
Aerith Lithanel's page

237 posts. Alias of Grumbaki.


Wounds (0) HP (31) AC (17/15/13) Saves (3/6/6 +2 vs enchantment, +1 vs divine) SP (5/11) Perception (+5) Init (+3)


Dragonborn Sorceress (4) Resist Acid (5) DR Magic (2)


Lawful Neutral




Common, Elven, Sylvan, Celestial, Gnoll, Draconic, Osirioni, Ancient Osirioni, Infernal

Strength 8
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 22
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Aerith Lithanel

To Hit: +3 (BaB) +6 (Int) -1 (PA) +1 (MW) = +9
Damage: 1d10 (base) +9 (Int) +3 (PA) = +12

[dice=Bludgeon 20ft range]1d20+9[/dice]

AC: 10 (base) + 4 (Dex) + 1 (Armor) + 1 (Natural Armor) +1 (Deflection) = 17/15/13

Race, Stats, Background, Traits:

* Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
* Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.
* Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
* Elven Weapon Familiarity: Elves gain the Elven Heritage Equipment talent as a bonus talent at 1st level (You gain proficiency with the elven branched spear, elven curveblade, longbow, longsword, rapier, scimitar, short sword, shortbow, two-bladed scimitar, and two-bladed sword.)
* Keen Senses: Elves gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Step 1: +2 Int (Race) +2 Dex (Race) -2 Con (Race) +2 Con (Bonus)
Step 2: +2 Int (Background) +2 Dex (Bonus)
Step 3: +2 Int (Bonus tied to class)
Step 4: +2 Dex, Con, Int, Wis
Step 5: -2 Str, -2 Con, +2 Int
Str (8) Dex (16) Con (10) Int (20) Wis (12) Cha (10)
Aerith has lived a sheltered life of academic and magical pursuits. Her family’s wealth has ensured that she has never known physical wants or hardships, and given her telekinetic powers, she has never had the need to experience physical exertion. Furthermore, using her actual strength for any purpose is seen by her as a sign as being a failure as a mage.

+2 Int, Wis, Con: Lvls 4, 8, 12, 16, 20
+1 Str (Inherent): Lvls 7, 11, 15, 19
+2 Dex (Inherent): Lvls 11, 14, 17
+2 Con (Inherent): Lvls 13, 14

Lvl 17 Stats:
Str (11) Dex (30) Con (24) Int (30) Wis (22) Cha (10)

Background: Scholar
Ability Boost: Intelligence
Bonus Feat: Scholar (Arcane and Planes)
Class Skills: Lore (academia) and one Knowledge skill of your choice (Planes)
Researcher: You can spend one hit die to roll it and add the result to any Knowledge check. At 5th level, you can spend one hit die to reroll a Knowledge check. You must take the new result, even if it is worse.

* Devotee of the Old Gods: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (religion) checks, and one of those skills is always a class skill for you. In addition, your faith in the old gods grants you a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against divine magic
* Pocket Space (You have slight talent or training in the magical art of bending space. This grants you a permanent extradimensional space that can hold up to 5 pounds plus an additional 5 pounds for every five character levels you possess, and nothing larger than a Small-sized object (or a combination of smaller objects equal in size to one Small object). You may place any inanimate, unattended object you touch into your pocket space as a full-round action, and may retrieve any one object from your pocket space as a full-round action. If you die, all contents of your pocket space appear in your square, or the nearest unoccupied space.)
* Cunning Wordplay (Your cunning and logic are more than a match for another’s confidence and poise. Choose one Charisma-based skill. You attempt checks with that skill using your Intelligence modifier instead of your Charisma modifier.)

Feats, Skills, Equipment:

Feat Tax Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim
Lvl 1: Extra Sphere Talent, Transformation
Lvl 3: Extra Sphere Talent
Lvl 5: Diluted Mongrel (Combat Instincts: Lvl -2 gain martial tradition: Tattooed Warrior. Equipment: Unarmed Training, Unarmored Training. Bonus Feats: Dragon’s Tattoos, Zodiac Tattoos. Special: Tattooed warriors gain 1 bonus skill point that must be spent on Craft (tattoos) each time they gain a level in any class.
Lvl 6: Improved Transformation
Lvl 7: Arcane Strike
Lvl 9: Mind over Body
Lvl 11: Empowered Mongrel (You gain either the 3rd-level or the 9th-level power (your choice) of the bloodline you selected with the Diluted Mongrel feat. For purposes of using that power and the one from Diluted Mongrel, treat your sorcerer level as 1 lower.) - You gain a +2 Inherent bonus to your highest ability score (before any bonuses) other than your casting ability (Dexterity). At 13th level, this raises to +4. At 17th level, it raises to +6.
Lvl 13: Empowered Mongrel -Hereditary Vitality (Ex) (requires 9th level): The same heritage that grants your sorcerous powers also grants you a vigor greater than your frame would suggest. You gain a +2 bonus to your Constitution score, and an additional +2 at 14th and 19th level. Improved Natural Armor
Lvl 15: Telekinetic Exoskeleton
Lvl 17: Greater Mongrel (You gain an additional power from the bloodline you selected with the Diluted Mongrel feat. You gain a 15th-level (or lower) sorcerer bloodline power that you do not already have. For purposes of using that power, treat your character level as your sorcerer level for all your sorcerer bloodline powers granted by this feat, Diluted Mongrel, and Empowered Mongrel.) Arcane Eyes: You permanently gain the benefits of the Sense Magic (sense) talent of the Divination sphere, even if you lack that sphere. If you already had access to that talent, you may immediately retrain it upon gaining this ability.
Lvl 19: Zodiac Tattoos
Lvl 20: Improved Natural Armor

