PF2e Crown of the Kobold King Plus

Game Master djdust

Strange things are afoot in the Silverpine Forest.
Earthsday, 12 Galea, 1393 NGE
Player Resources
◆= 1 Action, ◆◆= 2 Action Activity, ◆◆◆= 3 Action Activity
◇= Free Action, ↺= Reaction

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Apologies,I usually try to get my GM posts done on my lunch break at work, but we've been having internet outages at work all week. It's supposed to be fixed as of today, but now I've got to catch up on notes. I'll try to get an update in for you by week's end.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

No worries!

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

Everyone here alright? GM, you good?

Male Halfling Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 07/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/1 ; Hero Pts: 3/2

Just hanging....


Things are really busy here, having a hard time finding a moment.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

Just glad to hear from you. No worries.


Hi y'all, again, life has turned out to be really busy and I'm having a hard time getting onto the forums. I'd like to recommit to the game, but first, want to check in with all of y'all. Is everyone still around? Willing to move forward?

Male Halfling Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 07/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/1 ; Hero Pts: 3/2

Still dancing!

Human Male Ranger 1, HP-20, AC-18, F +7 R +9 W +5, Percep. +7


Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

Ready if your are

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 18 / 20 if nimble dodge | F+5 R+9 W+7 | Perc+7 |

Let's kick some butt!


alrighty then...

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

Shemar's AC is 16, but with the shield spell, it would be 17. I think That would make both of the bugs miss an assignments and something.


You're right Shemar, I must have misread your AC

Shemar Dunebright wrote:
”…Anyway, we have vanquished the vampires, it seems "

Shemar, give yourself a Hero Point for solving that mystery!

I don’t think anyone has used a Hero Point yet, so remember they are a part of the core rules in this version. Everyone should start with 1. Sebastien, retroactively give yourself another one for your stupid bravery against the zombies. I meant to do it then, but forgot.

Male Halfling Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 07/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/1 ; Hero Pts: 3/2

Stupid Bravery is the best kind of Bravery!


Danus will be dropping out for a while. I’ll bot him through this adventure for as long as needed and hopefully he can come back to us soon.

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4
GM_NotAngryButUpset wrote:
Shemar Dunebright wrote:
”…Anyway, we have vanquished the vampires, it seems "

Shemar, give yourself a Hero Point for solving that mystery!

I don’t think anyone has used a Hero Point yet, so remember they are a part of the core rules in this version. Everyone should start with 1. Sebastien, retroactively give yourself another one for your stupid bravery against the zombies. I meant to do it then, but forgot.



Traveling this week, updates may be spotty

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 18 / 20 if nimble dodge | F+5 R+9 W+7 | Perc+7 |

Hi folks, my theory that things would be better in a week was too optimistic. I suspect work is going to keep me from posting for the next couple of months, with late September being the time where I can jump back in. I have a September 21 deadline I'm facing, and there may be spillover / I'll need to recover. I'm really sorry for the trouble.

I will roll with whatever solution makes sense to you. Happy to have my character botted or have my character or just step away from the action temporarily. If you prefer to move on entirely, I'm okay with that too; I don't want to sap the momentum of any of my games.

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

We also have not heard from Valkor or Danus in some time...


Thank you for the updates Boros, Goodluck on your work priorities, and I really hope you can get back to us soon.

Valkorhas been incommunicado, and Danus has reached out to me privately, he is dealing with personal issues with hopes of.getting back to the game but no clear time frame. Either are welcome back.

That leaves us 2 active players out of 6 originally, so I'll leave it up to y'all how you want to proceed.

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

Unfortunately, I don't think that a bard and a sorcerer would be the best adventuring duo. Unless we can recruit a couple new people, we might be done for.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

I have to agree. We definitely don't have the stamina for


I mean, I don't mind botting through the rest of this adventure and rebuilding the party once we start Crown if the Kobold King.

Just want to know if you want to wait on Boros or plug ahead.


I guess, alternatively, we can find new recruits now and have them tag in while we tag a few people out.

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

I am fine with either. Obviously, I don't know the story that we're in right now, so I don't know which would be easier. I'd leave that up to you. I'd be happy to try and game on.


Y'all are roughly half way through the Watch, which is the last part of this adventure, and then you'll carry on to Hearth which is where we'll pick up Crown.

We can have some other adventurers catch up to you, find the Watch is impassable, and volunteer to help clear it.

Male Halfling Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 07/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/1 ; Hero Pts: 3/2

That sounds good. Maybe ask Tannakin and Leo?

