Cardinal A. Thorn |

Currently closed to new interest. Only those who have already posted may submit.
Names on the list in bold are complete. A question mark means something about your submission is incomplete. The condensed sentence about your background is basically a memory prompt for me, if you think I have it wrong then correct me. Please touch on your template in your background so it makes sense in some way. Submission deadline is midnight Dec 31. I will choose the groups when I wake up in the new year and we'll start soon after.
Current Submissions
player - name - crime - alignment - race - class 1 - class 2 - template - backstory
Eben TheQuiet - Bladud - attempted murder - CE - half-orc - barbarian (invulnerable) - sorcerer (cross-blooded) - half-dragon (red) - wild beast turned hitman/gangster
KingHotTrash - Araton Fal - blashpemy - LE - tiefling - antipaladin (tyrant) - unchained rogue (rake) - haunted one - haunted by devil worshipping ancestors
Saashaa - Demian Pirevam - Sedition - NE - elf - psychic - occultist (silksworn) - vampire - led an extravagant life off the exploitation of lessers
Phntm888 - Sarela Falrin - murder - NE - aasimar - mesmerist (vexing daredevil) - vigilante (cabalist) - psychic lich - killed the others to be the best dancer
Oxnard Kettlebeak - Grengar don Dangnor - murder - NE - oread - fighter (titan fighter) - druid (goliath) - barbarian (armoured hulk) - giant - bigger and meaner than all the other kids
Fanguar - Barnabas Wright - attempted murder - LE - human - unchained monk (black asp) - alchemist (toxicant/vivisectionist) - vampire - assassin who failed an important job
Dealan - Choarku - arson - NE - goblin - alchemist (fire bomber) - slayer - mummy lord - burned down a church of mitra
The Archlich - Seltyiel Renn - heresy - NE - tiefling - cleric (fiendish vessel) - shifter (elementalist) - trompe l'oeil - a fiendish reflection of solomon tyrath
Javell DeLeon - Morthos - high treason - LE - human - antipaladin (knight of the sepulcher/tyrant) - ? - giant - believes he deserves to be king
Jovich - Nymz Mlezziir - ? - LE - drow - fighter (physical exemplar) - monk (war scholar) - half-dragon (mithral) - ?
rorek55 - Damon Von Brandt - high treason - LE - human - unchained rogue (phantom thief) - ? - half-field - ?
Rikash - ? - ? - ? - halfling - slayer - summoner - vampire - ?
psionichamster - ? - ? - ? - ? - fighter - kineticist - half-dragon (?) - ?
AGamer70 - ? - ? - ? - ? - cleric (fieldish vessel) - summoner - ? - ?
Fighting Chicken - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Helikon - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
NameShortage - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Crisischild - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
TheWaskally - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Spazmodeus - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Solicitor - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Bane88 - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Simeon - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Viviana Masters - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Knight of Rust - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
ElbowtotheFace - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Veltharis - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?

Solicitor |

Here's my first draft for Broach. I wrestled with what template to use, but the devilbound (sold some years of his life in return for unholy power) template seems to be on the money. I avoided cheese and OP stuff, and instead rolled up a character who I think will be fun to play *and* to DM for.
Nothing with regard to his background is set in stone, and I purposefully didn't name what noble family he's from. The idea he'll have to go face to face one day with his family is a fun one.
NAME Gildevar Broach
CLASS Cleric 2 | Unchained Rogue 2
RACE Half-Elf (Devilbound template)
DEITY Asmodeus
General description: politically-active lesser nobleman, born into privilege, a conniving snake, would-be mastermind/overlord.
Motto: “Might makes right? No, you buffoon, you’re putting the cart before the horse. It is in right that might is found.”
Keywords: proud, ambitious, greedy, dastardly, cunning, flirtatious with the truth.
Vices: Loves splitting hairs when he has no stake in what’s going on. Will generally ask for more, always more. Craven in those moments where victory seems to be slipping away. Demands singular devotion from his followers and lovers, but refuses to do the same.
Role: face / sneak / divine caster / support
Background: born into privilege, young Broach saw how his family’s wealth and fortune dwindled thanks to his parents’ zealous adherence to the tenets of Mitra’s faith. Their willingness to sacrifice what ought to be his birthright filled the young man with a sense of dread and disgust. This inadvertently steered him onto a most infernal path.
It started with young Broach opting out of a military career and instead wanting to study law. The idea of serving the church of Mitra made Broach gag, and the hope he might find a way to wrest away his family’s wealth through the use of law filled him with (un)holy fire. Like most plans born in the mind of a boy, little did Broach know that there was no miracle cure for his plight.
Then came the whispers. Late at night, as the young adolescent plowed through tomes and ancient volumes on law by candlelight, dark sinful thoughts wisped through his head. Over time, these whispers guided him to tomes that were kept behind locks and wards, but somehow - perhaps by Divine providence - Broach managed to get a hold of them.
In these books, young Broach found infernal wisdom and unholy knowledge accredited to Asmodeus that clashed with everything Mitra teaches and stands for. This wisdom and knowledge acquired through the application of guile, lies, deception, and trickery formed a lesson that did not escape him, but the fact that someone was on to his crimes did escape him.
Upon enacting one of the unholy rituals from these tomes, a ritual that would grant the pledger power and might in return for soul service, Broach was stopped. Caught in the act of blasphemy, the young man was wisped away in the middle of the night, never to be heard from again.
STR 10 | DEX 18 | CON 8 | INT 14 | WIS 16 | CHA 14
1 Channel Smite
Rogue 1 Weapon Finesse
Half-Elf Skill Focus Perception
2 Scribe Scroll
1 Perception
2 Stealth
3 Disable Device
4 Diplomacy
5 Bluff
6 Intimidate
7 Sense Motive
8 Knowledge Local
9 Knowledge Religion
10 Disguise
BG Profession Barrister
BG Linguistics
bonuses: +5 on perception, +2 to Knowledge Religio,n +1 on perception to locate traps and disable device checks.
1 Blasphemy (+2 to knowledge religion)
2 Sacred Conduit (+1 to DCs of channel energy)
3 Avid Reader (can always take 10 on Knowledge Local)
Weapon & Armor proficiencies: simple weapons, hand crossbow, rapier, sap, short sword, and shortbow. Light armor, medium armor, and shields.
-Finesse Training: gain the Weapon Finesse feat
-Sneak Attack +1D6
-TrapfindingDisable Device to disarm magic traps.
-Rogue Talent: Fast Stealth (can move at full speed without penalties)
-Channel Energy 1D6

