Vashrin Naevirion |
If people are drawing an IRL blank on the last name, roll and INT check to see if your character would have a better guess =) I don't want to drag the riddle out to the point of not being fun -- I'll wait until a couple other folks have time to toss in a guess or a roll before posting.
Pretty sure I know what it is, just don't want to (continue to) hog the spotlight.
Karley Rumblemuffin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
*Eagerly awaits the weird-ass questions Karley is going to ask*
Hehe, I'm trying really...really...hard to make something cohesive with all the seemingly random bits. I hope she isn't coming off as just totally random and meaningless. It all connects, or will eventually (in my mind at least lol). I have a habit of referencing older posts and building stuff from them...stuff is still kind of in early stage. I really love this character though. Thanks for bearing with me.
Vashrin Naevirion |
They were only reunited for a few moments and already things were all business--she supposed some of the "getting to know you/what happened these past 8 years" talk would have to happen as they went along trying to garner the attention of the elusive leaders of the carnival.
I'm certainly not opposed to that sort of roleplay, just trying to keep things moving as stagnation is death for pbp. That being said, we do have at least one person who is away for a bit, so that could also be a good stalling tactic so we don't leave other players behind.
Willow Breakbough |
Ohhh, no worries! Sometimes I get a little too into my character's head and forget that things can come off as passive aggressive or me trying to make subtle commentary. I think even if everyone was around without life things getting in the way, we'd still be jumping into the action :) I'm happy either way we go. imo, Willow just wants to catch up with friends but The Carnival, as usual, is getting in the way!
Vashrin Naevirion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Didn't come off as passive aggressive at all. Just wanted to make sure we weren't skipping something you (or any of the other players for that matter) wanted to cover. It seems like that relaying what has happened the passed eight years part will certainly come out eventually, particularly as we get beyond this initial return to the Carnival and begin our pursuit of the Hourglass Coven in earnest.
Willow Breakbough |
I am a chronic overthinker. :) Thanks for bearing with me.
I agree with you 100%
Nuruk Faerjhan |
Hey there everyone! War may be hell but moving is at least a small territory up in the northern part of it. I am back and will be reading up on things to try to get back into the swing of it. Thank you all for your patience <3
Willow Breakbough |
Hey there everyone! War may be hell but moving is at least a small territory up in the northern part of it. I am back and will be reading up on things to try to get back into the swing of it. Thank you all for your patience <3
as someone who moved every three years to a new state/sometimes country like clockwork (military brat), I feel you. deeply. glad you're back! <3
Willow Breakbough |
Willow: What is it, girl?
Karley: *bark bark bark*
Willow: Trouble at the old mill?
Karley: *bark bark*
Willow: What?! Timmy's fallen in the well?;D
hahaha Willow is doing her best xD she's had enough practice!
Willow Breakbough |
Sorry, y'all, it's been a busy week and weekend! The last couple of weeks of the school year are wild.
Vashrin Naevirion |
Vash wrote:Perhaps more disturbingly, Celeste's mauled visage rolls in laughter as well.O.O
Hey, you made the curse...I'm just rolling with it. ;)
Talomyr |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
DM Fern, sorry to hijack your discussion thread, but this seemed like a good place to gauge interest.
I've been getting the itch to DM something again (beyond my ongoing Kingmaker game here on the boards).
This time, I think I'd like to go 5E as that is what I've been playing the most the last couple of years.
So with that, would any of you be interested in picking up another game?
First thought would be make use of Tales from the Yawning Portal, starting off with the Sunless Citadel and going from there.
Another option would be use one of the Goodman Games Original Adventures Reincarnated. For those of you unfamiliar with that series, it is 5E conversions and expansions of some of early 1st edition D&D modules like The Lost City and The Temple of Elemental Evil. (There are others as well, just those two would be the ones that would be most interesting to me.)
