DM Fang Dragon's: War for the Crown

Game Master FangDragon

Drammatis Personnae | Maps | Map of the Palace of Birdsong

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Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

For a moment Triphylla is surprised to find the assassin's weapon hidden in the kitchen. Having found it, she sets it back exactly as she found it. This is her one chance to catch the hired killer and she does not want to risk spooking her before she can make a play.

She finds the baking flour and spreads it thinly on the floor in the area of the knife. Not enough to be detected or to cause issues with footing. Just enough to adhere to the shoes or feet of the killer.

There are a good many cupboards and nooks to hide for a person of her size in the kitchen, and she selects a space that allows her to see the face of anyone approaching the knife, but also to attack with surprise if the moment present itself. Inside the cupboard she sets out her mutagen and extracts.

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 Assuming assassin is human. Else +8

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Lope fits his mustache and smiles to the Baroness "In that case, let me say you might be well pleased in the following weeks. I cannot disclose details as to how this is going to happen, but I well know the Princess plans to make Merratt County her base of operations on her attempts to ensure the control over the throne."

The Aldori looks around, both making sure there is no one at ear-shot, nor a dangerous assassin up to jump over the Baroness or himself "When it comes the time though, it would be good to count on your support to ensure the Count accepts by good or bad the Palace of Birdsong belongs to the true heir to the throne."

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Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

Valeria was a bit surprised when Cyrene came up close behind her to pass on her message and for a moment she got an entirely different idea in her head. She quickly corrected the mental image of rolling in the hay with Cyrene and turned to look at the disguised tiefling and said, "Very good, that will be all for now," dismissing the "servant". As Cyrene left Valeria realized that she had not seen Triphylla for a while and hoped this meant good news. Regardless she knew it was necessary to pass this along to Lope, Dianna, and the Baroness immediately.

Valeria went to the room where they were meeting and found they were no longer there. It took a little more searching to find out that they had gone on a walk. With a little more work Valeria tracked them down and approached the trio and their discussions. As she came closer, she looked at Dianna and said, "Milady, I bring news."

Once she was close enough to talk without being overheard Valeria said softly, "Cyrene has found a stash that likely belongs to assassins in the stables and has gone in hiding there to watch for them. I have not seen or other servant since, but I would assume she has found something of interest as well, though I know not where."

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps
Lope wrote:
"In that case, let me say you might be well pleased in the following weeks. I cannot disclose details as to how this is going to happen, but I well know the Princess plans to make Merratt County her base of operations on her attempts to ensure the control over the throne."

"Mmm." replied Baroness Voinum, "That'll get interesting. If memory serves, the Lotheeds owe their stewardship to the royal family, which they and most of the county have conveniently forgotten."

Lope wrote:
"When it comes the time though, it would be good to count on your support to ensure the Count accepts by good or bad the Palace of Birdsong belongs to the true heir to the throne."

Voinum nodded but cautioned Lope, "I have no particular affection for the count, but I trust this can be done with minimal bloodshed. Done right, Baron Okarra and the others will come around eventually. If things go poorly, well they can get rather judgemental."

You carry on walking for a little while (feel free to add any extra questions) but the late begins to fade and everyone realizes they're hungry.

"Lets head back for dinner, and a bottle or two of Taldor's finest." suggests Voinum.


Cyreen cunningly hidden in the hayloft prepares for a stakeout, likewise
Triphylla finds a hiding spot in the cellar near the kitchen stairs with a good view of where the knife is stashed. There are various comings and goings in the kitchen as the chef and his staff put the finishing touches to dinner and on three occasions somebody hurries past the shelf where the knife is as they fetch things from deeper within the cellars.

Likewise Cyreen's watch starts uneventfully, the ostler and the groom take care of the horses from your carriage but after they've gone silence reigns and darkness falls.

So the rest of the evening's itinerary is dinner, a long chat in the drawing room before turning in for the night. Complicating matters you expect the assassins to strike at some point.

You hear what could be a short argument in the kitchen. Distance and doors have muffled the sound but you thought you recognized the Chef upbraiding a female voice.

You vaguely guess dinner must have started when you heard a furtive discussion below, with a male and a female voice just outside. The man said "I can't believe our luck, they're all here." The woman softly replied, "Don't underestimate them, Voignum still spars and knows how to handle that blade." They started walking away as the man said "It won't come to that, we'll do the Vernnai proud."

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Guess my flour trick isn't going to do much.

Triphylla keeps her cool, stretching her short legs to stay as comfortable as possible while waiting for anyone to approach and go for the assassin's blade.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Unfortunately the flower gets trodden in *, good idea otherwise Triphylla. Are you going to investigate the noise upstairs in the kitchen or stay put for now?

*This probably doesn't stop it from working, just makes it harder for you to spot somebody creeping about invisibly.

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

Hiding in the Hay:
Information is interesting and Cyrene does her best to remember the voices, since they might be her only hope of recognising the speakers again, but she doesn't move - abandoning an excellent hiding place just makes it more likely that she'll be spotted and that isn't worth the risk.

Patience is the hallmark of the truly excellent afterall.

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Lope listened attentively to the Baroness's advice, pondering the alliances they could forge with other nobles "Baroness, which nobles do you believe we can rely on for support in the coming days?" he inquired, his tone reflecting his earnest desire to navigate the delicate political landscape "I am specially thoughtful of how to avoid the turmoil and ensure Baron Okarra's support"

Once they were seated for dinner, Lope engaged in lively conversation, sharing stories and insights with the other guests while keeping a watchful eye on the Baroness. As the evening wore on, he remained by her side, offering his companionship and protection.

As the night progresses and the Baroness retires to her chambers, Lope resolved to remain vigilant. He discreetly repeats the dummy at bed trick to catch any would-be assailants off guard. With his senses heightened and his blade at the ready, he stayed close to the Baroness room, determined to safeguard her until exhaustion inevitably claimed him and sleep beckoned.

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Voinum considered for moment before replying, "Hmm Dame Crabbe seems well disposed towards you, officially she's a supporter of the Promachos but when push comes to shove I have a feeling she'll lean towards Eutriopia. The real question is which way will Grand Duchess Tiberan and Cassomir lean, and that I couldn't say."

Soon you gather for dinner, which proves to be excellent. The main dish was slow roast pheasant and venison with greens, peppercorn sauce and roast potatoes. Conversation was somewhat strained as everyone waited for the other shoe to drop but nothing untoward happened. Likewise drinks in the drawing room passed without event, although the wine was very good.

As the hour drew late, the Baroness asked softly, "We'll have to turn in before long, I wonder if we should make any special arrangements?"

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

Spells Prepared:

Wizard spells prepared (CL 5; concentration +10; (4/5+1/3+1/2+1/0/0/0/0/0/0))

3rd (2+1/day)- Haste x2; Bonus: Major Image
2nd (3+1/day)- Glitterdust x2, Euphoric Cloud Bonus: Invisibility
1st (5+1/day)- Mage Armor, Greasex2, Ear-piercing Screm (2 slots) , Bonus: Silent Image
0th (at will)- Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Daze, Read Magic

"I believe we should." Diana nods at the Baroness' suggestion, replying in the same soft tone. "I have it on good account that the other party have already made their own arrangements, which should mean they intend to move as soon as they sense an opening. We should act accordingly. We had some thoughts on how to prepare before we left Stachys, actually, some of them might work here as well."

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Triphylla, unable to fight against her halfling nature, creeps out of her hiding place to try to witness the berating happening in the kitchen. She sneaks and peaks around the doorway, expecting her low profile to further help her be stealthy.

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Lope laughs simulating they are discussing just some fun facts and notes the Baroness thoughts on the other nobles "Indeed, we should just let them think there is an opening. We have friends already tracking them from the shadows, and we should invite them to grow bold while we take our defense."

"Perhaps if we part for a lone night walk, without servants around, we will trigger their attempt. What do you think?" Lope smiles and offers his arm to the Baroness "I would be thrilled to visit that infamous winery of yours. Perhaps even late private walk on the wine fields under the Moon."

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Baroness Voignum allows Lope to take her arm, saying "My goodness young man, I don't think I've had an offer like that in what? twenty years!" Feigning a drunken devil may care attitude she added, "Ah to hell with propriety, let's do it!"

Arms linked the pair walked outside to the surprise of the serving staff.

Diana what are you planning to do?

The argument happened perhaps an hour before Lope and Baroness Voignum head out for their moonlit soiree.

Very cautiously you creep from your hiding space and quiet as a mouse up the stairs to the kitchen. From experience you know several of the stairs squeak which you carefully avoid, the door at the top was slightly ajar allowing a thin wedge of light in from the kitchen. You gently push the door open a fraction more, allowing you to catch a glimpse of the furious chef upbraiding a retreating figure, "You let us down tonight Vi! If it wasn't for Lord Bentony's master servant desert would have been a disaster. And now you're wandering off again, don't come back! You're fired!"

