Marcel DuBouis |

Hello, I am here now.

GM Ring of Gold |

Alright welcome back
Our two old players are at the end of a long drive way deciding which way to go. Meanwhile a short time before:

Li Mui |

Should we be here in Discussion or migrate to Gameplay?
Perception+Alertness: 3d10 ⇒ (7, 10, 10) = 27 Geez
Mui is curious with the voice - she hadn't heard it for a while. She lets her enhanced senses work out the mystery, imagining what was truly real there and considering sending her students home.
As an internalist, she just accepted the world around her, and focused on her own self and capabilities. It doesn't matter how her ancestor behaved in the past - but the fact that his voice is here and now, and what was the meaning of it.

Li Mui |

Mui signs her students away, with a smile - We will continue next Tuesday, my loves. Have a good night.
Her voice is light, suave, and even her tone seems to make people naturally comfortable. Enchanting Voice
As the last of the students are gone, the pale Chinese cainite looks at the gentleman with the pocket protector and approaches decisively.
How may I help you, mister...? - she says, arms crossed behind the back, but with now a more blunt and direct attitude.

Stevee Schmidt |

Stevee thinks for a moment before responding "Of course." mildly bluntly in the affirmative. "See you then" She then hangs up and goes about arranging things for the evening.
There was a campaign function for a minor state senate candidate she was supposed to attend but that would have to be out which wouldn't be much of a problem. she briefly calls up her assistant to arrange a separate speaker at the dinner before getting into her car and starting the drive over. She arrives after about 40 minutes so as to be a bit early and get a lay of the land.
Edit: Damn, Li and I are on the same schedule lmao

GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

Li Mui |

Nice to meet you, mister Dalton. - the Chinese says - This sounds like a lot of information being said and asked, with very few being actually verifiable.
She looks around - to the walls, to the window, to the door - and then back to him. Finally, she pulls a chair and sits. She doesn't blink.
You know, it's nice... Nice to not have to pretend I'm breathing. The little chest movements. Nice also that my eyes don't need to be humidified by blinking. Nice that food doesn't nourish me, and better yet that I don't crave for it. You know, chocolates and french fries weren't a thing when I actually did.
She stops speaking, and again looks around.
But the past is irrelevant. As the future is. I respect your thoughts and accept the fact you likely is who you say you are, and that likely can provide me what you say you can. But maybe, maybe, you're not even here. You broke into my house, and invaded my thoughts with unpleasantries related to moments of my life I care little for. Are you really here? Am I even here? Maybe my class is still going, maybe my customers are still around, and I'm just here, locked in my own thoughts. Or, then again, maybe you're really here, and you're who you're saying you are.
She stands up again.
Threatening me with the traditions, while pushing me into a debt to be paid by getting involved with individuals who I care even less for. Is it, is it real? And why would I trust you telling me yes? Wouldn't something unreal just say it's real?

GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

Li Mui |

Dalton smiles and says you are right to fear the powers of dominate my dear, as I am older it is a gift of mine. Please check the local library and look up programmers for IBM and you will eventually find me there. In addition, I should most likely not come giving gifts to you if this was an illusion as the transgressions we're serious enough that I am glad I found it first and put you on the map with the Princess so you can work with this new coterie of hers and solve a mystery and gain the boons you just spent with your lack of introduction and feeding have caused and now not caused due to m, understand?
[b]I... I am not sure I'm following at all. So you used your disciplines in another kindred just to make a point? I don't think I'm the only one transgressing here, neither I feel mine are as severe. What about the Traditions? It feels as if they're being shoehorned here in favor of forcing me into owing a boon. - she says, almost immediately looking at the walls, as if making sure she was still there - Let me then propose something else. I will study this coterie you're referring to, and assuming it's something worth of my time, I will also forget your transgressions, and you can introduce me to the Prince.

GM Ring of Gold |

Li Mui |

You just said, a minute ago, that you used it on me... When trying to explain why I was hearing the scorns of an ancestor I don't care about. - says the Malkavian, approaching - Now, it seems you broke uninvited into my house, assaulted my mind, and is now threatening me? Am I missing anything?
She steps back and gestures.
Unless, of course, you aren't truly here; unless, like the voice I heard, that's simply a byproduct of the curse that plagues my soul. I can't wrap my mind around why would an ancient would act so invasively against an invitee. I mean, I heard about neonates feeling free with their newly gained and pointless potency, but not someone with your status and age... If you're even truly here!
She pinches herself, proceeding to tap her arms, and then the walls.

GM Ring of Gold |

Li Mui |

I will most definitely turn it down, mister Dalton. - she replies, not moving a muscle or blinking - I'd rather go talk directly to your Prince, and introduce myself. I just barely arrived at this domain and bring my own herd - if the Prince doesn't find my presence welcome, I will take my possessions with me and leave.
She briefly pauses.
Samara! - she yells, calling her retainer - I believe mister Dalton is already leaving.
She turns back to the ancient.
I'm thankful for your valuable insights, mister Dalton, and feel truly sorry I can't really be of service to you at this point. Please have a safe journey home, and good rest.
Despite her actions, it's visible she's still not truly sure if she's talking to herself, talking to a real cainite, or simply dreaming, somehow. She keeps appearance, but it shows.

GM Ring of Gold |

Lapyd |

Hi mates,
Posting it on all my games - unfortunately I will have to take a hiatus due to some complications at work. I'll be extra busy for the next 6 to 8 weeks, and instead of limiting myself to a single post or two per week, I will instead just fully take a break from the forums and some other activities.
My profound apologies to GMs and my fellow players, as well as the players from the games I host. This came today a little out of nowhere (talk about mondays) as a push for the last quarter of the year. Please, feel free to bot my characters, replace if I can be waited, whatever you see fit. I hope we get the chance to play again in the future no matter what!
Always wishing you have the most fun,

Marcel DuBouis |

This leaves us with three and hopefully Lapyd returns when his life slows down. But this game has been rocky which is unfortunate.
Putting out for more would not be bad. New people come to the boards and might be interested. Or we can call it if that is your preference.

Marcel DuBouis |

So are we going to let this one go?