DM Fang Dragon's: War for the Crown

Game Master FangDragon

Drammatis Personnae | Maps | Map of the Palace of Birdsong

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Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Stealth, Invisble, stationary: 1d20 + 10 + 40 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 40 = 62

Triphylla waits to see what happens.

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 11 + 10 = 27
Kn Local: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 Oof, sorry, Lope.

Diana hesitates for a moment as Lope looks to her, trying to recall her conversation with Tobias when she and Triphylla were in Cassomir.

"I am unfortunately not as well versed in the legal details surrounding this matter as I would like. From what I remember discussing about it with a legal expert, however, I do think the decision rests with the royal family - it was them that granted it to our family, and they should be able to take it away."

She quickly refocuses her attention on her cousin, however, with Triphylla's potion giving her an insight into the man that she couldn't expect to match on her own. A bit surprised that he didn't seem to be openly against supporting Eutropia, even with words and tone to the contrary, she decides to press the issue rationally.

"I realise that being a woman will make it harder for her to garner support among the more... Traditional nobles around the nation." She nods to her cousin, apparently acknowledging his concerns before continuing further.

"And tradition is important, of course, but as a guiding hand, not as something to be followed blindly as a crutch, like some people too lazy or too dumb to think for themselves are wont to do. But you are a man of logic, cousin - or you would not wield magic as skilfully as you do."

"So answer me this: are my own skill and knowledge somehow diminished from me being a woman? Have we not discussed magic theory at length, as equals? We have different focus and approaches, it is true, but they stem from our choices of study. I cannot hope to match your skill at evocation, for example, but I believe I have the lead when it comes to illusions. And that is how you should look to both options for succession. Lord Pythareus knows war, no one will contest that, but no nation can survive by being constantly at war. Eutropia is clearly the more well rounded ruler, and would definitely prove more effective at times of peace, like we are now."

"I am not saying it is not a complex matter, but at least think on it and consider both options fairly and rationally."

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps
Diana wrote:
"From what I remember discussing about it with a legal expert, however, I do think the decision rests with the royal family - it was them that granted it to our family, and they should be able to take it away."

Bartleby frowned clearly not liking this, but he reluctantly conceded the point, "It would be unprecedented, but maybe they do have that right theoretically."

Kn: History DC 22:
Actually no, there's plenty of president if you go looking but it's not spoken about much due to the associated dishonor. Several prime examples occurred during the years just before The War with Qadira of 4079 AR. Taldor was wracked with internal conflict and there where at least half a dozen steward ships dismissed in as many years.

Diana wrote:
""So answer me this: are my own skill and knowledge somehow diminished from me being a woman? Have we not discussed magic theory at length, as equals?"

Again Bartleby acknowledged the point, "Nobody is doubting your training Cousin. But putting Eutropia on the throne?! Clearly I'm not in her regard, what would become of the Lotheeds? And what of the country? Surely you can see how controversial that would be, there are powerful men who will not stand for it. Not least of all Lord Pythareus, I don't for a second believe he will take no for an answer."

Sense Motive DC 18:
Bartleby's resolve is buckling, but you're not quite there. He's scared for the future, for himself, for his family for Taldor.

Meanwhile, Triphylla vanishes into thin air. This causes consternation from several guards, "Wait where did the halfling go?! She was standing right there!" So far Bartleby is too focused on what Lope and Diana are saying to pay this any attention.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Assuming the Count is prepared for a fight. If not this is moot.

While this bit of dialog is progressing favorably, one can't be too careful. Triphylla positions herself behind the Count and attempts to ever so carefully remove his sword from its scabbard.

Sneak: 1d20 + 10 + 20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 10 + 20 + 4 = 51
Sleight of Hand, DC20: 1d20 + 9 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 9 + 4 + 2 = 30 Adaptable Luck

It's a bit of a reach but with two agile hands she lifts it inch by inch into her possession.

Does he have any other weapons on him that Triphylla can see? Is he carrying any bombs?

Dex Mutagen, Invisible

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

K. history: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18
The tension of the moment takes all wits from Lope, he stares intently though at the count "It is fine to be scared by the future, for yourself and those around. I am myself, I have to admit. But Lord Pythareus will only involve us in a full scale war when the country needs stability the most."

