
They call him Jack's page

161 posts. Alias of Kazmanaught.


Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

About They call him Jack

Jack's Character sheet

Jack's Backstory:

The man who goes only by Jack is certainly not a typical Ventrue. He does not ooze confidence in board meetings, or balls, or really any social situation. His confidence comes from his prodigious strength and inhuman resilience.

A veritable brick s@@*house of a man, Jack is not that much taller than the average. He is however, extraordinarily muscled. Rumor has it that one of Lodin's lieutenants turned him for just that very reason; to increase the physical capabilities of his direct bloodline. His short brown hair and brown eyes are nothing particularly special, and yet... his overall general construction makes him beautiful.

Jack spent most of his living life doing physical activities such as construction, and spending his time in clubs. Although he rarely danced, he greatly enjoyed spending time in there to either pick up partners, or just people watch. He spends his unlife doing much the same. As a descendant of Lodin, most Ventrue feel at least some level of affection towards him, often offering him advice or very small favors. Other Kindred find his composure and physical strength to be reassuring, and will ask for advice. It is in this that it becomes clear that Jack is more than just a muscled brute, for although he is not quick on his feet when it comes to verbal sparring, or other forms of witty exchange, after pondering a kindred's situation he often provides either a comforting word, or sage advice. His dark silent eyes often watch a situation without judgement, and some Kindred find it refreshing to come across a Ventrue that is straight to the point.

Jack has spent a good bit of time in his unlife studying the vampire clans that he feels are physically mighty. Brujah's might and Gangrel's claws intrigue him, and the noble warrior code of the Lamia is something that he finds especially compelling.

There are of course, a few things that Jack is bothered by. Never having been in love in life, he now finds that he can only palate the blood of those who are in love with another romantically. He dislikes having to use manipulation to seduce couples, but a vampire has got to eat. He only took pains to develop the Ventrue ability to make a target forget the past after an unfortunate incident early in his nights. Having seduced a man's girlfriend to feed upon her, she became infatuated with him, leaving her current partner. She now stalks him, and the man who she left hates Jack with a burning passion.

In essence, Jack is a relatively down to earth kind of guy with a penchant for physicality. He does not seek out violent situations, but has no qualms about using force to get his way in any sort of scenario. Although the Ventrue desire to rule and dominate is more subtle in him than in most, and takes a different form, it nevertheless burns just as strongly in his unbeating heart.