Carver Hastings

Dealan's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (246 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.


Thanks for the info. I’ll look into those options.

I'm going to withdraw from consideration. I got into a couple of PFS games, and I don't want to overcommit. Enjoy, folks.

Bowing out:
Dealan - Choarku - arson - NE - goblin - alchemist (fire bomber) - slayer - mummy lord - burned down a church of mitra

What software do you folks use to build characters? How well does it accommodate the breadth of Pathfinder content (like feats and archetypes)? Does it generate formatted stat blocks for posting in a forum? I've been doing it by hand so far.

Kintargo GM
I'm trying to base Chao Jin's curse off of fibromyalgia. IRL, seems like it's quite a challenge. Mechanically speaking though, plagued is pretty tame.

I'm interested. Just working up a new character now.

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Hi folks. I'm interested in joining, but I don't have a character put together yet. I'll get on it though.

Hi folks. I'm definitely interested in this game. I'm working on ideas for Chao Jin, a young gnome who has apprenticed as a healer in the Pei Zin tradition.

I should probably mention that I'm pretty new to play-by-post. Kintargo GM, I know that you asked that we not write novels for the backstory... but I got into it. sigh

backstory: only a novella?:
Chao's adoptive human parents are (or were in the case of her father) immigrants from Wanshou in Tian Xia. Her mother Xue Jin, now in her late eighties, still practices enlightened alchemy. Chao and her mother work together out of their home near Redroof Market in Kintargo.

As for Chao herself, her origin is a mystery. Nearly 50 years ago, her adoptive parents had travelled some ways up river from Kintargo to gather reagents. They did this somewhat regularly. This time while camping on the side of the river, they woke before dawn to hear a crying baby.

The cries lead them to a tiny boat caught in an eddy near their camp. In the bottom of the boat they found an infant gnome, neatly swaddled. She quieted quickly and blinked at them with large, vibrantly green eyes. With pale, freckled skin and bright orange hair, she wore a necklace with an unfamiliar symbol: a single eye with a tear falling from it. No sign of other gnomes or anyone else could be found, and the boat was hardly large enough to hold anyone else besides.

Having been unable to have a child themselves, Xue and her husband were happy to adopt the baby gnome. They named her for Xue's grandmother, and raised her in a loving home.

Real talk: I have no idea who her birth parents are or exactly where she's from. The symbol isn't intended to connect her to anything in particular that I know of. That part of the story is left open, to be used or not. I'm fine with either.

Jumping forward in time--past a happy childhood and through an only-slightly-rebellious-if-protracted-by-human-standards adolescence--we arrive at more recent events in Kintargo. Chao hasn't ever been interested in politics. That is no longer the case.

Some of those absolutely absurd proclamations are causing real harm! The girls from Yolubilis Harbour need night tea, but now we can't sell it to them. And the claims about imbalanced humours! Highly exaggerated! Adverse reactions to night tea are uncommon, almost only ever happening when it's administered in a large dose. And even then, the effects can generally be corrected after careful assessment and prescription.

Chao took a deep breath.

And mint! Don't even start with me about mint! I mean... surely, he's right that the flavour is more than off-putting. It's actually quite wretched in my opinion. But that's no reason not to try it, never mind ban it outright! People must be able to try all sorts of things for themselves, whether they turn out to be pleasant or not. And gnomes especially.

Chao clenched and unclenched her hands as she walked down the street next to her friend, then took another deep breath, exhaling slowly. After a few more breaths, she began to hum.

Do you she'll be there? The man at the bakery said that he'd talked to a busker who knows a seamstress who works for the opera house, and she said that she talked to Shensen herself and that she's going to attend today.

Chao hummed another line.

I guess it's a bit of a stretch. But I need to at least go see.

As suggested above, her campaign trait is Star Struck with Shensen as the focus of her attention. She's attending the protest mainly to look for her idol. Opera has been something of an obsession of hers for the last few years.

Mechanically, she's going to be an oracle with the Pei Zin practitioner archetype. My goal is to have her function as an oradin without the paladin. I'm still working out the build beyond that. Probably focused on buffing and control. I'll get that part figured out soon.

I've got the slides mostly filled out. In PFS, do I get a set of clothing for free or do I need to purchase it? I know I would get it for free if this wasn't PFS, but I didn't see anything in the PFS Roleplaying Guild Guide that mentions free clothing.