Phntm888 |
I see, so she has learnt the ritual but hasn't tried to complete it yet.
Rituals, plural. I don't see lichdom as something that takes only a single ritual to complete. She's performed the first couple of rituals to begin to set herself on the path, but she needs to do more.
In game terms, it means she'll occasionally try to capture NPCs alive and then ritually sacrifice them. This gets easier to do once she gets the Safe House Vigilante Social Talent.

Cuàn |

You missed me and my prospective Worm that Walks from the list there.
As said before, he'll be a an Oracle with the Reaper mystery, probably the Dual Cursed archetype with the Shattered Mind and unmitigated Hellbound curses, on one end. On the other end I'm still not entirely sure. It'll be something along the lines of a Brawler, Fighter, Slayer, Unchained Monk or maybe an (unchained) Barbarian.
He'll be a high strength and high charisma character. Racially I'm looking human or maybe half orc. Not that anyone sees the difference once the transformation is complete.

![]() |

Name: "Lady" Sophia Blair
Crime: Forgery
Alignment: NE
Race: Kitsune
Template: Fey-Touched
Class 1: Crossblooded Rakshasa/Fey Sorcerer
Class 2: Psychic Searcher Oracle of Lore
As Sophia got older, the fey decided to allow her to call it Father. This pleased the child, and she grew to rely on Father more and more. Once she was old enough, her education began. Learning all sorts of things about the First World and the Material Plane, Sophia was a quick study and did her best to make Father proud. Tutors were brought in to aid her, and she was treated much like the daughter of a nobleman.
Not all was well, however. Soon after, Father started becoming bored of her. Some pranks were becoming mean spirited. Others were downright malicious. Sophia would often overhear Father talking to other fey while disappointed, wondering when "the awakening" would take place. It had been years, after all. The Kitsune woman, no longer a child, did her best to please Father, even going so far as to start performing pranks of her own. This certainly made their relationship trend upwards after a while. One day, however, she awoke naked in a field with a burning headache and an ankle that hurt every time it was used.
Sophia very quickly learned that she was not in the First World anymore. With luck, she was able to steal clothing from a nearby village, using her abilities to change into a human so that, if caught, she would not be too suspicious. It did not take long to realize that she was in a kingdom called Talingarde. However, Sophia was hungry and penniless.
However, despite her wounded leg and the stick she used for a walking stick, many found the form she took to be beautiful. As she gained knowledge and experience, the world opened up ever so slightly around her. The Kitsune learned. A smile here, a touch of the arm there, glances left lingering from opposite sides of the room. While Sophia Blair was no longer treated as a noblewoman, she began to plan.
Days at the library turned to months. As she learned from books, she learned about the powers that awoke within her in that field. Her understanding of the kingdom grew, and her understanding of herself intrigued her. By all accounts, the powers coursing through her veins and floated through her mind should not have been able to mingle so... thoroughly. Thoughts flitted back to Father and his words spoken without care. It all came together in a grand flash of inspiration.
This conglomeration of power was her awakening, caused and enhanced by Father's meddling.
Anger rose through Sophia as she realized that her entire life so far had been an experiment to remove the boredom from a couple of decades. She had been tossed into the world. Likely, he could still watch her, or at least hear of her exploits. The despair felt at being abandoned never came, however. Riding that anger, Sophia pledged that she would once again become a Lady.
With the knowledge she had gathered over time, "Lady" Sophia Blair returned to town with a brand new coat of arms and all the documents required to prove her pedigree. Finding like-minded individuals, she had forged the paperwork and circumstances of her birth, and immediately began infiltrating Talingarde high society.
Potential suitors came easy. Suspicion on her upbringing came even easier. However, with her natural ability to lie and her intensive knowledge of all things Talingarde and noble, the suspicion soon tapered off. Sophia easily accepted gifts from her noble suitors, investigating each house that approached her to find the best option.
As careful as Sophia had been in this dangerous game, it only took one slip up. A careless waggle of the tongue when silence and a coy smile would have been better. She had become too arrogant. Knowledge about life on the streets, spoken carelessly in the wrong company, began to snowball. With her silver tongue, Sophia never thought that she would be on the receiving end of an investigation.
However, that is exactly what happened. "Lady" Sophia Blair had a lot of power in her social circle now. A diviner, hired in private by one of the fathers of one of her many suitors, began to watch her. Through various magical means, the diviner was able to find the truth in the almost ironclad web of lies that Sophia had woven around herself.
It did not take long for word to get out that Sophia Blair was not a high noble as she had been touting, but a commoner with unknown origins. She could not tell them where she was from, and any truths told about being abducted as a child to the First World was met with scoffs and ridicule. The once powerful lady had once again found herself at the bottom. Tears and pleas could not save her, she who had been labeled as a threat against the security of the kingdom. With claims of how much damage she could have caused and the ire of all the nobles she had tricked, Sophia Blair was sentenced to a life of hard labor in the salt mines of Brandescar Prison.
That went for way longer than I thought it was going to. I got really into it.

