Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Recruitment for this game is being handled on warhorn: PaizoCon Online 2021.
This should be set up for a reply to make it easier for you (deleting everything in blue). I would like the top information all a a single line. When I create chronicles, I can cut and paste this quickly. I will also ask for this on the slides, once I have them set up.
RL name: * Character Name * PFS number: * Faction
e-mail: for game day prize support. PM me if you are uncomfortable posting it here. Gameday Only.
This information will make gameplay easier. When I need to bot someone they will have already made their action. Make sure to add the appropriate modifier and the final closed bracket (])to the die rolls.
Most likely use:
Day Job:
Typical combat action:
[dice=default combat action]1d20+ [/dice
[dice=damage]+ [/dice
[dice=attack of opportunity]1d20+ [/dice
[dice=damage]+ [/dice
Finally, I recognize some of the names, but please let me know how familiar you are with play by post. Yay for PaizoCon!

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Torilgrey aka Sean * Chalmers the Redeemer * PFS number:2387887-5 * Faction: Dark Archive
e-mail: torilgrey@gmail.com
Re-Roll: N
Most likely use:
Day Job: N/A
Typical combat action:
warhammer attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
attack of opportunity: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 Combat reflexes 2/round
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
I've been doing a lot of play-by-post over the pandemic, and some before then. This is my 5th pfs character - I'm pretty new to pfs overall, but I'm liking it and the community of it thus far.

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Dot (will fill in info later... still dusting off character sheets to decide which I want to use). I’ve played in a few shorter-lived PBP campaigns before and ran a few as well.
Me again...
Leah * Jessenia Gaspar * 231029-8: * Dark Archive
e-mail: will PM
Re-Roll: N?
Most likely use:
Day Job: N/A
Typical combat action:
Masterwork Nodachi: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
attack of opportunity: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Or, if Legacy Weapon is on:
+1 Nodachi: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
damage: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
attack of opportunity: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
damage: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

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Hi, is this the replacement game for GM Zin?
Thanks for everything!

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kaervek78 aka Chris N.: * Kurik * 331079-3 * Silver Crusade
e-mail: kaervek78@gmx.at
Re-Roll: No
Most likely use: n/a
Day Job: none
Typical combat action:
Greatsword with Power Attack: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (5) + 5 - 1 = 9
Damage Slashing: 2d6 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 4) + 6 + 3 = 16
Greatsword: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Damage Slashing: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 2) + 6 = 14
AoO: see above
- wand of honeyed tongue 2 PP
I have played a few PbP games on the paizo boards so I think I'll be fine.

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I will start posting in gameplay tomorrow.
Sorry for the delay.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Hi Travel is almost over, I will be back to regular internet tomorrow & will begin :)
In the meantime: boon rolls!
Chalmers: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Jessenia: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Ejtehah: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Kurik: 1d20 ⇒ 9
GM: 1d20 ⇒ 14

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Updated links.
Right below my name are a couple of links. Yours is the one titled Mantacore. It is the same link as the slides in the intro entry. :)

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Thank you all for your patience. I usually avoid the internet on Sundays and Mondays are my local PFS nights. My posting will be slower on those days (though lurking still happens).
Saturday I have no excuse for. I will do better however.

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Really do not worry!! :-D

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No problem at all! :-)

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

I forgot to ask everyone for initiative! Please make any corrections needed on slide five.[/ooc]
Chalmers the Redeemer: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Kurik: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11
Ra’geh Ejtehah: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Jessenia Gaspar: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
VT 1: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Jessenia Gaspar (19)
Chalmers the Redeemer (13)
Swarms (11.2)
Kurik (11.0)
Ra’geh Ejtehah (2)

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

“I’m sure the Dark Archive might also be interested in any interesting texts - I’d perhaps a new member as knowledgeable as yourself.”
Jessenia is hoping that by recruiting Mercival Jeggare, there might be better access to the museum’s treasures.
[Dice=Knowledge Arcana, DC 17 recruitment check]1d20 + 8
It has been a while since I have done one of these. I remember the DC is tied to your level, but not exactly how. What is the DC? :)

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Jessenia Gaspar wrote:It has been a while since I have done one of these. I remember the DC is tied to your level, but not exactly how. What is the DC? :)“I’m sure the Dark Archive might also be interested in any interesting texts - I’d perhaps a new member as knowledgeable as yourself.”
Jessenia is hoping that by recruiting Mercival Jeggare, there might be better access to the museum’s treasures.
[Dice=Knowledge Arcana, DC 17 recruitment check]1d20 + 8
If I remember correctly, the DC for such recruitments is 15 + character level.