What do you want to do? The woman will be out of sight in moments.

Cyrene: Perception DC 20:
From outside you hear two pairs of light footsteps and the male voice from earlier said softly, "Get ready quickly, an opportunity presents itself. Both of them have been drinking and have gone for a moonlit vineyard walk like amorous teenagers!" Sounding rapturous the female replied, "Our lord in blood be praised! I know what I said earlier but this calls for direct action, we shall stage a robbery gone wrong. Help me fetch the weapons from the well..."

What do you plan to do? You know there's a well in the courtyard outside the stables, thinking about it underneath the bucket would be a good place to hide a small-ish package as long as you didn't mind it getting wet. You did check this briefly earlier so whatever it was must have been well hidden.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Have to go with what I know

While Triphylla believes the hireling of the shady lawyer is the likeliest suspect, she has no proof until somebody makes a go at the assassin's weapon downstairs. Revealing herself in this spot would potentially foil her ambush. And if this Vi is the would-be killer then she has no longer any recourse but to strike tonight. Triphylla retreats to her hiding spot next to the knife and waits patiently for the assassin to return.

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

Take 10 on Perception

Cyrene curses under her breath and then slides carefully from her hiding place. She waits for a few moments in case one of them comes for the poison and then moves slowly outside, wanting to keep the two assassins in sight.

Stealth: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

"I am sure you two do not want anyone intruding on your private walk. I will retire to my bedchamber then." Diana adds with a mischievous smile.

"I'll follow you two invisibly, if you wait a bit by the door while I get ready."

Diana gets to her room, opens the window to let Lira outside, and then casts Mage Armor, adjusts her magical sleeves to change her outfit to a servant's, for when her spell runs out, and finally casts Invisibility. She then leaves the room, closing the door as if she were still inside, and hurries back to join Lope and the Baroness at the door.

"Lope, I'm back." she whispers to Lope as she nears them. "This spell won't last long, so I'll follow at a bit of a distance. When it runs out, I'll be wearing servant clothes - hopefully they won't pay attention to me that way."

Invisibility lasts 5 minutes at this level, so I'm guessing it's not going to do much besides getting me outside unnoticed.

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

"We only live once, isn't it Baroness?" Lope smiles and walks out, stopping at the door to adjust his boots to gain some time, then happily gets out to the gardens.

Walking slowly, even stopping a few times to make some statement, in order to gain time for Diana and the others to catch up, Lope chit chats with the Baroness "Oh, did ever anyone told you how silvery your eyes look under the light of the Moon?"

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

Valeria was a bit surprised when Lope took the initiative to try and bait out the assassins and went for a private, moonlit, walk with Baroness Voignum. Knowing it would be highly inappropriate for the pair to be alone together Valeria rose and followed them openly, though she kept a short distance away from them so they could have the illusion of privacy. She did not feel the assassins would find her to be a threat to their plans since she was not visibly armed and wearing only her dress, cloak, and the Subtle Mask with her dagger tucked out of sight inside her dress, making her a faceless attendant to the lady Voignum, they would be in for a very rude awakening when the time came.

Valeria is keeping a slight distance away from the pair, whatever would be considered appropriate for a chaperon when two people are courting.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

You wait for as long as you dared, but it seems the poisons are forgotten for now. You carefully move, aware of which rafters squawk and jump down without making a sound. Pleased with yourself, you gingerly push open the doors a little and ghost out towards the courtyard. You spot the two assassins removing something small from the underside of the barrel. They unwrap it and lay it out on the floor and to your considerable surprise it turns out to be portable hole!

They reach in and pull out a pair of hideous red-mantis masks and a pair of saw-toothed sabers. The woman whispers softly to the man, "Right let's get this done before that b***h Vi makes her move." The man nods, "Damn Vernai's pet, the way she goes on you'd think she was Tith'kali." The woman scoffs softly at that.

Neither of them appears to have seen you, you get the impression they're about to head off.

You retreat to your hiding spot. Nothing happens for a good long time, but then you hear the softest squeak from the kitchen door.

Perception DC 20

You get the sense of somebody invisible coming down the stairs, but you think they paused near the bottom. Perhaps your flower spill gave them pause for thought?

Lope wrote:
"Oh, did ever anyone told you how silvery your eyes look under the light of the Moon?"

"In Abadar's name, you're enjoying this aren't you Lord Bentony..." replied the Baroness. Again pretending to be far drunker than she really was she regarded you and gushed, "Well I suppose you do cut something of a dashing figure in the moonlight... All the young ladies at court will be terribly envious!"

Meanwhile Diana followed invisibly along with Valeria at a respectful distance.

Probably best to assume only a short time elapses in your next posts.

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Lope chuckled softly at the Baroness's playful response, savoring the brief moment of levity amid the seriousness of their situation "I assure you, Baroness, my intentions are entirely honorable" he replied with a charming smile, playing along with the charade.

As they strolled beneath the moonlit sky, Lope kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, mindful of the potential dangers lurking in the shadows. Despite the lighthearted banter, he remained ever vigilant, ready to spring into action at the first sign of trouble.

Glancing over at the Baroness, he couldn't help but admire her poise and grace, even in the midst of uncertainty "You handle yourself with remarkable composure, Baroness" he remarked, genuine admiration shining in his eyes "It's clear that you're a force to be reckoned with in these tumultuous times."

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Note bonus to Initiative at the bottom of this post. If Triphylla is not acting in a surprise round then this will probably just be a big mess to clean up. :P

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Triphylla catches her breath at the squeak on the stair. If someone managed to perceive a fine mist of flour on the floor then she's probably over matched anyway. May be best to scare them off.


From inside her hiding spot she quickly drinks her mutagen and extracts, one after another. It's now or never. Grabbing the bag of flour, she bursts forth from her cupboard and with a heave, thrusts the bag violently at the invisible target above the noisy stair, holding on to the bottom of the sack as the flour explodes into the narrow space.

Powder: Powdered chalk, flour, and similar materials are popular with adventurers for their utility in pinpointing invisible creatures. Throwing a bag of powder into a square is an attack against AC 5, and momentarily reveals if there is an invisible creature there. A much more effective method is to spread powder on a surface (which takes 1 full round) and look for footprints.

Throw Anything: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Dex Mutagen + Shield + Expeditious Retreat + Heightened Awareness
+4 Dex, Spd 50, AC 27, Perception +2, Initiative +6

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

Watching, Waiting:
Unwilling to jump into a two-on-one fight without back-up Cyrene waits for the two assassins to arm themselves and then continues to follow, hoping that the pair split up for an ambush and leave themselves vulnerable in turn!

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

The air briefly becomes a choking cloud of flower which outlines the rather surprised looking assassin creeping down the stairs! She blinks at you and whispers, "F!*+."

Init: Assassin: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Init: Triphylla: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

The two assassins clearly know their stuff, once they'd tooled up they moved quickly and silently using hand signals for communication. You follow them as it becomes clear they've noted and disregarded Valeria and are closing in Lope.

You have 1 round before combat to do something.

Lope, Diana, Valeria: Perception DC 20:
You catch a flicker of motion out of the corner of your eye! You are not surprised when combat starts.

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Valeria's gaze was drawn to something and her eyes widened as she realized what it was.

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

Diana follows along, mindful of the time left to her spell - splitting her attention between Lope and the Baroness, and looking for somewhere to stand when her magic runs out, so that she doesn't just turn visible out in the open and give the plan away.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Triphylla gives the assassin no quarter, following the explosion of flour with a rabid attack! She screams at the top of her lungs and hurls herself in a violent barbarian rage at the trained killer.


Strength Rage, Power Attack, Adaptable Luck on all 3 attack rolls. Assuming target is flat-footed for sneak attack damage.

Bite: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 7 + 2 = 19 Sneak Attack Damage: 1d6 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 7 + (5, 2) = 17
Claw: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 2 = 17 Sneak Attack Damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 7 + (5, 3) = 17
Claw: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 2 = 24 Sneak Attack Damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 7 + (2, 3) = 14

Str Rage (1/2) + Dex Mutagen + Shield + Expeditious Retreat + Heightened Awareness
+4 Dex, Spd 50, AC 25

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

Cyrene slips in behind the assassins and strikes hard at the rearmost one!

Stabbity: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 191d6 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Hidden Strike?: 3d8 ⇒ (2, 2, 6) = 10
If I hit with the hidden strike then I get to Study my target as well for an extra +1 damage and other bonuses.

"They're here!" She yells just after striking. The element of surprise is gone, now she needs allies!

