Yoltzin |

She shakes her head even as she begins to remove the corpses heartscale. "A bairllmurettes, 'one who dances with death', are beings that have entrenched their immaterial spirits to the living world. Humans, I think, refer to this as 'lichdom'. His amalssa, or 'phylactry' was likely not destroyed in our assault here. It could be hidden amongst this hoard, exist hidden within these caverns, or even exist elsewhere in a location deemed safe."

rando1000 |

Upon examination, nothing present seems to function as a phylactery. This is no surprise: if someone manages to destroy a liches body, its entire immortality rests on those people NOT finding the phylactery. Best not have it near anyone powerful enough and determined enough to destroy the lich the first time.

rando1000 |

Downtime in(and around) Albarra:
Being a Circuit Judge of Leonus, Marques of the Caldovan Marches, Sir Amideo Caluzzo di Solva spends his downtime (some three weeks from Marcha 1 to Marcha 23) traveling the lands in and near his charge, getting more familiar with his territory. Sometimes, Djack or some other companion travels with him, other times he travels on his own.
During this time, Amideo encounters very little trouble, though he is called upon to resolve some local disputes now and then. Traveling around the areas within a few days ride of Albarra, he visits ranchers and small communities, often with nothing but farmland far as the eye can see. Riding on horseback, he navigates trails that wind through rolling prairies and only occasionally border rugged terrain.
Most small settlements are nothing more than a cluster of wooden buildings (usually fewer than 20) with hitching posts and dirt streets. Riacho Fonte, to the Northeast of Albarra, and similar but much smaller, is the only other town of note. It has a general store (much smaller than Jules'), cantina, and a blacksmith shop.
By the time his journey concludes, Amideo carries with him a deep respect for the rugged ranchers, farmers, and other rustic folk who call Eastern Caldova home.
(The overland map has been updated based on Amideo's travels and your previous journey north to Keep Mesa Norte).
Djack spends much of the time he is not traveling with Maestra Espindola. She is, of course, captivated by the Lanterna. She does take some time each evening she can spare it to tutor her pupil on the basics of minor magicks. He spends time learning to sense the ebb and flow of magical energies around him. It was a silent, solitary practice that required immense focus. He occasionally finds himself frustrated, unable to feel the subtle currents Maestra spoke of.
As a final test, Maestra Espindola takes Djack outside of town and conjuring a small automaton for him to battle, using only his latest tool: the spell Ray of Frost. It frustrates Djack not to battle with the weapons he's more familiar with, but he finally manages to get the drop on the creature. Hiding behind a tree, Djack moves around the other side and zaps the thing square in the back. The Ray is quite effective; Djack has effectively learned to use his new spell in conjunction with his roguish combat tactics.
(Djack now has the ability to cast Ray of Frost 3 times per day).

rando1000 |

Rocko spends his time supervising the repair of the old courthouse to get it up to the standards put for by Amidea before he went on his journeys. Rocko also spends much time, both at the work site and in the Friendly Mesa's cantina, with his friend José Olmos of the Albarra town council. Respect for Rocko continues to grow popularity in Albarra.
Rocko picks up some unusual gloves from a trader passing through from the Southeast. The gloves increase his already formibable strength when he wears them.
(Rocko also receives 50 gp from court funds for his help in its construction).
(By the time the adventure begins on Marcha 24, the Courthouse is once again useable, and the bunks upstairs can be used by any of the PCs when they wish. I'll put up a map and photo at a later time).
I believe the player has some narration he wants to write for Yoltzin's downtime, so I'll give him a few days to post it.

Yoltzin |

Spending time with the humans of Albarra has for the large proven a beneficial experience for the comparatively young elf, yet even the adventurous girl was beginning to feel disconnected from her roots. Sitting on the spoils of their venture into the necromantic caves of the mad lich, she felt an urge to use these trinkets and bobbles for a similar, if in her mind higher, purpose.
It started with her venturing out into the plainlands on her own following the guidance of the spirits. There she found and recovered the desiccate remains of a once great beast native to these lands. Yoltzin took great care in preparing the pigments she'd need for a coming ritual, and extended to Maestra Espindola a chance to witness a religious ceremony scarcely seen, if ever, by outsiders.
In a secluded space away from the hustle and bustle of the town the remains were doused in aromatic oils and set aflame to burn away the remnant flesh. Still warm to the touch she took the skull of the beast and began to inscribe a binding pattern, using the copper bowl to hold the paints. Slowly she coaxed the departed spirit to cross through the ashlands so that it may once again walk the material.
A spell that would take a skilled caster mere second tear the spirit world assunder and bring life to the unliving instead took the elf a full evening, and the skeletal creature that emerged from this process couldn't even be considered stronger as a result. Yet, there was no enslavement of the spirit to be had here. Creator as well as creation have come together in mutual understanding.
"I open my heart to you and hear your name, Momozhuani." Yoltzin spoke, pressing her forehead to the skeletal bison before her. When she moved back, her head was left marked by the undrying blue paint. "Let us walk the prairie once again."

