DM Voomer's Age of Ashes

Game Master Voomer

Macros for Secret Rolls
Inventory Spreadsheet
PF2E Actions Cheat Sheet
Roll20 Maps
Portraits and Handouts
Upgrading the Citadel

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Posting to set this up!

Welcome! A few points of order.

Maps:I like putting faces with names, so above you'll see a link for maps and character pics for the folks of Breachill. I'll add battle maps as they are relevant, and new links as we go different places, to keep things organized. There's a spot in there for pics of you guys! I know Paizo has the little icons but none of them ever look juuuust the way I want to look, so feel free to put your ideal character pic there (or paste in the Paizo one if you can't be bothered and I'll know to use that).

Pacing:I know I went and sped things up a week, so I don't want to jump into the game NOW and rush anyone, but I'm eager and don't want to wait a week either. I intend to make our first gameplay post today or tomorrow -- but the please-post-at-least-once-a-day rule won't apply until everyone has had a chance to notice we're good to go. I'm also totally aware that life happens and if you miss a couple days I'm not going to boot you or anything, but I may jump in for you if you're holding things up. If you know you'll be gone a while, just let us know here and we'll work around it.

Quick Stats: For anyone new, in your profile, anything you put by Gender, Race, and Class/Level will show up above your post each time. I'd like us to put our vital stats there for easy reference, and for consistency, please use the following template:

Race: HP | AC (Touch FF) | CMB CMD | F R W | Init | Perc
Classes / levels: Speed | Spells Slots by Level (ex 1st: 5/5) | Active conditions
Gender: Gender Alignment Ancestry Background Class & Level

Initiative and Combat: This is open for discussion, since the game I'm currently playing in doesn't even use initiative (everyone goes in the order they post, and the monsters go last). I'd like to use initiative since there are plenty of feats that it applies to, but I'm not set on the best way to do so. I don't want to force you guys to post in initiative order because it slows things down waiting for other people to post. My thought is, I will roll all the initiatives at the top of combat. I'll let you know what the monsters intend to do (ex goblin #1 is making a beeline for Hornet and going to try and attack with their axe [rolls dice]). Then you guys post your intentions and roll for stuff. I'll put it all together into a narrative chunk of combat, in order -- the only problem I foresee is if someone who posts early wants to do something that won't work by the time their initiative hits (ex. they want to attack the boss but the boss is dead by then and only minions remain). Thoughts? What has worked best in your other games, veterans?

There are probably other things I'm forgetting about but I feel like that's the big stuff. Let's do this! ^_^

Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺


Man this is so weird. I went to post that message up above on Tuesday but it wasn't working. Poked around and discovered people saying if you delete the first post on one of these threads it can bork everything, so I assumed I'd accidentally done that. Still wasn't working for me yesterday, I couldn't see any posts. Even emailed customer service. Now, boom, here's the thread, and apparently Yasami was able to see it Wednesday and post when I still couldn't.

Oh well, it's working now! I'll stop questioning it.

Like I said in recruitment, I'll make the final selection tonight/tomorrow morning. The seven folks I already listed, you're in for sure, if you want to dive into this thread with ideas about running initiative and to add in pics of your characters.

Tomorrow morning I shall make the first gameplay post, and we'll see who follows through and joins us. No worries if you don't notice all this for a few days, I have planned things to start on a note where it'll be easy for folks to join a bit late. I'm just eager to get the ball rolling, if you couldn't tell from the little snafu earlier this week >.>

Looking forward to getting to know you guys!

Female CG gnoll junk collector inventor 1 HP 19/20 | AC 20 | F +7; R +4; W +4 | Perc +2 (low-light vision, scent 30') Speed 30 | Active Conditions: N/A | 3 Hero Points

looking forward to this as well! i've updated the race/class/gender lines with your format, so i should be good there, and i should be able to get a picture of hornet in later today.
as for initiative, i like your idea of having people post in whatever order they can and then resolving the actions in initiative order in a sort of summary post of the round. no system is gonna be completely perfect, but i think the issue of trying to attack an enemy who's already down or anything like that can probably be resolved without too much hassle, maybe by allowing the person to pick a different target if the one they were going to pick isn't an option anymore.

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

Vital Statistics:

HP 16

Conditions none


Detect Magic

Magic Weapon

I am quite happy with the stock pictures that I found on the forum to represent both Caiten and Sulee.