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Perception DC 20: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13
Lope softly strokes the back of the Baroness as he closes in to mutter some words in her ear "To be sincere I am worried to not spot the assassins on time, dazzled as I am by your grace and presence even at such menacing time for our lives" he speaks with genuine concern, his words laced with a hint of vulnerability as he acknowledges his distraction in her company.

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

Not being sure where they are in relation to me not sureh I can do just yet.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Here's a map the size of a token is approx 5 foot.


Cyrene's dagger sunk deeply into the woman's torso, causing her to grunt in surprise. Neither of the assassins had noticed Cyrene! The man glanced at her and swore softly, threw gritted teeth the woman told him "Get the target! I'll deal with her..."

Initiative rolls:

Cyrene: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Diana: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Lope: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Valeria: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Baroness Voignum: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Assasins: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

STATUS: Round 1 wrote:

Environment: Webs are difficult terrain. Except near the glow stick, low light (20% miss chance)

Damage Log:
Round: 1
Red was hit by Lope for 13 (total damage taken 13)
Red was hit by Valeria for 14 (total damage taken 27)
Blue was hit by Triphylla for 13 (total damage taken 13)

Round: 2
Red was hit by Valeria for 15 (total damage taken 42)
Triphylla was hit by Red for 10 (total damage taken 10)

Red: 42 damage
Blue: 13 damage
Triphylla: 10 damage

Baroness Voignum <----- WE ARE HERE

Baroness Voignum, Lope and Valeria are up.


Triphylla's sudden rage was as shocking as it was deadly, biting and clawing she tore into the assassin sending blood flying! Triphylla's opponent was well trained, but Triphylla's mutagens gave her a serious edge!

Sawtooth sabre: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 <--- MISS
Sawtooth sabre: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 <--- MISS

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Dual sabres wielded with precision and skill almost gives the halfling pause, but she knows she wounded the assassin, perhaps seriously. Knowing she must finish what she started, her only recourse is to fight. She matches steel with bone, ferocious in her onslaught.

Strength Rage, Power Attack

Bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 Damage: 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Crit?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 Damage: 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 Damage: 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Str Rage (1/2) + Dex Mutagen + Shield + Expeditious Retreat, +4 Dex, Spd 50, AC 25

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Sorry, copied the stat line from the previous post, and it was wrong there too. Triphylla has used 2 of 4 daily Rage rounds.

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Lope turns towards the shouts and sees Cyrene fighting two humans. His expression turns stern as he quickly understands the situation "Stay behind me Baroness. We will solve this here and today."

Stepping forward in front of the noble woman and drawing his blade at the same time, Lope says the words for a protective spell, creating an ablative barrier around Baroness Voignum.

The Aldori smiles as his blade crackles with arcane magic and bursting in flames that light the garden at night.

HP 43/43 AC 21 TAC 19
ablative barrier [baroness] (standard)
draw (move)
5' step
arcane pool +1/flaming (swift)

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

With the sudden onset of combat Valeria did the first thing that came to mind and called upon her goddess to let the assassins feel her bane.

Bane, DC 16 Will.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps


"I appreciate the notion Lord Bentony, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeves!" replied the baroness who pulled a curious looking metal tube from her petticoat pocket. She gave it a smart twist before flicking it and a bubbling translucent shot out which instantly solidified into a jagged crystalline blade!

Kn: Alchemy DC 15 to recognise a liquid blade.

Valeria cast her spell invoking her goddess's wrath and it clearly spooked the male assassin! He cursed as he attacked Lope, somehow just managing to break past his guard!
Red: Will Save DC 15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 <--- FAIL
Green: Will Save DC 15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 <--- PASS
Red Sawtooth sabre vs Lope, bane: 1d20 + 12 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 12 - 1 = 24Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 <--- HIT
Red Sawtooth sabre vs Lope, bane: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (5) + 7 - 1 = 11Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 <--- MISS

The wounded female assassin snarled as she turned on Cyrene! Her blade flicked out twice, Cyrene parried one thrust and then another!
Green Sawtooth sabre vs Cyrene: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 <--- MISS
Green Sawtooth sabre vs Cyrene: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13 <--- MISS

STATUS: Round 1 wrote:

Environment: Webs are difficult terrain. Except near the glow stick, low light (20% miss chance)

Buffs and Debuffs:
---- Round 1 ----
Baroness Voignum
Valeria ablative barrier
Red Assassin
Green Assassin bane
---- Round 2 ----
Baroness Voignum
Valeria ablative barrier
Red Assassin
Green Assassin bane
Damage Log:
Round: 1
Red was hit by Cyrene for 20 (total damage taken 20)
Lope was hit by Red for 12 (total damage taken 12)

Red: 20 damage
Lope: 12 damage

Baroness Voignum
Red Assassin
Green Assassin
Diana <----- WE ARE HERE

Diana, Cyrene, Baroness Voignum, Lope and Valeria are up.


With the assassin now aware of Triphylla's presence she focused on the defensive and managed to turn away from her bite and parry a claw attack. Triphylla was nothing if not persistent and she managed to sneak past the woman's guard and gore her already blooded chest! It was clear to both of them that she was going down, but Vi was stubborn determined to take Triphylla with her. Triphylla contemptuously dodged her attacks and moved in for the kill!

Vi vs Triphylla: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 <--- MISS
Vi vs Triphylla: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 <--- MISS

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Triphylla dripped with the assassin's blood, her mind a blaze of ferocity. Time to go for the kill!

Strength Rage, Power Attack

Bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 Sneak Attack Damage: 1d6 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 7 + (3, 5) = 20
Claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 Sneak Attack Damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 7 + (6, 4) = 20
Claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 Sneak Attack Damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 7 + (1, 4) = 16

But her natural weapons fail her. Was there doubt in her mind? Triphylla feels a twinge of panic, knowing her barbarian rage is almost exhausted, and her strength would soon fail. She had one more desperate attack left in her before the tide of battle shifted in favor of her foe.

Str Rage (3/4) + Dex Mutagen + Shield + Expeditious Retreat, +4 Dex, Spd 50, AC 25

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

I'm assuming Invisibility is still up - but my action would be the same even if it's not

Seeing the assassins push on with their mission even as their cover is blown, Diana opts to keep her presence hidden for a bit longer - best not to let them figure out just how outnumbered they really are. With that in mind, she decides to use her magic to bolster the group, rather than hinder the opposition.

Casting Haste on the whole group, including the Baroness.

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

Ready to start causing harm to the assassins Valeria cast a spell that left her hand coated in dark energy and then moved up as she reached out to touch the nearest assassin.

inflict moderate wounds DC 18: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 1 = 132d8 + 5 ⇒ (1, 3) + 5 = 9

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Lope smiles as he sees the Baroness brave response to the attack "Bravo! That let's me move to the attack, Valeria keep the Baroness safe!"

Leaving his spot for Valeria to occupy, the Aldori steps forward quickly identifying an opening for Cyrene to sneak attack the female assassin. The black blade crackles with energy as he spell combats casting shield on the go.
Concentration (cast defensively) DC 17: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Aldori sword+pool-SC+haste+flank: 1d20 + 8 + 1 - 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 8 + 1 - 2 + 1 + 2 = 20
Magical/Slashing damage-SC+pool+AS+flaming: 1d8 + 4 - 5 + 1 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 4 - 5 + 1 + 2 + (1) = 4

Aldori sword+pool-SC+haste+flank: 1d20 + 8 + 1 - 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 8 + 1 - 2 + 1 + 2 = 25
Magical/Slashing damage-SC+pool+AS+flaming: 1d8 + 4 - 5 + 1 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 4 - 5 + 1 + 2 + (2) = 9

Riving Strike for -2 to her saves during next round

HP 31/43 AC 22 TAC 20
haste (+1 AC included)
ablative barrier [baroness] 5 h
arcane pooled sword (+1, flaming) 1 min

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

Thankfully Lope moves in to distract the woman as she lands a blow and Cyrene is able to twist with it before retaliating.

Studied Stab: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 10 + 1 = 181d6 + 5 + 1 + 3d4 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 1 + (4, 3, 3) = 22

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Undercover of invisibility, Diana casts a powerful spell and upon it's completion everyone present felt a huge jolt of adrenaline and suddenly the assassins seemed to be moving slowly as if wading through treacle.

Cyrene tries to land what would have been a telling blow, but the woman twists away at the last moment. If she'd been denied dex that would have landed.