Background Feats:
Lvl 1: Additional Traits
Lvl 2: Cosmopolitan (K-Occult and History as class skills)
Lvl 4: Cunning
Lvl 6: Street Smarts (K-Civilization)
Lvl 8+ Skill Focus

* Influence (+5)
* Use Magic Device - activate magic items (+11)
* Lore Academia (+11)
* Spellcraft - craft magic items, identify spells (+11 / +13 identify magic items)
* Linguistics (+8)
* Knowledge (occult) - cults, eldritch abominations, psychic magic (+13)
* Knowledge (history) - famous people/places/things, legends (+14)
* Knowledge (divine) - religion, things related to divine magic, undead (+14)
* Knowledge (arcane) - golems, things related to arcane magic (+13)
* Knowledge (planes) - extraplanar creatures, the planes (+13)
* Knowledge (nature) - things related to animals and the outdoors (+10)
* Knowledge (civilization) - city information, humanoids, nobility (+10)

Automatic Bonus Progression
Lvl 3: Resistance +1
Lvl 4: Deflection +1
Lvl 5: Attunement +1
Lvl 6: Resistance +2
Lvl 7: Deflection +2
Lvl 8: Attunement +2
Lvl 9: Resistance +3
Lvl 10: Deflection +3
Lvl 11: Attunement +3
Lvl 12: Resistance +4
Lvl 13: Deflection +4
Lvl 14: Attunement +4

Light: 0-26 Medium: 27–53 Heavy: 54–80 (current: 22.5)
Pocket Space: 5lbs (Current: 4lbs)

With Muleback Cords
Light:76 lbs. or less Medium: 77–153 lbs. Heavy: 154–230 lbs

* Pocket Space - Cold Iron Dagger (1lb) and 3x regular daggers (3lbs)
* Haramaki (1lb) with hot weather outfit (The outfit provides a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist warm or hot weather) (4lbs)
* Sorcerer’s Kit (backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.) (14lbs)
* Signet ring
* An arrow from Epperson
* Sleeves of many garments
* Muleback Cords
* Mithril Elven Curve Blade (3.5 lbs)
* Magical Tattoo (Prestidigitation to clean herself and to remove bad odors)
* 129 gold

Casting Tradition and Sphere Talents:

Casting Tradition:
Casting Ability Modifier: Intelligence
Drawbacks: Somatic Casting x2, Verbal Casting
Boon: +1, +1 per 6 levels in casting classes
Easy Focus: When maintaining a sphere ability through concentration, effects that normally require a standard action to concentrate on only require a move action for you. This does not decrease the sphere ability’s casting time, only the action used to maintain concentration.

Telekinesis Weight
Lvl 1: 1lb
Lvl 3: 5lbs
Lvl 5: 25lbs
Lvl 8: 125lbs
Lvl 11: 625lbs
Lvl 15: 3,125 lbs.
Lvl 20: 8 tons

Sphere Talents

Lvl 1: Telekinesis with Dancing Weapon, Gain Warp Sphere
Lvl 2: Telekinesis Sphere - Quick Reactions
Lvl 3: Life Sphere
Lvl 3: Telekinesis Sphere - Parry (You may use the Catch function of telekinesis to block attacks with melee weapons, though they retain their hold on their weapon even if you successfully block their attack. The originator of the attack (the creature who threw the projectile, etc.) is allowed a Will save to negate this ability.)
Lvl 4: Warp Sphere - Quick Teleport
Lvl 5: Telekinesis Sphere - Telekinetic Maneuver
Lvl 6: Telekinesis Sphere - Steal
Lvl 7: Warp Sphere - Ranged warp
Lvl 8: Telekinesis Sphere - Mobile Bludgeon
Lvl 9: Telekinesis Sphere - Increased Range
Lvl 10: Telekinesis Sphere - Effortless Telekinesis
Lvl 11: Telekinesis Sphere - Finesse
Lvl 12: Warp Sphere - Unwilling Teleport
Lvl 13: Telekinesis Sphere - Divided Mind
Lvl 14: Telekinesis Sphere - Orbit
Lvl 15: Telekinesis Sphere - Floating Shield
Lvl 16: Telekinesis Sphere - Forceful Telekinesis
Lvl 17: Telekinesis Sphere - Telekinetic Push
Lvl 18: Telekinesis Sphere - Disperse Force
Lvl 19: Warp Sphere - Mass Teleport
Lvl 20: Telekinesis Sphere - Choking Grasp

Dragonborn Sorceress:

Draconic Heritage:
A dragonborn has a base attack bonus equal to 3/4 her level, and her hit die is increased to a d8. At 1st level, she selects a type of dragon (see the table below) and gains Transformation as a bonus feat, but must select Dragon Transformation as the chosen form for her transformation, as well as the appropriate dragon type. This replaces her sorcerer bloodline.

