DM Salsa Presents - Chronicles of Kassen

Game Master AdamWarnock

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Perception Rolls:

[dice=Betzolte Percepiton]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Erigga Perception]1d20+11[/dice]
[dice=Ethulfel Perception]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Grobradon Perception]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Maidie Perception]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Tanglefoot Perception]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Moon Perception]1d20+11[/dice]

[dice=Meep Perception]1d20+6[/dice]

Initiative Rolls:

[dice=Betzolte Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Erigga Initiative]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Ethulfel Initiative]1d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Grobradon Initiative]1d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Maidie Initiative]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Moon Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]

[dice=Meep Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]

451 to 500 of 930 << first < prev | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | next > last >>

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

Great lines

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Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

Casina, do you want to tag-team on the Skeletal Champion?

You could delay until after I go. I'll move beside Meep and strike at SC. Then, with 30' of move, you can get to right beside YELLOW and flank with me. You'll have to risk an AoO from Yellow. He's got a short sword I believe. But you'll get the flanking bonus and can strike at SC.

Give it some thought.

EDIT: I'm likely to hit him because I'll be using a hero point, but with his DR I'm not likely to kill him. But I can dent him a bit and it might be enough for you to finish him off since you ignore his DR.

It's a risk/reward kind of gambit.

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

Betz, if you are still having trouble deciding, I'll point out that no one can reasonably strike at you. All the archers are in hand-to-hand combat right now.

Meep has brilliantly gulled the remaining archers into dropping their bows to attack her... in the mistaken impression they are winning with that little 10 point scratch they gave her. She's about to get medieval on their asses!

I'm 'ride or die' with Team Meep.

Kassen Battle Maps

There is that, though Yellow has its bow in its offhand. He's also behind a pillar and doesn't have line of sight on Betz either. I also have a feeling it's about to be a lot more preoccupied with what's going on up on the platform than it will be with a wizard that's not even targeting it.

As I think we've all said, it's you're call, we're just trying to help out with the analysis paralysis. I'm antsy to keep going, but that's because I want to see how y'all overcome this. I'd be lying if I said I am not looking forward to seeing the Captain get his butt handed to him.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want to keep the momentum up, but I don't want to put too much pressure on anybody.

That said, I think I'll have to make a GM call if we're still not moving after the weekend.

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

Maidie, I just checked out Bimbur's character sheet. He has blunt arrows. If he was on guard, I expect he'd have that quiver on hand.

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Kassen Battle Maps

Way to go Betz! That probably just sealed the captain's fate and saved Meep.

Dwarf HP 8/11; AC 16/11ff/15t; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 Init +4; Per+7/9stone CMD=17(21) Monk (Zen Archer) Perfect Strike 1/1
Moon Akechi wrote:
Maidie, I just checked out Bimbur's character sheet. He has blunt arrows. If he was on guard, I expect he'd have that quiver on hand.

Oh, I’m very much aware of those arrows :-)

Why do you think Bimbur had no reservations what so ever about getting stuck in the middle of the entangle?

Now excuse me while I wear out my refresh button waiting for Casina to post her rightious smackdown.

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

*click* nope...
*click* nope...
*click* ... *click*... 404 Error - Dammit!
*click* nope...


Kassen Battle Maps

I feel your pain. :D

Female human conjurer 3 | HP 25/25 | AC 12/12/10 (16/12/14 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+4, Will: +7 | Perc: +6 , Init:+8 | (Shift (5 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: N/A

Where is my epic smite?!

The suspense…

Kassen Battle Maps

Casina's player ratcheting up the tension, one refresh at a time.

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Kassen Battle Maps

Okay, so it looks like everyone got an invite to the Discord Server I have set up. Casina's player is still MIA. Given that it is the Christmas season and that he was recently dealing with a sick kid, I think it's safe to say that the monster known as Ahee'ar'ell has attacked the poor guy and won't let him go. I'll give him until tomorrow to post. If he hasn't then I'll have Casina delay until after Moon's go.

I do want to let everyone know that you'll be leveling up after this fight. Congrats! There's been some questions asked about roles to fill and I thought I'd go ahead and answer those here so it'll be easier to reference. (Discord is many things. Good at letting people find stuff is not one of them.)

1. Cleric/Healing
I know this group's short on healing, and at least one person's asked if they need to multiclass into cleric. The answer is no, I have something planned that should help with the healing situation. It should help with getting y'all through the crypt. Longer term, I think I'll reach out and see if someone from one of the other games I'm in would be interested.