"Letting Eutrophia use the Palace does not mean for you and your family to renounce to anything else. If we talk out this, I am sure we can find a common understanding. If this resorts to violence, there will be not"
Perform oratory: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

SM: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26

Cyrene suppresses any outward expression but inside she smiles as Lope picks up on the manifest cues Bartelby is giving off.

You're close now - keep pushing. He's almost ready to fold.

Outwardly of course she says and does nothing. Trip may have magical invisibility, but the guards have noticed that. True invisibility is being unseen while right under their noses.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Going to give Diana a chance to weight in once more. As a reminder you know from earlier checks that he feels hopelessly out of his depth with Sir Gusiarne gone. The day to day reality of having to rule himself scares him because he's convinced he's going to mess it up.

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Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

Kn History: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 11 + 10 = 22

"Now that you talk about it, I do think there is precedent on stewardships being revoked, although it is a topic that tends to get avoided. Happened quite frequently during the period of instability just before war broke out with Qadira."

"But we are not here for history lessons, unfortunately. I share much of your worries, cousin, and I agree - placing Lady Eutropia on the throne will be controversial. But so will letting Lord Pythareus ascend the throne as well - Eutropia also has quite a bit of support, and I do not believe she will back down, either. I am not too sure how exactly things stand at the moment, but I get the impression that they are more or less evenly matched right now, or one would already have made a move to secure the throne."

"A push to either side could he decisive in settling this stalemate. Now is the time to take the future into your hands and shape it on the direction you want. Who do you think will be best for Taldor? There is no doubt in my mind that Eutropia will prove to be the better ruler. And she might not hold you in high regard right now, but she will not forget who helped her reclaim the throne, either. Secure a place for you, for our family, by her side, by submitting to her wishes regarding the county." Diana lets out a small sigh. "I know it is a scary proposition, to be willing to pick a side. But even then, would it not be the safest option for you, regardless of how the power struggle between Eutropia and Pythareus ends? If Pythareus somehow secures the throne, just claim that your hands were tied in this matter - that Eutropia revoked the stewardship and rightfully reclaimed her family's estate."

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

Valeria listened to all that passed back and forth and, while things seemed to be going better at first, they quickly turned around at the mention of Eutropia. Valeria was quite concerned about how things were going once more but it seemed that they began to improve yet again. The Baron was close, only hung up on his seeming opinion about women in politics.

Unsure what she could do to help once more Valeria wracked her brain. The most salient points had already been used and so she stayed back, and ready to intervene if she needed to.

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Triphylla with surprising chutzpa cloaked by invisibility snuck up to Count Bartleby and ever so gently teased his sword cane of his hand. This was easier said than done because he was gesticulating and pacing about, however with a little luck she managed it. Amazingly nobody actually noticed, probably because everyone's eyes were glued to Lope and Diana as they spoke.

GM Rolls:

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Lope was a fine orator, but he was having trouble making headway with his latest suggestion. Diana was having a better time of it and looking intensely nervous, Bartleby ran his hand through his hair and said to Diana, "So Cousin you and Bentony here are saying that the Princess will reward me if I stand by? I don't mean to question your word but this would would be taking a terrible risk, placing our family entirely at her mercy... I need to hear the promise that there won't be any retribution from her lips. Can this be arranged?"

Triphylla you notice he has several wands, hard to say what they do but one is blue and the other a deep red with a small red stone of some sort at the tip.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Ooh, wands! Triphylla thinks with meddlesome glee.

Having picked the sword cane cleanly from it's casing, she rubs her thumb over the fingers of her right hand and reaches for the beautiful red wand with the inset stone.

Sneak: 1d20 + 10 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 20 + 2 = 44 Sorry, I incorrectly doubled the Dex mutagen bonus last round. Just +2
Sleight of Hand, DC20: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 2 + 2 = 23 Adaptable Luck

The wand slips into her hand with relative ease. But what does it do?

Dex Mutagen, Invisible

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

"I am not sure if it can be arranged swiftly, cousin. And I cannot speak for the Princess, of course. But I urge you to consider your options here carefully: there will be no middle ground to tread when the Princess comes for the palace. Either you comply with her wishes, or you stand against her, presumably in support of ghe High Strategos. You will be taking a side, regardless, with all that implies for our family. Which of the two paths do you think presents the bigger risks for you, for our family, for Taldor?" Diana gives him a moment to reflect before pressing on.

