![]() The Watchtower after Audria runs and hides "I guess you're right," Tally says, noticeably calmer. "Though I think you seeing her half-undressed may have as much to do with it as her age. I think she might like you, too." She stands and stretches before heading down starts. "I better go find her before she can work herself up into a panic," she mumbles before heading downstairs and looking for Audria. ![]()
![]() Tally, who'd been sleeping, blinks as she hears the others talking, then lets out a trill as she sees Majenko and turns back into her half-elven form before hiding behind Audria. After a moment, she realizes that her human companion helped free the tiny drake from a life of torment. "S-sorry," she apologizes. "It's just that I try to avoid both imps and house drakes." ![]()
![]() All Along the Watchtower (Elric and Shrike): Tally looks glumly at Shrike and nods. It's clear she doesn't like the notion, but she doesn't see any other way. "If only the wounds emotions and memories leave were as easy to heal as the ones fire does," she says. "She's-- She's my friend, Me-- Shrike. She's my friend, and I don't want to see her hurt." The songbird's head pops up as she looks out towards the sea. "I think Audria's on her way back. Should I go get her," Tally asks the others.
![]() North Point watchtower (Elric and Shrike): "In a sense," Tally answers. "I'm more of a guide that gives her a push when she needs it than any kind of guardian, especially now." The thrush looks out across the water to the landward end of the pier where Devargo Barvasi had built is pocket empire. "I know you've only just met her, but she's not exactly a delicate flower that needs protecting, physically at least. Do you remember the night the Order of the Nail came in and put down the riots raging through the city," she asks. She waits for Elric's answer before continuing. "Earlier that day, she ran into a woman that knew Yargin, one of Lamm's cronies. She attacked Audria, and Audria knocked her out. I think we were both too shocked to think about telling the guards. I know I was. It was so sudden, and the woman didn't even hesitate. She snuck behind the barricades the Sanctuary and the people in the neighborhood had put up with two thugs. They nearly killed a young acolyte, Zacharias, and setup an ambush for Audria. She didn't explain much about the fight, but she did tell me enough for me to know that she managed to fight off three dangerous people who were there to kill her, nearly killing one of the thugs, almost downing the other, and spooking the woman badly enough to send her running with her lackey." Tally flits over to the battlements next to the mounted spyglass and turns to face Elric. "That is how Bartholomew protects her, by teaching her how to fight if she needs it. What I fear for her are not the physical threats but the moral and emotional ones. Audria is capable. She's strong, intelligent, and graceful, but she is also naive and doubts her own judgement. When we were asked to go after Vancaskerkin and his lackeys, the Cow Hammer Boys, she wanted to try talking them into returning to the guard peacefully, and when she realized that she'd not only failed but raised their suspicions, she thought she'd put everyone in danger. She isn't afraid of being hurt. I first saw her after she'd been beaten nearly to death by Lamm and his cronies when she'd saved Ellie, but she is terrified of making a mistake that will cause others harm." The thrush looks down and seems to grow much more weary in the span of a few heartbeats. "I don't know what to do. I don't know how to protect her from her own doubts. She thinks so little of herself. She has gotten a little better since the night she met Shrike and Abella, but I still worry that if something does go wrong, she'll blame herself and might do something drastic. As much as Shelyn chose her to be one of her champions, Audria had already chosen to walk that path herself, at least to some extent. She focuses so much on being worthy and worrying if there might have been some mistake somewhere that lead to her and not someone better in her mind being chosen, without realizing that her actions are why she was chosen. I can tell her time and time again, but she seems incapable of seeing what I and others see, at least not fully." The thrush hops off the battlements and transforms into the young, half-elven form she'd gained the night they'd been in Castle Korvosa. She looks up at Shrike and Elric with eyes that are far, far older than she appears. "To be honest, I wonder myself if someone wiser or smarter might succeed where I have so far failed. I don't know what happened, but I know that part of myself was stripped away when I came to Golarion. I can try to guide her, but there is so much I don't know and so much I can't do. If I am Audria's guardian angel, then I am a poor one at best. I cannot protect her from the storm that Zellara sees coming. Will you two help me," she begs Shrike and Elric, hoping that she is right about where their hearts lie.
![]() Earlier, waiting for Elric (Shrike)
"You know that she's not going to stop worrying about you just because you tell her to, right," the thrush asks in a much more normal tone. This has been a fun exchange. Thanks for humoring me. :) ![]()
![]() Earlier, waiting for Elric (Shrike)
North Point watchtower (Elric and Talanaliel)
"Who's Mauler," she asks Elric after Shrike answers him. ![]()
![]() Elric and Shrike see Tally shiver and ruffle her feathers from where she sits on the marine's shoulder after finding it more than a little stifling hiding under Shrike's clothing. She looks back in the direction of Eel's End and wonders if she should mention the emotions she feels coming from Audria. The stab of fear she just felt is worse than even what she felt coming from Audria when she and the others were raiding the Old Fishery or being chased by an ettercap through Korvosa's vaults. There isn't panic or anything else that would indicate trouble, though, and she didn't want to divert them from their part of this. For now, she'll keep quiet. Hopefully this isn't an omen of worse to come. ![]()
![]() Cat Trapped:
"Mmm. He's lucky he's adorable," Tally grumbles. Her irritation lasts all of a few moments before she's petting Pockets again. On the way back: "Is it harder to find them, or harder to show them a better path," Tally asks. "I believe that people want to be good people, but life can change them. Some learn to be monsters because their parents were monsters. Some learn to hate because that's all they were ever shown. Audria could have turned into someone like that Embercat person or like Parns and Malder if others hadn't shown her kindness." She keeps walking a few more steps before looking up at Dal. "Have you heard of a half-elf named Halvara," she asks.