I updated my profile for the vital stats asked for - at least as much as possible. I am not sure what 'CMB CMD' is. I have a suspicion that it is something from PF1, but it might also be something obvious that I am just not thinking of.

I am also not sure how well it will work to put things in there that will change regularly. Such as current HP or active conditions.

Also, the spellcasters that I am aware of in the group - myself and Lisitsei Nagorát - are both prepared spellcasters. So the count of spell slots is less important than knowing which spells are actually prepared. And that list of available spells is probably too much to put into a header field in the profile.

How would it look and work to have a standard spoiler for variable vital stats, and spell list? Example above. It also has the added benefit of moving the start of the actual post text to be below the profile image.

Caiten wrote:
I am not sure what 'CMB CMD' is. I have a suspicion that it is something from PF1, but it might also be something obvious that I am just not thinking of.

You are correct, and I was 100% brain farting at the time. I borrowed the template from another DM and didn't even stop to think of the difference between 1E and 2E, and that's not the only mistake I made.

Spoilering prepared spells would be fine, only needing to post it when the list changes and not every post., since it's easy enough to scroll up -- I'm fine with however the spellcasters would like to do it, so long as it's posted somewhere each in-game day. HP and hero points (which I added below) are pretty easy to pop over and edit, but if you'd rather put them in spoilers, too, that's fine. So to repost it for clarity, with a couple changes that I apologize for:

Race: HP | AC | F, R, W | Perc (and special notes like darkvision)
Classes / levels: Speed | Class DC | Active Conditions | Hero Points (you all start with 3)
Gender: Alignment, gender, ancestry, background, classes and levels (Ex: CG Female Human barkeep fighter 2)

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |
DM Fern wrote:
Spoilering prepared spells would be fine, only needing to post it when the list changes and not every post., since it's easy enough to scroll up -- I'm fine with however the spellcasters would like to do it, so long as it's posted somewhere each in-game day. HP and hero points (which I added below) are pretty easy to pop over and edit, but if you'd rather put them in spoilers, too, that's fine.

Sounds good.

That's awesome.

Putting HP and such in the profile will be fine.


Next questions: How closely are we tracking Bulk? How closely are we tracking standard ammunition?

NG Female Familiar 7 | HP 35 | AC 25 | Perception +11 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Conditions: none | Abilities: Speech, Scent, Manual Dexterity, Restorative, Flier, Independent

I also put my familiar abilities in Sulee's profile. Though if Sulee is unable to talk, I may also put those in a spoiler header once in a while if it becomes important.

I'm open to what the group would like, in terms of how anal we want to be regarding bulk and ammo. Some people really like tracking it carefully, other people find it tiresome. I'm fine with the group consensus.

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

I find tracking standard ammunition to be slightly inconvenient. It is just one more detail to keep notes on. But I am not opposed.

I do find bulk limits to be slightly useful. It only really needs to be tracked when configuring character equipment during setup - not tracked round by round during combat. But I am perfectly happy to only estimate it. Keep it within reasonable limits rather than have to recalculate every time we find some piece of loot.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male NG Human Out-Of-Towner Gunslinger 6 | HP: 74/74 | AC: 22 l F: +12, R: +14, W: +12 | Per: +12 | Initiative: +0 | Movement: 25 l Hero Points: 1 | Class DC: 22| Condition: | Explore Activity: Avoid Notice

Hello everyone! Thank you for having me here DM Fern, I am excited to be this party's mysterious stranger.

For initiative, I tend to see "block initiative" working the best so people can still benefit from their special initiative stuff while still being accommodating for people's initiative. For anyone not familiar with it, it works like this....

Bad Guy #1: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Bad Guy #2: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Bad Guy #3: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Bad Guy #4: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Bad Guy #5: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Player #1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Player #2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Player #3: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Player #4: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Initiative would be Player #3, BG #1 & 2, Player #2 & #4, BG #4 & 5, Player #1, and BG #3 at the end. Player #2 & #4 are in the same "block", they can post in whatever order they want and we will assume that actions go in the best way possible. So Player #3 could attack a bad guy and Player #4 buffs Player #3 with a spell. We assume Player #4 buffs Player #3 first narratively, Player #4 will just need to make sure to show an update to whatever Player #3 rolled. It sounds a bit complicated but I promise it is much simpler to see in actual action.