2. Rogue
While there are some secret doors and traps, I don't think there's anything that will require a rogue to get past. But go ahead and see the question I have about Meep for more on this.

3. How are we handling HP? (Okay, no one asked this, but I figured I should be proactive about it.)
It's under Character Creation Rules on the Campaign Info tab, but I'll put it here as well. Roll for HP and compare it to the average, rounded up, of the Hit Die for the class you're taking. If the roll is higher, use that. If the average rounded up is higher, use that. So for a d6, it'll be 4 or higher. A d8 will be 5 or higher, A d10 will be 6 or higher, and a d12 will be 7 or higher.

I think that covers everything I've been asked so far. Now I have some questions for all of you.

1. How do you want me to handle Meep leveling up?
I think it's safe to say that Meep is going to be a permanent feature of the group. I am planning on her taking Rogue for her next level, but I'd like to know what y'all would consider fair. My goal is to not outshine the PCs. This is your story, and while Meep has a tale of her own, it shouldn't overshadow your character's. Do you want me to do something like with Leadership where she'll be three levels behind? Do you want me to level her up when y'all level up? I'm leaving this open to y'all.

2. Do you want to recruit a new player?
We've got a pretty solid group that posts on the regular for the most part. That said, I think I would like to add another player after we finish off this adventure. If you have someone that would be interested in joining, invite them to send me a PM. It'll be a while since from here on out there's not a good place to bring in a new character. That said, we'll have plenty of time to bring someone in after we finish the Crypt of the Everflame.

3. Are y'all okay with me expanding sources y'all can pick from?
I originally sold this as a CRB and APG only game, so I feel a bit disingenuous if I use things y'all don't have access to. Specifically, I've been building out enemies for the next adventure, and for two of them I've had to use Ultimate Magic and Bestiary 3 to get the options I wanted, mostly for flavor. I wanted to ask if you want me to open things up, and if so, would you want to rebuild your characters? We can do it while you're leveling up, but there's going to be some downtime (about three weeks) where there's going to be a couple of palate cleansing vignettes before I start cranking up the tension again.

4. Homebrew!
Okay, it's not really a question, but Moon's player and a few others helped (as in did most of the work, Thanks guys!) me come up with this little thing.

Goblin Scrolls
These thick pieces of dried and hardened tree bark are covered in crude drawings that look like the scrawling of demented children of stick figure goblins doing things to other stick figures that are obviously gnomes, halflings, dwarves, humans, and elves.

Goblin scrolls work as normal scrolls as long as the caster knows what spell(s) is(are) on them. The DC for identifying a goblin scroll is at a +2. Goblin Scrolls can also be used by anyone, whether they know the spell(s) on the scroll or not by breaking the scroll over their head, which deals 1 point of bludgeoning damage per spell level per spell on the scroll (i.e. A goblin scroll of Cure Light Wounds does 1 point of damage while a scroll with Scorching Ray and Fireball on it does 5 points of damage.) The user then treats the spells as if they have prepared them until either the damage is healed or the user falls unconscious.

To make a Goblin Scroll, you need the Scribe Scroll Feat and at least one rank in Craft(Painting). To make a scroll, you spend the gold as normal, then make a DC 10+spell level Craft(Painting) check for each spell you want to add to the scroll. A failure by less than 5 means that you lose half of the value of the materials used for that spell. A failure by 5 or more means that you lose all of the value of the materials used for that spell and there is a 15% chance of a magical mishap (Roll on the Rod of Wonders table or any other wild magic table the GM thinks is appropriate.)

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

Related to #1 in the first category and #2 in the second category... If you are recruiting another player for a healer-ish role, I think that makes sense. As the GM, you have enough to handle without having to play a NPC healer. Just my opinion there.

Regarding Meep... I like her taking a rogue level and I like her as a DMPC because I think you can handle it, i.e. the game will not devolve into 'the Meep show'. To that end, I am fine with Meep being an equal level character with the rest of us.

Regarding Expanding Sources... I'm fine with this as well. I'm not sure Ultimate Magic, or whatever, is going to change Moon's build any (unless there is a fantastic Archetype) but I'm in favor of more sources of fun options now and in future.

Recruiting - if it is related to filling the healer niche, I'm for it. If it's not, I'm trying to figure out the 'why' of it. 5 PCs seems like a good number to me, possibly 6 with a PC healer.

Kassen Battle Maps

Yeah, recruiting a new player would be for the healer niche. We've got a lot of the rest covered, especially arcane and martial.

