange, we ask a lot of the soldiers to lend their muscle to help with House building.

I actually lean towards the second one, but either requires approval from my fellow players as this is not 'Grob's trove'.

So let me know what you think, my fellow players.

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

I'm good with either approach. But I also lean towards option #2 a bit more. It feels like we're trying to slowly take back the town from the power-brokers who have been ruling it for far too long.

Female Dwarf [Transmuter 3/Unchained Barbarian 1, AC16, T11, FF15 | HP 36/36, F+6 R+3 W+4 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +3, Perc. +7 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6]

Maidie, I'm debating whether Betzolte should spend her downtime working with you on your business (likely using her Appraise skill to handle the money side of things since she doesn't have any ranks in Craft herself), or if she should start drilling with Kassen's militia and coordinating with Captain Wisslo on how to incorporate her magical talents into the town's defense?

Grobradon wrote:

In the "Maidie is inspiring" department, Grobradon would like to mend many of the broken items in our loot category. Salsa says this IS possible, so yay!

I have two ideas. One involves selling them for a better price. The other involves outfitting more in the town, so they'll be better prepared for goblin attack... and in exchange, we ask a lot of the soldiers to lend their muscle to help with House building.

I actually lean towards the second one, but either requires approval from my fellow players as this is not 'Grob's trove'.

So let me know what you think, my fellow players.

There's nothing about this I don't love. Let's do it! >:)

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Kassen Battle Maps

After giving it some thought and realizing that some of us may have jumped the gun a bit, here's how I'm going to rule this.

1. The chain shirts are sold at market value. Captain Wisslo is a stickler, so he insists on paying for them.

2. However, the guards and the militiamen hear that you tried to donate the armor to the defense of the town, and knowing about Moon's situation (small town, gossip travels fast) they agree to help you if you need it. Everyone gets 5 free units of Labor, including Ethulfel and Erigga. Trust me, you'll be earning it over the next adventure. ;)

Note that this labor does not attrit, so you'll have it for as long as you need it. I realize that this may mess up Maidie's downtime a bit but as I said, you can bank it for later.

I'll work on getting the downtime sheet set up this weekend.

EDIT: So, in short, everyone gets 5 Labor capital and Betz, Grob, Maidie, Moon, and Meep get 537 gp a piece.

Female human conjurer 4 | HP 33/33 | AC 17/17/13 (21/17/17 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+6, Will: +8 | Perc: +7 , Init:+10 | (Shift (10 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: N/A
Betzolte Ironhame wrote:

Maidie, I'm debating whether Betzolte should spend her downtime working with you on your business (likely using her Appraise skill to handle the money side of things since she doesn't have any ranks in Craft herself), or if she should start drilling with Kassen's militia and coordinating with Captain Wisslo on how to incorporate her magical talents into the town's defense?

I could definitely see Maidie and Betz working side by side, using their magic to strengthen the town's defenses. For the time being, Maidie is fully focused on getting the Alchemy lab up and running. I picture Betz leaning into her own strengths, such as mixing her magic and martial skills or crafting weapons and armor with her father. So, in that light, training with the militia would make as much sense.

Further down the road, Maidie is very likely to pick up Craft Wonderous Item. And as mentioned, I could see the alchemy lab growing into a full arcane academy, with both Maidie and Betz as senior staff.

Female N halfling fighter 4 | HP: 32/46 | AC: 23 (14 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM +1 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none. | Hero Points: 4

Ethulfel and GM:
Since Ethulfel's last post mentioned racism, I believe it is important to explain what I'm going for OOC, so we are on the same page and thus avoid any unintentional bad feelings. The GM knows about a bad experience I had around this.

Erigga was raised in a farm, mostly along her family and other simple folk, so many of her values might be seen antiquated. Even if she doesn't realize it yet, she is very afraid of change and of what she doesn't understand or know, despite her dreams of not working on a farm. She doesn't know much of the world and is also afraid of been seen as a dumb farm girl who knows nothing.

The above can be seen on her reaction against the Pathfinders that she doesn't understand, or the word frivolity that she doesn't know. Her way to go, currently, is too simply say she wants none of that. I plan for her to grow out of this idea.

Her attitude towards gnomes are based on the CRB description of halflings relations towards gnomes: "They get along fairly well with gnomes, although most halflings regard these eccentric creatures with a hefty dose of caution." I for sure have turned this up a notch to account for her upbringing. The important word is "cautious", in the sense that Ethulfel's curious personality could bring her some problems or harm. This is, of course, absurd and soon enough she'll also grow out of it.

So, all in all, I'm aware I'm giving Ethulfel some hard time, but I want to make it clear that a) it is not personal; b) I know I'm wrong and being unfair; and c) this will be temporary. I believe that as soon as they see some more action, they might quickly get along pretty well. I can see them becoming Frenemies with good banter (think Gimli and Legolas), or open friends, or even something more. Can't honestly say which because that is the fun of RPing and discovering a new story.

