DM Fang Dragon's: War for the Crown

Game Master FangDragon

Drammatis Personnae | Maps | Map of the Palace of Birdsong

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Its a beautiful spring morning day in Oppara! The dawn's mist has finally burnt away from the River Porthmos and by the docks the day's catch is being enthusiastically hawked from booths to passers by. Everywhere the wide avenues and grand plazas are filled with the bustle of commerce and law. As the sun rises in an azure sky towards its zenith the the air becomes warm enough for long coats to be discarded by the well dressed and sophisticated inhabitants. The glinting sun lends a golden air to the city so as long as you didn't look too closely you could be forgiven for believing that gilt still adorned the still imposing government buildings.

Tomorrow is the Day of the Grand Exaltation, where the Taldan nobility will don their finery and make an extravagant show of accepting a commoner into their ranks. Meanwhile, they will put far more effort into furthering their own agendas before the Senate convenes. In a pageant of elegant fashions, they will be vying for advantage. During a sumptuous buffet, they will be jockeying for position. And while Lords and Ladies twirl to magnificent music, who knows what strange bedfellows may arise!

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Well in advance of this day, lightly scented hand written letters of the finest vellum had been delivered to a select group. Several were delivered by courier, several were posted under doors, another was left at a bar, and one was delivered by magic and discovered with some consternation in the early hours of the morning when it's recipient rolled over in bed!

Dear Cyrene,

I have reflected upon our meeting, I must admit it is rare these days for me to be blindsided, bravo. I believe your unique skillset is exactly what I and Taldor needs, and I would like to retain your services.

Please join me from 11am at Tatiana's Cafe, Imperial Square, Oppara on the day before the Grand Exaltation to discuss specifics.


Dear Miss Aubigni,

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Martella Lotheed. I doubt you remember me, but I was in the crowd that day when challenged that oaf to a duel and humiliated him. When I heard you where venturing into politics I was intrigued and having listened to your hustings I have come to believe we have much in common.

I have a proposal I would like to present to you. Please join me from 11am at Tatiana's Cafe, Imperial Square, Oppara on the day before the Grand Exaltation to discuss specifics.


Dear Mr Vega,

I'm sure you remember me from the Ritz club in Yanmass. I'm very glad you took the plunge and moved to Oppara. Re your quest, I have proposal that I think you will find very interesting. Granting access to Pythareus and his contemporaries, obviously you will need to proceed with extreme caution for he is a powerful and well liked man.

Please join me from 11am at Tatiana's Cafe, Imperial Square, Oppara on the day before the Grand Exaltation to discuss specifics.



I trust this letter finds you in good health. I appreciate all the little things you've been doing for me, but I think we both agree it's time to move onto something bigger, something that matters.

Please join me from 11am at Tatiana's Cafe, Imperial Square, Oppara on the day before the Grand Exaltation to discuss specifics.


Dear Miss Achlys,

We haven't met in person, but you have met one of my agents who was in awe of the way you recently handled a certain misogynistic buffoon in the Pig & Whistle! I have no doubt that somebody with your skills and political leaning would be ideal for a venture I have planned.

If you'd like to know more, please join me from 11am at Tatiana's Cafe, Imperial Square, Oppara on the day before the Grand Exaltation to discuss specifics.

Martella Lotheed.

Dear Miss Turanor,

I'm not sure if he ever discussed me, but your father is an old friend. I was greatly saddened to hear of what happened in the aftermath of the crusade, but it seems you've been left with a rare set of skills. I have a proposal to you, that I have good believe your new patron would approve of.

Please join me from 11am at Tatiana's Cafe, Imperial Square, Oppara on the day before the Grand Exaltation to discuss specifics.

Martella Lotheed.

Resources NG Halfling Alchemist 4 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 47/47 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +2 vs Poison | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Power Attack+Str Rage: Attack +8, Damage +7, AC +4
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, Perc 7, Perf Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Survival 4, UMD 7

Unless anyone feels it was left intentionally for them, I'll take the letter at the bar.

She'd accepted on the spot, of course. An offer to work for a noteworthy, if somewhat controversial noble in the city of Oppara was not the sort of thing a halfling from the underclass turned down. Triphylla had never felt such exhilaration as during that night, first for her duel of words, which she won easily, and then, well, then everything else. She had been anticipating another contact, but she knew not where or when. It was three days later, upon her return to the Pig & Whistle, when the oversized proprietor greeted her arrival with a sneer, a grunt, and a letter.

There it was, a handwritten summons from Martella Lotheed herself.

How does one meet a noblewoman in her element? Triphylla's engagements thus far, in the short years when she began to seek a name for herself in the local communities east of the Canal, she had managed with unceremonial if well-trimmed dress. Ostentatious, surely, but then she needed to capture attention, no easy feat for a halfling in Oppara.

Now she needed a proper gown...

Courtier's outfit previously included in starting equipment. I assume my character knows how to dress appropriately for this meeting.

Female Human Oracle 6 | HP 44/44 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +9; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 8/8, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 4/4 | Additional Effects:
Acrobatics +10 Bluff +12 Diplo +15 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +7 Kn: Planes +10 Kn: Rel +10 Perc +9 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +10 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +10, Perform (dance) +6

Valeria awoke late, as she often did, and saw the note on her nightstand. Her room was very dark, in fact it was pitch black even at this time of day, since it was an interior room with not windows and she didn't bother with candles or lanterns unless she needed to. That it was so dark didn't bother her any as she could see quite well, even if only in grey scale. Unfortunately reading a note was something that did require some light so she said a few words and touched a bed knob that starred to glow with a silvery light that strongly resembled moonlight.

Valeria reached out and picked up the paper and read it carefully. She realized that this must be the opportunity her father had said he arranged for her. She also realized that she needed to hurry if she was going to make the meeting in time! Valeria quickly got out of bed and dressed herself, the light from the bed knob giving her enough light to decide to wear the white and blue outfit today. She ran the brush through her hair and did her makeup quickly once she was done. The job wasn't perfect but she looked good enough to manage this interview.

When she left her room Valeria saw how much light was outside and realized she was going to be cutting it close. Taking off at a run Valeria passed several of the servants who hid their amusement at her rush knowing all too well that she had slept in again. Valeria bolted out the door and came to a screeching halt, wincing and covering her eyes from the brightness for a moment, before she saw the carriage to take her to the meeting.

The family coachman, Barnard, was holding the door open for her and Valeria quickly headed that way. As he helped her in she said, "Thank you Barnard, to...,"

The middle aged man said, "Tatiana's Cafe at once. I know miss." He closed the door once she was in and climbed onto the drivers seat and said, "We're off Young Mistress," as they pulled out.

They made good time getting to the Cafe and pulled up a few minutes before eleven bells. Barnard got out and opened the door for her letting Valeria climb out of the carriage. She took his hand to help her down and she smiled at him and said, "Thank you Barnard."

The smartly dressed coachman bowed and said, "Of course Young Mistress, I will be awaiting the completion of your meeting." He smiled at her and said, "Good luck."

Valeria smiled and said "Thank you Barnard, I'll see you when I'm done." Valeria drew many looks as she stood there before the Cafe, she was wearing an exotic looking pale blue dress with a white sleeveless blouse and dark grey collar that left her shoulders bare. Her hair fell in a smooth brown wave down her back and holding her blouse together was a strange looking broach that looked like a moon with a pair of smiling lips that wore a seven pointed crown on them held her blouse and collar closed. She had sleeves that matched her dress cover her arms from the middle of her upper arm and reached down to her wrists with slits in them along the side so they poofed open and let her arms be seen. Around her stomach she wore something that looked like a sort of short corset that was tied in place and on her feet she had a pair of low heeled shoes. Over all the exotic outfit and her exotic face due to her mixed heritage made her very striking to see and drew a lot of looks.

