RACE: Variant Human
Skilled (Athletics)
Feat (Fighting Initiate)
CLASS: Rogue
Sneak Attack 2d6
Thieve's Cant
Cunning Action
Steady Aim
Psionic Powers
You harbor a wellspring of psionic energy within yourself. This energy is represented by your Psionic Energy dice, which are each a d6. You have a number of these dice equal to twice your proficiency bonus, and they fuel various psionic powers you have.
You regain all your expended Psionic Energy dice when you finish a long rest. In addition, as a bonus action, you can regain one expended Psionic Energy die, but you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
When you reach certain levels in this class, the size of your Psionic Energy dice increases: at 5th level (d8), 11th level (d10), and 17th level (d12).
Psi-Bolstered Knacks
If you fail an ability check using a skill or tool with which you have proficiency, you can roll one Psionic Energy die and add the number rolled to the check, potentially turning failure into success. You expend the die only if the roll succeeds.
Psychic Whispers
As an action, choose one or more creatures you can see, up to a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus, and then roll one Psionic Energy die. For a number of hours equal to the number rolled, the chosen creatures can speak telepathically with you, and you can speak telepathically with them. To send or receive a message (no action required), you and the other creature must be within 1 mile of each other. A creature can't use this telepathy if it can't speak any languages, and a creature can end the telepathic connection at any time (no action required). You and the creature don't need to speak a common language to understand each other.
The first time you use this power after each long rest, you don't expend the Psionic Energy die. All other times you use the power, you expend the die.
Psychic Blades
Whenever you take the Attack action, you can manifest a psychic blade from your free hand and make the attack with that blade. This magic blade is a simple melee weapon with the finesse and thrown properties. It has a normal range of 60 feet and no long range, and on a hit, it deals psychic damage equal to 1d6 plus the ability modifier you used for the attack roll. The blade vanishes immediately after it hits or misses its target, and it leaves no mark on its target if it deals damage.
After you attack with the blade, you can make a melee or ranged weapon attack with a second psychic blade as a bonus action on the same turn, provided your other hand is free to create it. The damage die of this bonus attack is 1d4, instead of 1d6.
Fighting Initiate Thrown Weapon Fighting
Skill Proficiencies Deception, Insight
Tool Proficiencies Card deck
Languages Halfling
Feature: Never tell me the odds!
Personality Traits I can't stand bullies; the stronger should protect the weaker.
Ideals Survival depends on the wisdom to know when to take risks and when not.
Bonds Gambling allows me to know people who know people. I'm seeking people who can help me remove my curse(s).
Flaws If I butt my head on the same wall a million times, I might get lucky and crumble the wall!