"I have already told you my convictions on those matters, so I will not press them further on you. But I do want to remind you that siding with Eutropia now does give you an excuse that will let you save face in case Pythareus is successful. The opposite is not true - you will be openly standing against the Princess. And she will fight you for the palace - but it will not be a battle of swords and magic - it will be waged in the courts instead. Are you prepared to handle that? And even if you are, can you truly say it is worth it, that working against her is the better option for you, for us, and for Taldor? If not, then why fight her now? I understand that you would rather not pick a side and stay neutral through this political conflict - but you will not be able to do that for much longer."

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

"I cannot give you word in the name of the Princess, but I can give word I will laud your willingness to restore Taldor and speak in your favor. I doubt the Queen will have any reason to punish you, specially if you are truly willing to support her on her way to avoid a war between brothers and sisters" Lope presses on, trying to make it easy for the Count to accept "We can have letters addressed to her right hand for reassurance on this point."

"It is your decision, but you have to decide now" the Aldori frowns at this point, making sure everybody sees his hand resting over his sword's pommel.

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps
Diana wrote:
"I am not sure if it can be arranged swiftly, cousin."

The count's mood visibly soured as Diana said this, he ran his hand through his hair and seemed to pull out a small clump.

Diana wrote:
"Which of the two paths do you think presents the bigger risks for you, for our family, for Taldor?"

Bitterly he rounded on Diana, [b]"You make it sound like it should be all so simple, if only it was. I know if I side with the princess, Grandfather will strike me down. The Promachos promises to retake Quadria and all the lost colonies, he makes it sound all so easy. Yet I've met Quadrians, they're fiercely loyal to their homeland and their army is not to be scoffed at. You imply the princess will be a better ruler, perhaps she will. But do you know her really? Look at what happened to her father, descending into madness and slaughtering half the senate! They say madness runs in families... I repeat do you really know her?"

Stomping his foot he cried, "Argh this is all so infuriating!"

Lope wrote:
"It is your decision, but you have to decide now"

The count glanced at his soldiers and asked in a low dangerous tone, "Do I now? And why's that exactly Bentony?"

Sense Motive DC 18:
The count doesn't know what to do, and you get the impression he's going to suffer from analysis paralysis.

Kn: Nobility DC 18

You've heard that count Bartleby was never any good at making important decisions, he always put things off. This is largely why the county finances ended up in such a bad state and how Sir Gusairne was effectively able to take over. All in all, Bartleby isn't fit to govern, and deep down he knows it. You think if you point his failings out with enough tact you can convince him to abdicate in order to avoid having to decide.

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

Sense Motive(Focused Scrutiny): 1d20 + 11 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 11 + 10 = 32
K Nobility: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Diana raises her hands at Bartleby's outburst and tries to get the conversation under control again.

"Let us all try to calm down a bit and talk this through... I am not saying the choice is easy, cousin. But think back on what you said just now, about the High Strategos plans for the country, how easy they seem, and how hard you know they will be, from your own experience. That you have to look at her father's actions, and not her own, to find fault with choosing to support the princess tells me you already know which option is best. I know you, Bartleby. You are a perfectionist, and it shows on the fields you excel at, like magic. You study, you practice, you analyse, you question everything to the utmost detail, and you try to come up with the absolute best choice."

Diana sighs slightly before continuing. "Were it only possible to apply that approach everywhere. Politics, governing a country... Those require a different approach, I think. Too many unknowns, too many conditions changing fast enough that you do not really have time to stop and ponder everything before making a decision, or you will just make it worse due to your inaction. There's no shame in admitting you are not suited for these type of decisions, cousin. Just like we all have our talents, we all have our flaws as well - things we are not really able to do well. Is that not why you relied so much on Guisarne when it came to running the county?"

"Like I said, I get the feeling you do not agree with Pythareus goals for the country, or at least the means by which he hopes to achieve them. And to make it worse, siding with him means staying here, in charge of the county, something that you do not enjoy doing and that you know is not aligned with your talents. And you will have to do it without Guisarne to fall back on. Given all this, does acquiescing to Eutropia's request and stepping down not seem like the most logical option?"

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Having successfully absconded with the Count's sword and red wand, Triphylla tests her skill one more time, going for the blue wand.

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 10 + 20 + 2 = 52
SOH, DC20: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 9 + 2 + 2 = 21 Adaptable Luck (all used now)

The Count's argument that none of them really knew Eutropia would have been strong if it weren't for the fact that her competition is Maxillar Pythareos.

