Ratel Dier |

Thoron Palehorn wrote:I think that would be Cirilla. She is down to a few hp. 4"I don't think it's a good idea to go into the Manor quite yet. I'm about to run out of ways to help the entire party. Who's badly hurt? That ring is very evil throw in a volcano or some such to get rid of it.
Checking to see who among the party is hurt worst.
[dice=Heal Check]1d20+8
hmmm, didn't realize she was that low. HP just says 44 and she was wandering around alone exploring.
Anyway, If Thoron doesn't have the band width to heal her Iz and Ratel have some healing ability as well. Just let us know. Any reason not to open the house and rest in there?

brvheart |

it says 4 of 44
No reason I know of. The village is largely cleared out.

"Slim" Jim |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

All this talk of Set reminds me of this film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYM8YqFCRQE

brvheart |

All this talk of Set reminds me of this film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYM8YqFCRQE
Me too, but when it came out Conan sort of reminded me of the Dark Tower we are playing now! No James Earl Jones, but he will give you and idea of what is to come! The Paul Brothers are there, too!!!

brvheart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

brvheart wrote:it says 4 of 44Sorry, it says that on roll 20, I was looking at her heading here.
She keeps track on Roll20, not here.

"Slim" Jim |

So we've got 3 rings of protection to distribute (two +2 rings, one +1). Currently the party has the following AC/Rings:
Name: Ciri AC: 16, Current ring: +1
Name: Felix AC: 22, Current ring: +1
Name: Iz-dubar AC: 22, Current ring: None
Name: Jim AC: 22, Current ring: None
Name: Ratel AC: 24, Current ring: +1
Name: Tal'ariel AC: 19, Current ring: None
Name: Thoron AC: 25, Current ring: +1
Any thoughts about where they should go? I've seen several schools of thought on this. One obvious idea to to give them to those without (but who gets the +1 ring?) Another idea I've seen is to give the +2 items to those with the highest ACs (Thoron & Ratel) and hand down the +1 rings they had to those without.

Ratel Dier |

So we've got 3 rings of protection to distribute (two +2 rings, one +1). Currently the party has the following AC/Rings:
Name: Ciri AC: 16, Current ring: +1
Name: Felix AC: 22, Current ring: +1
Name: Iz-dubar AC: 22, Current ring: None
Name: Jim AC: 22, Current ring: None
Name: Ratel AC: 24, Current ring: +1
Name: Tal'ariel AC: 19, Current ring: None
Name: Thoron AC: 25, Current ring: +1Any thoughts about where they should go? I've seen several schools of thought on this. One obvious idea to to give them to those without (but who gets the +1 ring?) Another idea I've seen is to give the +2 items to those with the highest ACs (Thoron & Ratel) and hand down the +1 rings they had to those without.
I think I’d like to increase my survivability since I’m a d8 on the front lines(and came close to dying). I’m going to move to sword and board and sacrifice some damage for AC. With that said I’d like to bid on the following items:
[dice=Ring of prot. +2 (Avaarkis or Merth)]1d20
[dice=Belt of con +2 (Avaarkis)]1d20
[dice=Heavy shield +2 (Seth)]1d20
Like Iz I'll want to continue increasing Ratel's survivability. The plan for Ratel was to be able to use what ever weapons we find, one or two handed, and to keep a shield for a defensive position. The only item he'd be interested in (so far) would be one of the two + 2 rings (obviously passing the + 1 ring to someone else). If he needs to give up the + 1 halberd he'd do that. However were handling it. He would be willing to use or carry almost any martial tool, the belt or the shield or the mace. But only if no one else wanted them.
A couple of observations about your comment Slim. Thoron may have a higher AC than Iz, but he's not really a front liner. He's not struck a blow yet, has he? With the shield, if he is going to cast, he'd need to put his mace down, right? It feels like there are five of us wanting melee combat. I would consider Iz and Ratel the more stationary frontliners, providing the 'anvil' to yours, Cili's and Felix's hammer.