Okay, so if I do open things up, what are some things that you would like to have access to? I'm wanting to keep this limited to the hard covers, so ARG, UM, UCombat, UCampaign, UE would be good, Kobolds of Golarion not so much.

Additionally, are there any 3rd party things that you'd be interested in?

I'll try to get a list up of everything that I own for PF1e, but that's going to take a bit since I need to chase it all down.

Lastly, I think I should let y'all know what my policy regarding NPCs is. NPCs will never make a decision for the party unless asked. I will have them suggest courses of action, act as a mouthpiece for me, and help the PCs out if y'all get stuck or suffer from Analysis Paralysis, but they are not the stars of the show. Y'all are. Meep's fun for me to play. I love her to bits, and she will be going into the Crypt with y'all, but she's not a PC. She'll do cool things, like kicking the sword away from the Skeletal Captain, but she's not going to speak for the party.

That said, I do have an idea for a vignette that features Meep and she is going to be a big part of the next adventure, but like Moon says, I'm not going to turn this into the Meep show.

Female human conjurer 3 | HP 25/25 | AC 12/12/10 (16/12/14 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+4, Will: +7 | Perc: +6 , Init:+8 | (Shift (5 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: N/A

I agree with everything Moon just posted, so that’s easy.

Obviously, as a spellcaster, more allowed books mean more spells to choose from. I’ll try not to go nuts on spell selection.

Kassen Battle Maps

Well, I just bought the HeroLab Completist set to get all of the stuff that I didn't have, so we could just say that all official Paizo PF1e content is on the table, especially since I had to use the Animal Archive package so that giant Geckos were actually a mount option. (Not happy about that since I really was trying to keep this to CRB and APG, but cest l'vie.)

I should have that list of stuff put together by the time this fight's over, but here's what I remember off the top of my head

Most Paizo core rules hardcovers (CRB, APG, UC, UM, UCamp, UE, UW, UI, OA, and some that I'm sure I'm forgetting)
Ultimate Psionics
Spheres of Power
Path of War
Deep Magic
1001 Spells

EDIT: I should also mention that since we're talking about expanding things, Elephant in the Room is also on the table. If we do allow Ultimate Campaign, I'll be using Background Skills along with Lore and Artistry.

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)


Ya know, taking your foot off the break does not mean you floor the gas pedal, my man! LOL

I like most, if not all, of the Paizo content. I tend to be selective about the 3pp materials. Spells, feats, and some archetypes are generally OK. The material I would be VERY in favor of are:

1. Unchained Classes - If Meep is going Rogue, uRogue is the best choice. (Unchained book)
2. Automatic Bonus Progression (ABP) is the best way to get fun and flavorful magic items back in the game because it ends the hunt for cloaks of resistance or Stat boosting items. (Unchained book)
3. Elephant in the Room is fantastic.
4. Background Skills are a big yes.

Kassen Battle Maps

Fair enough . I would definitely be banning some spheres (*cough*warp*cough*) at least until someone had decided they wanted to go looking for it and took the time to find someone that could teach it to them.

And I wasn't thinking that all of this would be allowed, I was just bringing it up that I have this stuff.

ABP would be cool, I'll have to adjust Grob's breastplate if we do that.

Male Half Orc Druid 3 (HP: 22/22; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+4,R+2,W+6; init +1/Per +10)

1.) You have a plan? Great. Meep will be converted to an Oracle of life, tongues curse, forced to speak in Gnomish... yet another pariah effect to banish her from Goblins! (Joking) Actually you were very generous with the potions so I am not as stressed as I would be about healing.
2.) I figured we'd just chuck corpses down the hallway and see if traps triggered. :)
3) HP set up sounds generous.
1) Or rogue! Meep would also be a good rogue. But whatever you decide. I forget what PF1 attribute
2) Up to you. You're the one who has to juggle us all.
3) I would probably just stick to new spell options rather than rebuild.
4) Interesting on the goblin scrolls

Female Dwarf [Transmuter 2/Unchained Barbarian 1, AC15, T11, FF14 | HP 27/27, F+6 R+3 W+4 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +3, Perc. +6 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6]

I basically concur with Moon and Maidie. As far as expanding into newer materials, I don't mind. It's early enough that there isn't much to rebuild (especially for me, since I'm taking a level in an entirely different class when the fight's done anyway).

I've never seen those non-Paizo sources (Paths, Psionics, etc.), so I confess to be kinda leery of them if only because they don't exactly socket into Golarion's setting without extra work on your part as the GM. I've done a few games with things like Elephant in the Room, ABP and background skills, so I wouldn't mind them.