Of those a portion that saw her looked at her and quickly decided she must be up to something even if they did not understand why. Valeria saw their frowns but she was getting used to them and decided to ignore those people. Instead she walked into the cafe and approached one of the workers as she asked, "Would you be so kind as to direct me to Ms. Lotheed's table?"

Resources NG Halfling Alchemist 4 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 47/47 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +2 vs Poison | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Power Attack+Str Rage: Attack +8, Damage +7, AC +4
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, Perc 7, Perf Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Survival 4, UMD 7

Having dressed for the meeting, Triphylla admitted to herself she was nervous. There was a sense of not belonging, more than anything; Taldan high society was such a homogeneous lot of pale humans. Even the women were mostly catty in public, when speaking among themselves. If Martella meant to upset the apple cart she would need an earthquake.

But there was also a sense of hope. Change doesn't have to always happen all at once and if the noblewoman could at least nudge the world toward a new path, that was worth every effort.

And for the young halfling there was a sense of anticipation, and the excitement of getting to be part of something important.

Triphylla chose to walk. She arrived early - too early. Tatiana's was not even open at 9 AM. She filled the intervening time strolling through the neighborhood, affecting the countenance of a child so as not to draw needless suspicion. It was an act she practiced countless times and was really quite good at.

At last, carriages began to queue outside the cafe along the bustling block in Imperial Square. She kept her head down and trailed in an older Taldan couple as if she belonged to them, then looked about for the raven-haired wonder that would instigate the future, whatever it may be.

"Lady Lotheed - I am Triphylla Achlys. At your service." The halfling did not curtsy - that seemed an exclusively human custom, and anyway, Martella was far removed from being a sovereign in this land or any other. "I thank you for this summons and endeavor to live up to your expectations of me."

Then, seeing the others, "Oh, we're a group! Well met."

HP 43/43 AC 24 21 TAC 19 FF 16 13 | CMD 21 | F +5 R +5 W +4 | P 2/6 L1 3+0/4+2 L2 0/2 | Init +4 Senses +0 |
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+8/+10,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Intimidate+4,K.Arcana+10,K .dungeon+8,K.planes+9,K.local/geo/history/nobility/religion+5,Linguistics+8 /+10,Perf.Oratory+12,Ride+8,Spellcraft+12,Swim+3,UMD+8
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 5 | spider climb 50 min, mage armor 45 min

Lope smiles after reading the letter. This is the kind of chance he has been looking for, and he is decided not to let it pass. The Taldan, moustached at the style of the north arrives to Tatiana's Cafe dressed on his best silken ceremonial garments.

After scanning the room to assess the current attendees, he takes a position near the counter and pays silent attention to what is happening. At least for now.

Female CG Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 4 | HP: 17/28 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7| Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells Per Day 1/4
Acrobatics +12, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Perception +7, Perform (act) +8, Perform (sing) +11, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +9

Julia had just finished up an early morning performance of the Bearded Empress with her troupe at when she spied a finely crested and faintly sweet-smelling letter on her dressing table at the backstage. Of course, before she had the chance to actually break the seal and read its contents she was distracted by one of her more co-stars suddenly making their presence known.

"Whatcha you got there, Jules? Not another hate letter, I hope. Shelyn Above those fools need to get another hobby, I swear. Constantly whining about us being political. It's art for gods sake. It should be allowed to be-" The half-elf managed to cut herself as she sniffed the air and broke into a smile. "Nevermind! That smells far to good to be hate mail. Maybe its a secret admirer! Oh that would be lovely wouldn't it Jules? Very romantic," she said dreamily.

Julia gave her friend a coy smile. Ellie was a lovely woman, a great performer, and a dear friend but she often had no concept of personal space. "Mayhaps it is, El. Could be from handsome Dame from Lastwall or a dashing pirate queen from the Shackles. hard to tell with your nose, which is exquisite and perfect by the way, blocking my sights," she joked kindly.

The other performer playfully rolled her eyes and said a few fine, fines before leaving to chit-chat with the others, giving Julia time to finally read the message in privacy.

Once the opera singer was done, the couldn't help but muse to herself that Ellie was right and that she did indeed have a secret admirer after all. And Lotheed at that! Her parents would have started outright squealing such invite if they knew about it, a thought that made Julia grin at the irony.

Not wanting to waste time with 11 am fast approaching, Julia quickly removed her performance clothes and cleansed herself her theatre makeup only to put on another coat for her cafe meeting. After putting on her usual attire, and giving her goodbyes to her friends and fellow performers, she and made way to Tatiana's Cafe at Imperial Square. Once she was there she waltzed up to the proprietor of the establishment with her usual confidence and introduced herself.

"Hello there," she declared while doffing her trademark cavalier cap. "Julia Aubigni here. I've come to see a Martella Lotheed. Would you be so kind to tell me where is where she is or if she's arrived?"

Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

Pelligrina tips the courier with a coin from her purse and closes the door. She takes the delivered letter to her desk and sits to unseal it. With her letter opener Pelligrina pops the wax seal loose and opens it. The scent tells her the sender is a woman, but Pelligrina hasn't been expecting any correspondence from a woman so her eyes go to the signature first.

When Pelligrina sees the note is from Lady Martella, she is but surprised and pleased. Her pleasure increases as she reads the contents of the message. She reads through it a second time in satisfaction before refolding it.

This is a great step forward! Lady Martella is a canny one, and I knew she would decipher my meaning soon enough. It was just a matter of the right need coming along.

Pelligrina considers the time, location, and (as best as she can divine with the help of her mirror) the subject of the meeting. Then she spends a couple of hours preparing so she can save time the following morning. Pelligrina sleeps well and is up with plenty of time the next morning.

It is important she be flexible for whatever might be served at her meeting with Lady Martella, so Pelligrina begins with a breakfast sufficient to carry her through without eating later. She has a fine breakfast, a cup of yoghurt with berries, a buttered roll, and tea. After cosmetics are taken care of, Pelligrina dons the dress she's selected. Something that will communicate warmth, friendliness, and ease in her appearance. Also it should be practical for walking out in the city. Finally, her clothing should not bring too much attention to her.

Pelligrina makes her appearance at Tatiana's Cafe at 11:00 sharp. She ignores custom, 10 or 15 minutes after the agreed upon time for a social call, because she wants to show Lady Lotheed she is capable of being flexible and following directions if need be. Upon entering the establishment wearing a dress in a refreshing and disarming light yellow , Pelligrina stands waiting for a member of the staff to approach her. When a man comes to see to her needs, she flicks her fan open and holds it beside her face so her directions to him are not discernible to other patrons in the place.

"Escort me to Lady Lotheed's table please. I am expected."

HP 43/43 AC 24 21 TAC 19 FF 16 13 | CMD 21 | F +5 R +5 W +4 | P 2/6 L1 3+0/4+2 L2 0/2 | Init +4 Senses +0 |
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+8/+10,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Intimidate+4,K.Arcana+10,K .dungeon+8,K.planes+9,K.local/geo/history/nobility/religion+5,Linguistics+8 /+10,Perf.Oratory+12,Ride+8,Spellcraft+12,Swim+3,UMD+8
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 5 | spider climb 50 min, mage armor 45 min

When Julia enters the Cafe and states her interest to find Martella Lotheed, Lope hears interested, paying attention to the answer.

Hence, when Pelligrina just enters after her and requests the staff to escort her to Lady Lotheed's table, he can no other but smile below his mustache "Seems our Lady Lotheed is required with shady greed"

Then, he makes a sign to the barman "Care to drink something while we wait? It seems there is still time."

The noon day sun pours into the cafe’s smoky interior. A mouthwatering aroma of freshly baked bread and coffee fills the room, and the sun highlights an assortment of breads, cheeses, and wine bottles behind the only counter. Martella sips casually from a steaming mug, dressed in an elegant but reserved gown—at least by Taldan standards. A hand-sized brass cricket buzzes quietly on the tabletop beside her.