Dex Mutagen, Invisible

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Sense Motive DC 18: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9
Kn: Nobility DC 18: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Lope met the Count’s eyes, his tone steady and composed "Count Bartleby, you’re right to feel the weight of this decision. But delaying it will not make it any easier or the consequences any less severe. The reason you must decide now is because the political landscape is shifting rapidly. Eutropia and Pythareus are both making moves, and neutrality will soon be seen as defiance by both sides."

He took a step closer, keeping his hand resting on his sword hilt but maintaining a non-threatening posture "By acting now, you have the chance to shape the outcome in a way that benefits you and your family. You have the opportunity to offer your support to Eutropia, potentially securing her favor and ensuring your family's future in her regime. On the other hand, if you wait too long, you risk being caught in the crossfire or being seen as an obstacle by both factions."

Lope paused, letting his words sink in before continuing "Diana and I are here to support you. We understand the risks and we’re willing to stand by you. We can help you convey your intentions to the Princess, ensuring that your position is clear and your support is recognized. But time is of the essence. The longer you wait, the more precarious your situation becomes."

He glanced at Diana and then back at Bartleby "This isn’t just about choosing between two rulers; it’s about ensuring stability for your family and for Taldor. The decision may be daunting, but it’s one that must be made now, for the good of all."

Lope’s gaze was firm, yet compassionate "We are here to help you make the best choice for everyone involved. Trust in us, and let’s move forward together."

Of course, Lope's sides are clear by now and the Count knows it, but he talks it out in public so it seems it is the count taking the decision in front of his guards and service.
Perform oratory: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

The Count's eyes grew distant as Diana and Lope spoke. He was still listening although after a while the words started to wash over him as he began to fiddle with his ducal signet ring.

"You know, when my father died I inherited all this." With his arms wide he slowly circled on the spot to indicate everything. "It was such a bittersweet day. I thought I was prepared. As befits my station I had the most expensive education among the best and brightest and I was head of the class. Then I served in the army and won a measure of distinction. I thought I knew a thing or two about the world, I thought that life was good and that Meratt county was mine to do with as I saw fit. Grandfather disabused me of all that."

With increasing bitterness he continued, "Turns out I've been living a lie. The old man didn't think I had it in me, so my fellow students where paid off to throw the exams so I would come first. In the army there was a not so small cadre there at grandfather's expense to ensure that everything would go according to his design. Everything I thought I'd earned was a lie. Of course he didn't reveal this in person, oh no he didn't have that much regard. No he left it to the things he left behind in the royal tower, horrible things."

With increasing emotion he cried, "You talk about trust, and of the future and that I have to decide. How can I decide? My entire life has been a lie! Sir Gusairne was the adult in the room, sent by grandfather to supervise me. Can you for a second imagine how humiliating that is? My entire life dancing to grandfather's tune! He had father killed you know, his own son... His things left me under no illusion over what would happen if *I* was to step out of line. Damn his eyes, I can't do this anymore! I won't stand for it, I'm fed of being manipulated and I'm going to make my own decision for once!"

Having worked himself up into a fury he snapped at his guards, "Hemmings, Piper. Get my carriage ready, we're going to Oppara!"

And with that unless anyone stops him, he'll abruptly depart and it won't be till much later that he realizes all his weapons including both wands have inexplicably gone missing!

To clarify his intention is to seek a public audience with Eutropia to abdicate and denounce his grandfather. Also as a reminder you know there's supposed to be a teleport circle in the royal apartments which you need to destroy.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Now, in hindsight, of course Bartleby's arrogance was a projection of his own insecurities. It was the best outcome to spare his life to give him a chance to atone for his failures in Merratt County.

As soon as Bartleby departs, Triphylla reappears and shows the wands to Lope and Diana.

"Good form! I admit I'm happy we didn't have to fight the man, and the two of you turned him around. In the end I almost feel sorry for him. But in his hurry, the Count dropped these on his way out. Can you tell what they do? Oh, and his sword cane fell out of its sheath. How clumsy of him. If we see Bartleby in Oppara I shall return these items."

Dex Mutagen

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

Bartleby's outburst surprises Diana and she does nothing more than stare as he leaves the palace.

