GM Harrow’s Curse of the Crimson Throne - AE

Game Master GM Harrow

Map of Korvosa
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Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

Pip was intimidated by the polearm wielding crusader, but for the first time sees this may be the time to approach her. As she talk with the children, Pip follows her cue.

"We all need to get to the temple immediately and get out of danger."
Pip gives up his seat on Donnal and helps load as many kids on him as would be safe. "Hold onto each other, you get to ride a dog!!"

Pip purposefully walks next to Shrike on the way back and speaks to her.
"I am glad to meet you. If I come off as frivolous at times, it doesn't mean at my core I am dedicated too. This one of the good days and we should enjoy it." Pip smiles and begins starting a poem and getting the kids to repeat it as they head back.

"This is where the life without Lamm starts, all that is left of him is some nasty farts."


The sinkhole was terrible. The simple thought of kids living in it was heartbreaking, but the worse truth was that is was probably better than what a lot of other kids had. Certainly better than living with Lamm and his goons. Knowing he couldn't trouble anyone any more was a small relief, but there were plenty others out there just like him. She glanced around at the others, making the kids ready to depart. With their help, she just might find the courage to do what needed to be done.

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Ephemeral GameMaster

The Joke Inverted:
The man with the greasy hair kicks open a door and enters into the storeroom their group of concerned citizens were using a base. Various supplies and other trinkets lie strewn about the space, some acquired honestly and others not so much. He dropped into a rough wooden chair with a frown and brooded while the others came in chattering about their recent excursion. The rabble band had mostly broken up for the day as many had families to tend. Those like himself who had nowhere else to be returned to this temporary hideout.

He'd come to with Dendren kneeling over him which had been a surprise given how badly wounded the retainer had been. His inside information had been useful in procuring some of the group's supplies over the last two days, but Dendren seemed shady. His disgust over Ileosa becoming queen appeared genuine enough, but there was more to the reasons he was here...

"Travik!" the woman with the bloody apron calls to him. The greasy haired man looks up from where he scowls over his steepled fingers. "You alright, mate?"

Travik's scowl deepens. "You just had to have that bloody dress, Merell, yeah?"

Merell blinks and mutters some kind of apology. "I 'idn't know it'd go like that. Why in 'Gug's name those little do-gooders got git involved?"

Travik looked back at the table in front of him strewn with various plans of the heists and scores he'd been involved. Dendren sure had been quick to support Merell's desire to break into the tailor's and get that dress. Arnut was too stupid to notice anything unless it was food or skinny effeminate men, but Travik had noticed that. A little out of place it was. Dendren being a noble house retainer generally made him more reluctant to stick his neck out, but a stupid, bloody dress? Something was off. Like that bird-headed warrior.

Travik's hands clutch into fists and his jaw tightens as he thinks about the disgust and contempt with which that helmeted warrior had looked at him. She had caught him off-guard, and he hadn't expected such a hard determination to bring them to justice. The lump on his head throbbed from where she struck him with his own cudgel. The knuckles of his hand popped and he realized his jagged nails were drawing blood on his palms.

He forced himself to relax. Getting worked up wasn't going to shake this feeling, this need to be the one standing over her showing that bird lady who was higher, who was mightier.

"Oh, I'll get 'nasty' with you, Lady Bird...and your murdering bard's two gold like I promised. Someday soon."

CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8

Pip purposefully walks next to Shrike on the way back and speaks to her.

"I am glad to meet you. If I come off as frivolous at times, it doesn't mean at my core I am dedicated too. This one of the good days and we should enjoy it."

The bird mask's eyes can't noticeably look at Pippip while they walk, but Shrike indicates she is paying attention by the subtle tilt of her head.

"My day's not over yet. But that's not your lookout. Likely you've other business now." The voice is still croaking and discordant, but lacks the threatening harshness it held in confrontation with the looters and imps. She pauses, then adds gruffly, "Not a judgment. Glad you found your boy."

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Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 0/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

After Audria helps the others out of the sinkhole, the two gnomes, a brother and a sister, sit astride Pip's riding dog, and the young paladin helps hold up the half-elf, a boy already as tall as she is though he is not quite an adolescent. He leans against her as they make their way back to the Sanctuary of Shelyn. The bloody stump of his wrist hangs at his side as they walk.

"'Snot yer fault, Auds," he mutters. "We thought ye're dead. 'Swhat the bastard said."

Audria frowns as she looks that boy, then she remembers. He's grown a lot since the last time she'd seen him.

"I still wasn't there," she says. "How many from back then, besides you, made it, Nathiel?"

Nathiel grimaces, his expression telling her the answer.

"I'm sorry," she says again. "I should have done more."

"Ye killed Giggles. That's enough for me. He's the one that took me hand." Nathiel chuckles as he waves the stump of his wrist around. "Don't blame ye for not wanting to come back to that hellhole."

Audria looks at his face for a moment before turning her eyes back to the street. She doesn't say anything else for the rest of the trip about how she feels.

Talanathiel flies overhead, keeping an eye out for trouble as they make their way back to safety amid the sounds of a city going mad.

Acrobatics +9, Appraise +7, Bluff +8, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +13, Use Magic Device +6
Halfling Rogue 2; Init +4; HP: 16/16; AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14; Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1; Perception +8; Harrow Points- 5

Garrett follows along after the others and wonders how many other demons are flitting through the streets in the chaos.

Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

Pip smiles at Shrike: "Oh, we got even more long days ahead. Much easier when the burden is sharted!!"

Pip teaches the children each a verse and has them repeat it when he points to them as they sing heading back to the temple. It turns out when you need to inspire adolescents, bathroom humor is always a solid bet.

As they arrive at the temple he points to the last child who says
"Our captives are dead and we live free, Lamm lays in a puddle of his pee."

I hope the thieves we thwarted appreciate the help we gave them. We gotta be better prepared for imps next time.

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CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8
Pippip Ooray wrote:
Pip smiles at Shrike: "Oh, we got even more long days ahead. Much easier when the burden is sharted!!"

After a moment, the shrike mask dips in a nod of acknowledgement. Going to assume that was a typo for 'shared.'

By the time the group reaches the Sanctuary of Shelyn again, Shrike is more than ready to set down the tiefling girl, who once fully recovered from the fright caused by the imps, proves to be something of a chatterbox. The masked elf's few monosyllabic answers and otherwise forbidding silence only seem to encourage the chit in her intermittent remarks, sprinkled liberally with bewildering cant phrases.
"Boss Lamm and his bruisers called me Kidskin, 'cause of the horns and how they was always threatening to skin me, but most folk just calls me Kizzy. This here's Diver, and Pug."

"Have you got any grub on you?"

"You're an elf, right? Leastwise I don't see what else you could be with them flappers. Dunno what a Shrike is, but it sounds fierce. That's a rum name. No one's afeared of a kinchin mort named Kizzy."
"Did Sixfingers and Hopper make it to this swell ken too?"

"Don't know."
"Why d'you wear that mug-cheat? I ain't seen no robin or beaksman what wears a mug-cheat afore. Or mayhap you ain't with the nabbing-culls at all. But then why care a button about Boss Lamm, or what happens to us? It fair queers me what your lay is."
Eventually Shrike warns her, with more weary amusement than threat, "My ears are full, minnow." She barely remembers to say the oft-heard phrase from her childhood in Taldane instead of Elven.

"Right, say no more. Stubble it, Kizzy!" And she does. For a few minutes, anyway.


As Shrike sets her burden gently on the floor just inside the temple, she straightens up with an inward sigh of relief. Kizzy is probably eleven or twelve, but small and thin for her age from undernourishment; even so, her weight was not easy to carry for over half a mile. The ankle on the side supported by the crutch looks badly swollen but not crooked. At a guess, it is probably a recent injury, and not an old one healed wrong.

"Well, that's that! Thanks for this. And for stepping in with the squeakers and all." Kizzy smiles brightly and turns away for the room in which the other orphans are visible and the whittling priestess is rising from her chair to come greet their new arrivals.

One touch on her shoulder stops her in her tracks. She looks around again, her eyebrows raised questioningly.

Shrike holds out her hand in silence. There is a pause. Then the girl sighs and grudgingly produces Lamm's dagger, which she slaps hilt-first into the waiting hand. It does not waver. She looks mutinous, but eventually produces the greasy man's dagger as well, and three gold and two silver coins. Only then does Shrike close and withdraw her hand.

"You're a downy bird," Kizzy mutters, sounding betrayed. "An elf's got no business being so up to the time of day."

"Heal up, minnow." It almost sounds like Shrike is smiling. "See you soon."


”So, do we have more kiddies to collect or can we see about getting our money for this little trinket.” She holds up their possibly royal bauble. ”We could probably be much more helpful to the kiddies if we had some extra scratch on us, dearies, you know.” She attempts to bat her eyelashes demurely as she has seen Cainabeth do, but she instead comes off as though she has something in her eye that is bothering her.