Fanguar |

Fanguar - Is Longclaw the one who gave you vampirism?
Hadn't really thought too hard about it, but it would make the most sense if they were the master vampire of the clan.
Also, I wasn't sure how you were going about the template progression, so whether Barnabas was already starting as say a vampire fledgling or like a thrall in the process of transitioning. From an in game perspective already being a vampire makes the whole imprisonment and execution aspect a bit odd, since I would assume that the Mitrans would be more inclined to treat a vampire as a monster rather than a citizen.

Javell DeLeon |

@Cardinal Thorn: It looks like you might have missed my last post. It's this one here: Previous post
In a nutshell: Going with Fighter as second class and really leaning toward Devilbound as his template.
You missed me and my prospective Worm that Walks from the list there.
Worm that Walks?! Man that's crazy wild trippingly cool. Took on one of those in my WotRighteous game. I can't remember if we killed it or it got away. Regardless, that battle was an absolute beating in trying to hurt that thing so my guess is it probably escaped. Tough tough creature.

Cardinal A. Thorn |

KingHotTrash - Minor detail, fixed now.
Solicitor - What kind of devil (from the list in the template) is/will he be bound to?
Cuàn - You're on my google drive spreadsheet but not the list formatted for the forum here... fixed now.
Fanguar You would still be human with a couple of vampire related things emerging such as you dislike garlic, holy symbols, mirrors, sunlight, feel a slight desire for blood (and benefit from the blood drain ability). So you would die in game at some point (hopefully where you can be buried) then properly emerge as an undead.
Javell DeLeon - Ah, i think i read the 'probably' from that post and thought you were still figuring it out. I have put fighter down and your submission is complete. Along with Knight of Rust and Solicitor that makes 11 now.

Fighting Chicken |

OK, I've landed on a concept - a formerly devout Mitrian housewife who had an affair with a corrupt priest. It ended... badly for the housewife, and she's now a serial killer of the Mitrian faithful, focusing her ire especially on the clergy.
Mechanically, she'll be a White Hair Witch/Brawler (Strangler) (Broken Soul template). Should be decent frontliner, with debuffing/utility from her witch spells.
I'll fill in the gaps over the next couple of days.

Cardinal A. Thorn |

Multiclassing and prestige classes is allowed. Templates will give minor bonuses at the start, increasing gradually untill the full template is gained. Not all templates will have the exact same process, I will go more in detail with the ones chosen so it is less work than doing all of them right now. I have already given a couple examples for some characters.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying whatever you're doing at this time of the year. I might not post for a day or two. Merry Christmas.

GM NameShortage |

Thorn, I rolled 17, 12, 9, 8. I read through and you had mentioned having a 15-point buy for those four rolls. These are a 12-point buy.
player - name - crime - alignment - race - class 1 - class 2 - template - backstory
I'm thinking a Barbarian or Bloodrager and Monk (Martial Artist). The template would be Broken Soul. I have a rough idea of his backstory (used as a pawn in an underground fighting ring until violence overtook him).
I'll flesh everything out once I get clarification on my rolled stats.

Rikash |

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays folks.
I'm still working up a concept. I was having a hard time with my halfling summoner/something build and am currently looking through some other options. I saw the posts about a min 30 point buy. I have (currently) 18/8 from focus/foible and rolled stats of 16/15/9/8 which is a 14 pt buy. Should I adjust that somehow?

