Wild Beyond the Witchlight (Inactive)

Game Master Evriani

Dramatis Personae

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DM, Karley did the button thing in her last post if you wanted to continue there.

CG Human Rogue 3
AC 14 | Init +3 | Speed 30ft | Str-1 Dex+5 Con+2 Int+3 Wis+2 Cha+1 | Perc +6, Insight +4
HP 26/26 | Psi 4/4
DM Fern wrote:
Willow wrote:
"Juniper went back to her owner that same night. I haven't seen her since." Willow looks sad while she says it.
In case you missed it, Sammy.

S!!&. Yes, I missed it.

31/31 HP | AC: 17 | Intiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 12 | DV 60ft | Saves: WIS, CHA | Lay On Hands 0/10 | Conditions: None
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/2

Sorry for my slowness folks, I'm all caught up now :D

Same, for short posts. This week has been absolutely brutal.

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

My illness is actually COVID, so I understand. Currently quarantined in my basement, but well enough to indulge in distractions.

I think we're all facing a bit of that, it's all good. I like all of you and don't want anyone to feel burnt out trying to post when they don't have time, so take care of yourselves first and foremost! ^_^

31/31 HP | AC: 17 | Intiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 12 | DV 60ft | Saves: WIS, CHA | Lay On Hands 0/10 | Conditions: None
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/2

Yuck on the COVID there! Stay hydrated, warm, and medicated as best you can. I caught it and it wasn't the worst but it roughed up my girlfriend something fierce.

Just a note Khalil, there are two owners, Mr. Witch, and Mr. Light =)

NG Human Male Druid 3 | AC: 12(14) | HP: 21/23 | PPerc: 16 | PInsight: 16 | Init: +1 | Inspiration: No

Oops. Sorry. I don't own the book and for some reason reading through the earlier posts I thought it was Mr. Witchlight and Mr. Candle.

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

have fun with our wildly split party, fern :P

I actually didnt notice Nuruk had stayed behind as well. She can stay there too if its easier.

31/31 HP | AC: 17 | Intiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 12 | DV 60ft | Saves: WIS, CHA | Lay On Hands 0/10 | Conditions: None
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/2

Oh no, you all run off and be crazy. Nuruk gets to pet a big kitty. His life is going swell.

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12
Sammy Boy wrote:
He decides to ask the new guy, Khalil. Using his index fingers from both his hands to simulate Willow's horns he lifts his shoulders inquisitively.

Khalil is with me and we're walking back lol

CG Human Rogue 3
AC 14 | Init +3 | Speed 30ft | Str-1 Dex+5 Con+2 Int+3 Wis+2 Cha+1 | Perc +6, Insight +4
HP 26/26 | Psi 4/4

Okayyy... XD

Let's say he... got confused? Maybe he asked any other guy with a hat, mistaking him for Khalil.

OrI don't know. This is quite embarrassing, lol. Though I'm really laughing at home :)

Sorry for the slow posting on my end, been a busy bee. Working on one now!

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12
Sammy Boy wrote:

Okayyy... XD

Let's say he... got confused? Maybe he asked any other guy with a hat, mistaking him for Khalil.

OrI don't know. This is quite embarrassing, lol. Though I'm really laughing at home :)

Me too haha! It's all good. Some random

walking by is like "what????" While Sammy pretends to have tiefling horns

I found this actual review on the interwebs of a peanut butter and onion sandwich:

The blanketlike richness of the peanut butter tempered the HEY-WHAT’S-UP acridity of the onion, at least to some degree. But the aftertaste, as any sane person might expect, was a hot, unenjoyable, raw-onion burn, accompanied by an unpleasant heightened awareness of one’s sinuses.

XD Love writing like that, don't know why. For certain I need to use 'hey-what's-up' as an adjective more...both upper and lower case.

Future Karley wrote:
Karley's spell imposed a HEY-WHAT'S-UP ensorcellment on the goblin shaman, turning his cursed bones into cotton candy

Willow wrote:
I hope it's not coming off as nagging

Same, I definitely sympathize with player pushback on DM hooks and the mental curly-Qs it can cause. Have no fear Karley will go along with anything when all is said and done. :)

Half-Elf Male Bard (College of Lore) 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 16 | Init: +4 | Spells: 1st - 4/4; 2nd - 2/2 | Bardic Insp: 3/3 | Passive Percept: 15 | Spellthief Lute: 2/2 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +5 CON: +1 INT: +1 WIS: +1 CHA: +5 | Conditions: None
Cantrip - Mage Hand, Minor Illusion; 1st - Detect Magic (R), Healing Word, Heroism, Identify (R), Sleep; 2nd - Invisibility
Acrobatics +5, Arcana +3, Athletics +2, History +3, Insight +3, Investigation +3, Nature +3, Perception +5, Performance +7, Persuasion +5, Stealth +5
Willow wrote:
I hope it's not coming off as nagging

No worries, it's certainly not and is taken as the reminder it is meant to be. I know that without that reminder my responses as Vashrin would likely be much more sympathetic than the dickish responses Willow's curse generates.

