Caldovan Marches 2022

Game Master rando1000

Date: Marcha 24

Albarra; Santa Merceda

HQ Map

Over-land Map

Combat Map

Party Funds:27 pp, 2738 gp, 1266 sp, 1444 cp, 500 gp amethyst, 2223 gp jewels and gems

Party Magic:Ring of Swimming (swim speed 30', turqoise and silver) copper ritual bowl (allows casting without using slot, but takes 10 minutes)

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Female Wild Elf Cleric 5 | HP 40/40| AC:16/T:12/F:16 | F/W/R: |+5/+3/+7 | 1st 3(1)/3(1), 2nd 3(1)/3(1), 3rd 1(1)/2(1)| C: 3d6 4/4

Caught somewhat by surprise, the elf finds herself reaching out for the assailant's skeleton by the grace of her god. With a swipe of her hand, she makes to yank his bones up into the air with hopes it's throw him to his feet on the way back down.

Boneshaker: DC 15 fort save for half and no movement.: 5d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3, 5, 5) = 19

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Top of Round 2

Hearing Djack's Anguished cry, Amideo rides in on his horse, sword unsheathed for battle.

Entire party may act in Round 2.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Top of Round 2

Hearing Djack's Anguished cry, Amideo rides in on his horse, sword unsheathed for battle.

Entire party may act in Round 2.

Map updated at top of page. I assumed Amideo would spend his movement moving in to attack, so I placed him and his horse protectively over Zia's body. If that's not the case, I'll move the tokens later.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Djack pointed out the enemy attack was gone. I must have overwritten the attack with the round 2 post somehow. Reposting Zarak's attack now, then on to Round 2.

Zarak on Djack (Dagger twice):
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19 HIT
1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 MISS
1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Zarak on Rocko (Poisoned dagger):
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17 MISS
1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Whole party may act.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Map at top of page updated; I placed Amideo at the combat, assuming he'd use his movement to get there. If not, I can adjust the map later.

Human Male uRogue 5 | HP 35/48 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+3/R+8/W+2 | Perc +9/+13 hidden-secret | Init +4

Djack feels the dagger cut him, Ya-ouch!

He feels a slight burn at the wound as he sees the poison residue on the enemy's blade.

Yol! Zia's been poisoned!

Risking another stab from the assassin, he bends to pull Zia away, keeping himself between her form and the attacker. You're gonna be okay, yer gunna be okay...

Djack draws AoO. Moving about 20' away from the enemy, where Yoltzin may be able to treat her in relative safety (if that's what she chooses to do).

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Zarak AOO:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Djack pays dearly for his heroism, taking a deep slice to the shoulder as he moves backward with the unconscious and bleeding Zia.

Amideo, Yoltzin, and Rocko may act in Round 2.

Human Male Cavalier (circuit judge) 5 | HP 48 | AC22/T11/F22 | Saves F+6/R+2/W+2 |Perception +0 | Init +4

Charge: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 2 + 1 = 26
NL Damage: 2d8 + 8 + 4 ⇒ (1, 7) + 8 + 4 = 20

Amideo charges in, lance at the ready. He roars as Mahouf thunders forward and the banner of the Marques flutters in the wind, ”For the crime of assault with a poisoned blade, your right to surrender is forfeit!”

His lance blow is intended to subdue, not kill, but it still strikes with mammoth force.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Amideo Caluzzo di Solva wrote:

Charge: 26
Damage: 20

Amideo charges in, lance at the ready. He roars as Mahouf thunders forward and the banner of the Marques flutters in the wind, ”For the crime of assault with a poisoned blade, your right to surrender is forfeit!”

His lance blow is intended to subdue, not kill, but it still strikes with mammoth force.

Very nice.

Amideo's hit strikes the villain solidly, smacking him back into the wagon he's standing near; the assassin looks dazed, for a mere second, but snaps out of it quickly. He's very, very good at his job.

