Mr Clint's Duchy of Ashlar

Game Master Mr Clint

Loot Tracker

Interactive Battle Map

Deities & Demigods

Marching Order:

? - ?
Helgar -?
Nempura - ?

Single Row: ? - ? - Helgar - ? - Nempura - ?

1,101 to 1,150 of 1,306 << first < prev | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | next > last >>

Arren Velmas, CG Human Sanguine Sorcerer [Tatooed Sorcerer] |HP:14/14|BaB:1|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:3(-2 vs evil spell)|AC:12(16) T:12 FF:10(14)|Init:+8|
Resources Used:
two 1st

Arren will not lurk around Nempura. She's an adult, and can tae care of herself. Besides, if something went terribly wrong, Hope would let her know. She missed the comforting presence of her familiar though.


After such a soul bearing ride, Arren is a bit worn out. Still, the horses needed cleaning, and the stalls mucking. The smaller spirits were of great service here, making cleaning a breeze. Presti's clean function cleans a lot very quickly.

She found that she still wasn't very hungry after cleaning. She hadn't been very hungry in a long time. When was the last time I ate? Arren couldn't remember. Although she wanted nothing more than to go to a nice quiet room, she forced herself to go to the common room, albeit briefly, to get some food. No matter what she ate, it always tasted muted, like she had a cold.

Arren Velmas, CG Human Sanguine Sorcerer [Tatooed Sorcerer] |HP:14/14|BaB:1|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:3(-2 vs evil spell)|AC:12(16) T:12 FF:10(14)|Init:+8|
Resources Used:
two 1st

Arren will not lurk around Nempura. She's an adult, and can tae care of herself. Besides, if something went terribly wrong, Hope would let her know. She missed the comforting presence of her familiar though.


After such a soul bearing ride, Arren is a bit worn out. Still, the horses needed cleaning, and the stalls mucking. The smaller spirits were of great service here, making cleaning a breeze. Presti's clean function cleans a lot very quickly.

She found that she still wasn't very hungry after cleaning. She hadn't been very hungry in a long time. When was the last time I ate? Arren couldn't remember. Although she wanted nothing more than to go to a nice quiet room, she forced herself to go to the common room, albeit briefly, to get some food. No matter what she ate, it always tasted muted, like she had a cold.

Not sure when Arren enters the 'Dancing Bear' But may as well hang together.

Seeing Arren across the room, Ivar stands and waives at her. "Come und join us Arren!" He turns to Merion, "I vill grab a chair for her und Helgar." Stepping a way from the table he grabs a chair in each hand and returns setting them nearby. Returning to his chair he continues eating the soup and pie, occasionally sipping the ale.

Going with no spoiler I guess :)

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

You are fine Arren, she didn't take it. See here where she answered you?

Arren Velmas, CG Human Sanguine Sorcerer [Tatooed Sorcerer] |HP:14/14|BaB:1|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:3(-2 vs evil spell)|AC:12(16) T:12 FF:10(14)|Init:+8|
Resources Used:
two 1st

I had misread hesitant to take it as took it hesitantly, my mistake!

"Thank you Ivar. What sort of soup is it?"

Seeing Arren approaching, he pushes one of the chairs out with his boot. Pointing at the soup with his spoon, he answers, "Der soup is Leek und Chestnut Stew." He then points the spoon at the plate, "Der Pie is Turnip." He makes a shrugging motion with his shoulder and spoon, "de both could use more of der salt." he then shovels another spoonful of the soup in his mouth.

So is the Turnip pie more like a desert or a shepards pie?

Dulwich Map

Dancing Bear Common Room:

As Nempura makes her way over to where Hanath is sitting, you see the traveling merchant take in Nempura. As she closes in Hanath stands and welcomes her by taking her hand; “Why thank you, but now I see why you aren’t a court bard. You would capture everyone’s attention, and we know how jealous lords and ladies can be…” pulling the chair free, he offers Nempura a seat. Rounding the table he pours Nempura some wine; “I hope you don’t mind, I took the liberty of ordering some wine. To celebrate new friendships, adventures and the wondrous oddities we discover.” As his eyes quickly look to the journal and back.

Ivar, Helgar, Merion & Arren
The serving girl makes her way over to the table where the four of you have settled and brings you all a mug of ale without being asked;[b] “The turnip pie? It like a meat pie without the meat.”
once you all make your order she leaves and comes back with a tray of your food.

When asked about the wanted posters the girl shakes her head in disgust. Pointing to the half-orc “She was once one of the guards of the garrison here in Dulwich. Bareli slayed her sergeant and fled south.” she then points to the elf; “She goes by the “Bandit Queen”” in a mocking tone; “ruthless is what I have heard. She is a murderer that will kill anyone that stands in her way of getting what she wants. Though there are rumors that she has become a slaver. Selling people off to the highest bidder.” the thought of it disgust the girl.

“They are both wanted alive if possible. They say that they want them to face a public trial, followed by a public execution. Lord Gall believes that would be a good warning against anyone who might just make a move against Dulwich in the future.

Saini Alanen’s House:

With Ewan’s amazement that the library is open to all, Saini smiles;[b] “Well it does help that the city pays me a decent wage to keep the library open and in good working order. Since we don’t have anything link an academy, they believe that this would help draw scholars to Dulwich.”
Giving Ewan an innocent smile; “It seems they were right.”

Walking over to the east wall, Saini begins running a finger along the spine of the books; “Here it is.” pulling a book free and placing it before Ewan; “If you want to have a great collection just as this, you need to start with one book.” eyeing Ewan’s blade Saini places a hand on the cover of the book;[b] “Overtime even great and mighty heroes are forgotten. Elorfindar Floshin is a hero just like that. Good with a blade, but grew in the arcane. Used his ability in both do to many heroic deeds. I believe this would do you well.” She says as she slides to book to Ewan.

[b] “That’s right, fey. Fantastic creatures from the First World. I haven’t personally seen them, but I have heard of the pixies and sprites that toy with the adventurers that delve deep within the woods. I would love to study the creatures at some point in my life…”[b]

What Do You Do?

Damage Taken: Arren -0 HP, Ewan -2 HP, Helgar -0 HP, Ivar -0 HP, Merion -0 HP, Nempura -0 HP

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Spying Ivar, she flashes him a small smile and then raises her eyebrow as his mouth drops. She can't keep her peace and manages to restrain herself to a minor humming chuckle as she moves through the room to Hanrath's table. Once there, he may observe she blushes deeply. Whatever the man said, clearly appealed to her.

Hanrath and others watching her:
She can't help but chuckle a little at Hanrath's compliment. It was both humorous and made her feel womanly. Yes, it appealed to her vanity as well.

"Yes, quite jealous. Thank you." The way she says this shows she is approving.

The archer waits patiently for him to pull out her chair and cups her dress to sit when it is beneath her. The man takes a seat once more and she shakes her head to him in response.

"I don't mind at all. Wine is the perfect drink for celebrating the evening and each other's company. I must say, it is nice to be one's self again. The dust of the road can be quite taxing after some time." She places the journal up onto the table and in favor of his side so that he may take it and look through it if he wishes. Her eyes take on a sorrowful quality for a moment as if she regrets what she is about to say. "I only dread that tomorrow morning we must set out again. Will you be in town long?"