If you would be interested, please let me know via PM so that I don't continue to hijack this thread.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Willow Breakbough |
"ah, LeAVe ME not to PiNe ALonE ANd DesoLAte; No fAtE SEEmed fAIr AS MINE, BuT WHEN SaMMY SlippEd RUbiN aWAY, nO HaPpiNESS so GReaT. and THe STARs WErE sHinING, anD thE EaRTh WAS sCENTED. thE Gate of ThE gARdEn CrEAkEd AnD a FOotSteP GraZEd The Sand...FragRant, shE enTEreD anD fell INTO mY aRMS. a cuBe OF fAT WiTh aN aLaRM CloCK wITHiN! I have liVEd fOR art, i HAvE lIveD FoR LOOoOooOOooOoooVE..."
Pirates of Penzance, eh?
Willow Breakbough |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hahahaha. That one, specifically, is a Pirates of Penzance one. My dad is super into Gilbert and Sullivan.
Nuruk Faerjhan |
Sorry for the quietness; cat was super sick and thought we'd have to put him down. Then his health levels took a 180 and to try and put him down now would be criminal.
Karley Rumblemuffin |
I know it's a bit railroady!
I'm enjoying the diverse writing prompts. :)
Sandbox is hard for me DMing in pbp anyways (unless there is a set number of days downtime or a very clear overall goal with a time crunch...those are the only ways I've ever gotten it to work), don't mind a railroad from time to time...can chug along at a steady pace and keep daily post rate going.
DM Tareth does the freeform stuff very well however, so I probably just don't have the right skills. ;D
Sammy Boy |
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"You didn't..."
Now is when someone breaks in and says "He did!".
Sadly, Sammy can't, but fortunately he has friends.
Btw, is the wagon considered a private home? :P
Karley Rumblemuffin |
So I was thinking (player, Karley would not give a crud). Should we load up some supplies and mounts to enter with us?
Karley isn't really outfitted for camping and long excursions away from civilization and such. Horses might be useful if Prismeer is a giant fey wilderness.
Also we could give Thaco a machete and he could be our party bushwhacker. XD
Karley Rumblemuffin |
Any chance Witch/Light be willing to supply us some stuff/mounts for free? I have enough gold for supplies probably but not mounts/pack animals. ...Maybe there's an old racing snail past its prime they'd be willing to part with? Or a giant riding dragonfly with broken wings? ;D
Also apologies if this was addressed elsewhere, but are we rolling hp?
2nd: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Karley Rumblemuffin |
Actually, I have enough for a riding mastiff, saddle (pack version), bit and that would work! Could I make it whatever crazy animal I can come up with, but keep all the stats whatever it is for normal mastiff? Basically just refluff it to something more fantastical (baby unicorn, fairy mushroom, animated billiards table)? Sorry if I'm coming off as annoying.
Sammy Boy |
Ah... Well I don't recall earning any money anyways, so I guess there's not much Sam would be able to spent it in.
I'll do the level up some time today.
Also, HP: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Nuruk Faerjhan |
Hit Points: 1d10 ⇒ 9
Awesome. Nuruk gets thicker.
He gains a combat style and I'm going with Defense since I plan on fighting with great weapons. I get spell casting and the ability to smite the heck out of evil. My Lay on Hands also increases to 10/10.
Vashrin Naevirion |
HP: 1d8 ⇒ 1
HP Re-Roll: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Thanks for the re-roll, DM Fern. That 1 would have been rough.
Leveling up complete.
Additional 1st level spell slot (3 Total)
New Spell Known - Identify
New Class Abilities:
Jack of All Trades (Add 1/2 PB to all skills Vash is not proficient in)
Song of Rest (Spend inspiration and party adds 1d6 to any dice rolled to heal during a short rest)
Magical Inspiration (Spend inspiration to add 1d6 to damage done or damage healed by a spell)
Vashrin Naevirion |
Vashrin Naevirion wrote:Keep in mind it isn't skills; it is ability checks that you don't add proficiency to. That means your Initiative as well.New Class Abilities:
Jack of All Trades (Add 1/2 PB to all skills Vash is not proficient in)
Oh...I suppose you're right. I just assumed it was skill ability checks and didn't make the connection that initiative is an ability check in 5E. Makes that ability even better. :)