GMF's Savage Tide

Game Master Fanguar

Part 2: The Bullywug Gambit.
In which our heroes continue their hunt for the murderous villain, Vanthus Vanderboran.

Vanderboran Manor

Hello Folks,

My Savage Tide AP has stalled a bit and I'm looking for 1-2 new players to help get it back on track. We're still in book 1 and everyone is still level 1, (though nearing 2).

Post With Setting Information. The campaign is being run in the Greyhawk setting, but specific knowledge of it is not required. Full players guide can be found here.

As of right now, I have for sure a fighter(siegebreaker) and shadow oracle, probably a ranger(divine hunter), and possibly a Inquisitor(Sanctified slayer). I'm looking characters that would compliment the current party set up.

Player expectations: Being able to reliably check and post would be appreciated. I don't always post every day, so I don't expect my players to. That being said, the more engaged the players are, the more engaged I am. As long as there are players that interested in playing this game, I will keep running the campaign. (My current record is a Shattered Star AP that is almost done the 5th book and still going strong after more years than I care to think about.)

The story so far...:

The PCs were hired by a young noble, Lavinia Vanderboren, to investigate the impounding of her ship, the Blue Nixie. She needed access to the ship to retrieve a signet ring to gain access to her family vault. Her parents had recently died in a fire and without access to the family treasury, her finances were in dire straights.

The port authority had impounded her ship due to her not paying the moorage fees, even though she had already done so. As shenanigans were afoot, the PCs were hired to investigate.

After dealing with the bureaucracy of the Harbourmaster's office with little success, the party decided to investigate the ship itself. They discovered that it was being used as temporary storage for an exotic animal smuggling operation. The party dealt with the thugs involved, recovered Lavinia's moorage fee payment and found the Vanderboran signet ring.

Following this success, the party was offered a retainer by Lavinia to be her personal problem solvers. After accepting, the party escorted Lavinia to her family vault, ran afoul of its construct guardian and solved the puzzle lock that sealed it. Inside, Lavinia found a large amount of the expected funds to be missing, but more than enough still remained to settle her debts. After paying the PCs their promised fees, the PCs were given some time for R&R.

New PCs will be introduced in the same role, when Lavinia summons the party with another task.

Character Creation Guidelines:

Stats: 2d7+4 x6 or 20pt buy (whichever is higher)

Class: Any pathfinder. Unchained variants are fine. (3.5e D&D or 3rd party will be considered by request.) Start lvl 1.

Race: Core plus ratfolk preferred, but others may be accepted if there is some compelling reason.

HPs: Max at first, 1/2HD+1 each subsequent level.

Traits: None, but gain a bonus district feat as mentioned in the setting post linked above/player's guide.

Starting wealth: Average +500gp.

Background: A rough sketch is fine. One important detail to include is one recent notable event that has occurred that would mark your character as an 'adventurer' to someone looking to hire some problem-solvers. The event doesn't have to have made the newspapers or anything, but it does need to be reasonably public, if only to those in the know.

Thanks for the interest and let me know if you have any questions.

Might a 1/2 Orc Sorcerer be of use to your band of adventurers? Consider me interested. Will post something later.

...or perhaps a straight up Wizard if that would be more helpful?
Hmmmmmmm. Ideas are flowing.

Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 7) + 4 = 17
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 2) + 4 = 11
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 5) + 4 = 13
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 4) + 4 = 14
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (1, 4) + 4 = 9
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 7) + 4 = 16


Definitely interested. My brother has introduced me to this adventure a couple of times, though it's always fallen out for one reason or another. Checking my math: you are planning to run it with 5 or 6 players, all said and done?


... I'm a noob. D:

d1: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (7, 4) + 4 = 15
d2: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 6) + 4 = 15
d3: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (3, 1) + 4 = 8
d4: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (3, 2) + 4 = 9
d5: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (7, 6) + 4 = 17]
d6: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 6) + 4 = 14


2d7 + 4 ⇒ (3, 4) + 4 = 11
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (7, 5) + 4 = 16
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 3) + 4 = 13
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 6) + 4 = 15
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 7) + 4 = 17
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 5) + 4 = 13

GM: are we using background skills?

