[PFS2] Q01 The Sandstone Secret (GM Watery Soup) (Inactive)

Game Master Watery Soup


(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Please post:

Player Name
Character Name
Faction Boon Slotted
Slow or Normal XP
Downtime (go ahead and make the roll if you know what you want to do)

Verdant Wheel

Leshy Rogue 2 | Active Conditions: None | Temp: 5 HP: 28 (-4) | AC 18 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +8| Perc: +8; Low-Light | Stealth: +5 | 25ft | Hero Pts: 0/1 | Reaction: You’re Next

Player: RePete
Character Name: Tempest "Temp" Steward
PFS #: 126566-2004
Faction: Verdant Wheel
XP: Normal
Downtime: Lore (Abyssal): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Earn Income DC 14
Success! = 5 cp per day

Grand Archive

F Iruxi Fighter 6 | HP (58/86) | AC 24 | F +13 R +10 (+3 vs Damage) W +13 | Perception +13

As a note I have played but not GMed or Read this one before.

Player Name Pirate Rob
Character Name Samantha
PFS# 757-2005
Faction Boon Slotted Grand Archive
Slow or Normal XP Normal
Downtime lvl 0, 8 days. Iruxi Lore DC 14: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Fail = 1cp/day = 8cp

Horizon Hunters

CG Male Twilight Halfling Rogue / 5th
| HP: 55/56 | AC: 23 or 25 with Nimble Dodge Reaction ↺ | F: +9; R: +13; W: +12 | Perception(E): +12; Low Light with Keen Eyes| Hero Pts: 1/3 | Spd: 30' ◆ | Stealth(E) +13 | Active Conditions: Trap Finder

Player Name: Zsolt Szatloczki
Character Name: Mylow Metcalf
PFS# 208315-2002
Faction Boon Slotted: Horizon Hunters
Slow or Normal XP: Normal
Downtime: Scouting Lore: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
DC: 14 (Lvl-2=0) Success=5cp/day*8 days=4sp

Envoy's Alliance

Male human bard 1 | HP 17 | Perception +7 | AC 15; Fort +4; Ref +3; Will +7

Player Name: Diaz Ex Machina
Character Name: Matei Nakayama
PFS#: 161295-2001
Faction Boon Slotted: Envoys' Alliance
XP: Normal
DowntimePerformance DC 14: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 Fail: 1cp/day = 2cp

Horizon Hunters

NG male half-elf Storm Druid 4 | hp 48/48 | AC 20/22 shield | F +9, R +9, W +11 | Perc +10 (low-light, Inc. Init +2)| Stealth +8 Spd 25 | Focus 2/2 | hero pts. 1 | Active Cond. --

Player Name: C. Dragos
Character Name: Roahn Duskmire
PFS#: 17148-2003
Faction Boon Slotted: Horizon Hunters
Slow or Normal XP: normal
Downtime: Lore(Herbal): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Do we get 8 days of downtime? I thought a Quest only gives 2 days.

Horizon Hunters

CG Male Twilight Halfling Rogue / 5th
| HP: 55/56 | AC: 23 or 25 with Nimble Dodge Reaction ↺ | F: +9; R: +13; W: +12 | Perception(E): +12; Low Light with Keen Eyes| Hero Pts: 1/3 | Spd: 30' ◆ | Stealth(E) +13 | Active Conditions: Trap Finder
Roahn wrote:
Do we get 8 days of downtime? I thought a Quest only gives 2 days.

You are right that we only get 2 DT days for quests. So mine should be corrected to say 5cp/day*2 days=1 sp.

Grand Archive

F Iruxi Fighter 6 | HP (58/86) | AC 24 | F +13 R +10 (+3 vs Damage) W +13 | Perception +13

Just me copy/pasting and not paying enough attention. 2cp total, thanks guys.

Horizon Hunters

NG male half-elf Storm Druid 4 | hp 48/48 | AC 20/22 shield | F +9, R +9, W +11 | Perc +10 (low-light, Inc. Init +2)| Stealth +8 Spd 25 | Focus 2/2 | hero pts. 1 | Active Cond. --

What about that Field Agent thing? Do you get more days from that? Oh, you need to not belong to a faction, I think.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Yeah, you can be Field Commissioned and get 50% more downtime (12 days for a scenario, 3 days for a quest), but then you don't get the free consumable items.

Envoy's Alliance

Male human bard 1 | HP 17 | Perception +7 | AC 15; Fort +4; Ref +3; Will +7

I didn't chose my two free items (3 points in the Scrolls) at the start of the quest, can I do it now?

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺


Also, before I forget, everyone has a Hero Point.

Verdant Wheel

F Half-elf | Ranger 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 74/74| AC 24 | F +11 R +14 W +13 | Perception +13 Low light vision | Hero 2/3 | Focus 1/1 | speed 35 |Prey=black |

Player: Halgur
Character Name: Meadow
PFS #: 35206-2007
Faction: Verdant Wheel
XP: Normal
Downtime: scouting lore: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Earn Income DC 14
Critical failure! 0 gold Silence flew off after a rabbit and Meadow had to spend too much time looking for him.

