Sébastien of The City of a Hundred Fountains
Halfling Heritage
Observant Halfling Background
Musical Prodigy
Bard 2 Deity ?
Alignment CG Size S Traits Halfling Humanoid
Languages Common, Halfling
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AC (T) 16/18, Fort(T)+6, Ref(T)+6, Will(E)+8
Wood Shield + Hardness 5 Max HP 20/20 BT 10
Resistances & Immunities
HP 26/26
Class DC(T) 18
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Speed 25'
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Str 8 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 18
Acrobatics(T)+6, Diplomacy(T)+8, Deception(T)+8, Intimidation(T)+8, Occultism(T)+4, Performance(T)+8 (+1 Oratory), Stealth(T)+6, Survival(T)+6, Thievery(T)+6, Music Lore(T)+4
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Ancestry Feats & Abilities
Keen Eyes
Your eyes are sharp, allowing you to make out small details about concealed or even invisible creatures that others might miss. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when using the Seek action to find hidden or undetected creatures within 30 feet of you. When you target an opponent that is concealed from you or hidden from you, reduce the DC of the flat check to 3 for a concealed target or 9 for a hidden one.
HalflingLuck (1st; Halfling)
Skill Feats
Virtuosic Performer (1st; Background)
Intimidating Glare (2nd; Skill)
General Feats
Class Feats & Abilities
Muse Maestro
Occult Spellcasting
Inspire Competence (2nd; Bard)
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Magic Tradition
Spell Attack Roll (T) +i
Spell DC (T) 18
1. Light
2. Telekinetic Projectile
3. Warp Step
4. Guidance
5. Shield
Spell Repertoire
1st 3/3
1. Magic Weapon
2. Endure
Muse Soothe
3. Liberating Command
Focus Spells Focus Points 2/2
Composition Spells
Counter Performance
Lingering Composition
Composition Cantrips
Inspire Courage
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Gp 15/ 43 Sp 9
explorer's clothes
Thieves' Tools (3gp)
Thieves' Tools (Replacement Picks)x2 (6sp)
Wooden Shield x2 (2gp)
Adventure's Pack (1gp 5sp)
Wand of Manifold Missile (1st) 1/1