She will take a draw of the wine, tasting it to see its quality.

Saini Alanen’s House:

With Ewan’s amazement that the library is open to all, Saini smiles; “Well it does help that the city pays me a decent wage to keep the library open and in good working order. Since we don’t have anything link an academy, they believe that this would help draw scholars to Dulwich.” Giving Ewan an innocent smile; “It seems they were right.”

Walking over to the east wall, Saini begins running a finger along the spine of the books; “Here it is.” pulling a book free and placing it before Ewan; “If you want to have a great collection just as this, you need to start with one book.” eyeing Ewan’s blade Saini places a hand on the cover of the book; “Overtime even great and mighty heroes are forgotten. Elorfindar Floshin is a hero just like that. Good with a blade, but grew in the arcane. Used his ability in both do to many heroic deeds. I believe this would do you well.” She says as she slides to book to Ewan.

“That’s right, fey. Fantastic creatures from the First World. I haven’t personally seen them, but I have heard of the pixies and sprites that toy with the adventurers that delve deep within the woods. I would love to study the creatures at some point in my life…”

Dancing Bear Common Room:
Realizing his mouth was hanging open Ivar closes it quickly and returns Nempura's smile. Trying to focus on the conversation at the table with the others, he does occasionally look over at Nempura's table as the fat old merchant makes friendly with their group's leader.

As the waitress expounds on the description of the food, Ivar asks, "May I have anot'her ale, Ja?"

Placing a gold coin on the table, when the waitress returns, with his second pint of ale, he pushes it towards her. "Der room is five silver pennies, und der meal vas four." Realizing the second ale would leave only two copper pennies for a tip, he opened his purse long enough to remove two more silver pennies. Placing them with the gold coin. "Und enough to cover der two ales und a small tip."

As the waitress went on about her work, he wondered aloud, "Does anyvone tink der 'Bandit Qveen' vould be associated vit der bandits we stopped?"

Ivar had inquired about a room earlier, how many beds?

Human uRogue 1/Wizard 1 | HP 14/18 | |AC 17/T17/FF14 | F+2/R+4/W+3 | CMB -1/CMD 11 | init + 3 | Perc + 11 |

I'm skeptical, Merion says to Ivar. Bandits are known for liking trumped-up names, less so for organization. Well, some at least. Elves, though, who can tell with them?

To the serving girl or any locals who he can pick for rumor, he'll ask Does this 'bandit queen' operate out of the woods south of here, or are they too far from the road for good banditry? She must have a good sized force and strong hideout, or are there not enough soldiers to pursue her?

Merion is much more familiar with the workings of urban organized crime, and is curious as well as fishing for tales of the forest (less so for details and more to see if they're grounded in reality, i.e. if the townsfolk ever actually go into the forest).

Dulwich Map

Dancing Bear Common Room:

The night continues on. Hunters, laborers, townsfolk alike all begin to enjoy drink and the performance of the gleeman alike. If you are sitting on the inner edge of the floor you might get bumped into, but quickly receive an apology with a large smile an offer of a refill of your ale.

Nempura & Hanrath
The wine is a full flavored dry red wine. Nempura has probably tasted better wine, but this is not bad for the common room of an “Adventurer’s Inn.”

“It is refreshing to get out of our traveling outfits and enjoy a proper bath. I am embarrassed to say that it had been far too long since I enjoyed such a necessity.” Seeing Nempura place the journal on the table, he takes note of the piece of paper sticking out of it; “Have you marked a page that is your favorite from the collection?”

A young man makes his way to your table asking if you would have the Leek & Chestnut Stew or Turnip Pie. Once he receives the orders the man heads to the kitchen.

Standing up, Hanath offers her a hand; “While we wait, we should dance.” There is a lively tune playing and the patrons of the inn are dancing, it does seem like it is inviting. “I will be here for a few days, no longer than a week. I have some business to tend to. It is a shame that you must leave in the morning, especially if you dread it. What grand adventure is a bard like you setting off too? Writing the next great opus?”

As your conversation continues while dancing, you notice that Hanrath is agile on his feet. The man is practiced when it comes to dancing.

Ivar, Helgar, Merion & Arren
With a smile, the serving girl places the tip in a small pocket of her dress; “Thank you,” she says with a bow. “I’ll be back with more ale, would the rest of you like more ale?”

“The rooms are large and spacious. We have them with one large bed, or ones with two single beds.” Looking to Ivar; “Which room would you like readied?” Once told, she leave to get the group any ales that is requested and prepares the room or rooms that are requested.

With the conversation of bandits and the “Bandit Queen” is circling the table it draws the attention of a middle-aged half-elf male. The bearded man approaches the table; “That b!*#h deserves to hang! If I weren’t retired, I would lead a company of guards into those woods and drag her out behind my horse and deliver her to Lord Gall’s front door!” He says with a slam of a fist on the table.

The man has clearly been drinking this evening, and his human side is getting the best of him; “Hideout? Those woods are riddled with hideouts and ruins for any coward to hide in. Nooks and crannies for anyone to hide in.” The serving girl returns with the ales that were ordered.

What Do You Do?

Damage Taken: Arren -0 HP, Ewan -2 HP, Helgar -0 HP, Ivar -0 HP, Merion -0 HP, Nempura -0 HP

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Dancing Bear Common Room:
Strangely enough, Nempura isn't so great a fan of high-quality wines as she is for poor, and she prefers a dessert white wine more than a dry red. Still, she does enjoy it as it was thoughtful. She will not drink it in disgust but will enjoy it fine.

"No," she answers in brief to Hanrath, gently turning the cover of the journal open so he can quickly see there is a handwritten account in very pretty hand inside. "It is my firsthand account of the event and testimony of the provenance of such an item." She does however have a favorite though. "My favorite is the lily. I've not seen that kind before, and it is likely on some strange island in the middle of nowhere. I love the way he captures it, using a bluring style of art to bring the foreground more to the forefront and stand out better."

As the young server approaches, she will order the pie. If he doesn't stop her, she will pay for some food purchases since he purchased the wine in abundance.

When the young man goes his way, she returns her attention to Hanrath's offer to dance and nods. She offers her hand and will rise. He will come to find she is a very good dancer. Perhaps not professionally, but she is graceful, nimble, and pleasing. She doesn't tire him out. Nempura is not dancing for herself, but with him, and as such, she will match Hanrath in however he wishes to continue; simple or complex. She will take the opportunity to be close regardless.

"More than likely," she blushes in answer to his inquiry as it is true. She likely will tell this tale, including perhaps writing a song about this evening if it is wonderful enough. "It's not so much that I dread our journey. I planned it myself. We are on a timetable though that is a bit too fast for my taste. Something is happening back home, and I should have planned better, in just about every way, and that is my fault. Opportunities that couldn't wait revealed their head and I felt I had to act. I'm sure you understand, being a merchant and all," Nempura shrugs and smiles once more to the man. She clearly wasn't going to let it bother her, not tonight anyway.