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Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

Pip makes the arrangements to see Chip safely returned to his estate and stays with the new band of heroes. He practices to learn more bardic skills given his hard won knowledge.

He smiles encouragingly when Abella mentions cashing out a trinket. "Maybe we can add to the healing abilities of the group. I have some of my own wealth I can contribute to a wand, or we can see about scrolls instead. Being around the wealthy, I am somewhat knowledgeable about the worth of things."

appraise: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Pip tries to impress his new friends by telling them the market value of their trinket.

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 0/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Audria helps Nathiel to one of the healers once they return to the temple. After the gray-haired man assures her that the half-elf boy will be fine, she rejoins the others to hear Abella mentioning the trinket they had found.

"The others scattered. I doubt we could find them unless they wanted to be found," she says. "If nothing else, returning this should get us some good will."

CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8

Shrike nods agreement with the idea of returning the bauble now. They should listen for word of the other Lambs, and perhaps later ask the other kids about other hidey-holes where they may have gone to ground, but searching an entire city for a dozen streetwise orphans without any notion of where to start is a fool's errand. "Don't like walking around with that coffer either. There's more too. Magic oils, magic wand. Don't know what they're worth."

She motions the others into a secluded alcove that displays a tapestry hanging above a table bearing a flower arrangement, and starts taking the various weapons and small objects she carried out of Lamm's basement the previous night from concealed inner pockets of her dark clothing. She lays them flat on the little table so that Pippip, Lina, and Audria, who have not seen them before, can inspect them.

Once the fate of the objects has been decided, she returns them to the secure places they were secreted around her person, and makes ready to leave following Abella, who seemed to have the clearest idea of what to do about the imp-and-drake brooch.

Acrobatics +9, Appraise +7, Bluff +8, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +13, Use Magic Device +6
Halfling Rogue 2; Init +4; HP: 16/16; AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14; Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1; Perception +8; Harrow Points- 5

"I could use coin more then good will. But we will see when we get there." Garret chimes in as he hurries to keep up with the long legs. He then adds in, "We could probably round up all the kids if we take the time to ask around."

Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7


IDed most expensive bauble already
mm wand: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
coffer: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
mwork dagger: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
acid spray: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
key dagger: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
arrowhead: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

After naming the cost of the most valuable gem, Pip looks at the darkwood coffer and carefully hefts it and checks out the wand. "At five pounds of exquisite crafted darkwood, should cost about 100gp and fetch 50. This wand is a magic missile wand, the other one I haven't a clue. I would like the arrowhead as arrowheads are lucky and I haven't seen this material before. I am a late comer and feel you have put the sweat in to get this stuff." Pip seems intrigued by the strange metal in the arrow.

I think that is the value of a masterwork coffer of darkwood -- it would also add the cost of a typical coffer, which I have no idea.

Ephemeral GameMaster
Pippip Ooray wrote:

He smiles encouragingly when Abella mentions cashing out a trinket. "Maybe we can add to the healing abilities of the group. I have some of my own wealth I can contribute to a wand, or we can see about scrolls instead. Being around the wealthy, I am somewhat knowledgeable about the worth of things."


Pip tries to impress his new friends by telling them the market value of their trinket.

The Trinket:
The circular gold brooch depicts a house drake and an imp coiled around each other in an almost yin-yang pattern. The pseudodragon’s eye is an amethyst, while the imp’s eye is an emerald. It is likely worth hundreds even thousands of gold. Pip's best guess places this around 2,000 gp. But more importantly, something with this motif and value is likely noble jewelry of one of the ruling Houses. While Pip lacks specific knowledge of which or whom may have once once possessed this, he can intimate that much by the sheer level of craftsmanship and design.

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Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

Pip looks at the gold brooch and exclaims:
"HOLY JUMPING JASPERS!!! This is priceless. The pseudodragon’s eye is an amethyst, while the imp’s eye is an emerald. But more importantly, something with this motif and value is likely noble jewelry of one of the ruling Houses. We could sell this for 2000 gold, but no one but one of the noble houses it belongs to could reward us properly for its possession."

Pip then explains sheepishly: "Most bards would have lots of knowledge of noble houses and heraldry, but I didn't learn as much about....well pretty much any area of knowledge I should have."

He shakes his head after only identifying the wand of magic missiles.

"I can try tomorrow on the other wand and the two oily sheeny things."

Ephemeral GameMaster
Lina Derexhi wrote:


Lina...pulls out the wand she had picked up off of Yargin and with a whispered incantation, begins to narrow her eyes and focus, letting her magic whisper it's contained knowledge to her.

She held the wand up, offering it Nicolai. "Acid splash. Yours if you want it."

Looks like Lina got the other wand figured out. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ephemeral GameMaster

That Evening

When the group first returns, there is a shout of challenge from atop the makeshift barrier blocking the road to and from the Sanctuary of Shelyn. The They've been busy. The "walls" now appear to be the beds of wagons and carts disconnected from their wheeled frames now stacked side-by-side, standing on end, and lashed together with ropes. The wood is damp, and the reason is evident as a few practitioners move long the length to cast water creation magic to keep the wood doused to prevent easy damage from flames. Several armed citizens hold weapons at the ready as the party approaches.

The shouts quickly change at the sight of the injured children and a section of the carts is pushed open. Brother Theolan rushes out to assist in bringing everyone inside. Soon everyone is settled, and many things have been done and said.

Garrett hears a familiar voice speak to him softly. Zellara whispers. "Please gather the others...I have the urge for a Harrowing. There's an importance to this one. Find a place for us to be alone."

Audria's room perhaps?

Acrobatics +9, Appraise +7, Bluff +8, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +13, Use Magic Device +6
Halfling Rogue 2; Init +4; HP: 16/16; AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14; Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1; Perception +8; Harrow Points- 5

Garrett will go find the others and quietly say, "Zellara spoke to me. She wants a meeting to do a Harrowing..."

Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

Now I know why the rich build their manor houses away from the city. All these riots.

"Sounds intriguing. I may need to change outfits."

Pip looks at his bright pastels and thinks they may be too much for a Harrowing. He just doesn't own any somber clothes. He shrugs his shoulders.

"I guess this will have to do."

CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8
Garrett Goodbarrel wrote:
Garrett will go find the others and quietly say, "Zellara spoke to me. She wants a meeting to do a Harrowing..."

Shrike tilts the mask down to Garrett. "Where?" She assumes the murdered woman's house, but it doesn't hurt to be sure. This sounds more urgent than the bauble, so it will have to wait again. She follows where Garrett goes and waits in silence for what the ghost has to tell them.

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 0/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

"Eliana and I share a room. She was performing at a noble's party the night we went after Lamm. We could meet there," Audria suggests.

Acrobatics +9, Appraise +7, Bluff +8, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +13, Use Magic Device +6
Halfling Rogue 2; Init +4; HP: 16/16; AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14; Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1; Perception +8; Harrow Points- 5

Garrett nods and will follow along after Audria.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ephemeral GameMaster

The crew follows Audria into the room she shares with Eliana.

Theolan had been fairly busy when the party arrives, and Audria hasn't yet had a chance to speak with him. But her heart sinks when she enters the room and realizes there are no signs Eliana has been there. The room is exactly as she and Talanaliel left it hours ago.

As Pip close the door entering in last, Zellara's apparition appears before the assembled heroes.

"I thank you for gathering before me once again, I see we have a new face among us," The Varisian ghost raises a hand which she then turns palm up and a slight incline of her head to acknowledge Pippip Ooray.

"Be not afraid, sir halfling, I am the one who set these fine folk on a collision course with Gaedren Lamm, and possibly, it would seem, Korvosa's destiny itself."

Zellara pauses then appears and sounds to be taking a deep breath. She looks around at the group thoughtfully. "Something is very different then the time before when last I gave my Harrowing," she intones enigmatically. "Have of you noticed?"

Again she peers at each person in the room studying their faces for any realization.

"I won't keep you in too much suspense if you have not yet discovered the puzzle," Zellara says. "One of you which set out on the journey to Gaedren Lamm's never returned. I speak of Nicolai Fortescu. His presence is gone from my sight."

Zellara holds out her palm, and her Harrow deck slips out of Garrett's pack and floats softly into the upturned hand.

"A new Harrowing emerges to add to the fate provided by the first." She raises one finger of her other hand. "But first, a new Choosing."

Nine cards suddenly peel from the Harrow Deck in Zellara's hand. Four remain near Zellara while the remainder whisk through the air until each person save Pip sees the card which they drew during the first Choosing floating before them.

