Sanvil Trett

Lord Xavien Marendo Karthis's page

668 posts. Alias of Andrew Trexler.

Full Name

Lord Xavien Marendo Domitian Iactarus Karthis


| Tracker


Per Diem:
Spells 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Raging Song 17/17 | Reformer 1/1 | Kenning 1/1 | Gems: White 1/1, Black 1/1, Red 1/1


Taldan Fated Champion 6 | HP 63/63 | AC 18 Tch 11 FF 17 | F+11* R+5* W+7* | CMD 17 | Perc +15* SM +18* | Init +5










Taldane, Azlanti

Strength 17
Dexterity 10
Constitution 16
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 14

About Lord Xavien Marendo Karthis

Pronunciation: ex-ZAY-vee-an | mah-REN-doh | doh-MIT-tee-an | yakh-TAR-us | KAR-thiss

Notes: People to find include Sir Meir Dratavis, Rhundle Navin, possibly Baron Mauston Kustios. Also the Cult of the Twilight Child.

Lord Xavien Marendo Domitian Iactarus Karthis
Taldan Noble Fated Champion 6
CG Medium Humanoid (Taldane)
Init +5; Senses Perception +13, Sense Motive +16
AC 18 (+0 Dex, +7 armor, +1 deflection)
hp 63 (6d8+30)
Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5
Speed 20* ft.
Ranged +1 returning chakram +5 (1d8+4/x2), or shortbow +4 (1d6/x3)
Melee Koriana's Blade (+3 Defending Longsword) +10 (d8+7/19-20x2), or
+1 handaxe +8 (d6+4/x3), or
masterwork longsword +8 (d8+4/19-20x2)
Special Attacks raging song (inspired rage +2 [+2 Str/Con], song of marching, song of strength) 17 rounds/day
Spells Known (CL 6, concentration +8):
Level 2 (4/day) bladed dash, gallant inspiration, heroism, mirror image
Level 1 (5/day) disguise self, heightened awareness, silent image, vanish
Cantrips (at will) detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, mending, open/close, prestidigitation
Str 17, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 17
Feats Toughness, Noble Scion (Karthis), Scribe Scroll, Skald's Vigor, Power Attack
Traits Young Reformer, Savant (Song)
Skills [36 total] acrobatics* -3 [0 ranks], appraise +1 [0 ranks], bluff +16 [0 ranks, versatile performance], climb* +4 [1 ranks], craft +1 [0 ranks], diplomacy +9 [1 ranks], disable device* -2 [0 ranks], escape artist* -3 [0 ranks], handle animal +5 [0 ranks], intimidate +5 [0 ranks], knowledge (arcana) +4 [0 ranks], knowledge (dungeoneering) +8 [1 ranks], knowledge (engineering) +8 [1 ranks], knowledge (geography) +8 [1 ranks], knowledge (history) +8 [1 ranks], knowledge (local) +14 [6 ranks], knowledge (nature) +8 [1 ranks], knowledge (nobility) +15 [6 ranks], knowledge (planes) +8 [1 ranks], knowledge (religion) +8 [1 ranks], linguistics +6 [2 ranks], perception +13 [6 ranks], perform (sing) +16 [6 ranks], perform (percussion/wind?) (+5?) [0 ranks], profession -1 [0 ranks], ride* +1 [1 ranks], sense motive +16 [0 ranks, versatile performance], spellcraft +1 [0 ranks], swim* +0 [0 ranks], use magic device +5 [0 ranks], *-3 ACP applied
Languages Taldane, Azlanti, Elven
SQ Bardic Knowledge, Versatile Performance (Sing), Uncanny Dodge, Rage Powers (Reckless Abandon, Guarded Life)
Gear acid flask, alchemist's fire (x5), antiplague, antitoxin (x2), backpack (masterwork), belt of mighty constitution +2, belt pouch, bladeguard, book of letters, bottle (empty), candle (x2), canteen, circlet of persuasion, cloak of resistance +1, chalk, charcoal (1 stick), cold iron morningstar, crowbar, courtier's outfit, dagger, disguise kit, earplugs, explorer's outfit, eyes of the eagle, false-bottomed scabbard, flint and steel, furs, +1 glamered breastplate, glass cutter, grooming kit, +1 handaxe, handy haversack, haunt siphon, heritage book, hollow-heeled boot, jewelry (100 gp), Koriana's Blade, keys to the Palace of the Birdsong and Royal Tower, marker dye (bright green), marvelous pigments, mask (25 gp), mask (5 gp), masterwork chainshirt, masterwork longsword, masterwork thieves' tools, mirror, mug, oil of hold portal, parchment (2 sheets), potion of bear's endurance (x2), potion of bull's strength, potion of keen senses, potion of monkey fish, ring of protection +1, sealing wax, scroll of feather step, scroll of identify, scroll of invisibility, shortbow (20 arrows), signet ring, silk rope, smoked goggles, spell component pouch, wand of eagle's splendor (3 charges), wand of cure light wounds (11 charges), wand of cure light wounds (34 charges), wand of cure moderate wounds (29 charges), wax key blank, whetstone Cash 694.1 gp