Player: Dealan
Character: Ragnar Ostogson
Classes / Levels: Ranger 1
Race: human (Ulfen)
Faction: Grand Lodge
PFS ID: 74397-4
Day job (roll now): Profession (herbalist): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Hi Nowruz. Thank you for putting this on. I'm definitely interested. Did I miss my opportunity, or do you still have a spot for me?

Cardinal A. Thorn - Yeah, I didn't manage to get the whole story out the first time. Here's the rest including partial mummification (and I edited the post above slightly so that he only found one cracked rune-covered jar in the church basement rather than four intact ones.)

more backstory:
Choarku is from a goblin tribe living on the east coast about 100 miles south of Seal Isle. He is an apprentice of another alchemist, Jevnu. The tribe subsists by wrecking, lighting fires on the cliff tops at night to guide wayward ships into the rocks.

Several months ago, in the hold of a strange looking ship, they found four canopic jars and some damaged scrolls. Choarku's master Jevnu translated what he could and had determined that the scrolls described the process for creating a sah, a creature of eternal life and immense power. This interested Jevnu greatly, but being unwilling to have the untested and incompletely described procedure attempted on himself, he instead performed it on his apprentice.

Choarku survived. The results were not at first impressive... but there was a new toughness to him, and his strength grew somewhat with time. (Insert here whatever initial mechanical advantages are granted by the mummy lord template.)

Satisfied with the state of his apprentice and the potential for the improvement of the process, Jevnu persuaded the tribe's chief to support him in following up on a lead obtained from the same shipment: a letter which had been packed with the jars, addressed to someone in one of the human towns.

That's what lead to a band of goblins raiding a town in the borderlands and burning a church of Mitra. The goblins had first subdued and tied up the sole member of the clergy in his adjoining living quarters. Perhaps this clergyman was the nephew of someone important? Perhaps he lived, perhaps he died? Choarku does not know such things, although they have probably played an important role in his fate.

In addition to being an aspiring alchemist, Choarku is a hunter. Sometimes the ships don't come, or else the longshanks send out a party to try to put an end to the wrecking. During those times, the tribe heads inland and lives as best they can in the forest.

Choarku is both cowardly and unwise. His reckless experiments with alchemical fire have scarred him. He's bold enough when his allies have the numbers, but otherwise he would rather keep his distance and hide from a fight.

He strongly dislikes the people from the cities of Talingarde. In the past, their soldiers have killed his friends and chased his tribe from their home. If he could, Choarku would slay the soldiers and burn their barracks and castles... but preferably from the back ranks of a mighty horde of goblins.

Choarku's tribe of goblins worship Asmodeus as a fire god. Choarku is not especially religious, but he respects the Prince of Darkness.

Choarku would be a ranged striker, a party buffer and (if he's threatened or adequately bribed) a scout.

Well shoot. My cat was so considerate as to click my mouse button to submit this before I was done. I'll see about getting this edited and finishing up.

Dealan - Choarku - arson - NE - goblin - alchemist (fire bomber) - slayer - mummy lord - backstory

Choarku stood balancing on the bucket, his small goblin form barely able to reach it with his wrists chained above. Stupid longshanks only having chains for longshanks. He gritted his teeth. Dark Prince in Flames, his head hurt. First to be clubbed to unconsciousness when they caught him, and then brought here and branded! Choarku was no stranger to the flame's caress, but this mark--still throbbing on his forehead--was much deeper than his other scars.

Why hadn't he run with the others? They had found what they were sent for. In the hidden second basement of that dusty old church, Choarku had pried open crates until he found them: a cracked rune-covered stone jar and a stack of papyrus. The other raiders from his tribe had packed them while he started what he loved best: the fire. Something to occupy the longshanks and distract them while they escaped. With that well under way, why hadn't he run?

He shook his head and sighed. He knew well enough. He had stayed to see his love, his fire. From near the edge of the forest, he had watched her dance and rise to the roof of the church. Gazing into the light, hearing the roar and a crash... and another sound, a rhythmic pounding... from behind? His gut clenched in terror as his head snapped around in time to see a rider closing on him, swinging a mace... darkness. And then he was here.