"Hanrath, you are a very good dancer!" she compliments him after seeing he is so agile on his feet. "Are you self-taught?" With joy, she will match in kind and will show why she chose such a dress. It catches the light and holds fast to her body as she sways beautifully to the music. With rosy-hued cheeks and much laughter, it is clear she is at the very least having a fun time with the man. It is also very appealing to her to be shorter and smaller than her date. His large frame seems to be a comfort to the dancing bard.

In time, their food will come and she will sit with him to eat and drink more. She will want to continue talking well into the night. During this time, she will pry a bit into his character and try to learn his general personality, motivations, and plan for his future. Nothing beyond simple first-date type of conversational topics. She will inquire as to what his family is generally like, and, if things continue positively she would volunteer that she is having a fun time.

Take 10 on Diplomacy for a 17 to improve relationship.

Human uRogue 1/Wizard 1 | HP 14/18 | |AC 17/T17/FF14 | F+2/R+4/W+3 | CMB -1/CMD 11 | init + 3 | Perc + 11 |

Merion continues to gently press the conversation with the half-elf. Have you been through the woods? There's always tales of 'just over the horizon' but stories of first-hand experience are almost always better. Our experience on the road into Dulwich was quiet, but it'd be good to know if we just got lucky. He then quiets down. People will always tell more if you just let them talk, especially if you don't contradict or sound impressive.

HP: 12/20; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0; Init +4; Perception +0
Fighter(Lore Warden/Learned Duelist)/2

Saini Alanen's House:
Ewan blushes slightly as Saini compliments him on being a scholar. "Only an avid st-student of cer-tain t-topics."

Ewan walks over to west side of the collections and browses briefly for a book about engineering and construction, before Saini mentions a book he might like to read.

"Elorfindar Floshin? It is as you s-say, his n-name does not r-ring a bell." Ewan looks over the book and reads a few lines about the used to be famous swordsman, he looks Saini in the eyes and nods appreciatively "He is de-fi-ni-tely a r-role-model to be sure, s-someone to l-look up to. Th-though m-magic s-seems to be a l-lost c-cause for me."

Ewan unslings his pack and retrieves a notebook from it and quill and inkpot, intending to copy certain aspects from the book.
"May I c-come b-back l-later to read and c-copy ex-cerpts of th-this b-book and others? It is too l-late in the eve-ning to do so now."

Dancing Bear Common Room:

Nodding as the girl thanks him for the tip, Ivar sips his ale. Watching as the crowd begins to increase and people begin to dance.

When the serving girl returns and asks about the rooms he considers his options. He would prefer one large bed, most beds are short for him and in a large bed he could sleep corner to corner keeping his feet on the bed. But with a second bed, he could share the room, and two set's of ears work better than one. Or he could put his rucksack on the bed nearest the door, imitating a body, so if someone entered in the night it may give him a little time to react. Breathing a sigh he holds up two fingers, "A room vit two beds, please."

Rolling his eyes as the drunk old man interrupts their conversation, Ivar sips his ale, hoping the old boy would take himself elsewhere. Raising an eyebrow as Merion presses the old man for information, Ivar, having finished his soup and pie, leans his chair back against the wall. Content with watching the crowd he occasionally looks over to Nempura's table wondering how her night was going.

Arren Velmas, CG Human Sanguine Sorcerer [Tatooed Sorcerer] |HP:14/14|BaB:1|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:3(-2 vs evil spell)|AC:12(16) T:12 FF:10(14)|Init:+8|
Resources Used:
two 1st

Not very fond of turnips in real life, but I'm sure Arren wouldn't complain about them.

Arren watches the dancing, finding herself getting lost in it. Nempura seems so... vibrant so full of life... Her mind wanders as her stare intensifies. Nempura herself fades away, so does Hanrath. What's left in their place are two spirits, brighter and more beautiful than any she had seen before. Certainly a far cry from the cold, dead ones she usually interacted with. At this moment, it seemed like it would be so simple to reach out, and grab them, bring their essence to her. They'd probably be so warm...

Arren lets out a small yelp of pain as Hope stings her palm, her hand half outstretched. She was back in the Dancing Bear, and the people in front of her were just that again; people. She gulped at some ale.

Dulwich Map

Saini Alanen’s House:

As Ewan moves to copy excerpts of the book she laughs; “You can stay as long as you’d like, but this book is a gift for you. To start your collection.” Hearing Ewan doubt his capabilities with the arcane she smiles; “Follow your passions, you would be surprised how many people’s doubts hold them back.”

Looking as if she has something on her mind, Saini speaks up; “You aren’t going into the woods in search of the ruins of Valentin Ironwolf are you…” She waits only for a moment before continuing on; “As someone who studies history, what has been lost and forgotten.” as she places a hand on the book about Elorfindar Floshin; “I have found evidence that Valentnin Ironwolf owned a pair of maps showing the location of a lost dwarven hold.”

Trying to read Ewan’s face; “I would be forever indebted to anyone who would return with proof of this location.”

“I will pay, also. I will give you 100 crowns for each map retrieved, and will offer you 20 crowns upfront to purchase any supplies you might need.” She waits expectantly for your reply.

Dancing Bear Common Room:

The table with Merion/Ivar/Arren/Helgar
Turning towards Merion; “Have I been through the woods? Have I!” the half-elf laughs as he picks up one of the mugs of ale that the serving girl placed one the table and takes a large drink. “I made my wealth adventuring south of here before purchasing this Dancing Bear… oh, 100 years ago or so. I called it quits when I lost a great group of friends in the Shunned Valley. Buried them there before heading north here.” He raises his mug toasting to no one that is there.

Looking around to the group at the table; “Always be ready to leave a friend behind or even in the dirt.” With a tune that catches his ear, the man takes another drink of ale before leaving the mug on the table and heading off to grab the hand of a patron and dance.

Nempura & Hanath
The night continues and Nempura learns bits of Hanath’s family. Son of a shop owner that set off on his own at a young man and became a traveling merchant. Hanath never went home before his father passed. Now calling nowhere home, Hanath calls the world his home.

Eventually as the night becomes later, Hanath smiles; “This has been pleasant, probably the most fun I have had in sometime. I would like the evening to continue, but I must turn to the journal for a moment. I would like to see this safely locked away, and you have your crowns.” Placing a hand on the journal. If it is on the table still “Would you accompany me to my suite to retrieve your crowns, and lock this up? 150 crowns is not something I would around with unguarded.”

What Do You Do?

Damage Taken: Arren -0 HP, Ewan -2 HP, Helgar -0 HP, Ivar -0 HP, Merion -0 HP, Nempura -0 HP

Forgemaster Cleric (2) Wounds (0) HP (19) AC (18/11/17, +2 vs Undead) Saves (5/1/6, +2 Hardy, +2 vs Undead Spells/SLAs) CMD (13, +4 Stability) Initiative (+1) RF (0/4) AT (6/6)

Dancing Bear:

Helgar shuddered at the talk of burying companions. It had felt too good to be true that they had all survived for so long, when the same couldn't be said for the bandits that they had fought. She looked around, wondering who might be next, and not for the first time thinking about her injured kin. With her mug refilled, she raised it up, and said seriously "To your companions in the Shunned Valley."