Bardic Knowledge (Ex) Xavien gains a bonus on all Knowledge checks equal to half his level, and can use Knowledge skills untrained.
Raging Song (Su) Xavien's thunderous baritone can inspire his friends to accomplish great feats. This takes the form of specific performances, such as Inspired Rage. Xavien can offer a Raging Song a number of rounds per day equal to 1 plus his Charisma modifier plus 2 per level. Xavien can begin a raging song as a standard action and maintain it as a free action. His allies must be able to hear him to gain the song's benefits, and each ally chooses whether to accept the song's effects at the beginning of their turn.
Song of Marching (Su) Xavien can encourage soldiers to march on when their legs would give up in protest. He can expend 1 round of raging song to encourage his allies to hustle for 1 hour, and this movement only counts as walking for the purposes of fatigue and nonlethal damage.
Song of Strength (Su) Xavien's song can inspire superhuman feats of strength. Allies within 60 feet who can hear the song can add a bonus equal to half Xavien's level to Strength checks or Strength-based skill checks.
Inspired Rage (Su) Xavien can inspire allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +2 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of inspired rage, allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
Reckless Abandon (Ex) Xavien has learned to improve his accuracy at the expense of his safety. He may choose to gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls in exchange for a -2 penalty to AC.
Guarded Life (Ex) Whenever reduced below 0 HP while raging, 1 HP/level of damage is immediately converted to nonlethal damage. If Xavien is at negative HP due to lethal damage, he immediately stabilizes.
Skald's Vigor (Ex) Xavien's love of battle gives him life. Whenever he sings an Inspired Rage song, he gains Fast Healing equal to the Str bonus.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Xavien is difficult to surprise. He cannot be caught flat-footed.
Power Attack (Ex) Xavien knows when to make his swings count. He may choose to gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls in exchange for a -1 penalty to attack rolls.
Young Reformer (Ex) Once per day, Xavien can call upon his coconspirators to have “made arrangements” on his behalf, allowing him to attempt a Knowledge (local) check in place of a single Bluff, Disable Device, Intimidate, or Sleight of Hand check. The DC of this Knowledge (local) check is equal to the DC of the skill check it replaces. Whatever arrangements he makes—for doors left unlocked, guards strong-armed out of your way, stolen keys left to find—must be reasonable to have anticipated and achieved beforehand; he could arrange to have a noble convinced he is a very important diplomat traveling in disguise, for example, but if a fight breaks out he could not rely on his network of contacts to feint for him in combat. You do not have to use this ability in advance; you can announce its use as you encounter a challenge, implying you foresaw this challenge and made arrangements prior to your arrival.
Watcher of the Weave (Ex) Well-trained in storytelling, Xavien can often predict what might happen next. He gains an insight bonus on initiative checks equal to 1/2 his skald level.
Spell Kenning (Far Seer) (Su) Xavien is a consummate imitator. Once per day, he may cast any spell from the bard, cleric, or sorcerer/wizard spell list using one of his own spell slots of the same level. For this purpose, any spell that attempts to divine the future (augury, divination) is treated as one spell level lower, and any spell that deals damage is treated as one spell level higher.