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I'm more of trying to keep you guys alive. So, I would be probably pass on weapons and the like. Just you all do a lot more damage than I can, I'm not a bad fighter, just the rest of you are better. I would like a better longsword eventually, or better armor. I'd also would like to have the +2 Ring of protection, if nobody else needs it.

Ratel Dier |

I'm more of trying to keep you guys alive. So, I would be probably pass on weapons and the like. Just you all do a lot more damage than I can, I'm not a bad fighter, just the rest of you are better. I would like a better longsword eventually, or better armor. I'd also would like to have the +2 Ring of protection, if nobody else needs it.
Thoron are you always using your shield? IF the + 2 shield is an upgrade wouldn't it be just as valuable?
Is the gear on your page right? I think the + 2 shield would be better defensively than the holy blinding steel shield, but I assume the 'holy' 'blinding' part makes it more expensive.

"Slim" Jim |

I'd like to get Slim a ring but I don't think any of the other loot is suitable. My biggest worry with him is his saves, I'll want to prioritise that if possible.

Ratel Dier |

Please take a look at this, if you think it should be different please share why.
Recommended watch:
1st: Ciri, Iz-dubar, Tal'ariel
2nd: Ratel, Felix
3rd: Thoron, Slim
Recommended march:
Ratel, Iz-dubar, Tal'ariel, Slim, Ciri, Felix, Thoron
Ratel and Iz-dubar, Slim and Tal'ariel, Felix and Ciri with Thoron bringing up the rear.

Tal'ariel Rhuidon |

Out of pocket for much of today, I have no strong feelings about loot, will take whatever folks think ought to be handed to me.

Iz-dubar |

Please take a look at this, if you think it should be different please share why.
Recommended watch:
1st: Ciri, Iz-dubar, Tal'ariel
2nd: Ratel, Felix
3rd: Thoron, SlimRecommended march:
Ratel, Iz-dubar, Tal'ariel, Slim, Ciri, Felix, Thoron
Ratel and Iz-dubar, Slim and Tal'ariel, Felix and Ciri with Thoron bringing up the rear.
Looks good to me.
As far as loot goes I’m flexible ring +1or +2; shield +1 or +2 doesn’t really matter. The same goes for the belt too (this would be my first choice but I can live without it).

brvheart |

So we've got 3 rings of protection to distribute (two +2 rings, one +1). Currently the party has the following AC/Rings:
Name: Ciri AC: 16, Current ring: +1
Name: Felix AC: 22, Current ring: +1
Name: Iz-dubar AC: 22, Current ring: None
Name: Jim AC: 22, Current ring: None
Name: Ratel AC: 24, Current ring: +1
Name: Tal'ariel AC: 19, Current ring: None
Name: Thoron AC: 25, Current ring: +1Any thoughts about where they should go? I've seen several schools of thought on this. One obvious idea to to give them to those without (but who gets the +1 ring?) Another idea I've seen is to give the +2 items to those with the highest ACs (Thoron & Ratel) and hand down the +1 rings they had to those without.
IMHO, for what it is worth. Y'all can do as you wish.
Ciri usually buffs herself to AC 22 but still keeps nearly dieing. She needs something - badly. I suggest the belt to give her more hp
Felix - sorry there are 4 +1 long swords and 1 +2 unholy that I am sure will be broken if it has not been already
Iz - should get at least a +1 ring if not +2. He is right, he is a front line d8 fighter.
Jim - again should get something for AC, a +1 at minimum
Tal'ariel - her AC is actually a lot worse. This is only 4 hours a day with mage armor. The rest of the day it is AC 14. Can we say she needs a +2 ring more than the front line fighters?
Thoron - I love dwarves but he has the best AC and has yet to be hit. The last person in need of an AC booster.
Ratel - AC 25 Second best AC, but up front. Right in the middle. Should get something when the 3 that need it most get theirs - Tal, Iz and Slim and maybe even Ciri.
Also, out of game you will need to equip your allies!!!! Lots of them
As I said. It is just my opinion. A lot based on what I have been seeing of combat. The one hit on Ratel could have been anyone.