Yoltzin and Rocko may act in Round 2.

Rocko will make another attempt to restrain his opponent, praying for more favorable luck this time.

grapple attempt: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

oh, and FYI, since Rocko doesn't have the shield out, his AC is currently 20. After the charge he had been at 18, and that 17 was a very, VERY lucky miss

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Rocko manages (barely) to get a grip on Zarak.

Yoltzin's action in Round 2.

Female Wild Elf Cleric 5 | HP 40/40| AC:16/T:12/F:16 | F/W/R: |+5/+3/+7 | 1st 3(1)/3(1), 2nd 3(1)/3(1), 3rd 1(1)/2(1)| C: 3d6 4/4

Giving a whistle, she called for the bison to rush into the field on the heels of Amideo's own mount while quickly moving towards the human currently bleeding out on the ground. the high stress of the situation was getting to the elf even as she attempted to alieve the human of her poisoned state, and there was a whisper int he back of her mind that something inevitible was about to happen

Heal: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Momo moves in, Yoltzin moves and uses her healer's kit. Though with my results, I doubt anything good is coming of it.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Yoltzin manages to stabilize Zia, but little else. Her wound is quite expertly dealt and severe. Zarak knew exactly where to hit her to bring her to the edge of death.

Fortunately, so far at least, his skills at downing active combatants as opposed to helpless victims seems wanting.

Zarak finds himself in a (literal) bind, and decides he'd like to try to escape it.

Escape Artist:1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22

Zarak barely manages to escape Rocko's grip by dropping low (losing his hood in the process) and quite suddenly is no longer visible.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Rocko, Momo, and Amideo (and, I suppose, his horse) have a chance at an attack of opportunity as Zarak tries to slip away. It is subject to 50% miss chance as Zarak is invisible.

Human Male Cavalier (circuit judge) 5 | HP 48 | AC22/T11/F22 | Saves F+6/R+2/W+2 |Perception +0 | Init +4

Mahouf has scent, does that help him/Amideo at all?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Amideo Caluzzo di Solva wrote:
Mahouf has scent, does that help him/Amideo at all?

From the text it seems mostly for tracking, but I'll give Mahouf (only) a 30/70 split instead of 50/50.

It will help you try to keep tabs on him as he tries to get away, however.

I will extend the 30/70 house rule to other beings with the Scent ability. FYI Blind-Fight also helps, giving you a reroll of the miss %

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Combat map updated; will hold until 1 PM CST tomorrow for AOO from those near Zarak before posting next round.

Rocko realizes what is happening and makes an effort to try to grab the slippery little rascal to prevent what most likely is an inevitable escape. If he fails, he'll a least have the cloak as proof.

grapple attempt: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 53
I'll call 1-50 a grab and 51-100 a miss and hope for the best (provided the grapple even worked in the first place)

darn it. too bad Rocko doesn't have the actual scent ability or blind fighting

at least he's reasonably good at tracking

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Above target is a miss for Amideo and Mahouf

Amideo Miss Chance: MISS
1d100 ⇒ 32
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Mahouf Miss Chance: AUTO MISS 01-70 would have allowed a hit
1d100 ⇒ 73

Amideo feels his lance brush against the villain, but he does not believe he pierced his armor this time.

Top of Round 3

Party may act. You do not believe he could have traveled more than 30', though which square is another issue.

Human Male uRogue 5 | HP 35/48 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+3/R+8/W+2 | Perc +9/+13 hidden-secret | Init +4

Show yourself, coward!

Perception, hidden?: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16


Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Ouch. Yeah, I don't think, with his stealth and while invisible, that could even make it if I rolled a 1. Good thought though.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Mahouf winnies and turns his head slightly to the right (map-southwest), seeming to want to travel that direction. Everyone can see this.

is there any sand/dry dirt around that Rocko could grab? He'd like to scoop a handful and throw it in that general direction, hoping it will bounce off the hidden guy.

of course, provided Rocko is smart enough to come up with this plan.

you know, mud would be even better, as long as it doesn't also go invisible the instant it sticks.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Rocko has little difficulty finding mud; the soil here, dry though it normally is even in spring, has been all churned up by the caravan wagons. Water from daily caring for the vegetables they contain completes the ingredients, and presto! Mud.