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Dancing Bear:
"I am a traveler myself. I am sure there will come a day when I settle down and enjoy the wealth I've earned, but I also want to keep traveling even then. The road doesn't drive me, and maybe you're different. I think what drives me more than anything is the want of having a place of my own, a business that is profitable...or more than one..., some money to retire on, and a bit of luxury and comfort. That man Albin who was on our wagon...he has nothing to his name really, and he's retiring here. I'd hate to be in that position myself. I suppose I'm a bit vain, hmm?" she shrugs cutely. "I've lived poorly before. I'm not too keen on it, but I am also content to some small degree. Here I have a simple dress and wine, song, and a good-looking date. What's there not to be content with?" she jokes with a light laugh.

Later in the night, she will nod to Hanrath's need to go get his crowns and will gather herself to go. Nempura will allow him to take possession of the journal and will follow him back to the East Gate (assuming he can get a carriage ride there. She won't walk). If she gets in trouble, she does have her song and spells, but short of that, she will be defenseless this time. Of course, she also has nothing to steal except her jewelry.

"Lead the way..." she gestures for him to head to the door first and will follow.

Human uRogue 1/Wizard 1 | HP 14/18 | |AC 17/T17/FF14 | F+2/R+4/W+3 | CMB -1/CMD 11 | init + 3 | Perc + 11 |

Merion turns to the others after the half-elf departs. I'd still file most of that under speculation. Looks to me like the forest is a land of mysteries to most of the locals--anything could be in there. Bandits or the like. Or our Albin's mythical riches.

Wild bandits, answering to no one but themselves. What chaos. It must be self-limiting in some way, or else there's more of a guard presence than we've seen. Those people at the bridge would have been less amateurish, otherwise.

Dancing Bear Common Room:

As the half elf keeps rambling on about his 'old adventures' Ivar watches Arren. She seems to be distracted, until she lets out a small yelp. He quickly turns his attention back to the Inn owner. Raising an eyebrow when the man says "be ready to leave a friend behind" he bites his tongue as he looks around the table.

Raising his ale when Helgar says 'To your companions in the Shunned Valley.' He takes a sip, thinking, 'And to hell with cowards.' Watching the proprietor leave, Ivar spits on the floor, like he's trying to remove a bad taste. Looking at Merion he asks, "Fake? vich part der "Nooks und crannies for hiding" or der fact he vas villing to abandon his companions."

Watching as Nempura leaves with the fat old merchant, Ivar scowls as he downs the rest of his ale. Reminding himself that she is a grown woman and doesn't need a babysitter.

Human uRogue 1/Wizard 1 | HP 14/18 | |AC 17/T17/FF14 | F+2/R+4/W+3 | CMB -1/CMD 11 | init + 3 | Perc + 11 |

Merion quietly replies to Ivar, The non-specifics. I'm sure there are all kinds of nooks and crannies, and he may have had reasons. But if the best story we have of those woods is a century-old tale of adventuring, I think it's safe to say they are not frequently traversed by ordinary folk. Ivar seems unduly angry at the man's tale, interesting. A point in favor of what Albin's been telling us, is all. And suggesting that this "bandit queen" may indeed be hiding there, though probably at a point an easy journey to the roads people do travel on.

Dulwich Map

Dancing Bear Common Room
You all see Nempura & Hanath stand to leave. As they depart you see Hanath slip the server a few coins, payment for the food, wine, service, etc…

The night continues with nothing really out of the ordinary. You notice the middle-aged half-elf continues to linger around dancing & talking to those who are around. If your observant to it, you notice that the serving team does not give him anymore ale this evening.

You also notice that Besides Nempura’s absence, Ewan has been gone since the group arrived. Then again he did seem excited to visit the library this evening.

As the evening continues on, the serving girl who was tending to you will continue to refill any mugs of ale and even offer to bring out a meat and cheese tray if the table stays around for a while.

What Do You Do?


The rain has continued from a sprinkle to more is a heavy rain. You make your way quickly through the streets of Dulwich, seeing people running about trying to get to their destination without becoming overly drenched, but unfortunately it does not seem like it will be possible with the rain they are having.

Hanath offered you his jacket as a way to help shield you from the rain, but as you enter the East Gate the water is dripping from your nose. Hanath is laughing at the situation and possibly how the two of you look rolling into the East Gate Inn which caters to Dulwich’s wealthy and well-to-do travelers. You might earn a few snubbed nosed looks as you enter, but they quickly turn back to their conversations.

“I apologize for this rain. Had I thought the weather would worsen, I would have brought the payment, or a carriage. Come, we can dry off.” Hanath takes you upstairs to his room. From your tavels and stays at inns you know this is a very nice inn by the looks of things.

The stout door is unlocked by a key that Hanath has. As you enter the room, there is a fire in the hearth keeping it warm. The room is richly appointed with finely crafted furniture, and the windows are dressed with curtains and ornate shutters. This is NOT the Orc’s Head Tavern in the Lowcity of Languard.

Adding logs to the fire; “That should help shortly, wouldn’t want you to catch a cold before you set out tomorrow.” Pouring two short glasses of a brown liquor, he offers Nempura one. “It will help take the chill off.”

He does produce a towel to help dry off, but also a robe if Nempura would like her clothes to dry before the fire; “Not to be mistaken by being overly forward, no one likes to do business is soggy clothing.”

Hanath produces a small decorative chest on a small side table next to the set of sitting chairs in the common area of this room. “150 crowns, as agreed upon.” He will allow you to count if need be, but it looks to be the right amount and will shut and lock the small chest, handing you the key

Depending on Nempura’s take of the situation, Hanath continues the friendly conversations of the Dancing Bear’s common room in this more intimate setting. Offering Nempura a refill of the night cap if she wishes.

As time goes by, Hanath will make a move and kiss Nempura offering her a place to rest this evening. If Nempura resist, Hanath does not push and apologizes for ‘miss reading the situation.’ He would thank her for the journal, and to keep him in mind if she comes across other treasures. And he will pay the stable boy to take Nempura back to the Dancing Bear Inn via carriage to stay dry.

If Nempura does not resist the scene fades to black as they enjoy each other’s company this evening.

What do you do?

Waiting to see what Ewan does in his scene.

Damage Taken: Arren -0 HP, Ewan -2 HP, Helgar -0 HP, Ivar -0 HP, Merion -0 HP, Nempura -0 HP

Looking from door to where the half-elf is dancing, Ivar sighs setting his stein down. Turning towards Merion as he speculates on the woods and what Albin had told them Ivar sat contemplating what they may actually find.

As the evening gets late, Ivar stands gathering his rucksack preparing to head to his room. "Nempura said she vanted to be ready to leave in der morning for der voods. Has everyvone made sleeping arrangements?"

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Dancing Bear:
As stated, "Nempura will allow him to take possession of the journal and will follow him back to the East Gate (assuming he can get a carriage ride there. She won't walk)". I'm surprised with the rain that he didn't come with a hired carriage.

Nempura steps outside and closes the door behind her or allows Hanrath to do so. Under the overhang, she looks out to the drenched street and how the sprinkling rain has opened wide its maw and dumped upon the region. It has made such a mess of things. Because Hanrath can't summon a carriage and didn't plan ahead, she will not go with him. Sensing her hesitation, he offers her the suggestion of using his jacket for the rain, but she declines.