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Ratel, I could use the shield. Does anyone else use a shield in the party? I'd like to get Jim, Ciri, Tal, and Iz better items first. Like Brvhert I think that belt of constitution would help Ciri.
Also, guys remember I came in after being in Rapen Athuk. ::shudders:: So I've got some really good equipment from there. I had to actually downgrade my shield quite a bit coming from there. I think the party would be better giving the front line fighter types, the mages, and rogues first and put me at the bottom of the list as to giving me better stuff.
If we have an excess of +2 or better longswords, heavy maces, or warhammers I'd certainly like to upgrade weapons or armor, just others need it worse. Same with rings and cloaks of protection.
Plus if we need to equip some NPC's we need to save some nice things for them.

brvheart |

Responding to Brvheart here about watches and order of march. I can take first or last watch and I need to be in the middle of the party when we are moving if possible.
Know how you feel Thoron, they keep trying to keep my dwarven cleric in the back in my ftf game. I keep trying to get closer to the front!

Ratel Dier |

Responding to Brvheart here about watches and order of march. I can take first or last watch and I need to be in the middle of the party when we are moving if possible.
If you look at the 'watch order' I posted you're in the last watch with a full BAB character.
As for needing to be in the middle, from a tactical standpoint, Why? From what I can see you use buffs and healing spells almost exclusively, keeping your shield on one hand leaving your 'open hand' for casting. So, your usually not even holding a weapon. Buffs and heals can be done from the back, and with your high armor class you're a good buffer for protecting the squishy casters from any surprises sneaking up from behind.
As for the rest of the party, Iz and Ratel are very tanky and built for hold the line, toe-to-toe, combat. Felix and Slim have speed and class traits good for flanking attacks, as do Ciri and Tal' to a lesser degree. Both Ciri and Tal' use either combat skills or offensive spells: debuffs, attacks and battle-field control: For those types of spells, we want Ciri and Tal' close to the front, where their spells can affect the enemy.

brvheart |

Cus we've got short legs and will never catch up in a fight all the ways inz the back!

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I was thinking more of the lines of getting to someone to heal them, plus some of my spells can help the entire party. If at the one end of the party and one of the party drops at the other end I might not be able to get to them to heal them in time.
All the cure spells I have except for the channels are touch only. And I hate to use a channel if only one person is hurt. Plus, although I don't hit as well as exclusive fighter types, I can step up and cover someone if we get in a bind.
Also my perception is not good you don't want me at the back or front of the party if someone is trying to surprise us.

Robert Henry |

I agree we want a healer near the front, but both Ratel and Iz have healing abilities so it's not as big of a deal.
As for perception in the back, Felix is near, he has very good perception but you have the better AC.
As for casting, you're right we want you near enough to cast to the front of the party for buffs, but if Tal' and Ciri are using offensive spells we need them closer to the front of the party so their spells will reach past us and onto the enemy.
Once combat starts the battlefield will become more fluid and you'll be able to move as needed. But marching order? You've not convinced me. Brv was pushy about a marching order so, considering the characters skills and players styles, this is the best I could come up with.
I'm happy to leave it to a vote, write what you think marching order should be and why and we can vote on it as a group. There are seven of us so majority will win. That goes for everyone else, if you've got a better idea/plan write it up and we can vote, majority wins. I only created this one because our GM was pretty insistent that we have one.

Ratel Dier |

I've said my reasons. Let Ciri and Ta'al tell us what they think. But, I haven't see where you want me in the marching order. Please post where you think everyone should be.
Please take a look at this, if you think it should be different please share why.
Recommended watch:
1st: Ciri, Iz-dubar, Tal'ariel
2nd: Ratel, Felix
3rd: Thoron, SlimRecommended march:
Ratel, Iz-dubar, Tal'ariel, Slim, Ciri, Felix, Thoron
Ratel and Iz-dubar, Slim and Tal'ariel, Felix and Ciri with Thoron bringing up the rear.
Posted Yesterday, 11:33 am

"Slim" Jim |

Generally looks good to me.