Triphylla's words bring her back to the matter at hand and she turns to her, with a mischievous grin creeping to her face as she realises what the halfling woman has done.

"Quite clumsy indeed. Let me take a look - Bartleby can't use them now, anyway, and there's no reason to let magical power go to waste unused."

Diana looks over the two wands and the sword can as well.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

After she's done examining the items' magic, her expression turns more serious as she addresses the group. "We still have work to do here, though. Taking care of my grandfather's circle should be our priority. I can't say I'm particularly looking forward to it, though. The palace is... Strange. People sometimes get nightmares from just staying too long, and servants have been known to just disappear, even well regarded ones... Let's just say there's a reason why the rest of us in the family tend not to stay here too long... And after Bartleby's comments about horrible things in the royal tower... Probably best if we're careful and stay on our toes as we go."

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

"Nicely done." Cyrene says quietly to Trip, her own blade returned to concealment.

Diana's comments make the assassin's brow furrow just a fraction.

"We should move carefully then. Ambushes are always a danger and I'd like to set it, not trigger one."

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

"I know it's not easy to confront the truth and make such a monumental decision. But know this: bravery is not the absence of fear but the willingness to act despite it. You are showing great courage, and that is commendable" Lope watches the Count’s emotional departure with a mix of empathy and determination.

As Triphylla shows up with her magical cache, the Aldori smiles, fixing his moustache "Triphylla, you never cease to amaze me"

Once the group is ready, Lope goes up the stairs decidedly "Well, then, it is time to make safe this place then"

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Loot from the count:
The counts sword cane while well made, wasn't actually enchanted. The two wands however where, one a wand of corrosive touch with 12 charges, and the other with the tiny red gem turned out to be a wand of scorching ray with 23 charges.

There is much confusion from the guards with Bartleby's abrupt departure, none of them seem quite sure what to do about you but after some discussion it was pointed out that if the count had really objected to your presence he could have commanded them to remove you, but he didn't.

You then move towards the west wing and you find yourself in front of the guardroom that leads to the royal chambers. There there are four palace guards in front of an impressive door, the guards seem quite unsettled. The sergeant tells you, "We're not supposed to let anyone up there."

Sense Motive DC 18:
The way he said it makes you think there's a but...

Map updated

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Triphylla addresses the guards. "And you will continue to guard these doors and not allow just anyone entry." She projects more authority than her stature.

SM: 1d20 + 9 - 1 ⇒ (17) + 9 - 1 = 25

"But as you understand by now, when the Count renounced his responsibility to Merratt County he did the same for this Palace. In the absence of an official appointment by you-know-who, my Lady Lotheed shall administer in his place until she is relieved or until she decides on an alternate chain of custody.

"Now then, the Lady intends to inspect the tower. You will allow us entry. Once she has completed her inspection you may resume your duties. As acting senechal, I shall be reviewing your service records. Sir Guisarme ran a tight ship and I will manage the staff in a familiar manner. However, I am authorized to grant bonuses to pay for service and loyalty to the new Lady of the house.

Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Dex Mutagen

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

Diana smiles as Triphylla swiftly gets a handle on the situation.

"Thank you, Miss Achlys. Impeccable as always. Couldn't have put it better myself." She replies with a nod and a curt smile.

"As Miss Achlys told you, I will expect you all to answer to me during this period. And of course, to Miss Achlys as well, as she speaks with my authority."

Aid another(Bluff): 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (5) + 22 = 27

"Now, will you please let us pass into the tower? It's a rather urgent business, and I'd prefer to get it done swiftly. We are not to be disturbed, so I appreciate if you kept doing your duty and ensure we are not interrupted."

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2
"Sergeant, we understand your concerns. However, the urgency of our mission cannot be overstated. We need access to the royal chambers immediately." Lope's voice is calm but authoritative "We are indeed acting under the new administration's authority. Your cooperation is crucial to maintaining the stability and security of this palace and Merrat County."

If the guards still look hesitant, the Aldori leads the way resolved to pass between them without aggression and open the doors.

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

Cyrene hovers at the back and stays quiet. There's something the guards aren't saying, but her companions quick tongues should deal with that. So she waits.

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

The doors here are very impressive and it would take considerable effort to open them without the key. I'm going to hand of GM ret con that our resident lightfoot burglar Triphylla noticed the key that Bartleby had and swiped that too.

