Karley Rumblemuffin's page

377 posts. Alias of mishima.

About Karley Rumblemuffin

harbinger of chaos ★ 17/17 hp 13 AC ★ ★ Con, Cha, sleight, arcana, stealth, acro, decep, cook's ★
hd:3 ★ Sorc:3 ★ Slot:3.2 ★ Tides:flow
F lightfoot halfling sorcerer (wild magic)

hp: 17 (6,4,4+3)
AC: 13
spd: 25
pp: 11

Languages: Common, Halfling, Sylvan

★ There is a powerful nemesis in a parallel universe trying to get this Karley because of a millennia old rivalry.
★ This Karley escaped by hiding within one of all the infinite Karleys of all the parallel universes.
★ Karley is unaware of this true Karley inside, but has a parallel-stepping ally trying to warn/wake her.
★ The nemesis has a powerful ship and has hunted and killed many other false Karleys...but is now certain to have found the true Karley.
★ Karley's spellcasting is like a fog beacon for this nemesis.

Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness, Naturally Stealthy, Wild Surge(roll 1), Tides of Chaos(long rest or surge)

class: Con, Cha, deception, arcana
bonus: sleight
bground(Witchlight Hand): stealth, acrobatics, cook's

Spells: save DC 13, attack +5
0th: mage hand, minor illusion, ray of frost, prestidigitation
1st: grease, fog cloud, ray of sickness
2nd: phantasmal force

dagger (x2), cook's utensils, component pouch, scholar's pack, cinnamon, 38 gold, sand timer, butterfly spectacles, coldstone (1/day, +d4 cold or change dmg type), riding dog, bit/bridle, saddle, oil flask (x5), tinderbox, torch (x5), waterskin, mess kit, bedroll, tent, ropehemp (50), 0.55 gold on hand, Ring of the Grammarian

Supplementary Characters:
Gutrender, the Splatseeker of Ended Dreams - one of Karley's throwing knives, a prop for Kotokimi's Impalement Arts.

Raiders of the Settling Speakeasy - alternate universe version of the Defenders of the Dawning Bastion, where they are all pirates.

Kube - gelatinous cube version of Karley that has an alarm clock stuck in it. Karley's primary ally working behind the scenes to aid in her fight against the nemesis. (appears during 'good' surges)

Gnarley Stumblebutton/Harley Humbledozen - alternate universe versions of Karley she first encountered during the Napoleonic wars, both expert special ops soldiers.

Kevin Kostnorf/Dorgan Freednorf - people from other universes witnessed by Karley she at first mistook for daydream memories.

Brain of Baron Rudolph von Aubreckekr - master necromancer encountered in Lamordia, one of the domains of Ravenloft, who taught Karley about Marrowstone and sewing.

Captain Pomj - giff spelljamming expert who showed Karley the basics near the Rock of Bral.

S.C.R.A.pi - modron activist who inadvertently gifted Karley with Cookin' with Coolio cookbook.

Kotokimi (AKA Jack Dagger) - harengon master of the Impalement Arts who was Karley's tutor in her earliest carnival years.

Nemesis - embodiment of Law seeking to destroy the real Karley (appears during 'bad' surges), systematically destroying all Karleys of all the other universes with their great spelljamming ship.