Cardinal A. Thorn |

Rikash - Your 9 can become a 10.
Three submissions are very close to finished with 7 more about half finished. Plenty of interesting and different characters that I'll have to choose from.
Updated Submissions
player - name - crime - alignment - race - class 1 - class 2 - template - backstory
Eben TheQuiet - Bladud - attempted murder - CE - half-orc - barbarian (invulnerable) - sorcerer (cross-blooded) - half-dragon (red) - wild beast turned hitman/gangster
KingHotTrash - Araton Fal - blashpemy - LE - tiefling - antipaladin (tyrant) - rogue (rake) - haunted one - haunted by devil worshipping ancestors
Saashaa - Demian Pirevam - Sedition - NE - elf - psychic - occultist (silksworn) - vampire - led an extravagant life off the exploitation of lessers
Phntm888 - Sarela Falrin - murder - NE - aasimar - mesmerist (vexing daredevil) - vigilante (cabalist) - psychic lich - killed the others to be the best dancer
Oxnard Kettlebeak - Grengar don Dangnor - murder - NE - oread - fighter (titan fighter) - druid (goliath) - barbarian (armoured hulk) - giant - bigger and meaner than all the other kids
Fanguar - Barnabas Wright - attempted murder - LE - human - unchained monk (black asp) - alchemist (toxicant/vivisectionist) - vampire - assassin who failed an important job
Dealan - Choarku - arson - NE - goblin - alchemist (fire bomber) - slayer - mummy lord - burned down a church of mitra
The Archlich - Seltyiel Renn - heresy - NE - tiefling - cleric (fiendish vessel) - shifter (elementalist) - trompe l'oeil - a fiendish reflection of solomon tyrath
Solicitor - Gildevar Broach - blasphemy - LE - half-elf - cleric - unchained rogue - devilbound (phistophilus) - mitra took his inheritance and he wants it back
Knight of Rust - "Lady" Sophia Blair - forgery - NE - kitsune - sorcerer (crossblooded) - oracle (psychic searcher) - fey-touched - cast out and rejected
Javell DeLeon - Morthos - high treason - LE - human - antipaladin (knight of the sepulcher/tyrant) - fighter - giant - believes he deserves to be king
ElbowtotheFace - Aelwulf - arson - LE - human - antipaladin (tyrant) - cleric - half-balor - ?
Jovich - Nymz Mlezziir - ? - LE - drow - fighter (physical exemplar) - monk (war scholar) - half-dragon (mithral) - ?
rorek55 - Damon Von Brandt - high treason - LE - human - unchained rogue (phantom thief) - ? - half-field - ?
Rikash - ? - ? - ? - halfling - slayer - summoner - vampire - ?
psionichamster - ? - ? - ? - ? - fighter - kineticist - half-dragon (?) - ?
Cuàn - ? - grave robbery - ? - ? - oracle (dual-cursed) - ? - worm the walks - ?
Fighting Chicken - ? - ? - ? - ? - witch (white hair) - brawler (strangler) - broken soul - ?
NameShortage - ? - ? - ? - ? - barbarian or bloodrager - monk (martial artist) - broken soul - ?
Ouachitonian - ? - ? - ? - ? - antipaladin - pyrokineticist - half-fiend - ?
AGamer70 - ? - ? - ? - ? - cleric (fieldish vessel) - summoner - ? - ?
Helikon - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Crisischild - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
TheWaskally - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Spazmodeus - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Bane88 - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Simeon - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Viviana Masters - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Veltharis - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?

Cardinal A. Thorn |

If i was a player I would want to go with the Fey Creature template. It gives roughly the same bonuses as the touched template + flight + a thematic ability every 4 levels + spell-likes + a few ability bonuses.

"Lady" Sophia Blair |

That's a very fair assessment. Flight is a really powerful ability to start out with, so that would probably be sealed for later. Not sure how we want to handle ability score increases from templates right off the bat, but depending on when they come online I'll want to swap a couple things around to avoid a 4 Str. The special abilities solve themselves on when they come up. So I'm thinking +1 vs mind affecting effects (blooming into a +4 eventually) and then either Cold resist 5, Electricity resist 5, or DR 5/Cold Iron.

Ouachitonian |

Question about the Necromantic Affinity feat: It says that "damage caused by inflict spells heals you as if you were an undead creature". Does that apply to other sources of negative energy? Since I'm going Antipaladin, I'm looking for a way to use Touch of Corruption to heal myself. Also, I might expand into the Void kineticist element, and would have the same question with the Void Healer utility talent.

Cardinal A. Thorn |

Knight of Rust - Flight abilities won't be available until after the first book. I'm keeping you guys on the ground for that far. That's level 6 i think. I'll give specifics on how each template will improve after character selection and character building and adjusting will be able to be done then.
Ouachitonian - Touch of Corruption is not an inflict spell nor is void healer. They would come under the "+2 bonus on saving throws made to resist spells and effects that utilize negative energy" part of the feat. What you would want is to be a Dhampir to get their Negative Energy Affinity. Also the Knight of the Sepulcher gets Touch of the Crypt which would let Touch of Corruption and Void Healer heal you if you don't want to be a Dhampir.

Viviana Masters |

I'm still working on my backstory, but in terms of updating the submissions list..
Probably playing Ivy Solikha, a NE Human Investigator (Toxin Codexer) 2 / Witch (Veneficus) 2 with the Half Fiend (Succubus) Template. Thinking Murder as the Crime / Campaign trait of choice although unsure if Witchcraft fits better by virtue of her simply being a Witch (campaign trait talks more about summoning evil outsiders though).
I'll have the backstory finished in the next two days.

Javell DeLeon |

I think he's pretty much done. Going with Graveknight as his template. Really think that one is pretty fitting.
Might have a few mechanics here and there to square away but this is the gist of him.