Claws (Ex):
At 1st level, a dragonborn can grow a pair of claws as a free action. These claws are primary natural attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage (1d3 if the dragonborn is Small) plus the dragonborn's Strength modifier. At 5th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. At 7th level, the damage increases by one step to 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if Small). At 11th level, these claws also deal 1d6 points of energy damage. The type of damage dealt is determined by her dragon type.

Dragon Scales (Ex):
At 2nd level, 5th level, and every three levels thereafter, a dragonborn gains a +1 natural armor bonus that stacks with any existing natural armor she might possess. She also gains DR/magic equal to 1/2 her sorcerer level. This replaces tap chaos and arcane rift.

Draconic Resistance (Ex):
At 3rd level, the dragonborn gains resist 5 against her dragon's energy type. At 9th level, this increases to resist 10.

Dragon Bite (Ex):
At 3rd level, the dragonborn gains a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if the dragonborn is Small), plus 1-1/2 times the dragonborn's Strength modifier. Upon reaching 11th level, this bite also deals 1d6 points of energy damage. The type of damage dealt is determined by her dragon type. This replaces wild empowerment.

Bonus Feat:
Instead of the normal options, the dragonborn may select Hybrid Transformation Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack, or Improved Transformation whenever she gains a bonus feat.

Draconic Might (Ex):
At 7th level, the dragonborn gains a +1 inherent bonus to her Strength score. This increases by another +1 for every four levels thereafter, to a maximum of +4 at 19th level. This replaces direct chaos.

Breath Weapon (Su):
At 9th level, the dragonborn gains a breath weapon that deals 1d6 points of energy damage per class level. Those caught in the area of the breath receive a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the dragonborn's level + her Charisma modifier) for half damage. The shape of the breath weapon and the type of damage dealt is determined by her dragon type. After being used, the breath weapon cannot be used again for 1d4+1 rounds.

Blindsense (Ex):
At 12th level, the dragonborn gains blindsense with a range of 30 feet. At 20th level, this increases to 60 feet. This replaces wild fire.

Wings (Su):
At 15th level, leathery dragon wings grow from the dragonborn's back as a standard action, giving her a fly speed of 90 feet with average maneuverability. The dragonborn can dismiss the wings as a free action. This replaces chaotic flexibility.

Power of Wyrms (Su):
At 20th level, the dragonborn's heritage becomes manifest. She gains immunity to paralysis, sleep, and damage of her bloodline's energy type. This replaces true self.


- Medium size
- Base land speed becomes 40ft
- Bite attack (since you're a 3rd-level Dragonborn Sorcerer, this has become redundant)
- Darkvision 60ft
- Natural AC +2 (+1/5 level)
- Breath Weapon (1d8 damage per two levels; Reflex halves; usable every 1d4 rounds)
- Your ability scores, BAB, saving throws, etc are unchanged
- You become a quadruped (increased carrying capacity; +4 to CMD vs trip) and grow a tail
- You cannot wield weapons or shields but can fulfill somatic components and manipulate items
- You lose any armor/shield bonuses to AC. This includes the bonus from Unarmored Training.


Aerith is a young elf who has just recently come of age. Her family owns land in the outlying prefectures, with their wealth coming from crafting custom order magical items for nobility and wealthy merchants who seek to make their way up in society. Given the long lives of her people, they do their best to stay out of politics whenever possible, as the dizzying degree that humans plot, age and replace each other is just not worth keeping up with. Their reason for living among the humans rather than their own kind, is because of the family's predilection for pale skin and white hair indicating more than a bit of drow blood. Once they were a noble family, but when each new child was born as such, it became scandalous in Kyonin. Unknown to others, this family trait indicates a different, but no less shameful. Her family holds the taint of a black dragon’s lineage. Her family knew that if the truth was learned as to how the taint came about, fleeing might not be an option. As such, they left for Osirion to get as far from their former kin as possible.

She has left her family's estate to get involved in the dealings of the short-lived races. She says that her family sees it as a 'coming of age' event that will hopefully shape her into being a proper adult and quell any youthful wanderings that she would otherwise take up. In reality, the family’s wealth and prestige rests upon the arcane powers unlocked by their Draconic taint, which is hastened by facing danger and violence. It is their hope that by sending her on a dungeon crawl, she will be able to return home worthy of her name.