If I use a character with divine mechanics, can I propose an adaptation from the Pathfinder deities to match one of the listed Greyhawk ones from your post?

I am considering a more roguish or investigator character - someone to help the party with skills, and maybe things like trapfinding.

Ratfolk Urban Druid (originally played one to lvl 4 in Hell's Rebels, but will repurpose the concept.)

Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (2, 2) + 4 = 8
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (1, 1) + 4 = 6
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (2, 6) + 4 = 12
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 3) + 4 = 12
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 7) + 4 = 15
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (2, 7) + 4 = 13

THAT would be a struggle... and I am up for it, if I have to take it. But the 20pt buy would be "higher."


Reldek wrote:

...or perhaps a straight up Wizard if that would be more helpful?

Any kind of arcane caster would be an asset.

Farmerbink wrote:

Checking my math: you are planning to run it with 5 or 6 players, all said and done?

Yes, 6 would be the top end.

The Archlich wrote:

GM: are we using background skills?

If I use a character with divine mechanics, can I propose an adaptation from the Pathfinder deities to match one of the listed Greyhawk ones from your post?

I am considering a more roguish or investigator character - someone to help the party with skills, and maybe things like trapfinding.

1. Yes we can use background Skills.

2. Sure.
3. Sounds fine to me.

mardaddy wrote:

THAT would be a struggle... and I am up for it, if I have to take it. But the 20pt buy would be "higher."


You can just do a 20pt buy instead.

Nin Moq Simple Background:
Nin Moq was born and raised into a small drover family of ratfolk who held one of the contracts for transporting minor goods throughout the Merchant District. Their small, mule-rat-driven carts can be seen throughout the day bringing small goods to and fro throughout the District, avoiding the larger wagons. Bored with the possibility of spending his life moving the goods of others, Nin Moq was very aware of his talent for the written word, and started knocking on doors at the Barristers Guildhall. His boldness caught the eye of Cabnous Derryweather, a barrister of middling ability. He was hired to sribe for the barrister that day.

Barrister Derryweather kept him busy, most days scribing and rewriting copies of contracts and writs, and in the evening, started teaching Nin some of the unique powers held within writing and runes, and a newfound power developed within the young ratfolk. Nin discovered the ability to concentrate his will to produce limited mystical effects. Barrister Derryweather taught Nin how to transcribe those powers into written form, read them off, and even taught Nin a new language.

It was not revealed to Nin this new language’s actual roots and use until he had almost mastered it… The Infernal tongue. Nin was then engaged by Derryweather in translating and scribing a host of writings in that new tongue, much to his discomfort with not just the words, but the strange nature of the materials that these original writings were penned on, and with.

This continued for a few weeks until Derryweather failed to show up at the Guildhall suddenly one morning. For several days he remained missing. Nin checked his mentor’s home to find everything as it should be, nothing appeared packed up. He was at a loss what to do, and reported to the watch his concerns. The watch did a simple investigation and closed their interest in it in two weeks. Barrister Derryweather was presumed either dead, or moved on for good. His office at the Guildhall was locked up, clients having been moved over to other barristers, and his home and belongings made property of Sasserine and auctioned off.

For Nin’s part, no other barristers had a want, need or desire to take on an additional scribe, and most of them quickly and rudely escorted him out their door when they found out Nin knew the Infernal tongue. Still not wanting to become a drover like the rest of his family, Nin sought… “other” options for employment.

So I have two questions:

First, are rolled stats taken in order?
Second, where do we stand on firearms in this game? I know the original AP certainly didn't have them, but if it's not too overwhelming to include, I may consider a gunslinger of some variety.

I'm rolling ideas around in my head right now, so just getting a feel for things.


Roll: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (3, 4) + 4 = 11
Roll: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (7, 5) + 4 = 16
Roll: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (7, 5) + 4 = 16
Roll: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (3, 5) + 4 = 12
Roll: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (2, 4) + 4 = 10
Roll: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 2) + 4 = 12
Equivalent to a 25 point buy. I'll take it.

I do love to roll stats. And I love APs. And how often do you get to play in a D&D AP using Pathfinder characters?

Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 5) + 4 = 13
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (1, 6) + 4 = 11
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (3, 7) + 4 = 14
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (7, 4) + 4 = 15
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 6) + 4 = 15
Stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 6) + 4 = 16

Nice. No 18s in there but I really got me some solid stats. Almost makes me want to do a monk. Nah.

Farmerbink wrote:

So I have two questions:

First, are rolled stats taken in order?
Second, where do we stand on firearms in this game? I know the original AP certainly didn't have them, but if it's not too overwhelming to include, I may consider a gunslinger of some variety.

I'm rolling ideas around in my head right now, so just getting a feel for things.

1. Stats don't have to be used in order.

2. I'm going to say no to firearms, mostly to make my life easier from a conversion standpoint. If there's firearms in the campaign, there are a ton of enemies that it should be using them as well.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

This sounds awesome I would love to get in on the ground floor (or close to it) of something like this. I can definitely commit to daily posting/checking.

2d7 + 4 ⇒ (1, 7) + 4 = 12
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 5) + 4 = 15
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 1) + 4 = 10
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (7, 7) + 4 = 18
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (3, 3) + 4 = 10
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 4) + 4 = 12

Class: Paladin

Race: Human

Background: I'll put some more info specific to setting once Ive had a chance to read up on it, its new to me but here is a basic guideline: Bray Lumis isnt the best paladin, in fact he's been more of a headache than anything else during his training. After the incident at the market where Bray leapt to the defense of a 'woman in peril' only to find out he had just interrupted a street performance and the woman in question was actually a pretty large man in some excellent makeup and costume. The ensuing brawl started a small stampede through the market district and Bray and his fellow trainees spent the better part of a week cleaning and rebuilding the mess. The order has decided to send Bray out into the world to finish his training and instructed him to bring back news of his progress. Most of them dont expect him to make much of himself and are waiting for his next big screwup to oust him from the order.

Like I said I'll put some names around this idea and choose a diety and the order once I've had a chance to study up. This sounds really fun hope this makes it in!

Dotting for interest. Thinking of a witch, part of Sassarine's local Touv community, who serves as one of the community's priestesses.

question for GM Fanguar:
I'd like to create a PC that is inspired by real life houngan, West Indian Vodoun religious figures. Houngan serve as religious heads in their communities, and their roles include spiritual and earthly advice, medicine, and when the community demands it, punishment for transgressors. I'd like to take both the Bouda and Hedge Witch archetypes. The Hedge Witch archetype fits with the role of the houngan as a community's medical and spiritual provider, while the Bouda archetype fills the punishment side of the equation. The issue is that per RAW, a Bouda witch can only be evil, and I think a houngan is much more firmly LN. I'd like to ignore the requirement to be evil with your permission. If this is an issue, I can fill that side of the PC with vanilla witch, but I really like the flavor of the Bouda's fetish (as opposed to the vanilla familiar) which is closer in flavor to what I'm looking to build.

Ok, sounds interesting... let me see if fate is kind....

Stats: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 4) + 4 = 14
Stats: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 7) + 4 = 15
Stats: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (7, 3) + 4 = 14
Stats: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 4) + 4 = 14
Stats: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 1) + 4 = 9
Stats: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 4) + 4 = 14

Very solid, I can work with that I think. :)

Fighting Chicken wrote:

Dotting for interest. Thinking of a witch, part of Sassarine's local Touv community, who serves as one of the community's priestesses.

** spoiler omitted **

That's a pretty thematically interesting archetype. Being LN would be fine.

OK, great! I'm looking forward to building this PC. Guess I should start with some rolls...

2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 6) + 4 = 16
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (3, 4) + 4 = 11
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (1, 1) + 4 = 6
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 7) + 4 = 17
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 7) + 4 = 15
2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 6) + 4 = 16

OK! Nice spread with one really low roll. Should be fine to figure out what that weakness is, and how it came to be.

How long are you planning on keeping recruitment open?

GM Trifty wrote:
How long are you planning on keeping recruitment open?

I'll close it next Friday(Jan 8th) and review everything over the weekend. That gives folks about another week to firm up their character concepts.

