bluedove |

Huzzah! Congratulations on clearing the final combat of the First Book. I have given the campaign a new moniker in commemoration.
Aurelius is now conscious at 0 hp, Fellzir at 7, and Cimri at 12. Everyone else is well enough to not be of much concern.
Upon searching the Knight, you will find the following Loot: Her full plate armor, heavy steel shield, +1 longsword, mwk light crossbow and 10 bolts, wings of feather falling (functions as a ring of feather falling but takes up the shoulders slot), signet ring, silver holy symbol of Iomedae, 6 pp, 50 gp

-The Shrike- |

Let’s get the friendlies up and divide the loot.
Of the loot, I’m interested in the feather fall cloak.
Was anyone proficient with heavy armor?

bluedove |

Let’s get the friendlies up and divide the loot.Of the loot, I’m interested in the feather fall cloak.
Was anyone proficient with heavy armor?
Do you want it as is, stylized as angel wings? Or would you prefer it as something more understated, such as a cloak?
We'll have some decisions to make shortly again, such as what to do with Rhysak and Siova. As a reminder, Rhysak agreed to help so that you would spare Siova. Though it will be your choice how you choose to honor that agreement. Simplest is to turn them in for the bounty on her, most difficult would be to try and kill her Hag mother to ensure she doesn't also become a Hag. I'll clarify that I'm not planning to run 3 NPCs through the next book, so keep that in mind.
Also you have achieved level 4 and have the opportunity to rebuild with an eye toward the more intrigue focused plot in the second book. You will be operating undercover (not as your real selves, nor revealing your true allegiance) to undermine the ruling body from within. Bluff is going to be an essential skill, as will Intimidate. Also Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Knowledge(Religion), Sense Motive, and Stealth will be useful.
We'll have some in character "downtime" for you resolve anything in Longacre and to let Fellzir try out some crafting before we jump into the next book. Feel free to ask questions and I will do my best to transition us as painlessly to our next scene.

-The Shrike- |

Do you want it as is, stylized as angel wings? Or would you prefer it as something more understated, such as a cloak?
Could it be stylized as bird wings? That would fit "The Shrike" better :)
And of course, if someone else is wanting that, we'll need to agree who gets what.
We'll have some decisions to make shortly again, such as what to do with Rhysak and Siova. As a reminder, Rhysak agreed to help so that you would spare Siova. Though it will be your choice how you choose to honor that agreement. Simplest is to turn them in for the bounty on her, most difficult would be to try and kill her Hag mother to ensure she doesn't also become a Hag. I'll clarify that I'm not planning to run 3 NPCs through the next book, so keep that in mind.
Evil we may be, but lawful too. So I feel we should honor the agreement and spare Siova. But that doesn't prevent us turning them in as well :)
Going after a hag to save a stranger doesn't sound like our thing...
And yay, level 4! I'll be working on the level-up

-The Shrike- |

I've yet to update the profile, but highlights of level 4:
+1 BAB and +1 DEX => +2 to hit
REF&WILL saves increase
+8 hp
studied combat as per slayer
BTW, how is gear value for everyone? GM mentioned we are under-equipped. And for level 4 WBL would be 6000gp
The Shrike has ~3000gp in gear plus ~500gp in cash. The cloak would be around 2k, right? (Although I might be happier with a magic sword, but anyway)

Fellzir the Mysterious |

"Aurelius!" hisses Fellzir. "Whom are you talking to? It's time to go. I think you can walk, but I'll try to wrap that leg."
Fellzir spends a skill point on Heal and one application from the healer's kit.
Heal check DC 20: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
"There you go."

Aurelius Flavius |

Look, I have a... colorfull family tree and some of them tend to introduce themselfs telepathically whenever I am near death. Probably a status spell of some kind, and some capability for telepathic communication.
I think the G-Man is a steelblood bloodrager, so he should have proficencies. Apparently I also didnt take a feat at level 3, so I could take heavy armor proficiency which would certainly make me more durable and my Dex is a dump stat anyway

Guillaume Coeur-de-Lion |

Sorry folks, going back to school while working, classes started this week.
Yes, I have heavy armor proficiency. I'm actually totally down to go after the hag, having Siova and Rhysak in our debt could be useful (albeit more from an in character perspective), even if they're "offscreen" most of the time, maybe we could call them in later when we need a service.