Magic Item Slots:

Head: Circlet of Persuasion
Eyes: Eyes of the Eagle
Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance +1
Belt: Belt of Mighty Constitution +2
Ring: Ring of Protection +1

Heed the Song!:

You may accept Inspired Rage as a FREE ACTION at the BEGINNING of your turn. If so, gain the following:
+2 Str
+2 Con (+1 hp/lvl, +1 on Fort saves)
+2 Will saves
-1 AC
May use the Reckless Abandon rage power (+2 attack, -2 AC)
Cannot use Dex-, Int-, or Cha-based skills (except Acro, Fly, Intimidate, Ride)
Cannot use abilities that require patience or concentration
You are NOT fatigued when the song ends
You CAN choose to cycle in and out of the raging song round by round


Heart of Oak (link)
Don't Forget Your Old Shipmate (link)
Battle Cry of Freedom (link)
Battle Hymn of the Republic Empire (link)
When Johnny Marty Comes Marching Home (link)
Victory at Trafalgar Encarthan (link)
The Young Volunteer (link)
Spanish Chelish Ladies (link)
Betty of Billingsgate Kitty of Heraldsgate (link)
O! 'Tis Love! (link)
South Australia Jalmaray (link)
Tis Time We Hunt the Bear Warg (link)
The Bonny Ship, the Diamond (link)
Battle of Evermore (link)
Blow the Man Down (link)
Drunken Sailor Failure (link)
Scots Knights Wha Hae (link)

Future material link link link link link Matty Groves (shanties link: link link) (love ballads: link link link link)

Background & Description:

Lord Xavien Marendo Domitian Iactarus Karthis takes pride in his current status as the black sheep of the Karthis family. While the falling out has never risen to disownment, the distance between Xavien and most of his direct relatives has been widening for years. His family tried time and again to stamp out his rebellious inclinations and adventurous spirit, but Xavien was never one to sit still at a dinner party, and never hesitated to offer stinging commentary or a pointed joke at the gathered dinner guests -- or his relatives. His quick tongue and gregarious nature was an ill fit for the polite, traditionalist qualities expected of him. Indeed, when at the family's ancestral estate in Zimar, Xavien spent as much time cavorting among the soldiers stationed there as he did his own family.

Gifted with a rich baritone even in his youth, Xavien was sent to the famed Kitharodian Academy on Canal Row, where his family hoped he would learn to be a proper socialite. Military service was expected of him at some point, to be sure, but his family hoped to break him into their preferred mold first. Instead, he started going by Marendo, so-named after his mother's bloodline as a snipe at his father, and it was only a year before he was dismissed from the Academy for engaging in frequent brawls with other students. The family tried again, at the Rhapsodic College in Westport, but he left of his own accord after a couple of years, and the family has made little effort to involve him in politics since.

Fortunately, Xavien has found his own path. No longer content to simply rebel against Taldor's ossification, he has become increasingly intent on revitalizing the nation through much-needed reforms. He has gathered a small band of friends and allies who together navigate the treacherous waters of Taldane courtly society in the hope of eventually altering the currents themselves. And now, with the support of Lady Martella Lotheed, those hopes just might become reality.

Xavien stands a little above average height, with a stocky build, and a smile playing on his lips more often than not. When he introduces himself, it is almost always as Marendo rather than Xavien. He is quick to laugh, and usually finds an embellished story more interesting than the plain truth. Eschewing both the gaudy garbs forced on him by his parents and the purely functionalist fashions he teased them with in adolescence, Xavien's current attire is a bespoke blend of high-fashion and utility, paying homage to the fanciful sartorial choices of Taldor's elites, but at the same time slimming them down for cleaner, smoother lines from head to toe. He limits himself to two thick gold torcs worn on the wrists and another worn at the neck. His personal signet ring bears the Karthis family crest, but with the charges reversed. At his side is a straight-edged soldier's longsword, which he much prefers over the flimsier blades popular among duelists in Oppara today.


