Dungeon Master S's "War for the Crown" AP

Game Master Chris Marsh

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| Relics | The Story Thus Far


Level 5



Sense Motive:

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

A thread for discussing things not contained within the Iron Fellowship Slack. I recommend using this thread for things such as:

  • Level Up information
  • Treasure Distribution discussion
  • Crafting

  • MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    For leveling up in this campaign, let's go with the following:

  • Choose your class, and commit before advancing.
  • Immediately increase your maximum HP by EITHER a roll of the die, or by the PFS (1st Edition) method. Either way all the other components come into play too; CON, favored class, feats, etc. Then increase your current HP by the same. You may commit to the favored class option AFTER the roll, if you decide via roll.
  • If applicable, immediately increase your ability score.
  • Immediately increase your base stats: BAB, Saves, etc.
  • Immediately increase skill points. If this results in a new language spoken, you have immediate access to that as well.
  • Gain new feats/spell slots. Spell slots are empty and are be filled by normal means.
  • Feats and abilities with frequency/potency based on level (e.g. Smite/Power Attack/Channel energy/spontaneous spells) take immediate effect. For example, if I have 3 smite evil uses per day, and I've used one of them. Immediately upon leveling up I'd have three out of four uses per day.
  • Anything else funky is case by case.

  • Male Human Slayer 3| HP 31/31| AC 17 FF 17 Tch 10 | CMD 16 | F+5 R+3 W+1| Perc + 7| Init +2

    level 2:
    HP: 1d10 ⇒ 8

    level 2:

    Slayer Feat: trapfinding
    Skills: DD, Disguise, Kn:Geography, Perception, Survival, intimidate, sense motive

    Taldan Fated Champion 6 | HP 63/63 | AC 18 Tch 11 FF 17 | F+11* R+5* W+7* | CMD 17 | Perc +15* SM +18* | Init +5 | Tracker
    Per Diem:
    Spells 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Raging Song 17/17 | Reformer 1/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: White 1/1, Black 1/1, Red 1/1

    Xavien CL2

    Class: Skald (fated champion)
    HP: Pathfinder method, 5 roll + 2 con + 1 Favored
    Ability Score: N/A
    Base Stats: BAB+1, F+1, W+1
    Skills: 4 class + 1 Int + 1 Human; Ranks +1x3 Knowledge (history, local, nobility), +1 Linguistics (Elven), +1 Perception, +1 Perform (Sing)
    Spells: +1 Lvl 1; Known mending, disguise self
    Features: +2 Song/Day, Versatile Performance (Sing: Bluff, Sense Motive), Watcher of the Weave

    Notes for GM Rolls: Initiative +3, Perception +4, Sense Motive +9

    Taldan Noble Wizard 5 (HP: 44/44) | Init: +8 | AC: 15 T: 11, FF: 14 | Perception +8 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +7| CMB: -1| CMD: 10
    Per Diem:
    Prescience: 7/7; Pearl of Power (1st): 1/1; Arcane Bond: 1/1

    Ianthe CL2

    Class: Wizard
    HP: Pathfinder method, 4 roll + 1 con + 1 Favored
    Ability Score: N/A
    Base Stats: BAB+1, F+1, W+1
    Skills: 2 class + 4 Int + 1 Human; Ranks +1x4 Knowledge (arcana, history, nobility, planes), +1 Diplomace, +1 Intimidation, +1 Spell Craft
    Spells: +1 Lvl 1; Known feather fall, mount

    Male Taldan Bard 6 (HP: 36/36) | Init: +3 | AC: 16*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +9 | F: +2, R: +5*, W: +5 | CMB: 6| CMD: 17*

    Corran CL2

    HP: 1d8 ⇒ 1+1 Con
    Ability Score: N/A
    Base Stats: BAB +1, Ref +1, Will +1
    Skills: 6 + 1 Human, +1 Favored. (Perception; Knowledge History; Knowledge Arcana; Knowledge Local; KNowbility; Perform: Oratory; Perform: Comedy; Use Magic Device)
    New Spells Learned: Read Magic; Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter
    Versatile Performance: Oratory

    Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 6 (HP: 38+8/38) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +8 | CMB: +2| CMD: 12 Spells: 1st 4/5 2nd 4/5 3rd 3/3 | Arcane Reservoir 6/9 | Consume Spells 0/3 | Active conditions: None

    Aurelia CL2

    Class: Arcanist (Occultist)
    HP: 4 + 0 Con + 1 Favoured
    Ability Score: N/A
    Base Stats: BAB+1, W+1
    Skills: 2 class + 3 Int; Ranks +1 Diplomacy, +1 Knowledge Local/Planes, +1 Linguistics (Skald), +1 Spellcraft
    Spells: +1 Lvl 1; Known Protection from Evil, Vanish
    Features: +1 Arcane Reservoir

    | Male Human (Taldan) | L6 (Cav4/Rgr2) | hp 54/54 | Init +6 (+4 w/out panache) | AC 24, T 17, FF 18 | CMB +8, CMD 25 | F +9 R +9 W +5 | Prcptn +10, SM +11 |

    Kenton L2

    hit points: 1d10 ⇒ 10 +1 CON + 1 favored class
    Base Stats: BAB +1, Fort +1
    Skill points: 4+1 (human) — Bluff/Diplo/Kn (local)/Perception/Sense Motive +1
    Class Features: Lion's call

    | Male Human (Taldan) | L6 (Cav4/Rgr2) | hp 54/54 | Init +6 (+4 w/out panache) | AC 24, T 17, FF 18 | CMB +8, CMD 25 | F +9 R +9 W +5 | Prcptn +10, SM +11 |

    Kenton Cav3

    hit points: 1d10 ⇒ 7 +1 CON + 1 favored class
    Base Stats: BAB +1, Refl +1, Will +1
    L3 Feat: Quick Draw
    Skill points: 4+1 (human) — Bluff/Diplo/Kn (local)/Perception/Sense Motive +1
    Class Features: Nimble (+1 dodge bonus to AC)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |
    Kenton Bowe wrote:

    Kenton Cav3

    [dice=hit points]1d10 +1 CON + 1 favored class
    Base Stats: BAB +1, Refl +1, Will +1
    L3 Feat: Quick Draw
    Skill points: 4+1 (human) — Bluff/Diplo/Kn (local)/Perception/Sense Motive +1
    Class Features: Nimble (+1 dodge bonus to AC)

    You mean Armiger?

    Male Taldan Bard 6 (HP: 36/36) | Init: +3 | AC: 16*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +9 | F: +2, R: +5*, W: +5 | CMB: 6| CMD: 17*

    Corran CL3

    Hit Points: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
    Ability Score: N/A
    Base Stats: BAB +1, Fort +1
    L3 Feat: Lingering Performance
    Skills: 6 + 1 Human, +1 Favored. [Use Magic Device; Perform (Oratory); Perception; Knowledge (Religion); Knowledge (History); Knowledge (Local); Knowledge (Nobility); Perform (Comedy)]
    New Spells Learned: Read Magic; Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter
    Inspire Competence +2

    Taldan Fated Champion 6 | HP 63/63 | AC 18 Tch 11 FF 17 | F+11* R+5* W+7* | CMD 17 | Perc +15* SM +18* | Init +5 | Tracker
    Per Diem:
    Spells 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Raging Song 17/17 | Reformer 1/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: White 1/1, Black 1/1, Red 1/1

    Xavien CL3

    Class: Skald (fated champion)
    HP: Pathfinder method, 5 roll + 2 con + 1 Favored
    Ability Score: N/A
    Feat: Skald's Vigor
    Base Stats: BAB+1, R+1
    Skills: 4 class + 1 Int + 1 Human; Ranks +1 Disable Device, +1x3 Knowledge (local, nobility, engineering), +1 Perception, +1 Perform (Sing)
    Spells: +1 Lvl 1; Known open/close, silent image
    Features: +2 Song/Day, Song of Marching, Reckless Abandon