GM NameShortage |

Finished submission:
Name: Tawg
Crime: Murder (murdered guards)
Alignment: NE
Race: Goblin (Oversized)
Class: Barbarian (Flesheater)/Monk (Martial Artist)
Template: Broken Soul
Those traits must have been what his captors saw in him to throw him into the fighting pits. The physicality came naturally, while he honed his martial skills over time. The only thing that stayed consistent was "kill to survive". When not in the pits, he was kept in a small cage and fed scant pieces of stale bread. Tawg look forward to the days where his captors got big paydays because that meant he was rewarded with a warm meal. With hunger an ever-present problem, Tawg learned to enjoy the taste of his opponent's flesh.
One day, Tawg was about to be released into the pits when men in shiny armor came and began attacking. Tawg's captors opened his cage and ordered him to kill. He managed to kill two or three of the attackers before he was incapacitated. When he awoke, he was tied up and in the back of a closed wagon, soon finding himself at what he learned is Branderscar, sentenced to death under order of King Markadian. He had heard of Braderscar and Markadian while in his cage, and always in a negative light. He didn't know anything else other than if Markadian was behind this, he had to die.
Let me know if you need any tweaks or clarification.

Fighting Chicken |

Presenting Ceres Sejna, former housewife and adulterer. After her affair ends badly, fearing a loss of station and family if their affair is discovered, her paramour, a priest of Mitra, enlists some cruel local toughs to resolve his problem. Unfortunately for the toughs and the priest, they didn't finish the job.
Name: Ceres Sejna
Crime: Kidnapping (and murder most foul before that)
Alignment: CE
Race: Human
Class: Witch (White Haired Witch) / Brawler (Strangler)
Template: Broken Soul
It is almost too much to believe a man like K. could be interested in me. Respected, kind, learned. So different from Petr. Yet, the spark is there, like sheet lightning that jumps between us, and his long gazes and coy smiles tell me he can feel it too. We must find a way to be alone.
I’ll seek an annulment through the church. K. will support me, I know it. Of course, he’ll have to leave his family as well, and our reputations will take a hit within the flock... but we will recover, with our love to see us through, and Mitra’s grace, of course. Oh, to be the wife of a priest, and not that of a drunken day laborer!
He won’t leave his family. I asked him, what exactly this was between us. Father of our flock, my arse. A wolf in sheep’s clothing more like. He threatened me, if I tell of our affair. I am afraid - there is a darkness in a man that fears losing all.
I’ll not speak in detail of last night, other than to talk of the new life I have been given. After the violence was done, the hoods left me, bound and gagged, for the winter night to finish what they had started. I lay there, tossed between two large rocks, the rope that bound me burning my throat with every labored breath. I prayed to Mitra. The night passed without his intervention.
The morning came, and fishermen with it. They stood on the rocks nearby, talking and laughing. I could make little more than a raspy, wordless whine. The rocks obscured my broken body from their view, the waves covered my plaintive whimpers. The sun fell below the horizon, the fishermen left, the temperature dropped. My fingers turned black and red. I prayed again to Mitra, and then to all the good gods that I could envision, those less welcome in Talingarde. Desna, Erastil, Cayden, Sarenrae. The morning came; I was still alive, still dying, still without hope.
The fishers came, they left. I prayed to any god I could think of, including the blasphemous. A giant crab crawled from the surf and watched me, shifting sideways and back on its spindly legs, and I laughed, a small, phlegm-filled, mirthless bleat. The night passed and above the waves I heard the crab skittering across the rock, keeping me company amid my misery.
The sun rose, the crab stood still, watching me. It was Mitra’s day of rest - no fishermen would come today. I cursed the gods, all of them, by name, for none saw fit to grant my mercy. And then I prayed again, to the darkest things I could think of; blood, secrets, vengeance, murder. The crab stirred, and others - hundreds - swarmed from the ocean and joined it. They blanketed the rocks, seemingly one wriggling mass, and then they crawled over me, their touch light, like a summer breeze, and then they cut me from my bindings, before receding back into the surf. The first crab stayed and watched me, as if curious. Slowly, I gained my feet, and scooping the crab up and placing it upon my shoulder, I made my way towards town.
The first to die would be my abductors. They were careless with their words, so sure that I would not survive that first night. I knew their names, their local haunts. I knew that Father Alberici had paid them to make his problem go away. Alberici and his flock would be next. Then, all the chosen of Mitra; his priests, his flock, even his churches would join them in ruin. This was the price of my new life.