The Sergeant didn't seem happy about it but he relented saying, "I see you have the key, normally Count Bartleby carries it everywhere - he must have sanctioned this. Um look if you're really going up there, well look we hear noises sometimes you know... Terrible noises. It's not safe, I advise you not to go. So I can't be responsible for what happens if you do, you understand?"

The ornate key is placed into the door and twisted four times, each revolution causes various clicks and finally the double doors swing silently open to reveal an overstuffed, roughly triangular-shaped office fit for a king. Every surface is an example of expert artistry and all but dripping with gold leaf. A large desk of dark, fragrant wood decorated with golden candelabras fills most of the office, while carved cherubs dance among storm clouds all through the molding above.

Perception DC 28:
With all the ornamentation you nearly missed the trap, a wand held by one of the cherubs that seems rigged to go off if anyone sets foot within. Make a disable device check if you'd like to try and disable it.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Triphylla steps forward past the guards without another word. The instant the doors close behind them she repeats her precaution ritual from the last time she dared to enter the tower. In quick succession she consumes her extracts of Heightened Awareness, Shield, and Expeditious Retreat, then swallows a Blood Boiling pill and an Essence of Independence. Finally, she takes a deep breath to try and calm her fraying nerves, but there's no shaking the fear in her heart.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 2 = 11 Heightened Awareness

She pauses to listen for the distressed cries of the mysterious unseen child, which she knows to be a form of undead. Then she turns to Lope and Diana and points to the large portrait of Duchess Veleto Lotheed hanging on the office wall.

"Cyrene and I were in here once before.

"The woman in that portrait, Lope, was the unwelcome guest you danced with the night of the ball. But look more closely, see how she watches us? That is a Trompe l’oeil, a type of construct. The portrait is the woman.

"Diana, might you know why a Trompe l’oeil of Duchess Lotheed hangs in this tower? It seems out of place among these gaudy paintings of Grand Princes past. And there, notice the inscription: 'My Veleto, in loving memory. P.'"

Dex mutagen, etc

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Lope nods, not specifying to what is he agreeing with the guards "We fear indeed this will be dangerous. But needs be done. Thanks"

Seeing the door open, he proceeds, observing everything quickly before casting some protective spells on himself: ablative barrier and shield.
Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7

Lope examines the portrait of Duchess Veleto Lotheed with a wary eye "Let's proceed with caution. If this portrait is a construct, it might react to our presence or actions"

Then, uses detect magic to scan for magic in the room, approaching to the desk and carefully opening any cupboard to thoroughly search.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
K. arcana: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Cyrene lingers in the doorway, her eyes flitting from door to door. She's waiting for the ambush and can only hope that she gets long enough to have a read on the target...

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

Valeria was quite relieved they managed to talk everything through rather than devolving into a fight over it. She had little doubt they would have won but still it was better to avoid the chance of injury or death in the first place. It was thus relief that she followed along as her companions began to go to the next goal in their visit.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

When everyone began to become wary about something happening Valeria found herself at a complete loss as to what they were talking about. She knew next to nothing about constructs nor was she noticing anything unusual, but she took steps to protect herself anyway calling on a prayer to erode the accuracy of ranged attacks.

Casting entropic shield and will have the crossbow ready and loaded.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

This time Triphylla doesn't notice any plaintiff cries from upstairs.

After listening to Triphylla, Lope set off to inspect the portrait and the moment he set foot into the office he knew he'd made a mistake. Suddenly there was the stench of ozone and the air was filled with crackling lightning! With a desperate effort, Lope threw himself behind an ornate and likely priceless gilt chair, managing to shield himself from the worst of it.

Lope Reflex DC 16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 <--- PASS
Damage: 6d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4) = 19 Halved = 9

Lope could you please confirm if you cast those spells before or after setting off the trap? @All assume there isn't time to do anything beyond a free action.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Triphylla looks on in disbelief as Lope is struck by the lightning trap. She knows the trap was not active the last time she was in the tower. In the moment there is no time to react, but at least Lope was able to avoid the worst of it.

No free action

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13
Triphylla Achlys wrote:

"Diana, might you know why a Trompe l’oeil of Duchess Lotheed hangs in this tower? It seems out of place among these gaudy paintings of Grand Princes past. And there, notice the inscription: 'My Veleto, in loving memory. P.'"