1st: Toughness, Noble Scion (Karthis), Heightened Awareness, Vanish
2nd: Disguise Self
3rd: Skald's Vigor, Reckless Abandon, Silent Image
4th: Heroism, Mirror Image
5th: Power Attack, Gallant Inspiration, Swap 1st Level Spell
6th: Guarded Life (or Impelling Disarm or Quick Reflexes), +1 2nd Level Spell
7th: Leadership (or Combat Casting), Cure Light Wounds Discern Next of Kin, Glibness, Displacement
8th: Good Hope, Swap 2nd-level spell
9th: Iron Will, Unexpected Strike, See Invisibility
10th: Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility, +1 2nd Level Spell
11th: Cleave (or Extend Spell or Lingering Performance), Dimension Door, +1 1st Level Spell, Swap Displacement for Flexible Fury Swap 3rd-level
12th: Come and Get Me, Neutralize Poison or Dance of a Thousand Cuts
13th: Extra Rage Power (Clear Mind or Mighty Swing or Improved DR), Greater Heroism, Mislead, Displacement +3rd level spell
14th: Mass Cure Light Wounds, +1 2nd Level Spell, Swap 4th Level Spell
15th: Great Cleave (or Extra Rage Power or Extend Spell), Improved DR, Persistent Image


10, smoked goggles
15, wax key blank
15, marker dye (bright green)
25, scroll of feather step
75-30, noble's outfit (discount via Thread Rare)
50, additional jewelry (gold belt)
10, explorer's outfit
12, furs
5, simple mask
25, fancy mask
10, hollow-heeled boot
1000, cloak of resistance
55, potion of keen senses
100, alchemist fire x5
400, haunt siphon
25, gift to Piscum to cover stolen silver/whiskey
25, scroll of identify
50, scroll of hold portal
1.8, bottle
45, book of letters
40.5, false-bottomed scabbard
45, heritage book
9, silk rope
2000, handy haversack

To purchase: boots of striding and springing (5500), wand of lesser restoration (4500)

15th Level:

Lord Xavien Marendo Domitian Iactarus Karthis
Human Fated Champion 15
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +9; Senses Perception +17
AC 10 (+0 Dex)
hp 138 (15d8+60)
Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +10
DR 3/--
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +15-3 (d8+6+9/19-20x2)
Special Attacks raging song (inspired rage +4 [+4 Str/Con], song of marching, song of strength, song of the fallen) 33 rounds/day, spell kenning 2/day
Spells Known (CL 15, concentration +21):
Level 5 (3/day) +4
Level 4 (4/day) +4
Level 3 (5/day) +5
Level 2 (6/day) +6
Level 1 (6/day) +6
Cantrips (at will) detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, prestidigitation, ghost sound, mending
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Atk +11/+6/+1; CMB +15; CMD 25
Feats Toughness, Noble Scion, Scribe Scroll, Skald's Vigor, Power Attack, Leadership, Iron Will, Extra Rage Power (Clear Mind), Extra Rage Power (Mighty Swing), Dazing Assault
Traits Young Reformer, Savant (Song)
Skills [90 total] acrobatics +0 [0 ranks], appraise +1 [0 ranks], bluff +22 [0 ranks], climb +3 [0 ranks], craft +1 [0 ranks], diplomacy +20 [15 ranks], disable device +5 [1 ranks], escape artist +0 [0 ranks], handle animal +15 [0 ranks], intimidate +15 [0 ranks], knowledge (local) +26 [15 ranks], knowledge (nobility) +27 [15 ranks], knowledge (other) +8 [0 ranks], linguistics +7 [3 ranks], perception +17 [15 ranks], perform (sing) +22 [15 ranks], perform (percussion) +15 [10 ranks], profession +0 [0 ranks], ride +0 [0 ranks], sense motive +22 [0 ranks], spellcraft +5 [1 ranks], *stealth +0 [0 ranks], swim +3 [0 ranks], use magic device +2 [0 ranks]
Languages Taldane, Azlanti, Skald, Elven
SQ Bardic Knowledge, Far Seer, Lore Master 2/day, Rage Powers (Reckless Abandon, Quick Reflexes, Clear Mind, Unexpected Strike, Come and Get Me, Mighty Swing, Improved DR), Shield of Foresight, Versatile Performance
Bardic Knowledge (Ex)
Raging Song (Su)
Inspired Rage (Su)
Versatile Performance (Ex) Song
Watcher of the Weave (Su)
Song of Marching (Su)
Reckless Abandon (Ex)
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
Spell Kenning (Su)
Far Seer (Su)
Quick Reflexes (Ex)
Song of Strength (Su)
Loremaster (Ex)
Clear Mind (Ex)
Unexpected Strike (Ex)
Shield of Foresight (Su)
Come and Get Me (Ex)
Song of the Fallen (Su)
Mighty Swing (Ex)