Each of you was directed to a large table at the back, where Lady Martella sips casually from a steaming mug, dressed in an elegant but reserved gown—at least by Taldan standards. Once five of you had arrived your host stood up and tapped her glass with a spoon twice to get everyone’s attention. ”I’m so glad you could join me today,” she begins, her voice low and confident. “Please order whatever you like; The café is small and the fare light but of the highest quality. As you can see they have an excellent selection of Taldan breads, cheeses, fruits, wine, and charcuterie; the fig jam is particularly lovely and goes well with the soft cheeses. Please feel free to speak candidly. I’ve taken measures to ensure our privacy.”

Her cricket construct seems to subtly deaden sound, indeed if you go more than a few feet away it becomes surprisingly hard to follow the conversation.

She smiles and nods at each of you in turn before frowning slightly, ”Mmm I was expecting one more, never mind, she has a flair for the dramatic and may already be hiding here somewhere.” Martella gave the waiting staff a sidelong glance before continuing in a louder voice, ”Let’s begin with some introductions. Most of you know me, I’m Martella. One thing you may not know is that I’m lucky enough to count her highness Princess Eutropia as a close friend and confident. That’s partly why I’ve invited you here, but more on that later. Who would like to introduce themselves next?” She gave you all a radiant smile.

HP 43/43 AC 24 21 TAC 19 FF 16 13 | CMD 21 | F +5 R +5 W +4 | P 2/6 L1 3+0/4+2 L2 0/2 | Init +4 Senses +0 |
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+8/+10,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Intimidate+4,K.Arcana+10,K .dungeon+8,K.planes+9,K.local/geo/history/nobility/religion+5,Linguistics+8 /+10,Perf.Oratory+12,Ride+8,Spellcraft+12,Swim+3,UMD+8
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 5 | spider climb 50 min, mage armor 45 min

The long-haired, well-cared mustached man of clear Taldan descend leans over Lady Lotheed's table. He offers a confident smile and vows performing an elaborate greeting with his hand "Good morning Lady Lotheed. You look even more shiny here at Oppara." and then turning to the others for presentations, he adds "Lope Aldori, merchant from the northern lands of Yanmass and beyond, and soon to be poet of this our Gilded City."

Sense Motive DC 12:

Bluff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Lope is concealing his true identity for now and only giving incomplete information (all truths though).

Female CG Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 4 | HP: 17/28 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7| Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells Per Day 1/4
Acrobatics +12, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Perception +7, Perform (act) +8, Perform (sing) +11, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +9

When the proprietor showed Julia the large table where the sharply dressed Lotheed was seated, she realized that what lay before her was likely going to be far more complicated than a simply chat over her politics and art. Indeed, she took Martella's offer and ordered a glass of sweet tea it quickly found itself completely untouched once Martella began in earnest. Simply put she was far to distracted by the revelation of her involvement with the royal princess. And of course there was the matter of the interesting company around her.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Some of them she knew or at least heard of while others, like the mustached man who seemed to be hiding something, were complete mysteries. It was all very interesting...

Never one to miss the chance to chat with interesting people, Julia was quick to introduce, or in some cases reintroduce as the case may be, herself to the whole lot of them. "Greetings to you all," she says brightly, giving each and every one of them a earnest smile. "Good to see you again, Triphylla. Still getting into barroom debates, I trust. Lady Revay, yes? I believe we'll met once or twice in passing at some gala or another. And Valeria! Shelyn Above. I didn't even know you were back from the Worldwound. How are you, darling? And you..."

She eyed the one man in their group carefully as she tried to place why he seemed mildly familiar to her before giving up - for now - and just introducing herself to the man. "...I have never met before. Well, if that's the case, hello there. You can call me Julia Aubigni or Jules if you wish."

Resources NG Halfling Alchemist 4 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 47/47 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +2 vs Poison | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Power Attack+Str Rage: Attack +8, Damage +7, AC +4
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, Perc 7, Perf Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Survival 4, UMD 7

Kneeling atop the chair opposite Martella, Triphylla stares down the waiter as if attempting to drag him to the table by the force of her will alone. She is all too accustomed to being overlooked, and as introductions begin, she smiles briefly at each of her new companions, familiar and new, before resuming her icy gaze on the staff. The aged man is rail-thin, tall, pockmarked cheeks and drawn thin, nearly invisible lips, so that his face resembles a block of porous cheese. Mmm, cheese... He is dressed in freshly-pressed livery with a stiff white collar. White-gloved hands point straight along the seams of his trousers, a sort of well-practiced idleness that dares patrons to allocate their attention elsewhere.

Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 4

And yet the halfling can think of nothing else. After the poet Lope and acclaimed opera singer Julia have announced themselves, it becomes her turn.

"Triphylla Achlys," she says a bit too quickly. "From east of the canal." Her brogue wraps around the the last word as if it were a weapon, and perhaps it could be. "A pleasure to make your acquaintances, and to rejoin your company, Jules. Don't mind me if I disappear from time to time; most likely I'm underfoot somewhere close.

"Now, waiter, if I may! You heard the Lady, we're to order what we please. And I please to have the pickled herring with a loaf of your blackest bread, and bring me a jar of apricot relish and a plum pudding. And also a plate of salted pork bellies with the buttered scallions and quail egg yoke garlic sauce. I know a place like this will have a good thirty-year single malt rye whiskey; I'll have a glass of that, and don't go shorting me on account of my size!"

Triphylla spies their host, who has the strangest look on her face. "Oh, and I'll try some of that lovely fig jam, too." She grins earnestly across the table.

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Female Human Oracle 6 | HP 44/44 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +9; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 8/8, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 4/4 | Additional Effects:
Acrobatics +10 Bluff +12 Diplo +15 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +7 Kn: Planes +10 Kn: Rel +10 Perc +9 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +10 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +10, Perform (dance) +6

Valeria went where she was directed to and feeling very nervous as she saw more than just herself would be there. She took a seat as directed at the Lady's table and listened to what Lady Lotheed said about the food. Her gaze was briefly drawn to the cricket construct and she smiled slightly as she remembered the cricket her mother kept in a small cage as a good luck charm. Valeria ordered some tea and the day's special before they all got down to business.

As the introductions began Valeria listened to some of the group speak, her eyes widening when she realized who Julia was. Valeria almost didn't recognize her old friend and she suddenly felt rather self conscious about seeing her. A dark expression crossed Caleria's face as the Worldwound was mentioned and she shuddered as she replied, "I will always be in the Worldwound Julia, always." Her hand came up to the broach she wore and she stroked it as she muttered a prayer to calm herself before she added, "Fortunately the darkness is now full of wonder and through her we can all be redeemed."

Valeria gave a shy smile to Julia and said, "It is good to see you too Julia." She looked around at those gathered and said, "I'm Valeria Turanor and I hope to be of some use to you."

When I read the comment from Julia about Valeria being back from the Worldwound I immediately started hearing Charlie Daniels' Still in Saigon play through my head. It seems very appropriate for this character for some reason.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

While the introductions are underway, a mouthwatering feast is delivered for Triphylla. The waiters have trouble placing the half dozen steaming dishes she'd ordered on the table, later some of you realised that the prices whisky menu were in gold not silver! Martilla smiled indulgently, although she did swipe one of the scallions when Triphylla wasn't looking.

HP 43/43 AC 24 21 TAC 19 FF 16 13 | CMD 21 | F +5 R +5 W +4 | P 2/6 L1 3+0/4+2 L2 0/2 | Init +4 Senses +0 |
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+8/+10,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Intimidate+4,K.Arcana+10,K .dungeon+8,K.planes+9,K.local/geo/history/nobility/religion+5,Linguistics+8 /+10,Perf.Oratory+12,Ride+8,Spellcraft+12,Swim+3,UMD+8
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 5 | spider climb 50 min, mage armor 45 min

"Hard to forget that name Julia Aubigni. Great promise of Oppara's stage. Have you had already the chance to try the House of the Immortal Son?" Lope assays a quick reverence.