Aurelius Flavius |

Aurelius would be interested in taking the hag down as well.
I mean, if he becomes non evil, then effing paladins cant smite him into unconciousness right?

bluedove |

MORE LOOT: A gold chalice with silver filigree (worth 100 gp) and a gold and ivory decanter (worth 400 gp) sit atop the altar in front of the statue of Iomedae.
In addition, the back of the altar is completely open, and the hollow space inside contains an oil of bless weapon, a potion of cure moderate wounds, a potion of eagle’s splendor, a scroll of lesser restoration, a scroll of shield other, a wand of prayer (15 charges), three chrysoberyls (worth 100 gp each), a citrine (worth 40 gp), and an onyx (worth 45 gp), along with several mundane candles, ink and paper, and sealing wax.
So basically 685 gp which comes to 137 each and the magic items.
There is also a TBD item depending on if you decide to take on Losoni (the dryad swash) or leave him and his tree in peace.
So far two votes to go after the Hag, one to turn Siova in for the bounty.
BTW, anyone remember where you guys left the wagon with the ballista? I think we can probably hand wave that answer to "not far" to simplify transportation issues.
Yes, I expect we'll need to take a little breather to divvy loot, level up and possibly recruit another player for Book 2? Thoughts?

-The Shrike- |

We’re four… What’s the recommended group size for this AP?
I guess we could have one or two more (arcane caster wouldn’t harm). What do the others think?
Are we aware of the dryad, and do we have any particular reason to kill her?

bluedove |

We’re four… What’s the recommended group size for this AP?
I guess we could have one or two more (arcane caster wouldn’t harm). What do the others think?Are we aware of the dryad, and do we have any particular reason to kill her?
I think it's four to six, and we are five if we include Cimri in the count. But my concern is more about waning post-rate/interest than power level though. Also Cimri served a sort of guide to the Longacre area but as we'll be leaving the area soon, it makes less sense for her to be the voice of exposition. If we brought in a new player who is from the new region, they could fill this role.
BTW, does this pose an issue with The Shrike's area of renown? As your civilian identity is not known to be one of the enforcers of Longacre, you might be more free to be be yourself, but I know some vigilante abilities are linked to location and reputation...
Rhysak told the group about Losoni and that he is also unlikely to cause you a problem unless you directly assault the tree. He would be a significant challenge (he can move about the tree very freely to stay out of reach and possesses a powerful ranged attack) so I have made him optional. Yes, he is a male dryad, oddly enough. Full disclosure, he does have a valuable magical item in his possession. If you choose to leave him be, I will likely increase gold rewards elsewhere to compensate.

-The Shrike- |

Yeah, it looks like the posting rate has fallen somewhat. Are the others busy IRL with normal life starting after summer? Or is just 'campaign weariness'?
As for the area of renown, it can be moved: "While he is in his social identity, a vigilante can spend 1 week gaining renown among the locals of any community of no more than about 200 individuals." Whether there will be downtime for it, and a small (sub)community wherever we'll go next is a different story.

Fellzir the Mysterious |

My vote is to skip the dryad and finish the last encounter Bluedove mentioned in Longacre. I also think we should assassinate the hag, as long as we don't have to fight the whole coven. It could even be a handwave and then we start the second module.
Which NPC do we want to keep? I like Cimri, but Rice Sack could be really valuable if he feels like he owes us.

Aurelius Flavius |

I am all for skipping the dryad fight. Like, anyone can start to fight nature, but ending such fights is typically not something you can choose to do, because nature gets a vote in that.

bluedove |

So majority seems to lean toward leaving Losoni in peace, possibly with a treaty of non-aggression. And attacking the Hag, which I won't handwave, but I will balance the encounter. You'll get use of Rhysak and Siova against her as well as Cimri, but I will advise everyone be leveled up before we tackle that fight.
Siova is actually better than her boyfriend. Strong combatant and caster. But you are about to need the more subtle skills of a rogue more in the second book. Cimri still gets my vote, in no small part because I already rebuilt her. =P

Aurelius Flavius |

Aurelius will definitly do some shopping. There are some cheap things that help much vs hags, specifically hex nails which are cheaper then cloaks of resistance +2 and slotless.
While Aurelius is a bit nuts, there are certain things he is exceedingly unlikely to do:
--Senseless cruelty and random violence on people he does not consider targets, he will tolerate it but disapprove
--He has a soft spot for kids and fools. Murdering children he would have serious issues with, even as a witness.
--His flow chart is in part based on "is this a foe? If yes why? Can I make a it a neutral or is killing it more pragmatic?
--He is absolutly going to lie, cheat, murder and steal otherwise, and he will think that he can cheese pacts with extraplanars.
--He will take not of various Paladin vows, and seek to use them against them.
--His word if given freely is relatively good, but this is opportunism. If his word is good, its much easier to lie when it counts.

Guillaume Coeur-de-Lion |

I'm going back to school, classes have started recently. That's why I've been slow lately. But as I adjust to that extra load I should be able to pick back up. It wouldn't be a terrible idea to pick up another player or two though. Maybe see if anyone wants to take our new debtors friends on as PCs?
Also, who's taking the shield and longsword? I've generally used my bardiche, which is two-handed, so sword-and-board isn't really my norm, and I hate to be greedy since I'm already taking the armor. But I'll use them if y'all don't want them. Unless selling them is a better choice.

