Oxnard Kettlebeak |

Oxnard, how would you feel about using Discord in some capacity for the game? Something with as much complexity as this might benefit from it.
I'm not opposed in theory to using Discord or some other resource to leverage a game, but I don't know that it's necessary; ideally once we get through recruitment (which looking for 12 more characters is a LARGE recruitment to fill), we should split off into what for most will feel like three separate games (until whatever point you cross paths and insanity ensues).

Andostre |

Also going to chime in that Discord didn't work great for me when I tried a PbP from here on that platform. I'm sure it would get easier with use, but I had a hard time finding where the chat left off if there's been a lot of activity since I last checked in.
Also, a big draw of PbP is posting when it fits my schedule (busy job; busy family life), so the updates whenever somebody else posted isn't a draw for me. I'll check in when I check in.
Also also, Discord is blocked from my work's network, so I'd have to do everything related to it over my phone, which isn't ideal.