"Well, it seems the right place to hide something like this... the royal tower is off limits to most people, so it would be less likely for someone to stumble upon it. As to why it was made... If I had to hazard a guess, considering the inscription... It was probably an attempt by a loved one to 'keep her alive' after she passed on. A clear example that the arcane arts are not all-powerful, if so. I'm no expert, but I do not think you could hope to recreate the entirety of someone's being this way. Leaving you only a sad reminder of what you've lost." She looks from the inscription to the painting itself, lost in thoughts. "Or maybe I am just letting my own feelings cloud my judgement..."

Distracted as she is by her own thoughts, she completely misses the trap in the entrance to the study until it is too late.

"Lope! Are you alright?!"

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

"Wow" Lope, wincing from the lightning strike, quickly regains his composure "Fine, just a little singed" he says, brushing off the lingering sparks from his cloak "This place is clearly more dangerous than I anticipated."

If there are no more surprises, he cautiously moves further into the room, keeping an eye out for additional traps, and resumes his inspection of the desk and surrounding area.
Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Been distracted, lot of stuff going on IRL. It looks like ablative barrier does convert 5 damage to non-lethal.

Triphylla wrote:
"Diana, might you know why a Trompe l’oeil of Duchess Lotheed hangs in this tower?

"Whaaat! NOBODY CAN KNOW! DIEEEE!" shrieked a voice that was unmistakably that of Duchess Veletto from the room Triphylla had pointed out.

GM Roll: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

Perception DC 15:
When you look, the duchess is missing from the painting.

If you roll over 31...

You manage to spot the Duchess just inside the room with the painting, rapier in hand - likely aiming to ambush one of you.

Initiative rolls:

Duchess Valetto: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Cyrene: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Diana: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Lope: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Triphylla: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Valeria: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Part is up!

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14
"Something is wrong, we must press on" Lope, probably against his own safety, quickly stands up and moves to open the door into the next room "Duchess Valetto? Is it you? What is going on?"

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

on a plane shot to take off... I regret not figuring out all of her stays before with the extracts. Her current AC is 29

Triphylla bursts into the room, claws and fangs ready to strike!

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

Perc: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Cyrene can't see who is threatening her life, but that's never been something to hold her back. The assassin disappears into the shadows.

Stealth: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

"Lope, Triphylla, wait! We should..." Diana sighs as she sees the duo rushing into the room where the "duchess" just was. Figuring the best she can do now is bolster their fighting ability, she swiftly casts Haste on the group.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

The party try to find the Duchess without success, but sensing something is wrong Diana casts a powerful battle spell which gives everyone a tremendous jolt of adrenaline! Valeria gripped with visions of battles past, hesitates just as the hysterical Duchess busts out of the shadows!

Crying, "Nobody must know! You will not live to tell the tale!" she lunges for Triphylla, missing by a yard before springing back out of melee range.

I moved Triphylla based on her description.

Rapier, spring attack, sneak: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13Damage: 1d6 + 3 + 4d6 ⇒ (6) + 3 + (3, 4, 5, 6) = 27 Triphylla would have been denied dex, but I don't think the duchess hits on a 2.

Map updated, the area around the sofas is difficult terrain. Party is up.

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

Diana does her best to follow behind the others, lightly touching Lope before he moves to engage with the duchess, placing an illusory ward on him.

Using Subtle Misdirection on Lope.

"Lope, Triphylla, be careful! We don't know what other magical protections might be in this place, but she probably does!"

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 6/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 5/5 | Additional Effects: -
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

Valeria was caught completely off guard when the attack occurred and failed to react for a moment as the sudden attack spurred a brief flash of her past. Fortunately it did not last long and she quickly drew and loaded Dignity's Barb to fire.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

The attacking Duchess nearly knocks over Triphylla with fright, and the halfling is caught flat-footed when the rapier swings at her. But halfling luck spares her the critical wound. Now it's her turn to go on the offensive.

Movement to spare with Expeditious Retreat.

Triphylla scurries around the large sofa and over another to flank her foe. But she is quicker than her companions this time, and the stealthy magical creature gives her pause to think tactically. She decides to feint and hope for a better opportunity to attack the next time.

"Don't look now, but your canvas is about to be torched!"

Feint: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Dex Mutagen, AC 29, speed 50

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 7/7 L1 5+2/5+2 L2 3/3 L3 1/1 | Blackblade 2/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

"What is going on?!" Lope looks confused at the Duchess, his eyes going wide open in horror as she attacks Triphylla "What the heck!?"