rando1000 |

The Maestra is duly awed by the ritual, though as a Wizard (and a human) she only understood Yoltzin's magic from an intellectual level. Nevertheless, it comforted the Elf somewhat that she'd enhanced this connection.
Marcha 24, Early evening
As the hot sun is setting over the horizon, a stream of unusual travelers begins to file into the Friendly Mesa, a hauntingly diverse procession marked by desperation and resilience. At the forefront, a young woman, her once-tidy dress now tattered and stained, clutched her young daughter’s hand tightly. Behind her, a former merchant, distinguished by his graying hair, his clothes now covered in dust, pushed a wheelbarrow laden with what appears to be his few remaining possessions. An elderly couple, dressed in traditional garb, lean on each other for support, their faces etched with lines of worry and exhaustion. Several others flow in slowly behind them, displacing the confused and concerned locals and Friendly Mesa regulars.
Anyone can be in scene who wants, at this point, or pop in at any point until the scene changes.

Amideo Caluzzo di Solva |

Amideo rides out to meet them, though without his weapons or armor. These are civilians, some he may have even met in his travels over the past few weeks.
He raises a hand and greets them warmly, "Salutations! I am Amideo Caluzzo di Solva, circuit judge of the Caldovan Marches and a representative of the Marques. You all are welcome here, provided your intentions are good. I am compelled to ask, however, what those intentions are?"

Yoltzin |

The elf had been enjoying the evening air, performing her shopping now at the market as opposed to the being subject to the intense light of the sun. As such, she caught sight of the procession and watched with some interest, only beginning to make her own approach upon seeing Amideo arrive on scene. She kept to the sidelines for the moment, allowing the human to interact with his people as he would.

Djack Nymball |

Djack is alarmed.
He places some coins on the counter and moves to invite the beleaguered people in and makes sure they are seated.
Please, sit... Thirsty?
He kneels in front of the young girl, Please, call me Djack. Come...
He makes sure they have water and gives brings some bread and cheese.
What happened?

rando1000 |

To Amideo:
The merchant strides weakly but determinedly up to answer the knight. His face is worn and he is obviously tired, unused to physical labor.
"I am Diego Ruiz, a seller of fine goods in Santa Merceda, or was. We seek only shelter, food, and a safe place to rest."
"However, you appear to be a man of some standing, and it is, perhaps, fitting that I should inform you that the City of Santa Merceda has fallen to rebellion." A chill goes up Amideo's back hearing this. Santa Merceda is but a day or two ride to the north-northwest. Several of the Friendly Mesa patrons recoil in shock at this revelation.
"It was three days ago," he begins, his voice heavy with sorrow, "that our majestic city fell into chaos. A rebellion unlike any I've heard of before, something out of the legends of the Calamities. It started with whispers," Diego continues, "rumors of unfair taxes and corrupt officials. The accusations become more and more outrageous, eventually defying any logic; it all happened so fast."

rando1000 |

To Djack:
"My name is Sofia. This is Isabella," the mother says, gesturing to the child. We were at home, Isabella was playing with her doll, and I was preparing our supper. Suddenly, there was a loud crash at the door. Before I could react, several men burst into our home. They were wild-eyed and desperate, rebels driven to madness. They shouted and demanded food and money. One of them grabbed Isabella's doll and threw it across the room. Isabella screamed, and I tried to shield her, to protect her from their rage. One of the men, a tall, gaunt figure, brandished a knife. He threatened us, his eyes wild with fury." Sofia's voice cracks, and she squeezes Isabella's hand for comfort.
"They ransacked our home, smashing furniture and tearing through our belongings. The leader, the one with the knife, advanced towards Isabella; I threw myself in front of her, begging him to leave her alone. Thank the gods he listened, though it seemed to him a struggle. They took what they could and left, but not before setting our home on fire. I do not know what has become of my husband."

Yoltzin |

She moved a hand up to her mouth at the news, brow pinched. Humans truly were a species of chaos and chance, were they not? Their kingdoms would chance hands in the time it took for an oak to seed. Yet, the patrons here seemed taken aback by the expediency and seeming ferocity of this occurrence. Would that this have been a natural occurrence, rumors of discontent be circling for years beforehand?
Something strange felt afoot.