The Choosing:
GM Elfriede wrote:
  • ’Shrike’, your card is The Cricket. The journey you’re on will go quickly, yet take longer than expected. There is strife on that path, but also rewards to be had.
  • Abella, you’ve chosen The Avalanche - a dangerous card. Something is coming, beyond our control, that threatens to ruin everything you’ve strived for.
  • Audria, The Crows is also an evil omen. Murder most foul is in the air.
  • Garrett, The Juggler controls fate and the gods. Events will move quickly, but if you keep your footing, you can keep to your goals.
  • Lina, I don’t hold a grudge for what you may have had to do as a child. Now, the card; The Rabbit Prince. Fighting will often not be worth the risk - even a prince can fall in battle.
  • And finally, Nicolai. The Demon Lantern. Wheels within wheels, tricks and traps - the situation you find yourself in may seem bigger than you can manage, but a guide may still come for you to follow.
  • One of the four cards near Zellara spins to reveal The Demon Lantern while the other three remain concealed.

    "It is a very strange thing for there to be a change to a Harrowing...even as it remains the same." Zellara gestures to Nicolai's Choosing. "The power of this fate still remains with you even though the one to whom it's attached does not. But we see a larger fate developing, and now it is you who must choose, Pippip Ooray."

    Pip's Choosing: 1d3 ⇒ 2

    " have drawn The Locksmith. This is particularly interesting card for you. On one hand it speaks to the rigidity of your duties to your charges and the consequences you've faced for the dereliction which brings you here. On the other we see the nimbleness which may allow you to cast off those very restraints. Perhaps your coming unlocks an even greater destiny for the rest of Korvosa?"

    Zellara makes a single gesture and all the cards floating spin around the room in a flurry before returning to the deck on her palm.

    "And now the reason we have all gathered once again: the Second Harrowing at the edge of this city's anarchy." Zellara shuffles the cards within her hands quickly with practiced ease.

    Second Harrowing rolls:

    The Past:
  • Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 9Ability: 1d6 ⇒ 1Facing: 1d2 ⇒ 2
  • Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 8Ability: 1d6 ⇒ 4Facing: 1d2 ⇒ 1
  • Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 10Alignment Reroll: 1d10 ⇒ 5Ability: 1d6 ⇒ 6Facing: 1d2 ⇒ 2
    The Present:
  • Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 5Ability: 1d6 ⇒ 4Facing: 1d2 ⇒ 2
  • Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 1Ability: 1d6 ⇒ 2Facing: 1d2 ⇒ 2
  • Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 4Ability: 1d6 ⇒ 1Facing: 1d2 ⇒ 2
    The Future:
  • Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 8Ability: 1d6 ⇒ 1Facing: 1d2 ⇒ 2
  • Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 5Ability: 1d6 ⇒ 1Facing: 1d2 ⇒ 1
  • Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 9Ability: 1d6 ⇒ 6Facing: 1d2 ⇒ 2
  • "A new Spread reveals more of the Past affecting our Present leading to our Future."

    She taps the deck once again in her upturned palm, and nine cards zip out to float in a three-by-three grid formation before the party.

    She studies the cards for a moment, a look of surprise crosses her features. "The totality of the spread indicates much is in flux and deception is rampant. As you will see many of the cards appear Inverted which indicates a hidden meaning beyond the traditional interpretations."

    The three cards to the party's left, positionally Zellara's right turn and reveal themselves. The top and bottom cards are upside down.

    "First, the Past. We see The Cyclone Inverted, The Vision, and The Twin Inverted. Knowledge of the arcane has brought a tumultuous trial not yet uncovered, but lies in wait. Beware! You have already encountered an evil plot which may have an unexpected duality hidden within. It may not be what it appeared on the surface."

    Zellara looks thoughtful, "The Cyclone is powerfully misaligned indicating this trial has been prepared by fate for those present. I implore you not to ignore this."

    The next column of cards spins around. All of them are upside down.

    "Next, the Present. The Foreign Trader, The Dance, and the Keep. All Inverted." Zellara frowns. "There is a temptation which could ruin the ability to remain unified. But yet, an exchange of knowledge provides unexpected flexibility among new friends."

    Zellara taps a finger on her chin. "I suspect some secrets we keep may be best shared among those you should trust."

    The final column turns to face the Harrowed heroes. Again, the top and bottom are upside down.

    "And last, the Future...The Uprising Inverted, The Bear, and The Liar Inverted..." Zellara trembles, her eyes fill with worry.

    "Someone or something comes with exclamations of devotion and promises of peace, yet they deal only in brute force in the end. Only overwhelming strength of will provides the groundswell needed to overturn the treachery of this love..."

    Zellara seems to cutoff midsentence. Again she takes an unnecessary breath and continues, her voice a whisper. "A great triumph is coming. But whether it is for those who protect Korvosa or those who would destroy it...this is hidden from my sight. The Liar is very powerfully aligned and gives this Spread a dangerous undercurrent."

    The cards collapse back into the holder which slowly returns to Garrett's pack. Zellara seems drained, her form appearing slightly more ethereal than it had a few moments ago.

    Zellara remains manifested for a short time if you wish to discuss things with her. Otherwise she will fade away leaving you to your own thoughts, and the end of the night will transpire. Feel free to chat among yourselves regarding this Harrowing or any other nighttime actions you wish to take. Available NPCs are the Shelynites, the orphaned Lambs, and the neighborhood "guard" which is now camped outside which will mostly be random commoners.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 0/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
    HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

    Audria's heart sinks as she sees Eliana has still not returned, and the Harrowing leaves her even more worried. She wants to ask Zellara about her missing friend, but the words stick in her throat. What will she do if it turns out Eliana is in danger, or worse.

    "Shelyn's blessings be upon you," she says instead after the others have had their chance to talk to the Harrower. "Thank you for warning us of the dangers lurking beneath the chaos."

    After, she sits quietly on her bed, wondering what she should do as Talanaliel rubs her head against her cheek. The gnawing worry is too much for her to bear and she looks to her small companion. They nod at each other as the young paladin makes up her mind.

    "We should try returning the brooch tomorrow. I know that the temple could use the coin, if there is any," she says. "I know it's a fool's errand, but I'd like to see if we can find the others that didn't come with us last night, but if you don't want to, I wouldn't blame you."

    She looks around, her eyes settling on Lina for a moment before she continues on.

    "You're all welcome to stay here for the night. We can meet up in the morning and see where we need to go to return the brooch."


    As the others leave, Audria grabs your sleeve in a silent plea for you to stay.

    CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8

    Shrike listens to the apparition of the dead woman without speaking. In truth she had hardly noticed when the Varisian wizard had slipped away halfway through the fight with Lamm and his pet and failed to return with them to Zellara's house the previous night, for even before then he had seemed only half there. She had not been able to tell whether it was the long-term dreaminess some shiver addicts got, or a lack of real interest in ending Lamm's crimes, or just no stomach for violence. She didn't much care either. His business was his own and none of it her lookout now.

    Once the Harrowing proper begins, with the nine cards revealed to them, Shrike attempts to understand what Zellara's ghost is saying in real terms. She has only limited success. Her eyes slide over the unfamiliar drawings as her mind bounces off any meaning behind the fortune-telling patter. It all does seem like bad news and ill omens. The problem is that it also seems so general. An evil plot that is not what it appeared on the surface. A temptation and an exchange of knowledge. What are they supposed to do with this?

    But something about the final prediction makes her pause. Maybe the trembling and whispery voice is just showmanship, maybe not. The lower right card shows a beautiful woman with a crown of wings holding out a bouquet of flowers, but the flowers are wilting and her lower half is a snake's. As Shrike stares at it, she feels a chill. The symbolism isn't exactly hard to read, and this at least could be useful. Beware one who seems too sweet on the outside.

    She keeps such thoughts to herself for the moment. Instead, in the uncomfortable silence that falls after the Harrowing, she raises a different matter. "Where do you want to be buried?"


    Shrike's head barely turns at the tug on her sleeve, but she pauses beside the door and unshoulders her crossbow to check the tension and test for loose parts, letting the others leave first. Once she is satisfied, she straps the weapon over her shoulder again and crosses her arms. The shrike mask turns slightly downward to face Audria directly. She says nothing, but the inquiry is clear.


    Lina leaned against the wall, her arms crossed before her as she listened to Zellara's telling, one eyebrow arching as the apparition spoke of plots and betrayal.

    "Zellara, you were able to manifest and bring us together. Would you be able to help us locate the other children that were ensnared by Lamm?"

    "I guess we could ask around as well, see if anyone has seen them or knows where they might hold up, but that probably means wading through the seedier side of the city. We should be prepared. I'm in."

    Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

    Pip walked into the room his typical cheerful self, a smile on his face. He was about to make a quip or joke, but when directly addressed his face lost much color and he made a gulp as he had a choosing. He held the Locksmith card in his hand and looked at it with mixed reverence and awe.

    He quietly observed the spread and couldn't help but see seven of nine cards upside down.