I am fine for tracking ammunition myself, it is a price of playing a gunslinger honestly. I am okay not tracking encumberance as long as no one is bringing along a whole laboratory or blacksmith shop with them :P

Points & Conditions:
HP 80/80 | Active conditions: -| Hero Points: 3/3
AC 23/25 w shield up | F+13 R+14 W+16 | +0 Init | +16 Perc, low light vision | Leaf Druid/4 30' | Class DC 25| Male half-elf barrister druid 7|
Acrobatics +12, Athletics +0, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidation +14, Lore: Legal +12, Medicine +14, Nature +16(+2 plants), Occultism +12, Performance +14, Religion +14, Society +12, Stealth +12, Survival +14

DM Fern, I hope you don't mind that I put all the change-y conditions and points (hit and hero) under one small spoiler :)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Hello, all! Thanks for having me on this one. This is going to be me here: Joran

Sorry. I just caught this.

DM Fern wrote:
I'm open to what the group would like, in terms of how anal we want to be regarding bulk and ammo. Some people really like tracking it carefully, other people find it tiresome. I'm fine with the group consensus.

I will also be fine with group consensus. If we do or do not track ammo or bulk, either is fine by me. I'm good with the majority. Joran doesn't really use ammo so that side of it won't really be an issue for him.

And per his pic: His avatar pic is exactly how I see him. I always try to find the pic I feel represents any of my pc's to a T when it comes to how they look. And pretty much all of them are spot on. There might be one or two that aren't quite right, but ultimately they are all solid.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

I will say bulk is somewhat of a chore to keep up with though. I'm going to lean towards what KingHotTrash and breithauptclan said. As long as no one goes around carrying everything AND the kitchen sink around, I'd be good not having to keep track every time someone picks up a couple of coins. :P

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

@Fern: I got to be honest, I've NO idea how to put a picture on that picture thing(I've no idea what to call it) of yours. I am not a computer person by any stretch.

What I would do is put the Paizo icon on there. That's perfect. I'm just not sure how to go about doing that. Apologies.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

That's actually the wrong pic. That's me. Joran's pic is in the gameplay thread. Here, I'm gonna try and give it a shot and hope I don't destroy something in the process. Here goes nothing... :P

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

This is Joran's pic. Joran

Okay, I tried but it won't let me do it. I have to "install" something to "Cut, Copy, Paste" and I don't really know what that's all about. I don't trust it.

Javell DeLeon wrote:

@Fern: I got to be honest, I've NO idea how to put a picture on that picture thing(I've no idea what to call it) of yours. I am not a computer person by any stretch.

What I would do is put the Paizo icon on there. That's perfect. I'm just not sure how to go about doing that. Apologies.

No worries, it's Google Slides, you just copy/paste -- but I gotcha covered =) When it comes time for battle maps I'll have them there, and you'll be able to just drag your icon around when you move.

Lisi, your stat spoilers are fine! =)

I like Dario's suggestion of blocks of initiative, so we'll try that out unless anyone has any issues with that.

And so far sound like we wanna track bigger stuff and ignore the weight of coins and minutia which is fine with me. We'll worry about bulk if we're trying to loot a whole dragon hoard or drag a statue back to town. I'm fine not tracking normal ammo.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Okay! I had to open two google's and then I just dragged and dropped. It's much smaller than the others but that's the best I can manage.

But I did it! Check me out. (Yeah, I'm a total noob big time) :P

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Another question: Who is Cevendyl? The half-elf cleric you chose for the last spot? I didn't see that submission anywhere so I'm quite the curious.

Sylph Monk | HP - 138/138 | AC - 29 | F+17, R+21, W+16 | Perc +16 (DARKvision) | Hero Points = 3 | MONK-10 | MV-50 | DC-29 | No Conditions | Exp = DETECT MAGIC
Javell DeLeon wrote:
Another question: Who is Cevendyl? The half-elf cleric you chose for the last spot? I didn't see that submission anywhere so I'm quite the curious.

Please feel free to take a look.

Will be gearing him up shortly.