Spazmodeus |

Righto, finally figured out what I wanted to play:
Name: Eowithe Mourngrym
Crime: Desecration
Alignment: LE
Race: Human
Template: Implacable Stalker
Class 1: Slayer
Class 2: Inquisitor
Eowithe was born into the pinnacles of Mitran society, her father a member of the clergy, as well as a noted academic and historian. Her mother was a senior member of the Inquisition, responsible for hunting down apostates and heathens; especially those who revered Asmodeus.
From early on , Eowithe rankled at the sanctimony of the Mitran creed; finding the teachings and homilies dismaying in their avoidance of natures' first and foremost law: The Strong eat (rule) the weak!.
After a few uncomfortable 'conversation' with teachers and her parents, Eowithe learnt quickly to hide her inner thoughts behind a mask of pious observance. As she grew, it became obvious that her talents followed in her Mother's footsteps and she was fast tracked on a path that would take her into the Inquisition.
Her learning progresses, that of war and tactics and the discover of falsehood; these she embraced whole-heartedly, and those of a more spiritual bent; she tolerated. Her lack of interest , and even hostility to the Mitran dogma raised concerns, but her parent's stature as well as her obvious excellence at her Inquisitorial learning allowed her some leeway.
What her parents and teachers did not know was that she was taking on some 'personal' learning. Some nights she'd escape her home or dormitory and steal into the city; taking to the rooftops or dark alleyways. There, she'd hunt; any who caught her eye. She'd follow, and study....then either cut them down unawares or announce herself in some fashion to generate as much fear as possible. Some nights she merely peered into the lives of unsuspecting families from a nearby rooftop; watching as they went on with their lives....then tap-tap-tapping at a child's window, reveling in the gasp of fear that was audible to her outside.
Such activates led Eowithe to inquire to her Inquisitorial teachers as to the nature and use of fear in the business of dealing with the heretic. While intimidation was a necessary tool of the Inquisition, the answers Eowithe received were unsatisfactory; ultimately ending in concepts such as mercy or forgiveness.
Knowing that part of her father's studies included that of the Asmodean infernal court, she sought an opportunity to delve into the 'forbidden' texts contained in his private library. Over time she managed to obtain a duplicate of his key; and under the guise of interest in his scholarship, found herself assisting him in his researches; learning what tricks and traps he laid in wait of any who entered his library unbidden.
After many years of patience, on the eve of her 19th birthday her opportunity arose; both parents off on some business, no obligations of her own to school or church. Using her key and by-passing her father's guards, she quickly drew forth a number of infernal treatises, scanning for what she desired; a true understanding of the nature of fear. Finding an oblique reference to a twice-damned tome; she sat back....it was an unfamiliar title. At first discouraged, she thought that perhaps her father had not shown her all of his books and quickly searched the small library...ultimately finding a small hidden door. Her desire for the forbidden knowledge was so powerful that she quickly opened the door, discharging the magic that guarded it. Fighting off the magical effects, she was nonetheless surprised that it had caused her skin to become alabaster white. With a shrug she pulled forth the forbidden tomes, tossing aside those that were of no interest. Finally, in the middle of the lot, she found a copy of the tome she sought.
Sitting back , she soon lost herself in the contents of the tome, screed after screed of imprecations and declarations of internal intent and action, all designed to terrify those to be subjugated!
The reading inflamed Eowithe, here was what she'd been seeking her whole life. Most intriguing was a passage detailing how one might take on infernal properties in order to more closely personify the feared Legions of Hell.
Ticking off the details of a particular ritual, Eowithe nodded at the rituals outcome: the desecration of a Good-aligned place of worship and she obtaining the power she desired!
Thinking furiously, it occurred to her that a upcoming event gave her the perfect opportunity for the ritual: she was to stand vigil in St Karathak's Cathedral with another 'innocent' , as part of her preparations to join the Mithran Inquisition. She chuckled at the thought, given her new plans.
The days leading unto the Ritual flew by in a flash, constant weapons training where she beat her fellow trainee's without mercy, asking probing, embarrassing questions during lectures , every spare moment spent alone, rehearsing in her mind the steps and procedures dictated by the Ritual.
Finally, then evening had come....she was kneeling on the stone floor at the Mithran Altar, her fellow vigil-holder kneeling opposite, eyes closed, lips moving in prayer. So fervent was the other supplicant, that he never noticed Eowithe rising and coming behind him, stunning him with a blow to the back of the head. He came to tied down to the Mitran Altar, a holy cloth stuffed in his mouth. Eyes wide he watched as Eowithe approached, naked, finely honed blade in one hand, smoking censer in the other. The acrid smoke stung his eyes, as Eowithe passes the censer over his body, the smoke seeming to cling to him. The Eowithe began to speak...Infernal...and the meaning of the words pierced his mind, his eyes widening in fear. Eowithe drank in the Mitran's fear as she performed the rites, slowly increasing the man's fear and terror. A final cut...and the man slowly died....the last syllables of the Ritual died on Eowithe's lips and suddenly the light from the torches dimmed and Eowithe thrilled at the fear she herself suddenly felt. A cold, dry, calculating regard focused on her, a presence, a power.
Silently, quickly a negotiation took place within Eowithe's mind...power in exchange for loyalty and service. The bargain was struck!
The presence retreated, the light brightened and Eowithe stood in exultation at what she'd accomplished. Her joy was short-lived however. A preceptor of the Inquisition had decided to look in on the vigil-holders and instead found the horrible desecration the Eowithe had wrought. A shout brought more members of the Inquisition, apprehending Eowithe without much trouble; she was still somewhat in shock at her reversal of fortune.
A quick hushed trial was held, mainly to avoid embarrassing Eowithe's parents, but also the Inquisition; that such a fiend had dwelt within their ranks for so long! A guilty verdict was proclaimed...and off to Brandescar she was sent, the sentence....to burned at the stake!