He does react when Diana places her hand on his shoulder and his figure becomes blurred.

On a second, the agile Aldori dashes through the room, his black blade bursting in fire and electricity crackling all over his hand and into the metal, and he tries to spellstrike the duchess.
Aldori sword+pool+flank: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 1 + 2 = 24 +3 if she has a metal item
Magical/Slashing damage+pool+flaming: 1d8 + 4 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 + (6) = 12
Electrical damage: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3, 4, 4) = 19

HP 48/52 AC 22 TAC 19
subtle misdirection (20% mischance) 1 min
ablative barrier (45/50) 5 h
(spellstrike, standard action) shocking grasp
(swift action) arcane pooled sword (+1, flaming) 1 min

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Valeria started loading and spanning her crossbow, while Triphylla tried to suggest the painting was going to get burned which elicited a low snarl from the duchess.

STATUS: Round 2 wrote:

Environment: Sofa areas are difficult terrain

Buffs and Debuffs:
---- Round 2 ----
Duchess Valetto
Lope Spider Climb, Mage Armor, Ablative barrier
---- Round 3 ----
Duchess Valetto
Lope Spider Climb, Mage Armor, Ablative barrier

Duchess Valetto
Cyrene <----- WE ARE HERE
Lope Action posted
Diana Action posted

Cyrene is up.

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

Cyrene waits until Lope and his flaming blade have the duchesses full attention and then slips from the shadows.

Stab!: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 11 + 2 = 33
Damage, Study: 1d6 + 5 + 3d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (1, 4, 7) + 1 = 22

Crit?: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 11 + 2 = 24
Crit Damage: 1d6 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 1 = 11

Her blow is precise and brutal in its effectiveness.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Cyrene burst in, landing a heavy blow which causes the Duchess to leak a substance that looks more like vermillion paint than. She doesn't seem to register pain like a normal living creature would but she does recognize a threat and her eyes lock momentarily with Cyrene's.

With a word of power, Lope's sword was engulfed by crawling lightnings and he piled in with a vicious cut which landed with the power of a thunderclap, forcing her back a step. The duchess looks outraged and she cries, "But we danced together, flirted even!"

Diana casts a spell, imbuing Lope with an illusion that caused his outline to waver, making him harder to hit.

The duchess fixates on Lope and she thrusts towards his eyes, but it was a feint and as he moves to parry she lunges for his kidney!
Feint: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
Lope Sense Motive DC 20: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18 <--- FAIL

Rapier: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26Subtle Misdirection Miss, high = hit: 1d100 ⇒ 48Damage: 1d6 + 3 + 4d6 ⇒ (1) + 3 + (2, 6, 2, 1) = 15 <--- HIT
Ablative barrier will turn 5 points of that into non-lethal damage.

STATUS: Round 2 wrote:

Environment: Sofa areas are difficult terrain

Buffs and Debuffs:
---- Round 2 ----
Duchess Valetto
Lope Spider Climb, Mage Armor, Ablative barrier
---- Round 3 ----
Duchess Valetto
Lope Spider Climb, Mage Armor, Ablative barrier
Damage Log:
Round: 1
Duchess was hit by Cyrene for 35 (total damage taken 35)
Duchess was hit by Lope for 31 (total damage taken 66)
Lope was hit by Duchess for 10 (total damage taken 10)

Duchess: 66 damage
Lope: 10 damage

Duchess Valetto
Valeria <----- WE ARE HERE

Valeria, Triphylla, Cyrene, Lope and Diana are up.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Triphylla can't be sure if her feint worked, but it doesn't matter, she goes in on the painted lady with her fangs and claws.

Power Attack, Flanking

Bite: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 10 + 2 = 17 Damage: 1d6 + 1 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 4 + (6, 3) = 19
Claw: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 10 + 2 = 18 Damage: 1d4 + 1 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 4 + (2, 3) = 11
Claw: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 10 + 2 = 32 Damage: 1d4 + 1 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 4 + (5, 2) = 13

At least one of the claws finds something to gash.
Crit?: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 10 + 2 = 32 Damage: 1d4 + 1 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 4 + (2, 6) = 16

Dex Mutagen, Shield, Expeditious Retreat, AC27, spd 50

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