Has nayone looked at the party closely?
I have not ... but there's usually someone who does a gap analysis ;)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

@Fern: I noticed we posted at nearly the same time a few posts back so it's possible you may have missed my posts before your last post from this post. Boy that feels like a mind bender. :P

Sylph Monk | HP - 138/138 | AC - 29 | F+17, R+21, W+16 | Perc +16 (DARKvision) | Hero Points = 3 | MONK-10 | MV-50 | DC-29 | No Conditions | Exp = DETECT MAGIC
Dario Zuz wrote:

I am fine for tracking ammunition myself, it is a price of playing a gunslinger honestly. I am okay not tracking encumberance as long as no one is bringing along a whole laboratory or blacksmith shop with them :P

I think tracking ammo can be a major pain ... for actual ammo.

For Cevendyl, whose Daggers are also his deity's weapon, I guess I would call those Thrown Weapons vs ammo and if he throws 6 of them, he needs to come up with a new option, or go pick them up ;)

Sylph Monk | HP - 138/138 | AC - 29 | F+17, R+21, W+16 | Perc +16 (DARKvision) | Hero Points = 3 | MONK-10 | MV-50 | DC-29 | No Conditions | Exp = DETECT MAGIC
Javell DeLeon wrote:

This is Joran's pic. Joran

Okay, I tried but it won't let me do it. I have to "install" something to "Cut, Copy, Paste" and I don't really know what that's all about. I don't trust it.

If I'm not mistaken, that is an early pic of Valeros, right?

Like one of the hottest best drawn Paizo Core Characters ever ....

Fixed Joran's picture, my bad! Cevendyl applied via private message, hence the lack of posts on the recruitment thread. And tracking your daggers sounds like a good idea, Cev.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Evindyl wrote:
Javell DeLeon wrote:
Another question: Who is Cevendyl? The half-elf cleric you chose for the last spot? I didn't see that submission anywhere so I'm quite the curious.

Please feel free to take a look.

Will be gearing him up shortly.

Has anyone looked at the party closely?
I have not ... but there's usually someone who does a gap analysis ;)

Oooh okay. So you're Cevendyl. Man I must've flat out missed you.

Anyhow, welcome!

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Evindyl wrote:
Javell DeLeon wrote:

This is Joran's pic. Joran

Okay, I tried but it won't let me do it. I have to "install" something to "Cut, Copy, Paste" and I don't really know what that's all about. I don't trust it.

If I'm not mistaken, that is an early pic of Valeros, right?

Like one of the hottest best drawn Paizo Core Characters ever ....

Yes! It is an early pic of Valeros. Good call.

DM Fern wrote:
Fixed Joran's picture, my bad! Cevendyl applied via private message, hence the lack of posts on the recruitment thread. And tracking your daggers sounds like a good idea, Cev.

And THAT would totally explain why I missed it. :P

And no worries at all. Thanks for the correction!

NG | Elven Psychic-Champion of Yuelral Lvl - 4 | HP - 38 | AC - 18 | F+8, R+8, W+8 | Perc +6 | MV - 35 | DC - 22 |

BUT, to be clear, so that DM Fern doesn't need to expereince any additional consternation in case anyone reads the early Disco Thread: I asked. I asked if Fern wanted to take a look, I asked if she/they wanted a formal submission, and I just just just asked what the backgorund standard is ...
(sent me the 10-Minute / all afternoon Background Format).


NG | Elven Psychic-Champion of Yuelral Lvl - 4 | HP - 38 | AC - 18 | F+8, R+8, W+8 | Perc +6 | MV - 35 | DC - 22 |
Cevendyll wrote:

BUT, to be clear, so that DM Fern doesn't need to expereince any additional consternation in case anyone reads the early Disco Thread: I asked. I asked if Fern wanted to take a look, I asked if she/they wanted a formal submission, and I just just just asked what the backgorund standard is ...

(sent me the 10-Minute / all afternoon Background Format).


and clearly, MY avatar pic is NOT quite how I see Cevendyl ... but Seltyiel is an Iconic, kinda like Valeros, and one who I happen to love.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female CG gnoll junk collector inventor 1 HP 19/20 | AC 20 | F +7; R +4; W +4 | Perc +2 (low-light vision, scent 30') Speed 30 | Active Conditions: N/A | 3 Hero Points

sadly gnolls don't get quite as many options haha

NG | Elven Psychic-Champion of Yuelral Lvl - 4 | HP - 38 | AC - 18 | F+8, R+8, W+8 | Perc +6 | MV - 35 | DC - 22 |
Hornet* wrote:
sadly gnolls don't get quite as many options haha

She can still look sassy though ...


Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺

Hey everyone! Nice to be here,and looking forward. Question. Is anyone planning on dealing with traps? We seem to be missing that one.