"That's sweet of you...I can't...I'm sorry. Although I did have a lovely evening, I can't walk all that way in the mud and slosh. It's not a small distance either." she gestures to her low cut heeled flat shoe. One step onto the "street" and she'd be consumed by the gunk and mud. The look on her face is one of disappointment--perhaps not in him, but in the situation.

To alleviate any pressure upon him, she shows her interest:

"I'd love to see you again before we set off. If you were to perhaps come back in the early morning, maybe we can conclude this then?" she greets him with a coy smile, hoping to appeal to him. If he bids her a good evening there, she will assent to give him a soft kiss in thanks for the evening. She will watch him walking away with regret, but then will reenter the tavern and look to her companions.

HP: 12/20; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0; Init +4; Perception +0
Fighter(Lore Warden/Learned Duelist)/2

Saini Alanen's House:
Ewan looks up in wonder at Saini, blinks once, then looks back at the open book on the table.
"W-why th-thank you. I don't know h-how to re-pay you."
Ewan takes care of listening to Saini's words, he hears the truth in it, but finds it difficult to listen the advice itself.
"Per-haps in time."

Holding his head slightly askew as he listens to the mage's question about the ruins of Valentin Ironwolf, Ewan questions himself if he should tell her as it seemed it should be kept more of a secret. Eventually he comes to the conclusion that it might be beneficial to have a friend in town close by.

"So you kn-know a-bout the r-ruins." He states matter of factly.
"W-we have been as-asked to ex-plore the w-woods in h-hopes of f-finding any s-signs of th-them yes. It s-seems no easy f-feat, th-though th-that is w-what d-drew me to-wards th-this quest."

Ewan twiddles his thumbs for a moment, then picks up his quill again and makes a note in the back of his book. "Any name th-this par-ti-cu-lar dw-dwar-ven hold m-might have? At l-least th-then we know wh-which m-maps and scrolls we sh-should take w-with us."

When Saini agrees to give the name, Ewan will hold out his hand to shake it. "If w-we come a-cross any m-maps w-we w-will bring th-them here to you."

Dulwich Map

Nempura I apologize, I completely missed you saying that. All is well.

Outside the Dancing Bear:

With the rain coming down, Hanath smiles and nods politely. Taking her hand and kissing it, he adds; “In the morning then. I will be sure to bring the payment for the journal.” He stays and waits for your to turn and head inside before heading off for the evening.

Saini Alanen’s House:

When Ewan agrees to finding the dwarven hold a smile comes across her face and she even lets out a joyful squeak. But quickly collects herself;[b] “The dwarven hold is known as Vongyth. There is rumors of it lying deep within the depts of the southern mountains. Some maps across Ashlar even have it marked, but they are all fool’s errands and dead ends.”

Reaching below the counter, Ewan hears the familiar sound of coins clinking together. Placing a leather belt pouch in front of Ewan; “I am good to my word, 20 crowns gold up front, and 100 more crowns for each map you retrieve of Vongyth.”

She smiles at Ewan. “Stay safe! If you find any books, journals, or ledgers telling of what happened at the ruins I would gladly share a light to study them with you.” She says as she mutters a few arcane words and a small pebble in her hand begins to radiate light in the room.

Saini will not run you off from the library if you wish to study. Let me know how long Ewan will stay, if he chooses too, and what topics he is researching.

Dancing Bear Common Room
Retcon Not long after Nempura leaves the inn with Hanath, she returns through the front door. You could not tell it due to the music and dancing, but you can see that the rain has really started to come down.

From before The night continues with nothing really out of the ordinary. You notice the middle-aged half-elf continues to linger around dancing & talking to those who are around. If your observant to it, you notice that the serving team does not give him anymore ale this evening.

As the evening continues on, the serving girl who was tending to you will continue to refill any mugs of ale and even offer to bring out a meat and cheese tray if the table stays around for a while.

As the room continues to clear out, the serving girl ask the rest of the party if you would be staying the night. They still have a few large rooms available, ones with a single large bed or others with two single beds. “Either are available for 5 pennies silver a night.”

What do you do?

Damage Taken: Arren -0 HP, Ewan -2 HP, Helgar -0 HP, Ivar -0 HP, Merion -0 HP, Nempura -0 HP

Saini Alanen’s House:

When Ewan agrees to finding the dwarven hold a smile comes across her face and she even lets out a joyful squeak. But quickly collects herself; “The dwarven hold is known as Vongyth. There is rumors of it lying deep within the depts of the southern mountains. Some maps across Ashlar even have it marked, but they are all fool’s errands and dead ends.”

Reaching below the counter, Ewan hears the familiar sound of coins clinking together. Placing a leather belt pouch in front of Ewan; “I am good to my word, 20 crowns gold up front, and 100 more crowns for each map you retrieve of Vongyth.”

She smiles at Ewan. “Stay safe! If you find any books, journals, or ledgers telling of what happened at the ruins I would gladly share a light to study them with you.” She says as she mutters a few arcane words and a small pebble in her hand begins to radiate light in the room.

Saini will not run you off from the library if you wish to study. Let me know how long Ewan will stay, if he chooses too, and what topics he is researching.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

"Yes, the morning then...and next time, perhaps we will be more fortunate to either stay in the same place or not have the rain falling on us. That, or we'll be in a place with a carriage for hire outside of a tavern. It is a damnable travesty someone has taken it before us..." she volunteers, showing her willingness to follow him had it been in better conditions. "Be careful on the road. Goodnight, Hanath. I will see you early."

She allows him to take her hand like a gentleman and kiss it. For some reason, all the money and riches of her potential quest may not equate to having a handsome, wealthy man be into her. She feels on top of the world as she coyly spins around and heads back inside. Already, with the rain, her hair has begun to become less flowing than it once was.

Inside the Dancing Bear:
Nempura returns inside with a glorious look on her face. She will return to the party and sit next to Ivar if they are welcome to have her.

The bard will explain that she had a fun evening and that Hanath and how she loves being asked to dance. She won't gush too much and in the end, heads to bed far earlier than the others due to her journey in the morning.

That morning, she rises early and will conclude her deal with Hanath and speak to her party briefly before heading out to the local offices to find out whether or not the property Albin speaks of can be attainable. By the time it is time for breakfast, she will seek to return to the party to meet with Albin and get the cart ready for the journey.

What do you do? She plans to meet with Hanath for the book and then to go to the surveyor's office to find out who owns the property and if there are means to claim the location as her own if they do find it.

Raising an eyebrow as Nempura almost immediately reenters the inn, Ivar watches her move their direction. Quickly grabbing another chair, he sets it down beside his own and decides to wait a few minutes more before he goes upstairs. Listening as Nempura shares her evening with Hanath, Ivar is surprised that she found the fat merchant that entertaining. He shook his head in disbelief. Maybe someday he would ask her. It wouldn't hurt to learn how women thought, he certainly hadn't figured it out yet.

Watching as the waitress came to the table again, he shook his head at the offer of more ale. He wanted to have a clear head in the morning. After the girl reiterates the cost and availability of the rooms, Ivar offers to no one in particular. "I have a room vit two single beds if somevone wants to share." He shrugs lightly, "I am used to sleeping in der hold of a ship vit other crew, so I don't mind." He gives a wry smile, "However I've been told I snore."