@All: You don't need to have a completely polished character profile for your application. I'm fine with reasonable sketch of the character concept. We can worry about skills, equipment and all the various pluses and minuses later.

Camris here. Spinnaker Jon is my submission; here is the crunch. Backstory to follow.

Interested as well...

d1: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 6) + 4 = 14
d2: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 2) + 4 = 11
d3: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 5) + 4 = 14
d4: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (1, 7) + 4 = 12
d5: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (2, 6) + 4 = 12
d6: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (1, 1) + 4 = 6

stats: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (7, 5) + 4 = 16
stats: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 2) + 4 = 10
stats: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 1) + 4 = 10
stats: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (2, 5) + 4 = 11
stats: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 1) + 4 = 11
stats: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 6) + 4 = 15

Meh. Looks like the 20pt buy it is.

It looks as if a rogue of some form would be useful. I'll have my applicant up soon.

And here is Penny from the Azure district.

Penny Trask:

Penny Trask

Female Tiefling (Rakshasa-Spawn) rogue 1, NG medium outsider (native)

Init +3; Senses Darkvision (60 ft.), Perception +4,

Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal

AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, hp 9, Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0
Resistances Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5,

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20), within 30 ft. +4 (1d8+1)
Melee silver dagger +3 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged silver dagger (thrown) +3 (1d4+1/19-20), within 30 ft. +4 (1d4+1)
Melee cold iron dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged cold iron dagger (thrown) +3 (1d4+2/19-20), within 30 ft. +4 (1d4+2)

Face 5 ft. by 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.

Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13

Atk Options Sneak Attack 1d6,

Special Actions
Innate Spell-Like Abilities: detect thoughts ( DC 13, 1/day)

Abilities Str 11, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 12

Special Qualities Darkvision, Fiendish Language, Fiendish Resistance, Fiendish Sorcery, Finesse Training, Skilled, Spell-Like Ability, Trapfinding,

Feats Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse

Skills Acrobatics +7,
Appraise +3,
Bluff +5,
Craft (Untrained) +3,
Craft (Traps) +7,
Diplomacy +5,
Disable Device +10,
Disguise +3,
Escape Artist +7,
Intimidate +1,
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7,
Knowledge (Local) +7,
Perception +4, Perception (Trapfinding) +5,
Profession Sailor 4,
Ride +3,
Sense Motive +6,
Sleight of Hand +7,
Stealth +7,
Swim +6,

Possessions traveler's outfit; masterwork studded leather armor; thieves' tools (masterwork); Light Crossbow ; Wrist Sheath, Spring Loaded [ Silver Dagger; ]; Wrist Sheath, Spring Loaded [ Cold Iron Dagger; ]; Backpack, Masterwork ;

Abyssal Darkvision (Ex) Range 60 ft.; Darkvision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range specified for the creature. Darkvision is black and white only (colors cannot be discerned). It does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see otherwise-invisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still visible as what they seem to be. Likewise, darkvision subjects a creature to gaze attacks normally. The presence of light does not spoil darkvision.

Fiendish Language (Ex) Tieflings speak either Abyssal or Infernal.

Fiendish Resistance (Ex) Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.

Fiendish Sorcery (Ex) Tiefling sorcerers with the Abyssal or Infernal bloodlines treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.

Finesse Training (Ex) At 1st level, a rogue gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. In addition, starting at 3rd level, she can select any one type of weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse (such as rapiers or daggers). Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. Whenever she makes a successful melee attack with the selected weapon, she adds her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to the damage roll. If any effect would prevent the rogue from adding her Strength modifier to the damage roll, she does not add her Dexterity modifier. The rogue can select a second weapon at 11th level and a third at 19th level.

Resistance to Cold (Ex) You may ignore 5 points of Cold damage each time you take cold damage.

Resistance to Electricity (Ex) You may ignore 5 points of Electricity damage each time you take electricity damage.

Resistance to Fire (Ex) You may ignore 5 points of Fire damage each time you take fire damage.

Skilled (Ex) Rakshasa-Spawn tieflings have a +2 racial bonus on Disguise and Sense Motive checks.