Tal'ariel Rhuidon |

If Thoron would like to trade places with Tal, I would be fine with that. Tal is not really meant to be in the front line, and most of her spells have a reasonable range.

Ratel Dier |

If Thoron would like to trade places with Tal, I would be fine with that. Tal is not really meant to be in the front line, and most of her spells have a reasonable range.
In my original marching order I had Tal fifth and Felix third, Brv had me swap the two of you due to your perception check and regular posting. If I were to move anyone I'd switch you back.
If you want to propose a different line up, please post it and we can vote. Again, I only put up a watch and a marching order because Brv insisted, or he'd do one.

brvheart |

I need a marching order because you intend on going into the tunnels after you rest. Which means I need a watch order. Sorry, sometimes I am not as patient about things as I was when I first started 43 years ago my apologies.

brvheart |

If Thoron would like to trade places with Tal, I would be fine with that. Tal is not really meant to be in the front line, and most of her spells have a reasonable range.
Tal, at present Felix does not even have a set of thieves tools in order to unlock the various locked doors and chests. You will want your best rogue in terms of perception and disable device near the front. My wife has already forewarned the party about the number and quality of the traps. This is why I suggested that you be near the front, but it is only a suggestion. Have Ciri and Thoron in the front if you wish.

Ciri Princess of Cintra |

brvheart wrote:it says 4 of 44Sorry, it says that on roll 20, I was looking at her heading here.
I don't normally adjust my header, I just post that I need healing and asked several times, why I threatened to leave the building, couldn't get healing in combat.

Ratel Dier |

Tal'ariel Rhuidon wrote:If Thoron would like to trade places with Tal, I would be fine with that. Tal is not really meant to be in the front line, and most of her spells have a reasonable range.Tal, at present Felix does not even have a set of thieves tools in order to unlock the various locked doors and chests. You will want your best rogue in terms of perception and disable device near the front. My wife has already forewarned the party about the number and quality of the traps. This is why I suggested that you be near the front, but it is only a suggestion. Have Ciri and Thoron in the front if you wish.
I thought you told me to post marching order and take a vote?

Ciri Princess of Cintra |

"Slim" Jim wrote:So we've got 3 rings of protection to distribute (two +2 rings, one +1). Currently the party has the following AC/Rings:
Name: Ciri AC: 16, Current ring: +1
Name: Felix AC: 22, Current ring: +1
Name: Iz-dubar AC: 22, Current ring: None
Name: Jim AC: 22, Current ring: None
Name: Ratel AC: 24, Current ring: +1
Name: Tal'ariel AC: 19, Current ring: None
Name: Thoron AC: 25, Current ring: +1Always hand down the +1 rings they had to those without.
Iz-dubar wrote:I’m going to move to sword and board and sacrifice some damage for AC. With that said I’d like to bid on the following items:
[dice=Ring of prot. +2 (Avaarkis or Merth)]1d20
[dice=Belt of con +2 (Avaarkis)]1d20
[dice=Heavy shield +2 (Seth)]1d20The only item he'd be interested in (so far) would be one of the two + 2 rings (obviously passing the + 1 ring to someone else).
A couple of observations about your comment Slim. Thoron may have a higher AC than Iz, but he's not really a front liner. He's not struck a blow yet, has he? With the shield, if he is going to...
I will take what I can but I really need more hit points, ring is nice but the belt is really what I need as a straight caster but Iz rolled a natural 20 for it, so if he wants it, it's his IMHO.
Also note the +2 shield, can't use a shield myself, but that's +5 AC
If I replace a item slot, I generally donate the replaced item to the treasury.
As for watch order, 1st or 3rd for casters, whatever, I'm good.
March order, anywhere except first rank.