And Meep as a rogue's a good idea. Having lots of skills means she'll have Aid Anothers for DAYS!

Kassen Battle Maps

Bleh, just realized I said the wrong book. I meant Pathfinder Unchained for the Background Skills stuff.

So things that people seem interested in:
- Elephant in the Room (I'd just say the full suite to avoid questions of what is and isn't allowed)
- Pathfinder Unchained
--- Automatic Bonus Progression
--- Background Skills
------ Artistry and Lore

Is there anything else?

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

The splatbook, Goblins of Golarion? I'm asking for a friend.

Some of the other 'legit' books are good for spells, feats, etc. I don't have anything specific in mind... I just like more options.

LG Human Divine Defender of Dammerich 2 | HP: 7/13 | AC: 18, T: 10, FF: 18) | CMB: +6, CMD: 15 (25 vs disarm) | F: +8, R: +3, W: +8 +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects | Init: +0 | Perc: +3 Sense Mot: +2 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None |

I'm coming!

This weekend was rough. My son's strep didn't go away completely with his antibiotic. It just kind of shifted to a scrape he got on his leg. Yay.

Two of my nieces and a nephew were in a pretty bad car wreck Saturday night too.

And to top it all off, a hawk pooped on me yesterday.

LG Human Divine Defender of Dammerich 2 | HP: 7/13 | AC: 18, T: 10, FF: 18) | CMB: +6, CMD: 15 (25 vs disarm) | F: +8, R: +3, W: +8 +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects | Init: +0 | Perc: +3 Sense Mot: +2 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None |

I agree with Moon as well. Recruiting a healer of some sort might not be a terrible idea. Especially if Meep is stepping into our rogue role.

I’m always okay with more resources. I’m liking where this is going. Depending on where we land (and how long we go for) I could see Casina ending up as a Mystery Cultist.

Kassen Battle Maps
Casina Brochus wrote:

I'm coming!

This weekend was rough. My son's strep didn't go away completely with his antibiotic. It just kind of shifted to a scrape he got on his leg. Yay.

Two of my nieces and a nephew were in a pretty bad car wreck Saturday night too.

And to top it all off, a hawk pooped on me yesterday.

Ouch! I hope everyone's alright. I imagined that you were busy. I didn't think you got a monsoon dumped on you.

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

Yikes! That is a bad weekend.

Regarding the game, I have you using 30' of move to get to your current spot, Casina. If so, you've got a chance to smack the BBEG. Unless my math is wrong. You are using 2 diagonals, 1 costing 5' and the other costing 10' in addition to 15' of regular movement.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female human conjurer 3 | HP 25/25 | AC 12/12/10 (16/12/14 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+4, Will: +7 | Perc: +6 , Init:+8 | (Shift (5 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: N/A

Tough break on the weekend and family illness. Hope things lighten up a bit.

LG Human Divine Defender of Dammerich 2 | HP: 7/13 | AC: 18, T: 10, FF: 18) | CMB: +6, CMD: 15 (25 vs disarm) | F: +8, R: +3, W: +8 +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects | Init: +0 | Perc: +3 Sense Mot: +2 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None |
Moon Akechi wrote:

Yikes! That is a bad weekend.

Regarding the game, I have you using 30' of move to get to your current spot, Casina. If so, you've got a chance to smack the BBEG. Unless my math is wrong. You are using 2 diagonals, 1 costing 5' and the other costing 10' in addition to 15' of regular movement.

I'm tired!

And your math checks out.

Male Half Orc Druid 3 (HP: 22/22; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+4,R+2,W+6; init +1/Per +10)

A bit slow myself. Not only am I prepping for a Christmas visit with relatives, we.. have a new dog. Long story, dog is skittish and we're trying to earn her trust.

Kassen Battle Maps

D'aaaaw, now I'm just picturing Grob with a puppy.

I wish you luck, sir. I know Christmas can be stressful, and a new pupper isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world to handle in the middle of that.

Male Half Orc Druid 3 (HP: 22/22; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+4,R+2,W+6; init +1/Per +10)

Well, she's seven years old. Seems a sweetie . To sum it up, she is unhomed because friend of a friend is getting/got a divorce from her ex(soon to be) who said he'd take the dog since her new home woulnd't allow pets. SOB lied, and told her the dog would go to the shelter. Friend of a Friend calls us... and asks if we can take her in.

And there you go.