Horizon Hunters

NG male half-elf Storm Druid 4 | hp 48/48 | AC 20/22 shield | F +9, R +9, W +11 | Perc +10 (low-light, Inc. Init +2)| Stealth +8 Spd 25 | Focus 2/2 | hero pts. 1 | Active Cond. --

Procuring a minor healing potion from PF training (Scrolls 2, Swords 1).

I may want to make a purchase before heading out. I have over 800 sp and have no idea what to buy. I'll decide early tomorrow.

Horizon Hunters

CG Male Twilight Halfling Rogue / 5th
| HP: 55/56 | AC: 23 or 25 with Nimble Dodge Reaction ↺ | F: +9; R: +13; W: +12 | Perception(E): +12; Low Light with Keen Eyes| Hero Pts: 1/3 | Spd: 30' ◆ | Stealth(E) +13 | Active Conditions: Trap Finder

Procuring (2) Minor Healing Potions (Lvl 1) from All Schools List (Swords 3).

Envoy's Alliance

Male human bard 1 | HP 17 | Perception +7 | AC 15; Fort +4; Ref +3; Will +7

Procuring a ladder feather token and a lesser antidote.

Verdant Wheel

F Half-elf | Ranger 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 74/74| AC 24 | F +11 R +14 W +13 | Perception +13 Low light vision | Hero 2/3 | Focus 1/1 | speed 35 |Prey=black |

Procuring minor healing potion from all schools list and potency crystal from swords list. (Swords 3).

Also before we leave the lodge I'd like to purchase a wayfinder for 2 fame.

Verdant Wheel

Leshy Rogue 2 | Active Conditions: None | Temp: 5 HP: 28 (-4) | AC 18 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +8| Perc: +8; Low-Light | Stealth: +5 | 25ft | Hero Pts: 0/1 | Reaction: You’re Next

Sorry for my absence. My wife is 9 months pregnant and I discovered Wednesday our entire house is running off of 2 circuits and both are 220.

Frantically working on rewiring the entire house before the baby shows up. I'm honestly surprised the house hasn't caught fire with the way this thing was wired...

Jumping into gameplay now.

Horizon Hunters

NG male half-elf Storm Druid 4 | hp 48/48 | AC 20/22 shield | F +9, R +9, W +11 | Perc +10 (low-light, Inc. Init +2)| Stealth +8 Spd 25 | Focus 2/2 | hero pts. 1 | Active Cond. --

My phone is preventing me from copy/pasting my image. I can't get it to work. If someone could put my image up I'd be grateful.

I also can't figure out how to enter or edit text. I don't have a computer and only use my phone. I just end up moving things around on the slides.

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Male Twilight Halfling Rogue / 5th
| HP: 55/56 | AC: 23 or 25 with Nimble Dodge Reaction ↺ | F: +9; R: +13; W: +12 | Perception(E): +12; Low Light with Keen Eyes| Hero Pts: 1/3 | Spd: 30' ◆ | Stealth(E) +13 | Active Conditions: Trap Finder

To help out, I copied & pasted everyone's image from their portrait to the right side of the map. If you have a different token you want to use then please just delete and replace.

I just right clicked on your portrait and hit "copy image" then went to the right side of the map and hit "control-V" to paste. Resized image by dragging on one corner till it was the correct size.

Horizon Hunters

NG male half-elf Storm Druid 4 | hp 48/48 | AC 20/22 shield | F +9, R +9, W +11 | Perc +10 (low-light, Inc. Init +2)| Stealth +8 Spd 25 | Focus 2/2 | hero pts. 1 | Active Cond. --

Thank you, Mylow!

M Snowy Owl HP 52/52 | AC 23| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perception +13
Silence the Owl wrote:
Silence flaps his wings and makes a frightful hissing sound.

Fun Owl Fact: Owls don't just hoot or screech. They make many differnt noises including a very disturbing hiss. When agitated, some owls snap their bill mandibles together. As part of a display flight, males sometimes clap their wings together once or twice.

Horizon Hunters

NG male half-elf Storm Druid 4 | hp 48/48 | AC 20/22 shield | F +9, R +9, W +11 | Perc +10 (low-light, Inc. Init +2)| Stealth +8 Spd 25 | Focus 2/2 | hero pts. 1 | Active Cond. --

Phone completely died! Dead-dead. On wife's phone. Waiting for new one to pick up tonight at store. Sorry! I will post tomorrow.

Verdant Wheel

Leshy Rogue 2 | Active Conditions: None | Temp: 5 HP: 28 (-4) | AC 18 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +8| Perc: +8; Low-Light | Stealth: +5 | 25ft | Hero Pts: 0/1 | Reaction: You’re Next

Sorry for my absence pregnant wife complications (she and baby are fine) and work complications kept me away from internet for a couple days. Post now.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

Your Chronicles can be downloaded here.

Please let me know if anything needs to be changed or if you have any questions. Otherwise, thanks for playing!