Ratel Dier |

Hey Ciri, just go ahead and pass the stuff out so we can get on with it.
"All this fuss over treasure! Constant seeking of gold and treasure to be sure will lead you to a life of misery. But you take what you need in order to fight evil. If you wish to donate 10% to the Shrine it would be appreciated. But there are certain relics that are missing that belong to the shrine and it would be appreciated if they were returned. The book being one of them."Did this fellow appear to everyone or is this just in Iz's head?
Rufo is not here. He has already gone back to the Inn to watch the prisoners.
Just trying to use RP to move us along, wouldn't have hurt to let him answer since you didn't tell us he left.

![]() |

Sorry I didn't see this
"Recommended march:
Ratel, Iz-dubar, Tal'ariel, Slim, Ciri, Felix, Thoron
Ratel and Iz-dubar, Slim and Tal'ariel, Felix and Ciri with Thoron bringing up the rear."
I'd do it a bit different. You do realize that if Iz gets a better ring of protection he and I would have the same AC? Going by what I can see on his character. Plus he'll do a lot more damage.
I'd do Ratal, Talariel, Thoron, Ciri, Slim, Felix, Iz-dubar in single file.
for double I'd do
Ratel, Talariel,
Ciri, Thoron,
Slim, Felix
But whatever the party wants, just realize I'll need to have better AC as soon as possible if I bring up the rear. And in single file when someone goes down (which they will) your main healing is going to not be able to get to them fast.
I don't have any issues with the watch order as stands.

brvheart |

Hey Ciri, just go ahead and pass the stuff out so we can get on with it.George Lion of Mitra wrote:"All this fuss over treasure! Constant seeking of gold and treasure to be sure will lead you to a life of misery. But you take what you need in order to fight evil. If you wish to donate 10% to the Shrine it would be appreciated. But there are certain relics that are missing that belong to the shrine and it would be appreciated if they were returned. The book being one of them."Did this fellow appear to everyone or is this just in Iz's head?brvheart wrote:Rufo is not here. He has already gone back to the Inn to watch the prisoners.Just trying to use RP to move us along, wouldn't have hurt to let him answer since you didn't tell us he left.
Up until Iz put on the ring George would appear to Iz and Ratel in their dreams. Once he put on the ring, George appeared in person. (Get used to it, he will be here A LOT!)
Sorry, Rufo was only going to trust Beldar to watch the prisoners for so long. He is sneaky that way. You just figured out he is gone.
Re Thoron:
FYI, Thoron still has yet to fix his character and only has currently an AC of 22. He could use upgraded armor and the +2 mace as his weapons are +1. Hence, his concern about his AC.
Now, they would prefer you used your weapons occasionally! Clerics are decent fighters.

"Slim" Jim |

Thoron, I'd rather Slim wasn't too far back in the marching order. Parry makes him fairly tanky and he wants to be mixing it up front in melee.

Ratel Dier |

Folks, we've heard from Thoron, Slim, Iz-dubar and myself a far as voting on the marching order and Ciri and Tal' have expressed general opinions. Please, let's get this over with. Please Vote for Thoron's recommendation or Mine or propose one of your own.
I know we all are willing to change some stuff, but we need to present a marching order because we are going to be facing random encounters, so we must be ready for initiative at all times.

"Slim" Jim |

From experience GMing a number of games on these boards, getting six people to agree on something like a marching order in PbP is an exercise in frustration. It's especially difficult this time since we're so melee heavy making the optimal order less obvious than normal. In my games I just put people where I fancy having them start unless the players actually speak up.
Anyway I'd prefer to Jim be a bit further forwards (perhaps in front of Ciri) because usually threats come from the front. Maybe this game will be different with all the random encounters, well lets see. Anyway I don't want to make a huge deal out of it, so if it speeds things up put him wherever.

Tal'ariel Rhuidon |

I think Ratel’s order is better. Fighters need to be near the front.
I understand the trap perception concern now and will support keeping myself near the front. Hopefully I’m winning initiative often, drop a spell and run away. So that’s what I’m voting for.

Kirbye Yordeste |

I think Ratel’s order is better. Fighters need to be near the front.
I understand the trap perception concern now and will support keeping myself near the front. Hopefully I’m winning initiative often, drop a spell and run away. So that’s what I’m voting for.
Welcome to the life of a rogue!