Viviana Masters |

Name: Ivy Solikha
Crime: Consorting with Dark Powers (Witchcraft)
Alignment: NE
Race: Human
Template:Half Fiend (Succubus)
Class 1: Investigator (Toxin Codexer)
Class 2: Witch (Veneficus)
Ivy was born to a law abiding couple in Talingarde – or so it appeared. What is without question was that her father – Godfrey - was an extremely devout follower of Miltra. The man had dedicated his life to Talingarde, defending her borders, fighting against the forces of evil, or the monsters that plagued the land. After years of service, he eventually fell in love with a woman, and hoped to start a family.
What the man did not know, was that the woman he had fell in love with was secretly a fully-fledged servant of darkness. The succubus hoped to humiliate and disgrace the man by having him father a half fiend child, while also hoping to indirectly sow further discord and doubt among other families and their own children should the nature of the relationship become public knowledge – just how widespread had the half fiend taint spread?
When Ivy was born the fiend vanished, her ‘work’ such as it was, had been completed, and she sat back to watch the developments. Conflicted, Godfrey was left with a child he no longer wanted, as well as the knowledge that if Ivy’s parentage was discovered, the resulting fallout could ruin him. Unable to muster the courage to directly harm his own child, the man nevertheless decided to abandon Ivy alone, in the hope that the infant child would starve and die on its own – thus ridding himself of the problem.
Fortunately for Ivy, she was discovered by an old woodsman couple that had an apothecary shop in the city. They made frequent trips into the forests in search of herbs and stumbled across the child on one such visit. Taking the appearance of child as a gift from Miltra, they took Ivy in, and nursed the child to full health.
As Ivy grew up, she was acutely aware that there was something different about her. She noticed her teeth becoming more pointed, nails longer, sharper. She discovered that she could change her shape briefly to hide such cosmetic changes to her body, but began to suspect that she had a different sort of heritage. She continued to work with her foster parents in the apothecary, but began to hunt for her real parents in secret, combing the archives for births and eventually closing in on her father. She tracked down Godfrey and learned the truth about her heritage, and the circumstances for why she had been abandoned as a child. Hurt, and angry that the man had placed his own reputation above her own life, Ivy lashed out with dark magic, hexing the man and forcing him to drink a poisonous concoction. As Ivy watched the lift drain from her father’s eyes she felt a surge of pride that justice had finally been done…
This feeling didn’t last particularly long. The famous witch hunter Sir Balin quickly tracked down Ivy - tracing the poison to the apothecary and from there to Ivy herself. Sentenced to Branderscar, Ivy was incensed by the injustice of it all, swearing to take her revenge Sir Balin, and bring about her own brand of justice to Talingarde.

ElbowtotheFace |

Name: Aelwulf
Crime: Arson
Alignment: LE
Race: Human
Template:Half Balor
Class 1: Antipaladin (Tyrant)
Class 2: Cleric
Britheva was hauled away while Aelwulf tried to fight the hunters off, but he was no fighter back then, and received a crossbow bolt to the chest for his efforts. He watched, with one arm propping him up against a table and the other outstretched, as his wife was thrown into a wagon, her screams echoed in his head as he collapsed to the floor, his vison going blurry and then black.
Awaking to excruciating pressure in his chest Aelwulf opened his eyes, it must have been the next morning he thought due to the lighting change. Sitting on his chest was the fox, black fur shining in the morning light, on its haunches looking down at him with malice. The fox bent over taking the bolt in its mouth and ripped it from his chest with a sudden jerk, Aelwulf was paralyzed with pain. His vison began to blur once more but cold pull of unconsciousness and oblivion was abruptly with a burning in his chest like nothing he had ever felt, he writhed and screamed for what felt like days. When his mind cleared, he noticed his wound was healed. “What the hell is going on here,” he muttered breathlessly.
“Well for starters, you have been passed out for little over a week, I am actually surprised you woke up at all,” the fox said with a crooked grin. Aelwulf thought he was going to pass out again as t he words came out of the fox’s mouth. “Your wife,” the fox continued, “has been tried, convicted, and executed for witchcraft. Only reason you weren’t included was they thought you were dead, and your son has been taken by the church. Now, I am willing to help…” Aelwulf had had enough, everything was fine until this fox, this creature, showed up. He lunged at the fox cutting off its words as his fingers wrapped grasped the fur of its throat. The overwhelming stench of brimstone filled the room and Aelwulf felt like his ears were going to explode from so oppressive pressure. He found himself no longer grasping a vulpine creature but the massive goat like legs of a man like figure with red skin, black horns, and glowing eyes. Aelwulf recognized the figure form stories he heard as a child.
“Asmodeus…” the name unwillingly escaped Aelwulf’s lips.
The figure’s presence filled the room, “no just an aspect of The First, mortals would be turned to dust by the presence of true divinity, or worse. Now as I was saying, I can help you… for a price. I have already saved you from death and imparted you with a fragment of power from a former foe, a Balor who foolishly thought he could kill The First, he was broken into pieces that I use to further my goals.” On that day Aelwulf would enter a Faustian bargain offering up his servitude and soul in exchange for his wife returned to life and his child restored to him.
Sadly, for him, Aelwulf would be caught after a year long arson campaign when he was caught in an ambush during an attempt to burn down the house of the magistrate who condemned his wife. Like her, he was branded and condemned to be sent to the pyre.
May he suffer for his crimes!
Praise be Mitra!