Sneak Attack (Ex) If you can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from your attack, you can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Your attack deals 1d6 points of extra damage anytime your target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC, or when you flank your target. Should you score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage, you can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. You cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty. You must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. You cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Spell-Like Ability (Sp) Rakshasa-Spawn tieflings can use detect thoughts 1/day as a spell-like ability.

Tiefling (Rakshasa-Spawn)

Trapfinding (Ex) You add +1 to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks. You can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magical traps.

Water Rat [General] Most of Azure District’s citizens learn to swim at a very early age, and take to the water as easily as land. District: Azure. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Swim checks. When wearing light or no armor and not encumbered, fatigued, or exhausted, you can swim at one-half your speed as a move action or your full speed as a full-round action. While swimming, you gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks. Normal: Without the benefits of this feat, a character swims at one-quarter his speed as a move action or at one-half speed as a full-round action.


Penny was found abandoned as a baby by an old Washerwoman. Why was obvious, she had fangs and horns to go with her reddish shade of skin.

The old woman Cassie Trask having no children left and being a decent sort took Penny in and raised her until she died when Penny was ten.

It is from Cassie that Penny grew up with some sort of morals. Being left alone at ten Penny soon resorted to theft when needed. Working when she could get honest employment.

She has worked the harbor boats, makes some coin making rat traps for the locals of the district. Wharf rats always being numerous.

She has also hired on a time or two with adventuring parties that needed a trap finder and is trying to build her reputation as a reliable Rogue so she can join a party permanently.

This is what would make her known to those looking for adventurous types.

There she is. Any problems or questions let me know.

Spinnaker Jon wrote:
Camris here. Spinnaker Jon is my submission; here is the crunch. Backstory to follow.

Looks good at first glance. Bards are always fun.

DBH wrote:
And here is Penny from the Azure district.

Seems like everything is in order.

@All: Just a reminder to get your submissions into a reasonable state by Friday.

Sovereign Court

Hmm... I have ideas.

stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 4) + 4 = 12
stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (1, 5) + 4 = 10
stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 2) + 4 = 10
stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (6, 5) + 4 = 15
stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (7, 5) + 4 = 16
stat: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (3, 7) + 4 = 14

This sounds cool. I was an FR guy back in 3.5 so I don't know much about Greyhawk as a setting.

Voronwe is an inquisitive elf whose family originally moved into the Sunrise District of the city. They were intuitive parents who let their children's inclinations lead their education.

Voronwe proved to be a scholar, exceptionally bright and precocious. After a certain age his parents decided that a decade or two studying at the House of the Dragon would be the best thing for him.

Voronwe now has one foot in each district but, truth be told, he is most loyal to the libraries of the city and thus to the Noble District. He works/worked in the library at the House of the Dragon, as well as studying there.

I have made him an arcanist as that seems like a cool fit for a scholar and, to show his connection with his elven family and Sunrise, I have made him a Magaambyan Initiate: an archetype for scholars with a connection to the natural world. If he survives then I may well take him into the Magaambyan Arcanist prestige class.

Stats are in Voronwe's profile. If selected I will flesh out the family and relationships within the House of the Dragon.

He will contribute arcane casting and lots of knowledge skills to the group.

I can imagine Voronwe meeting Lavinia at noble events organised by the school. Perhaps she even studied there for a time?

Here is my submission. I'll create a new alias and see if I can find a nice Ratfolk image if selected.

See character sheet for charracter description, but in short he is a Psychic Ratfolk that currently makes a living doing psychic readings in the merchant district.

Rolls are in this post.

@Voronwe: Submission seems fine. No worries about not having experience with Greyhawk. The campaign doesn't require any foreknowledge to enjoy.

PbP Submission wrote:

Here is my submission. I'll create a new alias and see if I can find a nice Ratfolk image if selected.

See character sheet for charracter description, but in short he is a Psychic Ratfolk that currently makes a living doing psychic readings in the merchant district.

Yup that fine. Submission looks good, thanks.

Camris here.

This is Spinnaker Jon's full submission.