Points & Conditions:
HP 80/80 | Active conditions: -| Hero Points: 3/3
AC 23/25 w shield up | F+13 R+14 W+16 | +0 Init | +16 Perc, low light vision | Leaf Druid/4 30' | Class DC 25| Male half-elf barrister druid 7|
Acrobatics +12, Athletics +0, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidation +14, Lore: Legal +12, Medicine +14, Nature +16(+2 plants), Occultism +12, Performance +14, Religion +14, Society +12, Stealth +12, Survival +14

We have two barbarians! Smash traps!!

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

You know, I was wondering if we had anyone who could handle traps. That could turn out to be somewhat problematic.

NG | Elven Psychic-Champion of Yuelral Lvl - 4 | HP - 38 | AC - 18 | F+8, R+8, W+8 | Perc +6 | MV - 35 | DC - 22 |

Yuelral is a goddess of Artifice ...

With GM's permission, I will swap Crafting for Thievery.
I will also make it background relavent (the long road from Kyonin and whatnot)

Male NG Human Out-Of-Towner Gunslinger 6 | HP: 74/74 | AC: 22 l F: +12, R: +14, W: +12 | Per: +12 | Initiative: +0 | Movement: 25 l Hero Points: 1 | Class DC: 22| Condition: | Explore Activity: Avoid Notice

Dario has some thievery and, as his archetype, is going to be going rogue so I think I can pick some stuff up for it.

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

Caiten also has Thievery trained. I may also go with Rogue archetype, though not necessarily for the trained skills - that just ends up being a nice side benefit.

I think Caiten is also the only one trained in Occultism - though I haven't looked through Cevendyll's sheet yet.

Points & Conditions:
HP 80/80 | Active conditions: -| Hero Points: 3/3
AC 23/25 w shield up | F+13 R+14 W+16 | +0 Init | +16 Perc, low light vision | Leaf Druid/4 30' | Class DC 25| Male half-elf barrister druid 7|
Acrobatics +12, Athletics +0, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidation +14, Lore: Legal +12, Medicine +14, Nature +16(+2 plants), Occultism +12, Performance +14, Religion +14, Society +12, Stealth +12, Survival +14

Ok, are we using past tense or present tense? :D We gotta decide.

NG | Elven Psychic-Champion of Yuelral Lvl - 4 | HP - 38 | AC - 18 | F+8, R+8, W+8 | Perc +6 | MV - 35 | DC - 22 |
Caiten wrote:

Caiten also has Thievery trained. I may also go with Rogue archetype, though not necessarily for the trained skills - that just ends up being a nice side benefit.

I think Caiten is also the only one trained in Occultism - though I haven't looked through Cevendyll's sheet yet.

Cevendyl has Nature, Arcana, and Religion ... so you can totally supply the Occultism ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |
Lisitsei Nagorát wrote:
Ok, are we using past tense or present tense? :D We gotta decide.

Could be worse. Our threads could be getting hit with chronomancy.

NG | Elven Psychic-Champion of Yuelral Lvl - 4 | HP - 38 | AC - 18 | F+8, R+8, W+8 | Perc +6 | MV - 35 | DC - 22 |
Caiten wrote:
Lisitsei Nagorát wrote:
Ok, are we using past tense or present tense? :D We gotta decide.
Could be worse. Our threads could be getting hit with chronomancy.

Exactly - a post-Gap Precog from Galactic Magic could have found their way back to Golarion!!

NG | Elven Psychic-Champion of Yuelral Lvl - 4 | HP - 38 | AC - 18 | F+8, R+8, W+8 | Perc +6 | MV - 35 | DC - 22 |

To confirm: the characters can be reasonably aware of what is in the AoA Players Guide and can know what is in the Breachill Gazetteer?

Just wanted to make sure ... before Cev moves the party or heads off ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |
Cevendyll wrote:
To confirm: the characters can be reasonably aware of what is in the AoA Players Guide and can know what is in the Breachill Gazetteer?

I would have to assume so. Fern posted the download link to the AoA player's guide in the recruitment thread.

Locals would know all the stuff in town, yes. Newcomers would know the taverns, probably, maybe a couple spots relevant to their interests, depending on how long they've been in town.

The Call will be at the town hall in an hour or so, they would also know.

