Calliope Marchette |

I completely feel that. I got sick over the entire 5 days I had off of work & was miserable. I played a LOT of Dragon Age: Veilguard though!

Storyteller Shadow |

I completely feel that. I got sick over the entire 5 days I had off of work & was miserable. I played a LOT of Dragon Age: Veilguard though!
80% of what I was supposed to do with that free time didn't get done, really sucked. Unfortunately with little kids it takes longer to get better as they don't get the concept of "rest"!
I had to give up video games long long ago, I never even played the first Dragon Age! :-(

Joey Hart |

Hey. Sorry about taking so long on the ending there. Edned up getting a hell of a cold over the last week and some change.
But it looks like things are back to smooth sailing, so I'm glad for that. Thanks again for having me for the short time I was here.

Calliope Marchette |

fyi, I am not super busy during the holiday season. My family is very, very small, and we aren't travelling this year, so I'll be around. I know other folks are probably quite busy though. I don't have kids, so the holidays are very calm for me ahaha

Storyteller Shadow |

The Holidays should be slow but early next year when my son is born I will have some interruptions for a few days then should be back to "normal". With my wife out on maternity and my full slate of PTO restocked 2025, and being fully settled into the house RL should be much less disruptive to my gaming life than 2024 was (except for a 5 month hiatus for my table top Vampire game while sleep patterns straighten themselves out).

Storyteller Shadow |

Calliope snaps out of her artistic daydreams as Edwin finishes speaking, making brief eye contact with him at the comment of reconvening in two nights--their meeting with Critias was supposed to happen during that time. The Toreador assumed he wasn't lumping her in with the new folks.
"I plan to go to the Succubus Club when this meeting is over," Calliope says, turning her gaze to the others. "If someone needs to feed, we could go together." She glances at Edwin again...she'd be leaving after she spoke with him alone.
Maybe my IC timing was of, I thought tomorrow (the night after this event takes place) we would meet with Criatias. If I had the timing off, assume Edwin chose the correct night, he would remember better than I would :-)

Calliope Marchette |

Calliope Marchette wrote:Maybe my IC timing was of, I thought tomorrow (the night after this event takes place) we would meet with Criatias. If I had the timing off, assume Edwin chose the correct night, he would remember better than I would :-)Calliope snaps out of her artistic daydreams as Edwin finishes speaking, making brief eye contact with him at the comment of reconvening in two nights--their meeting with Critias was supposed to happen during that time. The Toreador assumed he wasn't lumping her in with the new folks.
"I plan to go to the Succubus Club when this meeting is over," Calliope says, turning her gaze to the others. "If someone needs to feed, we could go together." She glances at Edwin again...she'd be leaving after she spoke with him alone.
Calliope meant she was heading to the Club during the current evening - the meeting she's talking about is the one they're having right now with a bunch of the new folks. :) She was thinking of touching base with him about the Critias meeting once the new people cleared out. Being secretive.

ST Talomyr |

Sorry for the delay folks, between being a bit busy and frankly a bit unmotivated, I haven't gotten around to posting yet. My intent is to get to it tonight.

Storyteller Shadow |

Sorry for the delay folks, between being a bit busy and frankly a bit unmotivated, I haven't gotten around to posting yet. My intent is to get to it tonight.
No worries, the DM ST grind can be tough, best to post when motivated.

Calliope Marchette |

Not a worry on my end, either. My schedule is rough for the next two months. 10 hour days, Monday through Thursday, on top of a college class.
My fault for agreeing to coach the high school esports team, though.

Calliope Marchette |

Hey all, I'm really sick and it's a rough one. I will be quiet for a few days.

Calliope Marchette |

I got Flu type A. So much fun. I've been down and out with fevers and incoherent for a few days, but I'm finally feeling more like myself again. Sorry for the extended silence. I'm back around whenever we want to pick things up again!

Storyteller Shadow |

On a side note, just received yesterday the "Vampire Rivals" card game.
Anyone here played it already?
No, unlikely that I will given I haven't touched my Magic Cards in ages and I've got a lot invested there already! Though a few years back I did have to sell some of the power 9 and other rarities to raise cash :-( International Editions on the Power 9, not Alpha r Beta so don't get too excited reading that :-)

ST Talomyr |

I backed it on kickstarter a long time ago, but haven't had a chance to play it yet, much like the other V:tM based games (Chapters, Vendetta, and Heritage) that I've bought/backed over the years.

Storyteller Shadow |

Hi ST, what is the lead time on learning a Level 4 ritual again, a few months correct?
With respect to a new Path, can I learn from a book or do I need a direct mentor? I don't recall the actual rule!

ST Talomyr |

You are correct on the timing for the ritual.
For the new path, you will need some one to teach you.