Roll 1d20, followed by 1d6.

d20: 1d20 ⇒ 2
d6: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Combat map updated with the location where the thrown mud landed.

Rocko's mud goes a little further right than where he was aiming, and lands on the other side of the closer bush. There are no immediate results visible from Rocko's current position.

Female Wild Elf Cleric 5 | HP 40/40| AC:16/T:12/F:16 | F/W/R: |+5/+3/+7 | 1st 3(1)/3(1), 2nd 3(1)/3(1), 3rd 1(1)/2(1)| C: 3d6 4/4

The elf focuses on tending to their downed friend, while her undead bison rushes into the scene. In lieu of a dirrect target, it chooses to rampage through the spots where Rocko has drawn the most attention towards.

Trample:: 2d12 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9
"Targets of a trample can make an attack of opportunity, but at a –4 penalty. If targets forgo an attack of opportunity, they can attempt to avoid the trampling creature and receive a Reflex save(DC 20) to take half damage."

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Momo lumbers past Rocko and devastates the bush where Rocko threw the mud.

If the skeletal buffalo got anywhere near the assassin is unknown, but it definitely did not hit flesh.

Djack and Amideo may act in Round 3.

Human Male uRogue 5 | HP 35/48 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+3/R+8/W+2 | Perc +9/+13 hidden-secret | Init +4

Frustrated and with no visible enemy, Djack stands guard over Zia and Yoltzin.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Amideo and Mahouf may still act in Round 3.

Human Male Cavalier (circuit judge) 5 | HP 48 | AC22/T11/F22 | Saves F+6/R+2/W+2 |Perception +0 | Init +4

Stymied by the invisible foe, Amideo lets Mahouf go where the clever horse is heading towards, switching from his lance to his longsword as he does so.

Following the horses lead and heading southwest.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

When Mahouf gets close enough, he rears up, smacking down with his hooves.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Miss Percent: 1d100 ⇒ 96

Mahouf misses, but Amideo is pretty sure he now knows ABOUT where Zarak is, and can man an attack (at 50% miss chance) if he wants.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

1d100 ⇒ 44

Amideo Longsword: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Evidently Amideo hit Zarak, as he cries out in pain.

Zarak suddenly becomes visible again after he lashes out at Amideo with his main dagger.

1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31 HIT
1d4 + 4 + 6d6 ⇒ (3) + 4 + (3, 6, 6, 4, 2, 5) = 33

I will update the map this evening.

Human Male uRogue 5 | HP 35/48 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+3/R+8/W+2 | Perc +9/+13 hidden-secret | Init +4

With a sound catching his attention, Djack looks towards his friend.

Hunh? Amideo!!

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Combat Map updated.

Top of Round 4; Party may act. Zia is stable at this point, if Anyone else wants to rejoin the combat.

Human Male uRogue 5 | HP 35/48 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+3/R+8/W+2 | Perc +9/+13 hidden-secret | Init +4

Grunting, Djack hustles to make his way around the wagon and behind the killer, even if at a few paces.

Rocko... pound'im or grab'im!

I'd like to end up about 15' (10' between us, setting up a charge) from the guy, but as far south as I can get.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

That puts you somewhere around the big green tree, 15' behind Zarak at an angle. That work for you?

Human Male uRogue 5 | HP 35/48 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+3/R+8/W+2 | Perc +9/+13 hidden-secret | Init +4
rando1000 wrote:
That puts you somewhere around the big green tree, 15' behind Zarak at an angle. That work for you?

Sure. What I was figuring. Thanks!

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