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

One more minor ruling that I just thought of: The familiar ability Spell Delivery - I have generally read it to mean that the action cost to command the familiar to deliver the spell is a subordinate action to casting the spell while your familiar is in your space. Recently I had some people say that they read it differently, that you have to spend the actions casting the spell with your familiar in your space, then spend an additional action commanding the familiar to deliver the spell.

Not that I expect to be using Spell Delivery very often - it just seems like a good way of getting my familiar killed. And there aren't many good touch range spells to begin with.

I'd say the command is built into casting the spell into your familiar. No need to spend an additional one commanding.

Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺


Minion wrote:

Source Core Rulebook pg. 634 2.0

Minions are creatures that directly serve another creature. A creature with this trait can use only 2 actions per turn, doesn't have reactions, and can't act when it's not your turn. Your minion acts on your turn in combat, once per turn, when you spend an action to issue it commands. For an animal companion, you Command an Animal; for a minion that's a spell or magic item effect, like a summoned minion, you Sustain a Spell or Sustain an Activation; if not otherwise specified, you issue a verbal command as a single action with the auditory and concentrate traits. If given no commands, minions use no actions except to defend themselves or to escape obvious harm. If left unattended for long enough, typically 1 minute, mindless minions usually don't act, animals follow their instincts, and sapient minions act how they please. A minion can't control other creatures.

Familiars page

Familiars wrote:

Source Core Rulebook pg. 217 2.0

Familiars are mystically bonded creatures tied to your magic. Most familiars were originally animals, though the ritual of becoming a familiar makes them something more. You can choose a Tiny animal you want as your familiar, such as a bat, cat, raven, or snake. Some familiars are different, usually described in the ability that granted you a familiar; for example, a druid’s leshy familiar is a Tiny plant instead of an animal, formed from a minor nature spirit.

Familiars have the minion trait, so during an encounter, they gain 2 actions in a round if you spend an action to command them. If your familiar dies, you can spend a week of downtime to replace it at no cost. You can have only one familiar at a time.

So they don't act if you do not use one of your actions to command them. At least that is my read on it.

Spell Delivery

Spell Delivery wrote:

Source Core Rulebook pg. 218 2.0
Ability Type Master
If your familiar is in your space, you can cast a spell with a range of touch, transfer its power to your familiar, and command the familiar to deliver the spell. If you do, the familiar uses its 2 actions for the round to move to a target of your choice and touch that target. If it doesn’t reach the target to touch it this turn, the spell has no effect.

Emphasis is mine in all text above.

So my take on it below.

The action economy on this is not specified, however. I saw some discussions on the topic. It seems that it is not clarified since release.

So essentially, my read on it is as follows.

Action economy:
Casting a spell - this is pretty straight forward, depending on the spell you are casting

Commanding your familiar - this is a single action that you use to command your familiar with auditory and concentrate traits.

Transfering the spell power to your familiar - and this is where it gets strange, because the action economy on this part is not specified. At least I saw no such specification. The text makes it sound like it's 3 separate actions.

Meaning it is up to GM call, and meaning you are limited to spells with either 1 or 2 actions to cast, depending on the GM ruling for any given table.

If you want to balance it compared the reach spell metamagic action, I (personally) would rule it as transfering the power is a part of casting the spell, meaning it would be a free action. Especially taking into consideration, that the familiar in question would end their turn next to the target. When you compare this to reach spell metamagic (which is 1 action), the metamagic is clearly superior, since the familiar can be outright killed on the enemy's turn, and you're without a familiar until the next morning, when it is substituted for a new one.

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

Yes, there is quite the debate on the matter on the PF2 Rules forum - whether the familiar ability causes the actions to transfer the spell's power (an undefined action) and command the familiar (a defined action) to be combined into the spellcasting activity or not. I'm trying to avoid arguing rules here though - I get enough of that elsewhere, lol. Though I have no problem with you weighing in on the matter. But for me personally: Here, I'll just ask the question and accept the ruling in either direction.

Yasami wrote:
and you're without a familiar until the next morning, when it is substituted for a new one.

Fortunately (for at least Witch, probably other familiars too) the recovery of familiar if it dies can be flavored either as a replacement or revival of the same familiar.

Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺

It was not my intention to stir the waters. Apologies, if it came out that way. I am attemtping to improve my knowledge of the system.

This in particular helped me with minion mechanics.

I assumed that was kind of the point of the game. Besides enjoying the gameolay itself, that is.

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