The Taldan chuckles when Triphylla makes her order "A steak and a tomato salad would be appreciated before our little friend empties the Cafe's pantry" he offers his hand to the halfling "My father used to say good appetite was a sign of a life full of adventures. Very pleased to meet you"

The man assists with interest at the exchange between Julia and Valeria in strict silence, clearly impressed to know the woman has been fighting in the Worldwound, and made it back home to explain it "War often leaves scars as hard to see as they are to heal"

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Resources NG Halfling Alchemist 4 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 47/47 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +2 vs Poison | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Power Attack+Str Rage: Attack +8, Damage +7, AC +4
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, Perc 7, Perf Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Survival 4, UMD 7

"Would you care for a mint, Miss?" asks the waiter, suddenly incapable of not being in the halfling's immediate proximity.

"I'm full," replies Triphylla.

"It's only wafer-thin." The waiter seems to have a twinkle in his eye as he produces the small rectangle of mint and chocolate.

Triphylla eyes him suspiciously, her stomach extended beyond any reasonable capacity, which for a halfling, is saying quite a lot. She gazes contentedly at the empty plates in front of her, blissfully aware this is the best meal she will likely ever eat in her whole life. Whatever minor discomfort might ensue later on, it was worth it.

She lolls in her oversized chair, oversized being a relative term. She belches quietly, smiles, and rubs her belly, then muses to no one in particular, "I'll bet not even the Grand Prince ate like this every day. You know, I ordered that meal on a lark? Most of that stuff I'd only heard of while eavesdropping at the docks; mostly peoples of the Isles talk about such delicacies, when they're not talking about, you know.

"Now I'm not one to spread rumors," - a dirty lie - "but word on the street is the Grand Prince fancied a diet of nothing but eel livers harvested from the saltwater at the mouth of the River. That's what killed him, they say, a disease of the gut caused by eating nothing but stinking eels."

Triphylla laughs at herself. Then she plucks the mint from off a plate held by the waiter and tosses it in her mouth. The waiter pauses, then retreats, noticeably disappointed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Pelligrina and Cyrene, feel free to introduce yourselves in an earlier spoiler. I think we need to press on however!

Once the introductions had been done and the small talk had died down a bit, Martella cleared here throat before standing up to speak, "I'm sure you're wondering why I've called you here, its because something close to our hearts is broken. Unfortunately I'm talking about Taldor. Please don't get me wrong, I'm a patriot but Taldor is in desperate need of reform. We have over four thousand years of laws on our books, granted most are rarely perhaps rarely capriciously enforced, but as my lawyer's are fond of saying just about everything is technically illegal."

This was a common saying, usually met with a shrug because what could possibly be done?

Martella shook her head sadly and said, "Consider the cheese and bread you're eating, did you give thanks to Erastil first? No? Oh dear you can be fined for that1 Did you bathe this morning? I'm sure most of you did, but did you wear your Taldan blue bathing hat? No? You can be fined or even thrown in prison! Has it been more than forty eight hours since you last bathed? Prison! Do you worship Sarenrae or have Quadrian ancestors? Prison! And get this, two thousand year old beards laws are still on the books, if you're a commoner with a beard? Prison! Male noble without a beard? Also Prison!"

Shaking her head she carried on, "And how about us ladies? Maybe you inherited some money? Want to spend some? Haha no, your family appointed an advisory council who advice you to increase their fees. Want to hold high office? Better join the army, but you can't go higher than Captain and in most cases you'll never make lieutenant. Get married? Congratulations now you're chattel! Slavery is supposed to be illegal unless you're female..."

She took a pause to sip her drink before saying, "And what of the highest echelons of society, can you inherit the crown? Sure but only if you're a man. And what dear friends if there are no male heirs? Better start looking to second and third cousins, too bad many of them are unsuitable!"

Kn: History or Kn: Local DC 16:
Most Taldans are blissfully unaware of the line of succession beyond the Stavian line, however it’s reckoned by legal experts that the current line of succession is as follows:

1. Princess Eutropia (but only if the law changes)
2. Prince Cassius (deceased)
3. Maximus Solari (second cousin)
4. Augustus Eiredor (second cousin by marriage)
5. Maxillar Pythareus (third cousin)
6. Cicero Dalsine (third cousin)

Maximus Solari Kn: Local DC 16


Maximus Solari is a well respected senator in his eighties but he is rumoured to suffering from the early stages of dementia. In any event he doesn't have any male airs and is too old to father any more. He's also sympathetic to Princess Eutropia and wouldn't accept the crown anyway.

Augustus Eiredor Kn: Local DC 16


Augustus Eiredor spends as much time attending business interests in Qadira as he does in Taldor, he's also a practicing Saranreite. In many respects this would make him a very good candidate, since a war with Qadira is the last thing either country needs. The problem is the traditionalist factions in Taldor would be in open revolt should he come to power. While married, Augustus Eiredor doesn't yet have any children.

Maxillar Pythareus Kn: Local DC 16


Beloved by the army the Stategos is a military hero, credited for a series of decisive victories in the peninsular war with Quadira. Said to be charming, Pythareus is one of the most important men in Taldor. Regarded as the patriot’s patriot, Pythareus is a traditionalist who regularly harks back to the golden age of Taldor.

The Pythareus’s family have an illustrious past, tracing their heritage back hundreds of years to the younger brother of Stavian I, Agrippa who was styled the Duke of Pythareus a non-inherited peership.

Pythareus himself is keen to expand Taldor's influence by force and the first item on his agenda is an invasion of Quadira.

Cicero Dalsine Kn: Local DC 16


Cicero is a philanderer, and a wastrel. He's fritted away much of his family wealth and has fathered a string of bastards. Taldor's succession would be mired in scandal and controversy should the crown pass to him.

Getting into her stride, Martella told you, "I'm sure it's not passed your notice that tomorrow is there is a vote in the Senate where Princess Eutropia is hoping to kick start her program of reforms by striking down the millennia old law of agnatic primogeniture, I aim for this vote to pass without a hitch! Tomorrow promises to be a historic evening, but if you're with me, it will be an evening of work nonetheless. And in the sort of work I'm proposing, the line that divides success and failure is drawn by the people you know. You each will have your own tasks to accomplish, but I’m counting on you to support one another to ensure success and discretion. If you need assistance, kindly ask for it. If your assistance is required, give it. And if I’m to be blunt, I would like just once in my adult life to simply enjoy a gala I attend, rather than scamper about with clandestine busywork. If you all complete your work without need of me to clean anything up, I will happily double my proposed fee of 150 gold each.'

“I trust your activities won’t occupy your entire evening, so by all means, enjoy the party and make friends. This is an excellent opportunity for you to begin your own political ambitions, but do be discreet!”

Grand Prince Stavian III Kn: Local DC 16:
Whispers of late suggest in recent years Stavian has become increasingly obsessed by the thought that his daughter is conspiring to steal his throne. Historically speaking this paranoia isn’t entirely unwarranted because at least five Taldan rulers over the ages have been murdered by their children.

If you pass a DC 20 check:

Stavian has long had the reputation of being eccentric and unpredictable but of late certain very discreet whispers (because if Stavian was aware it would be off with the speaker’s heads) suggest his grip on sanity is tenuous at best, made worse by regularly indulging in a drug habit of heroic proportions.

I haven't passed you assignments yet, I will do so later today.

HP 43/43 AC 24 21 TAC 19 FF 16 13 | CMD 21 | F +5 R +5 W +4 | P 2/6 L1 3+0/4+2 L2 0/2 | Init +4 Senses +0 |
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+8/+10,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Intimidate+4,K.Arcana+10,K .dungeon+8,K.planes+9,K.local/geo/history/nobility/religion+5,Linguistics+8 /+10,Perf.Oratory+12,Ride+8,Spellcraft+12,Swim+3,UMD+8
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 5 | spider climb 50 min, mage armor 45 min

Lope smiles when Martella puts words to the common saying that everything is illegal in Taldor "Dig deep enough and you will find a regulation for size and consistency of our unavoidable human daily byproducts" he adds with a soft laugh to the long list of absurdities already provided by the noble.