Driven by Diana's magic, Cyrene lashes out again, and this time she connected solidly, leaving a nasty gash in the woman's shoulder!
Hasted Studied Stab: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 10 + 1 = 29Damage: 1d6 + 5 + 1 + 3d4 ⇒ (1) + 5 + 1 + (2, 2, 3) = 14 <--- HIT

Baroness Voignum while in her winter years lead a long and well regarded career in the army and her training was evident in her movement which was economical yet brutal. She feinted and landed a nasty gash along the male assassin's arm, she then managed to pink his other arm, although he parried her follow up strike.
Haste: Liquid Blade vs Red: 1d20 + 10 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 10 + 1 - 2 = 22Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 4 = 10 <--- HIT
Primary: Liquid Blade vs Red: 1d20 + 10 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 10 + 1 - 2 = 26Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 4 = 10 <--- HIT
Iterative: Liquid Blade vs Red: 1d20 + 5 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 5 + 1 - 2 = 21Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 4 = 14 <--- MISS

Lope attempts to combine casting a defensive spell with his offence. This was always risky, and his concentration wavered when the male assassin's blade whisked past his eye. Still he managed to land a pair of blows onto the female assassin!

Valeria summons the ire of her goddess which causes the air around her hands to darken ominously. She lunged towards the male assassin who jerked sharply away. According to the rules you can hold the charge and attack again next round.

The male assassin brutally bats aside Lope's black blade and slashes the magus along one arm, and with the follow through he contrived to hit the baroness although Lope's magic deadeed the blow somewhat.
Red Sawtooth sabre vs Lope, bane: 1d20 + 12 - 1 ⇒ (19) + 12 - 1 = 30Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13 <--- CRIT?
Maybe Crit: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 7 - 1 = 10Crit Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13 <--- NO CRIT
Red Sawtooth sabre vs Voignum, bane: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (18) + 7 - 1 = 24Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 <--- HIT

The female assassin continued to press home her attack on Cyrene! Her blade flicked out twice, Cyrene parried one thrust and then another!
Green Sawtooth sabre vs Cyrene: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 <--- HIT
Green Sawtooth sabre vs Cyrene: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 <--- MISS

STATUS: Round 2 wrote:

Environment: Webs are difficult terrain. Except near the glow stick, low light (20% miss chance)

Buffs and Debuffs:
---- Round 2 ----
Baroness Voignum Haste (5 rounds)
Lope Haste (5 rounds)
Valeria ablative barrier
Red Assassin Haste (5 rounds)
Green Assassin bane
Diana Invisible, Haste (4 rounds)
Cyrene Haste (4 rounds)
---- Round 3 ----
Baroness Voignum Haste (4 rounds)
Lope Haste (4 rounds)
Valeria ablative barrier
Red Assassin Haste (4 rounds)
Green Assassin bane
Diana Invisible, Haste (3 rounds)
Cyrene Haste (3 rounds)
Damage Log:
Round: 1
Red was hit by Cyrene for 20 (total damage taken 20)
Lope was hit by Red for 12 (total damage taken 12)
Green was hit by Cyrene for 14 (total damage taken 14)
Red was hit by Voignum for 10 (total damage taken 30)
Red was hit by Voignum for 10 (total damage taken 40)
Lope was hit by Red for 13 (total damage taken 25)
Voignum was hit by Red for 7 (total damage taken 7)

Round: 2
Cyrene was hit by Green for 11 (total damage taken 11)

Red: 40 damage
Lope: 25 damage
Green: 14 damage
Voignum: 7 damage
Cyrene: 11 damage

Baroness Voignum
Red Assassin
Green Assassin
Diana <----- WE ARE HERE

Diana, Cyrene, Baroness Voignum, Lope and Valeria are up.


Triphylla's attack had unrivaled fury but the accuracy wasn't quite there and Vi stepped aside. She was sorely wounded and just as stubborn but in her weakened state she was unable to land a blow either but not for want of trying!

Vi, Sawtooth sabre vs Triphylla: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 <--- MISS
Vi, Sawtooth sabre vs Triphylla: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 <--- MISS

One hit will finish her off

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Triphylla might think later on how incredibly lucky she was to have caught the assassin unaware in the stair. The impromptu flour strike seems to have completely debilitated her foe, to the extent that Vi's attacks are not only ineffective but not even remotely close to landing. As vicious as those twin sawtooth sabres look, they are worthless in this killer's hands.

She knows one thing the assassin does not - this is her last thrust of rage.

Strength Rage, Power Attack

Bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 Damage: 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Crit?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 Damage: 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 Damage: 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Her bloody fangs go wanting but a claw finds the mark, and the halfling is rewarded for her feral frenzy with a final spray of blood and gore.

Spent, her face runs cold as the barbaric energy rushes out of her. Triphylla slumps against the wall at the feet of her fallen foe.

Fatigued 8 rounds

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

Yep! The joys of touch spells, holding the charge!

Valeria was displeased that she missed but she quickly had a second shot and this time she shifted to the side to put the man between her and Lope as she reached out touch touch someone.

Inflict Mod 2/haste/flank will 18: 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 5 + 1 + 2 = 162d8 + 5 ⇒ (2, 2) + 5 = 9

[oc]Well, if flank applies I might get him. Freaking dice rolls...[/ooc]

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

Diana looks on worriedly as the assassins attacks find their marks in both Lope and Cyrene - Lope in particular seemed badly wounded after those two strikes, even if his attacker seemed worse for wear.

With no way to help her allies recover, Diana focus instead on trying to prevent the assassins from landing more hits. Focusing on the healtier of the two, she unleashes an inaudible scream at her, hoping the magic stuns her for just long enough for the others to bring her down.

Casting Ear-piercing Scream at Green

Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9 Fort save Vs DC 16 for half, or be dazed for a round. Green takes -2 to saves due to Lope's Riving Strike

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

Cyrene only has AC 20, 21 with haste, so she's taken two hits now. On the flip side she's using Koriana's Blade as a rapier so the second attack threatens a crit!

Crit?: 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 10 + 1 + 1 = 181d6 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 1 = 10

With her own blood flowing freely Cyrene flashes a grin.

"You're good girl. But not good enough!"

Stabbity!: 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 10 + 1 + 1 = 301d6 + 5 + 1 + 3d4 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 1 + (1, 1, 4) = 17
Crit?: 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 10 + 1 + 1 = 211d6 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 1 = 12

She feints and lands a second blow through the assassin's defenses.

"Too slow to parry, girly. Sorry to have to kill you."

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Lope shouts in pain as he gets another strike, but seeing his friends fighting to death, makes him stand on position to help distract them as much as possible, but taking a defensive stance "You are professionals, I will tell that, but we are more!"
Aldori sword+pool+haste+flank-DS: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 1 = 26
Magical/Slashing damage+pool+AS+flaming: 1d8 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 1 + 2 + (4) = 15

if woman falls, the haste extra attack goes after the male
Aldori sword+pool+haste+flank-DS: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (11) + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 1 = 22
Magical/Slashing damage+pool+AS+flaming: 1d8 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 1 + 2 + (6) = 17

Riving Strike for -2 to their saves during next round

HP 18/43 AC 23 TAC 21
defensive stance (-1 attack/+1 AC included)
haste (+1 AC included)
ablative barrier [baroness] 5 h
arcane pooled sword (+1, flaming) 1 min

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Sorry been busy.


From everyone else's point of view Diana silently screamed at the male assassin, he however flinched and was rocked back a step by the sound of her fury. Still he had the constitution of an ox and gritting his teeth he forced his way forward once more.
Fort DC 16: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 5 - 2 = 16 <--- PASS (JUST)

Cyrene's bladework was too fast for the eye to follow, she feinted and thrust and suddenly a patch of red wetness was blooming on the female assassin's chest!

Spurred on by Diana's spell and with surprising economy of motion and brutality Baroness Voignum's liquid blade darted out again, and again and again turning, turning red as it carved a ruin into the man's chest!
Haste: Liquid Blade vs Red: 1d20 + 10 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 10 + 1 - 2 = 24Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 4 = 10 <--- HIT
Primary: Liquid Blade vs Red: 1d20 + 10 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 1 - 2 = 21Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 4 = 14 <--- HIT
Iterative: Liquid Blade vs Red: 1d20 + 5 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 1 - 2 = 20Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 4 = 10 <--- HIT

Nobody could withstand such a beating and the assassin fell to the floor with blood rushing from his mouth and nose, he thrashed several times but quickly bled out.

Lope swiftly turned to the female assassin, and with his sword leaving vivid trails of fire he ran her through, not once but twice! She collapsed gurgling something before she fell still and died.

Perception DC 18:
Achaekek forgive me!

Baroness Voignum stared at the corpses lying in her vinyard for a long moment, clearly horrified at the blood on her hand. With a heavy sigh she turned to you and said, "I had hoped when I retired from the army that I would never need to kill again! I fear this is just the start of things to come... Tell me, that the princess is going to be magnanimous if she wins. Tell me that me that there won't be purges or pogroms..."


The assassin, Vi dies with a look of incredulity on her face. She clearly couldn't believe that a halfling took her down. All those decades of training, all the arse kissing, all the conniving and the murders, she was going places, but for it to end like this! An unfathomable waste, one she couldn't process before she finally bled out surrounded by an unholy mix of blood, piss and flower.

