About Betzolte IronhameBetzolte Ironhame
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Betzolte's Spellbook:
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
1st: Color Spray, Enlarge Person, Feather Fall, Grease, Long Arm, Mount, Protection from Evil, Silent Image 2nd: Bear's Endurance, Mirror Image ======================================================================== Character Concept and Background: 1. The daughter of Braggar Ironhame, the better of Kassen's two smiths, Betzolte is an ambitious young dwarf seeking to prove herself in both magic and might.
2. Betzolte's a relatively plain-looking dwarf of about average height and weight for her age. She braids her straw-blonde hair in three thick, rope-like braids, two framing her face and one larger one behind her head. She dresses in muted reds with blue trim in geometric dwarven patterns, sturdy clothes that are comfortable both at the forge and out adventuring. Her clan dagger always hangs at her side, a smooth hematite cabochon in the pommel. 3. She caused a small stir in the community when she declared she was not in fact going to follow in her father's footsteps at the forge, but instead would pursue an education from Holgast. The subsequent fiery, but non-violent, public argument with her father was the talk of Kassen for a couple of weeks following. 4. Despite her stubborn and semi-antisocial nature, Betzolte does have a kind heart, and enjoys helping others. This actually helps her get along with her father despite her decisions and helps her appreciate Holgast's somewhat erratic mentorship. Even if she didn't owe them love or labor, she'd still want to help them. 5. Unlike her father, who can sometimes be standoffish from the wider population of Kassen due to his clannish dwarven nature, Betzolte considers herself as much a child of Kassen as the humans and other such ancestries who live there. She's eager to participate in the retrieval of the Everflame this year, as for the past few years she's been considered too young (by dwarven standards) to participate. Goals: 1. Betzolte's biggest goal is to become a true wizard in her own right, but she has an interest in taking up proper dwarven arms to supplement it (dipping in Fighter and preparing for Eldritch Knight!).
2. My own biggest goal with Betzolte is to complete Crypt of the Everflame, and possibly the remainder of the Price of Immortality storyline, since the one she was originally written for ended barely after it began. Secrets: 1. Betzolte would never say it publicly, but she's always envied the Vargidan family for the ease with which they can use magic.
2. Contacts: 1. Holgast the sage is Betzolte's "mentor," for lack of a better term. She serves as his apprentice dutifully, taking in what little he'll teach on his own and supplementing it with her own study and research while he naps.
2. Braggar Ironhame, Betzolte's father and the local smith for Kassen, has as tempestuous a relationship with his own daughter as he has with everyone does. He never wastes an opportunity to complain about how much he could use her help at the forge while she's studying in Holgast's tower, and Betzolte fires right back about how she and her mother clean up after he loses his temper and makes a mess in the forge. Despite the loud arguments, the two still love each other, and part of Braggar's prickliness regarding Betzolte's career is worry that she'll eventually leave Kassen and he'd miss her greatly if that happened. 3. About the only thing Betzolte and her father agree on wholeheartedly is that neither of them like Grimscar. She views him as a cheat and a lech, and she tries her best to avoid him when he's in town. Part of her worries that he may try something to get back at Braggar through her. Memories:
1. Betzolte's happiest memory was the day she cast her first cantrip. She'd purchased a blank book from a traveling merchant, as there were no bookbinders in Kassen, had copied Holgast's notes and arcane diagrams in the fleeting moments between keeping his tower clean and spotless, top-to-bottom. She'd practiced the timbre and elocution of the basic enchantments while she helped her father at work, and now, at last, a small spark emerged from her hand and illuminated the room. Much to her surprise, her father grabbed her in a bear-hug and told her through teary eyes that he was so proud of her.
2. A much less pleasant memory was the day she asked to apprentice to Holgast and made her intentions to do so clear to her father. They had been out in the town market on the same day Holgast had come into town for to pick up his regular supplies. She spotted him in the market and boldly approached him, stating her request to become his apprentice loud and clear as her father watched, and she gave him a knowing look, since even if he protested he couldn't outright deny to anyone what she wanted. And protest he did, going through every excuse not to agree to it they'd discussed at home a hundred times before, and Betzolte offering her counterarguments right back. It escalated to a shouting match, and Guard Captain Wisslo worried he might have to step in to break it up, but neither dwarf laid a hand on the other, until finally Braggar's indignant rage burned out and he petulantly acquiesced to his daughter's wishes. 3. A memory that Betzolte would rather not bring up is when the youngest of the Vargidans came to apprentice under Holgast for a time. Betzolte had been apprenticing for about a year and a half, and felt she'd learned a lot (mostly on her own) about magic, and thought she'd be ready to mentor this young human in ways Holgast couldn't or wouldn't. That initial cordiality quickly faded, unfortunately, as the new apprentice didn't really care for the cleaning and other tasks Holgast used for instruction, and while he slept, when Betzolte offered to show them some of the magical texts she'd been studying, the child responded by casting a cantrip with a bored expression. Betzolte was hurt that something she worked so hard to understand and achieve came so instinctively to this brat, and that its wonder was so pedestrian to them. After about another week, they quit Holgast's instruction, and Betzolte sought to redouble her efforts at learning magic. ======================================================================== 1. What time zone are you in? Central Daylight Time (I'm in Minnesota, near the Twin Cities) 2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs? I started playing TTRPGs back in the early days of 3.5e D&D. I got into play-by-post gaming in college (2006 to 2010) and have been involved in at least one at all times since then. I've played Pathfinder specifically since at least 2012 (at least that's when my oldest post on these forums is from) to the present date. 3. What’s your favorite part about playing TTRPGs? I'd have to say the interactions between characters and the story that's spun out of it. I always enjoy when my character or one of the other characters gets a cool RP moment! 4. What do you expect from this game? The biggest thing I'm hoping for is seeing this story through to the end, whether that's just to the end of Crypt of the Everflame or to the end of the Price of Immortality as a whole, or whatever direction we end up going. I'm mostly hoping that this game doesn't collapse like so many play-by-posts do. I'm in for the long haul, so to speak! 5. What do you expect out of your fellow players? To help keep the game flowing (though obviously IRL commitments always take precedence, do NOT exacerbate a bad situation by putting it off in favor of an online game!), a standard I hold myself to as well, and to generally be respectful and communicative to one another. I don't have any hard lines or veils or whatever the nomenclature is myself, but I'll accept their boundaries as my boundaries. 6. What do you expect out of me? Similarly, to keep the game going (but again, if you need breaks or hiatuses, PLEASE take them and I'll be ready to begin again whenever you are) and the same level of respect and open communication. 7. (If you don't want this to be public, PM me the answer to this one and just note that you did so.) Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game? As I said earlier I'm somewhat desensitized to dark themes and subject matter, but will respect whatever boundaries are set by my fellow players and you as the GM. I'm no edgelord. ======================================================================== Betzolte's Friends and Family:
1. Braggar Ironhame, short-tempered master smith and Betzolte's father. While he and Betzolte argued about her decision to become Holgast's apprentice, he's proud of his daughter applying Ironhame work ethic to magic.
2. Morg Ironhame, sweet and mellow store manager and Betzolte's mother. Manages the Ironhame forge's storefront and the family finances. Doesn't raise her voice, but is able to get both her husband and her daughter to shut up or stop arguing with a single disappointed frown. 3. Holgast, absent-minded sage and Betzolte's mentor. Betzolte initially found it annoying that the lessons he personally gave were very rudimentary and she and Maidie essentially had to teach themselves the rest, but she now wonders if that was his plan all along, to show them how capable they were of learning on their own, and she feels if that's true, he deserves at least some grudging respect. |