Djack Nymball |

Djack considers the lady's retelling of the incident.
A... struggle , for him?
It does not sound like a man succumbing to baser instinct or even moved by the passion of rebellion.
I will consult my mistress, but I... never mind.
Your husband's name, and perhaps a description... what does he do?
He takes the little girl's hair. At least your doll is OK, do they have a name?

rando1000 |

Sofia looks confused at first, then a little amazed. She was just telling her tale of woe to this stranger in a cantina. She had not expected any action to help her, aside from the water and foodstuffs he'd already provided.
Sofia: "Fermo. Fermo Alvaro. He's a book binder...in Norgate." Djack recognizes Norgate as the name of a modest working-class neighborhood in Santa Merceda.
Isabella: "Her name is Linda," the girl replies shyly.

Yoltzin |

The elf walked forward and cut in here for Djack, kneeling down to meet the young girl with a sedate smile. "It is a beautiful name. I had a doll much like this when I was your size. Treat her well, and it will do the same for you."

rando1000 |

Under the direction of Amideo and the party, the staff of the Mesa sets up sleeping arrangements in the grand lodge off the main door. Abelia begins cooking up a large pot of chicken estofado and rice for the newcomers, all of which Rocko and Amideo promise to arrange for the town council to help pay for.
After a couple hours of unexpected work at the end of the day, the party is finally free to relax again in the cantina and discuss the situation at hand.

rando1000 |

Amideo (bot b/c unavailable):
"My friends, it is my duty to investigate this matter, but unfortunately I am tied up here for the next day or so. Might you be able to ride ahead and investigate the situation? I will join you as soon as I am able."

Djack Nymball |

Certainly. I don't like something Sophia said, though...
Sounded like the man that entered her home wasn't doing it off his own intent... Free will?
It's troublesome, given what we've seen just a short while ago.

rando1000 |

"Indeed, my friend. It is very concerning. Certainly an angle you'll want to look into."
A young man in the uniform of a post rider arrives and approaches Amideo.
"Ah, here we are. I've written an explanation of the events as relayed by Senior Ruiz. Please take this message with haste to the Office of the Marques in Puerto Nuevo."
Puerto Nuevo is almost three weeks ride to the East, on the shores of the New Lands, in the more civilized Espan colonies well away from The Caldovan Marches.
Amideo looks again at Djack.
"I'd dispatch a rider to Keep Mesa Norte, but you know how dangerous that journey is, either crossing in the south or the north. Most riders would not survive the trip. If we can't resolve the issue in Santa Merceda on our own in a few days, we can ride north to the Keep ourselves."

rando1000 |

Moving on. If anyone wants to do anything off-camera before the next scene, please write in discussion.
The next morning, the group gathers in front of the courthouse to prepare for the trip. Amideo, though present, is unable to join you on the ride there, though he will ride to Santa Merceda with haste as soon as he can.
That leaves Djack (and Djill), Rocko, Yoltzin, and Zia. The morning weather is cool (64 F), but the day quickly begins to warm. A heavy wind blows from the mountains Eastward, and since the road travels north-by-northwest, that wind promises to be in your faces for a good portion of the trip.
The fastest way to Santa Merceda is by horseback; a wagon will only slow you down, and since the journey should be accomplished in a day and a half (or even one day, if you do a forced march), there is no need for any large amount of provisions.

Yoltzin |

Instead of having rented a traditional horse for the ride, the elf seems to have had another idea up her sleeve. While the beast in life would've made for a difficult riding companion, the understanding she shares with it's spirit now has afforded a rare opportunity to saddle and ride the bison. She informs her three companions for the journey that she would meet them just outside of town, not wishing to cause alarm to the people of Albarra with Momozhuani's appearance.
It will take time for them to be comfortable with such a being, she understood as such. It's part of why she had invited the wizarding woman to witness the ritual, someone to vouche that she wasn't a second coming of the mad necromancer of legend.

Kevin Boyer 646 |

Rocko is a bit surprised to see the new companion, but he has no problem with it. In fact, with his knowledge of weak points in undead physiology, he is even able to give Yoltzin a few hints as to how to use leather straps and protective covering to help make some effective armor/barding for her new friend if she is amenable to the offer.
Rather than riding like his companions may be doing, Rocko wants to practice some tribal rituals he has been working on that are designed for hunters who need to cover distances quicker over the vast plains.
Even with the speed enhancement, Kaki will naturally still tease Rocko about being slow.
Rocko will be casting longstrider on himself to keep up. He will have to stow his heavier armor in his pack to keep pace, but he's fine with his old tribal gear while on the move

rando1000 |

Instead of having rented a traditional horse for the ride, the elf...now has afforded a rare opportunity to saddle and ride the bison.
Rather than riding like his companions may be doing, Rocko wants to practice some tribal rituals he has been working on that are designed for hunters who need to cover distances quicker over the vast plains.
Cool use of your abilities, guys!

rando1000 |

The land traveling northwest toward Santa Merceda is still largely grassland between the road and the mountain, with occasional small farms (see image).
By the time the party stops for a mid-day meal, they are ready for a respite against the steady warm winds blowing down off the mountain. Nevertheless, you're making good time, and should be mid-way by sometime in the afternoon. The temperature has climbed to a warm but tolerable level.