    "Zellara, all those cards inverted, that can't be good can it?"
    Pip remembers the tension in the new group when they confronted the bandits. He looks in the eyes of his new friends one by one, and seems to be assessing them.

    "This treachery, it will be hard to surprise us now that we know it is coming."
    Pip seems to bounce back to his 'normal' exuberant self. "We have great and exciting challenges ahead. I am ready to go, I just don't know where. Zellara, where do we go next?? Or where do we decide to go next??"

    Pip seems to believe that the hard thinking process can be expedited by just asking Zellara what they came up with, and everyone knows the planning/thinking phase is the most boring part.

    Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 0/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
    HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1


    "How good are you at sneaking people out," Audria asks the masked elf.

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    Abella sits back with her feet up as she listens to the Harrowing. ”Oh, evil plots! I love evil plots. Very fun to foil. In fact, I would say that evil plots are the most fun to foil. I’ve foiled good plots before, and they are all things like ‘I wanted to surprise you for our birthday’ or ‘I will get clean in a week,’ so foiling those just makes everyone sad and rather cross. Whereas you foil an evil plot and you get to enjoy showing you are smarter than someone and get praised for it. Really just a win for everyone around. Minus the evil plotter, of course.”

    She pulls out the brooch. ”I say we turn this in for our reward. Might lead to more work, too.”

    CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8

    The bird mask tilts slightly to one side to regard Abella as she speaks, though without being able to see her expression it is hard to tell if this denotes bemusement or something else. Shrike nods in agreement with both Audria and Abella when they suggest returning the brooch, and toward Lina when she expresses determination to find the other children even if it means combing the slums. With night falling now, she supposes that all of it will have to wait for tomorrow.

    Shrike considers for a moment before answering. "Never done it." It doesn't sound like the girl is talking about sneaking out of her own room, and the rescue last night had not been a sneaking affair in any sense. Her father's family had taught her how to hunt and kill creatures, not jailbreak them. She had never even learned to pick locks; there was no need for their camouflaged scouts to have a housebreaker's training. But here in the city it is clearly a necessity. If there is a chance in the near future, she means to ask Garrett to teach her.

    She almost leaves it there, but curiosity gets the better of her. It is not hard to tell that Audria is almost despondent, but unless it is a residual depression from having a hand in the deaths of the Lamm gang, there is no reason Shrike can understand that she should be. "Why?"

    Ephemeral GameMaster
    Lina Derexhi wrote:
    "Zellara, you were able to manifest and bring us together. Would you be able to help us locate the other children that were ensnared by Lamm?"

    Zellara's face fills with motherly concern. "I wish my vision was as clear as that, but I can only provide what the Harrow cards indicate. At the moment, the readings seem to focus on you and the danger to Korvosa. Anyone else affected is included in the overall danger and chaos of what may come."

    Pippip Ooray wrote:
    Pip seems to bounce back to his 'normal' exuberant self. "We have great and exciting challenges ahead. I am ready to go, I just don't know where. Zellara, where do we go next?? Or where do we decide to go next??"

    "As to that, my new friend, I believe fate is going to find you, so for now, you only need to follow your hearts. If searching for other missing orphans, assuming any are not accounted, is what drives you then do it. If returning Lamm's stolen property brings closure then you should focus your attentions on those which will be elated at their return."

    She shakes her head, a little frustration showing in her eyes. "I know my words can be cryptic at times, but I promise they will be clear to you in time...some probably even too soon."

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 0/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
    HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1


    "Do you think you can help me get out of here without anyone noticing," Audria asks. "I'm worried about one of my best friends. Eliana is probably safe enough, but Trinia lives in a part of town that isn't as well defended as a noble's manor or even here. I just want to make sure she's safe."

    The young paladin shuffles her feet, feeling every measure of her youth as she waits for Shrike's answer. She is probably being silly. Trinia is loved by almost everyone who knows her, and the missing children from Lamm's lair are more likely to be in danger, but...

    But she's seen how cruel the city can be, and this madness is not something she's seen. It makes her nervous, and she can't shake the nagging worry about her friends.

    "Please," she adds a moment later, "I just want to quiet my own fears, and I would rather not have to explain why I'm leaving at this hour to anyone."

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Ephemeral GameMaster
    Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce wrote: the uncomfortable silence that falls after the Harrowing, she raises a different matter. "Where do you want to be buried?"

    Zellara lowers her eyes which appear filled with tears. With a sad smile, she lifts her ghostly head to Shrike and says, "With my son. His head and hands are buried in my...well, the garden at my old home. I-I imagine I should ask you to move him to the Gray District and have both our remains interred there...I'm sure whoever ends up acquiring my old home won't want two heads in the yard."

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Acrobatics +9, Appraise +7, Bluff +8, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +13, Use Magic Device +6
    Halfling Rogue 2; Init +4; HP: 16/16; AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14; Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1; Perception +8; Harrow Points- 5

    "We will see that you rest with your son. And then we can deal with the broach." Garret says.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Ephemeral GameMaster

    The group discusses their options for the morrow, and most seem to agree on looking into the brooch while asking around about any additional Lambs.

    Zellera's image fades, and Garrett has an odd sense of her returning to the Harrow Deck he is keeping. He realizes that as long he holds it, Zellara is with him.

    Night actions:
    I know some of you have nighttime activities planned, so you may post the mini-stories as you will. For your flavorful descriptions, keep in mind the city is currently a dangerous place. The riot mobs you would encounter at night are not likely to be consisting of the more civically-minded protesters and possibly those using the unrest as cover for more nefarious things. Conversely, if you indicate encounters with law enforcement, assume Hellknights assume the worst and are not your friends. Korvosan Guards are likely to act similarly, but may be more reasonable. Your descriptions should take into account these two groups are very much into "imprison now; ask questions later" (or in the case of Hellknights, "torture later").

    I have reached out to some of you to indicate if I believe your planned story is a good match for a Harrow Card drawn during one of the spreads in the same vein as an Eye of the Raven post. Please reach out to me in Discussion or PM if you have questions.

    Everyone add 2 more Harrow Points to your total. I have almost finished my idea for using the Harrow Deck as a gamble for bonuses, but I still need to fine-tune a couple of things.

    Harrow Spread 1, The Desert Inverted: Lina:
    After staying up for almost two days, you're so exhausted you're out the moment you collapse into the bedroll provided at the Sanctuary. Your dreams are filled with memories of your time as a shiver addict and the horrible journey your mind and body made to become free of it with the aid of the Milani clergy. Perhaps, these dreams are brought about by seeing the stash in your new party's possession and this knowledge brings back a terrible worry: Are you strong enough?

    For an additional Harrow Point, please describe one of the dreams that really sticks with you upon waking. The dream memory need not be tragic, but perhaps of a happier time and one that gives you hope or drives you forward. No pressure, of course. You may certainly disregard this if you wish.

    Harrow Spread 1, The Desert Inverted: Garrett:
    Your thoughts turn to the needed evidence you'd hoped to find. There's still a chance that the indecipherable ledger may contain the proof needed to clear your father's name. Your sleep is troubled as your dreams are filled with the last times you saw your father before he was sent to rot in Hellknight prison.

    For an additional Harrow Point, please describe one of the dreams that really sticks with you upon waking. The dream memory need not be tragic, but perhaps of a happier time and one that gives you hope or drives you forward. No pressure, of course. You may certainly disregard this if you wish.

    Harrow Spread 1, The Desert Inverted: Abella:
    While perhaps it's not unusual for you to dream of Cainabeth, for some reason these dreams are about your escape from Nidal...except in these, you aren't successful. Many of the failed escapes remind you of plans the two of you discarded, almost like a montage of 'what-if' scenarios. It isn't until waking you realize there was one common thread among them all, and in every one that common element was the reason you and Cainabeth did not escape. This element was not present during the actual escape. Very interesting to consider.

    For an additional Harrow Point, please describe one of the dreams that really sticks with you upon waking. The dream memory need not be tragic, but perhaps of a happier time and one that gives you hope or drives you forward. No pressure, of course. You may certainly disregard this if you wish.

    Harrow Spread 1, The Desert Inverted: Merula Antius:
    When the night's work is finally done, and whatever sleep you can grab comes for you, you dream of your many auditions for performances over the years. However, in these auditions you are not Merula Antius but your alter-ego, Lania the Shrike. The dreams leave you feeling odd watching yourself try to get in-character while staying in-character as Shrike and yet as is the nature of dreams, none of the dream versions of the other people involved seemed at all surprised by the dichotomy.

    For an additional Harrow Point, please describe one of the dreams that really sticks with you upon waking. The dream memory need not be tragic, but perhaps of a happier time and one that gives you hope or drives you forward. No pressure, of course. You may certainly disregard this if you wish.