Normally I'd figure out the spellcraft DCs but I'm tired... All the assassins's weapons and studded leather armour are all of the highest quality, enchanted to +1. They also have +2 rings of protection and +2 necklaces of natural armor. And there's two hideous [url=]mantis masks.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Once the fatigue of the rigorous rage has warn off, Triphylla drags the corpse of the assassin out of the stairway and picks Vi's body clean of valuable possessions. She then covers it with an empty sack and scrawls a not, sorry for the mess.

As she is bloodied but unscathed, the halfling makes a quick trip to the wine cellar and takes one of the Baroness' finest, uncorking it with her feral claw and taking a long drink before returning to the estate proper. She had figured (wrongly) that Vi was the lone assassin on premises, so there would be no rush to join the others. When she found everyone outside standing over the bodies of two more hired killers, Triphylla felt a little guilty, like maybe she shouldn't have taken her sweet time. But only Lope seems seriously injured, and there are heal spells to go around.

"Well that makes three then," she announces and informs the others of the fate of the killer confectioner.

She takes another drink and then says to Voignum, "I trust you don't mind. Care for a drink? Sorry, I didn't brink a proper glass."

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

"Well, here we are, this is the moment when things start to turn around" Lope states looking down at the dead bodies and covering his wound with the free hand "Sorry I cannot assure you that on behalf of the princess, but I truly think our actions here can and will avoid an open bloodbath through the country"

The Aldori looks at Triphylla and smiles to discover she dealt with one more where the rest of the group had trouble to face a couple "Are you a mighty scientist, aren't you?"

Looking down at the masks, Lope frowns worried "Mantis assassins. If we can proof the link between them and the Count environment, this can be the chance we were looking for to convince the rest of the nobles it is a time for a change"

"Is there any way we can prove it, Cyrene? Diana?"

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Baroness Voignum smiled at Triphylla, "I'm sure that won't be a problem at all, when I was in the army we used to share from the bottle directly..."

Feel free to continue discussions.

The rest of the night became something of a blur and most of the morning was lost to hangovers every bit as vicious as the trio of dead assassins.

Towards the end of the next day a rather harried looking Tobias Long* arrived. He nodded to Diana and Triphylla and landed Lope a letter "I have word from a mutual friend. This letter is a few days old and it seems events have progressed a pace or two in the intervening time. I must say I'm impressed by how you handled Sir Gusairne. It must have been hard to not wring his neck... Still avoiding unnecessary violence is something Eutropia and her supporters will approve of."

The letter itself was written in a steady hand on the finest parchment and it smelled faintly of perfume.

The letter:
Well met, loyal friends. Word even in Cassomir is that your actions in Meratt have left a memorable impression on that stodgy old county; I can’t wait to see what else you may yet accomplish.

I have met with various contacts and settled misunderstandings here in Cassomir, and I believe we have come to an agreement with Grand Duchess Tiberan. She is prepared to validate our seizure of the county but needs certain conditions to be fulfilled. First, you must obtain the original charter granting the Lotheed family stewardship of the land. It will be kept in the library, near my brother’s office on the second floor, and I believe Gul Gusairne would carry the only key. Grand Duchess Tiberan also requires both Count Lotheed and his acting seneschal to abandon the property. She was nonspecific as to how... Likewise I'll leave the specifics to you, I'm sure you'll make us proud.

Unrelated to Duchess Tiberan’s needs, I have also learned my Great Uncle Panivar has established a teleportation circle to come and go at will from the royal apartments in the tower. Panivar is an extraordinarily gifted wizard and a man utterly without remorse, and I cannot stress how vital it is to destroy his access to the estate before word of this seizure reaches him in the south. Once you begin, I doubt you will have more than an hour before he returns.

Good luck, agents. May Taldor endure! Martella Lotheed

After you've all had a chance to read the letter, Tobias says, "In light of Sir Gusairne's exile, I'd recommend taking action sooner rather than later. Speculation over your next move is already rampant..."

* Princess Eutropia's agent in Cassomir, previously met by Diana and Triphylla.

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Welcome! Please check in here and say hello :)

I'd like to do a little session zero stuff before we start, to make sure we're all on the same page and that we've got a good spread of skills and that I fully understand your characters. If based on party composition you want to make any changes to builds or backgrounds or to purchase equipment (maybe some of you know each other) now's the time!

I'm going to try and build each of your characters in hero lab, so I may ask some questions here or in PMs. You don't have to use the herolab format in your profile but I'm more than happy to provide it (and the save files) for you if you'd like.

Some of you have already made profiles which is great, could everyone please try to get that done soon. Also could you please put hp, ac, skills and saves in your status lines for quick reference. Here's an example.

In Llewellyn's profile he has this (without the spaces for the tags)

Race: Half Orc Chelish Diva Bard 7 | HP 50 / 52 AC 23 T13 FF21 | CMB +9 CMD 22 | F +8 R +10 W +8 | init +2 | [ url= ...]Resource Tracker[/url]

Classes/Levels: [ spoiler=Skills]Bluff +13 Diplo +13 Intimidate +14 Kn: Arc +8 Kn: Geog +8 Kn:Hist +8 Kn: Local +13 Kn: Nature +8 Kn: Nobl +8 Kn: Plan +8 Kn: Relig +8 Perc +10 Perf: Oratory +13 Perf: Wind +12 Sense motive +13 Spellcraft +12[/spoiler]

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps
Some of you have already made profiles

In fact you all have made profiles, which is great!

Now onto some business, before we get started there are three items I'd like you to vote on. To vote please respond with a clear yes or no, you can do this here (if you're comfortable) or sent me a PM with your choices.

#1 Beards
Originally Taldor was described as having a law stipulating that only the ruling class are permitted to grow beards and the masses where referred to as the unbearded. Paizo later walked away from this. Do we want to keep this fairly odd bit of lore in the game?

If a minority want this gone, it will fade into the background but still be there. If a majority want it gone, it's gone. If you all want to keep it, it's there in full force.

#2 Garden of delight
The level 8 ability of the seducer witch archetype has flavour text that some people may object to. Do we want to reflavor this? E.g. perhaps as an elaborate tea ceremony (channeling the Geisha Bard)?

Given the nature of this, if anyone objects we'll reflavor.

#3 Spell casting emanations
Paizo's position is that all spellcasting is accompanied by noticeable emanations, sounds, flashing lights, etc... So if for example you tried to cast glibness in a noble's gala before giving a speech you'd get noticed and called out. To get away with casting spells in a social situation you have to take a feat tax, or be really inventive. In some quarters this is controversial.

Do we want to keep this rule? I'm going with the majority here. Please bear in mind that if you vote to remove this rule, NPCs will 100% use this too, sometimes to your disadvantage.

Female CG Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 4 | HP: 17/28 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7| Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells Per Day 1/4
Acrobatics +12, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Perception +7, Perform (act) +8, Perform (sing) +11, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +9

Hello everyone!

Just wanna start off by thanking DM Fang for inviting me along for this game. Been wanting to take a stab at War For The Crown for awhile now and really appreciate the opportunity to do so! As for your player questions...

#1. The whole beard thing was there to make Taldor seem more ridiculous and dominated by the ruling class than it already was and I gotta say it worked. To well in fact. I think the beard thing is funny but it does sort of go to far in wacky territory even with Grand Prince Stavian III being a major wacko himself. I say we ignore but it doesn't bother me immensely.

#2. I'm fine with some more adult themes surrounding sex and sexuality in our story though I also think stuff like the aforementioned Seducer ability should probably be kept in spoilers or only vaguely alluded to. Once again, not a dealbreaker for me at all, especially if rdknight really wants to use it for their character.

#3. I will admit it was kind of annoying trying to figure out how to somehow avoid flashy lights going off whenever I wanted to be subtle and sneaky while playing a Enchanter wizard lol. Getting rid of that would be welcome for my Bard and probably rdknight's character as well even if the NPCs can do it too.

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

Hi all, I am very much looking forward to this game. As far as builds go Valeria is meant to be a face character combined with a bad touch/support caster. I'll get cure spells automatically as we level so I will be a pocket healer (though if someone else is covering that I may swap that to gaining inflict spells for free).

1.) I was completely unaware of this until it came up during the recruitment so I have no real feelings either way plus, lady of the night here (not that kind perverts) so it doesn't really make a difference to me. I'm good with doing away with it or just fading it into the background.

2.) A Seducer Witch!? I have tried to play them before but the games always die on me early so I don't get to do much with them. The adult themes don't bother me at all ( I rather enjoy them) so I am fine with keeping it. Anything dealing with them can be kept in spoilers or in PM if needed.