-The Shrike- |

I think only Guillaume and The Shrike are proficient with longsword, and since the weapon is not finessable that would be for Guillaume to grab. Longsword can be two-handed for better STR and power attack bonuses, although the damage dice will be smaller than true two-handed weapons. Or we can sell it if it doesn't interest.
Do we have any magic weapons so far?
BTW, The Shrike should have most rogue skills covered. The way the dice rolls for me is a different story altogether...
And I'd prefer having more PC's rather than GM characters.
Since majority wants to go after the hag (democracy in LE party, what is this??? :D), I'm fine with it. But could you give examples of evil character reasoning why to do it? I have hard time reasoning why The Shrike would endanger himself for (what I see as) zero gain.

bluedove |

Do we have any magic weapons so far?
BTW, The Shrike should have most rogue skills covered. The way the dice rolls for me is a different story altogether...
And I'd prefer having more PC's rather than GM characters.
---Since majority wants to go after the hag (democracy in LE party, what is this??? :D), I'm fine with it. But could you give examples of evil character reasoning why to do it? I have hard time reasoning why The Shrike would endanger himself for (what I see as) zero gain.
The +1 longsword is the first magical weapon. All others have been masterwork up to this point.
Unless The Shrike wants to do certain missions alone, we'll want more than one character covering skills. This is a shift to more intrigue based challenges, rather than disarming the occasional trap.
And me too! re PCs rather than GMPC's.
Aurelius presented a good argument for pursuing the hag. They are a chaotic element, always seeking to increase their numbers and power. They prey on woodsmen, which impacts the lumber industry, a major source of revenue for Longacre. And killing the hag will take care of multiple threats as any changeling daughters she has nearby will never again be at risk to become hags themselves.
I do think you should return to Longacre first and report in. You can present the idea to Fex and negotiate a price so there is more obvious gain. It is his Archbarony this hag potentially threatens, after all.
You'll also have some downtime to give Fellzir an opportunity to craft, rest of the party to shop and The Shrike can start seeding some rumors to spread his area of renown.

Aurelius Flavius |

How much money we got to play with? I am considering grabbed heavy armor proficiency, as a full plate would get my AC to a far more respectable 21 (including the heavy shield).

Fellzir the Mysterious |

How much money we got to play with? I am considering grabbed heavy armor proficiency, as a full plate would get my AC to a far more respectable 21 (including the heavy shield).
You get a feat or an armor prof at 4th? Most feats are at odd levels. (I bet you knew that.)

bluedove |

Yes, minimum is half +1. And you should apply that retroactively.

Fellzir the Mysterious |

Yes, minimum is half +1. And you should apply that retroactively.
[Counting and adding on fingers] Yeah, I just fixed that.
Fellzir is going to craft a 2nd level pearl of power when there's time.

bluedove |

How much money we got to play with? I am considering grabbed heavy armor proficiency, as a full plate would get my AC to a far more respectable 21 (including the heavy shield).
So I did a little more accounting and I'm a little disappointed in this AP. I stand by my statement that your previous GM's shorted you a bit on lucrative encounters but I now see that was not difficult to do.
I literally totaled up all the gold you could have found that is listed in the AP. It adds up to 6k exactly. That is the amount that ONE 4th level PC would build with. Obviously, there are some magical items in play as well, but this is just unacceptable.
The Shrike is the best equipped among you, and the reason is that he started at 3rd level and built with 3rd level gold pool. I don't think it's fair for the long term players to be essentially penalized for having been here for the long haul.
So Aurelius, Fellzir and Guillaume: whatever piddling amount of gold you have recorded on your sheets, just delete that and replace with it with 5,000 gp to spend.
The Shrike, you're already ahead of the game with your equipment, so set yours to 2,000 gp.
I think I will go ahead and post a recruitment too. Fellzir, you can go ahead and craft to your heart's content, next post will bring you back to Longacre and we'll wait until everyone's sheets are fully filled in and leveled up before our next encounter.

Aurelius Flavius |

Yeah, I did the same when I played it before, not only are the encounters (especially the dryad which we skipped) on the stronger end, we are perhaps the second weakest gold wise in APs I am aware off, although skulls and shackles is also fairly poor at the tail end of act 1.
Meanwhile, wrath of the righteous lol.
If you are good with your looting, and strategic, you will typically be 1 or 2 levels above where you should be wealth by level.

Fellzir the Mysterious |

How many are you recruiting? I was thinking just one, maybe?
Almost done with the level.
Is there a divine spell to track Jask that I'm not remembering?