    Notes for GM Rolls: Initiative +3, Perception +5, Sense Motive +10

    Taldan Noble Wizard 5 (HP: 44/44) | Init: +8 | AC: 15 T: 11, FF: 14 | Perception +8 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +7| CMB: -1| CMD: 10
    Per Diem:
    Prescience: 7/7; Pearl of Power (1st): 1/1; Arcane Bond: 1/1

    Ianthe CL3

    Class: Wizard
    HP: Pathfinder method, 4 roll + 1 con + 1 Favored
    Ability Score: N/A
    Feat: Improved Initiative
    Base Stats: F+1, W+1
    Skills: 2 class + 4 Int + 1 Human; Ranks +1 Diplomacy, +1x3 Knowledge (Arcana, , Dungeoneering, History), +1 Perception, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spellcraft
    Spells: +2 Lvl 2; Create Pit, Glitterdust

    Notes for GM Rolls: Initiative +6, Perception +4, Sense Motive +3

    Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 6 (HP: 38+8/38) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +8 | CMB: +2| CMD: 12 Spells: 1st 4/5 2nd 4/5 3rd 3/3 | Arcane Reservoir 6/9 | Consume Spells 0/3 | Active conditions: None

    Aurelia CL3

    Class: Arcanist
    HP: Pathfinder method, 4 roll + 1 Favored
    Ability Score: N/A
    Feat: Toughness
    Skills: 2 class + 3 Int; Ranks +1 Diplomacy, +1x3 Knowledge (Arcana, History, Nobility), +1 Spellcraft
    Spells: +2 Lvl 1; Magic Missile, Touch of the Sea

    Notes for GM Rolls: Initiative +0, Perception +0, Sense Motive +0

    Taldan Fated Champion 6 | HP 63/63 | AC 18 Tch 11 FF 17 | F+11* R+5* W+7* | CMD 17 | Perc +15* SM +18* | Init +5 | Tracker
    Per Diem:
    Spells 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Raging Song 17/17 | Reformer 1/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: White 1/1, Black 1/1, Red 1/1
    Lord Xavien Marendo Karthis wrote:

    Xavien CL3

    Skills: 4 class + 1 Int + 1 Human; Ranks +1x4 Knowledge (local, nobility, engineering, dungeoneering), +1 Perception, +1 Perform (Sing)

    If Leo is going to pick up Trapfinding and DD at this level or soon, I am going to switch one of these ranks from DD to Dungeoneering.

    Male Human Slayer 3| HP 31/31| AC 17 FF 17 Tch 10 | CMD 16 | F+5 R+3 W+1| Perc + 7| Init +2

    I have DD covered
    HP level 3: 1d10 ⇒ 1
    Skill: Acrobatics, Climb, DD, intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival
    Feat: Toughness

    Taldan Fated Champion 6 | HP 63/63 | AC 18 Tch 11 FF 17 | F+11* R+5* W+7* | CMD 17 | Perc +15* SM +18* | Init +5 | Tracker
    Per Diem:
    Spells 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Raging Song 17/17 | Reformer 1/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: White 1/1, Black 1/1, Red 1/1

    Door Protocol:

    Kenton and Leo each check the door.

    [dice=Kenton Perception]d20+7[/dice
    [dice=Leo Perception]d20+7[/dice

    If found to be locked or trapped, Kenton steps back and Leo attempts to deal with the problem.