K. nobility: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
K. nobility: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 No local or history

"A truly ambitious goal Martella" Lope's mustache tilts with the line of a smile drawing clearly underneath as the proactive woman states her plans and ambitions "I am told Princess Eutropia has moved away from the capricious child I once knew. Even if not, she would still perform thousands better for Taldor than her half-brainless brother jerks and ruthless uncles."

"What can I do for you?"

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female CG Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 4 | HP: 17/28 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7| Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells Per Day 1/4
Acrobatics +12, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Perception +7, Perform (act) +8, Perform (sing) +11, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +9

Julia couldn't help as chuckle as Triphylla went about taking full advantage of Lotheed's hospitality as she ordered a whole feast for herself. That smile unfortunately would not last long when she heard Valeria's more than a little cryptic words.

"I-I..." she began, uncharacteristically lost for words. Julia knew that the Worldwound was not a place for the faint of heart but she had hoped that it would not leave an bewildering impact on her friend. "I must admit I don't know really to say to that Valeria. Maybe... maybe you can tell me more about the Worldwound when we have more time to catch up."

It might have been unconscious thing but Julia was quick to pay attention to the mysterious Lope again after her exchange with Valeria. If nothing else but to catch her wits again and not be consumed by worry. "Oh, well, thank you, Lope," she says somewhat distractedly. "I actually have performed at the House of the Immortal Son. A wonderful venue. The acoustics there are just marvelous."

While Julia could have talked shop about the Immortal Son all day, Lotheed's discussion about the absolute state of Taldan's less than sensible laws quickly captured her attention and she was quickly bobbing her head at all of it. "Yes, yes! It's utter madness! You don't see this kind of rigidness in Andoran, Absalom, or even Qadira of all places. I love Taldor but it must change with the times and recognize the worth of half its population if it ever hopes to be bastion of culture and progress again!" She says fiercely before recognizing that at some point in her speech she had risen from her seat.

Slightly embarrassed, but that much, Julia start back down. "Sorry. I usually get all those frustrations out during my singing. Guess needed to sing another saga before I got here," she says with a chuckle before becoming serious again and looking Lotheed straight in the eyes with an energetic determination. "If this vote and gala is our chance to make a difference then you can rest assure that I will do everything in my power to see its success."

Female Human Oracle 6 | HP 44/44 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +9; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 8/8, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 4/4 | Additional Effects:
Acrobatics +10 Bluff +12 Diplo +15 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +7 Kn: Planes +10 Kn: Rel +10 Perc +9 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +10 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +10, Perform (dance) +6

Valeria suspected that Lope had at least some understanding of what she meant, though she highly doubted he could begin to understand it all. Julia's reaction to her words was one she had gotten used to from those who picked up on the barest hints of what she had gone through. She gave her old friend a haunted smile and said, "Yeah, maybe we'll do that someday."

Caleria's attention was pulled back to Lady Lotheed as she began to speak. Valeria smiled in slight amusement at the number of things mentioned that would get her locked up if enforced. Some of those laws were just ridiculous, particularly the one that only a man could succeed the throne.

Know:Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Know:Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Know:Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Know:Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Know:Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Valeria was kind of surprised she knew as much as she did about the line of succession and she had to agree that none of the ones she knew would be suitable for a variety of reasons. She nodded along in agreement as Lady Lotheed spoke of the importance of tomorrow's vote. "If My Lady in Darkness can change so too can Taldor," Valeria actually smiled slightly and added, "In fact it should be far easier for Taldor to change than it was for her." Valeria looked squarely at Lady Lotheed and met her gaze, "This is the kind of task I have been looking for to prove my intentions, you have my full support Lady Lotheed."

Know: Nob: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Resources NG Halfling Alchemist 4 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 47/47 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +2 vs Poison | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Power Attack+Str Rage: Attack +8, Damage +7, AC +4
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, Perc 7, Perf Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Survival 4, UMD 7

That was an impressive dance with dicebot, Valeria!

Kno Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Kno Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Rumor is the limit of Triphylla's immediate knowledge of the line of succession and of Stavian himself. She thought she heard he had died, but obviously that was a bit of wishful thinking.

As Martella gets to the meat of it the halfling feels herself tense, fists ball, and the large lump in her stomach begins to turn. She listens to the proposal, albeit vague at first, and perks up at the mention of galas and rewards for skullduggery. In truth, she'd do whatever this very noble woman offered in repayment for the meal she had just consumed, but she keeps that to herself.

She listen to her wiser companions and waves off Lope, "Please, sir, I wish to keep the idea of byproducts away as long as possible."

Then, listening to Jules speak of other lands and Valeria speak at redemption, Triphylla adds, "I have only left Oppara by merchant ship, working daily stops with my Da, but the crews are often from lots of places and I have heard how different many are. Those influences have a lot to do with my feelings today, and if there's anything I can do to help make change in this sorted city, I will!" There's more to her sea adventures but now is not the time.

Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

Pelligrina is surprised to see several other people invited as well, but of course she knows Julia and greets her with a kiss on each cheek. After taking a seat she listens through the introductions, adding her own when her turn comes.

"I'm pleased to meet each of you. I am Lady Pelligrina Revay, of the Tregan Revays."


Pelligrina is surprised again at the audaciousness of Lady Martella's proposal, and extremely curious to learn how she intends to see the Senate's vote concludes in Princess Eutropia's favor.

"I am with you in this, in whatever way I can assist" she replies to Lady Martella.

K History: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

K Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

K Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

The dice gave me nothing and I'm behind, so I'll keep this brief.

Martella hands out envelopes to each of you, saying "These are your assignments. I would encourage you to help each other where possible. Also in general I would ask that you try to influence whatever senators you can, we need to secure every vote. There's more I need to tell you but first lets see if you have any questions."

Miss Aubigni, I need someone reliable to keep tabs on political rivals and update me if they change their tactics, most notably High Strategos Maxillar Pythareus. you must stay close to the military commander, watching for unusual behavior or listening for snippets of conversation, and warn me if he takes any unusual actions, all while remaining unobtrusive. This will be tricky since it will be easy to get noticed and required to move on.

Darling, Eutropia, Glorianna Morilla, and I have swayed a great number of reluctant senators, but we need a vast web of influence to maintain that. To that end, I would like you to make a strong impression on Baron Nicolaus Okerra and remind him of certain debts he owes me. While Baron Nicolaus Okerra isn’t a senator, his war record and general popularity make him an influential figure—one whose reputation helped sway a number of otherwise neutral votes.

Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to undermine the influence of the recently disgraced Earl Calhadion Vernisant. I would like to see some of the historical artefacts that the earl donated to the senate vanish from the Arcade of Triumphs before it is unveiled prior to the evening’s vote. You are free to keep what you swipe, I wish for its disappearance to further embarrass Earl Vernisant and his allies. The artefacts aren’t secured; the senate naively assumes anyone sophisticated enough to attended this crowded gala would never dream of stealing anything on public display…

Your mission is to discredit a one or more prominent senators backing primogeniture—not necessarily to sway their votes, but to undercut their influence after the vote.
I want you to choose one and create a scandal surrounding them and ideally some of the others. The rumour can be anything you like, but the more embarrassing and salacious the better I expect.

I have quite the challenge for you, if you’re up for it. I do believe this mission will require some aid but it will be well worth it if you can pull it off. You see some senators are too powerful or stubborn to be influenced, but that doesn’t mean they’re beyond some admittedly petty revenge. Some of my nasty half-brothers, have contributed a large bottle of rare, 150-year-old red wine from family holdings in the Opparos province, now held in the senate’s kitchens. You’re probably wondering what the syringe is for, it’s filled with a putrefying agent to render the wine embarrassingly undrinkable. You must be careful not to steal the bottle and you must conceal any signs of tampering. We want it to reach the senatorial table with great fanfare, only to turn out to be of terrible quality or—even more scandalously—a forgery. Good luck!