Kassen Battle Maps

Erigga and Ethulfel:

I understand and I think Ethulfel's player is just leaning into it from his side.

Still, thank you for explaining. I know I appreciate it.

Erigga & GM:
Yeah, no hard feelings here. Like Salsa guessed/assumed, I'm just leaning into the RP.

Kassen Battle Maps

So a few things since I'm up and can't sleep.

1. I just realized we hit 1000+ posts in six months. That's a really good clip and I hope it's a good sign that a lot of those (20% of them) have been in the past month.

2. As much as I want to continue at this pace, I need to take a step back and get stuff organized. I mentioned this on discord, but I think it won't hurt to say it here. I'm going to continue the threads I have going, but I'm going to put a pause on the new ones until I've gone through and gotten the ideas I have out onto paper.

3. Part of 2 is going to be me digging deeper into your characters and getting some clarification on things. I'll be messaging each of you with a link to a document that I'll have with notes about your character. You'll be able to edit this document so if you see something I got wrong, just make a note of it. It's also a good place to put ideas for scenes, scenarios, and things that you'd want me to throw into the game. This is a collaborative thing, so don't worry if something doesn't fit. I'd rather work together to build something we all have fun with.

4. I hope that people aren't feeling left out. I know Maidie's player's been busy, but I still want to keep everyone engaged, and I don't think I've done a good job of that. That's a large part of why I'm doing 2 to figure out ways to do that. And on that thread, if you want to start something, feel free to. I'm more than happy to roll with what you come up with as well. :)

Long story short, There's a lot I like about how this game's been going, but I think there's areas that I need to improve on and to do that, I need to pump the brakes a bit.

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Female human conjurer 4 | HP 33/33 | AC 17/17/13 (21/17/17 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+6, Will: +8 | Perc: +7 , Init:+10 | (Shift (10 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: N/A

Sounds good, Adam.

I must admit that I have quite a few unread spoilers at this point, and it’s becomming increasingly unlikely that I’ll go back and invest time to learn the finer details about the barge journey, Meep’s dress shopping or the dinner with Grobradon’s mom.

However, don’t let that stop you from playing those arcs out. Just make sure to label anything that is relevant for the whole group clearly.

Female N halfling fighter 4 | HP: 32/46 | AC: 23 (14 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM +1 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none. | Hero Points: 4
Maidie Henrod wrote:

Sounds good, Adam.

I must admit that I have quite a few unread spoilers at this point, and it’s becomming increasingly unlikely that I’ll go back and invest time to learn the finer details about the barge journey, Meep’s dress shopping or the dinner with Grobradon’s mom.

However, don’t let that stop you from playing those arcs out. Just make sure to label anything that is relevant for the whole group clearly.

I have also given up to follow through everything. I'm sure those are great and I tried to keep up with everything, but then I was busy and now there is just too much lol. Awesome work guys!

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

Honestly, I am having a blast, but I don't check out (skim really) every spoiler scene on the waters and elsewhere either so fair is fair:) Speaking for myself, I will not be hurt in the slightest if folks don't know how many times Grobradon put his foot in his mouth in his romantic efforts. :D

GM Burn out can happen so definitely pace yourself what you feel is comfortable. Keep us posted of any new schedule you settle on if you could , please? I worry I can come across as pushy when I don't mean to.

I'll try to interact with that Grob Document we're assembling, and thank you!

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

I try not to read other's spoiler except to peek when I fail my 'curiosity of a cat' roll (Will Save vs DC35 in my case). That said, I read the last Barge post and I'm going to be reading each one of those from now on. Things are getting very interesting there.

You can probably skip the Moon & Meep posts. It's deep in the weeds RP with the two ladies sharing life experiences and Moon trying to understand the realities (sexual and otherwise) of a goblin tribe so she can better steer Meep in her new tribe (Kassen) and avoid the pitfalls.

If anyone is curious about any 'revelations', I could do a bullet point list of important facts about what she's learned about Meep (or Moon I guess) in THIS thread after that set of spoilers ends. That way you have the reveals but don't need to dive into the details unless you want to.

Kassen Battle Maps

First, Thank y'all for being so understanding. This isn't so much burn out as I need to get things together and make sure I don't miss any strings. As Grob said on discord, sometimes you have to take a moment catch the muse. I know there's someone that Ethulfel's player's interested in, and that has given me some ideas that I hope will make for fun encounters and adventures.

Second, I've been having a blast with this, and I want to be sure I'm giving everyone a chance to shine. I think we have a great group here, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. Don't worry, I'm not feeling burn out, more like the opposite.

Third, I'm giving myself a week to get this all sorted, so next Monday. (And no, I will not be doing an April Fool's joke... well, maybe on the discord, but not here.)

And don't worry, if something important comes up that'll affect the whole party, I'll make sure that y'all know about it.

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