    [dice=Leo Disable Device]d20+5[/dice

    After he is finished, Leo steps back and Xavien opens the door with a quick spell. Open/close.

    | Male Human (Taldan) | L6 (Cav4/Rgr2) | hp 54/54 | Init +6 (+4 w/out panache) | AC 24, T 17, FF 18 | CMB +8, CMD 25 | F +9 R +9 W +5 | Prcptn +10, SM +11 |

    Kenton Cav4 (Scutifer)
    DEX +1
    hit points: 1d10 ⇒ 6 +1 CON + 1 favored class
    Base Stats: BAB +1, Fort +1
    Skill points: 4+1 (human) — Diplo/Perception/Sense Motive +1, Ride +2
    Class Features: Challenge (2/day), Panache (Deeds: Dodging Panache, Precise Strike, Swashbuckler Initiative), Social Presence +2

    Taldan Fated Champion 6 | HP 63/63 | AC 18 Tch 11 FF 17 | F+11* R+5* W+7* | CMD 17 | Perc +15* SM +18* | Init +5 | Tracker
    Per Diem:
    Spells 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Raging Song 17/17 | Reformer 1/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: White 1/1, Black 1/1, Red 1/1

    Xavien CL4

    Class: Skald (fated champion)
    HP: Pathfinder method, 5 roll + 2 Con + 1 Toughness + 1 Favored
    Ability Score: +1 STR
    Feat: N/A
    Base Stats: BAB+1, F+1, W+1
    Skills: 4 class + 1 Int + 1 Human; Ranks +1 Climb, +1x3 Knowledge (local, nobility, geography), +1 Perception, +1 Perform (Sing)
    Spells: +2 Lvl 2; Known heroism, mirror image
    Features: +2 Song/Day, Inspired Rage +2, Uncanny Dodge
    Notes for GM Rolls: Initiative +4, Perception +6, Sense Motive +11

    Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 6 (HP: 38+8/38) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +8 | CMB: +2| CMD: 12 Spells: 1st 4/5 2nd 4/5 3rd 3/3 | Arcane Reservoir 6/9 | Consume Spells 0/3 | Active conditions: None

    Aurelia CL4

    Class: Arcanist
    HP: Pathfinder method, 4 roll + 1 Favored + 1 Toughness
    Ability Score: +1 Int
    Feat: N/A
    Skills: 2 class + 4 Int; Ranks +1 Diplomacy, +1x3 Knowledge (Arcana, History, Local, Nobility, Planes), +1 Linguistics, +1 Spellcraft
    Spells: +2 Lvl 2; Glitterdust, Scorching Ray
    Languages: Osiriani, Vudrani

    Notes for GM Rolls: Initiative +0, Perception +0, Sense Motive +0

    Male Taldan Bard 6 (HP: 36/36) | Init: +3 | AC: 16*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +9 | F: +2, R: +5*, W: +5 | CMB: 6| CMD: 17*

    Corran Hit Points Level 4: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
    Ability Score +1 CHA

    +1 BAB, +1 REF, +1 WILL

    Learn 2 Second Level Bard Spells

    8 Skill Ranks. (6+Human+Favored Class)

    Male Taldan Bard 6 (HP: 36/36) | Init: +3 | AC: 16*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +9 | F: +2, R: +5*, W: +5 | CMB: 6| CMD: 17*

    Notes for GM Rolls: Perception is +7 now; Sense Motive is +13, Init is +2 until my Dex Damage heals.

    | Male Human (Taldan) | L6 (Cav4/Rgr2) | hp 54/54 | Init +6 (+4 w/out panache) | AC 24, T 17, FF 18 | CMB +8, CMD 25 | F +9 R +9 W +5 | Prcptn +10, SM +11 |

    Kenton Cav (courtly knight/daring champion) 4/Rgr (dandy) 1

    hit points: 1d10 ⇒ 8 ⇒ 6 +1 CON
    Base Stats: BAB +1, Fort +2, Refl +2
    Skill points: 6+1 (human) — Kn (nobles)/Perc/Ride/Sense Mot +1, Stealth +3
    Class Features: Favored Nation: Taldor (Ex), Rumor Empathy (Ex)

    Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 6 (HP: 38+8/38) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +8 | CMB: +2| CMD: 12 Spells: 1st 4/5 2nd 4/5 3rd 3/3 | Arcane Reservoir 6/9 | Consume Spells 0/3 | Active conditions: None