Male Half Orc Druid 3 (HP: 22/22; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+4,R+2,W+6; init +1/Per +10)

Oh, and got both actions.. not bad rolls either so maybe clearing up some dazed undead

Female human conjurer 3 | HP 25/25 | AC 12/12/10 (16/12/14 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+4, Will: +7 | Perc: +6 , Init:+8 | (Shift (5 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: N/A

You're good people, Grob.

Male Half Orc Druid 3 (HP: 22/22; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+4,R+2,W+6; init +1/Per +10)

More my housemate's doing than mine, but kind of you to say

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

As a person who takes in dogs with hard former lives... I'm glad you did it. If you've never done it before and need advice, just ping me. I'm happy to help. It can be a slow process but it is very rewarding.

Kassen Battle Maps

Love to hear she's a sweetie, not so much about the SOB Ex.

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

I want to go on record and say that Moon just made a gigantic mistake. I think she will get crit’d by one of the skeletons... maybe two. XD

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)
GM wrote:
Betzolte, Bimbur, Casina, and Maidie: Y'all are up.

Go, team, go! I wanna see withering fire! Moon should need a reflex save to avoid getting pelted with all the bone fragments. :D

Kassen Battle Maps

Well, good news is Vark killed the zombie that could have attacked you, and only one of the Skeletons got an attack, that missed, so Moon's still up and unhurt.

Okay, so here's what I'm thinking for expanding sources available. I'll be posting a list of stuff that's allowed, no questions asked. Anything else will be on a case by case basis. Basically, just ask me about it if you want it. I like it when PCs do awesome stuff, so odds are I'll probably be okay with it. I just want to know what I'm getting into. :)

Without further ado, here's the updated list of allowed books.

Core Rulebook
Advance Class Guide
Advance Player's Guide
Advance Race Guide
Ultimate Campaign (planning on using the Downtime rules from that.)
Ultimate Combat
Ultimate Equipment
Ultimate Magic
Ultimate Wilderness
Pathfinder Unchained (background skills and artistry and lore will be used. Automatic Bonus Progression will also be used.)
Bestiaries 1-6

Animal Archive
Familiar Folio
Any of the "X of Golarion" books
Any of the "Blood of the X" books
Heroes of the Wild
Legacy of the First World

Third Party:
World is Square - Elephant in the Room (link)

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

Zounds! That’s a stack!

Are you still thinking about Elephant in the Room and/or ABP?

Kassen Battle Maps

derp, Yes. I forgot to add it. I'll fix it while I can.

Kassen Battle Maps

I've also updated the Campaign Information tab.

Kassen Battle Maps

Welp, I forgot this was a thing. We're also using Fractional Base Bonuses. I like them because it makes life a little easier for characters that multiclass.

This is going to be the last round of combat. Between all of you, I doubt three skeletons are going to do much more than get wrecked and I'm not going to drag out a fight just for the sake of it.

So, just so I am sure I've got everything covered:
- There will be an opportunity to rebuild and level up after we wrap this round up. Given that it's Christmas and everyone's schedule is bound to be a bit crazy, I'll say that we'll move on by the 27th, a week from tomorrow. This should give everyone a chance to at least level up. The rebuild does include gear, but do keep in mind that y'all got some stuff.

As a reminder, here's what y'all got from the start of the adventure:
- Thick winter cloak, grants a +1 to Survival checks to resist cold weather. This does not stack with the bonuses granted from someone rolling survival.
- Masterwork Backpack
- bedroll
- winter blanket
- 6 days worth of trail rations (dried meat, aged cheese, hard bread, dried fruits)
- Mess kit
- two full waterskins
- 50 feet of rope
- 1 part of a Campsite Kit (Bedrolls, Blankets, rations, and mess kit have already been included in the above)
- 3 potions of CLW
- 1 strip of parchment that seems to be part of a map

And here's what y'all got when you arrived at the Crypt:


Gear List
1 - A Masterwork Mithral Dagger - אהבת אב (Hvt v) Dwarven: A Father's Love
The dagger emits light as per the light spell when the phrase "guide my steps" is whispered to it in dwarven. The light it emits is like that from a forge and the blade looks as if it has just been heated by a smith.
2 - A Masterwork Mithral chain shirt custom made for spellcasters. It incures no spell failure chance
3 - A Masterwork Dwarven Waraxe
4 - A well-made, waterproof scrollcase worth 50 gp with the following scrolls
---- Float (Transmutation, Cantrip)
---- Leap (Transmutation, Cantrip)
---- Spellforged Sinews I (Transmutation, 1st Level)
5 - A Masterwork Scrivener's Kit worth 55 gp with enough ink and parchment to scribe 10 scrolls or add 10 spells to a spellbook. Counts as a Mastework set of Calligraphy tools. (Treat as a Masterwork Artisan's Tools[Craft(Calligraphy)])