Djack Nymball |

Djack wasn't completely surprised about the bison... if that's what it still was, but up closer and personal was a whole other matter. He soothed Djill.
Mistress mentioned something about insects... hive mind? he shrugged.
Making sure everyone was comfortable and offering to make some tea.
Place... road doesn't really scream hospitality. Be on the look out for critters.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

rando1000 |

As Amideo joins the group, everyone is startled by a loud crackling crash; you are all surprised to see a small fire burning in a nearby tree where, apparently, lightning just struck.
It is odd because the sky does not portend severe weather.
40d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 3, 2, 4, 5, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 3, 6, 1, 4, 2, 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, 6, 6, 3, 2, 5, 1, 4, 6, 3, 6) = 139
Djack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Amideo: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1
Rocko: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Yoltzin: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
Rocko and Yoltzin both notice, about the same time, a very large blue dragon over 100' distant, flying toward the party. It appears to be hunting.
If Rocko or Yoltzin do not otherwise post so, assume they make the party aware relatively quickly.
Please roll initiative. I will roll it for you if not posted by tomorrow. It is possible, but difficult, to avoid combat.

Yoltzin |

The elf had accepted Roicko's advice readily, pleased to have someone around to give her some much needed advice when it came to the beast. Without the advice of her village elders, many of her practices had turned intuitive rather than learned.
The latter arrive of Amideo had been a welcomed reprieve from the monotony- yet that peace did not seem to last long.
Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

rando1000 |

Xiamara - Zia |

Zia shouts out as she examines the size of the beast approaching them.
Juvenile. Not yet an adult, but not a child, either."
Puts it at a CR 10 threat. Decent, but not insurmountable considering past successes.

Kevin Boyer 646 |

Rocko will curse quietly to himself as his instinctive reaction was to throw himself to the ground.
He'll try to remember what he's heard of the hunting tactics of this dragon type, not having faced one himself.
knowledge nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
and for game purposes, Rocko is currently prone, unarmed, and in his hide armor rather than the breastplate

rando1000 |

Rocko will...try to remember what he's heard of the hunting tactics of this dragon type, not having faced one himself.
and for game purposes, Rocko is currently prone, unarmed, and in his hide armor rather than the breastplate
The only information Rocko has on the topic is that blue dragons are native to desert climates. Most of the Caldovan Marches either qualifies as, or is close enough to, desert for them to live comfortably. Fighting any large creature such as this (huge in game terms) calls for coordinating effort and staying clear of its weapons as long as possible. That said, this thing is close enough to adult most of its body is probably a weapon, the wings and the tail being the least of them.
Consider Rocko's weapons nearby. He can get to and draw them in one move action.

Yoltzin |

"When faced with a flying beast, even an elder wing, you must find all way to even or take out their advantage!" She half shouts in a panic, drawing upon her celestial blessings. With a brief plee to the spirits, she pulled and tugged at the strings between worlds to reveal a bright mote of light.
It's first act in the material realm is flash a soothing aura accross Yoltzin and her companions, before zipping back and to the side a full sixty feet.
Aid: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 temporary hit points

Djack Nymball |

Djack starts to fan out, not wanting everyone within one breath weapon strike. 45 feet at a 45 degree angle (towards the dragon) and sending Djill straight sideways (right or left) at horse speed.

Djack Nymball |

Djack starts to fan out, not wanting everyone within one breath weapon strike. 45 feet at a 45 degree angle (towards the dragon) and sending Djill straight sideways (right or left) at horse speed.
Could move 30 and Message.

rando1000 |

Combat map at the top updated; this will be the positioning after the Dragon moves; right now it's quite a bit further away.
I only moved Djack 30' per the latest post; if you wanted 45 just imagine him 15' further. The "+45" by Djill means she's 45' further in that direction.
Rocko can move to retrieve his weapons this round if he wants.
Amideo's action. He is still mounted, and presumably has his lance.

rando1000 |

It's first act in the material realm is flash a soothing aura accross Yoltzin and her companions, before zipping back and to the side a full sixty feet.
You want it to zip 60' the same direction as Djill ran? I'll put it on the map when you decide.

Uret Jet |

Sure, that can work. Keep it nearby to act as a different target.