[PF2] Menace Under Otari (GM Watery Soup) (Inactive)

Game Master Watery Soup


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(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Please let me know when you're ready to continue.

Horizon Hunters

Sprite | HP 38/38 AC: 21 | F: +8 R: +11, W: +7 | Perception: +7 (Low-Light) | Default Exploration: Scout |


Horizon Hunters

| Male Dwarf Gunslinger 4 | HP 54/54 | AC 21 (+2 AC first round of init) | F +11 R +11 W +10 | Perc +10 (dark vision) | Default Exploration: Search | Speed 25ft | hero points 1 | Active Conditions: None

Ready, profile is updated, slides as well.

I took defensive armaments giving my weapon parry trait => first round when I roll init i get +2 to AC until I go.

Horizon Hunters

Male Orc Thaumaturge - 4 (Hero Points: 1)|HP 56/56|AC 23 (25 Shield)| F +10, R +9, W +8 Implement (Mirror)| Perc +8, Diplo + 11, Intim +9, Esoteric Lore +11, Athl +9. ALL Recall Know +9|Conditions: Icons: ◆◇↺


No purchases.
Scroll Thaumaturgy (Can activate any scroll)
Intimidating Glare (Intimidate loses the auditory trait)

Radiant Oath

Perc +7 | 25 feet | Spell DC 17 | Active Conditions: none Male Goblin(Unbreakable) Cloistered Cleric (Sarenrae) 2 HP 30/30 | AC: 16 | F +6 R +6 W +9

D'oh! I forgot that we were supposed to be leveling up.

I'll get it done by the end of the day!

1st Taste of Eternity Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

Done. I'd messed some stuff up, too so an audit was useful.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Just in case anyone noticed, I stopped tracking XP and deleted it from the header. I only needed to know when you reached Level 2.

Radiant Oath

Perc +7 | 25 feet | Spell DC 17 | Active Conditions: none Male Goblin(Unbreakable) Cloistered Cleric (Sarenrae) 2 HP 30/30 | AC: 16 | F +6 R +6 W +9

The bad news is, that was my last heal spell.

The good news is Meadow is the only one I've used combat medicine on and I have a Sanctuary spell.

The really good news is that we've already done 30 points of damage to the dragon so it's probably mostly dead.



(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Well, Meadow revised her actions. She missed twice, and so the dragon has at least 11 hp remaining.

I have full confidence in y'all.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Brutal dice rolls ... but I still have full confidence in y'all!

Horizon Hunters

Male Orc Thaumaturge - 4 (Hero Points: 1)|HP 56/56|AC 23 (25 Shield)| F +10, R +9, W +8 Implement (Mirror)| Perc +8, Diplo + 11, Intim +9, Esoteric Lore +11, Athl +9. ALL Recall Know +9|Conditions: Icons: ◆◇↺

right? Not great for the moment. Doubt Kzem makes it past this round with the dragon rolling +14 against an AC 21.

Thanks in advance Grimmy for keeping us in this fight. You da real Em-Vee-Pe

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

This adventure is wrapping up, and there are some logistical things.

1. Please let me know the PFS number for the character the credit will be assigned to. It needs to be a Level 1 PFS character.

2. Troubles in Otari thread is up, and UncleFroggy will be joining as a 5th. If anyone has preferences as to whether to recruit for a 6th, please let me know, here or in PM. Recommendations for private recruitment for a 6th are also welcome, please PM.

I will wrap up this adventure formally, and probably repost the last post here in the new campaign.

3. Halgur, I don't know what your plans are, but at some point, I will be running March of the Dead (from Book of the Dead) and at least some of the Dark Archive case files. If you'd like, I'll PM you before I post recruitment for those, in case Meadow wants to join.

4. I need to finish accounting for this adventure, so that the characters know what they can port over to Troubles. It'll be up in a day or two.