Nodding politely to Nempura as she begins to get up to go to her room, he, once again, picks up his rucksack and weapon. Looking at the others to see if anyone is going to take him up on his offer to share his room.

I'll get a post up about the morning tomorrow, wanted to give folks a chance to respond to Ivar's offer.

Arren Velmas, CG Human Sanguine Sorcerer [Tatooed Sorcerer] |HP:14/14|BaB:1|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:3(-2 vs evil spell)|AC:12(16) T:12 FF:10(14)|Init:+8|
Resources Used:
two 1st

"Well they tell me I sleep like the dead," Arren says with a light smile. "I don't mind sharing a room."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Forgemaster Cleric (2) Wounds (0) HP (19) AC (18/11/17, +2 vs Undead) Saves (5/1/6, +2 Hardy, +2 vs Undead Spells/SLAs) CMD (13, +4 Stability) Initiative (+1) RF (0/4) AT (6/6)

Dancing. There was something so human or elven about it. To flail about wildly just because there was music like a man, or to prance about ritualistically like an elf, either way it didn't make much sense to her. Though she rationalized that every culture had their own mating rituals and if it made them happy, then who was she to judge? And, as it seemed like now, if it helped them find profitable work, then there was nothing to laugh at.

Dulwich Map

I am going to move forward, if there is anything this evening your character would do go ahead and state it. Also, if you are staying in a solo room be sure to remove the 5 silver, if you are in a double be sure to split the difference with your roomie.

The next morning everyone wakes up about when they normally would wake, maybe you slept in just a bit longer. Yesterday was a lot of traveling and that can take it out of you.

As you make your way down the stairs into the common room you do not smell the normal aroma of sausage or ham or bacon coming from the kitchen. You do see a few people sitting around tables eating. You see omelets with vegetables, you also see breads, nuts, and fruits in front of others. There is a different serving crew tending to those in the common room, and for anyone who stayed the evening at the Dancing Bear breakfast is included.

Among those who are eating are a few familiar faces. You see Hanath, Findal the gnome, and Albin eating together and talking. No matter the order the party arrives in the common room, Hanath stands and greets Nempura as she makes her way down. Small chest in hand.

“Good morning! I hope you rested well before your journeys today. As promised I have arrived with payment for your journal.” He taps a small decorative chest, that on its own could potentially fetch a couple crowns on its own. Hanath produces a key and unlocks the chest to reveal it is full of crowns; “150 crowns, as agreed upon. If you’d like, you can take the time to count them, but you have my word not only as a merchant, but as a friend.

Hanath will stay around through breakfast and talk with the rest of the party until everyone starts to break up to prepare for the task ahead. Findal & Albin will sit and enjoy each others company until it is time to saddle up and leave.

The day is yours and you are free to go and do what you’d wish before the party loads up to head out.

What do you do?

Damage Taken: Arren -0 HP, Ewan -2 HP, Helgar -0 HP, Ivar -0 HP, Merion -0 HP, Nempura -0 HP

'Sleep like the dead?' Raising an eyebrow at Arren's comment, 'Was that humor?' Ivar couldn't tell if the necromancer was being light or just straightforward. Mentally shrugging, he nods and holds up the large key he was given. "I am in room t'ree. I vill leave der door unlocked for you." Nodding to the others he heads up the stairs to his room.

Not really important so I spoilered it to save space, it helps me keep the character in mind if I can develop some mundane habits
Dropping his pack in the corner he leaned his bardiche near it, lighting the small lamp on the desk. It was his habit to sleep as far from the door as possible. Leaving the first bed for Arren, who seemed to be going to bed after him anyway, he pushed the second bed into the corner. Setting his helmet and sword belt on he desk, he stripped off his breastplate and set it on the floor near his pack. Sitting down on the bed long enough to take off his boots he placed them at the foot of the bed, taking off his doeskin tunic he laid it across the boots. Bouncing on the bed a little he nodded, it was a good mattress. As was his habit, he retrieved his shield from the pack and set it on the bed against the wall. Fetching his sword belt from the desk, he removed the sword scabbard dropping the belt on his boots with the shirt. Drawing the blade an inch or so from the scabbard, so he could fling the sheath off the blade one handed he lay the sword and scabbard on the right side of the bed. Retrieving his blanket from his pack, he blew out the small lamp and pausing long enough to let his eyes adjust to the moonlight shining in the window. Once his eyes adjusted he moved to the bed. Having gotten used to sleeping on his back in a hammock aboard ship, he laid down between the sword and shield on top of the bed covers, using his own blanket to sleep under. Quickly getting comfortable with the night sounds of the Inn he fell asleep.

Later that night, he heard the door open, jerking awake he quickly grasping the handle of the sword. Realizing it was the necromancer, he quickly dozed back off.

Waking with the dawn, Ivar quietly sat up on the edge of the bed. Quietly putting on shirt and boots so as not to disturb Arren. He quietly gathered his gear, carrying it out into the hallway and to the public facilities down the hall. After his morning ablutions he dressed in the privy and then headed to the great room.

Heading to the greatroom he nodded to the three folks they had met in their travels. He reminded himself that at least one of them would be traveling with them. Sighing to himself, he approached the Dancing Bear Waitstaff. Taking his water skin off of his pack he extends it, asking. "May I have dis filled, und some of der bread, nuts und fruit to take vit me? I need to see to der horses und vagon." Once the girl returns with the water and a small sack of bread, nuts and fruit, Ivar waives to the table of folks then heads to the barn. Eating from the bag as he works, He put's a feed bag on each of the geldings as he again brushes them down then attaches the harness for pulling the wagon. After he leads the animals out to the wagon, he hitched the piebald gelding on the left and the other with the white star on the right. Fetching an apple from his breakfast bag he cut it in half splitting it between 'Left' and 'Right.' Finishing the dark bread and nuts in the bag as he waited for he others to be ready to go.

HP: 12/20; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0; Init +4; Perception +0
Fighter(Lore Warden/Learned Duelist)/2

Saini Alanen's House:
Ewan smiles as Saini is as giddy to the possibility of the maps as much as he was about exploring overland.

AS Saini puts the small pouch of coins on the table, Ewan looks at her, then takes it from the table.
"Th-thank you for y-your tr-trust. I know w-what th-this c-could go to-w-wards."

Ewan would like to stay and study till around 10 or 11 PM, either studying up on Engineering and Construction or History, figuring if any time those ruins might want to be restored it wouldn't hurt to have some better understanding of how to. After that he will thank Saini for her hospitality and hopes to see her next time earlier in the day.

Late at night in the Dancing Bear
Ewan enters the tavern late in the evening, trying to see if any of the group were still awake. If no one is, he will inquire about to see if there are still any rooms available, if any still remain at that time, Ewan will ask if he could share a room with them.[/ooc]

The following morning
Ewan wakes rather early for having stayed out as long as he did the previous night, as the others arrive downstairs as well, Ewan puts a small pouch filled with coins on the table and looks at the others.
"I've f-found us a-nother ob-jec-tive inside th-the w-woods. If w-we f-find s-said c-castle, th-there might be m-maps in th-there de-tai-ling a dw-dwarven st-str-strong-hold. Each m-map w-will m-make us another 100 gp if we b-bring th-them back."

