Dorian 'Grey' |

They are Trained (level+2+Ability modifier) in the listed Skills. In all others Untrained I.
I have yet to make an Animal Companion character, so I am also learning through you.
I will continue to research....
Most likely would use Aid Action?
Looks like your Boar is Teained in Survival!

GM_NotAngryButUpset |

gosh, there used to be all these complicated tables for tracking with adjustments depending on weather, number of creatures, ground conditions, number of days passed, etc. Now everything boils down to the Simple DCs, which is a very Angry way of GMing.

GM_NotAngryButUpset |

Hey y'all,
As stated before, there's a Quest Log under the Campaign Info tab. Please let me know if there's a personal quest that you'd like to include for your PC. Also, if anything comes up in the story that you'd like to follow up on, let me know and I'll add it to the list.
For example, Valkor may want to investigate further into his father's death? Or Shemar seems interested in getting in touch with this wizard in Hearth?
If at anytime something comes up like that, let me know!

GM_NotAngryButUpset |

That sounds like a good one “investigate further into his father's death”
Added to the list ;)

Elry Larkwing |

Sorry for the hold up on my end - I’ll make an IC post tomorrow morning my time (it’s after 12.30 am here and I’m headed to bed). Long day today getting medical stuff sorted out. Apologies to all.

GM_NotAngryButUpset |

Sébastien really wants to find the mysterious ruins from the poetry book.

Elry Larkwing |

Thanks, all!
Personal Quest: Maybe Elry could seek out and bring to justice the foreign traveller (originally from The Sunderlands) who killed her halfling parents? He disappeared from Marigold Pub right after and was never found/captured.

Elry Larkwing |

The next few days (my Friday, Saturday and Sunday) will be very busy for me. I'll try to post when I can find a little free time. Just a courtesy heads-up to the group and GM. :)

Shemar Dunebright |

I would say Shemar's active active quest would be to find out more about the bronze dragon eidolon that appeared to him. It may only have been a vision, or it may have been a real being of some sort, if not an actual dragon. Perhaps he does want to visit this wizard. He may be able to share some insight.

Elry Larkwing |

It’s been a busy day. I’ll make a post with Elry’s round 1 actions in a couple of hours. Sorry for the hold up. Tomorrow I won’t be able to post as I have guests spending the day with us.

GM_NotAngryButUpset |

Ive got a busy day ahead of me today as well, and a long post to write up. I'll definitely have an update for y'all tomorrow!

GM_NotAngryButUpset |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Because of the way 2e handles gear and carrying capacity, please explicitly declare whether you are taking up loot or not. For the moment, you've got it easy, because you can just throw any excess luggage onto Oona's cart, but in the future you may be chin deep in a dungeon and carrying everything is not feasible. I feel this is a conscious part of 2e's design, so I want to track it. And by 'me' I mean 'you'. Thanks!

Elry Larkwing |

Boros, your guy’s back to full HP after Elry’s healing, if you wouldn’t mind changing the HP on your alias line? It’ll help keep track of who needs what healing. Thanks kindly. :)
I’ll make an IC posting soon. January is always a busy month for me.

Elry Larkwing |

Who remembered to bring a shovel?
It doesn't appear like any of the PCs have a shovel. Can we say that Oona has one packed in the wagon, pretty please?

GM_NotAngryButUpset |

Yes, I will do this for you.

GM_NotAngryButUpset |

Nah I think you'd need to specify. They probably just lumped everything together under the same price and bulk to save print space or something.

Boros the Snake |

Boros, your guy’s back to full HP after Elry’s healing, if you wouldn’t mind changing the HP on your alias line? It’ll help keep track of who needs what healing. Thanks kindly. :)
Thanks for being on top of this!

Valkor Oso |

I’m posting this in all my games. We are expecting a major snow storm tomorrow. While I don’t expect to lose power or internet service it is always a possibility. If I don’t post tomorrow apologies in advance.

Elry Larkwing |

Keep safe and warm tomorrow, Valkor.
Hello, everyone. Tomorrow (26th for me) is Australia Day, and, I'm hosting a party. I won't be around to post. I'll be back on the boards on the 27th (26th for the northern hemisphere).

Boros the Snake |

I'm entering a busy period at work that may keep me tied up until February 12 (Super Bowl Sunday). I'll still try to check in and post, but I can't guarantee I'll make a consistent appearance. Please feel free to bot me.

Elry Larkwing |

Thank you for the Aussie Day wishes and for your general patience while I deal with my RL.
Good luck with work, Boros.

GM_NotAngryButUpset |

Sebastien, is there a link to the ruling that Inspire Courage grants the bonus to spell damage?
Historically, it's never worked like that.

Sébastien of The City of a Hund |

Inspire Courage grants the bonus to attack rolls. Some spells have the attack trait.
It also grants the bonus to damage rolls.
You inspire your allies with words or tunes of encouragement. You and all allies in the area gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects.
PF2e tends to lean toward the straightforward answer.
My home group transitioned to PF2e once it hit the stands. It took us 1/2 of Age of Ashes before we finally admitted that PF2e is totally different mechanically from PF1e.
Things that we just knew worked a certain way was not when actually looked up. Some of us were more stubborn than others...lol.
Fortunately, I DMed the first Book (we rotate DM each Book), so gave me months to read, research, reread and learn prior to our start.
Still learning, although same with PF1e.
I just got home from work (still in car actually). I will search it for you while doing my posts later.
10 posts just while at work! You guys rock!

GM_NotAngryButUpset |

I agree the text seems to indicate all damage rolls, whereas the 1e Bard ability specifically states weapon damage. I'm inclined to agree with you, but yeah, there's that nagging voice in my head that says 'well actually...'

GM_NotAngryButUpset |

Safe travels Valkor!
Ok, as far as Inspire Courage goes, we'll play it as it is written in the current edition and ignore historical precedent.

GM_NotAngryButUpset |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A couple of notes:
1) Regarding Aid: If multiple people roll the same check, I'll take the highest roll as the primary roll, and every one else is a chance to aid. The rules state the DC to Aid is 20, but I don't like that. So, my house rule will be, the DC to Aid is the same as the DC for the check, but caps at 20. So, for example, the DC to calm the ponies was 13, so the DC to Aid is also 13. But, let's say the DC to calm the red dragon that's about to ambush the party is 35, the DC to Aid will cap at 20.
The exception to this rule is if the party agrees ahead of time that one PC will make the primary check and all others will attempt to Aid. Also, NPCs will always default to Aid, unless specifically agreed otherwise.
2) Regarding Actions: The diamond bullet ◆ denotes 1 action. You should have a cumulative total of 3 ◆s per turn. Here are some example posts:
Alice pulls out her sword, charges the red dragon and attacks!
◆ to Interact, ◆ Stride, ◆ Strike
Bob stands back and casts Fireball. He then looks about to find that sneaky goblin.
◆◆ Cast Fireball, ◆ Seek
Carrol dashes into the shadows to hide from the evil wizard, drawing her dagger as she does.
◆ Stride, ◆ Hide, ◆ Interact
Hope that makes sense!

Elry Larkwing |

There’s some unexpected RL family stuff to take off, so I won’t be back on the boards until my Monday (your Sunday). If you need to bot my character in the meanwhile, please feel free. Thanks for your understanding. Please have a good weekend.

GM_NotAngryButUpset |

Welp, today is my birthday, so its been action packed. Looks like a fairly good chance i'll get a snow day from work tomorrow, so I'll update then.