    Aurelia CL5

    Class: Arcanist
    HP: Pathfinder method, 4 roll + 1 Favored + 1 Toughness
    Feat: Iron Will
    Skills: 2 class + 4 Int; Ranks +1 Diplomacy, +1x3 Knowledge (Arcana, History, Nobility, Local), +1 Linguistics (Terran), +1 Spellcraft
    Spells: +2 Lvl 2; Darkvision, Knock
    Languages: Terran

    Taldan Fated Champion 6 | HP 63/63 | AC 18 Tch 11 FF 17 | F+11* R+5* W+7* | CMD 17 | Perc +15* SM +18* | Init +5 | Tracker
    Per Diem:
    Spells 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Raging Song 17/17 | Reformer 1/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: White 1/1, Black 1/1, Red 1/1

    Xavien CL5

    Class: Skald (fated champion)
    HP: Pathfinder method, 5 roll + 2 Con + 1 Toughness + 1 Favored
    Feat: Power Attack
    Base Stats: N/A
    Skills: 4 class + 1 Int + 1 Human; Ranks +1x3 Knowledge (local, nobility, nature), +1 Perception, +1 Perform (Sing), +1 Ride
    Spells: +1 Lvl 1, +1 Lvl 2; Known gallant inspiration
    Features: +2 Song/Day, Spell Kenning (Far Seer)
    Notes for GM Rolls: Perception +7, Sense Motive +12

    Male Taldan Bard 6 (HP: 36/36) | Init: +3 | AC: 16*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +9 | F: +2, R: +5*, W: +5 | CMB: 6| CMD: 17*

    Level Up...

    Corran Clement CL5
    Class: Bard
    HP: 1d8 ⇒ 2... Yuck. 5d8+10+5(toughness), New total: 28
    Feat: TBD getting clarification
    Base Stats: N/A
    Skills: 6+Favored+Human; Ranks: +1 Knowledge Dungeoneering, +1 Knowledge Geography, +1 Knowledge Planes, +1 Nature, +1 Perform Comedy, +1 Perform Oratory, Sense Motive +1, UMD +1
    Features Inspire Courage +2, Loremaster 1/Day

    Taldan Fated Champion 6 | HP 63/63 | AC 18 Tch 11 FF 17 | F+11* R+5* W+7* | CMD 17 | Perc +15* SM +18* | Init +5 | Tracker
    Per Diem:
    Spells 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Raging Song 17/17 | Reformer 1/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: White 1/1, Black 1/1, Red 1/1

    Xavien CL6

    Class: Skald (fated champion)
    HP: Pathfinder method, 5 roll + 2 Con + 1 Toughness + 1 Favored
    Feat: N/A
    Base Stats: +1 BAB, +1 all saves, +1 Init
    Skills: 4 class + 1 Int + 1 Human; Ranks +1x4 Knowledge (local, nobility, planes, religion), +1 Perception, +1 Perform (Sing)
    Spells: +1 Lvl 2; Known bladed dash (if allowed by GM, otherwise minor image)
    Features: +2 Song/Day, Song of Strength, Guarded Life
    Notes for GM Rolls: Perception +8, Sense Motive +13, Init +5

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |
    Lord Xavien Marendo Karthis wrote:

    Xavien CL6

    Class: Skald (fated champion)
    HP: Pathfinder method, 5 roll + 2 Con + 1 Toughness + 1 Favored
    Feat: N/A
    Base Stats: +1 BAB, +1 all saves, +1 Init
    Skills: 4 class + 1 Int + 1 Human; Ranks +1x4 Knowledge (local, nobility, planes, religion), +1 Perception, +1 Perform (Sing)
    Spells: +1 Lvl 2; Known bladed dash (if allowed by GM, otherwise minor image)
    Features: +2 Song/Day, Song of Strength, Guarded Life
    Notes for GM Rolls: Perception +8, Sense Motive +13, Init +5

    I'll allow it.