Damian LaMontagne:

Damian LaMontagne
Human Urban Ranger 3
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1+2; Senses Perception +7+2 (+2 vs humans)
AC 16 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 Deflection) Mounted 19 (+4 armor, +3 shield, +1 Dex, +1 Deflection)
hp 35
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged shortbow +4 (1d6/x3)
Melee masterwork greatsword +8-1+1 (2d6+6+3/19-20x2), cold iron morningstar +7-1+1 (1d8+6+3/x2), lance +7-1+1 (2d8+12+6/x3)
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Toughness, Power Attack, Ride-By Attack, Furious Focus
Traits World Traveler, Young Reformer
Skills [24 total] bluff -1 (+1 vs humans) [0 ranks], climb +8 [1 rank], disable device +8+2+1 [3 ranks], heal +5 [1 rank], knowledge (local) +8+2 (+2 vs humans) [3 ranks], perception +7+2 (+1 vs traps, +2 vs humans) [3 ranks], ride +7 [3 ranks], sense motive +8 (+2 vs humans) [3 ranks], stealth +7+2 [3 ranks], survival +7+2 (+1 track, +2 vs humans) [3 rank], swim +8 [1 rank]
Languages Common, Azlanti
Gear alchemist's fire, acid flask, backpack, belt pouch, candle (x2), canteen, chalk, charcoal (1 stick), crowbar, cold iron morningstar, dagger, earplugs, explorer's outfit, flint and steel, heavy steel shield +1, lance, masterwork lamellar (leather) armor, masterwork greatsword, mess kit, mirror, mug, ring of protection +1, rope (hemp), parchment (2 sheets), potion of cure light wounds, potion of bull's strength, powder, shortbow (17 arrows), signal whistle, smoked goggles, whetstone
Mount combat-trained light horse, military saddle, bit and bridle, saddlebags
Favored Enemy (Ex) Humanoid (Human) +2 Damian has fought many men in his time, and gains a +2 bonus to Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival, attack, and damage rolls against them.
Track (Ex) Damian is an exceptional tracker. He adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) to Survival checks to track.
Wild Empathy (Ex) Damian has always been good with animals. He may attempt a Wild Empathy check with wild animals as if a Diplomacy check, adding his level to his Charisma check.
Trapfinding Damian is attentive to traps in the most unlikely of places. He adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) to Perception checks versus traps and Disable Device checks.
Favored Community: Oppara Damian is deeply familiar with the Taldan capital. He gains a +2 bonus to initiative checks, Knowledge (local), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks within the city. While in the city, he leaves no trail and cannot be tracked, unless he wishes to leave a trail.

Human Urban Ranger 15
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +11; Senses Perception +19 (+25 vs humans, +26 vs traps)
AC Medium Armor
hp 154
Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +9
Speed 30 ft.
Str 18+2, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13+1, Cha 8
Base Atk +15; CMB +20; CMD 30
Feats Toughness, Power Attack, Ride-By Attack, Furious Focus, Boon Companion, Spirited Charge, Mounted Combat, (Iron Will or Improved Initiative), Mounted Shield, Improved Sunder, Greater Sunder, Mounted Skirmisher, (Iron Will or Improved Initiative)
Traits World Traveler, Young Reformer
Skills 120 Total Skill Points
*Climb +9 [1 rank]
*Disable Device +20 (+27 vs traps) [15 ranks]
Escape Artist
Handle Animal
*Heal +6 [1 rank]
*Intimidate +9 [7 ranks]
*Knowledge Dungeoneering +5 [1 rank]
*Knowledge Geography +5 [1 rank]
*Knowledge History +6 [1 rank]
*Knowledge Local +26 [15 ranks]
Linguistics +5 [1 rank]
*Perception +26 [15 ranks]
*Ride +19 [15 ranks]
*Sense Motive +21 [15 ranks]
Sleight of Hand
*Spellcraft +5 [1 rank]
*Stealth +25 [15 ranks]
*Survival +25 [15 ranks]
*Swim +9 [1 rank]
Use Magic Device
Languages Common, Azlanti