3.) I am good with everyone being able to do this as it adds a lot of intereting challenge. Alternatively we could just say anyone who casts spells gets the Conceal Spells feat as a bonus feat. I would still follow the rules as laid out in the feat to successfully do it if handled this route.

Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

Hi everyone!

Thank you for choosing me Fang Dragon! I'm thrilled to be playing with you all!

1. I don't have feelings about this one way or another. I suppose, as someone who's likely to be kissing some number of those faces, Pelligrina would say "yuck" to the beards. There is also a middle course we could take. Maybe the laws have been repealed, or maybe fashion has changed to such an extent that only older people might still keep up the tradition. It's a thing grandfathers or younger arch-traditionalists keep to, while everyone else has abandoned it. Maybe beards among the elite are now a political statement?

2. I'm actually the one who brought this question to Fang Dragon. I'm fine with either keeping the ability as is or modifying it to make it less explicitly sexual as the party members prefer. I didn't want to force anyone to leave buffs on the table if they weren't comfortable with the method for getting them. It's an 8th level ability so there's plenty of time yet to revisit the question if anyone wants to before it will matter in game.

3. I'd like secretive casting to be easier than Paizo makes it, but not necessarily so automatically easy we can just cast our way to success in social situations. The social aspects of the AP are what makes it special, and they should remain a challenge. But as the rules stand now, some spells are rendered almost useless because they're rarely good outside situations where it would be used to influence social situations, and can't be cast in social situations without automatically being known to have done so.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

I'm very tempted to add Conceal Spell as a free feat, assuming you meet the skill prerequisite.

I'd like to hear everyone's opinion before making a ruling however.

Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

How will Hexes be considered to work? Most of them are Su abilities so is it correct that unless there is a component in their use, like verbal for Cackle, they are not detectible?

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

I'm tempted to say there is an effect but it's subtle in-comparison to verbal spell casting. E.g. evil eye involves a hard stare plus a sort of aura that can be felt. The victim has a pretty good idea that something has happened but they or an observer would need some kind of check to figure out what happened and who did it. Observers woild need a perception check too to realise anything happened.

How about to identify: Kn: Arcarna (or Spellcraft) DC 15 for regular hexes, DC 20 for the next tier and 25 for the tier after that?

As for who did it, would perception (similar DCs?) plus an opposed sense motive check make sense?

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Thank you again for the selection DM! I really know nothing about this AP and my exposure to Taldor is limited to the research I did while creating my character profile. Looking forward to an immersive pbp experience.

For my fellow adventurers: Triphylla is a social chameleon of sorts, although limited by her not-human-ness in Taldan society, she can be charming or aloof; she may attempt to assert herself at times and at others she may go with the flow or stealthily slip into the background. She can be triggered when disregarded or overlooked, but she isn't quite Napoleonic about it. If she is quick-tempered and rash she just needs a few minutes to calm down and then she will seek forgiveness. She inherited these two facets of personality and I will play them true but try to not be random or annoying about it.

She is the party rogue when necessary, and fights like one, and she will occasionally attempt to affect the disguise of a human child to better blend in.

To the questions at hand:
1) IRL I think (hope) we're at the 1974 tipping point with beard chic. While my personal opinion is that a beard can make the man, too often they are poorly-kept, and there are few things less attractive than a really bad beard. Applying that to the game, I appreciate the attempt to create a further distinction among classes, but imposing a thou-shalt-be-clean-shaven edict on the underclasses seems preposterous. Where do they perform these daily rituals? Are we to assume everyone has clean water to prevent infection and disease? And for that matter, there must be an expectation that each beard-capable person keeps a sharp, clean blade and soap on person or nearby, lest they capture the wrong kind of attention from the local constabulary. I would think that we can dismiss this by acknowledging the mistake of this law, revealed through the terrible plague of poor dead males who didn't boil their shaving water for the required eight full minutes and thus perished in shame from gangrene of the face. Who would otherwise care for all those widows and fatherless children?

2) Triphylla is a young, sexually active female. She will be bawdy at times as a young reformer in this story has a right to be. The Garden of Delight causes her no shame, and if our Seducer chooses to create it, Triphylla will certainly rest there assuming no one objects to her presence. No need from my perspective to tame this at all.

3) Who am I to say that spellcasting should not be a stealth action? Have at it. Although we may expect rival NPCs to have the same capability. The free Conceal Spell feat makes sense to me.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

By-the-by, I've always felt a little uncomfortable with Alchemy, although I keep drinking from that well. It's more to do with the actual kit: lugging around this complex collection of glassware in a backpack... My experience has been that DM's do not unfairly burden alchemists with these details. That being said, an alchemist is more or less a spellcaster except that the fruits of her talents are not innate. Triphylla will need to carry her backpack everywhere, and leaving it behind while stepping into a gala is not the same as leaving behind a sword that can be easily replaced with another. Her mutagens and extracts are not the same as vials of oil or potions of healing. They are as critical to her character as any feat and perhaps more-so.

I'm not suggesting she be allowed to carry a sack on her person into such formal engagements - I very much prefer to adhere to realism - but it will be at the top of my list of concerns that she be able to recover it when needed. I don't foresee this being overly problematic; we are adventurers, afterall - we all need our gear.

I am interested in DM's (and other PCs) thoughts about this.

Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

As for Pelligrina, she's the party's snake, or better complete chameleon. She's an ear-whispering shmoozer who can befriend people she detests given the right reasons. She's good at getting people to do what she wants them to by telling them what they want to hear.

While she always uses her charm and beauty to her advantage, Pelligrina knows there are many different routes to a person's desires. If she can figure out what they want most, she can offer them a path to getting it that just happens to benefit her or her causes first and most.

Being a witch just makes all this easier for her. But meat and potatoes, Pelligrina will be good at debuffing and using enchantments. She can use divinations for recon well due to the Mirror Witch archetype. She'll also help with battlefield control and utility spells when she can. If needed she can also act as a pocket healer, though more pocket than Valeria.

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Re alchemy as far as I understand it, a full alchemist's lab is not easily portable due to lots of fragile glass wear and it weights 40lbs.

However there is a Portable alchemist's lab which I assume is inside a wooden box small enough to carry, presumably with a strap.

Generally I intend to handwave how bulky/fragile that is, but unless you get a portable hole or the like you'll need a base of operations to use the full lab. Still many towns have labs you can rent for a small fee.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

I've opted for the Alchemy Crafting Kit so as not to be absurd given this a halfling lugging the thing across the world. Thanks!

Also, I did make one tweak so far, exchanging the hp for the skill point as fcb.

And since we're on the topic of bulkiness, I've often wondered why the Weight associated with items does not vary by size class. Leather armor alone weighs half as much as your stock halfling. For all the tiny details in pathfinder this seems like an oversight. Perhaps I've missed some errata. Conversely, I am taxed when wielding weapons larger than my size class, so my chances of finding useful treasure are significantly reduced.

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

A further note on Valeria is that while she is very good socially she is heavily tainted by the Abyss and this causes good and lawful characters always mistrust her even if they don't understand why because that taint. It's intrinsic and unavoidable but once everyone understands it could eventually prove as a useful indicator as to whether someone is a good person or not based on their initial reaction to her.

Hmmm, I wonder how this interacts with detect alignment spells? Or things like smite evil or alignment based damage. As written it is just a mechanical penalty to certain skills but that doesn't make a lot of sense to me in some ways..

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

1. I like Pelligrina's suggestion that its a fading thing amongst the aristocracy - although its probably still on the law books.

2. I'm not fussed by 'adult themes'. Cyrene is going to be rocking the full succubus look quite a lot of the time she'll be absolutely getting 'adult' as and when it suits her. That said, there's a pretty well established level of forum content and I don't think there's any need to go more detailed than that.

3. Not fussed by spellcasting. Unsurprisingly. As a non-caster I'd like there to be at least a chance to catch someone casting if they start but I think it makes sense that Taldanes would have come up with more 'civilised' methods of casting. ;)

Mechanically Cyrene is pretty much a rogue right now. Once she hits level 7 onwards she'll start being a one-hit wonder as long as she can draw the start of combat out for at least three rounds. Given the time she's also an insanely good scout - as long as she can be in one form and then switch to the other no-one would recognise her. I'll take the talents to support that when I get the chance.

Once we get to the right level I think she and Pellegrina could be a wonderful double-act. Pellegrina sets them up and Cyrene knocks them down. ;)

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

@Valeria My bet is the designers didn't fully think that one through (although it's not like detect alignment is super OP). Let's play it by ear and see how it goes.

Ah good our 6th player Cyrene has joined us, she has a fairly colourful past too! PS Valeria (Drogeny) and I have a history with tieflings ;)

So while we're doing session zero stuff, let's also talk about skills. I had a look at party skills over the weekend, I was tired when I did this so it's quite likely I made some mistakes!