Resources NG Halfling Alchemist 4 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 47/47 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +2 vs Poison | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Power Attack+Str Rage: Attack +8, Damage +7, AC +4
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, Perc 7, Perf Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Survival 4, UMD 7

Triphylla reads her assignment letter twice, then sits back and affects a thoughtful countenance.

Kno Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

I assume that what I may know below would be common knowledge or at least would be common among merchants transacting through Oppara.

"Earl Calhadion Vernisant rules Ridonport. I've been near its shores en route to Cassomir and other more profitable ports along the coast. From what the men have said, if not for the fees incurred by the Imperial Navy, Ridonport would struggle, as the Earl is lazy and vain and has no faculty for economy. He squanders his natural harbor.

"I happily accept this assignment. What are the artefacts I'm looking for? A flatulent bust of the Earl, no doubt."

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 21/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

A serving girl, who escorted a couple of you to the table and has been busily passing and repassing the table on a variety of errands, stops beside the halfling and begins sweeping away the empty dishes that she has dealt with.

"I hear he's donated some real old treasures." She says cheerfully. "The dagger used to slay a vampire lord. The first spyglass to sight Arcadia. Sounds real impressive if you ask me."

Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

Pelligrina reads the contents of the envelope then gives Lady a Martella a slight affirmative nod.

K Nobility (Baron Okerra): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Martella blinked and exclaimed, "Ah Cyrene, there you are! Indeed Earl Vernisant donated five items: A genealogical work by his great grandfather best described as an effort to climb up the social ladder by grasping at straws (there's likely some scandalous tidbits in there); a buckler to go with the aforementioned dagger; a silk fan from Tian Xia and the spyglass."

Winking at Triphylla she added, "Try and get at least three, but heavens sake make sure you don't get caught!"

Then she passed a final envelope to Cyrene.

Your mission tonight is two fold, firstly I need a legitimate senatorial aide. I need you to act as cover for the others and to run communications between allied politicians. Secondly I need you to keep your eyes and ears open, in case there's somebody else with your particular skillset working for the other side... I've heard some disturbing whispers but nothing concrete alas.

HP 43/43 AC 24 21 TAC 19 FF 16 13 | CMD 21 | F +5 R +5 W +4 | P 2/6 L1 3+0/4+2 L2 0/2 | Init +4 Senses +0 |
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+8/+10,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Intimidate+4,K.Arcana+10,K .dungeon+8,K.planes+9,K.local/geo/history/nobility/religion+5,Linguistics+8 /+10,Perf.Oratory+12,Ride+8,Spellcraft+12,Swim+3,UMD+8
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 5 | spider climb 50 min, mage armor 45 min

Lope reads her part and smiles satisfied for the role assigned "Revenge and wine. You have me covered Martella. You really know your people" the man takes the syringe and burns the note on the Cafe's hearth "So... what is the dressing etiquette for the event, and how do we get in?"

To the other agents, he asks "Does any of you know of someone with access to the kitchen or the pantry?"


Later that evening, Lope will look for a cheap Qadiran wine at the market (or any other non-appreciated origin) and once back in his room, he will use a thin knife and some water to patiently remove the label from the cheap wine, and store it where he can bring it to the gala.
Sleight of hand: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Resources NG Halfling Alchemist 4 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 47/47 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +2 vs Poison | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Power Attack+Str Rage: Attack +8, Damage +7, AC +4
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, Perc 7, Perf Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Survival 4, UMD 7

Kno Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

"Never been to a gala myself," Triphylla replies to Lope. "But I been to plenty of parties and one thing is always the same - lots of food and drink. The kitchens will be bustling and supplies will be coming in for days. It'll take a small army of people to pull it off, and I'm sure after all these years they have it figured. My guess is if you wanted a way in, all you'd need to do is ask for a job - they surely hire temporary staff for the occasion, and not just cooks." She's not sure that's a helpful suggestion; it's just how her mind works.

When she hears the list of artefacts she wonders if she can somehow hide her backpack underneath whatever formal attire is required. Perhaps she can claim a limp with the spyglass lashed to her leg.

HP 43/43 AC 24 21 TAC 19 FF 16 13 | CMD 21 | F +5 R +5 W +4 | P 2/6 L1 3+0/4+2 L2 0/2 | Init +4 Senses +0 |
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+8/+10,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Intimidate+4,K.Arcana+10,K .dungeon+8,K.planes+9,K.local/geo/history/nobility/religion+5,Linguistics+8 /+10,Perf.Oratory+12,Ride+8,Spellcraft+12,Swim+3,UMD+8
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 5 | spider climb 50 min, mage armor 45 min

"Action is the food and drink which will nourish my success. A great suggestion Triphylla!" Lope smiles starting to enjoy this little Taldan game of secret dealings "I can talk with my merchant network contacts and see if my company can become provider for the gala. That would give me a good excuse to be in the kitchen"

Female Human Oracle 6 | HP 44/44 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +9; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 8/8, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 4/4 | Additional Effects:
Acrobatics +10 Bluff +12 Diplo +15 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +7 Kn: Planes +10 Kn: Rel +10 Perc +9 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +10 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +10, Perform (dance) +6

Valeria accepted her envelope but before she started reading it said, "Here is what I know of the line of succession, if it helps anyone. Maximus Solari is a well respected senator in his eighties but he is rumoured to suffering from the early stages of dementia. In any event he doesn't have any male heirs and is too old to father any more. He's also sympathetic to Princess Eutropia and wouldn't accept the crown anyway. Augustus Eiredor spends as much time attending business interests in Qadira as he does in Taldor, he's also a practicing Saranreite. In many respects this would make him a very good candidate, since a war with Qadira is the last thing either country needs. The problem is the traditionalist factions in Taldor would be in open revolt should he come to power. While married, Augustus Eiredor doesn't yet have any children. Beloved by the army the Stategos is a military hero, credited for a series of decisive victories in the peninsular war with Quadira. Said to be charming, Pythareus is one of the most important men in Taldor. Regarded as the patriot’s patriot, Pythareus is a traditionalist who regularly harks back to the golden age of Taldor. The Pythareus’s family have an illustrious past, tracing their heritage back hundreds of years to the younger brother of Stavian I, Agrippa who was styled the Duke of Pythareus a non-inherited peership. Pythareus himself is keen to expand Taldor's influence by force and the first item on his agenda is an invasion of Quadira."

While the others digested what she said Valeria opened up her letter and began to read what her task would be. It seemed a simple enough task, she just needed to figure out who would be good targets.

Know: nob: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 21/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

"I could always kill him, if that would make things easier." Cyrene offers with a cheerful grin at Valeria. "Charm is only helpful when you're alive. Except for Vampires... I hadn't thought of that."

She curtseys and disappears with the empty dishes, making her own letter vanish in the process and leaving the rest of the table to their own internal monologues and musing.

When she returns it is with a tray set with six small cups and a plate of tiny biscuits.

"Compliments of the house." She says with another beaming smile. "Please, enjoy everyone! And if anyone needs some help I'll be happy to join in. I can get lots done when needed."

Quite what, or even who, this bubbly blonde teenager is has yet to be fully explained - but at least Martella knows who she is.

Female CG Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 4 | HP: 17/28 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7| Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells Per Day 1/4
Acrobatics +12, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Perception +7, Perform (act) +8, Perform (sing) +11, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +9

Shelyn seemed to be smiling on Julia this day as just as she was contemplating on how best she was going to go about her likely formidable assignment her old friend Valeria started to describe her target in detail. "I think I know how I'll approach my assignment," she says thoughtfully, her mind already plotting out she'd get into the good graces of the alleged war hero and ultra-traditionalist while still not drawing to much attention to herself.