Gear List
1 - Masterwork suit of Half-plate
2 - Masterwork Cold Iron Greataxe (6-foot tall dane axe with Dammerich's iconography engraved on the flats of the head)
3 - Masterwork locking gauntlet
4 - Mithral and gold holy symbol of Dammerich. Grants a free use of Lay on Hands once per day.


Gear List
1 - +1 Ironwood Breastplate with the symbol of Gozreh wreathed in flowering vines emblazoned on the front (This will be getting a different enhancement since we're using Automatic Bonus Progression)
2 - A masterfully carved wooden holy symbol of Gozreh. It lights as a torch with motes of fairie fire around it when willed to do so by the person wearing it. Allows the wearer to cast fairie fire once per day.


Gear List
1 - A Pearl of Power (1st Level) in a small, darkwood box worth 150 gp that also has The Master's Touch
2 - The Master's Touch A silver and cold iron ring with a matching band that magically sizes itself to fit around a familiar's ankle. Using the band, a spellcaster can see through a familiar's senses and instantly recall them to their side if their familiar is within 1 mile. The familiar gains the benefit of any protective spells cast on their master.
3 - A masterwork portable alchemist lab, grants a +2 to all Craft(Alchemy) checks.
4 - A well-made, waterproof scrollcase worth 50 gp with the following scrolls
---- Drench (Conjuration, Cantrip)
---- Rope (Conjuration, Cantrip)
---- Harrying Cipher (Conjuration, 1st Level)
5 - A Masterwork Scrivener's Kit worth 55 gp with enough ink and parchment to scribe 10 scrolls or add 10 spells to a spellbook. Counts as a Masterwork set of Calligraphy tools. (Treat as Masterwork Artisan's Tools[Craft(Calligraphy)])


Gear List
1 - Masterwork Darkwood Composite Longbow (+3 STR)
2 - Mithral hair pin with the blunt end crafted to look like arrow fletching and barrette fashioned in the shape of a stylized dragon that blends both Elven and Minkaian styles worth 250 gp.

- The list of allowed sources is in the Campaign Info tab under character creation. If you want something not on this list, ask and I'll take a look.

- Meep's going to level up with y'all. I don't think anyone had any issues with that when it was proposed. If you'd like me to do something else, let me know and I'll think about it.

- Bimbur's going to be going back with Gerol's group.

- Y'all got three potions of CLW each at the start of the adventure, and we've had four players drop out at least for this part. I'm going to say that those 12 potions were enough to cover your needs and you'll have three each going in (besides Meep who go the ones Zelka didn't get a chance to use because Moon's a friggin' beast!)

- Congrats guys! I think that was a CR 7 or 8 encounter and y'all did great!

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

Regarding Meep…. She could use a (hopefully MW) set of thieves tools, in case that slipped your mind.

Kassen Battle Maps

In due time. ;)

In the meantime, well, those zombies were supposed to be some of the bandits from that opening vignette. I think it'd be appropriate if one of them has some thief's tools.

Half-Elf Ranger 3 :: HP:26 | AC:18 ; T:14 ; FF:14 ; CMD:20/16 | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+7 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 total in forests) ; PER:+11 (Low Light Vision)

Sweet (on the tools and on leveling up)!

Also, I don't think that skeleton would have survived until Casina or Moon got involved. Betz was going to unload with 2 TK Fists and hit Bimbur with the debris. XD

Kassen Battle Maps

Oh, good point. One sec!

Edit: A grave injustice has been corrected. Moon and Casina need to roll reflex to avoid getting showered in moldering bone fragments. :P

Kassen Battle Maps

Meep HP: 1d8 ⇒ 1 Welp, looks like Meep get 5 HP.

Female Dwarf [Transmuter 2/Unchained Barbarian 1, AC15, T11, FF14 | HP 27/27, F+6 R+3 W+4 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +3, Perc. +6 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6]

Rolling for HP

1d12 ⇒ 5
7 HP for THIS level, then! :P

Male Half Orc Druid 3 (HP: 22/22; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+4,R+2,W+6; init +1/Per +10)

Roll for HP1d8 ⇒ 3

And upped to 5

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