
Boros the Snake's page

221 posts. Alias of Tazo.

Full Name

Boros the Snake




Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 18 / 20 if nimble dodge | F+5 R+9 W+7 | Perc+7 |





Strength 8
Dexterity 18
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

About Boros the Snake

Omar and Nehir braved the fearful journey in secret to escape from their enslavement, despite the risk of lashings or even death. For Nehir was pregnant, and the thought of their child being born into slavery was too repugnant to bear. So it was that, after a dangerous, harrowing journey, the two managed their escape, and Boros was born in a dingy room in Miller's Ford, in Darkwater Crossing.

As Boros grew and found himself with siblings, he took on a role as an older brother and protector--particularly because Father was forced to work long, laborious hours to make ends meet. Father told him that it was a better life than he had in Zethinia, but as far as Boros could tell, their family was at the bottom of the economic ladder in a city of great wealth. Whether by blood or by nurture, Boros gained some of his parents' rebelliousness. So rather than cheerily integrating to human society like many halflings, Boros simmered in resentment from the slights, indignities, and bullying his family faced from society.

Wanting to get ahead for himself and his family, Boros took to the less savory elements of the city, running with a halfling gang that dealt in petty thievery and illicit goods. This proved quite rewarding, and Boros was bringing home real money, even as he deflected the concerns from his mother about where the money was coming from. He eventually became known as the Snake, a name he took on with pride. For while others might view a snake as deceitful and untrustworthy, he saw the Snake as a small yet deadly creature, worthy of respect.

Eventually, though, Boros was caught in one of his crimes, tried, found guilty, and sentenced. While in prison, Boros's family made him promise to turn his life into something non-criminal and productive when he got out again, and he reluctantly agreed. The question remained, though, what could Boros the Snake do that didn't involve kowtowing to some rich overlord in return for scraps?

As it turns out, Boros's younger sister Azra had arranged something by which Boros would be in the service of someone named Valkor Oso as a condition of his parole. And he would find himself together with at least one other famiilar face--Elry Larkwing, a halfling cleric who was always ready to provide some healing when Boros got into a scrape.

-Valkor = Boss
-Danus = Danno

Character Sheet:
Boros the Snake
Male Halfling Rogue 1
CN, Medium, Halfling, Humanoid
Heritage: Gutsy Halfling
Background: Criminal
Perception: +7
Languages: Common, Halfling
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Athletics +1, Deception +5, Diplomacy +5, Intimidation +5, Lore: Underworld +3, Nature +5, Society +3, Stealth +6, Survival +5, Thievery +6
Str 8 (-1), Dex 18 (+4), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 14 (+2)
Items: Rapier, Dagger x 4, Leather Armor, Adventurer's Kit, Thieves' Tools, Replacement Picks x4, Bandolier, Bravery Baldric (Fleet), 4.4gp
AC 18; Fort +5; Ref +9; Will +7
HP 16
Speed: 25 feet
Rapier: +7, 1d6+4 P, deadly, disarm, finesse
Dagger: +7, 1d4+4 P/S, agile, finesse, thrown 10ft
Ancestry Feats Unfettered Halfling
Class Feats: Nimble Dodge
General Feats: (None)
Skill Feats: Experienced Smuggler; Intimidating Glare
-Thief Racket: +Dex to damage with finesse weapons
-Sneak Attack: +1d6 vs flat-footed
-Surprise Attack: If deception/stealth for initiative, enemies that haven't acted are flat-footed
-Nimble Dodge: Reaction, +2AC vs a triggering attack
-Gutsy Halfling: Success vs emotion effects become critical success
-Unfettered Halfling: Whenever you roll a success on a check to Escape or a saving throw against an effect that would impose the grabbed or restrained condition on you, you get a critical success instead. Whenever a creature rolls a failure on a check to Grapple you, they get a critical failure instead. If a creature uses the Grab ability on you, it must succeed at an Athletics check to grab you instead of automatically grabbing you.