Envoy's Alliance

open | female (she/her) nephilim human (Vidric) sorcerer (angelic) 9 | ◆◇↺ | HP 80/80 | AC 26 (27) | P+13, F+15, R+18, W+16 | Explore: Detect Magic | LLV, 30' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 1st (4/4) 2nd (3/4)* 3rd (0/4)** 4th (4/4) 5th (2/3)*** DE (1/1) staff (5/5) | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: Experienced Mountaineer, *lucky number, **life link (x4), ***vital beacon 5d10 [ ] 5d8 [ ] 5d6 [ ] 5d4 [ ]

Word of your exploits have reached Vidrian, where an Osirian themed cotillion is thrown in your honor.

Performance: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

It is a dull and dry affair, and the statues didn't even animate.

Grand Archive

F Iruxi Fighter 6 | HP (58/86) | AC 24 | F +13 R +10 (+3 vs Damage) W +13 | Perception +13

Looks good, and a pleasure as always.


Envoy's Alliance

Male human bard 1 | HP 17 | Perception +7 | AC 15; Fort +4; Ref +3; Will +7

@GM Watery Soup I have some questions about the Chronicle:

1. Is there an "in-game date" for the adventure?
2. What is the "Herolab Code"? I use HLO to manage my characters, do I need to use that code somewhere?
3. The onyx panther talisman, do we obtain that automatically, or do we have to buy it at the listed price?

@Everyone Thank you very much for the good time and fun, it's been a pleasure playing with you all!

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺


1. I don't know what an "in game date" is. The date that I will use for reporting (the date that will show up on paizo.com) is August 8.

2. I don't use HeroLab, but as I understand it, you can automatically import the boons and gold by putting in that code somewhere.

3. You don't keep anything from the adventure. You just get gold and have to buy everythibg yourself. The items listed give you access - you can only buy Common items of your level normally, but if it's on your Chronicle you can buy it even if it's Level + 1.

Envoy's Alliance

Male human bard 1 | HP 17 | Perception +7 | AC 15; Fort +4; Ref +3; Will +7
GM Watery Soup wrote:
1. I don't know what an "in game date" is.

I meant a date in the world of Golarion, like say "7 Arodus 4720". Not a big deal if there's none set.

Horizon Hunters

CG Male Twilight Halfling Rogue / 5th
| HP: 55/56 | AC: 23 or 25 with Nimble Dodge Reaction ↺ | F: +9; R: +13; W: +12 | Perception(E): +12; Low Light with Keen Eyes| Hero Pts: 1/3 | Spd: 30' ◆ | Stealth(E) +13 | Active Conditions: Trap Finder

Thanks for running GM Watery Soup!

@Matei Some games such as Shadowrun only allow you to play so many scenarios in a year (1 per in game week for a max of 52). Pathfinder currently has no ruling on limiting the scenarios you play. The current year in Golarion is 4719 AR (Absalom Reckoning) per the Lost Omens World Guide. It is the Age of Lost Omens. "Like Earth, Golarion spins on its axis once roughly every 24 hours. A week has 7 days and a year has 52 weeks. To keep the calendar synchronized with the astronomical year, an extra leap day is tacked on to the second month of the year every 4 years."
If you wanted to keep track of each date, it would depend on when your character went through the scenario. If this was your 1st scenario then it would be Days 1-7, Week 1 of Abadius (January), 4719 AR.
EDIT: Since this is a quest, I guess it would only be 2 days.

Here are the months and dates if you do not have them.
Abadius ( January)
Calistril (February)
Pharast (March)
Gozran (April)
Desnus (May)
Sarenith ( June)
Erastus ( July)
Arodus (August)
Rova (September)
Lamashan (October)
Neth (November)
Kuthona (December)

The names of the days are as follows:
Moonday (Monday)
Toilday (Tuesday)
Wealday (Wednesday)
Oathday (Thursday)
Fireday (Friday)
Starday (Saturday)
Sunday (Sunday)

@Tempest Good luck with your baby!

@Everyone Great gaming. Until next time!

Horizon Hunters

NG male half-elf Storm Druid 4 | hp 48/48 | AC 20/22 shield | F +9, R +9, W +11 | Perc +10 (low-light, Inc. Init +2)| Stealth +8 Spd 25 | Focus 2/2 | hero pts. 1 | Active Cond. --

Thank you, Watery Soup & everyone else. I hope to adventure with u all again soon!

Verdant Wheel

Leshy Rogue 2 | Active Conditions: None | Temp: 5 HP: 28 (-4) | AC 18 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +8| Perc: +8; Low-Light | Stealth: +5 | 25ft | Hero Pts: 0/1 | Reaction: You’re Next

Thanks for the run GM.

I've downloaded the chronicle and looks good. Take care all!

Verdant Wheel

F Half-elf | Ranger 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 74/74| AC 24 | F +11 R +14 W +13 | Perception +13 Low light vision | Hero 2/3 | Focus 1/1 | speed 35 |Prey=black |

Hurray! Thank you for running this Watery Soup. Thanks everyone this was a lot of fun. Hopefully Meadow and Silence's shenanigans were not too distracting.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 1-21 | | Icons: ◆◇↺

This game has been reported. Any other questions - please PM me, I'm going to close this campaign.

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