Party skills:

acrobatics: Valeria, Julia
bluff: Valeria, Julia, Lope, Cyrene, Pelligrina, Triphylla
disable device: Lope, Triphylla
diplomacy: Valeria, Julia, Cyrene, Pelligrina
disguise: Cyrene
fly: Lope (This may have changed, since you need to be able to fly first)
intimidate: Valeria, Lope
knowledge (arcana): Lope, Pelligrina
knowledge (dungeoneering):
knowledge (local): Valeria, Julia, Pelligrina, Triphylla
knowledge (planes): Valeria
knowledge (religion): Valeria
perception: Valeria, Julia, Cyrene, Triphylla
ride: Lope
sense motive: Valeria, Julia, Cyrene
spellcraft: Lope, Pelligrina
stealth: Julia, Cyrene
umd: Lope

Background skills:
knowledge (nobility): Valeria, Julia, Lope, Cyrene, Pelligrina
knowledge (history): Pelligrina
artistry (charcoal drawings): Valeria
linguistics: Lope, Cyrene
perform (act): Julia
perform (sing): Julia
perform (oratory): Lope, Triphylla
slight of hand: Triphylla

Anyway it seems nobody has points in kn: dungeoneering, survival or appraise. All of these crop up a bit although no way near as much say diplomacy or perception.

Now's a good time to make any adjustments!

Also I noticed some of you have leather armour on your sheets, that's fine if you want it for RP reasons but I expect most of you can afford better since we're starting with max gold for your class.

Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2
DM Fang Dragon wrote:

I'm tempted to say there is an effect but it's subtle in-comparison to verbal spell casting. E.g. evil eye involves a hard stare plus a sort of aura that can be felt. The victim has a pretty good idea that something has happened but they or an observer would need some kind of check to figure out what happened and who did it. Observers woild need a perception check too to realise anything happened.

How about to identify: Kn: Arcarna (or Spellcraft) DC 15 for regular hexes, DC 20 for the next tier and 25 for the tier after that?

As for who did it, would perception (similar DCs?) plus an opposed sense motive check make sense?

Yeah, this was more what I was meaning. Not so much that Hexes would be completely undetectable, but that they don't produce visible and audible effects that make them obvious.

The witch would still have to focus on the intended target though, which means "tells", a stare (Evil Eye), a slightly unusual behavior, or change in demeanor might potentially be noticeable.

Female CG Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 4 | HP: 17/28 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7| Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells Per Day 1/4
Acrobatics +12, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Perception +7, Perform (act) +8, Perform (sing) +11, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +9

Oh hey I just realized I forgot to include Julia's combat and noncombat roles and capabilities. Might as well do that now and share with the rest of the class. Basically Julia's your typical Bard with the supporting buff abilities and Face skills that come along with that. She's good at keeping the party inspired and kicking ass and can be good at sweet talking people on our way as well. Speaking of kicking ass she's a decent melee front-liner or will be as she levels up. Might actually tweak her build a bit to make her more formidable at level 1 but either way you can expect her to be whirling her rapier in front instead of just singing in the back.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Question: for me this campaign shows up in my list, does it for you too? I was going to wait until we've got session zero sorted before making the gameplay thread, but I could make it now if needed.

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

re. Skills. Cyrene has linguistics because otherwise she couldn't speak languages that make sense to me. :) She'll pick up appraise later. Likewise I can accumulate some Knw Dun if people would like.

Long term my original plan was to take Master Spy prestige levels from 8 since they will stick stack onto my death attack and I've never played said prestige class. If we think that would lower my DPS too much I could stick vigilante though.

@Fang It won't show up until you make a gameplay and we all post in it. You can delete the post again immediately, but there has to be a thread and we have to post. Until then it won't show.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Very much looking forward to rp with all of you. This seems like a very interesting and dynamic group! Happy that Cyrene made the party!

Edit: forgive my question about Weapon finesse. Sometimes I read things too fast.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Julia one thing to mention at level five your archetype gets an arcane bond to your weapon, that's pretty neat and all but it means you have to be wielding it (i.e blade drawn) in order to cast spells.

Were you aware of that?

Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

Could Pelligrina refluff a haramaki as a protective corset?

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Yes weapon finesse is a free feat and if you're class/archetype grants it you get weapon focus instead.

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

@Pelligrina yes absolutely.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

@DM as for better armor, maybe if it didn't weigh so damn much. Are you open to a house rule for small size class that reduces armor weight, say by half, rounded up?

Full disclosure, I would probably improve my outfit instead of my armor.

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

I'm good with playing the interactions of the curse with spell effects by ear as we go. Just thought I should bring it up to put a bug in your ear about it.

It likely shows up for you Fang since it is a game you are GMing, the rest of us need to post in gameplay first. Fortunately if you are in the root RP forum and set it to focus it will show the discussion/recruitment threads there if new posts are made.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

@Triphylla as far as I can tell that's an official rule, small characters have half weight weapons and armour and for large size the weight doubles.

So yes you can have half weight armour.

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Hello everyone! I am happy to be part of the cast and looking forward to have fun with all of you!!!

1) Beards Indiferent.
2) Garden of delight Reflavor. Lope is in favor of sexual relations, but I would rather prefer the ability is free of such conditions, I do not want anyone feel pushed to a behavior for a mechanical advantage. Perhaps flirting with the seducer should be enough.
3) Emanations Remove. If the spell has a material/somatic component though I would expect a Sleight of hand to conceal its use and avoid a Spellcraft/K. arcana to know what is going on. If it has a verbal component I expect some kind of Bluff or Linguistics to conceal the casting with other words. But if there are no components and no effect associated, it kind of ruins the fun of a social adventure if everyone knows who is casting.
Edit: Seems kind of what Conceal Spell proposes, I am fine with that.

Triphylla Achlys wrote:
And since we're on the topic of bulkiness, I've often wondered why the Weight associated with items does not vary by size class. Leather armor alone weighs half as much as your stock halfling. For all the tiny details in pathfinder this seems like an oversight. Perhaps I've missed some errata. Conversely, I am taxed when wielding weapons larger than my size class, so my chances of finding useful treasure are significantly reduced.

For the specific case of armor there is in fact table for armor size that cites reduced weight! So half weight for your leather :D

I plan to exchange human bonus feat and skilled for Dual Talent racial ability to get a +2 Int, as Lope receives freely Weapon Finesse.

Will do later.

Skills and more
Going for dinner, more on this later, but I did not want to miss the chance to greet everyone!

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7
DM Fang Dragon wrote:

@Triphylla as far as I can tell that's an official rule, small characters have half weight weapons and armour and for large size the weight doubles.

So yes you can have half weight armour.

Color me red. In all my travels I have somehow missed that very germane piece of information!! I'm sure it says so in a very obvious place that I looked at a hundred times and did not see. Once again, I read things too fast, although this is quite a miss on my part.

Anyway, thank you!

As for Party Skills, please add Triphylla to Craft Alchemy, KNO Arcana, Perform Oratory, and Sleight of Hand, and although she is "untrained," her Acrobatics and Stealth skills are pretty good. Her Background skills are Craft Alchemy and KNO Nobility.

I'd be willing to move a skill point out of KNO Arcana, since it seems we have that covered, and into Appraise, which is also a class skill for me.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

@All I've created the Gameplay thread please dot and delete. I'll make a proper gameplay thread post soon.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

OK vote results:

1. Beards: Lets adopt Pelligrina's suggestion that its a fading thing amongst the aristocracy - although its still on the law books, it just isn't enforced.

2. Garden of delight: Reflavor, so that relations are not required. Got a long while before this becomes a thing anyway.

3. Emanations: Removed, Conceal Spell is a free spell if you have any of the skill pre-requistes. Hexes are hard to notice (requires a perception check), requires Kn: Arcarna to identify (DC 15 for first tier, DC 20 for second tier, DC 25 for the third tier of hexes). Requires an opposed sense motive check to work out who hexed somebody.

Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

The switch to Charisma for casting means Pelligrina won't be quite so good at skills, especially knowledge skills, as a typical arcane prepared caster. Besides, Witches don't get all of the knowledge skills in class anyway. I'll also be putting points into UMD, there just aren't quite enough to go around just yet.

I can put some background points into Appraise starting the next level if nobody else is going to do it.

Not having K Nobility in-class is something I consider to be a flaw with Pelligrina's build. She should have it if she's who she's supposed to be. I just couldn't manage to work it in though. Oh Well. I did still put a point in.

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Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7
Pelligrina Revay wrote:
I can put some background points into Appraise starting the next level if nobody else is going to do it.

No worries - I made a switch and now count Appraise among Triphylla's skills.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Let's discuss who knows each other at the start? E.g. Valeria might well know of Cyrene, and vice versa, maybe they met already?

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:
DM Fang Dragon wrote:

Let's discuss who knows each other at the start? E.g. Valeria might well know of Cyrene, and vice versa, maybe they met already?

