Ruins of Azlant: the wonderful journey!

Game Master bigrig107

Roll20 link
Map of the Colony
Map of the island
Aquatic combat rules
Loot Sheet

Current Characters

Brienna Soldado
Ankha Brushbender

CG Human Alchemist L3 | HP 22/24 | AC16 (T12,FF14), CMD18 | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1 | Init +2 | Per +6, SM +0 |
Remaining Resources:
Extracts: Shield, Enlarge | mutagen 0/1; spontaneous healing 1/1

played by Lepidopteran (308 posts)
Count Lucinean Galdana
Braxton Horatio Wynters

Brewmaster 3 | HP 04/28 Nonlethal 0/28 | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | CMB +3, CMD 16 | F: +5, R: +5, W: +5 | Init: +5 | Perc: +7| Equipped Weapon: Rapier +6 (1d6+3/18-20 P) | Speed 30ft | Panache: 2/2 | Active Conditions: *Light (20');* |
0th: Create Alcohol, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Read Magic | 1st (3/3): Bless, CLW, Divine Favor

played by Crisischild (189 posts)
Ramona Avandth
GM of the Ruins

played by bigrig107 (398 posts)
Aquatic Elf

Female Neutral Half-Elf (Deep Shaman)3 | HP: 18/30| AC: 15 Touch, 13 Flatfooted 13 | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | Fort: +4, Reflex: +3, Will: +6 (+8)| Init: +2 | Wave Strike 6/6 Held breath (7 mins : 70 rounds) | Perception+8 (+10 underwater)

played by Mark Thomas 66 (269 posts)
Acadamae Student Korvosa
Rebecca "Becky" Beys

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 3 | hp --17-- 23/24 NL [0] | AC 18, t 12, ff 16 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +4 | BP 9/10 | Init +2 | Perc +7 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/4| Lore Master 1/1 | Wand of CLW 14/50 | Conditions: none

played by Profession Smith 6 ranks (82 posts)

Previous Characters


(2,295 posts)
Gorvald Thrimbyrson
Liberty's Edge Crisischild

(287 posts)
Amulet of Desna

(16 posts)
Dakari Brightshore

Male Half-elf (shoreborn) Bard (archaeologist)/2 [HP: 14/14]
Character Information:
[Armor Class: 14; Touch: 12; Flat Footed: 12]; [BAB: +1; CMB: +2; CMD: 14]; [Saves: Fortitude: +1; Reflex: +5; Will: +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion; +2 vs. enchantments)]; [Initiative: +2]; [Senses: low light vision]; [Perception: +7]
Archaeologist's Luck: 7/9

played by Vanulf Wulfson (44 posts)
Dakari Brightshore - npc

played by Lepidopteran (1 post)
Master Historian
Dolgrin Briskalberd

Male Dwarf Dwarven Scholar Stonesinger Bard 1 | HP 8/10 | AC 16 Touch 12 Flat 14 (+2 vs aquatic) CMB +2 CMD 14 | Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +4 (+3 vs poison, spells, SLAs) | Speed 20 ft | Init +2; Per +6 (DV 60), SM +4 | Active: None

played by polyfrequencies (144 posts)
Master Historian
Dolgrin proxy

Dwarven Scholar Stonesinger Bard 2 | HP 15/18 | AC 16 Touch 12 Flat 14 (+2 vs aquatic) CMB +3 CMD 15 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 (+8 vs poison, spells, SLAs) | Speed 20 ft | Init +2; Per +7 (DV 60), SM +4 | Active: None

played by Mark Thomas 66 (8 posts)
GM Wulfson

Hell's Vengeance Battlemaps; Jade Regent Battlemaps; Kingmaker Battlemaps; Mummy's Mask Battlemaps

played by Vanulf Wulfson (1,741 posts)

Michael Lenehan

played by Vanulf Wulfson (49 posts)