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

I'm glad it's not annoying! It can be difficult to remember (I think) because Willow doesn't bring up concerns often because of the way people react now haha

CG Human Rogue 3
AC 14 | Init +3 | Speed 30ft | Str-1 Dex+5 Con+2 Int+3 Wis+2 Cha+1 | Perc +6, Insight +4
HP 26/26 | Psi 4/4
Willow Breakbough wrote:
It can be difficult to remember (I think) because Willow doesn't bring up concerns often because of the way people react now haha

Yeah, it's certainly one of the most (of not the most) difficult ones to remember, since it's not blatantly there. It's also not really in your hands to play it, so most of the time I guess there's nothing you can do.

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

if anyone's open to it, we can chat in here about ideas that we might have about how to go about getting the owners' attention to keep things from dragging out too long - these plans can go a long time even with irl d&d :P

It can be difficult to remember

lol...yep went right over my head.

DM, what kind of security response have W&K seen over the years? What would we guess might happen if we just started sabotaging everything or committing arson everywhere? Because what Vash said about the Mood Rod makes sense.

Half-Elf Male Bard (College of Lore) 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 16 | Init: +4 | Spells: 1st - 4/4; 2nd - 2/2 | Bardic Insp: 3/3 | Passive Percept: 15 | Spellthief Lute: 2/2 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +5 CON: +1 INT: +1 WIS: +1 CHA: +5 | Conditions: None
Cantrip - Mage Hand, Minor Illusion; 1st - Detect Magic (R), Healing Word, Heroism, Identify (R), Sleep; 2nd - Invisibility
Acrobatics +5, Arcana +3, Athletics +2, History +3, Insight +3, Investigation +3, Nature +3, Perception +5, Performance +7, Persuasion +5, Stealth +5

Or alternatively we could try and put ourselves in Witch and Light's good graces by seeing what needs to be done like retrieving the run away kid for Dira.

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

I was thinking the same thing. Mood rod could be good especially since Karley and Willow would likely know of ways to impact it!

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

I should have refreshed before I initially posted, lol. Just saw Vash's post. I think both are good options, and I would tend towards going the good graces route - finding Star, doing something for Witch and Light. Willow's performance instructor might have a way for us to get them to notice us too?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah uh...just kidding about the arson/sabotage thing, uhhaha...still curious about the security though. :)

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If something major were to go down, most of the witchlight hands are at least somewhat trained in restraining folks, or even fighting. But most security is seen to buy a bugbear naked Burly. Burly's brother, Hurley, disappeared a couple years ago, though he helped with security before that. There is also a clown named Thaco (yep.) who minds the staff area.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NG Human Male Druid 3 | AC: 12(14) | HP: 21/23 | PPerc: 16 | PInsight: 16 | Init: +1 | Inspiration: No

Would it be possible to gain enough allies among the other carnival workers to convince Witch and Light to see us? This might be similar to creating a positive mood. Maybe if we can do enough to help others, then they will help us?

CG Human Rogue 3
AC 14 | Init +3 | Speed 30ft | Str-1 Dex+5 Con+2 Int+3 Wis+2 Cha+1 | Perc +6, Insight +4
HP 26/26 | Psi 4/4

Who do we wanna be to gain our father's care and attention? Cain or Abel?

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

Gaining allies seems like the way to go if we're all interested in a more RP-heavy campaign as opposed to combat - stealing, etc. has a lot of ways things can go wrong (and I know several folks cited that as why they're interested).

We can ask around and see what major issues there are to tackle. Star would be a big one! Interesting that Star disappeared and Burly's brother Hurley also disappeared. Wonder if there's something to several disappearances that we could look into.

Half-Elf Male Bard (College of Lore) 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 16 | Init: +4 | Spells: 1st - 4/4; 2nd - 2/2 | Bardic Insp: 3/3 | Passive Percept: 15 | Spellthief Lute: 2/2 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +5 CON: +1 INT: +1 WIS: +1 CHA: +5 | Conditions: None
Cantrip - Mage Hand, Minor Illusion; 1st - Detect Magic (R), Healing Word, Heroism, Identify (R), Sleep; 2nd - Invisibility
Acrobatics +5, Arcana +3, Athletics +2, History +3, Insight +3, Investigation +3, Nature +3, Perception +5, Performance +7, Persuasion +5, Stealth +5

I agree with Willow. While I'm not opposed to combat, and I fully expect there to be some as some of the choices I expect we'd have to make to avoid certain combats are simply choices a number of the characters would not make.

That being said, this is one of those times we can and should roleplay vs chosing violence. (In my opinion, anyway.)

So to answer Sammy's question, go the route of Abel, even if the old White Wolf/World of Darkness player/storyteller says chose Caine. ;)

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We definitely need an NPC named 'Thaco' in our lives.

Hopefully when we start probing around about problems to heroically solve we'll get more details about the pig-faced/moon-faced creatures. I can't help feel like they are a big piece of the puzzle...ostensibly responsible for all the negative things about the carnival. Have we ever asked anyone directly about them?

CG Human Rogue 3
AC 14 | Init +3 | Speed 30ft | Str-1 Dex+5 Con+2 Int+3 Wis+2 Cha+1 | Perc +6, Insight +4
HP 26/26 | Psi 4/4

Thac0 Bell is now my favourite NPC.