I'll look through tomorrow and see, but odds are that anyone who knows Cyrene would only know one of her faces - probably the social one. She advertised herself to Martella, but she isn't going to let just anyone know who/what she is.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7
Cyrene wrote:
DM Fang Dragon wrote:

Let's discuss who knows each other at the start? E.g. Valeria might well know of Cyrene, and vice versa, maybe they met already?

I'll look through tomorrow and see, but odds are that anyone who knows Cyrene would only know one of her faces - probably the social one. She advertised herself to Martella, but she isn't going to let just anyone know who/what she is.

Cyrene, might you have any connection to the Brotherhood of Silence? If so, Triphylla could have heard of you, although it's less likely we know one another.

Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

After a quick scan through the other backgrounds I don't see any obvious personal connections for Pelligrina. On the other hand she's been making it her business to circulate and get her name out there. She might know any of the "Child of Oppara" set or other nobles by family name if not personally.

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Disable Device <- Lope will leave a single rank there, as Triphylla covers this better
Fly <- No rank, just good Dex for now
knowledge (dungeoneering) <- Will allocate ranks there when possible
knowledge (planes) <- Will allocate some ranks there when possible

Who knows who
Lope just arrived to Oppara, so unless they know each other when they were kids, there is little chance there yet

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

It's possible you have all heard rumors of Martella's "curious little doll," but unlikely Triphylla knows any of you personally.

Female CG Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 4 | HP: 17/28 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7| Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells Per Day 1/4
Acrobatics +12, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Perception +7, Perform (act) +8, Perform (sing) +11, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +9
DM Fang Dragon wrote:

Julia one thing to mention at level five your archetype gets an arcane bond to your weapon, that's pretty neat and all but it means you have to be wielding it (i.e blade drawn) in order to cast spells.

Were you aware of that?

Oh I know but I figured wielding could also mean that Julia just needs to have it on her person instead of it being drawn. Also, in a pinch, I could always try to make the concentration roll if my rapier is unavailable.

As for who Julia knows or has at least heard about...

Lope de Vega: I would assume that through the grapevine Julia has at least heard about the tragedy of the Vega family and how they fell from grace. Highly likely she would not believe the claims about them being corrupt given that arch-conservative Maxillar Pythareus made them. Furthermore, even if Eduardo was corrupt she would hardly think it just to exile his whole family for the sins of one man. Since Lope has a talent for poetry maybe he knows Julia through Taldan art scene?

Pelligrina Revay: Given that they are both minor nobility its quite possible or even likely that they've been in the same circles even if Pelligrina is not a native of Oppara. Perhaps they even both went to Lady Breau’s Academy for Young Women together? I didn't really detail what arts institute Julia went to so maybe that's their connection.

Triphylla Achlys: Unlikely to know her personally but Julia may heard about her epic logic barroom throwdown lol. In turn Triphylla may have heard of Julia's feminist plays or the duel she won against her betrothed.

Valeria Turanor: Like Pelligrina they may have known each through the nobility, especially since Valeria is a native of Oppara. Perhaps they also meet each other at the Temple of the Upheld and Golden Rose, since Julia is a big time Shelynite. They likely lost touch once she left for the Worldwound though... and Julia probably would be terrified what she experienced there if they were friends or even acquaintances.

Cyrene: Almost certainly knows nothing about her but she may have heard of Julia and her antics.

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Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7
Julia Aubigni wrote:
DM Fang Dragon wrote:

Julia one thing to mention at level five your archetype gets an arcane bond to your weapon, that's pretty neat and all but it means you have to be wielding it (i.e blade drawn) in order to cast spells.

Were you aware of that?

Valeria Turanor: Like Pelligrina they may have known each through the nobility, especially since Valeria is a native of Oppara. Perhaps they also meet each other at the Temple of the Upheld and Golden Rose, since Julia is a big time Shelynite. They likely lost touch once she left for the Worldwound though... and Julia probably would be terrified what she experienced there if they were friends or even...

I like the idea of them having been friends before Valeria went to the World Wound. She was a Shelynite Paladin then and it makes a lot of sense they might have known each other.

I doubt they have seen each other since then, even after Valeria's recent return to the city. I imagine you would have heard that she had gone missing when things fell apart at the Wound (think the beginning of the AP) and maybe that she had recently turned up again and was no longer a paladin.

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Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7
Julia Aubigni wrote:
Triphylla Achlys: Unlikely to know her personally but Julia may heard about her epic logic barroom throwdown lol. In turn Triphylla may have heard of Julia's feminist plays or the duel she won against her betrothed.

Now that would make for some juicy gossip among the upper crust clientele of the pubs Triphylla likes to crash. Yes, she has most definitely heard of you, probably first among the jeering men who scoff at such a pathetic creature that would lose a duel to a song bird, and then among the women who cheer your name. Perhaps you were there that night the unlikely halfling engaged in a battle of wit with the nobleman. Perhaps we've enjoyed a conversation over pints.

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Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

Julia and Pelligrina could have both attended Lady Breau’s Academy for Young Women. It would be a nice connection. But... the idea I have of the place is it's very specifically a finishing school.

The curriculum is devoted to teaching social graces, complex manners, what to talk about in conversations, what to wear when, how to wear it, how to speak, how to manage household servants, etc. The goal is preparing the students to nab the best (rich, well-titled) husband possible. Of course music would be one of the things taught, but only to the extent that a quality wife would be able to entertain at social gatherings. Scholarship is not encouraged, very bad for one's prospects.

So that's what Julia would have been signed up for if she was there.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

@DM, may I begin with pre-crafted alchemical items? Some small quantity of Sunrods, Acid, Alchmist's Fire, Antitoxin, Bloodblock, or Thunderstone, at your discretion. I have 86 gp remaining for raw materials.

Craft, Alchemy: 1d20 + 6 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 5 = 30 Using Crafter's Fortune extract

That roll feels like a good omen.

Edit: Including raw material costs:
Acid: 4 gp
Alchmist's Fire: 7 gp
Antitoxin: 17 gp
Bloodblock: 9 gp
Sunrod: 1 gp
Thunderstone: 10 gp

Given the prerequisite crafting time in advance of the events of gameplay, I propose having crafted the following:

1 Antitoxin
1 Thunderstone
1 Bloodblock
4 Alchemist's Fire
4 Acid
4 Sunrods

That leaves me with 2 gp to rub together. If it pre-crafting is not allowed I'll just include the raw materials in my equipment and work on them as time permits during the campaign.

Female CG Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 4 | HP: 17/28 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7| Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells Per Day 1/4
Acrobatics +12, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Perception +7, Perform (act) +8, Perform (sing) +11, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +9

Valeria Turanor: It would certainly be a shock for Julia if she saw one of her friends be gone for so long and suddenly show back up having gone through such a transformation of character and religion. Definitely would be doggedly curious about what went on in the Worldwound.

Triphylla Achlys: Ha! Yes that totally works for me. I could certainly see them having a good nice chat if she actually saw you win that debate. Maybe even becomes friends or at least acquaintances after that.

Pelligrina Revay: Ah that makes sense. Well with that being the case I suppose it better to simply leave as Julia and Pelligrina as people who meet at a few parties in Oppara if at all.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

@Triphylla yes you can craft some items before we start.

@All, I'm going to update my hero lab versions of your character sheets tonight. There's a few archetypes / traits / feats from the villain codex I can't figure out how to get. They consolidated a lot of the packages and it's not obvious which one is needed now. This isn't a big deal but it does help me understand your characters. Level 1 characters are simple, but by level 10 that'll no longer be the case. I'm hoping that future me will be glad I did this.

Once that's done we can start.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Thank you, DM. I did also change three (of my four) extract formula selections to try to be more well-rounded and less situational. I'll put together the resource tracker later today.

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Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

@Julia: Do you want to go with that idea then? Both Julia and Pelligrina have seen each other around at meetings or events for Princess Eutropia supporters or other reformist causes and are familiar? It works for me.

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:
Triphylla Achlys wrote:
Cyrene wrote:
I'll look through tomorrow and see, but odds are that anyone who knows Cyrene would only know one of her faces - probably the social one. She advertised herself to Martella, but she isn't going to let just anyone know who/what she is.
Cyrene, might you have any connection to the Brotherhood of Silence? If so, Triphylla could have heard of you, although it's less likely we know one another.

Cyrene knows about the Brotherhood but isn't involved with them - she works strictly for Nocticula and what she perceives as Nocticula's interests. So Triphylla will probably have heard grumbles etc around the Brotherhood about some sort of 'independent' who's been poaching on their turf, but wouldn't connect that to Cyrene - at least not yet.

Cyrene thinks that anyone who needs a team to kill someone isn't good enough at their job anyway. ;)

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