[ACO] PF2e 05-08 - Protecting the Firelight (P1)

Game Master UncleFroggy

Macros | Slides | RPG Chronicles

CP: 23
Subtier: 7-8

Hero Points:

Salaish - 3
Tarkii - 2, CC
Khaul - 3
Avery Wings - 3
Chupko - 3
Zibini - 2

Symbols > Single Action (◆), Double Action (◆◆), Triple Action (◆◆◆), Free Action (◇), Reaction (↺)

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Horizon Hunters

Male Goblin Psychic 6 | HP 58/64 | AC 23/24 | F+13 R+14 W+11 | Perc +9; Darkvision | Speed 25ft | Focus [x] [x] [ ] | Hero Points 1 | Spells 1st 1/2 2nd 1/2 3rd 1/2 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: Stupefied 1 round, +2 AC, mirror image (three images)

Zibini's shield of force shatters as he's hit, but it absorbs a good portion of the attack.
Shield Block, breaking all three layers for 20 Hardness.

"So you're the traitor.." says Zibini vaguely, "and the evil spirits don't keep promises?"
This really didn't sound very convincing, but the goblin's head is still spinning so maybe it's just him.

Oh. Bad guy big. Long arms.

Zibini steps back, hopefully out of his reach. Healed and protected, he grins weakly. "Didn't work. Try again." And then, where there was one goblin, there now seem to be four.

◆ Step
◆◆ Cast mirror image Stupefied Flat check: 1d20 ⇒ 13--success.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |
Khaul Irontoe wrote:

"Spirits offer you things that your hands cannot hold." notes Khaul.

Keeping Myrsa up, he swings mightily trying to fell the mighty Wanikkawi.

It doesn't look like red is next to Khaul any more, is that right? Otherwise I might try to get rid of that annoyance.

Will use reactions as they become avalable. Shield block, or glimpse. If Sophia is hit, then Myrsa will shieldblock.

Oops. Sorry. Forgot to move him there

Vigilant Seal

NG M Dwarf Champion-6; HP 100/100; Focus 1/1; HeroP 0/3; Potion lesser healing 1/1; AC 27(with shield); Fort +14; Ref +8; Will +13; poison resist/3; cold resistance/2; mental resistance/2;Perc +11; +1 to saves vs disease,; Active conditions: Shield (hardness 13, hp120/120). Default exploration: Defend;Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺); sheet

No worries

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |
Khaul Irontoe wrote:
No worries

So are you going after Red or Wanikkawi?

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Chupko continues to throw stones at Wanikkawi but doesn't connect. Avery again connects with her crossbow, making Wanikkawi look like a pincushion. Sophia darts in and slashes at Wanikkawi's face, opening deep wounds. Wanikkawi roars in frustration.

"Oh you little owl! You will be a tasty snack! Wait till I get my hands on you!"

Zibini taunts Wanikkawi, but steps out of reach. Suddenly four goblins appear.

Tarkii reaches out and heals Zibini. Then touches Wanikkawi with the void. To his horror, Wanikkawi's wounds appear to close! Wanikkawi laughs uproariously. "My thanks, little mystic one! I will save you 'til last! Maybe if you surrender now, I won't eat you!"

Just need confirmation from Khaul who he's swinging that hammer at. :)

Round: 4-5
Tactical Map

Terrain Conditions:
Green Areas - Difficult terrain; Tall grasses that are 5' high and provide concealment
Brown Areas - Normal Terrain
Fire - Hazardous terrain (4 squares)
* Enter the square or begin turn in fire pit: 1d6 Fire Damage
* End turn in the fire pit: DC 25 Reflex or suffer 1d6 Persistent Fire

Lighting from the fire:
Bright Light - 10' radius from the fire (Yellow Circle)
Dim Light - up to the edge of the clearing
Darkness - anything past that (unless you have DV or some other aid)

Active Conditions: Courageous Anthem (Salaish only)

Before your Turn:
Those with ** may go

Chupko - AC 24 (26 w/shield), 72/72
Tarkii - AC 26, 93/94 (DR 6 vs Physical Dmg; Enfeebled 2; -3 Penalty to saves/DCs vs Grapple/Shove/forced movement; +2 vs Trip; Bulk 50%; Half damage from falls)
Avery Wings - AC 24 (25 w/shield), 72/72; Sophia AC 23, 31/52
**Khaul - AC 25 (27 w/shield; H 13, 120/120), 80/100 (AC 27; +1 Atk/Saves/Perc/Skill Checks)
Red (-21)
Wanikkawi (-74; -2 Perc/Will; Enfeebled 2; Dazzled; 1d4 persistent bleed)

**Salaish - AC 24, 74/74
Zibini - AC 23 (24 w/shield), 58/64 (AC 26; Stupefied 1, 1/2; Sickened 1 w/in the firelight; 3 mirror images)

Horizon Hunters

CN (female) Gnome (Fey-Touched) Bard 6 | HP 74/74 | AC 24 | F +11 R +14 W +12 | Perc +12 | Stealth +11 | 25 ft | Hero 3/3 | focus 1/2 | spells 1: 2/3 2: 1/3 3: 1/3| ◆ ◇ ↺ | Active Conditions: Diplomat's Badge

Salaish snickers. She sings another verse of the song she started earlier.

Casting Courageous Anthem again
Lingering Composition (Performance) DC 24: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18
Failure: CA lasts for 1 round and Salaish keeps her Focus Point.

Then she casts Charitable Urge on the Red spirit.
DC 22 Will

"Khaul! Move away from the Red Spirit if you can!" She shouts, knowing her spell will work better if no one is beside it.

@GM Tiger: Does it look like Wanikkawi has any items in its possession? Asking for a friend...

◇ Lingering Composition, ◆ Cast a spell, ◆◆ Cast a spell

Vigilant Seal

NG M Dwarf Champion-6; HP 100/100; Focus 1/1; HeroP 0/3; Potion lesser healing 1/1; AC 27(with shield); Fort +14; Ref +8; Will +13; poison resist/3; cold resistance/2; mental resistance/2;Perc +11; +1 to saves vs disease,; Active conditions: Shield (hardness 13, hp120/120). Default exploration: Defend;Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺); sheet

I'll try to finish off red

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