Calliope Marchette |

The roll depends on your choice of how you want to handle it. If you are going for the seduction route, I need a Charisma + Subterfuge. The difficulty depends on whether you are plying a bit of Presence or not. The Dominate route depends on which power you are using. If you are using Command (Dominate 1), which is a single word, that would be Manipulation + Intimidation, if you are using Mesmerize (Dominate 2), which can be a more complex order, it's Manipulation + Leadership.
All that being said, looking over you character sheet, you need to select a specialty for Attribute or Ability you have at 4 or more. (See the V20 book for examples.
Oh dang! I'll go through and do that this evening. I think she would go for the seduction + presence route. I will give you a roll tonight after I select specialties. My bad!
I would do it sooner, but my Esports team has a match tonight (I coach, not play) and I don't get home until late.

Calliope Marchette |

Ok - sorry about the wait. Esports match was a total disaster (errors on Epic Games's end that impacted a bunch of teams...we were trying to get Fortnite matches going for over half an hour. Nightmare) and I didn't get home until pretty late.
I already had a specialty in painting for Craft 4, so the others:
Charisma 4 - Eloquent
Empathy 4 - Emotions
Leadership 4 - Compelling

ST Talomyr |

Looks like it has been quite sometime since I handed out any XP, so let's go with 5 XP for everyone.

Storyteller Shadow |

Looks like it has been quite sometime since I handed out any XP, so let's go with 5 XP for everyone.
Big thumbs up to that! :-)

Dr. Matthew Baker |

Thanks for that. :)
Is there any option to buy merits with XP in this game? I neglected to buy herd which would represent Dr. Baker's patients that he carefully sups on during his appointments. I'd like to acquire the merit if possible as that's how I envision Matthew primarily feeding rather than through random encounters (I mean, could you imagine him flirting at a club? :P)

Storyteller Shadow |

Thanks for that. :)
Is there any option to buy merits with XP in this game? I neglected to buy herd which would represent Dr. Baker's patients that he carefully sups on during his appointments. I'd like to acquire the merit if possible as that's how I envision Matthew primarily feeding rather than through random encounters (I mean, could you imagine him flirting at a club? :P)
Now I want to watch you RP flirting in a club! :-)

ST Talomyr |

In V20 there isn't. That being said, this game started unlife as a 5th edition VtM game where that mechanic exists.
So I offer this: Backgrounds can be purchased with explicit ST permission at a rate of New Level x 3. (i.e. Herd 1 would cost 3 XP, Herd 2 an additional 6 XP etc.)
Dr. Baker - you may purchase upto 2 dots of herd provided you have the XP.

Dr. Matthew Baker |

Now I want to watch you RP flirting in a club! :-)
Ha, I would imagine Matthew would just use dominate, preferably on an intoxicated human who he feels would already be more susceptible to his influence. He'd find it distasteful though, especially given the loss of control it would inflict on him-- and he needs to be in control.
In V20 there isn't. That being said, this game started unlife as a 5th edition VtM game where that mechanic exists.So I offer this: Backgrounds can be purchased with explicit ST permission at a rate of New Level x 3. (i.e. Herd 1 would cost 3 XP, Herd 2 an additional 6 XP etc.)
Dr. Baker - you may purchase upto 2 dots of herd provided you have the XP.
Thanks a lot, I really appreciate this as it corrects a glaring omission from Matthew as I've come to envision him. Great system for running it too, I'll probably use it myself if I ever run vampire again.
I had 5 xp already saved up from character creation, so I'm going to spend 9xp now to get two levels of Herd. Dr. Baker now has seven specially selected patients he feeds on throughout the week.

Calliope Marchette |

Calliope could definitely teach Dr. Baker how to flirt at a club
I'm posting soon, I got sick again. Downsides to teaching America's youth. They're all full of germs.

Storyteller Shadow |

Calliope Marchette |

I've been super sick AGAIN and can post later today. Sorry for the delay. My immune system is not on my side lately.

Storyteller Shadow |

I've been super sick AGAIN and can post later today. Sorry for the delay. My immune system is not on my side lately.
Ugh, I had the same problem last year, it just stinks! Hope you feel better soon!

Calliope Marchette |

I have to make the difficult decision to step away from the boards entirely. I'm sorry - I didn't want to be yet another one to leave. Feel free to do whatever you'd like with Calliope.

ST Talomyr |

I'm sorry to hear that, feyrial. Hope things are alright, or that at least stepping away will give you the bandwidth to make things better.

Storyteller Shadow |

I have to make the difficult decision to step away from the boards entirely. I'm sorry - I didn't want to be yet another one to leave. Feel free to do whatever you'd like with Calliope.
Bummer, hope everything gets better soon!

Dr. Matthew Baker |

Very sorry to hear, hope that things improve for you!
For his actions, Dr. Baker is going to try and make sure an appointment with one of his "special" patients (A herd member) is set for early tomorrow evening. This will allow him to feed and then get in touch with the rest of our group and see what our next steps are in advancing our shared agenda.

ST Talomyr |

Sorry for the delays folks. Between being busy at work and having to rearrange things since losing Calliope, it's gonna be a few more days before I post anything meaningful.

Storyteller Shadow |

Sorry for the delays folks. Between being busy at work and having to rearrange things since losing Calliope, it's gonna be a few more days before I post anything meaningful.
No worries!