Cardinal A. Thorn |

Not long now, 2-3 days to go. Good luck in your other games Dealan. So far I have 15 complete submissions. It's going to be hard to narrow it down.
player - name - crime - alignment - race - class 1 - class 2 - template - backstory
Eben TheQuiet - Bladud - attempted murder - CE - half-orc - barbarian (invulnerable) - sorcerer (cross-blooded) - half-dragon (red) - wild beast turned hitman/gangster
KingHotTrash - Araton Fal - blashpemy - LE - tiefling - antipaladin (tyrant) - rogue (rake) - haunted one - haunted by devil worshipping ancestors
Saashaa - Demian Pirevam - Sedition - NE - elf - psychic - occultist (silksworn) - vampire - led an extravagant life off the exploitation of lessers
Phntm888 - Sarela Falrin - murder - NE - aasimar - mesmerist (vexing daredevil) - vigilante (cabalist) - psychic lich - killed the others to be the best dancer
Oxnard Kettlebeak - Grengar don Dangnor - murder - NE - oread - fighter (titan fighter) - druid (goliath) - barbarian (armoured hulk) - giant - bigger and meaner than all the other kids
Fanguar - Barnabas Wright - attempted murder - LE - human - unchained monk (black asp) - alchemist (toxicant/vivisectionist) - vampire - assassin who failed an important job
The Archlich - Seltyiel Renn - heresy - NE - tiefling - cleric (fiendish vessel) - shifter (elementalist) - trompe l'oeil - a fiendish reflection of solomon tyrath
Solicitor - Gildevar Broach - blasphemy - LE - half-elf - cleric - unchained rogue - devilbound (phistophilus) - mitra took his inheritance and he wants it back
Knight of Rust - "Lady" Sophia Blair - forgery - NE - kitsune - sorcerer (crossblooded) - oracle (psychic searcher) - fey-touched - cast out and rejected
Javell DeLeon - Morthos - high treason - LE - human - antipaladin (knight of the sepulcher/tyrant) - fighter - graveknight - believes he deserves to be king
NameShortage - Tawg - murder - NE - goblin - barbarian (flesheater) - monk (martial artist) - broken soul - deadly pit fighter is finally free to write his own story... in blood
Fighting Chicken - Ceres Sejna - kidnapping - CE - human - witch (white haired witch) - brawler (strangler) - broken soul - hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
Spazmodeus - EowitheMourngrym - desecration - LE -human - slayer - inquisitor - implacable stalker - born of zeal, reborn of fear
Viviana Masters - Ivy Solikha - witchcraft - NE - human - investigator (toxin codexer) - witch (veneficus) - half-succubus - abandoned, someone will pay
ElbowtotheFace - Aelwulf - arson - LE - human - antipaladin (tyrant) - cleric - half-balor - blessed by an agent of Asmodeus to take revenge for his family
Jovich - Nymz Mlezziir - ? - LE - drow - fighter (physical exemplar) - monk (war scholar) - half-dragon (mithral) - ?
rorek55 - Damon Von Brandt - high treason - LE - human - unchained rogue (phantom thief) - ? - half-field - ?
Rikash - ? - ? - ? - halfling - slayer - summoner - vampire - ?
psionichamster - ? - ? - ? - ? - fighter - kineticist - half-dragon (?) - ?
Cuàn - ? - grave robbery - ? - ? - oracle (dual-cursed) - ? - worm the walks - ?
AGamer70 - ? - ? - ? - ? - cleric (fieldish vessel) - summoner - ? - ?
Helikon - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Crisischild - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Bane88 - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Simeon - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
Veltharis - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?

Cuàn |

Still working on mine, a bit stuck on race and my second class and as a result the details of the background.
The basics are set:
Race I've narrowed down to Human, Dwarf or Changeling. The 2nd class to something with a full bab or Unchained Summoner with Soulbound Summoner archetype (eidolon is imaginary friend created as child).
If the char is a Dwarf, mother died. If a Human or a Changeling mother abandoned father during trial because she couldn't bear social stigma and took a sibling with her. If a Changeling she hates her hag mother for leaving her in such s~$&ty circumstances.
If Dwarf I'll go with Fighter or Brawler as second class and that comes from traditional training by father.
If Human or Changeling and not Summoner I'm looking at Sword Devil Ranger and the character would then have supplemented sold corpses with kills during times when not enough suitable people died. These would have been vagrants and travellers so it's an unknown for those arresting the character.

Hjálmarr Magnusson |

This is Rikash. I'll be using this profile. I've got the build and most of the story worked up (not yet ported here) but I'm hoping to knock that out today or tomorrow AM. I've changed from my initial proposal to instead be a Dwarf Half-fiend Arcane Duelist Bard/Antipaladin. Also of interest I went back and reviewed my roll and I actually had 16/15/10/9 not whatever I asked about earlier, so no change is necessary.

Araton Fal |

KingHotTrash here and I have decided one last edit to the character. While the Rake was more mechanically sound and would help with the intimidation rolls, I didn't think that it fit the idea of the character well.
In lieu of this, I'm doubling down on that haunted one idea and going with Oracle and the Ancestor mystery and Haunted curse.
All the mechanical parts are done, I just need to get his fluff written up.