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12
Karley Rumblemuffin wrote:

We definitely need an NPC named 'Thaco' in our lives.

Hopefully when we start probing around about problems to heroically solve we'll get more details about the pig-faced/moon-faced creatures. I can't help feel like they are a big piece of the puzzle...ostensibly responsible for all the negative things about the carnival. Have we ever asked anyone directly about them?

We haven't at all. I don't even think any of us have talked about it in character. Nuruk and Willow's bond over their shared experience is entirely unspoken!

Thac0 Bell is canon now.

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

Unless anyone has any objections, sounds like we want to go the route of garnering favor? if nothing else, we'll have tried to help folks out! lol

I don't even think any of us have talked about it in character

Karley tried to mention it a few times recently, but was probably misunderstood/ignored because of the curse. I'll be more forceful/direct with the next NPC.

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

anyone who reads karley's mind must be BAFFLED

31/31 HP | AC: 17 | Intiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 12 | DV 60ft | Saves: WIS, CHA | Lay On Hands 0/10 | Conditions: None
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/2

Hey folks! Sorry for the quietness as of late; moving and stuff has been a hassle. I had a friend just to do some chiropractic stuff and something went really wrong, so now my ribs are sharp points of pain. Sitting sucks majorly and I have to do it enough for my work.

With that being said, I'm not giving up the game. This one is far too fun and I'm enjoying it immensely. I'm about to head out on a mini-vacation this weekend so I would like to be botted for, at most, till next weekend. It'll let me heal, get all of my packing done, and I'll hopefully be healed and refreshed to come back and types lots.

I may come back earlier than next Friday if things have turned out really well. I apologize for the inconvenience but I'll be back with you all shortly :)

Deja vu ;) Glad to hear from you, I will pilot Nuruk until you're back. Have fun!

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

I hope things settle for you!

I've been slow in responding because I've been super busy still catching up from being out of work with covid. Things are settling out now, though!

So, boring mechanics question, but did we decide on how to handle the auto-surge? Now that she used Tides RAW you can have me roll for surge anytime I cast a 1st+ sorc spell, and I have a compelling reason to do so (to get Tides back). I've allowed wild mages to just handle it on their next cast and it worked fine.

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That sounds fine, handling it on your next cast =)

Half-Elf Male Bard (College of Lore) 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 16 | Init: +4 | Spells: 1st - 4/4; 2nd - 2/2 | Bardic Insp: 3/3 | Passive Percept: 15 | Spellthief Lute: 2/2 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +5 CON: +1 INT: +1 WIS: +1 CHA: +5 | Conditions: None
Cantrip - Mage Hand, Minor Illusion; 1st - Detect Magic (R), Healing Word, Heroism, Identify (R), Sleep; 2nd - Invisibility
Acrobatics +5, Arcana +3, Athletics +2, History +3, Insight +3, Investigation +3, Nature +3, Perception +5, Performance +7, Persuasion +5, Stealth +5

@DM Fern - For the damaged name plates for the unicorns, how are the legible letters arranged (i.e. Is is scratch out MS or is it M - scratch out - S, or something different?). Similar questions for the other unicorn name plates.

The scratched out names look like:

With the lines as the scratched out portions.

Half-Elf Male Bard (College of Lore) 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 16 | Init: +4 | Spells: 1st - 4/4; 2nd - 2/2 | Bardic Insp: 3/3 | Passive Percept: 15 | Spellthief Lute: 2/2 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +5 CON: +1 INT: +1 WIS: +1 CHA: +5 | Conditions: None
Cantrip - Mage Hand, Minor Illusion; 1st - Detect Magic (R), Healing Word, Heroism, Identify (R), Sleep; 2nd - Invisibility
Acrobatics +5, Arcana +3, Athletics +2, History +3, Insight +3, Investigation +3, Nature +3, Perception +5, Performance +7, Persuasion +5, Stealth +5

Just to be clear, F___ is different than the one you called as Fortune, right?

Half-Elf Male Bard (College of Lore) 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 16 | Init: +4 | Spells: 1st - 4/4; 2nd - 2/2 | Bardic Insp: 3/3 | Passive Percept: 15 | Spellthief Lute: 2/2 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +5 CON: +1 INT: +1 WIS: +1 CHA: +5 | Conditions: None
Cantrip - Mage Hand, Minor Illusion; 1st - Detect Magic (R), Healing Word, Heroism, Identify (R), Sleep; 2nd - Invisibility
Acrobatics +5, Arcana +3, Athletics +2, History +3, Insight +3, Investigation +3, Nature +3, Perception +5, Performance +7, Persuasion +5, Stealth +5

Nevermind, after reading Khalil's post it's clear. Reading comprehension is a good thing.

Sorry for not posting yesterday, got super busy!

If people are drawing an IRL blank on the last name, roll and INT check to see if your character would have a better guess =) I don't want to drag the riddle out to the point of not being fun -- I'll wait until a couple other folks have time to toss in a guess or a roll before posting.

Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

Int: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Willow has a moment of SMART

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