    Harrow Spread 1, The Desert Inverted: Pippip:
    A great triumph is yours! You have found the lost charge, you feel redeemed. And yet...sleep is filled with dreams recounting the journey you'd taken to become a tutor, a noble family's retainer. Why does it no longer appeal to you? What has changed to throw off the desire to be that teacher and remain with these other Korvosan citizens who seem tied together by a fate greater than what they faced before? There almost seems to be something in these dreams that heralded this same fate you.

    For an additional Harrow Point, please describe one of the dreams that really sticks with you upon waking. The dream memory need not be tragic, but perhaps of a happier time and one that gives you hope or drives you forward. No pressure, of course. You may certainly disregard this if you wish.

    Harrow Spread 1, The Desert Inverted: Audria:
    Sleep. The worry that gnaws at you almost makes it impossible. Yet, somehow you're dreaming. You see a road before you heading off into the distance, the end disappearing into a glorious light. It gives you hope and love, and you know it's origin is that of your goddess Shelyn. feel the need to turn around. Again the road, but this time it is filled with all the steps you've taken throughout your whole life. And just as Talanaliel is always admonishing you, you immediately begin focusing on your mistakes.

    But off. These dreams seem to depict moments you thought you failed, but show a different side. Maybe a goodness that came from what you had thought a bad decision, or how despite disappointing someone instead, you made them smile and remember what it was like to be young. Upon waking many of these dreams fade, but you have a feeling of hope and that perhaps you are still on the path you should be.

    For an additional Harrow Point, please describe one of the dreams that really sticks with you upon waking. The dream memory need not be tragic, but perhaps of a happier time and one that gives you hope or drives you forward. No pressure, of course. You may certainly disregard this if you wish.

    CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8
    Spirit of Pinvendor wrote:
    Zellara lowers her eyes which appear filled with tears. With a sad smile, she lifts her ghostly head to Shrike and says, "With my son. His head and hands are buried in my...well, the garden at my old home. I-I imagine I should ask you to move him to the Gray District and have both our remains interred there...I'm sure whoever ends up acquiring my old home won't want two heads in the yard."
    Garrett wrote:
    "We will see that you rest with your son. And then we can deal with the brooch."

    Shrike nods. "The Gray. As you will." It is not far from Zellara's house or indeed her own, maybe only a quarter-mile. But everything is uncertain right now.

    Audria wrote:
    "Do you think you can help me get out of here without anyone noticing," Audria asks. "I'm worried about one of my best friends. Eliana is probably safe enough, but Trinia lives in a part of town that isn't as well defended as a noble's manor or even here. I just want to make sure she's safe." [...] "Please," she adds a moment later, "I just want to quiet my own fears, and I would rather not have to explain why I'm leaving at this hour to anyone."

    Shrike does not move. Her arms remain crossed. "Can't help you much with sneaking. Your armor makes you slow, and loud. It reflects light. You've good feet but they can't make up for that. But you don't need to sneak out. The priests are all distracted with kids and strays. Just walk past with purpose." Her mask shifts minutely as her gaze goes to the ragged cut left on the girl's neck by the imp's stinger, and her voice grows harsher. "But then what. You're in the street. With mobs, looters, imps, guards. You're not going to hide or run from all of them. Not in all that chain. You might get lucky and not see anyone. Or you might get unlucky and have to fight. Have to kill, or be killed."

    After a heavy pause she says, more gently, "I know you're worried about your friend. But you don't need my help. You need your bird's."

    On that cryptic note, she uncrosses her arms and is clearly turning to go.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 0/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
    HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1


    Audria opens her mouth to tell the older woman that she could leave the armor behind, and that she was one of Lamm's Lambs before Brother Theolan took her and Eliana in, but the mention of Tallyfeather leaves the words to die unsaid on her tongue. She looks to the thrush, as much a friend as Eliana or Trinia, and her mouth closes as a pained, embarrassed grimace mars her face.

    "Thanks for hearing me out, at least," she mumbles as Shrike passes through the doorway, leaving her alone with Talanaliel.

    The Locksmith:

    Audria collapsed onto her bed and groaned into her hands. She couldn't protect everyone. She knew that, at least in her mind, but worry gnawed at her, giving her no respite.

    Then there was what Shrike had said. She never really expected that she would have to kill someone, much less suspected that she had the capacity to kill someone. Even as much as she hated Gaedren Lamm and his cronies, she never thought about killing them, only getting away and maybe finding enough evidence to have the guard come down on their heads.

    Even after she started learning how to fight under Bartholomew's tutelage, she never thought she would kill someone, despite the old man's warnings and lessons. Violence never entered her mind as an option.

    At least, not until last night.

    The memory of Giggle's and Lamm's hot blood on her skin as they were killed, Giggle's by her hand and Lamm by Abella's, sent icy fingers of horror racing over her as she curls up on her bed. She might have to kill someone again. Maybe not that night, but with the city in chaos, there was more than a slight chance she might have to make that decision. She had risked her own life before, and knew that she could do it again if she felt that the risk was worth it.

    Taking someone else's life, or even putting someone else at risk, she found, was much harder for her.

    She didn't know how long she lay there curled up. Time passed without measure for her in that moment.

    She felt Talanaliel land on her arm and looked up at the bird.

    "I remember where Trinia lives," the thrush said in the soft calm voice she used when she could see Audria needed someone to comfort her. "I can fly there and see if she is well."

    "Tallyfeather," Audria started to say, but was cut off by the thrush's twittering laugh.

    "Get some rest. I can handle myself," Talanaliel reassured her charge.

    Audria closed her eyes and a single tear rolled down her cheek.

    "Thank you."


    It hadn't been hard for Talanaliel to sneak out of the Sanctuary of Shelyn. The central atrium was open to the sky, and no one had been paying much attention to small songbirds. Indeed, there were dozens of them that roosted in the sanctuary, safe from malicious imps and hungry psuedodragons. Talanaliel could blend with them easily, and soon enough she was flitting through the city streets.

    The paroxysms of violence that had begun the night before continued. Mobs swarmed guardsmen in small groups, crying death to the Usurper as the beat them down. The Korvosan Guard responded by sending in squads backed by mages from the Academae. As brutal as those suppressions could be, they were nothing to those of the Hellknights of the Nail. Domina's Devils, they were called, and as merciless as devils they acted. Blood flowed freely where they marched.

    The sky was no safe place, either. A psuedodragon cried out in death as a small group of imps laughed at their handiwork. The laughter was shortlived as soon they shrieked in fear and flew away from an angry swarm that surged like a storm front to deliver justice. Talanaliel had to be careful, gliding from hiding spot to hiding spot, all the while hoping that the monsters that inhabited the Shingles would not notice a small songbird hiding at the edges of their domain.

    A part of Talanaliel was frustrated. She wanted to do more for Audria, to help her grow. She knew she'd been sent by Shelyn, but she had this nagging feeling that she was less than what she had been before. Something was missing. She knew it, but she couldn't figure out what it had been.

    She pushed it aside as she approached the window of Trinia's apartment, and hoped that the young woman was safe. At the very least, she could rest for a little bit before heading back to the Sanctuary.

    GM, I'll write up Audria's dream later. I'm running out of steam and I figured that Triania's fate is more in your hands than mine at the moment.

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    CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8

    Remainder of Starday, Desnus 9

    The Survivor:
    Lit by the weak sickle of the waxing crescent moon, the city rings with cries of fear, pain, exultation; barking dogs and breaking glass. But the old fishery at 17 Westpier is as dark and silent as a tomb. For her purposes, it is a good sign.

    This does not stop the masked figure crouching in the branches of a stunted tree on the riverbank nearby from waiting and observing the apparently abandoned building for long enough that a pack of ape-drunk dockworkers stumble by, shouting with laughter. Each one wears a handful of rings and other jewelry that glints with real gold and gems over his rough homespun. One trips and his hand catches in another's necklace, breaking the strand and scattering pearls over the West Dock street. No one pauses to gather them. The injured party complains to his fellow, who merely laughs harder.

    A few minutes after their coarse voices have faded to the north, a squad of heavily armored Korvosan Guard pounds southward in a tearing hurry. None of them notice the fallen pearls, which are trampled into the dirt by their passage.

    She waits until they too have gone to drop from the tree and dart for the fishery. To her relief, the main door they used yesterday is still unlocked. She steps inside, closes and locks the door behind her, and stands silent and listening in total darkness. All that greets her is the smell of rotting fish and death. She lights the candle-lantern and takes stock.

    All of the bodies are lying exactly where they fell: the fop, the knife-wielding gnome, the dog, the crazed half-orc. Their blood is dried and the initial stiffness of death starting to fade as decay sets in. Right now they make only pitiable figures. But the girl's blood and her own is also dry on this floor. She thinks of Isi's hollow cheeks, Kizzy's injured leg, the half-elven boy Nathiel's wrapped stump of a hand. The banked coals flare white-hot. Shrike gets to work.

