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It will (after overland flight, but she also hasn't used them during the last three adventures so it's fine to use them here. Her other options at this level are telekinesis and echolocation, and I think we could survive without either of those if push came to shove. But in-character, she is asking for input from her teammates before using that powerful of magic.

Grandmaster TOZ |

Is there a map for this?
No map available.

Grandmaster TOZ |

“A possible security measure?” Not-Trixie’s voice continues to be clinical as she inspects the vault door.

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Do we want to bot Narayan? I can if nobody else feels comfortable.

Grandmaster TOZ |

Very good. Hopefully we can knock off a few of these jokers and get the turns moving smoothly. :P

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So technically, as a Spiritualist, Bo already has a phantom in him. I don't see this being an issue, but I thought I would bring it forward so everyone was aware.
Essentially, I use it to gain Spell Focus (x2) for free, and it lets Bo shunt a failed mind-effecting save onto the phantom, allowing Bo the ability to act normally.
Just wondering if the phantom will be inside of Bo as Bo is inside another body.

Grandmaster TOZ |

Each ritual requires a standard action while holding the concubine's respective item.
Akila's wand: The sorcery of Akila’s spirit grants the PC she possesses the ability to immediately recall one spell of 3rd level or lower that they just cast once per day as if using mnemonic enhancer. In addition, she grants a protective ward to all PCs within a 10-foot radius centered on the possessed PC which grants a +3 deflection bonus to AC and a +3 resistance bonus on all saving throws for 5 rounds
Kamilah’s Falchion: The warrior-woman’s rallying presence empowers each PC with a greater heroism effect, granting them a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks, immunity to fear effects, and 12 temporary hit points for the next 12 minutes.
Meskhenet’s Staff: The power of Meskhenet’s spirit provides the PC she possesses the effects of a death ward for 12 minutes. In addition, she grants fast healing 5 to each PC within a 10-foot radius centered on the possessed PC for 5 rounds.
Further update to come later tonight.

Grandmaster TOZ |

How much time has passed since the first fight? Wondering if Barkskin is still up.
At least two hours getting from the lodge to the necropolis and then to the tomb.

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Selter Sago de'Morcaine PFS wrote:How much time has passed since the first fight? Wondering if Barkskin is still up.At least two hours getting from the lodge to the necropolis and then to the tomb.
Ok, then Barkskin is gone. I figured as much. I should probably start preparing 2 of those anyway since so useful for a 2nd level spell.
The greater magic fang, shield companion, and longstrider will still be good though.

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Folks, the lead up to this just 'screams' undead ahead. My druid magic isn't that great against undead except to beef up for a fight. I do have a Death Ward for Sithiss and myself. I also have a Communal Resist Energy, if I know what type is incoming.

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My hunch would be some sort of mummy (given the location and strong undead vibes). Does Selter have ways to reduce the likelihood of someone catching a disease?

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Not really.
I'm not actually sure if Death Ward will protect against that. It is necromantic, but I'm not sure if it counts as a 'death effect' or not.
I could also summon some sacrificial animals to melee it while we stand back and rain fire. But Narayaan does not seem to approve those kinds of tactics.

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Bo has Ghostsalt arrows for incorporeal, as well as blunt, cold iron, and adamantine. Hope that'll be enough. We haven't really struggled dealing out the damage.

Vendalfek the Whimsical |

Lol, we're such a suspicious bunch. @GM, is there any way we can expedite this sort of exploration and get to the action faster (while still not finding traps with our faces)? Maybe Take 10 Perceptions and detect magic in every room unless there's something more interesting (like a face-stealing baby)?

Grandmaster TOZ |

You're welcome to do so but I can't make your character choices for you. Someone still needs to say they're opening doors.

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Don't worry Selter! Once Bo and Narayan clear out the remaining mummies, we'll get you back on your feet. In the worst case, we can airlift you to the mobile hospital (aka Vendalfek).

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And I don't even think this is the final fight. Heck of a way to soften us up. It sure is forcing me to burn through resources I rarely use.
Assuming we survive, we aren't in a hurry, are we? Like we could rest. I mean, these ladies have waited all these years, surely eight hours won't make any difference?

Grandmaster TOZ |

Well, the cultists feel that something is going on with the rings that could spell disaster.

Grandmaster TOZ |

Just out of curiosity, is that five attacks at full BAB from Narayan?

Grandmaster TOZ |

I just wasn't seeing where haste had come into play. Doesn't make a difference beyond spending a ki point. I really need to try out a monk again.

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Oh, he has Boots of Speed, forgot to specifically say I was using a charge.

Grandmaster TOZ |

Those must have been a recent purchase, I was checking the profile and didn't see them there. What is the Akemi strike?

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They're a couple scenarios old - I bought them after Vengeance at Sundered Crag, but I just left them on the Inventory Tracking section of the sheet rather than the equipment part. Apologies!
Atemi Strike is just me tossing fun names onto his different punches. It's the ki-spend attack. (I try to italicize keywords like stunning or elbow smash or the wrathful attacks from Medusa's Wrath, but sorry if that was confusing)

Grandmaster TOZ |

Okay, I thought I had it all down and it looks like I just confused myself after trying to bot the turns. Thanks for the breakdown!

Grandmaster TOZ |

As we are in the final encounter, please make sure your chronicle information is correct on the reporting slide.

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Day Job {Herbalist}: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
[ooc]Will use my reroll if available.
GM reroll-Day Job {Herbalist}: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 11 + 1 = 27

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Boon Progression vs DC 8: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Information on the sheet is correct. Thank you so much for running this TOZ and for sticking with us to the end!

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Agreed, this has been a fun arc. Thank you for putting this together. If I read your map links correctly, the lower tier finished a couple of months ago, so I really do appreciate the extra time we took.
And well played by everyone. This entire storyline will take Bo to 11th level. SO thank you all for helping to make that happen.

Grandmaster TOZ |

It is all over but the denouement, so chronicles will be up this week at some point. Thanks for sticking it out!

Grandmaster TOZ |

So complicated I have no idea, lol. There seems to have been quite a bit of suspicion regarding Amenopheus in Seasons 1-2, and I don't know how/if that was resolved before Tahonikepsu took over and then the faction retired.
I know it wrapped up in Season 2, in the final scenario of the season from what I remember. That part of the Shadow Lodge arc was pretty neatly settled.

Grandmaster TOZ |

Chronicles. As soon as everyone has confirmed receipt, I'll deactivate the campaign.

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Not-Trixie's chronicle also looks good! Thanks again everyone!