    | Male Human (Taldan) | L6 (Cav4/Rgr2) | hp 54/54 | Init +6 (+4 w/out panache) | AC 24, T 17, FF 18 | CMB +8, CMD 25 | F +9 R +9 W +5 | Prcptn +10, SM +11 |

    Kenton CL6
    Cav (courtly knight/daring champion) 4/Rgr (dandy) 2

    hit points: 1d10 ⇒ 3 +1 CON = 4
    Base Stats: BAB +1, Fort +1, Refl +1
    Skill points: 6+1 (human) — Diplomacy/Stealth +2, Perception/Ride/Sense Motive +1
    Class Features: Combat Style (Mounted) (Ex)
    Bonus Feat: Trick Riding

    Female Taldan Noble Arcanist 6 (HP: 38+8/38) | Init: +0 | AC: 12 (14 w/Mage Armor) T: 10, FF: 10 (14 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +0 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +8 | CMB: +2| CMD: 12 Spells: 1st 4/5 2nd 4/5 3rd 3/3 | Arcane Reservoir 6/9 | Consume Spells 0/3 | Active conditions: None

    Aurelia CL6
    +1 level of Arcaninist

    Spells: 3rd level spell slots, adding Haste and Summon Carriage to the spellbook.
    Hit points: Via Pathfinder method (+4)
    Skills: bumps all around (see profile)

    | Male Human (Taldan) | L6 (Cav4/Rgr2) | hp 54/54 | Init +6 (+4 w/out panache) | AC 24, T 17, FF 18 | CMB +8, CMD 25 | F +9 R +9 W +5 | Prcptn +10, SM +11 |
    Kenton Bowe wrote:

    Kenton CL6

    Cav (courtly knight/daring champion) 4/Rgr (dandy) 2

    [dice=hit points]1d10 +1 CON = 4
    Base Stats: BAB +1, Fort +1, Refl +1
    Skill points: 6+1 (human) — Diplomacy/Stealth +2, Perception/Ride/Sense Motive +1
    Class Features: Combat Style (Mounted) (Ex)
    Bonus Feat: Trick Riding

    Gonna tweak this slightly. (Alternatively, I guess you could say I am altering the deal.)

    Class Features: Combat Style (Crossbow) (Ex)
    Bonus Feat: Deadly Aim

    Taldan Noble Wizard 5 (HP: 44/44) | Init: +8 | AC: 15 T: 11, FF: 14 | Perception +8 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +7| CMB: -1| CMD: 10
    Per Diem:
    Prescience: 7/7; Pearl of Power (1st): 1/1; Arcane Bond: 1/1

    Ianth CL6
    +1 level of Diviner

    Spells: 2nd and 3rd level spell slots, adding Invisibility and Resist Energy, Communal to the spellbook.
    Hit points: Via Pathfinder method (+4)
    Skills: bumps all around (see profile)

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    I'm going to be at a convention from this evening (31-Oct) until Sunday afternoon. I'd expect my posting to be either not existant or extremely limited. Will post as soon as I can.

    Male Taldan Bard 6 (HP: 36/36) | Init: +3 | AC: 16*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +9 | F: +2, R: +5*, W: +5 | CMB: 6| CMD: 17*


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Male Taldan Bard 6 (HP: 36/36) | Init: +3 | AC: 16*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +9 | F: +2, R: +5*, W: +5 | CMB: 6| CMD: 17*

    Level Up! (Yes, yes, shut up.)

    Class: Bard6
    HP: 1d8 ⇒ 6 6d8+12 (toughness), New total: 36
    Feat: N/A
    Base Stats: N/A
    Skills: 6+Favored+Human; Ranks: +1 Perception, +1 Perform Comedy, +1 Perform Oratory, +1 UMD, +1 Stealth, +1 Disguise, +1 Slight of Hand, +1 Spellcraft
    Features Suggestion, Versatile Performance: Comedy

    Spells Learned: Glitterdust, Heroism

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