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

After receiving her payment from Hanath, she will of course enjoy breakfast with him and the others. She doesn't fully go into detail on what they are doing; not because she doesn't trust him, but because she doesn't like talking about it with people not involved. If they grow closer over the coming weeks, she doesn't mind telling Hanath everything. It is clear now to those who sat and had breakfast with them that Hanath is a nice guy. He is polite, and definitely seems to enjoy Nempura's company. With the gold handed over, she nods and takes the chest. Before leaving on their trip, she also will have to get them changed to either a banknote or a small number of platinum coins. Carrying a chest around is not viable or safe.

With Findal there, she wonders why he is lingering around them. She is more closed-lipped around him especially. Albin likely has blabbed everything to the gnome.

When Ewan comes down, she listens to his tale of what he had been doing while she was out on her date last night. She shrugs at his words.

"We'll see."

Being tight-lipped, she doesn't want to say what she plans to do in the present company. Instead, she will excuse herself from the group and see Hanath off, giving him the journal. Once outside, she will give him a kiss in parting and tell him to write to her at the inn in Languard if he wishes. She will be there in a few days.

After that, she will set out on her horse to the surveyors. Upon gathering the information she seeks, she will return.

So what does she find there? Is the property up for grabs? Are we thieving something that we aren't allowed to? Is there a bank on the way she can exchange the coins for a larger denomination or a transferable bank note and record?

HP: 12/20; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0; Init +4; Perception +0
Fighter(Lore Warden/Learned Duelist)/2

Ewan sees Nempura eyeing Findal over at the other table with Albin and suddenly realization dawned on him.

"I th-think I did m-mention th-this before, but Findal asked if he c-could join us wh-when we v-venture into th-those w-woods. Albin did sp-speak about th-the ruins w-wtih him. I s-said it w-was al-right, after all he did l-look l-like the type th-that kn-knows his w-way around any f-forest."

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

"The morning we are leaving you are dropping this on me? That would have been nice to know." She seems frustrated, but after a moment of consideration, she changes her tune. "Alright...ok. Fine." she shrugs. He has just as much right to be there with them as they do. "I've been trying to keep us from being betrayed, but to be honest, I don't fully even know if I can trust any of you. You may be just as much a rogue as he may be. How would I know? I have no reason to distrust him so far; although I was in truth getting suspicious of him lingering around us so much. If you all invited him, of course he would be. Now it makes more sense..." She then explains, "My intention for this property is to own it and restore it. The more people we include, the more we may have my hopes torn away." She takes a breath and continues in her low voice, "I hope he's sincere in his efforts to help us. I mean, I can see why Albin is coming, but why him? Out of the goodness of his heart, or were you all, or Albin, talking about where we were going and he got interested? I thought I had shown that we were being secretive about this..."

I rarely read spoilers not directed at me, so this must have been some spoiler conversation y'all had. Maybe I should start reading them to not miss out on whatever else has been going on?

HP: 12/20; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0; Init +4; Perception +0
Fighter(Lore Warden/Learned Duelist)/2

Ewan scratches his head as he thinks back to the days in Wellswood. "W-well I did t-tell every-one on the day we left W-wells-w-wood, the n-night after w-we all had th-that ter-rible dr-dream. So, I g-guess th-that m-might have cl-clouded over any-thing I s-said."

Ewan wraps his mind around how Findal's inclusion could spell disaster for the group, but then, after some thinking, he explains.
"So, Findal t-told me th-that he is on a que-quest to be f-found w-worthy to st-study at the Black Tower under Raziel. As Albin al-ready sh-shared his st-story the n-night be-fore w-with Findal, w-word al-ready got out of our v-venture. S-seems to me w-we are b-better s-served w-with his ex-per-tise going a-long w-with us, th-then to s-shun him."

Ewan takes out a few notes he had made about the woods while visiting the library yesterday evening.
"M-miss Saini Alanen, th-the kee-per of the li-bra-ry, also put two and two to-gether wh-when I asked a-bout the w-woods. Th-though her h-help c-could pro-vide in-valu-able to us. Espe-ci-ally th-the w-works a-bout con-struc-tion and en-gi-neering I have read up on."

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Nempura must have either not been there, or it slipped her mind. She can't recall. This is the first she's heard of Findal joining them. She purses her lips in irritation upon hearing Albin was blabbing about them again. A person with common sense would have been more careful.

"Okay, that's fine...Just please be wary. I already know you are invested in this. I just don't want this to be taken from us. There are a lot of robbers and villains out there. What did the librarian say the name of this house was?"

Human uRogue 1/Wizard 1 | HP 14/18 | |AC 17/T17/FF14 | F+2/R+4/W+3 | CMB -1/CMD 11 | init + 3 | Perc + 11 |

Merion spent the rest of the evening continuing to listen to travelers' tales in the tavern, trying to confirm whether anyone knows anything about the forest. Finally convinced that it truly is a place of mystery to all but adventurers, he retired late, and spent some time reviewing all he's learned about the group and quest.

In the morning, he checks in again with Robin. You may be a bird until it's time for us to go. We are leaving this morning, so don't stray too far.

Rejoining the group, he listens to Ewan and Nempura's exchange. When there's a break in the conversation, he asks Ewan I hope these maps survived in readable form. Paper doesn't age well in the elements. Is the reward just for the maps, or making sure they lead to where they say they do?

Dulwich Map

The previous night
Ewan says farewell to Saini with a few extra coins in his pocket, a mission at hand, a new friend, and some potentially helpful knowledge about ruins and its history. For your study, you will gain a +2 to Engineering & History to check pertaining to the ruins for a week.

As Ivar asks for a refill of his waterskin and some food to go the server says; “Why don’t you head on out and I will bring this out to you along with a travel bag.” If Ivar agrees the man sets off to the kitchen. In no time Ivar is handed a bag along with his waterskin; “There you are. Hope you have a safe journey!” And he heads back in.

Ivar finishes prepping the horses and wagon for the day ahead.

Inside at the same time
As things seems to get a little tense you see Albin shift uncomfortably in his chair, but stay silent. Findal on the other hand chimes on; “Ope, I apologize if I was intruding. I do like to study and while I am on a mission for Master Raziel in the Black Tower, this does seem like an opportunity to uncover some ancient truths. I assure you I want to claim in what is found, outside of the information. Crowns, be it the coin or the one on a head, is not what I strive for. The real treasure is in taking what was once unknown and making it known.” You get the sense that Findal is being honest and does not want to be in the way.

Albin finally does chime in; “If I remember right, that little conversation between Findal happened over a bottle of wine at the Wheels & Wagon, after I had already shared a bottle of wine in the stables with Arren…” Looking at Nempura; “That’s my misspeak.”

When Nempura goes out to Surveyor’s Office & Coin Exchange:

When it comes to the crowns, you don’t exactly find a bank or exchange so to speak. You do however remember going to Nalthra’s Jewelry and remember seeing the expensive jewelry and gems. You could easily trade in the 150 crowns for gems that would equal that at a fraction of the weight and space, or you do see that Nalthra does have a beautiful diamond broach that she has marked for 150 crowns.