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Martella smiles as you talk and during a lull in the conversation she says, "As you might imagine Taldan senators require a large and proactive staff to administer their duties, sometimes taking their representatives to all corners of Oppara and beyond. A way is needed to determine who actually is an aide, and for the past two and a half thousand years that's been done via what's known as a senate aid badge."

She passes six badges out, saying "Each families badges look different, and I can't hand out badges for an active family, but as is traditionally done I can hand out senate aide badges of extinct or exiled family lines to guests. These particular badges once belonged to senators of the Voritas family."

Kn: Nobles or Kn: History DC 16:
Senator Voritas's family line was involved in the senate for nearly a thousand years before dying out about a century ago.

Martella explains the badges functions, "The badges have some interesting properties. All senate aide badges are part of a set, attuned to a single master senator badge during their creation. Anyone wearing a pinned brooch can receive telepathic communications sent from the wearer of the master senator badge. Once the wearer of the senate aide badge receives a message, she has 1 minute to send a short telepathic reply. I shall be using this throughout the evening to help coordinate."

Martella's lips pressed into a thin line as she added a note of warning, "The senate guards are familiar with this practice and they're more wary of visitors wearing the badges of extinct lines, given the ease with which a rabble-rouser or assassin could abuse this system. Anyway you'll need suitable clothes, this won't come cheap I'm afraid, I've provided each of you with an advance. I recommend Appius & Decimus, they're a tailoring partnership which is across the square, they know to expect you and will offer a fair price. You have until tomorrow evening to prepare, I shall stay here for a few hours in case you have any questions."

Rumor #1. Diplomacy DC 16:
An ex-military man with a very severe looking handle bar moustache told you, "Ugh, Eutropia brought that disgusting mutt of hers to the Elbistan Tournament last spring, and the wretched beast
drooled on the silk table dressings. She’d never get away with such impropriety if her father weren’t pulling strings to protect her."

Rumor #2. Diplomacy DC 16:
An excited young woman, queueing at a market stall told you, "I heard Lady Morilla is back in town from Absalom. I wonder if she’s performing for the Exaltation Gala?"

Rumor #3. Diplomacy DC 16:
You overheard a father talking to his son in an inn. The father had this to say, "I would love to be inside the senate gala. You know the building has been rebuilt five times? They have rooms they didn’t even know they had!"

Rumor #4. Diplomacy DC 16:
While walking the streets you heard a well dressed courter grumbling, "I hear tell the emperor’s going to exalt another of his Ulfen bodyguards like he did for Baron Vinmark. Last thing we need is another barbarian lording it over us."

Resources NG Halfling Alchemist 4 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 47/47 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +2 vs Poison | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Power Attack+Str Rage: Attack +8, Damage +7, AC +4
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, Perc 7, Perf Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Survival 4, UMD 7

Kno Nobility: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Triphylla frowns at the golden pin. "A double-edged sword. While we may communicate with Lady Lotheed, should any of us be compromised, all of our identities are at risk by wearing the identical badge. Well, it can't be helped. Now let's go change the world."

But before she does that, Triphylla avails herself of the powder room, spending a concerning amount of time therein.

Diplomacy #1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Diplomacy #2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Diplomacy #3: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 Success
Diplomacy #4: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Having already taken care of her dress for the gala, she pockets the advance and returns home to plan for the next evening's festivities. She's played the part of a child many times before, and since humans seem to neglect their children, it is a ruse that has a high probability of success. On the other hand, it's not like children will be roaming about the ceremony hall; she may very well be the only person of small stature on the grounds. Triphylla did not over-worry - she would adapt, whatever the challenge.

Martella nodded to Triphylla, "Indeed, unfortunately without a badge you won't be allowed inside the senate."

Speaking to everyone at the table she said, "Oh I nearly forgot, one final piece of business. It might be useful to have a code name for this effort. It needs to be something we could mention in public without raising suspicion, I'm afraid I'm not the most imaginative when it comes to naming and I was thinking of Department Thirteen. For what it's worth there is an actual Department Twelve, they're involved with bridge and mountain trail maintenance. I'm not sure about my name, can anyone suggest a better one?"

To be clear this is where you get to name your little spy agency :)

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 21/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

Cyrene makes the badge disappear, apparently unconcerned about the possibility of being identified as part of a co-ordinated effort.

"That's ok. There'll be far too many people for any one guard to put pieces together."

Since she doesn't care overly about names and the other silly games that nobles like to play Cyrene slips away again, leaving a note under Valeria's coffee as she does so.

Nice to see you again. Drink later, usual place? I'm off work at seven.

Diplomacy: 4d20 ⇒ (12, 5, 6, 18) = 41 all +8 diplo, so pass 1 & 4.

During a busy afternoon at the Cafe Cyrene picks up all sorts of interesting rumors and by the time she slips away, returning the stolen apron but not the tips she rightfully earned(!) the vigilante is feeling quite pleased with herself. With little else to do she heads for the quiet house that serves as a meeting place for the faithful of the Redeemer Queen, curious to see if Valeria will turn up.

Female Human Oracle 6 | HP 44/44 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +9; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 8/8, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 4/4 | Additional Effects:
Acrobatics +10 Bluff +12 Diplo +15 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +7 Kn: Planes +10 Kn: Rel +10 Perc +9 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +10 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +10, Perform (dance) +6

Know:Noble: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Valeria's eyes widened in surprise as she heard the Voritas family and couldn't believe the badges were even usable anymore. "You mean they don't inactivate or destroy badges of extinct families? That seems like a rather severe security risk to me given the Voritas family went extinct a hundred years ago." She shrugged then and added, "Not that I am complaining but that seems like a very foolish thing to me."

Valeria shifted focus to her food for the time being and realized she had a cup of coffee in addition to her tea. She hadn't ordered coffee but just as she was about to offer it to another she spotted something and instead lifted the coffee and palmed the note under it to read later. Valeria considered the question of a name for their group and said, "Why not call us the Shadow Council?"

Once she was done eating and the meeting adjourned Valeria left and read the note with a slight smile and went about gathering information before heading home for a time. She ahd a meeting arranged for later that day with other faithful of the Redeemer Queen it seemed and she planned to atten.

Dipl x4: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 191d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 151d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 231d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

I will get another post up for that when I can Cyrene. Out of time for now.

Female Human Oracle 6 | HP 44/44 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +9; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 8/8, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 4/4 | Additional Effects:
Acrobatics +10 Bluff +12 Diplo +15 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +7 Kn: Planes +10 Kn: Rel +10 Perc +9 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +10 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +10, Perform (dance) +6

That Evening

Valeria arrived at the quiet house at the time Cyrene asked her to. She was dropped off by the carriage out front and entered as it left. Once inside Valeria headed towards the room holding a shrine to Nocticula the Redeemer Queen and entered. The room had any number of offerings to Nocticula there, largely various types of art work from paintings to sketches to small sculptures. Valeria wasn't sure who tended the shrine and put all the offerings in different places nor what they would do when the house was full, She knelt before the altar and prayed before taking out a piece of parchment. "I offer up this work to you Redeemer Queen in gratitude for all you have done for me."

Valera propped the parchment, attached to a backboard, against the base of the altar. It was a sketch done in charcoal of a moonlit night with shafts of moonlight shining upon a small gazebo in a garden of flowers. When she was done Valeria rose and started to look around for Cyrene.

Resources NG Halfling Alchemist 4 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 47/47 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +2 vs Poison | Init +3 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Power Attack+Str Rage: Attack +8, Damage +7, AC +4
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, Perc 7, Perf Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Survival 4, UMD 7


To Valeria's suggestion, Triphylla nods approvingly. "I was going to say The Seneca Falls Organizing Committee, but Shadow Council does sound more ominous.

"Martella - may we call you Martella now? One more thing for me. Is there likely to be anyone else at the gala who doesn't look like an adult human?"