-The Shrike- |

Maybe this AP is meant to be played with automatic bonus progression? :) (which would be nice, actually)
BTW, The Shrike only got level 2 WBL when he joined, instead of level 3 - maybe to match the others.
So as I mentioned earlier, The Shrike has 3000gp of gear at the moment.

-The Shrike- |

HP: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Me and dice rolls <3
Should I roll for levels 2 and 3 as well? I didn't see this hp method mentioned anywhere and just took the normal half+1...

bluedove |

BTW, The Shrike only got level 2 WBL when he joined, instead of level 3 - maybe to match the others.
So as I mentioned earlier, The Shrike has 3000gp of gear at the moment.
3,000gp is level 3 wealth. Level 2 is only 1,000.
If you didn't roll levels 2 & 3 previously, you can try them now.

-The Shrike- |

Yes, I entered the game with 1000gp, and then the rest are from the loot (notably +1 chain shirt, potion of invis, and MW longbow).
Now at 2715gp, according to hero lab. I'm just saying, I might not be that much above the others in gear (there should be cloaks of resistance and a bag of holding somewhere and masterwork weapons etc.) ...
Would it be fairest to set everyone to same gp level?
HP level 2: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
HP level 3: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

bluedove |

Would it be fairest to set everyone to same gp level?
Oh, alright... =P
You have gotten uncommonly lucky with good loot synergy but that's not your fault.Fellzir, I don't know of a spell that would do that, but don't fret. You'll get another shot at him.
Depends a little on submissions but I'd be willing to take 2 if I get a good replacement for Cimri. Still, I won't be in a hurry. Beginning of book 2 is the ideal place to bring in fresh blood and we have a few items to clear off our plate before that.

-The Shrike- |

Character profile updated to level 4, without gear/wealth adjustments (not sure if we had a final resolution there)
@Fellzir: a belt might be a bit out of budget atm. I'd go for a magic weapon before the belt

Fellzir the Mysterious |

If my calculations are correct, I only have to spend 2000gp and prepare Cat's Grace every day for four days. So shall we say it can be yours for 3000gp?
EDIT: I have Craft Wondrous, not Arms and Armor.

Aurelius Flavius |

I love stagger proof boots, which I would prefer over a belt, for also 2K. It goes a long way to solve my 20 feet a turn mobility issues, I can stand up from prone without provoking, and am less likely to trip in the first place.

Fellzir the Mysterious |

I'm happy to do that, Aurelius, but I can't cast haste, so I'd probably fail the Spellcraft check and waste your money.

Guillaume Coeur-de-Lion |

Did we ever decide who was taking the longsword and shield? While I've generally been a two-handed fighting type, I do like the idea, IC, of showing back up in town wearing the Angel Knight's armor, wielding her sword and shield. Kind of sends a message, no? But I don't want to greedy and hog all the loot. (well, not OOC, anyway. This *is* an evil campaign.)

bluedove |

Character profile updated to level 4, without gear/wealth adjustments (not sure if we had a final resolution there)
I did say alright to you taking the full 5k in gold. Not to Automatic Bonus Progression.
I'll make an effort to balance out gear rewards with some goodies in the Hag's hoard. Toward that end, you guys can post some wishlist items to make it easier for me. ^_^

Fellzir the Mysterious |

I'm fine with you taking the sword and shield. Are you taking the armor too or should that go to Aurelius bc he took HAP?
GM should I answer Siova or is that done bc I rolled well?
We should definitely parade the head and gear around the town.

Fellzir the Mysterious |

So Shrike is set.
G takes sword and board.
A decides who gets the armor and he keeps using the sword of bastards.
Fellzir takes the wand.

Aurelius Flavius |

Aurelius new gear:
--Feat at level 3 is heavy armor proficiency
--He buys a +1 full plate (2.5K)
--He gets a wand of infernal healing (750). Why infernal healing? Gives a good excuse as to why sometimes pinging as evil
--he buys a +1 buckler (1K) which replaces his heavy shield. No more hurriedly checking which spell is somatic, yay. Also makes it possible two wield bastard sword two handed
--He gets 2 spring loaded wrist sheeths, one of which contains the wand
--He inserts 2 hex nails into both of his boots.
--he rebuys a masterwork bastard sword for about 370 or so
--and has some money left for noble clothing
will get the sheet updated today

Fellzir the Mysterious |

Ok, so gear is settled except if G wants any wondrous items crafted. Or maybe a Pearl of Power for A? Or that belt for Shrike?
Do we need a magic weapon spell prepared for A or S?

bluedove |

Or maybe a Pearl of Power for A?
Unfortunately, the Pearl of Power is only for a prepared caster. For a spontaneous caster like the Omdura, you want a Runestone of Power or possibly a Page of Spell Knowledge to increase his repertoire.