![]() Dal, on the way back to the Citadel: As Audria and Shrike lead the wagon down the street, Tally, carrying Pockets if the cat allows her, leads Dal a little ways from the group. "Thank you," she says quietly. "Thank you for what you said to Audria. I didn't hear all of it, but I know she felt better afterwards."
![]() Outside: Talanaliel nods as Dal asks his silent question. She can feel the way this whole ordeal had put Audria through the wringer. That deep abyss that had been yawning before them only seems to get deeper and wider the more they learn about what is going on. She listens to Dal, and pours out as much love and kindness as she can through the link she and Audria share. Dal is right, even if he has the unfortunate tendency to hang around with cats. Oh well, mortals can't be perfect, can they? Wa-- What?! Did that little beast just... Talanaliel blinks in surprise as she finds her field of view filled with Pocket's rear end. She pouts as she feels Audria's spirits lifting as much from Pocket's affection as from Dal's humor. "Rotten li'l beastie! I don't get... why..." Tally begins to say as she reaches up to move the cat's derriere from her face, only to find her hand petting him and, to her shock and horror, herself enjoying it! Her pout melts into a wide-eyed expression of confused wonder.
![]() "I will," Talanaliel says, but she hesitates. "Will you be alright," she asks Audria. The young paladin nods glumly. Talanaliel can feel the jagged wound this experience has ripped open in her psyche, but she can also feel the determination to not give into the pain and grief, at least not yet. "Be careful," the little thrush whispers before flying off, feeling the you too, Audria sends her way as she passes through the door and up towards the windows. Stealth: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35
![]() Does it look like there were more people sitting at the table. Talanaliel flies back to the others and shifts back into her half-elf form. "There's three of them that I saw. Two playing cards and one drinking from a bottle and twirling a silver dagger. They don't seem to be expecting trouble," she tells the others quietly, pointed meeting Audria's eyes with the last sentence. That's right, Miss Mopey-pants! You didn't mess up nearly as badly as you thought you did. ![]()
![]() "Audrie, you're not about to do something wreckless again, are you? Sister Jenelyn and Brother Theolan aren't going to like it," Talanaliel, now a bird again having changed back before meeting with the Field Marshal, says from her perch on Audria's shoulder. "I think she's still miffed about the ettercap when you brought that group of kids in on your own." She frowns as only a fluffy ball of feathers can before continuing. "Besides, you promised you wouldn't do stuff like that on your own anymore!" Shrike's the only one who's heard about the ettercap encounter, but she didn't know or realize that it happened when we were looking for the lost Lambs. :) ![]()
![]() Not 100% on this, but Knowledge(Planes), I think. "I guess it's a trick-- Wait! You mean that infernal furball can change too? How can you tell?!" Talanaliel asks Shrike before Abella starts asking questions and closes in a little too close for her comfort. "I-I d-d-dunno. Things are a little... fuzzy," she admits while scooching back. ![]()
![]() "You're not going to introduce the cat, are you," Talanaliel asks Sabina. The way the little thrush says cat makes it sound like a curse. She glares at Pockets before turning her attention back to Sabina. "If you are, then please introduce me as Talanaliel, Servant of Shelyn, the Eternal Rose, and Mentor of Audria Lumina," she requests with all of the majesty a three ounce bird full of indignation, righteous or not, could muster. The Player would like to note that Talanaliel's opinions are not his own. He rather likes cats, and for that matter dogs, bunnies, and other fluffy and furry critters. ![]()
![]() Talanaliel feels the ebb and flow of the anxiety inside Audria, and wonders if she should try talking to her charge when she notices a wave of amusement, or bemusement, through her link with Audria. It could be hard to tell the two emotions apart at times, but Talanaliel is just happy that something is helping Audria regain some sense of balance and drawing her from the dark mood she'd been sliding into earlier. "Feeling better," she asks the young priestess. If her beak had allowed it, she would have smiled when Audria nodded. "Good! No sense in being mopey when you can't do anything about whatever it is you're mopey about." ![]()
![]() "So, you're not expecting a first kiss either," the little thrush reasons. Audria nods in agreement. "You don't want her to see you flustered like this, so you hid." Again Audria nods. "Well, why did you have to hide behind the one who has a cat?! A cat that's too smart by half at that!" A sharp, indignant trill punctuates Talanaliel's question and Audria lets out a soft groan. ![]()
![]() Talanaliel looks to the others and wonders if she could get away with a fib, but alas, Audria is a terrible liar as both Abella and Shrike can attest. Without any recourse, she beats a hasty retreat to the way out of the abandoned warehouse. "When did you find out," she demands as she lands on the paladin's shoulder. ![]()
![]() I think this one's my favorite. Honestly, it was an impulsive thing on my part. It seemed like something that Tally would say, but now that I'm thinking about it, I made some leaps that I, in hindsight, probably shouldn't have. Basically I assumed that Audria and Talanaliel knew more about your escapades and the whisperings around them than they really should. That said, I think it wouldn't be as much of a stretch to have Talanaliel and Audria connect you with Blackjack, Korvosa's folk hero and something that they'd both know about. "Well, you're like Blackjack, aren't you," Talanaliel explains. "You wear a mask and beat up bad guys, but you go looking for trouble. That's what Mr. Bartholomew says is the difference between someone who is breaking the law and someone who isn't. He kept telling Audria that over and over again that she shouldn't be like Blackjack when he started teaching her how to fight. She's always had a crush on him, there's even that stash of books she thinks no one but her and Eliana knows about."