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

Recruitment is looking positive



Male Halfling Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 07/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/1 ; Hero Pts: 3/2

Sébastien used to be positive, but them he started seeing dead people!

M Human Fighter 1

Travis Meadows here. Farmer from DarkWater Crossing, ex militia member now turned wannabe adventurer.

I'll be your front liner. Using Flail instead of something more damage oriented for now as it blends with backstory of grain flail...and it has all those neat tags like disarm, trip, and sweep...eager to try out those pf2 rules. I'm a fair novitiate in pf2 only playing a few times....and live the kobold series...looking forward to this.

I'll break out the character sheet into sections and make it easier to read over the weekend. Look over my build and see if anything pops up as better ideas

Hi all, I'm either a Barbarian or a Cleric/Warpriest! and a dwarf.

Story is similar in both cases. Comes from an artisan clan that makes a living crafting and selling fine trade goods in DarkWater Crossing but for one reason or another was pushed into a very different line of work and is trying their best.

I'm honestly leaning more towards the Cleric for versatility and I hope the GM will be kind enough to allow a rebuild when the remaster drops as apparently the warpriest has gotten a lot of help! Either way will be a good flanking partner for Travis.

Let me know what's more interesting and I'll get the alias going etc.

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

Shemar would really appreciate some religion in the group!

Sorcerer, Bard

Fighter, barbarian

This seems to be filling too few roles within the group.

Male Human, Male; AC19/21; HP 26/26: F +8, R +8, W +7 Alchemist / 2; PER +5, Speed 25', Hero Points 2/3; AA Bombs 7/8, Versatile Vials 3/6

Stepnik is a human who is on the move to a new place. He kind of had to skedaddle from his last location...and the one before that... and the one before that. Seems he is pretty good with mixing things up and making them do things, but he always takes it one step to far. Hmm I wonder what the effect of this Healing elixer would be if I added just a little salamander tongue, and a pinch of powdered pumice.

Sometimes things worked sometimes... well it was time to leave town just in case.

It wasn't always blowing things up (Though that might have happened at least once... probably due to impure components), but the town councilor didn't appreciate having his hands turned orange for a month, and I'm sure that the smell of sulfur would eventually wear off the pedestrian bridge outside town.

But I know what I'm doing.

Stepnik is a tall, thin, pale human alchemist. He wears shabby clothes incuding a stained hole pocked lab coat, and keeps his hair shaved close. (It would probably be burned off anyway). His complexion is scarred by either teenage acne or perhaps something more recent, and he's always looking for ingredients for his reagents. When resting he's often caught writing in a thick leather book with multiple bookmarks and notes in the margin.

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 20/22(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 1

Cleric it is. Also changed to a her to up some diversity in this group.

Look I'd rather be at home getting some work in with making something useful rather'n bashing heads in but Gerana had different plans for me. The darker skinned dwarf with a swish of white hair surrounded by mostly dark locks and some really quite nice gold pieces around her ears and neck says as she cracks her knuckles and draws her warhammer and shield. So let's get a move on boys, what's the holdup?

Male Halfling Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 07/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/1 ; Hero Pts: 3/2

Welcome Travis (Dread)! Good to see you here!

Welcome Stepnik (scranford)! Good to see you also!

Welcome Waedin (Azih)! Good to have you!

So, an Alchemist, a Cleric and a Farmer walk into a suspiciously quiet Fort....


Waedin, your Divine Font is Charisma based, just in case you want to move some attribute points around.

I'll get an introductory post for the three of you soon(tm). Just need to check my notes here...


Also, please join us on Roll20

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 20/22(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 1

Hey GM, in November hopefully won't need to do this with the remaster as noted in this document QMZBWRwI/mobilebasic

I wouldn't say no to just getting the four slots already though, haha. But yeah I should get the charisma up a little bit for the diplomacy if nothing else.


I'm not planning to switch to the remaster. Unless I'm convinced otherwise. I really don't know anything about it other than they axed the drow.

Also that link isn't working.

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 20/22(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 1

Maybe this works better

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 20/22(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 1

I think Waedin is ready to go, dropped her Con to raise her Cha. When the remaster drops I'll ask if the new version of cleric works for the game or not. Totally cool either way.

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

@Sebastien You and I do not have the ghost. The new members who are in the other tower, I believe, have the ghost.

Male Halfling Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 07/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/1 ; Hero Pts: 3/2

Hmmm...that would change things quite a bit....


Nope, the A Team has the ghost.

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4


Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 20/22(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 1

Yeah, we're just looking around!


Things may change soon ;)

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