That evening, by candlelight in her one room apartment off the main thoroughfare separating Canal Row and The Narrows, she nibbles cheese and bread and considers her gear for the operation tomorrow night.

Weapons are right out. Imagine carrying a sickle into the Arcade of Triumphs! Similarly, her armor was too bulky to wear under the gown, but she affixes a strap to her backpack so it can be cinched around her waist. Empty it was more or less unnoticeable. And no one would dare comment about the size of her backside if they looked down to question it.

She spends the necessary time brewing her extracts, a double-dose of Disguise Self and slots them into her belt along side one vial of Thunderstone, one Acid, and one Sunrod. Her Thieves' Tools lay on her hip with the gown over-top all of it. If anything, she looked a little plump, but some of that was the remains of the sumptuous meal still moving through her bowels.

Tomorrow she would finally set foot on the road to destiny.

HP 43/43 AC 24 21 TAC 19 FF 16 13 | CMD 21 | F +5 R +5 W +4 | P 2/6 L1 3+0/4+2 L2 0/2 | Init +4 Senses +0 |
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+8/+10,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Intimidate+4,K.Arcana+10,K .dungeon+8,K.planes+9,K.local/geo/history/nobility/religion+5,Linguistics+8 /+10,Perf.Oratory+12,Ride+8,Spellcraft+12,Swim+3,UMD+8
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 5 | spider climb 50 min, mage armor 45 min

K. nobility DC 16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Lope turns the badge listening to Valeria's point about the Senate security "Let's take advantage of the resources Lady Martella so craftily has managed to obtain. We can teach those dinosaurs a thing or two about how things could be done better."

"Perhaps we can conceal our activity under the name of a common entertainment like Siege game or Imperial Conquest, that would give us an excuse for regular meetings" the man soothes his mustache thinking aloud "Something like Siege Council, the Imperial Club or something more cryptic like the Critical Roll Effort"

Diplomacy gather info 1: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (6) + 0 = 6
Diplomacy gather info 2: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18
Diplomacy gather info 3: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12
Diplomacy gather info 4: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4

As the group is splitting in different paths, he adds "Oh, just in case it is of use for you, I heard Lady Morilla is back in town from Absalom and she might be performing for the Exaltation Gala"


Later that evening, Lope will approach the Appius & Decimus Emporium and try all the fancier vests he can find until he settles with a red one for the Gala.

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 21/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

"That's a lovely offering." Cyrene says softly, appearing behind Valeria with the easy stealth that seems to come naturally to her. "So, did Our Lady guide you here as well, or was it simply chance?"

She places her own offering, an intricately folded piece of paper that resembles a winged griffon, on the table and grins. "She does work in mysterious ways."

Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

No information from the K Nobility check on Baron Okerra?

Pelligrina gives the badge a looking over and secretes it away in her handbag. Her worries are not so much about the badges as the compressed amount of time for the task she has ahead of her. She does her best work over the course of days or weeks. A light touch used frequently is ultimately more powerful than a single strong push.

Pelligrina will need to know exactly how to approach the Baron; there will be no second chances or recoveries from mistakes. Everyone has their foibles and weakness, but they must be known to be exploited.

As the luncheon breaks up, Pelligrina bids goodbye to Lady Martella and her new acquaintances. Since she already has the clothes she needs, Pelligrina limits herself to purchasing a couple of minor items, a couple of flasks of acid and empty glass perfume bottles of a size to hold the acid, along with a handbag with a lager interior capacity. She asks for an alteration of the purchase so the handles can be unclipped on one end, and attached to a set of clips on the bag's bottom so it can become a backpack in a pinch.

At home that evening Pelligrina selects her outfit for the Gala, and transfers the acid into the perfume bottles.

Diplomacy #1: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

Diplomacy #2: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

Diplomacy #3: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Diplomacy #4: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

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Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Sorry Pelligrina you do know a few things about the baron.

Baron Okerra:
Baron Nicolaus Okerra is a popular aristocrat who rules from his hereditary seat of Okerra Estate near the town of Pensaris in the Taldan county of Meratt. Baron Okerra is a hero to the people of the county due to both his even-handed rulership and his dashing good looks.

Nicolaus Okerra is said to have a fierce sense of loyalty to order, honed during his years in the Taldan Horse, which has stopped him criticising the nearby Lotheeds for the mismanagement of their land. Nicolaus is a man of action and has no time for empty words and hollow finery, although he does have a soft spot for good wine, and prefers physical activity over the intrigues of the nobility. Nicolaus is also a very hands-on ruler, always willing to help with the many improvement projects he has implemented, and he has even single-handedly slain several fearsome monsters that have harassed the county.

Later that evening Lope easily found a cheap and nasty bottle of Qudiran wine and he expertly removes the label confident that in the right circumstances it would cause a scandal.

Female CG Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 4 | HP: 17/28 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +7, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7| Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells Per Day 1/4
Acrobatics +12, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Perception +7, Perform (act) +8, Perform (sing) +11, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +9

Knowledge (Nobility): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

"Oh I think the Shadow Council will work just fine for us," says declares thoughtfully, even as she plays with her badge. "I think there's just something romantic about shadows and given our work its hardly inappropriate for us name ourselves after them... Though I suppose something less ominous would work as well."

And with that said, Julia gave her new compatriots and old friends another doff of her cavalier hat cap before setting out back to her abode in Oppara's theater district. There was much she would need to get prepared for her "performance" at the gala. Not least of all was finding just the right attire for the event. Fortunately, she wouldn't have to go to Appius & Decimus to get it, since she still had some of he old fancy gowns from back when she was part of "high" society.

Diplomacy#1: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Diplomacy#2: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Diplomacy#3: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Diplomacy#4: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Still, she made her way back into the city and went shopping for other vital items, along the way managing to pickup some rather interesting rumors.

Female Human Oracle 6 | HP 44/44 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +9; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 8/8, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 4/4 | Additional Effects:
Acrobatics +10 Bluff +12 Diplo +15 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +7 Kn: Planes +10 Kn: Rel +10 Perc +9 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +10 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +10, Perform (dance) +6

Valeria gasped in surprise at Cyrene's sudden appearance, her right hand coming up to rest between her breasts over her heart clutching at her dress. ""I've asked you before not to do that Cyrene!" She took several deep breaths as she tried to calm herself and finally, once she had, said, "Oh she guided me here, very explicitly in fact. Hopefully this new job we have been given will help me work towards my assigned task."

Having gotten control of herself once again Valeria smiled slightly and asked, "So, was there something you wanted to speak of? You don't normally reach out like this Cyrene."

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 21/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

"I'm trying to be more 'approachable'." Cyrene says, the air quotes obvious in her tone. "Apparently being on my own all the time isn't good for me. So since we're working together I thought you'd be a good person to 'reach out to'. Shall we go somewhere? We could shop maybe? Look for outfits for tomorrow?"

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Female Human Seducer / Mirror Witch 2 | HP 14/14 AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB 0 CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +3 | Init +2
Bluff +10 Diplo +12 K Arc +7 K Hist +6 K Local +8 K Nobility +4 Linguistics +3 Perc +3 Sense M +2

Earlier. Forgot to address this point.

Pelligrina thinks "Shadow Council" sounds rather, erm... shady for a name that's supposed to seem anodyne or unremarkable. She suggests "Department of Transitional Planning" or something similar. But, she doesn't really care enough to push the point.

Female Human Oracle 6 | HP 44/44 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +9; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 8/8, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 4/4 | Additional Effects:
Acrobatics +10 Bluff +12 Diplo +15 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +7 Kn: Planes +10 Kn: Rel +10 Perc +9 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +10 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +10, Perform (dance) +6

Valeria nodded and said, "Sure, I think that would be a good idea actually. I believe that Martella gave us the name of a shop that would be good to get our outfits at. If I could just remember the name of it..." After a moment she shrugged and said, "We'll figure it out I think. My carriage isn't far from here, why don't we go meet my driver and get a ride to the market?"

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