What do you do?

Damage Taken: Arren -0 HP, Ewan -2 HP, Helgar -0 HP, Ivar -0 HP, Merion -0 HP, Nempura -0 HP

HP: 12/20; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0; Init +4; Perception +0
Fighter(Lore Warden/Learned Duelist)/2

Ewan welcomes the break Merion and later Findal offered between the heated conversation he and Nempura had. Though not initially very much aware of the fact, he could see in Nempura's eyes the annoyance and Albin's discomfort.

"It is for any m-maps th-that could p-p-point the w-way to-wards th-this old st-strrong-hold. Even if the m-maps are f-faint or w-worn out, th-they w-will count. It is more like f-fin-ding p-puzzle p-pieces to com-plete the p-puzzle to f-find the lo-ca-tion."

I imagine Findal would have said "I assure you I want no claim in what is found, outside of the information.
As Findal and Albin join in to explain what happened, Ewan pats Albin on the shoulder.
"Don't w-worry about it.", he gestures towards Albin and Findal as he looks at Nempura. "See? Th-they have no other mo-motives. It is b-better to tr-trust p-people first than to mis-trust them. Until th-they give you r-reason to dis-trust th-them at all. By the w-way, the st-strong-hold's n-name is Vongyth."

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Nempura was speaking with Ewan at the other table in a lowered voice, trying not to make a scene, however, the others seemingly were listening in anyway. As they approach her to explain, she is mostly silent, allowing them the floor to explain. When Albin chimes in, she simply comments:

"Wine can do that...It's fine. Welcome along."

It's not like she has a real choice in the matter, and with him coming along, it's not that she doesn't want to trust him. She just has had different experiences with people than Ewan must have had, having been robbed not that long ago.

"I'll be back shortly. I'm going to check out the surveyors and will return by the time we are loaded up. My stuff is going on my horse."

She discusses which gate would be best to head out of to get there the quickest and then would take off.

Surveyor's Office:
That's weird that they wouldn't have a bank for large-scale trade. Didn't you say this is a big city? Is it easy to find out what they do for large denomination trade when she asks someone? If not, then she'll just move on. I'm trying to summarize this up quickly so we can jump forward.
Upon not seeing a bank on the way to the local surveyor's office, she just makes sure she hides the chest in her saddlebags. When in the office, she'll bring them in with her over her shoulders, so there is no risk of thievery. She will ask about the property of Vongyth and its availability. Can it even be claimed? Then she will return to the others and let them know all she's found out.

Let's get this party moving! :) Off to Vongyth.

Arren Velmas, CG Human Sanguine Sorcerer [Tatooed Sorcerer] |HP:14/14|BaB:1|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:3(-2 vs evil spell)|AC:12(16) T:12 FF:10(14)|Init:+8|
Resources Used:
two 1st

It was meant to be a joke... oh well. Better luck next time I suppose.

For a minute when she entered the room, she thought Ivar was about to attack her. When he goes back to sleep, she realized that she'd been holding her breath. I suppose I'd be on edge too, sharing a room with a necromancer.

It was good to get a nice rest for once. Arren looks positively flush with life the next morning, which for most people would have been an unpleasant pallid shade. Not even the misunderstanding got her down, and she was even looking forward to getting back on the road. Today was a good day to be aliv-well whatever she is anyway. She bustles around the wagon, helping Ivar get things ready to go, and asks Ewan about his study session last night.

Seeing Arren coming out of the Inn towards the wagon, Ivar hops out of the wagon and offers her some of the nuts in the bag. Stammering slightly, "I apologize det I startled ven you came into der room." He reached up and touched the scar that ran down his face. "I still have martraðir, how you say, nightmares, und jump ven I awake."

Attempting a light smile, "Did you sleep vell?" He gestures towards the barn, "Are you going to rider der horse? I vill help you vit der saddle."

As he heads to the barn he see's Nempura exiting the Inn Assumably headed to the Surveyor's Office or the barn for her horse, either way I think it works Calling to her he offers, "Nempura shall I saddle der horse for you?"

Ewan Scribner wrote:

"It is for any m-maps th-that could p-p-point the w-way to-wards th-this old st-strrong-hold. Even if the m-maps are f-faint or w-worn out, th-they w-will count. It is more like f-fin-ding p-puzzle p-pieces to com-plete the p-puzzle to f-find the lo-ca-tion."

Well, that's easier. Who knows what unexpected difficulties we may find in these woods? Bandits, lycanthropes, anything that hides from human civilization.

Merion sees to his own belongings and horse, but otherwise stands aside and lets those better at things manage the preparations. He also keeps an ear out for other groups leaving town around the same time, and for the directions they are leaving in. Wouldn't do to be followed, Nempura is right that where there's danger and lost riches, there's oportunists and scavengers.

Diplomacy(Gather Information) to see if anyone else is heading in our general direction: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Dulwich Map

Surveyor’s Office & Banker:

1) You’re right. There would be a bank or something set up to deal with the large amounts of crowns changing hands. There isn’t anything in the city description so I didn’t even think about adding one or that it was just expected in this size of a city. 2) I do not know why I keep forgetting to type up something from the Surveyor’s office.

You enter into the surveyor’s office you hear the sound of what you would only think is a plucked lute string, but no lute is present. As the door closes you hear it again. Behind the counter you see a middle-aged halfling man sitting at a desk. Looking up; “Welcome! Name’s Sandak!” Upon asking about the land, Sandak ask for a few moments as he looks.

He brings out an old ledger that has shelf wear and dust on the top, clearly not used in a long time; “It looks here as if the deed is in the name of Valentin Ironwolf… but it appears that his household and servants all were slain, leaving the property abandoned and unclaimed.” closing the ledger; “Possession is 9/10 of the law, and it looks like the wilds have claimed the land back.” You get the sense that the land open to be claimed.

Sandak also informs you where the banker is and you are able to turn in your extra coin in for a bank note.

Merion listens around and outside of hunters or other adventurers trying to make a name for themselves, no one heads into the woods to the south due to the potential dangers that lurk within.

Once everyone gathers at the stables, you are met there with Albin and Findal both upon their saddled horses. Findal is no longer in his flashy clothes, but in more comfortable travel clothing.

Albin speaks up; “It’s still early and we should break into the woods by noon. Once we are there we will need to watch our footing. We can take the wagon as far as we can, but if we want to take it all the way we might need to have people leading and clearing the way.” he says tapping a machete on his belt; “I can lead with one other person, but this is the only blade I have for this.” A machete can be purchased at the general store and offer a handy +1 circumstance bonus on Survival.

For those who want to aid Aldin, give me a Survival check.
I also need a D20 and a D6 roll from everyone.

Everyone is back to full health and has restored all class abilities and spells
What do you do?

Damage Taken: Arren -0 HP, Ewan -0 HP, Helgar -0 HP, Ivar -0 HP, Merion -0 HP, Nempura -0 HP

Arren Velmas, CG Human Sanguine Sorcerer [Tatooed Sorcerer] |HP:14/14|BaB:1|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:3(-2 vs evil spell)|AC:12(16) T:12 FF:10(14)|Init:+8|
Resources Used:
two 1st

Dice: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Dice:2: 1d6 ⇒ 4

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