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Jessenia lifts the target artifact out of the swarms influence. It works, but the spell is not powerful enough to affect most of the artifacts in this room. Ejtehah brings divine blessings upon the party while Kurik's alchemy brings fire upon the swarm.
Did Kurik really hit with an attack roll of 7? o_O
I mean, I'm happy if that's the case - just wanted to confirm...
Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Venture Teller Play b'Post wrote:Jessenia lifts the target artifact out of the swarms influence. It works, but the spell is not powerful enough to affect most of the artifacts in this room. Ejtehah brings divine blessings upon the party while Kurik's alchemy brings fire upon the swarm.
Did Kurik really hit with an attack roll of 7? o_O
I mean, I'm happy if that's the case - just wanted to confirm...
No, that was flavor. Damage was dealt by splash however.

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Success! [Fire damage]1d6[/dice]
Ra’geh & Chalmers are up (chalmers you can attempt to hide/move.an artifact or maybe lead the swarm away]
Unfortunately, the formatting of the fire damage was incorrect, so no die has been rolled.
Also, I'm not sure if a torch really deals 1d6 fire damage...
Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Aye, I saw that formatting tonight.
and you are correct, it is 1d6 bludgeoning, plus 1 point of fire, but I am treating it closer to a alchemist flame in terms of the swarm (and the lack of options the party seems to have).

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DC 16 touch did not hit so this is going to be a really hard journey!

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Yeah... Touch AC 20 is pretty tough for firsties. Fortunately they had to roll a 6 to get past an item's hardness so they were ineffectual except as nuisance.
I pushed us forward a bit, we have much to go yet. Please retcon any conversations you would like to explore. :)
Well done in the end too!

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

The party needs to meet a certain number of successes to calm the kami. At a table I would be happy to play each attempt individually, but in a PbP that kind of time can kill us. (& I think we are already on a time crunch).
I need everyone to please make three checks (Jessenia and Ra'geh have two remaining). Please add some flavor to at least one of the checks, but if you want to simply roll for them I am ok with that too.
Each of you may make an three actions to try and calmd the kami. Typically this is a skill check but an clever use of spell will also work. Here are some guidelines.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Shouldn't it be Ejtehah needing to make will and reflex saves?
Also, there's currently no fog of war on slide 6. I don't want to cheat... ;-)
Yes, Ejtehah should have made the saves. and He succeeded on both.
You success on the Survival check was high enough that the fog hadn't settled. I set up the slide for worse case scenario (eg most prep time). I forgot to remove when combat started probably because my other table didn't make it fast enough, and I keep getting the table confused. Thank you for not wanting to cheat!Jessenia: yes Knowledge (nature).
This creature has an aura, the Will save is needed when you get within 20 feet of it. Also do not forget that everything is difficult terrain unless you succeed on the Acrobatics check (Or you happen to be ***** monster!

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I have an unexpected eye-surgery coming up tomorrow and may not be able to post in the next few days. Please bot me accordingly.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

We have about week to finish our PBP PaizoCon online. The way this particular scenario works I will report three of the tasks as done (we are on track for that much at least). I will then run the fourth as a 'personal' game.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I am recovering from the surgery which went well. A (real life) regeneration spell would have been better, though...

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Hey All,
I was without internet for a couple days. I thought I would have it longer & meant to post a warning. My apologies, I meant to post a warning.
I am back & will resume regular posting soon.

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No problem at all! Take your time.

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Thanks a lot GM!

Venture Teller Play b'Post |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You are welcome. :)
Chronicles Please let me know if there is anything to correct. :)

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Thanks a lot for running this game! :-) Chronicle looks good.
Questions regarding a faction goal:
Did we defeat a divine spellcaster with an evil deity in this mission (maybe the dwarven woman in the last encounter)?
If yes, what was the CR of her?

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Thanks for everything!

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Thanks a lot for running this game! :-) Chronicle looks good.
Questions regarding a faction goal:
Did we defeat a divine spellcaster with an evil deity in this mission (maybe the dwarven woman in the last encounter)?
If yes, what was the CR of her?
She was a bard. The other two were slayer and rogue. There was a druid, but no evil diety (and with a diplomacy she let you through the briar wall.
What are your other goals?

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

If you have any spellcasters that can learn spells from other players I just signed up a to run Wizards Wanted for Gameday X.
Wizards Wanted.

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Hi GM, can we set this thread to inactive?