PF2e Crown of the Kobold King Plus

Game Master djdust

Strange things are afoot in the Silverpine Forest.
Earthsday, 12 Galea, 1393 NGE
Player Resources
◆= 1 Action, ◆◆= 2 Action Activity, ◆◆◆= 3 Action Activity
◇= Free Action, ↺= Reaction

We will first be playing through The Angry GM's introductory module 'The Fall of Silverpine Watch' but revised for PF2e. Then we will get into the recently rereleased for PF2e 'Crown of the Kobold King', but transposed to a homebrew setting. After that, things are up in the air. Let's see how it goes.

Player Resources
Inventory Tracker
Roll20 for Encounter Maps


[dice=Sebastien]1d20+8[/dice] (+1 DC)


Ascaede- 1 Ruffian in the Silverpine Woods; 1 Darkmantle in The Crucible of Kamus
Boros- 1 Feral Dog in the Silverpine Woods
Danus and Tor- 2 Feral Dogs in the Silverpine Woods; 1 Zombie Shambler in Silverpine Watch.
Sebastien- 1 Wolf, 1 Kobold in The Crucible of Kamus
Shemar- 1 Bandit, 2 Feral Dogs in the Silverpine Woods; 3 Zombie Shamblers in Silverpine Watch
Stepnik- 1 Elite Warg, 1 Skeleton Guard, 1 Kobold, 1 Gelatinous Cube in The Crucible of Kamus
Travis- 1 Ghost, 1 Skeletal Champion in Silverpine Watch
Ustemir- 1 Elite Ruffian in the Silverpine Woods; 1 Wolf, 1 Skeleton Guard, 1 Kobold in The Crucible of Kamus
Kolek- 1 Ruffian in the Silverpine Woods; 1 Kobold Lookout, 1 Darkmantle, 1 Kobold, 1 Grick in the Crucible of Kamus
Valkor- 1 Zombie Shambler in Silverpine Watch
Weadin- 1 Skeleton Guard, 1 Kobold Miner in The Crucible of Kamus

Quest Log:

Complete! Oona Tealeaf- Escort halfling merchant Oona Tealeaf and her cart full of goods safely north through the Silverpine Forest to the town of Hearth.
Complete! Subquest Silverpine Watch- Investigate Silverpine Watch and discover what happened there.
Complete! Subquest Open the Gates- Open the two heavy portcullises that block passage through Silverpine Watch.[/b]
Complete! Subquest The Cursed Dagger- Find the mysterious dagger within Silverpine Watch and find a way to put the spirits to rest.[/b]
Complete! Druingar the Glintaxe- Magyola has asked you to look into the whereabouts of her old friend Druingar once you reach Hearth.
Complete! Subquest Visit the wizard Drazmorg's tower to inquire about Druingar's book In the Shadow's of Toil
Complete! Subquest Find the Crucible of Kamus.
Active Subquest Return news of Druingar's fate to Magyola in Darkwater Crossing.
Active Vazenko- Magyola sent Weadin, Stepnik, and Travis to Hearth to locate Vazenko Penchev, who was last heard in the company of one Drazmorg the Wizard.
Complete! Subquest Visit the wizard Drazmorg's tower to inquire about the missing Vazenko.
Complete! Subquest Find the Crucible of Kamus.
Active Missing Hunter- Lady Baranova is looking for help locating a missing hunter, Barlus Chorton. Inquire at the Temple of Gerana at the Civic House. Lady Baranova suggests that you start at the lumbercamps in your search for Barlus.
Active Subquest Return Barlus safely to Hearth and inform Lady Baranova.
Active Elusive Antidote- Several residents have fallen ill to a strange disease, and help is needed locating a key reagent in the remedy. Inquire with Laurel Gebre at Roots and Remedies in Honey Alley.
Active Subquest Find the Hag Haunted Hollow.
Complete! Subquest Gather Ironbloom mushrooms for Laurel's curative.
Active Subquest Return the Ironbloom mushrooms to Laurel.
Complete! The Darkmoon Beast- Woodsmen have reported a cunning wolf that seems to be hunting them down and picking them off one by one. Reward for killing the grey-pelted wolf. Inquire with Boss Teedum at the Cutyards.
Complete! Subquest Inquire with Jarlben Trookshavits at Camp B.
Active Subquest Return the head of the Darkmoon Beast to Boss Teedum in the Cutyards.
Active, Sebastien Mysterious Ruins- Find the mysterious ruins from his poetry book.