    It is a matter of a few minutes to drag them all into the main room. A few more to find four long gaffs in the room where the Lambs slept and break off the metal hooks, leaving sharpened stakes behind. Perhaps half an hour to poke out four knotholes from the boards covering the windows, then to widen and angle the holes to match the similarly narrowed ends of the stakes.

    But there is a more difficult task ahead. Shrike picks up the dog's body and carries it out to the walkway where they jumped down to the lower level. She tosses it down but does not jump after it. Instead she continues on to the hulk of the derelict ship. Its sails are shredded and only the memory of a warning creak from the mossy boards saves her from putting a foot through the rotting deck, but it has plenty of rope remaining that will do for her purposes. She saws out a good chunk of cargo net and some twenty feet of line. At the jumping-off point of the upper walkway, she hangs one corner of the net over the nearest piling and uses it to descend like a rope ladder.

    Then comes the hard part. Shrike carefully unlocks the door to Lamm's lair that she locked last night with the brass key. She pushes it open and takes in everything she can from outside before entering. The lizard is still floating there, playing the role of a log once more. And so is what remains of Lamm's body, bobbing under one corner of the square walkway around the room. It is missing all of the organs in its chest cavity, half its face, and one leg, but it is recognizable.

    She had been worried that the lizard would not be hungry enough to cooperate, but it comes to attention at the first rattle of the chain when she attaches the dog's body to its chain-and-hook feeding contraption, and immediately starts to rise out of the water and lazily snap at the offering. Meanwhile Shrike reaches under the dock with her guisarme to hook Lamm's clothes and pull him over to herself.

    She has just succeeded in dragging the corpse up to the walkway by main force when Gobbleguts notices that she is stealing its leftover meal. Tail lashing furiously, it surges out of the water and snaps its jaws closed around what it can reach of the body. But by luck, it also bites down on the haft of the guisarme, and then opens slightly in surprise at chomping on an unexpected piece of hard wood. As Shrike scrambles backward, pulling on the corpse's collar, and half-staggers, half-falls back out the door, both body and weapon come with her. She slams it closed and leans her back against it, breathing hard, for a long minute. Only when her heartrate is under control does she check the damage.

    The corpse is missing an additional half of a foot, and there are unmistakable large teeth marks and splintered wood in the shaft of her spear. But she is in one piece. Thank you, Hunter, for this lesson.
    1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 The guisarme is at 6 HP. It can take 1 more damage before becoming broken.

    The brass key turns again in the lock. The rope goes around the body. Shrike swarms up the netting and laboriously hauls Lamm up to the upper level. The waterlogged corpse feels at least as heavy as the much bulkier half-orc.

    After that it's easy. Or at least it's just muscle-work. The candle has burned out, but she doesn't need it to see outside. One. Two. Three. Four. Time to vanish. It would be pushing her luck to leave a written message. Better to take to the Shingles tonight. The closest way up would be—

    "Hey! It ain't safe to be out, you need to get on—" The pale hook-beaked bird mask with flat black elf eyes whips around in the alley to face two men, volunteer firefighters by the soot stains and wet rags tied over their own faces. There is a frozen moment of stillness, broken when one man elbows the other and points at the fishery across the street. "Desna weeps!"

    Hanging suspended and pierced through the chest on spikes protruding from the wall of the old fishery at Westpier 17 are four bodies. A human man in red, shot in the chest and throat. A gnome with a shock of brown hair, chest slashed and throat slit. A half-orc with an eyepatch, nose broken, slashed in the chest and thigh. And a hideously maimed thing, barely recognizable as a once-human old man for all the flesh and bone missing from the corpse.

    The two men turn back to the alley. It is empty.

    The Desert Inverted:
    The Shingles is both better and worse than she expected. Moving with caution from shadow to shadow such that it takes her over an hour to go half a mile, she is mostly a passive observer to the battle lines currently being drawn over the heads of Korvosa's humanoid inhabitants: knots of shrilling imps harrying fewer but fiercer cat-sized drakes, until both turn in mutual hatred on a clot of oversized mosquito-like creatures. A frenzied, writhing swarm of clearly terrified rats flowing up a drain pipe, fleeing something below. She even witnesses a scene of silent horror: a hairless child-sized gray thing with grotesquely elongated limbs, slowly strangling to death a single giant rat.

    However, nearer her home but in an unfamiliar detour from the rooftop routes she knows, taken to avoid the notice of the gray thing, disaster strikes. A mangy dog trailing a snapped rope, clearly someone's rooftop guardian gotten loose in the confusion, sniffs her out and gives chase, snarling and yipping. It has not actually bitten her, so killing it seems unwarranted. But in trying to jump to another roof where it can't follow, she is rushed and comes up several feet shorter than a leap she could usually make without trouble; cannot even get a hand on the top of the ledge, much less cling to it to avoid falling; and then falls twenty feet into the house's garden compost pile. It isn't the closest to death she has ever come, but it is an object reminder not to take the dangers of the Shingles lightly, and bruising to her pride as much as her bones.
    Acrobatics, long jump: 1d20 + 8 - 1 ⇒ (5) + 8 - 1 = 12
    Reflex, grab edge: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
    Acrobatics, soften fall: 1d20 + 8 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 8 - 1 = 11
    Nonlethal damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5

    She is forced to slink the remaining two blocks home on street level, and take another detour when it transpires that their main street has been barricaded with broken furniture, firewood, sandbags and other makeshift walls to discourage mobs and looters, just like at the Sanctuary of Shelyn. No doubt Junie organized the neighbors to do that today. Lania sluices herself off with several buckets of water from the rain barrel and takes off her mask before entering the house, and Junie is not best pleased when she comes in dripping on the kitchen floor. She is somewhat mollified when Lania explains that she was rescuing more children who had been in Isi's position, and getting them safely to a temple.

    Once she gratefully collapses into her bed a little after midnight, Lania finds her dreams unsettled. She is on stage after stage, auditioning for wildly different characters and dances as Merula, but always in the same unsuitable costume: her chain shirt armor, close-fitting dark gray clothes, weapons, and the shrike mask.

    Mostly the dreams are mere snippets informed by the past, insubstantial and impossible to latch onto, but one in particular is clear. It is a brilliant summer day at the Kendall Amphitheater, a little over two years ago. She cannot remember the name of the production now; some bizarre confection about a kindly nymph queen who loses the ability to love and causes all manner of tragedies.

    In reality, the director of the traveling dance troupe had been an idiosyncratic but pleasant halfling woman, and her own part a mere trifle: several different courtiers of the nymph queen, none named, whose natures changed as the queen's did as the acts progressed. But it had been the first real role she had earned as Merula, and had restored her faith in her ability to support her family through performing.

    But in the dream she is auditioning for all the roles, one after the other, or perhaps only one role but in many different styles, and she is doing so for three figures whose faces she cannot quite make out. She does not know the dances for each part, either, and while the directors seem undeterred she grows more and more frustrated.

    "Can you do it again, only this time, a little... merrier? Remember, you are a grig."

    "I am not merry," Merula says finally, only it comes out as Shrike's croaking rasp. She claps a hand over her mouth, horrified.

    "That is more like it," says the middle director, and Merula looks at her properly for the first time and sees the austerely beautiful face of her father's oldest sister, Malaniethar; untouched, as ever, by time or scars or pity.

    She wakes with a start.

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    The Desert Inverted:

    The rain plinked against the stone street as Lina took shelter in the shadows of a covered doorway. The building was run down, broken windows, the door hanging loosely on one hinge, and holes in some of the walls that were still intact. Her hand squeezed the pouch repetitively, as if with a mind of its own.

    She sighed. The rain wasn't likely to let up for while, she thought. No use in prolonging the inevitable. Still, rushing back wasn't the wisest course of action either, although it wasn't wisdom that guided her.

    She tried to pull the hood farther over her head with her free hand, but it was like trying to tighten a belt already set in it's last hole. It just wasn't going to get any better. She set out into the rain with a single thought in her head, best not to keep the old man waiting. He was not known for his patience.

    She navigated the city streets in the dark, sticking to the alleyways as much as possible. The gold she carried couldn't be traced back to it's owner, at least not by the watch, but the guards wouldn't care. They'd throw her into a cell regardless. One dressed as she was didn't carry that many coins.

    It wasn't the watch she feared, but the old man. The delay would not sit well with him, and she would not be the one paying for her tardiness. She gritted her teeth as she remembered the last time she was forced to watch as his thugs had whipped the others in her stead. A lash for every minute she was late he had said, and she didn't doubt his word. He was vindictive if nothing else.

    Before she realized it, she was standing underneath the overhang of a building, staring at the door she used every time. Her eyes drifted down to stare at the puddle at her feet, her vision drifting to another time, before she had met him, before he took her in. You knew what you were getting into but, but what choice did you have? Die poor and hungry in the dirt? At least she had a dry bed to sleep in. That's what she had kept telling herself.

