GM Doug H |
• Sign in
• Character reference Slides — add your tokens and shiny snazzy campaign coins (congrats Dennis)! Everyone will start with 2 hero points as there are prolific GMs in this group, and this is already included.
• Character macros — grab a tab on the sheet and fill it in Happy to help if you need assistance. This is where I bootstrap secret checks and such.
Interi |
I need to update Interi's profile to 3rd. I should have time to get that done this evening, if not today.
Interi |
Interi's profile is done, and I think I got everything filled out.
GM Doug H |
Hero point to Haggra for organizing skills in the OOC slack channel and epic crits!
Haggra the Hobgoblin |
Copied from Slack:
My take would be that we do the following:
Domword does Diplomacy +10
Pugsley does PFS Lore (that seems apt?) +11
Interi does Athletics +11
Haggra does Gladiator Lore +6
Kralgang does Society +12
Rixette does Acrobatics +10
Haggra the Hobgoblin |
Hero point to Haggra for organizing skills in the OOC slack channel and spic crits!
GM Doug H |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hero point to inter for the crit tracking check. May it stave off the void that awaits… at least for a moment.
GM Doug H |
Hero point to Domwurd for effective arcing and critting herbalism lore to help your ulfen friend!
GM Doug H |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hero point to Kralgang for coming up with stealth planning that will help you here, and the anti plague freebies!
GM Doug H |
Game is also reported.
I'll leave the thread up till tomorrow in case anyone wants to post in the small closing scene.