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Thanks for the feedback. I've got a ranger ready to go now. I guess I'll throw him into whatever game comes up first, core or standard.

Hi folks. This is my first time dipping my toes in the PFS waters in a few years. I haven't done much online yet (or at all, really) and I have questions.

Are most of the games here run in standard mode? Does anyone play core? At this point, I don't own much beyond the core rulebook. I'm content to limit myself to the options in that book for now, but I'm wondering how great an impact playing what is essentially a core character in standard rules would have? For example, if I get a chronicle sheet that lists items that aren't in the CRB, am I prohibited from purchasing them for my character until I own the corresponding Paizo book?

Either way, I'm excited to get back into role-playing. I'm putting together a character now.

Let's see what I get to play with...

1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

I assume that this is the player's guide that we're interested in.

Hi folks. I'm excited at the prospect of joining. I've put together a dwarven goliath druid. Here's Kenric Otmarsun of the Neidholt clan.

Meet Kenric:
A portrait

Stout even by dwarven standards, Kenric is an imposing figure. His long, dark hair--showing streaks of white in spite of his relative youth--frames a grim scowl. The geometric tattoos that climb up his neck from beneath his collar are matched at his shirt cuffs on the backs of his broad, calloused hands. His attire is sturdy, mud stained and patched. He sits with his back straight, broad shoulders back, as he leans forward against the bar, tapping his pipe idly.

Kenric is a man of few words. He's dour and blunt. He seeks distraction and escape, but seldom in the company of others. That means reading when he can access books and drinking when he can't.

Age 82 years
Height 4 feet
Weight 192 pounds

For the tattoos, I'm imagining something like this but on a massively stocky dwarf. It connects behind his shoulders and climbs up his neck as in the portrait above.

His story so far:
Most of clan Neidholt were members of a druidic circle in the Churlwood. That's where Kenric was raised. He grew up with his parents, an older brother and a younger sister, as well as his uncle and cousin. Living in a forest infested with goblins and bandits required vigilance; however, even ruffians mostly know better than to tangle with druids in the wild, and the goblins were driven off when necessary.

So Kenric grew and learned the ways of starlings and foxes, lichen and beetles. And he learned the history of the dwarves, of the secret ways of druids and of the Green Faith.

Until the cold autumn night toward that the trolls came. Kenric never learned how the beasts found their way through the warded twisted paths that the druids maintained around their camp. He awoke to shouts and flashes of light, flames. Screams. His brother Hartmut burst into the tent, bloodied and breathing hard. He lead Kenric and their cousin Valdris out into the night, running hard, to hide away.

They crept back in the pre-dawn twilight to find ruin and slaughter. No others from their small community had survived, and the trolls could yet be heard about. They fled again, this time to the home of Valdris's mother in Roderic's Cove.

Several years later, the three cousins returned to the Churlwood to hunt the trolls that had attacked their family. That too ended with tragedy. Kenric survived, but he is not yet done with giants. He's spent the last few years living alone on the banks of the Yandabakari River, but he's recently heard tales of giants gathering, of other villages raided, and that has brought him to Sandpoint.

His stat block:
Kenric Otmarsun Neidholt
Dwarf Goliath Druid 1
N Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +6
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+0 Dex, +4 armour, +2 shield)
hp 13 (1d8+6)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +4; +2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities defensive training (+4 dodge bonus to AC vs giants)
Speed 20 ft
Melee battleaxe +3(1d8+3/x3) or club +3(1d6+3/x2) or dagger +3(1d4+3/19-20)
Ranged sling +0(1d4/x2)
Special Attacks +1 on attack rolls against goblinoid and orc humanoids, destructive smite
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1st--obscuring mist, shillelagh, true strike (D)
0--detect magic, know direction, stabilize
Spontaneous Casting sacrifice a level 1 prepared spell to cast enlarge person, summon nature's ally 1
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 12 (16 vs bull rush and trip)
Feats Toughness
Traits Contemptuous, Giant Slayer, Suspicious
Skills Perception +6 (+8 to notice unusual stonework), Knowledge (history) pertaining to dwarves and their enemies +2, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +4, Sense Motive +7, Survival +6
Languages Common, Druidic, Dwarven
SQ primal bond (Rage domain), primal empathy +0, primal size
Gear hide armour, heavy wooden shield, battleaxe, club, dagger, sling, sling bullets (20), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket, candles (10), explorer's outfit, flint and steel, hip flask (grog), holly and mistletoe, mess kit, pot, rope (50 ft), sewing needle, spell component pouch, soap, trail rations (5), waterskin, whetstone, 6 gp, 5sp, 5cp

It seems like there's still room for more players.