    She opened the door a crack, just enough to reach in and slip the wire of the hook before she pushed the door the rest of the way open and ducked inside. She heard the waling scream, slammed the door closed and darted for the main room. "I'm back" she called out as she entered the dank room.

    "You're late" he said, "three minutes, to be precise. You know I get...bored, when kept waiting."

    "I'm sorry, I had to avoid the watch." It wasn't a total lie.

    "No excuses. You know the rules." He turned and looked at the burly man holding the belt. "Proceed."

    Two more lashes and it was done. She handed the old man the pouch and rushed to the girl's side. She took her weight and started to help her to the cot when the old man held out his hand.

    "You're payment, unless you don't want it" he said with a leer.

    Lina tried her hardest to maintain a neutral expression, but a frown still found its way free as her eyes looked to what he was holding.

    She adjusted the girl's weight to free her hand and moved to accept the small vial. She tucked it into her belt and carried the girl the rest of the way to her cot, laying her down on her stomach as gently as she could. After wiping her back with a wet rag, she finally took a seat on her own cot.

    She didn't know how long she held the vial in hands, only that the night was getting later. Trying to hold the tears in, she popped the top off the vial and downed the contents before she laid down. Her eyes only stayed open for a few more minutes before she drifted off to sleep, the last image before she faded away of the burly man with his belt tossed casually over her shoulder and one hand holding up his pants as he smiled.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Acrobatics +9, Appraise +7, Bluff +8, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +13, Use Magic Device +6
    Halfling Rogue 2; Init +4; HP: 16/16; AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14; Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1; Perception +8; Harrow Points- 5

    Desert Inverted:

    Garret kneels before one of the shelves along the front wall working on stocking. His father is talking to some workers who came in looking for supplies. A few others are moving through the aisles looking for what they need. The door bell jingles and a waft of stale fish must comes in with the sound of a yapping dog. Old Ms Littleflow and her dog Ginger came in. The dog was always with her and seemed to never stop yapping. She lived in a rotting shed over an old fishing warf. She often came in looking to see if there were sells to improve her small home, but she never really bought. Unfortunately, she also tended to drive other customers away.

    The workers around the counter saw her coming in and quickly made their goodbyes known as they hustled out the front door.

    The elder halfling went to the counter and said, "Good morning Mr. Goodbarrell, I was wondering if you have any spare wood pieces." Garrett's father gave her a pleasant smile and the two began to discuss wood. A pair of feet shuffled past Garrett as another customer quickly exited the store. Garrett slowed his work restocking and listened to his father as he talked to the elder halfling woman and the shop cleared until it was only the three halfling and the yapping dog that Garrett's father was feeding a piece of beef jerky too.

    After a lengthy talk, Ms Littleflow left the store and Garrett stood up and walked over to his dad shaking his head. "You have the patience of a saint." he told his father.

    Abe laughed and says, "Ms Littleflow means only good for those around her. Being kind to others brings a little kindness back into your own life lad."

    Garret shakes his head as he slowly wakes, the memory of the throbbing headache from listening to the yapping dog still echoing in his head.

    How many Harrow points should we have? Just 2 or were we supposed to have points from earlier?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 0/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
    HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

    The Desert Inverted:
    Some time after Talanaliel left to find Trinia, exhaustion pulled Audria into the realm of sleep.

    The Dream
    It started with that maddening chuckle, the eponymous giggle that heralded the brutality to come.

    That was how all of her worst nightmares started.

    Audria covered her ears as the laughter grew to a bellowing roar that shook the sky and ground. She screwed her eyes shut, though there was nothing to see in the stygian blackness she had found herself in. She wanted to shut out the vicious, glee-filled grin on the half-orc's face as he readied his whip. She knew what would come next.

    "You're nothing without me!" Gaedren's snarl cut through the laughter, a damning call as clear as a trumpet's but without the joyous, brassy tones. It dripped with contempt, hatred, and... envy?

    Audria's eyes cracked open as she heard that note. Had it always been there? The laughter lessened, and there too she heard something different. Fear?

    No, it couldn't be, she told herself. Even as the thought ran through her mind, she knew that it was nothing more than her suspicious side, the part of her that she'd buried deep after coming to the Sanctuary of Shelyn, that was saying that out of reflex. It was nothing more than a hedge against an uncaring world.

    "Why are you hiding in the dark," another voice asked as the laughter continued to fade. This one was sweet, melodious. It sounded as if it would burst into song at any moment.

    Audria looked up, uncovering her ears as she sees a young woman, no older than herself, crouching down in front of her. Wings like those of a thrush folded against her back. Her hair and eyes along with her voice reminded her.

    "Tallyfeather?" The question came out in a croak.

    "Who else would I be," the woman answered as she helped Audria to her feet and held her in a hug.

    Love flowed with the warmth through that embrace. Audria closed her eyes and clung to her guide and mentor as Talanaliel stroked her hair.

    "It's over, Audria. Lamm's gone, and you've proved him wrong."

    Audria sniffed as she shook her head.

    "He lost," Talanlaiel said, her voice more emphatic. "Look!"

    A gentle hand lifted Audria's head up as she watched herself fighting Giggles. The half-orc's manic laughter filled the fishery as Audria fought him. He seemed so confident, so sure, until Audria looked into his eyes. Uncertainty, doubt, frustration, and fear. She could see it now, could almost hear his thoughts. Why isn't she cowering? She should fear me? Why isn't she begging for mercy. Why is she still fighting?

    Then the horrid realization that he had, at last, found his match. He realized as Audria gave him his mortal wound, that he had been beaten by a young woman he thought of as nothing more than one more waif to brutalize and grind beneath his heel. He wanted to scream, to deny it, to tear out Audria's thought and bring her with him.

    But he had not the strength. It was gone, flowing out with his blood through the cut that had ended his brutal reign of terror. Korvosa's orphans would be safe from Giggles, and Audria had made sure of it.

    The scene faded and she was beneath the fishery now, and could see Lamm as she asked him why she should listen to him when she had a goddess on her side. Audria was surprised to see the look of shock and fear on his face as she grabbed him and overpowered him. He was a frail old man, true, but she was nothing more than a waif he'd beaten and left for dead. Why was she not fearful of him? Why did she not cower before him? How had she gotten so much stronger?

    "Never take a life lightly," Talanaliel told her as she turned Audria to face her. "But also remember that sometimes you will have to. Lamm and Giggles had plenty of opportunities to surrender. Don't beat yourself up just because they never took them."

    The pair turned to look back on the road Audria had traveled so far. Along the way, there were plenty of dark nights and times where she felt hopeless, but there were also plenty of other scenes of joy and laughter, especially after she and Eliana had joined Shelyn's clergy. Even before Lamm and his cronies had beaten her bloody and left her for dead, she could see the surprise and hope filling the faces of the children, her fellow Lambs, that she'd helped when they were certain that the would face another beating from Lamm or Giggles for failing to met their quotas.

    "Perhaps it was not what the law would have required, but you did help bring two villains to justice," Talanaliel told her as they turned to the road ahead. It twisted and turned and dipped into valleys hidden in shadow, one of them yawned wide before them. "You were chosen not because of strength or ability, but because of your heart. You care. It was unfortunate that events lead to death that night, but sometimes we cannot show mercy because those that we fight and stand firm against will not accept it. Don't tear yourself apart because Lamm and Giggles refused to see reality and realize that their doom was upon them."

    Talanaliel hugged Audria again, almost squeezing the breath from her.

    "I'm always here with you. You won't have to face your doubts alone."

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    Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

    Pip begins to dream about happy times.

    Pip dream Desert Inverted:

    Pip begins to dream of all the successes he helped Chip achieve, and about the security of being in a rich manor with a singular task that had an appreciative and bright young boy to reinforce his sense of accomplishment.
    But then guilt began to seep in. He had agreed to help the Bellflower Network free halfling slaves and had the occasional "cousin" visit the manor house of his first master and stay in his large room when he lived near Cheliax. But then he had an opportunity to work for a much richer man far away. And, consequently, no part of the underground highway of the Bellflower network.
    So Pip was determined to prioritize purpose over comfort, not an easy thing for a hobbit to do. Would he get five regular meals a day on the new road? He was famished because they didn't even stop for snack time the last couple of days at all.
    Pip's last dreams were of Sunday dinner at the manor house, when he had a premeal in the kitchen beforehand and joined the kitchen staff to eat with them as a postmeal.

    night actions:

    Pip was sure Strike would be confident and competent on the street at night, but he wanted to stay in the temple. He wandered outside the manor at night, but these streets were rough. So Pip wanted to talk to the temple staff. He eventually talked to the temple priests about purchasing a healing wand after doing a bit of talking with others. In a friendly way, he wanted the temple to act as an agent. A nice temple like this may even get a discount, so Pip doggedly pursues finding a healing wand, even one with limited charges.
    diplo to find info healing wand: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

    Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

    Pip had put new eyes on the dagger, and picked it up and swung it back and forth. A large human had wielded this as a dagger.
    "This little guy is just about perfect for a guy my size. Maybe I will call you Sting."

    Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

    Pip shakes his head. ”The balance is all off. No way this makes an effective weapon. “

    The next morning he burst in excitedly: ”We can part with some loot to get a healing wand.”

    Pip takes the masterwork dagger with amazing ornamentation and comes back with a healing wand. ”With the magic dagger that bauble wasn’t to be near as useful as this!!”

    Pip proceeds to make 50 paper pictures of a bandage on small pieces of paper and runs a leather thong through all of them and knots it into a loop. He then puts one end of the loop around the wand and through the loop leaving it attached to the wand without effecting the integrity of the wand.

    ”Each time this is used rip off a tab. That way we don’t need magic to see how much juice is left.”

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Ephemeral GameMaster

    It isn't until after Pip runs off to exchange it for a healing wand that Shrike finally realizes more about the dagger.

    Key Dagger:
    Aside from the inscription "For an inspiration of a father," Lania recalls a poorly received play she was once a part that recounted the tale of the Key-Lock Killer. This notorious serial killer was known to be active between 4690 and 4697 slaughtering over 15 dozen victims (that's >180!)

    The dagger Pip just pawned is the same style as the one the prop department for the production purported to have been used by the legendary killer himself. Just what was Gaedran Lamm doing with such an item.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Abella Desert Inverted:

    Cainabeth wipes her brow and lets down her hair, shaking it out. Her bounteous golden tresses naturally fall just perfect, the kind of controlled mess others spend hours in front of mirrors toying with. She flashes her brilliant smile for her sister. ”How are you, Bel? Another productive day?”

    Abella closes her book with a snap and stands up from her “desk”—really a few planks on cinderblocks. ”Just more studying. You know how it is.” By which she means pretending to study. Abella putting effort into anything is a shared fiction, perhaps even an unspoken inside joke. All of Abella’s journals are full of doodles, enigmatic diagrams, charts recording her abortive experiments, and none of it makes any sense to anyone but her. ”Catch anyone naughty today, Beth?”

    Cainabeth sets her sword by the door and begins the process of removing her breastplate. ”Oh heavens no. I let a few go actually.”

    ”More of those children.” Abella’s voiced disdain is overwrought, more about teasing Cainabeth than representative of any actual dislike. ”How are those little kiddies going to grow up to have any respect for the law if you keep letting them off easy?”

    Beth finally tosses the breastplate aside and drapes herself over a chair. ”But of course! We need this generation’s master criminals to get their start early. Steal one piece of moldy bread today and, who knows, they might take three next month. We could have the world’s first moldy bread cartel in ten years! Best toss out yesterday’s bread fast or I will get you for distribution.” She laughs her bright, clear laugh, the one that Abella has seen turn every head in a room.

    Abella saunters over to her sister and produces a few strips of jerky. ”Hungry, Beth? Aloisus had a whole bunch today. I already had mine.” That was, of course, a lie.

    Cainabeth takes the jerky, but leaves one for Abella, pressing it into her hand. ”I had a big lunch, dear sister. I do not think I can eat all this.” That was, of course, also a lie.

    Abella reluctantly takes her portion. ”I am glad you are eating well. You have to keep up feeding those gorgeous muscles of yours, Beth.”

    Cainabeth tears off a bite and winks. ”As long as you make sure to keep feeding that big brain of yours.”

    Abella actually, honestly, without foresight or premeditation, having no ulterior, interior, or exterior motive, smiles.

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    For all the dangers, she'd faced to arrive at young Trinia Sabor's window, Talanaliel was relieved to see the artist doing what she loved. She was perched on a wooden chair her legs drawn up, so the balls of her feet rested on the edge of the worn cushion placed on the seat, while furiously making adjustments to a sketch. The familiar wasn't at any angle to see the subject of the drawing precisely, but given the small smile on the blond haired woman's face and the pleasant humming she made, it must have been an image which made her happy.

    The thrush preened slightly and chirped a chuckle. Audria was such a worry wart over her friends. At least this friend wasn't in any danger. She flexed her wings to get ready for the return trip...what? Did she just see a person's shadow on the roof across the way? Hmm, perhaps so. There were often those who chose to use The Shingles as a means to get around sometimes it was safer than the streets below, but...was that person watching Trinia's window? No, it had to just be coincidence since they'd already moved on. And speaking of moving on, she really needed to get back. Korvosa did not get safer as the night drew on...

    Sunday, 8 Desnus 4708

    The morning light of the sun begins to creep through the normal and stained-glass windows of the Sanctuary of Shelyn. Some inhabitants have long since begun to stir while others continue to snore lightly in sleep. As more of the temple's clergy and staff begin to move about waking some of the refugees to begin the endless chores for which such an organization feels responsible. One of the citizens who have taken a post at the makeshift gates in the street, a cobbler by trade whose shop was a street down from here, enters to advise Brother Theolan that a squad of Hellknights has come and their commander is demanding to speak with someone who would be considered in charge.

    He sighs wearily and follows the man outside after charging Jenelyn with overseeing the morning tasks. There is no missing the concern on his face as he leaves.

    CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8

    Sunday, 8 Desnus 4708
    Lania blinks muzzily at the cracks of strong light visible around her curtains, trying to hold onto the strange dream. Although it seems ridiculous now, it had held a certain dream-logic while she was inside it. She feels sure the universe or her own mind are trying to tell her something, but whatever the message, it slips away like a fish when she tries to grasp it and put it into words.

    Then she realizes that by the strength of the light behind her curtains, the sun must be well up. Though unsettling, the dreams have not been enough to wake her too early, and the reason she feels better rested than yesterday is that in fact she has overslept. She rolls out of bed in a hurry, and within seconds, all but the general contours of it are lost. She has more practical concerns. A cold bath, for one, to get rid of the lingering whiff of compost, fish and death she smells or imagines she smells in her hair; caring for her weapons and armor; and getting a bite to eat before leaving for the second day in a row.

    At the Sanctuary of Shelyn, midmorning

    Shrike, who simply appeared in the open-air atrium an hour or two later than yesterday with some twine that seems to be a new addition wrapped tightly around the haft of her guisarme, produces the curiously shaped dagger to be traded for a healing wand at Pip's request. As he runs off spinning it excitedly, a memory triggers: a slim young man with silly hair, waving the same shape of dagger in the same harmless way. Only he had meant it to look threatening for an audience, because he was an actor — an actor playing the Key-Lock Killer that had terrorized the city when she was a girl. Lania had privately thought that an opera-ballet based on a very real and prolific series of murders that had ended only ten years ago without any closure for the victims' families was a singularly tasteless idea, and indeed it had been poorly received when it debuted last year. But until its run had ended after only a few weeks, it had paid well for a non-speaking, non-singing role in the corps.

    "That shape..." The shrike mask turns to Lina abruptly. "You were one of Lamm's. Years ago. Was he Key-Lock too?"

    Gaedren Lamm had looked far too old and sick to be himself the kind of man who stalked and killed people for killing's sake. But perhaps that was why the murders had simply ended eleven years ago with no explanation or suspect caught. The general consensus — at least what she understood of it from the whispers she could catch at fourteen — was that the killer had snuffed it or been done on some other matter. But if it was Lamm, and he had taken an injury that left him permanently lamed in one leg at around that time, or just grown too slow and weak for the hunt...

    Still, there was the matter of the inscription. She didn't think the supposed real dagger of the Key-Lock Killer from which the prop had been copied had contained any such words. And he had not tried to use this dagger against them; if it was his tool of choice, it should surely have had more importance to him than to be kept in a rusting strongbox. So Abella's question when first examining the dagger took on new importance: had Lamm had a child of his own? Had one of his 'Lambs' graduated to an even bloodier independent career? Or had he simply come into the possession of a stolen murder weapon with grisly importance to the city's history through his usual methods and hidden it away in his nest with all his other trinkets?

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    Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

    Pip returns after exchanging the dagger confused and the not his usual happy self. ”That did fetch the money the note by it said. I assumed it was due to inherit value, but not any notoriety by being a favorite tool of a murderer!! I do know the rich collect crazy things like curios of the Whispering Tyrant and such. I will bet having us turn a bad thing into an implement to help living things and reverse death is a good thing—one that Lamm’s spirit must be cursing now.”

    Pip has a thought that disturbs him. He imagines for a second the criminal lady looking for a dress somehow getting 750 gold to buy the dagger and stalk him with it. He shudders a second as his stomach rumbles.

    ”Lets get breakfast!!”

    Pip is smiling again.

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