Background and History::

Jonathan Dastoras was born to a promenant Port Sasserine merchant family. He grew to be a shy child, much more given to reading and dreaming than his father would have preferred, though his mother encouraged it.
About the time he hit his teenage years, his mother died. Taking the loss hard, he moped about the mansion inconsolable. When his father remarried, he did not take it well. His new stepmother Zue and sister Etheve responded in kind.
Then there came a time when his Father had had enough of the domestic squabbling and shipped the young man off to a famous military academy in Rauxes. He never arrived.
The ship he was on was taken by one of the Red Sail pirate ships. The Captain, “MadDog” Norton, took him and others as slaves and sank their ship as they left.
It was a shock; the way the pirates behaved intimidated him, but he was also fascinated at the difference from his fathers ships. The way they were almost an anarchy, but came together to face threats. He decided to go along with them and set to working hard. Soon he was made a ship’s boy. Being a little small and untrained, he was bullied a lot. He took to telling stories he had read to the pirates and he learned the sea shanties from them. He grew more popular as he grew more accomplished. Over several years he worked hard and rose eventually to First Mate for Captain Mad Dog. He took the name Spinnaker Jon because he didn’t want to embarrass his family.
Over those years he was witness to much blood shed and cruelty. Despite his status, he started to have misgivings; especially about the slaves they took and sold to the Olmen in the southern jungles.
There came a time where he could not go on as he had been. He stole a ship and a cargo hold full of slaves. Making his way back to Port Sasserine, he was pursued by Captain Mad Dog, they caught up him and there was a battle where he and Mad Dog dueled on a yardarm. Jon struck down his old Captain, who fell in the water between the ships. Victorious he sailed back to Port Sasserine and freedom.
Having made such a famous adventure, his father insisted that he resume his place in the family. He felt joy at the approval of his father, but knew it was impossible now. He was just too different now. When his step sister tried to get him to give her his inheritance vault key… he just smiled, dropped it into a well in front of her and strolled off singing a sea shanty on the way to the nearest tavern.

Just a reminder that recruitment will close today at the end of the day my time (GMT-8). If anyone is still working on a submission, please finish it up.

For those of you that have finished your submission, I will be reviewing them over the weekend and will contact the successful applicants.

This would be Nin Moq (Ratfolk Urban Druid)
I will wait until after the selection process is over to do final purchase of equipment would need GM input on starting rules in that regard - no sense asking if Nin is not selected

@GM Fangaur - Deep Magic didn't provide any inspiration, at least for the back story that I was going for. If possible, I'd like to try a Sphere of Power Elementalist, but if that doesn't work, a regular Wizard - Water school will suffice.


Class: Elementalist or Wizard
Race: Human
Stats: 20 pt buy

Izadel's father belonged to the Water Temple sect of the Temple of Elemental Evil. When the Orb of Golden Death was destroyed and Zuggtmoy banished, he fled to Sasserine. Barely finding a place to stay in Shadowshore, he began a new life as an herbalist (and occasional provider of forbidden arts). As his new life stabilized, Izadel's father settled down and married. Izadel was born shortly thereafter.

Braggarts, bullies, and children of dangerous folks are Shadowshore's education system. Not being the strongest or the quickest meant Izadel spent a lot of time avoiding other kids on the streets. These moments of self-preservation were often filled with reading - anything Izadel could get his hands on - from penny dreadfuls, adventuring chronicles, and local news. That is until Izadel discovered his father's spellbook. Given a path to adventure, Izadel was immediately hooked, and proceeded to teach himself as much as possible.

When the Elder Elemental Eye decided the stars had aligned again, it came looking for Izadel's father. Reluctant to return to his past life, he refused. Izadel returned home to bloody carnage. His parents were tied down to the dining table, the symbol of the Elder Elemental Eye carved into their forehead and their abdomens torn open from being disemboweled. Entrails formed a rough circle, divided into quarters, around the table. Each section was filled with sea salt, soil, ash, and a dense, fog-like substance, respectively. The rest of the house was ransacked. Cabinets torn down. Mattresses ripped open. Dried herb bundles battered, fragments falling like snow and coating the ground in an earthy brown-green speckle pattern.

Fearing it was one of Shadowshore's local powers, Izadel quickly scrounged for anything useful and took off.

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