Radiant Oath

Perc +7 | 25 feet | Spell DC 17 | Active Conditions: none Male Goblin(Unbreakable) Cloistered Cleric (Sarenrae) 2 HP 30/30 | AC: 16 | F +6 R +6 W +9

1. 143948-2003

2. I have no opinion about adding a 6th but if you're going to, you might tag Shifty. He's an excellent player and you could do worse than run a game with not one but two VC's in it.

3.-4. Do not appear to be my action items. Proceed.

Horizon Hunters

Sprite | HP 38/38 AC: 21 | F: +8 R: +11, W: +7 | Perception: +7 (Low-Light) | Default Exploration: Scout |

1. 829-2023

2. I am god with either 5 or 6.

Horizon Hunters

| Male Dwarf Gunslinger 4 | HP 54/54 | AC 21 (+2 AC first round of init) | F +11 R +11 W +10 | Perc +10 (dark vision) | Default Exploration: Search | Speed 25ft | hero points 1 | Active Conditions: None

1. 2359780-2010 - Thorn Goldenoak

2. When I GM'ed it I found the fights to be a bit easy, it could be my inability to scale them well, but maybe for that reason let us stick with 5. At the same time, scaling fight to 6 means 50% more than to 4 (either by quantity or quality). On other note, I know that some maps were not to big for large parties

F Half-elf | Ranger 2 | ◆◇↺ | HP 28/ 28| AC 19 | F +6 R +10 W +6 | Perception +8 | Hero 1/3 |Prey=puppy

1. 35206-2012
2. n/a
3. Yes please. I'd love to play those. I've actually already played a few of the Dark Archive case files with Meadow though. A Song of Making and Unmaking, Lady of the Harvest, and Tomorrow’s Feast.
4. n/a

Thanks for running this, Soup. Lots of fun as always.

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Thorn Goldenoak wrote:
When I GM'ed it I found the fights to be a bit easy

Nah, the players were just really good.

Horizon Hunters

Male Orc Thaumaturge - 4 (Hero Points: 1)|HP 56/56|AC 23 (25 Shield)| F +10, R +9, W +8 Implement (Mirror)| Perc +8, Diplo + 11, Intim +9, Esoteric Lore +11, Athl +9. ALL Recall Know +9|Conditions: Icons: ◆◇↺

1. 273096-2003

2. I would vote Shifty as well, if interested/available.

3. I enjoy this group of players a lot. I'll play as many much as I can until ya'all wise up and kick me out.

4. Kzem will come along.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Game has been reported and Chronicles are HERE.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Okay, since things seem to be split, I'm going to go with the default, which is running with 5.

UncleFroggy has checked into the Troubles in Otari thread, so y'all can migrate over there after dropping by the grand opening of Meadow's Tours.

I still owe you bookkeeping.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Upstairs: 20.46 gp per character
Downstairs to level up: 5.28 gp per character

Since then:
silver bracelet: 5 gp
smoking sword: sell value 30 gp
wand of heal, 1st: sell value 30 gp
2 healing potions: sell value 12 gp each
hat of disguise: sell value 15 gp
Cash: 28.59 gp
Emerald: 20 gp

Total if all sold: 140.59 gp
Total per character: 28.12 gp

Sooo ... I've been a very bad accountant. Basically, over the course of the adventure, your characters have accumulated a grand total of 53.86 gp. But I clearly missed some purchases, like the +1 runes, so I'll trust you guys to be honest when porting characters over to Troubles.

If you're keeping anything directly from the adventure, you can buy it at the sell price, e.g., one smoking sword can be "purchased" for 30 gp, but a second one would have to be purchased at full price.

Radiant Oath

Perc +7 | 25 feet | Spell DC 17 | Active Conditions: none Male Goblin(Unbreakable) Cloistered Cleric (Sarenrae) 2 HP 30/30 | AC: 16 | F +6 R +6 W +9

Grimmylow will keep the smoking sword unless someone else wants it. I may pick up a couple alchemist fires, too, but there's nothing else I want to buy.

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(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

I noticed that not everyone has migrated over. Can I close up this campaign?

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