I've never played any of the goblin games.

This will be my first game in a few years. Excited! Sign me up for Reta.

I'm interested. I'm working on Chimon Quinn, a halfling Cleric of Desna.

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It seems that you can pick any (PFS-legal) deity with luck listed under "portfolio" (as it's called in the CRB) or "area of concern" (as it's called in the ISWG) as well as any deity who grants the luck domain.

Relevant quotes:

Ultimate Magic wrote:
When you create a cleric character, decide whether she uses the standard form of channel energy or a variant presented here based on one aspect of her deity's portfolio.

Find a deity with luck in her portfolio. Pretty clearly, that includes things listed under portfolio and area of concern. However...

Ultimate Magic wrote:
Focused Domain: A theologian chooses only one domain from her deity's portfolio rather than the normal two domains

The theologian archetype isn't particularly relevant, but the fact that theologian's chose a domain from her deity's portfolio is. Domains must be part of a deity's portfolio.

Desna is the only deity who has luck listed in a table under portfolio or area of concern, but there are others who grant it as a domain (including Calistria and Shelyn in the core pantheon). Apparently, those are acceptable for luck variant channeling. I've been trying to figure this out for myself. I'm considering a cleric of Groetus with madness variant channeling.

Barry: I understand that you want to stick to natural weapons. How do you feel about including unarmed strikes? If you're open to it, I think I've got a way to improve the Catfolk Scout.

You'll have eight attacks with a full attack at level 15.

Perfect timing, by the way. I was just working on a very similar build today. I've combined them as follows:

Catfolk Rogue (Scout):

Level 15 Catfolk Rogue (Scout) with 14 STR, 24 Dex, 14 WIS, 16 CHA
Traits:Adopted, Tusked
Racial Traits: Cat's Claws, Sprinter
Feats: Multiattack, Weapon Finesse, Improved Unarmed Strike, Two Weapon Fighting, Nimble Striker, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Claw Pounce, Power Attack
Talents: Vicious Claws, Ki Pool (2pts), Ninja Trick (Vanishing Trick), Ninja Trick (Invisible Blade), Crippling Strike, Pressure Points, Bleeding Attack
Items: Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists +3

Actions on first round:

Scout's Charge and Claw Pounce with Power Attack


+21 (BAB+Dex+charge+AoMF-PA) to each claw


First Claw = 1d4(Claw) + 8d8(SA) + 22(Bleed,PA,Dex,AoMF) + 3 STR dmg (or 2 STR + 1 DEX) [PP, CS]

Second Claw = 1d4(Claw) + 8d8(SA) + 14(PA,Dex,AoMF) + 3 STR dmg (or 2 STR + 1 DEX) [PP, CS]

Worse so far, but...

Actions on subsequent rounds till Ki Pool runs out:

Spend 1 Ki point to Vanish, declare full-attack action. I passed on power attack here to increase chance to hit, but it would depend on what you're fighting.


+19/+19/+19/+19/+19/+14/+14/+9 for US/US/claw/claw/bite/US/US/US.

First unarmed strike = 1d3 + 8d6(SA) + 18(bleed,dex,AoMF)+ 3 STR dmg (or 2 STR + 1 DEX) [PP, CS]
Second US = 1d3 + 8d6 + 10(dex,AoMF)+ 3 STR dmg (or 2 STR + 1 DEX) [PP, CS]
Each of two claws = 1d4 + 8d8 + 6(0.5 dex for secondary attack,AoMF)+ 3 STR dmg (or 2 STR + 1 DEX) [PP, CS]
Bite = 1d4 + 8d6 + 6(0.5 dex for secondary attack,AoMF)+ 3 STR dmg (or 2 STR + 1 DEX) [PP, CS]
Each of three more US = 1d3 + 8d6 + 10(dex,AoMF)+ 3 STR dmg (or 2 STR + 1 DEX) [PP, CS]

If everything in this round hits (ha) then it averages 333 damage.